"Explosion technology"— scientific and technical journal

Journal was founded in 1922 by a group of engineers. In Russia and the CIS "Explosion technology" is the only one peer-reviewed specialized periodical in the field of blasting.

Issue 113/70 (2015)

Theory and practice of blasting work

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Opening remarks by the chief editor Trubetskoy K.N.5

Section 1. Researches of the rocks destruction process
UDC 622.235
Rakishev B.R., Head of Department "Open-cast mining", Аcademician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan
Kuttybayev A.Y., Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
K.I.Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan)
Rakisheva Z.B., Рrofessor, Candidate of Рhys.-math. Sciences
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan)
Auezova A.M., Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Almaty University of Energy and Communications (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan)

Analytical determination of granulometric composition of the blasted mining mass by borehole charges of crushing

Keywords: rock massif, limiting radius of the cavity, radii of the zones of intensive crushing, conditional content of natural separateness, volumes of intensive destruction, total destruction of the block, granulometric composition.

The paper describes an analytical method developed by the authors for determination of the granulometric composition of blasted mining mass during blasting of the benches by the borehole charges. The method is based on taking into account of the sizes of the zones of intensive crushing and content of natural separateness in the rock massif. The radii of the zones of intense crushing are calculated on the given physical-mechanical properties of the blasted rocks and physical-chemical characteristics of the used explosives. Value of the coefficient is substantiated that takes into account the proportion of rock massif destruction due to the reflected wave of the explosion puffing effect.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Pokrovskii G.I., Fedorov I.S. Deistvie udara i vzryva v deformiruemyh sredah (Action of impact and explosion in deformable mediums). M., 1957. p. 276.
  2. Rodionov V.N., Adushkin V.V. Mexanicheskii effect podzemnogo vzryva (Mechanical effect of underground explosion). M., 1971. p. 200.
  3. Rakishev B.R. Energoemkost mexanicheskogo razrusheniya gornyh porod (Power consumption of mechanical destruction of mining rocks). Almaty: (Baspager), 1998. p. 210.
  4. Repin N.Ya. Podgotovka i ekskavaciya vskryshnyh porod ugol nyh razrezov (Preparation and excavation of overburden coal mines). M., 1978. p. 256.
  5. Viktorov S.D., Zakalinskii B.M. Vzryvnoe razrushenie gornyh massivov v Rossii (Explosive destruction of mountain ranges in Russia). Vzryvnoe delo = Explosion Technology №107 / 64. M .: ZAO "MVK on explosives at AGN", 2012. p.181-190.
  6. Kutuzov B.N., Belin V.A. Proektirovanie i organizaciya vzryvnyh rabot (Design and organization of blasting). M., Mountain book, 2012. p. 416.
  7. Rakishev B.R., Auezova A.M., Kalieva A.P., Daurenbekova A.N. Raspredelenie estestvennyih otdelnostey po razmeram v massive gornyih porod (Distribution of natural separately for size in an array of mountain Pordoi). Vzryvnoe delo = Explosion Technology №111/68 // Development of the theory and practice of blasting // M., 2014. p.18-30.
UDC 622.235
Kazakov N.N., Leading researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Shlyapin A.V., Senior researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)

Rock crushing by the quasistatic phase of explosion in the top part of the blasthole charge

Keywords: final length, quasistatic phase, cavity, mass speed, tension, energy, energy of destruction, crushing

Crushing of rocks is carried out mainly by three phases of development of explosion: camouflage, wave and quasistatic. Quasistatic action of explosion is meant as processes which develop in a massif at a stage secondary, after wave expansion of a gas cavity. In article the description of the offered model of a shape of a cavity and a zone of quasistatic action of explosion in the top part of a blasthole charge is given. The received mathematical dependences for determination of volumes and parameters are given in an area of coverage of spherical part of a quasistatic phase of explosion. By the developed technique, with use of the developed computer program, parameters of process and fineness of crushing of rock by a quasistatic phase of explosion, in the top part of a ledge are calculated. Results of demonstration calculation of distribution of energy of destruction and fineness of crushing of rock on conditionally allocated settlement volumes are given.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Orlenko L.P. Fizika vzryiva (Physics of explosion). 2004. p. 704.
  2. Stanyukovich K.P. Neustanovivshiesya dvizheniya sploshnoy sredyi (The Unsteady motion of continuous media). 1955. p. 804.
  3. Kazakov N.N. Vzryivnaya otboyka rud skvazhinnyimi zaryadami (Explosion breaking ores borehole charges). 1975. p. 185.
  4. Victorov S.D., Kazakov N.N. Parametryi volnyi v zone drobleniya porodyi vzryivom (The wave parameters in the zone of crushing rock explosion). Vestnik Kremenchugskogo Politehnicheskogo Universiteta = Bulletin of The Polytechnic University of Kremenchuk. 2005. №5. pp. 141-144.
  5. Adushkin V.V. Modelnyie issledovaniya razrusheniya gornyih porod vzryivom (Model studies of the destruction of rocks by explosion). Fizicheskie problemyi vzryivnogo razrusheniya massivov gornyih porod = Physical problems of explosive destruction of the rock.1999. pp.18-29.
  6. Kazakov N.N. Massovaya skorost chastits v volne na granitse izlucheniya (The mass flow rate of particles in the wave at the boundary of the radiation). Vzryvnoe delo = Explosion Technology. 2011. №106/63. pp.27-32.
  7. Kazakov N.N., Lapikov I.N. Parametryi protsessa kvazistaticheskogo deystviya vzryiva zaryada konechnoy dlinyi (The quasistatic parameters of the process steps of the explosion of the charge of nite length). Gornyiy informatsionno-analiticheskiy byulleten. Otdelnyiy vyipusk = Mining information and analytical Bulletin. Special release. 2014. №1. pp. 96-106.
UDC 622.235
Kazakov N.N., Leading researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Shlyapin A.V., Senior researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)

