"Explosion technology"— scientific and technical journal

Journal was founded in 1922 by a group of engineers. In Russia and the CIS "Explosion technology" is the only one peer-reviewed specialized periodical in the field of blasting.

Issue 139/96 (2023)

Theory and practice of blasting work

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Section 1. Studies of rock destruction by explosion
UDC 622.235
Shlyapin A.V., Deputy director, Ph. D
(Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – ICEMR RAS)

About the quasi-static phase of technological explosion development

Keywords:borehole, charge, explosion, second stage of expansion, cylindrical quasi-static phase, crushing of rocks

The article outlines the main provisions of the part of the process of the impact of an explosion on rocks associated with the second stage of the expansion of the gas cavity, which we call the quasi-static phase of the explosion. The dimensions of the quasi-static cavity, the residual energy in the cavity, the distribution of energy and the distribution of the fracture energy density in the crushed volume are calculated, and the size of the rock pieces destroyed by the quasi-static phase of the explosion is determined. The presentation of the material is accompanied by a demonstration of the analytical dependencies for determining the process parameters, the results of calculations obtained when solving the option of blasting a borehole charge under specific conditions. The characteristic of the destructive ability of the cylindrical quasi-static phase, as one of the main factors of technological crushing of rocks by the explosion of borehole charges in open pits, is given.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Orlenko L.P. Fizika vzryva. – M.: FIZMATLIT, 2004. – 704 s.
  2. Adushkin V.V. Model'nye issledovaniya razrusheniya gornyh porod vzryvom. «Fizicheskie problemy vzryvnogo razrusheniya massivov gornyh porol». – M.: IPKON RAN, 1999. – S.18-29.
  3. Adushkin V.V., Spivak A.A. Geomekhanika krupnomasshtabnyh vzryvov. – M.: Nedra, 1999. – S.52.
  4. Kutuzov B.N. Proektirovanie vzryvnyh rabot v promyshlennosti. – M.: Nedra, 1983. – S.359.
  5. Isheyskiy V.A., Marinin M.A. Determination of rock mass weakening coefficient after blasting in various fracture zones. (2017) Engineering Solid Mechanics, 5 (3). – P.199-204.
  6. Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V. Opredelenie tenzornogo napryazheno-deformirovannogo sostoyaniya gornyh porod pri vzryve skvazhinnogo zaryada. Gornyj informacionno-analiticheskij byulleten'. Otdel'nyj vypusk №1. – M.: Mir gornoj knigi, 2018. – S.112-127.
  7. Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V. Raspredelenie energii skvazhinnogo zaryada po fazam zonam i vidam zatrat k koncu razvitiya kamufletnoj fazy. Sbornik «Vzryvnoe delo» Vypusk №119/76. – M.: ZAO «MVK po vzryvnomu delu pri AGN», 2018. – S.20-36.
  8. Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V. O cilindricheskoj volnovoj faze v srednej zone. Sovremennye innovacionnye tekhnologii v gornom dele i pri pervichnoj pererabotke mineral'nogo syr'ya. Moskva, Promniiproekt, Mezhdunarodnaya konferenciya. 2018. – S.125-132.
  9. Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V. Razrushayushchee dejstvie cilindricheskoj volny v srednej zone. Problemy i perspektivy kompleksnogo osvoeniya i sohraneniya nedr. – M.: IPKON RAN, 2018. – S 9-13.
  10. Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V. Opredelenie fakticheskogo gransostava razdroblennoj vzryvom gornoj massy. Inzhenernaya fizika. 2018. № 5. – S.117-123.
  11. Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V. Energeticheskie parametry voln napryazhenij pri vzryve skvazhinnyh zaryadov promyshlennyh vzryvchatyh veshchestv v kar'ere. Inzhenernaya fizika. 2018. № 5. – S. 65-69.
UDC 622.235
Shlyapin A.V., Deputy director, Ph. D
(Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – ICEMR RAS)

Experimental determination of fractionality coefficients

Keywords:rock massive, blockiness, blockiness category, blockiness classes, fractionality coefficient, technological fragmentation, technological parameters

