| Article title | Pages |
 | Introduction | 3-7 |
Section 1. Theoretical and experimental studies on the development of industrial explosives and initiation detonators
 | Victorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V. Geometrical parameters the zone camouflet at explosion the charge chink in career | 8-15 |
 | Rakishev B.R. Analytical generalization of the empirical laws of rock crushing | 16-25 |
 | Belin V.A. Modern problems of explosive business in the mining industry | 26-34 |
 | Sakovich G.V., Zharkov A.S., Petrov E.A. Physico-chemical basis of industrial production and application of detonation nanodiamonds | 35-50 |
 | Trofimov V.S., Petrov E.V. Barodiffusion as the possible uniform mechanism of intermixing of components of mixed reacting structures, high-speed diffusion in ampoules of preservation and the phenomenon superdeep penetration** | 51-65 |
 | Simonov P.S. Dependence research between energy consumption and the specific surface increment at destruction of samples of rocks by one shock | 66-72 |
Section 2. Development and usage of explosive technology in the solid mineral extraction in deposits and other fields
 | Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Power parameters jf the camouflet zone at the chink of charges explosion in open-cast mines | 73-81 |
 | Zharikov I.F. Effective management of drilling and blasting preparation to rock mass excavation | 82-92 |
 | Paramonov G.P., Kovalevskij V.N., Dombaev Z.G., Rumjantsev A.E. as dynamics processes in blasthole at the directed destruction of rocks | 93-100 |
 | Kovalevskij V.N., Dombaev Z.G., Yatcenko A.K. To the calculation method of optimum distance between the adjacent lengthened charges at extraction of blocks of the natural stone | 101-105 |
 | Zharikov S.N., Shemenev V.G. Movement of explosion products in a rock massif | 106-116 |
 | Rozhdestvenskiy V.N., Pianzin S.R., Zyrjanova T.M. Blasting deep-hole charges in the conditions of support formed from earlier blasted rock mass by crushing large-blocked rocks | 117-125 |
 | Dugartsyrenov A.V, Belin V.A., Kim S.I., Dolzhikov K.I. Accounting porosity explosive destruction complex structure of arrays | 126-133 |
 | Dugartsyrenov A.V. The mechanism of destruction plastic rock in camouflet explosion | 134-139 |
 | Tulebayev K.K., Abdibekov N.K. Influence of blasting on formation mechanism of pit walls load | 140-145 |
Section 3. Study of detonation process, production technology and properties of industrial explosives and means of initiating
 | Derzhavets A.S., Salko A.E., Naumov P.N., Polkanova D.N. Principles of recycling explosion-technical systems, their processing for the resources return into economic | 146-156 |
 | Efremov E.I., Nikiforova V.A. The influence of the well explosive charge design on change terms of explosive energy transfer on destructible rocks | 157-173 |
 | Il’yn V.P., Valeshny S.I., Sosnin V.A. Emulsion commercial explosives in Russia | 174-190 |
 | Kovalenko I.L., Kuprin V.P. About choice of the fuel phase and method sensitization of emulsion explosives for underground works | 191-203 |
 | Kukib B.N. About of reaction zone thickness calculation by indirect methods | 204-212 |
 | Lavrov V. About an estimation of reaction zone thickness by indirect methods | 213-221 |
 | Lavrov V.V., Kukib B.N. Influence of the particles size of explosive on critical diameter and detonation velocity | 222-235 |
 | Vasilishin M.S., Zobnin V.V., Ivanov O.S., Kuhlenko A.A., Petrov E.A. Расчёт кинетики нагрева дисперсного материала при сушке в аппарате с пульсирующим слоем и комбинированным теплоподводом | 236-243 |
 | Derzhavets A.S., Sosnin A.V., Perepelitsyn A.I. Classification of explosives by conditions of usage | 244-251 |
Section 4. Safety during manufacture, storage, transportation and application of explosives
 | Adushkin V.V., Pernik L.M. Results of the preliminary modeling of the process formation explosive dam of the Kambarata HPS N2 | 252-263 |
 | Viktorov S.D., Zakalinsky V.M., Kochanov A.N. Formation and distribution of the gas cloud at the construction of the dam Kambaratinsky HPP-2 by means of the directed explosion | 264-272 |
 | Dzhigrin A.V., Stulishenko A.Yu. Features of the fossil coal softening mechanism by carbon dioxide | 273-286 |
 | Artemov V.A., Paramonov G.P., Holodilov A.N. Методические основы оценки сейсмического действия массовых взрывов по результатам анализа сейсмовзрывных продольных и поверхностных волн | 287-296 |
 | Kalyakin S.A., Dzhigrin A.V., Gorlov Y.V. The permanent explosion safety of mine excavations’ faces in coal mines | 297-315 |
 | Tapsiev A.P., Freidin A.M., Filippov P.A., Uskov V.A., Neverov A.A., Artemenko Yu.V., Vdovin G.K., Sadabaev K.T. Large-scale blasting parametrization and implementation in the Makmal mine under seismic hazard conditions in the high-mountain zone of ridges of the Tian-Shan | 316-332 |
 | Novinkov A.G., Protasov S.I., Gukin A.S. The practice of applying of regression analyze for assessment of seismic-safety distances in open surface blasting | 333-347 |
 | Goncharov A.I., Kulikov V.I., Etkin M.B., Kamchibekov M.P. Seismic effect of Kambarata explosion | 348-361 |
 | Antonev A.V., Isaev I.R., Myasnikov S.V. Effective application of methane and dust-air mixtures explosion localization in coal mines | 362-370 |
Section 5. Information events
 | Viktorov S.D. About the first bulletin, "Explosion business" | 371-374 |
 | To the 80th anniversary of Academician Vitaly Vasilyevich Adushkin | 375-376 |
 | Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Zharkov Alexander - 65 years | 377-379 |
 | Doctor of Technical Sciences Kazakov Nikolay Nikolaevich - 80 years | 380-381 |
 | 7th World conference on explosives & blasting | 382-383 |