Crushing of the top layer camouflage, wave and quasistatic phases of explosion

Keywords: final length, camouflage phase, wave phase, quasistatic phase, cavity, energy, energy of destruction, crushing.

Impact of explosion on a massif is process multiphase. In a zone, adjacent to a charge, the camouflage phase of explosion is realized. Beyond its limits as continuation of distribution of a wave of tension, is realized a wave phase of explosion. With a time lag on these zones it is imposed after a wave (quasistatic) phase of explosion. The developed theory of multiphase and multizonal crushing of rocks by blasthole charges of industrial explosive materials of final length is provided in article. With use of the models of development of phases of physical process, the developed mathematical dependences offered by authors for determination of fineness of crushing of rock in the top layer of a career ledge camouflage, wave, quasistatic phases of explosion and their joint action. Settlement results of distribution of density of energy of destruction, and fineness of crushing of rock, on conditionally allocated settlement layers are shown.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Adushkin V.V. Modelnyie issledovaniya razrusheniya gornyih porod vzryivom (Model studies of the destruction of rocks by explosion). Fizicheskie problemyi vzryivnogo razrusheniya massivov gornyih porod = Physical problems of explosive destruction of the rock.1999. pp.18-29.
  2. Orlenko L.P. Fizika vzryiva (Physics of explosion). 2004. p. 704.
  3. Kazakov N.N. Massovaya skorost chastits v volne na granitse izlucheniya (The mass flow rate of particles in the wave at the boundary of the radiation). Vzryvnoe delo = Explosion Technology. 2011. №106/63. pp.27-32.
  4. Kazakov N.N. Parametryi protsessa kamufletnogo deystviya vzryiva skvazhinnogo zaryada konechnoy dlinyi (The process parameters camouflage the blast borehole charge of finite length). Gornyiy informatsionno-analiticheskiy byulleten. Otdelnyiy vyipusk = Mining information and analytical Bulletin. Special release. 2013. №1. pp.109-119.
  5. Kazakov N.N., Lapikov I.N. Parametryi protsessa kvazistaticheskogo deystviya vzryiva zaryada konechnoy dlinyi (The quasistatic parameters of the process steps of the explosion of the charge of nite length). Gornyiy informatsionno-analiticheskiy byulleten. Otdelnyiy vyipusk = Mining information and analytical Bulletin. Special release. 2014. №1. pp. 96-106.
  6. Victorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V. Geometricheskie parametryi kamufletnoy zonyi pri vzryive skvazhinnogo zaryada v karere (The geometrical parameters of camouflage in the explosion zone of blasthole charge in career). Vzryivnoe delo = Explosion Technology. 2012. №108/65. pp.8-15.
  7. Victorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Energeticheskie parametryi kamufletnoy zonyi pri vzryive skvazhinnyih zaryadov v karerah (Energy parameters of camouflage in the explosion zone of blasthole charges in the career). Vzryvnoe delo = Explosion Technology. 2012. №108/65. pp.73-80.
UDC 622.235
Kochanov A.N., Senior researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Odintsev V.N., Leading researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)

Teoretical estimation of microfractured area radius after camouflet explosion

Keywords: camouflet explosion, wave, elastic strain zone, rock extension, microcrack growth, microfractured area