The article describes a method for experimental determination of fractionation coefficients based on the measurement of the actual granulometric composition of blasted rock mass using the developed computer program and presents the results of a demonstration calculation of the numerical values of the fractionation coefficient for selected size classes for specific drilling and blasting conditions. works.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Kutuzov B.N. Metody vedeniya vzryvnyh rabot. CHast' 1. Razrushenie gornyh porod vzryvom. - M.: Gornaya kniga, 2009, s.472.
  2. Rakishev B.R., Rakisheva Z.B., Auezova A.M., Kuttybaev A.E. Analiticheskoe opredelenie granulometricheskogo sostava vzorvannoj gornoj massy pri skvazhinnyh zaryadah drobleniya. Sb. «Vzryvnoe delo». Teoriya i praktika vzryvnogo dela № 113/70. M., 2015, s. 6-29.
  3. Kutuzov B.N. Metody vedeniya vzryvnyh rabot. CHast' 2 Vzryvnye raboty v gornom dele i promyshlennosti. - M.: Gornaya kniga, 2011, s.511.
  4. Kazakov N.N. Vliyanie zon nereguliruemogo drobleniya na kachestvo otbitoj gornoj massy. Gornye nauki na rubezhe HKH1 v. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii 1997 g. Ekaterinburg, 1998, s. 517-522.
  5. Kazakov N.N. Ob"em zon nereguliruemogo drobleniya. Sb. «Vzryvnoe delo». Razvitie teorii i praktiki vzryvnogo dela. № 91/48. M., 1998, s. 31-35
  6. Mosinec V.N., Abramov A.V. Razrushenie treshchinovatyh i narushennyh gornyh porod. M.: Nedra, 1982, s. 248.
  7. Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Ob osnovnyh polozheniyah klassifikacii gornyh massivov po blochnosti. Vzryvnoe delo. Vypusk 131/88. – M.: IPKON RAN, 2021. – S.7-17.
  8. Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Klassifikaciya gornyh massivov mestorozhdeniya po blochnosti. Vzryvnoe delo. Vypusk 131/88. – M.: IPKON RAN, 2021. – S.18-28.
  9. Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N., Molodchinina L.I. Vybor klassov krupnosti pri izmerenii i raschetah gransostava v verhnej zone kar'ernogo ustupa. Vzryvnoe delo. Vypusk 136/93. – M.: IPKON RAN, 2022. – S.99-110.
  10. Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V., Dobrynin I.A. Opredelenie gransostava po fotoplanogrammam s ispol'zovaniem komp'yuternoj programmy / Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., SHlyapin A.V., Dobrynin I.A. // Gornyj informacionno- analiticheskij byulleten' «Vzryvnoe delo». –2007. – OV No 8 – 296 s.

Section 2. State and improvement of explosives, devices and blasting agents
UDC 622.235
Kirsanov A.K., Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Mining and Underground Construction Chair,
Vokhmin S.A., Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, professor, head of department of Mining and Underground Construction,
Kurchin G.S., Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Mining and Underground Construction Chair,
Trebush Yu.P., Associate Professor of Mining and Underground Construction Chair,
Mayorov E.S., Associate Professor of Mining and Underground Construction Chair
(Siberian Federal University)

Brief history and prospects for the development of industrial explosive substances

Keywords:industrial explosive substances, explosive materials, explosion, history of explosive work, mineral extraction structure, blasting operations

