| Article title | Pages |
Section 1. Theoretical and experimental studies on explosions and fracture of rocks
 | Viktorov S. D., Zakalinsky V.M. The development concept of explosive works in Russia | 3-17 |
 | Trofimov V.S. Generalization of the hydrodynamic theory of detonation in case of turbulent flow environment | 18-30 |
 | Krukov G.M., Vaver P.A. Rocks destruction process features during industrial explosives crushing | 31-35 |
 | Zagirnyak M., Kozlovskaja T., Chebenko V. The pyroelectric effect of explosives and parameters of the electromagnetic component | 36-49 |
 | Zharikov I.F. The mechanical action of an explosion in elasto-plastic environment | 50-63 |
 | Victorov S.D., Odintsev V.N., Kochanov A.N., Osokin A.A. Micro- and nanoparticle generation under rock deformation and fracture | 64-73 |
Section 2. Development and usage of explosive technologies for mineral deposits mining
 | Paramonov G.P., Gospodarikov A.P., Kovalevskij V.N. Influence crack in rock of the hills on the choice of technology of extraction of blocks of the natural stone | 74-81 |
 | Fokin V.A., Togunov., Shitov U.A. About possibility of revealing of structurally adverse sites of the board of the open-cast mine by results of seismomeasurements under a mass explosions | 82-90 |
 | Vinogradov Y.I. Methodology of an estimation of efficiency of crushing of a file of rocks various types of explosives | 91-97 |
 | Belin V.A., Kamolov Sh.A. Stressed state of rocks with strong inclusions in the explosion of an elongated borehole explosive charge | 98-104 |
 | Shkumatov A.N. Control of the rockmass destruction by the static-dynamic loading | 105-112 |
 | Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Calculation method for evaluation of size of the pieces of rock mass fragmented by explosion | 113-121 |
 | Vartanov V.G., Samotin C.I., Dobrynin I.A., Lucovich E.I. Organization of works on loading chambers of the big section on large-scale explosion Kambaratinsky HES-2 in the Kirghiz republic | 122-134 |
 | Vinogradov Y.I. Energy absorption capacity of the exploding area of rock | 135-145 |
 | Chirkov S.E., Makhrakov I.V. Regularities of fractured rocks strength and elasticity changing as function of stress state | 146-156 |
Section 3. Industrial explosives and initiation devices research
 | Kolganov E.V., Sosnin V.A., Strakhov A.G., Belin V.A., Efremovtsev A.N. Review of existing explosion control systems | 157-174 |
 | Belin V.A., Efremovtsev N.N., Efremovtsev A.N. Improvement of production technology and composition of industrial explosives with the use of conversion technologies | 175-182 |
 | Zharkov A.S., Dochilov N.Ye., Petrov Ye.A., Sokolova T.V., Udovichenko V.P., Skorodenko N.M. Estimate of efficiency of aluminum / ferrosilicon use in the composition of Detonite-M | 183-187 |
 | Kukib B.N. Influence of the cartridge diameter on selectiveness permissible explosives | 188-195 |
 | Sosnin V.A., Morozov K.E., Korunov V.N. Creation facilities for industrial emulsion explosives production | 196-204 |
 | Annikov V.E., Veprikova А.А., Raikova V.M., Trunin V.V. Investigation of detonation of watergel explosives containing polydisperse aluminum | 205-213 |
 | Balaсhnina A.V., Vasilishin M.S., Petrov Ye.A., Rutskikh S.A. Investigation of drying and heating kinetics of crystalline sodium nitrate in the apparatus with a pulsating bed | 214-222 |
 | Kukib B.N. Features of aluminum-containing explosive compositions such as ammonals | 223-228 |
 | Andreev V.V. Application features of blasting systems with electronic deceleration | 229-234 |
 | Kolganov E.V., Iliyn V.P., Sosnin V.A., Strakhov A.G., Shestakov A.V. Initiation detonators marking | 235-243 |
 | Fokin V.A. The particularities of the in-hole measurements of the velocity of detonation at production mass blast in open pit condition | 244-248 |
 | Starshinov A.V. Modern local manufactured explosives for Mongolian mining complexes | 249-257 |
Section 4. Ecology and safety at blasting
 | Kalyakin S.A. Application and improvement of high permissible explosives in Ukraine | 258-271 |
 | Kovalevskij V.N., Paramonov G.P., Gospodarikov A.P., Magomedov T.M., Mazur A.S., Larichev A.J. To the question of estimation dust and gas appearance at quarries during mass explosions | 272-281 |
 | Mironov Y.A., Andreev R.E., Magomedov Т.М., Rumyantsev А.Е. Use of the hromatograf analysis of products of explosion for definition of formation of toxic gases during mass explosions | 282-288 |
 | Levankovskiy I.A. Distribution of energy parameters in the bottomhole of the formation zone of a weak coal seam at the preparation of a shaking explosion | 289-294 |
Section 5. Information events
 | Perfect explosive (to Andreev V.V 65-th anniversary) | 295-296 |
 | Information about authors | 297-301 |