The paper considers stress state in rock elastic deformation area under dynamical effect of blast wave and gives estimation of radius of natural microcrack activation area, i.e. rock prefracture area. Under the condition of spherical symmetry the radius is found from a system of equations including terms for gas pressure in explosion cavity, rock pressure in rock mass, rock fracture strength, characteristic size of rock natural microcracks (defects), as well as Young’s modulus and Poisson coefficient. Quantitative estimation of prefracture area radii is made for several rock types. It is established that size of this area depends mainly on two independent microstructural factors, i.e. rock fracture toughness and rock natural defects. Sizes of rock prefracture area may differ by several-fold depending on these parameters.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Trubetskoy K.N., Viktorov S.D., Repin N.J., Kutusov B.N. Problemy razvitiya vzryvnogo dela na zemnoy poverhnosty (Problems of development of explosion practice of ground surface). Vzryvnoe delo = Explosion Technology. 2009. No103/60.pp.79-90.
  2. Trubetskoy K.N., Viktorov S.D., Zakalinsky V.M. Krupnomasshtabnaya vzryvnaya otboyka na podzemnyh rudnikah (Large-scale blasting at underground mines). Gorny jurnal = Mining Journal. 2005.No4. pp.43-47.
  3. Rodionov V.N., Adushkin V.V., Kostuchenko V.N., Nikolaevsky D.Y., Romashov A.N., Tsvetkov V.M. Mechanicheskiy effect podzemnogo vzryva (Mechanical effect of undermine explosion). Moskva. Izdatelstvo Nedra = Moscow. Nedra Publishing House. 1971. P.224.
  4. Shemyakin E.I., Kulikov B.I., Dengina N.I. Parametry voln napryajenyi i predrazrushenie gornyh porod pri vzryve. V sbornike Razrushenie vzryvom I neobratimye deformazii gornyh porod (Stress wave parameters and rock microcracking at explosion. In Explosive Destruction & Unelastic Strains of Rocks). Moskva. Izdatelstvo Instituta gornogo dela A.A.Skochinskogo = Moscow. Publishing House of A.A.Skochinsky Mine Institute. 1997. pp.10-17.
  5. Kishkina S.B., Kulikov V.I., Rodionov V.N. O nakoplenii narushennosty gornogo massiva pri massovyh vzryvah na karyerah (Violation Rock Accumulation at Large-scale Explosions in Quarry). Geoecologia = Geoecology. 2004. No 1. pp.76-81.
  6. Kochanov A.N. O roly volnovogo i gazovogo factorov v prozesse vzryvnogo predrazrushenia i dezintegrazii gornyh porod (On the Role of Wave and Gas Factors in the Process of Explosive Rock Prefracture and Destruction). Vzrryvnoe delo = Explosive Business. 2011.No105-62.pp.46-53.
  7. Odintsev V.N. Otryvnoe razrushenie massiva skalnyh gornyh porod (Tensile Fracture of Rock Massif). Moskva. Izdatelstvo Instituta problem kompleksnogo osvoenia nedr = Moscow. Publishing House of the Institute of Complex Exploration of Mineral Resources . 1996. P.166.
  8. Sharp J.A. The program of elastic waves by explosive pressure // Geophysics. 1942. Vol.7. pp.144-154.
  9. Kryukov G.M. Fizika I momenty raznyh vidov razrushenia gornoi porody pri vzryve v ney udlinennogo zaryada (Physic and Different Types of Rock Fracture at Explosion of Elongated Explosive). Moskva. Izdatelstvo Gornaya Kniga = Moscow. Gornaya Kniga Publishing House. 2009.P.48.
  10. Nikitin L.V., Odintsev V.N. A dilatancy model of tensile macrocracks in compressed rock // Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials &Structures. 1999.Vol.22. N11. pp.1003-1009.
  11. Spravochnik po koeffizientam intensivnosty napryajenii. Redaktor U. Murakami. (Stress Intensity Factors. Editor U.Murakami). Moskva. Izdatelstvo Mir = Moscow. Mir Publishing House. 1990. Vol.2. P.1016.
  12. Baklashov I.V. Deformirovanie i razrushenie porodnyh massivov (Deformation & Fracture of Rock Massif). Moskva. Izdatelstvo Nedra = Moscow. Nedra Publishing House. 1988. P.271.
  13. Roberts D.K., Wells F.F. The velocity of brittle fracture // Engineering. 1954. Vol.178. P.820.
UDC 622.235
Zakalinsky V.M., Leading researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Mingazov R.J., Graduate student
Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)

For the method of controlling the operation of explosion in difficult conditions

Keywords: explosion, explosive, means of initiation, the structure of the rocks, scale blasting, charge design, concentrated charges.