Industrial explosive substances have played a decisive role in shaping our modern world. Their use dates back to the 9th century, when, according to historical records, black powder was first used. However, it was not until the 19th century that the development of dynamite revolutionized the field of explosives. Since then, the compositions of explosive substances have continuously evolved to the present day. The current state of the industry is characterized by the production of more environmentally friendly and efficient explosive substances, as well as increased scientific and research work aimed at improving their properties and safety in handling them. The use of industrial explosive substances in the mining industry is an important part of the entire industry, and in the foreseeable future, their practical use will only grow. This work presents a brief history of the development of industrial explosive substances and the expected prospects for their development.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Vokhmin S.A., Kurchin G.S., Kirsanov A.K.et al. Raschet parametrov burovzryvnyh rabot pri stroitel'stve podzemnyh gornyh vyrabotok (Calculation of blasting parameters during the construction of underground mining operations).Krasnoyarsk : SFU, 2022.180 p.
  2. Zaitsiov V.M., Zhigalskaya L.O. Postindustrial'nye sdvigi v dobyvayushchej promyshlennosti mira (Post-industrial shifts in the mining industry worldwide).Journal of the Belarusian State University. Geography. Geology. 2022. No.1.Pp.71–86.DOI 10.33581/2521-6740-2022-1-71-86.
  3. Vokhmin S.A., Kurchin G.S., Kirsanov A.K.et al. Istoricheskij ocherk razvitiya gornogo i vzryvnogo dela (A historical sketch of the development of mining and blasting).Marksheyderiya i nedropol'zovanie.2015.No.5(79).Pp.56–59.
  4. Kutuzov B.N., Andrievsky A.P. Novaya teoriya i novye tekhnologii razrusheniya gornyh porod udlinyonnymi zaryadami vzryvchatyh veshchestv (New theory and new technologies of destruction of rocks by elongated charges of explosives).Novosibirsk : Nauka, 2002.96 p.
  5. Snetkova E.A. Istoriya razvitiya vzryvchatyh veshchestv (The history of the development of explosive substances).Innovative scientific research.2021.No.2-1(4).Pp.6–22.DOI 10.5281/zenodo.4567917.
  6. Victorov S.D., Kutuzov B.N., Zakalinsky V.M. Vzryvchatye veshchestva bez vzryvchatyh komponentov - osnova progressa v gornom dele (Explosive substances without explosive components - the basis for progress in the mining industry).Gornyj zhurnal = Mining Journal.2008.No.12.Pp.47–50.
  7. Panfilov S.Y. Vzryvchatye veshchestva bez vzryvchatykh komponentov – osnova progressa v gornom dele (The history of the creation, state, problems and prospects for the development of the production and application of explosives in the Russian Federation).Gornyy Informatsionno-analiticheskiy Byulleten = Mining Information-Analytical Bulletin.2011.No.S10.Pp.42–56.
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  9. Rudomazin V.V., Telegina E.A., Tsvetkova E.A. Kontrol' oborota promyshlennyh vzryvchatyh materialov i ih potrebnost' v gornodobyvayushchej otrasli (Control of the circulation of industrial explosives and their need in the mining industry).Advances in chemistry and chemical technology.2021.Vol.35, No.12(247).Pp.134–138.
  10. Sosnin V.A., Mezheritsky S.E. Sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya promyshlennyh vzryvchatyh veshchestv v Rossii i za rubezhom (State and prospects of the development of industrial explosive substances in Russia and abroad).Bulletin of the Technological University.2016.Vol.19, No.19.Pp.84–89.
  11. Sosnin V.A., Mezheritsky S.E., Pechenev Yu.G. Sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya promyshlennyh vzryvchatyh veshchestv v Rossii i za rubezhom (State and prospects of the development of industrial explosive substances in Russia and abroad).Gornaya promyshlennost' = Russian Mining Industry.2017.No.5 (135).Pp.60–64.
  12. Sosnin V.A.Sostoyanie i perspektivy razrabotki promyshlennyh vzryvchatyh veshchestv (State and prospects of the development of industrial explosive substances).Vzryvnoe delo = Explosive Engineering.2019.No.123-80.Pp.9–31.
UDC 622.235.24
Viktorov S.D. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head. department,
Gorinov S.A. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, leading researcher
(Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – ICEMR RAS)
Gorinov V.S. – consultant,
Kuprin R.V. – founder
(NPP "Argosynthesis")

Development of an emulsion explosive for work in northern and arctic regions

Keywords:northern and arctic regions, emulsion explosive, frost resistance, patronized EE

