Actual address: 140004, Russia, Moscow Region, Lyubertsy, VUGI, 1 build.3, office 401
Postal address: 140004, Russia, Moscow Region, Lyubertsy, VUGI, box 230
Legal address:
ZAO "MVK po VD pri AGN": 107140, Russia, Moscow, Krasnoprudnaya st., 1, building 1.
IPKON RAS: 111020, Russia, Moscow, Kryukovsky Tup., 4.
ANO NOIV: 119049, Russia, Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 6.
Tel. / Fax: +7(495)664-36-71
Tel: +7(903)003-96-89
The Chief Editor - Kliment Nikolaevich Trubetskoy
Contributing editor - Ruslan Azamatovich Rakhmanov
The editorial board of the journal
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