The article describes a new principle of management by the action of an explosion of large-scale blasting in complex geological conditions, including selective breaking. The essence lies in the development of the cumulative effect, but if the known method is represented by one physical charge, then for the purposes of the explosive destruction of rocks considered the idea of a directional explosion of several simultaneously explode contiguous borehole charges. In practice, a single charge is replaced by a large diameter beam is equal to the total energy of the charges is smaller, the shape of the arrangement which reproduces the effect of a directional explosion quasiedible charge. This opens up new, including principally the nature, opportunities in solving the problem of controlled actions of the explosion. In open studies, for example, is the creation of drilling platforms for simultaneous drilling of closely spaced wells in the beams of different configurations. Underground work - development of new solutions for the design of drilling and blasting, combining large-scale breaking of beam and customary charges, with the aim of significantly increasing the degree of fragmentation of the rock mass.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Lavrent'ev, M. A., Kumuljativnyj zarjad i princip ego raboty (Shaped charge and the principle of its operation) Uspehi matematicheskih nauk = Advances in mathematics. 1957. T12,vol.4.P.12-16.
  2. Viktorov S. D., Galchenko J. P., Sakhalinskiy V. M., Scars S. K.. Razrushenie gornyh porod sblizhennymi zarjadami (The destruction of rocks contiguous charges) / ed. K. N. Trubetskoy. M.: OOO Izdatel'stvo «Nauchtehlitizdat» = LLC Publishing house "Austenitized", 2006. - 276 p.
  3. Viktorov S. D., Sakhalinskiy V. M., Osokin A. A. K teoreticheskim predposylkam dejstvija vzryva pri krupnomasshtabnom i selekativnom vzryvanii gornyh porod v slozhnyh uslovijah (The theoretical preconditions of the action of an explosion and large-scale blasting selective rocks in difficult conditions) Fiziko-tehnicheskie problemy razrabotki poleznyh iskopaemyh = Physical-technical problems of mining. Novosibirsk, 2014. No. 6.
  4. Eremenko A. A. Sovershenstvovanie tehnologii burovzryvnyh rabot na zhelezorudnyh mestorozhdenijah zapadnoj sibiri (Improving the technology of drilling and blasting in iron ore deposits of West Siberia) Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2013. - 192p.
  5. Eremenko, V. A., A. A. Eremenko, A. Kotlyarov, A., Lobanov, E. A. Obosnovanie parametrov odnostadijnoj sistemy razrabotki s otbojkoj rudy na zazhatuju sredu skvazhinami diametrom 250 mm. (Substantiation of parameters of the one stage of the development system with the breaking of ore sandwiched on Wednesday by wells with a diameter of 250 mm). - GIAB = Mining informational and analytical bulletin (scientific and technical journal). - No. 5. - 2012. - P.5-9.
  6. Mashukov I. V., Eremenko A. A., Karapetyan Y. M. Razvitie burovzryvnyh rabot na podzemnyh gornyh predprijatijah (Development drilling and blasting operations in underground mining). Osnovnye napravlenija sovershenstvovanija razrabotki mestorozhdenij poleznyh iskopaemyh: nauchno-tehnicheskij sb. Novokuzneck: SibGIU = The main areas of improvement mineral development: scientific and technical Sat. Novokuznetsk: SibGIU, 1999 - P. 50-54.
  7. Ermak G.P., Fefelov S.V., Bendyuga V.I., Mashukov I.V. Konstrukcija vertikal'nyh koncentrirovannyh zarjadov i sposoby sozdanija zarjadnyh polostej (The design of vertical concentrated charges and charging methods of creating cavities) Tehnika i tehnologija razrabotki poleznyh iskopaemyh = Engineering and technology of mining. - Novokuznetsk: SibGIU, 1998. - Vol. 4. - P. 21-24.
UDC 622.023
Zharikov I.F., Leading researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)
Norel B.K., Leading researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences.
Institute of mining of A.A. Skochinsky (Moscow, Russia)

Support functions of three-dimensional stress state of inhomogeneous rocks

Keywords: initial mechanical model, stress-strain State, rocks, mechanical model, the function of the rocks, the three-dimensional stress state.

The proposed decision analytical tasks define specific indicators of status changes of mechanical process in heterogeneous rocks under the influence of a complex array of stress state on the basis of the newly formulated dependency of physical parameters and indicators to evaluate the change of mechanical environment in conditions of dynamic loads from blasting, operated by the cuts, the State of underground mines. Shown that the mechanical process of redistribution of volumetric stress state is difficult is in the zone of maximum compressive stress and the limit State in the zone. Sound arguments about that change of a volume tension near excavations and, especially in a zone of limit states, is characterized by change of size of the parameter defining a type of a volume tension from +1 in a zone of the untouched massif, to-1 near an excavation, for characteristic types of destructions of the pedigree massif from shift to a separation.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Zakharov V.N., Zharikov I.F., Norel′ B.K. Pasport prochnosti dlya neodnorodnyh gornyh porod v ob″yomnom sostoyanii (Passport for heterogeneous rocks in volumetric tense position). Markshederskiy vestnik = Surveying messenger. 2013. no. 5. pp. 28-32.
  2. Bezukhov N.I. Osnovy teorii uprugosti, plastichnosti i polzuchesti (Theory of elasticity, plasticity and creep). Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola, 1961, p. 538
  3. Rodionov V.N., Sizov I.A., Tsvetkov V.M. Osnovy geomehaniki (Fundamentals of rock mechanics), Nedra, 1986, p. 299
  4. Jaeger J. Uprugost, prochnost i tekuchest (Elasticity, strength and fluidity), Moscow Gosteh. 1961. p. 169
  5. Zharikov I.F., Norel′ B. K. Energeticheskiy kriteriy prochnosti gornyh porod dlya razlichnyh vidov obemnyh napryajonnyh sostoyaniy (Power criterion of rock strength for different types of volume intense states). Vzryvnoe delo = Explosion Technology. 2013. № 109/66. pp. 40-50
  6. Nadai А. Plastichnost i razrushenie tverdyh tel (Plasticity and fracture of solids). T. 1. Moscow. Mir. 1969, p. 648.
UDC 622.261:622.026
Zharikov I.F., Leading researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)

Influence of boundary conditions on quality of crushing of the blown-up massif

Keywords: explosion, high ledge, particle size distribution, the clamped environment, disorder parameters, working platform, distribution parameter, specific expense, retaining wall.