The development of rich deposits of solid minerals in remote and sparsely populated areas of the Polar Urals, Eastern Siberia and the Far East requires effective explosive technologies that take into account harsh climatic conditions and inaccessibility of deposits. An analysis of blasting technologies shows that an urgent task is the development of a frost-resistant emulsion explosive (EE) for the creation of cartridges, including small diameter ones. The paper shows that when forming a special formulation of the emulsion and using the polymer emulsifier "DEP-1", it is possible to obtain EE in which, at negative temperatures, the water used in the manufacture of the oxidizing phase of the emulsion will be in a crystallohydrate state. This EE meets the requirements of frost resistance. The resulting EE in a practically significant temperature range (–60 - +40 ˚С) is an elastic-plastic body, which makes it possible to form strong cartridges that retain their geometric dimensions. The socket for placing the detonator cap is easily made anywhere in the cartridge using an aluminum awl or a “spiral for wood” drill. The EE reliably detonates from the detonator cap of the non-electric initiation system. The detonation velocity in plastic pipes with a diameter of 40 mm reaches 5000 m/s.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Tikhonov V.A. Peculiarities of blasting during the development of mineral resources of the northern and arctic regions of Russia / Tikhonov V.A., Dudnik G.A., PanfilovS.Yu., Zhulikov V.V.// Mining industry. 2021 - No. 2. - p.102-106.
  2. Sosnin V.A. Status and prospects for the development of industrial explosives in Russia and abroad / V.A. Sosnin, S.E. Mezheritsky // Bulletin of the Kazan Technological University. - 2016. - T. 19. - No. 19. - S. 84-89.
  3. Viktorov S.D. Selection of efficiency criteria and methods for assessing the simplest explosives for the northern and arctic regions of Russia / S.V. Viktorov, A.E. Frantov // Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific School Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences K.N. Trubetskoy "Problems and prospects for the integrated development and conservation of the earth's interior", Moscow, November 16-20, 2020 - P. 67-71.
  4. Viktorov S.D. Directions for improving the simplest explosives for the northern and arctic regions of Russia / S.D. Viktorov, A.E. Frantov, I.N. Lapikov // Mine surveying and subsoil use. - 2020. - No. 6 (110). - S. 41-44.
  5. Viktorov S.D. Development of innovative technologies for blasting using the simplest explosive granulites in the development of mineral resources in the northern and arctic regions of Russia / S.D. Viktorov, A.E. Frantov, I.N. Lapikov, R.A. Rakhmanov, Yu.I. Suvorov, V.Kh. Kantor, V.Yu. Fadeev, V.N. Tikhonov, V.V. Radkov, V.V. Zhulikov // Explosive business. - 2020. - No. 129/86. - S. 116-146.
  6. Viktorov S.D. Innovative directions for improving the simplest explosives with additives returned to production by recycling materials / S.D. Viktorov, A.E. Frantov, P.I. Opanasenko and others // Coal. - 2020. - No. 11 (1136). - S. 17-21.
  7. Kutuzov B.N. Production of emulsion explosive emulan PVV-A-70 for OOO OlekminskiyRudnik based on low-temperature emulsion / B.N. Kutuzov, I.Yu. Maslov, P.A. Bragin and others // Mining Journal: 2011. - pp. 91-93.
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  15. Patent RU 2755069C1. Emulsion explosive for sulfide-containing rocks/ Gorinov S.A., Kuprin R.V. – 01/22/2021.
  16. Pozin M.E. Technology of mineral salts (fertilizers, pesticides, industrial salts, oxides and acids. - L .: Publishing House "Chemistry". - Part II. - 4th ed., corrected, with the participation of L.Z. Arsent'eva, Yu.Ya. Kaganovich et al., 1974. - 792-1556 p.
  17. Pozin M.E. Technology of mineral salts (fertilizers, pesticides, industrial salts, oxides and acids. - L .: Publishing house "Chemistry". - Part I. - 4th ed., corrected with the participation of L.Z. Arsent'eva, Yu Ya. Kaganovich et al., 1974. - 791 p.
  18. Patent RU 2652714C1 Universal inverse emulsifier / Kuprin V.P., Savchenko N.V., Kovalenko I.L. and others - 07/17/2017.
UDC 622.235.3
Maslov I.Yu. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief Engineer
(Global Mining Explosive-Russia LLC)
Gorinov S.A. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Leading Researcher, scientific consultant of Global Mining Explosive Russia LLC,
(Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – ICEMR RAS)

Determination of the inhibitor content in emulsion explosives for crushing pyrite ores

Keywords:emulsion explosives, mine water, pyrite, iron sulfates, inhibitors

To ensure the safety of the use of emulsion explosives (EE) in the extraction of sulfide-containing ores, the reactivity of these explosives is reduced by introducing inhibitors into their composition that slow down the rate of interaction of ammonium nitrate with pyrite. The paper presents a method for the theoretical determination of the required mass fraction of an inhibitor in EE to ensure the safe use of these explosives in sulfide ores. The results obtained are confirmed by experimental data. The work is of interest to specialists involved in improving the technology of blasting in the extraction of sulfide ores and increasing their safety level.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Guidelines for the prevention of spontaneous ignitions and explosions of explosives based on ammonium nitrate in the production of blasting in copper pyrite ores. - M.: Ministry of Metallurgy of the USSR, 1991. – 7 s.
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  4. Xu Z.X. Thermal stability and mechanism of decomposition of emulsion explosives in the presence of pyrite / Z.X. Xu, Q. Wang, X.Q. Fu // Journal of Hazardous Materials. - 2015. - No. 1. - V. 300. - Prop. 702–710.
  5. Kuprin V.P. On the possibility of using water-filled ammonium nitrate explosives for the destruction of sulfide ores / V.P. Kuprin, I.L. Kovalenko// Mining information analytical bulletin (scientific and technical journal). - 2010. - No. 8. - P. 131-136.
  6. Gorinov S.A. Emulsion explosives for the extraction of sulfide-containing rocks / Gorinov S.A., Maslov I.Yu., Overchenko M.N., Pustovalov I.A. // Explosive work. - 2017. - No. 117/74. - S. 127-137.
  7. Katyshev S.F. Influence of additives on the interaction of ammonium nitrate with sulfide ore /S.F. Katyshev, V.N. Desyatnik, L.M. Teslyuk // Fire safety. - 2010. - T. 10. - No. 5. - S. 54-57.
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  11. Savin P.I. Study of the influence of stabilizing additives on the thermal stability of emulsion explosives in sulfide ores / P.I. Savin, E.A. Petrov, P.G. Tambiev, N.V. Bychin// Technologies and equipment of chemical, biochemical and food industries. Proceedings of the X All-Russian scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists with international participation / Alt. state tech. un-t, BTI. - Biysk: Alt. state tech. university - 2017. - S. 64-68. - 536 p.
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  25. Maslov I.Yu. Influence of the type and content of the inhibitor on the detonation characteristics of sulfide-resistant explosive explosives / I.Yu. Maslov, S.A. Gorinov // Explosive work. - 2020. - No. 129/86. - S. 188-205.
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Section 3. Technology of blasting in the mining of solid minerals
UDC 622.235
Tyupin V.N., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
(Belgorod State National Research University (NRU BelSU)
Kryuchkov I.S., Junior Researcher
(All-Russian Research Institute for the Drainage of Mineral Deposits, Protection of Engineering Structures from flooding, Special Mining, Geomechanics, Geophysics, Hydraulic Engineering, Geology and Surveying (JSC «VIOGEM»)
Rakhmanov R.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Researcher
(Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – ICEMR RAS)

The dependence of the speed of ball drilling of blast wells on the strength and fracturing of the mountain massifs

Keywords:the speed of ball drilling, drilling modes, physical and technical properties of rocks, strength coefficient, fracture parameters

This article describes studies of changes in the speed of ball drilling by two types of machines depending on the fracturing and strength of the mountain massif on the example of the Verninsky deposit. To calculate the drilling speed, a theoretical formula was used, the parameters of which are determined according to the telemetry of the drilling rig by the automated system "Wenco" - used at the field, as well as on the basis of initial data on the physical and technical properties of the rocks of the field. In the course of the study, analytical formulas were obtained for calculating the drilling speed of blast wells from the rock strength and fracturing of the massif. The obtained results can be used to predict the drilling speed and normalize the drilling process, as well as to adjust the parameters of drilling and blasting operations in order to qualitatively crush the rock mass in similar mining and geological conditions.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Kutuzov B. N. Disintegration and explosive fracture of rocks: tutorial. Moscow: Nedra, 1973. 311 p
  2. Mosinets V. N., Pashkov A. D., Latyshev V. A. Rock fracture: tutorial. Moscow: Nedra, 1975. 215 p
  3. Tangaev I. A. Energy intensity of the processes of extraction and processing of minerals. Moscow: Nedra, 1986. 231 p
  4. Kryukov G. M. Physics of destruction of rocks while drilling and blasting. Moscow: Gornaya kniga, 2006. Vol. 1. 330 p.
  5. Repin N. Ya., Bogatyrev V. P., Butkin V. D., Biryukov A. V. Drilling-and-blasting in open pit coal mines. Moscow: Nedra, 1987. 254 p.
  6. Sinev S. V. Drilling In Situ Models. Oil and Gas Territory. 2016. No. 11. pp. 41–49.
  7. Shigin A. O., Shigina A. A., Bovin K. A. Improving roller bit drilling rig performance by timely regulation of operating parameters. Vestnik Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta. 2015. No. 8(103). pp. 65–72.
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  9. Sinev S. V. Mechanisms, methods and ways of destruction of rocks in roller bit drilling. GIAB. 2016. No. 1. pp. 149–159.
  10. Mindeli E.O. Destruction of rocks. Moscow: Nedra, 1975. 600 p.
  11. Trubeckoj K.N., Potapov M.G., Vinickij K.E., Mel'nikov N.N. i dr. Guide. Open-pit mining. – Moscow: Gornoe byuro, 1994. 590 p.
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  18. Tyupin V.N. Determination of the speed of spherical and impact-rotational drilling of wells using the law of conservation of energy // GIAB. 2020. №6. pp. 76-84.
  19. Tyupin V.N., Ignatenko I.M., Agarkov I.B., Kryuchkov I.S. Automated calculation of the parameters of blasting operations based on the index of the drillability of the fractured massif during the spherical drilling of wells in quarries // Gornyj zhurnal. 2021. № 12. pp. 75–79
  20. Tyupin V.N. Explosive and geomechanical processes in fractured stressed mountain massifs. – Belgorod: ID «Belgorod» NIU «BelGU», 2017. – 192 p.
UDC 622.235
Kovalchuk I.O., chief expert on BVR,
Kovalkov S.A., Technical Director,
Alenichev I.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Technical Director,
Stepanov V.S., master of the blast site
(GC "Evoblast")

Electronic blasting systems benefits applying close strategically important secured facilities - blast energy discharge pauses method

Keywords:drilling and blasting operations, electronic blasting system, delay time, blast energy discharge pause, flyrocks, secured facilities