Results of a physical modelling of destruction of the firm environment are considered at various the boundary the conditions imposed on degree free races of the shattered breed, high ledges, characteristic for detonation. The scheme of formation of a working board during the periods of performance of mountain and capital works and the subsequent normal operation is analysed. Analytical dependences are received and the analysis of interaction of separate indicators and parameters of system of development in the wide range of their change is carried out. Based on these data supported the basic technological parameters of drilling-and-blasting technology of overburden high ledges.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Zharikov I.F. Regulirovanie stepeny droblenij pri vzryvaniy vysokykh ustupov (Control the degree of crushing when vzryvanii high ledges). Vzryvnoe delo = Explosion Technology, 2014. No 111/68. pp. 93-106.
  2. Adushkin A.A., Pernik L.M. Modelirovanie krupnomaschtabnyh vzryvov (Simulation of large-scale explosions) Mechaniсzeskoe deistvie vzryva = Mechanical action of explosion. Moscow. IDG RAS. 1994. pp. 365-387
  3. Trubetskoy K. N., Seinov N. P., Shenderov A. I. Snizhrnie tekushego koefficienta vckryshi (Reduction of the current rate of overburden). Otkrytye gornye raboty = Open mining operations. Moscow. 2000. No 2, pp. 7-13.
UDC 622.235:622.83
Efremovtsev N.N., Senior research fellow, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)

Methodological aspects of research into rock fragmentation efficiency of explosives

Keywords: rock crushability, crushability factor, detonation velocity, blast energy release rate, compositional simulation models

The article presents a critical overview of blast action studies and methodological aspects of rock blasting mock-up tests performed under the supervision of L. I. Baron and V. V. Adushkin. The description is given of blast design, detonation system field test methods and procedures, developed by the authors for estimation of energy release kinetics effect on rock fragmentation and variation of valuable crystalline material quality limit, with the use of compositional models and simulators of enclosing rock, valuable crystalline materials and rock, as well as modeling of blast media anisotropy and heterogeneity. The design is also described of a simulation compositional model for standard tests of blast effect of different explosives on rock to provide significant enhancement of labor productivity in research.

Bibliographic list:
  1. L.I. Baron, B.D. Rossi, S.P. Levchik. Fragmentation efficiency of explosives for mineral mining applications. Moscow, 1960 (in Russian).
  2. Author’s Certificate No 122338 of 01.07.1959 (in Russian).
  3. V.V. Adushkin. Rock blasting simulation studies. Collected works: Physical aspects of rock mass blasting. M. ICEMR RAS, 1999, pp. 18-29 (in Russian).
  4. L.D. Sadwin, S.M. Kulay, S.I. Porter, R.H. Stresau. Estimation of explosibility of explosives by method of underwater blast. Rock breaking and mechanics. M. 1962, pp. 193-204 (Russian translation).
  5. A.V. Mikhalyuk. Rock under non-uniform dynamic loads. Kiev, Naukova Dumka Publishers, 1980, 154 pp. (in Russian).
  6. A.P. Sukhonin, S.D. Viktorov. Explosion of an explosive spherical charge in a glass block. Collected works: Vzryvnoye Delo, No 76/33, M. Nedra Publishers, 1976, pp. 55-60 (in Russian).
  7. V.A. Borovikov, A.N. Andreev, N.N. Efremovtsev. Detonation characteristics of Granulite materials including low-density and polystyrene-based compositions. Gorny Informatsionno-Analitichesky Bulletin, YaMGGU, 2007 (in Russian).
  8. V.A. Belin, N.N. Efremovtsev, A.V. Sosnin. Development of simulation models for blast estimation in terms of valuable crystalline material survival. Collected works: Vzryvnoye Delo, Issue 157, 2008 (in Russian).
  9. N.N. Efremovtsev, S.I. Kvitko. Methodological and practical aspects of tests with industrial explosives based on recovered weapons materials. Collected works: Important problems of missile and ammunition disposal. M. Novaya printing house, 2014, 168 pp. (in Russian).
  10. Efremovtsev N.N., Kvitko A.S. Methodological aspects of properties and blast energy kinetics control of industrial of explosives. Proc. of the Annual Conference on Explosives and. Blasting Technique, 2014 China.
  11. Efremovtsev N.N., Kvitko A.S. Revisited: Classification of data of industrial explosives tests. Proc. of the XIV Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique. Slovenia (in Russian).
  12. N.N. Efremovtsev. Performance and economic factors optimizing the control of kinetics of blast energy release by detonation systems for efficient rock fragmentation by blast. Collected works: Voprosy Nauchnogo Obosnovaniya Sovershenstvovaniya Sredstv Upravleniya Intensivnostyu Razrusheniya Gornykh Porod Vzryvom// Gorny Informatsionno-Analitichesky Bulletin (scientific and technical journal). Selected articles (Special Issue). 2012, No 12, pp. 3-10 (in Russian).
UDC 622.235
Paramonov G.P., Head of the Department of Blasting operations, Proffessor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Ishejskij V.A., PhD student of the Department of Blasting operations
Kovalevskij V.N., docent of the Department of Blasting operations, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University) (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

The numerical parameters of the stress wave on the border radiation

Keywords: explosion, charge, particle size distribution, the zone of destruction, the trace, the average size of a piece of blasted rock.