This article presents a safe and successful experience of blasting operations near strategically important secured facilities in the production conditions of ore quarries, where Evoblast Group of Companies (former Orica CIS) carries drilling and blasting operations to prepare the rocks for excavation. A positive result was achieved through the use of an electronic initiation system, which allows to control effectively the flyrocks due to the accurate delay time of primers in the borehole charges and due to a wide range of the downhole delays from 0 to 30000 ms. The delay time error of some electronic initiation system (EBS) manufacturers can be up to 0.005% of the nominal value, so each charge explodes according to a strictly planned sequence. And even the error of modern Chinese electronic detonators of 0.2% also allows to work with the design sequence of initiation of borehole charges. There is no generally accepted surface blast network in the electronic initiation system, only a harness wire connecting the detonators into a single circuit - therefore, after the signal enters the detonator, nothing on the surface of the block can affect the blast of borehole charges. A wide range of delay time allows to blast holes or groups of holes with a certain sequence between them and an interval of up to several hundred or thousands of milliseconds, which makes it possible to form new free faces and control the flyrocks in the desired direction. Thus, it becomes possible to effectively manage the main negative factors of the blast: the flyrocks, the displacement of rock mass, seismic impact, shock air wave. All this helps to eliminate serious damage to strategically important secured facilities and keep their functionality.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Alenichev I. A., Rakhmanov R.A. Emperical regularities investigation of rock mass discharge by explosion on th free surface of a pit bench / Journal of Mining Institute. 2021 Vol. 249. P. 334-341.
  2. Blasthole Drilling in Open Pit Mining / Atlas Copco. First edition 2009. 204 p.
  3. Dessureault S. University of Arizona Mining and Geological Engineering / 415 – Rock Excavation Course Notes. 2003. 209 p.
  4. Brent G.F. Throw blasting analysis / G.F.Brent, M.J.Noy // Proceedings Eighth International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, 7 - 11 May 2006, Santiago, Chile. P. 717 - 722.
  5. Sastry V. Fragmentation and throw due to blasting – Role of initiation systems / V.Sastry, R.Chander // Proceedings 36th International conference on explosives and blasting, Los Angeles, USA, 2008. P. 371 – 376.
  6. Rakishev B.R. Models of rock collapse on benches with various technologies of blasting operations. Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 171, p. 39-44 (in Russian).
  7. Rozhdestvenskii V.N. Investigation of methods for controlling the collapse width during rock blasting at pits: Avtoref. dis. …kand. tekhn. nauk. Ekaterinburg: Institut gornogo dela Uralskogo otdeleniya Rossiiskoi akademii nauk, 1997, p. 27 (in Russian).
UDC 622.235
Bannykh G.A., General Director, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Kolominov I.A., Deputy General Director for Civil Products,
Yusov A.D., head of the blasting section
(JSC "53 Arsenal")

Experience in the development of a contour detonation charge

Keywords:charge of contour detonation, mass explosion, preliminary crevice formation, projection, resistance to aggressive media, detonation rate

The article presents a brief overview of the contour detonation charge developed by JSC "53 Arsenal". The criteria for the selection of materials for the case of the charge and the explosive are given. The design of the charge, the types of initiation means used, the methods of their attachment to the charge, the mass and overall dimensions of the charges are considered. A brief overview of the main points of the organization of production and testing of charges for compliance with the requirements of technical documentation and regulations is presented. The results of measurements of the detonation velocity of charges are presented. The experience of using SCB and a brief comparison of the parameters of contour blasting charges used in the quarries of the Russian Federation are given.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Kutuzov B.N. Methods of conducting blasting operations. Part 1. Destruction of rocks by explosion: textbook for universities. Kutuzov B.N., 2nd ed., ster. M.: Moscow State University, 2009. 471 p.
  2. Methodological guidelines for ensuring the stability of slopes and seismic safety of buildings and structures when conducting blasting operations on quarries. L., 1977, p. 17 (M-in the coal industry of the USSR. All-Union. scientific-research. in-t horn, geomech. and a mine survey.
  3. JSC "Bryansk Chemical Plant named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR" URL: https://bhz.su
  4. CJSC "MOROZOVKA" URL: https://azotvzryv.ru
  5. JSC "Polymer" URL: https://polimer-chapaevsk.ru/zaryad-konturnogo-vzryvaniya-zkv-b-tu-7276-56466532-25-2007.
  6. Industrial explosive substances. Charges of contour blasting SCB ("S.C.B.") (Smooth Contour Blasting) Technical specifications 20.51.11-001-08267263-2019, JSC "53 arsenal", Nizhny Novgorod region, Volodarsky district, Yuganets work settlement, 2019, 34 p.
  7. Patent 204020 Russian Federation, IPC F42B 3/00. Explosive charge / Bannykh G.A., Kolominov I.A.; patent holders Bannykh G.A., Kolominov I.A.; application 11.08.2020; publ. 04.05.2021, Byul. No. 13
  8. Lukyanov V.G. Explosive works: textbook for universities / V.G. Lukyanov, V.I. Komashchenko, V.A. Shmurygin. Tomsk: Tomsk Polytechnic University Publishing House, 2008 – 402 p. ISBN 5-98298-376-4
UDC 622.235
Misliboev I.T., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Mining,
Zairov Sh.Sh., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Mining Department,
Gilyazov O.M., Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Engineering sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Mining,
Sharapov E.N., Assistant of the Mining Department
(Navoi State University of Mining and Technology)

Improving the efficiency of underground min-ing by using a locking face in the holes

Keywords:mining, mine, blasting, explosives, rock destruction, hole, locking face, parameters of drilling and blasting operations

The practice of blasting shows that the use of a backhole is one of the main factors in increasing the efficiency of drilling and blasting operations during the penetration of underground mine workings. The development of fundamentally new types and types of drilling of borehole charges of explosives (explosives) to increase the utilization rate of boreholes and the quality of crushing rocks of various strengths by explosion is an urgent task of mining today. The methods developed to date have shown the prioritization of the specific consumption of explosives and the subsequent calculation of the drilling and blasting operations passport, but they do not always give the required results. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the methods currently used allow the integrated design of drilling and blasting operations passports according to the calculated damage zones, however, the disadvantage of this technique is the use of wedge cuttings, while their drilling by self-propelled drilling rigs can be very difficult. This article presents the design of the hammer made of polymer locking action in the holes, the method of determining the parameters of the drilling and blasting operations and the method of conducting blasting operations during the penetration of horizontal mine workings.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Szuladzinski G. Response of rock medium to explosive borehole pressure / G. Szuladzinski // Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting-Fragblast-4. ‒ Vienna (Austria), 1993. ‒ P. 17-23.
  2. Kexin D. Maintenance of roadways in soft rock by roadway-rib destress blasting // China Coal Society. ‒ 1995. ‒ Vol. 20, Iss. 3. ‒ P. 311-316.
  3. Djordjevic N. Two-component of blast fragmentation / N. Djordjevic // Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting- Fragblast / South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. - Johannesburg (South Africa), 1999. ‒ p. 213.
  4. Kanchibotla S.S. Modeling fines in blast fragmentation and its impact on crushing and grinding // Proceedings of Explo’99-A Conference on Rock Breakin / The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. ‒ Kalgoorlie (Australia), 1999. - P. 137-144.
  5. Persson P.A. Rock Blasting and Explosives Engineering - CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton (Florida), 1994. ‒ 217 p.
  6. Esen S. Modelling the size of the crushed zone around a blasthole // Int. J. Rock Mechs Min. Scis. ‒ 2003. ‒ Vol. 40. ‒ P. 485-495.
  7. Onederra I. Estimation of fines generated by blasting - applications for the mining and quarrying industries // Mining Tech / Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. A. ‒ 2004. ‒ Vol. 113. ‒ P. A1-A11.
  8. Giyazov O.M. Experimental-industrial test sand Industrial implementation of the developed design of the locking hole of explosive charges when passing underground mining works // The American Journal of Engineering and Technology. ‒ USA, October 24, 2021. ‒ pp. 16-19.
  9. Norov Yu.D., Bunin Zh.V., Zairov Sh.Sh., Nutfullaev G.S. Intensification of destruction of an array of multi-strength rocks by explosive charges with cumulative effect // Mining Journal. – Moscow, 2016. – No. 2.– pp. 16-20.
  10. Mislibayev I.T., Giyazov O.M. Investigation of the outflow of detonation products during the explosion of elongated charges of explosives in boreholes and wells in underground conditions // International Journal of Geology, Earth & Environmental Sciences. ‒ India: Centre for Info Bio Technology, 2021. ‒ Vol. 11. ‒ pp. 179-184.
  11. Norov Yu.D., Zairov Sh.Sh., Normatova M.Zh., Ravshanova M.H. Investigation of the patterns of collapse formation and determination of optimal parameters of the retaining wall during mass explosions in the quarries of the Kyzylkum region // Mining Journal. Non-ferrous metals. Special issue. – Moscow, 2017. – pp. 76-80.
  12. Zairov Sh.Sh ., Urinov Sh.R., Nomdorov R.U. Ensuring Wall Stability in the Course of Blasting at Open Pits of Kyzyl Kum Region // Mining Science and Technology (Russia). Moscow, 2020. Vol. 5. ‒ No. 3. ‒ p. 235-252. DOI: 10.17073/2500-0632-2020-3-235-252.
  13. Nazarov Z.S., Giyazov O.M., Nosirov B., Mekhmonov M.R. Physical modeling of the action of a spur charge with various types of scoring using the effect of electrohydraulic rupture // Gorny vestnik Uzbekistan. ‒ Navoi, 2022. ‒ No. 1. ‒ pp. 21-23.
  14. Baranov I.M. Development of rational parameters of the face, taking into account the time of its movement along the hole and the expiration of detonation products // Diss. ... candidate of Technical Sciences. ‒ Moscow, 1994. ‒ 143 p.