For research of influence of power characteristics of the explosive applied to destruction of rocks on particle size distribution of the blown-up mountain weight the complex of experiments on physical models was made of material equivalent to rocks with observance of physical and geometrical similarity.This work is part of a study on the impact of the energy characteristics of explosive used to break rocks, the distribution of particle size distribution of blasted rock mass. We consider a model experiment explosion process single cylindrical charge in the hole in order to establish the distribution of pieces depending blasted rock mass of different fracture zones, taking into account the energy characteristics of the explosive.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Paramonov G.P. K voprosu ocenki prochnostnyh svojstv kuskov vzorvannoj gornoj massy (On assessment of the strength properties of pieces of blasted rock mass) / G.P. Paramonov, V.A. Ishejskij // Vzryvnoe delo = Explosion Technology. - M.: ZAO «MVK po vzryvnomu delu pri AGK». 2014. - No 112/69 - pp.73-80.
  2. Maerz N. H., Palangio, T. C. WipFrag image based granulometry system. Proceedings of the FRAGBLAST5 Workshop on Measurement of Blast Fragmentation, Canada, 1996.
  3. Birjukov A.V., Repin N.Ja. Analiz primenimosti nekotoryh zakonov raspredelenija pri izuchenii kuskovatyh smesej (The analysis of the applicability of certain laws of distribution in the study lumps mixtures). – KuzPI, – 1973 – No 48.
UDC 622.235
Vinogradov J.I., associate professor department of Blasting Operations, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Khokhlov S.V., head of R&D QA department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University) (Moscow, Russia)

Concerning to the emergence of screening during of crushed granite mining

Keywords: screening, granulometric composition, zones of destruction, logarithmic variance, а wave, pressure

This paper discusses the model of granite massive destruction by the energy of explosion. Some results of reseaches of the granulometric composition distribution of the mechanical destruction product of the exploded mining mass after three crushing stages at the concentrator are shown. It is shown that the blockiness and the granulometric composition of destroyed granite massive are approximated by logarithmic normal distributions with the same values. It allows to characterize the entire set of pieces by a single distribution parameter by average value (for example, the average size of a piece of the exploded mining mass). It is assumed that the amount of output screening depends on the grinding zone size and on the area of high crushing which are estimated for the granite deposits as 12-30 radii of explosive charge.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Fadeenkov N.N., Taran E.P. O metodicheskom podhode k upravleniju pri vzryvnom droblenii gornyh porod (About methodical approach to the management of explosive rock crushing). Vzryvnoe delo = Explosion Technology. 1984, №86/43.
  2. Frendental A.M. Statisticheskij podhod k hrupkomu razrusheniju (A statistical approach to brittle fracture). – M.: Mir, Razrushenie (Destruction), 1975, t.2.
  3. Vinogradov J.I. Issledovanie vlijanija udel'nyh jenergozatrat i setki raspolozhenija skvazhin na jeffektivnost' droblenija gornyh porod vzryvom (Investigation of the influence of specific energy consumption and grid location of wells on the effectiveness of rock crushing blast). - Dis. k.t.n. (dissertation of candidate of Engineering Sciences), L.: LGI, 1976.
  4. Zatonskih A.G. Optimizacija parametrov burovzryvnyh rabot na kar'erah s cel'ju povyshenija renta-bel'nosti shhebenochnogo proizvodstva (Optimization of parameters of drilling and blasting in quarries in order to increase the profitability of crushed stone production). Dis. na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni k.t.n. (dissertation of candidate of Engineering Sciences), SPb, 1994.
  5. Baron S.I., Sirotuk G.N. Proverka primenimosti uravnenija Rozina-Rammlera dlja ischislenija diametra sred-nego kuska pri vzryvnoj otbojke gornyh porod (Checking the applicability of Rosin-Rammler to calculate the average diameter of the piece when blasting rocks). // Vzryvnoe delo = Explosion Technology. Nedra, 1967, №62/19.
  6. Mosinets V.N. Drobjashhee i sejsmicheskoe dejstvie vzryva v gornyh porodah (Blunt and seismic effects of the explosion in the rocks), M., Nedra, 1976.
  7. Mengulin M.G. Razvitie treshhin pri razrushenii gornyh porod (Development of cracks in rock failure).// Mehanika gornyh porod i sooruzhe-nie gornyh vyrabotok. Tezisy dokladov (Rock mechanics and mining construction. Abstracts). SPbGGI. 1993. S. 47-52
  8. Zavaritski V.A. Petrografija (Petrography). Izverzhennye gornye porody (Igneous rocks). – L.: LGI, 1969, t.1.
UDC 622.235
Vinogradov J.I., associate professor department of Blasting Operations, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Khokhlov S.V., head of R&D QA department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Determination of the screening amount during the breakstone production in depending of the primary drilling and blasting parameters