Section 4. Ecology and safety during blasting operations
UDC 504.05, 622.235
Ivleva M.S., PhD student

The state of the atmosphere in the limestone quarry area

Keywords:quarry, limestone mining, emissions into the atmosphere, short-delayed blasting, pollutants

During the development of the Novogurovo deposit, pollutants are released into the atmosphere by an explosive method. The main processes leading to emissions are drilling and blasting operations, excavation and loading operations, the operation of dump truck engines, blowing off materials from the surface, transportation of rock mass. The intensity of such emissions depends on the properties and condition of the rock, weather conditions, development technology, and the effectiveness of methods for suppressing dust and harmful gases. In this regard, dust and gas pollution in the workplace can vary greatly and have a negative impact on people and the environment. In the Novogurovsky quarry, during mass explosions, the sources of dust and gas emissions were investigated and a qualitative and quantitative assessment of their components was given. The dispersed composition of the dust is given, depending on the distance to the explosion. The characteristic of harmful gases released during explosion is given. It is noted that the amount of toxic substances released depends on the brand of explosives and the oxygen balance of the explosive materials used. The dependence of the increase in the volume of dust released during the explosion on the strength coefficient of rocks on the scale of M. M. Protodiakonov was revealed. Field observations have recorded that the time of dispersion, the height of ascent, the range of propagation of the dust and gas cloud under different weather conditions in the quarry is different.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Tomakov P.I., Naumov I.K. Technology, mechanization and organization of open-pit mining, Moscow: Publishing House of the Moscow Mining Institute, 1992, p. 464.
  2. Kalashnikov A.T., Simkin B.A., Panichev V.I. Environmental difficulties of iron ore enterprises. Mining Journal No. 7, 1992, pp. 52-55.
  3. Kutuzov B.N. Destruction of rocks by explosion. Moscow, Publishing House of the Moscow Mining Institute, 1992, p. 449.
  4. Mikhailov A.I. Environmental protection in quarries, Kiev: Higher School, 1990, p.186.
  5. Sidney C.J. 1989 Combinedremovalof SO, NO and fly ash. From simulated flue gas using pulsed streamer corona IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 25(1) 62–69.
  6. Bondarenko N.M., Peregudov V.V., Kikovka E.I., Bykov E.K., etc. Methods of reducing dust emissions and gas during mass explosions in quarries and mines Mining journal 10 46-497. Zvyagintseva A.
  7. Zvyagintseva A.V., Sazonova S.A. and Kulneva V.V. Modeling of unorganized emissions emission of dust and gases into the atmosphere at quarries of mining and processing plants and improvement of measures to improve labor. Materials of the Seventh International Ecological Congress (Samara-Togliatti, the Ninth International Scientific and Technical Conference "ELPIT 2019") Edition of ELPIT, pp. 212-226.
  8. Zvyagintseva A.V., Zavyalova A.Yu. Analysis of the main technological and engineering measures aimed at reducing dust and gas production of the mining and processing plant. Heliophysical Research, 2015.
  9. Zvyagintseva A.V., Sazonova S.A., Kulneva V.V. Analysis of sources of dust and toxic gases formation in the atmosphere during explosions at mining and processing plant quarries. Academic Bulletin of ELPIT, No.2 (12), vol.5, 2020, pp. 56-67.
  10. Pokhil P.F., Sadovsky M.A. The explosion pulse and its dependence on the shape and size of the charge and the properties of the explosive. Physics of Explosion, No. 1, Moscow: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1952.
  11. Bondarenko N. M., Peregudov V.V., Kikovka E.I., Bykov E.K. Methods of reducing dust and gas emissions during mass explosions in quarries and mines Mining Journal, No. 10, 1992, pp. 46-49.
  12. Safronov V.P., Safronov V.V., Makarov R.V., Pankratov A.V. Patent "Method of conducting drilling and blasting operations at quarries". RU 2517289 C1 Geotimes LLC. 2014

Section 5. Information
Congratulations on the anniversary of Sergei Dmitrievich Viktorov148-149
In memory of Belin Vladimir Arnoldovich150-151
In memory of Yungin Vladimir Ivanovich152-153

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