Keywords: breakstone, granulometric composition, screening, zones of destruction, specific fuel, net wells, cost of production

This paper discusses the hypothesis of screening emergence during the crushed granite production. The research results show that the screening amount is the function of the primary drilling and blasting parameters such as specific consumption of explosives and some parameters of the well-network. It is shown that the amount of substandard breakstone (less than 5 mm) is equal to the size of overgrinding and high crushing areas. The dependence of the yield screening rates from the primary drilling and blasting parameters and the calculation of the breakstone production cost considering the release of non-conforming fraction are obtained.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Vinogradov J.I., Paramonov G.P. Distribution Repculiarities of Alteraton Products of Compound Rocks, Published and distributed by metallurgical Industry Press 39 Songzhuyuan North Flley, Beiheyan St Beijing,P.R. China, 2007.
  2. Vinogradov J.I., Paramonov G.P., Kamenskiy A.A. Raspredelenie produktov razrushenija granitnyh massivov (The distribution of the products of destruction granite massifs), Zapiski Gornogo instituta (Notes of the Mining Institute), t.189, SPB,SPGGI, 2011, s.146-150.
  3. Mengulin M.G., Paramonov G.P., Khokhlov S.V. Modeli formirovanija granulometricheskogo sostava razrushennoj gornoj massy v razlichnyh zonah vzryvnogo razrushenija (Models of formation of particle size distribution of shattered rock mass in different zones of the explosive destruction). Sb. Vzryvnoe delo (Coll. explosive affair), №93/50 M, 2001, s. 99-101.
  4. Vinogradov J.I. Invariantnyj metod rascheta parametrov BVR na zadannyj granulometricheskij sostav vzorvannoj gornoj massy (Invariant method for calculating the parameters of drilling and blasting to the specified size distribution of blasted rock mass), Modern resources and energy saving technologies in mining industry. Process innovation collection/ Kremenchuk, №1/2010(5), с.97-107
  5. Vinogradov J.I., Zatonskih A.G. Kachestvo vzryvopodgotovki gornoj massy - osnova rentabel'nosti shhebenochnogo predprijatija (Quality of a vzryvopodgotovka of mountain weight - a basis of profitability of the crushed-stone enterprise), Fizicheskie problemy razrushenija gornyh porod (Physical problems of rock failure), SPGGI(TU), 2001
UDC 622.235 (043.3)
Bunin Zh.V., Рrofessor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Nutfullayev G.S., Тhe graduate student
The Russian state prospecting university of Sergo Ordzhonikidze (Moscow, Russia)
Norov Yu.D., Сhief of mountain bureau of the Central research laboratory, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Navoiy Mining and Metallurgical Combine (Navoi, Republic of Uzbekistan)
Zairov Sh.Sh., Тhe senior scientific employee-competitor, Candidat of Engineering Sciences
Navoiy State Mining Institute (Navoi, Republic of Uzbekistan)

Determination of depth of destruction of strong proplastk in the different durability array of rocks the charge of explosives with cumulative effect

Keywords: the theory of a kumulyation, a charge of explosives, raznoprochny rocks, cumulative effect, the truncated borehole charge, action radius, destruction depth, stream length, strong breed, conical dredging.

In article materials of theoretical and pilot studies of impact of a cumulative stream on a massif are stated. On the basis of studying of the theory of a kumulyation of a charge of explosives depth of destruction of a strong proplastk in the massif the different durability of rocks depending on stream length to equal length forming a cone of cumulative dredging, its density and density of a strong proplastk, and also relative compressibility of a strong proplastk and material of a stream, allowing to develop a technique of their engineering calculation is determined. The graphic dependences of impact of a cumulative stream on a massif received by practical consideration are given.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Fizika vzryiva / Pod red. (Physics of explosion / Under the editorship of.) L.P. Orlenko. – 3rd prod., corrected. – V 2 t. – M.: Fizmatlit, 2004. – 488 р.
  2. Orlenko L.P. Fizika vzryiva i udara. Uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov. (Physics of explosion and blow. Manual for higher education institutions). – M.: FIZMATLIT, 2006. – 304 р.
  3. Vyisokoskorostnoe vzaimodeystvie tel / Pod red.( High-speed interaction of bodies / Under the editorship of.) V.M. Fomina. – Novosibirsk: Izd. SO RAN, 1999. – 600 р.
UDC 622.235
Dugartsyrenov A.V., Associate Professor Department of Physics and Geology, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Kim S.I., graduate student of Department of Physics and Geology
National University of Science and Technology “MISIS” (Moscow, Russia)
Belchenko E.L., Director General, Candidate of Technical Sciences.
JSC NPK Geotekhnologiya (Moscow, Russia)
Nikolaev S.P., Graduate student of Department of Open Mining
North-Eastern Federal University (Yakutsk, Russia)The article focuses on blasting complex massive structures using additional explosive charges in drill holes in the central zone between the main holes inside the periphery of the solid layer, as well as combined charges in the main holes, which rules out the emergence of oversized bits of rock. Requirements are proposed for selecting explosives for main and additional charges based on the physical and mechanical properties of massive rocks which allow one to provide for the required quality of fragmentation. The results are not tied to any method of determining the radius (diameter) of the regulated fragmentation zone which are typically associated with rock fragmentation methods involving blasting. This implies a possibility of using theoretic and empirical correlation for the radii of the regulated fragmentation zone.

Blasting сomplex massive rock structures using combined and additional charges parameters for blasting works

Keywords: rock blasting, solid rock of varying solidity, hard rock, blast hole charge, additional blast holes, blast hole diameter, charge power.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Bibik I.P., Rakhmanov R. A., Ivanovskiy D.S. Povyshenie effektivnosti vzryvnogo ryhleniya raznoprochnyh massivov pri razrabotke Dzheroy-Sardarinskogo mestorozhdeniya fosforitov. (Increase of efficiency of explosive loosening the different durability of massifs when developing the Dzheroy-Sardarinsky field of phosphorites). Tsvetnye metally = Non-ferrous metals. 2008. No. 8. р.р. 48-52
  2. Belin V.A., Dugartsyrenov A.V., Tsedenbat A. Vzryvaniye neodnorodnykh massivov gornyh porod s vechnomerzlymi linzoobraznymi vklucheniyami (Blasting non-homogeneous rocks formations with lens-like permafrost inclusions). Gornyi Informatsionno-Analytycheskyi Bulleten’ = Mining Information and Analytical Bulletin. 2007. No. SR 7. pp. 266-272.
  3. Tsedenbat A. Obosnovaniye y razrabotka sposoba vzryvaniya tverdykh vskryshnykh porod s linzoobraznymi vklucheniyami vechnoi merzloty na ugolnykh shakhtakh (Developing Methods for Blasting Solid Rocks with Lens-Like Inclusions of Permafrost in Coal Mines). Aftoreferat dissertacii… kand.techn. nauk = Published Summary of Dissertation. Moscow State Mining University, 2010. 23 pp.
  4. Kamolov Sh. A. Obosnovaniye sposobov vzryvnogo rykhleniya raznoprochnykh vskryshnykh porod pri razrabotke plastovykh mestorozhdeniy (Developing Methods for Shredding Overburdened Rock Layers at Sheet Deposits). Aftoreferat dissertacii… kand.techn. nauk = Published Summary of Dissertation. Moscow State Mining University, 2011. 24 pp.
  5. Rakhmanov R.A. Obosnovaniye i razrabotka sposoba vzryvnogo razrusheniya slozhnostrukturnykh massivov gornykh porod s krepkimi vklucheniyami na karyerah (Developing Methods for Rock Blasting of Complex Massive Rock Structures with Solid Inclusions at Open Pits). Aftoreferat dissertacii… kand.techn. nauk = Published Summary of Dissertation. Moscow State Mining University, 2013. 21 pp.
  6. Rakhmanov R. A. Obosnovanie parametrov kombinirovannoy konstruktsii skvazhinnogo zaryada dlya raznoprochnogo gornogo massiva (Justification of parameters of the combined design of a borehole charge for a raznoprochny massif). Gornyy informatsionno-analiticheskiy byulleten' = Mountain information and analytical bulletin. 2013. No. 8. p. 207-209
  7. Belin V.A., Dugartsyrenov A.V., Rakhmanov R. A., Kamolov Sh. A., Kim S. I. Obosnovanie parametrov kombinirovannoy konstruktsii skvazhinnogo zaryada dlya raznoprochnogo gornogo massiva (Explosive destruction the raznoprochnykh of layers of a massif charges with the power changing on height of a well). Gornyy informatsionno-analiticheskiy byulleten' = Mountain information and analytical bulletin. 2013. No. 12. pp. 131.
  8. Malakhov G.M., Lubenets V.A. Novyi effectivnyi metod burovzryvnykh rabot (A New Effective Method of Rock Drilling and Blasting). Gornyi Zhurnal = Mining Bulletin. – 1983. No. 31. pp. 37-40.
  9. Mosinets V. N., Valakhanovich E.M. Povyshenie effektivnosti vzryva v raznoprochnom gornom massive // Gorno-metallurgicheskaya promyshlennost' (Increase of efficiency of explosion in time-noprochnom a massif//the Mining and metallurgical industry). M.: Vnipipromtekhnologiya's ON-TI, 1974. No. 10 (198). pp. 6-8.
  10. Belin V.A., Trusov A.A., Batsuur’ L., Gombosuren P., Tsedenbat A. Sposob vzryvaniya gornykh porod s vklucheniyami merzloty (A Method of Blasting Rocks with Permafrost Inclusions). Patent Rossiyskoy Federatsii = Patent of the Russian Federation №2263877. Published 10.11.2005. No.31.
UDC 622.235
Dugartsyrenov A.V., Associate Professor Department of Physics and Geology, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Kim S.I., graduate student of Department of Physics and Geology
National University of Science and Technology “MISIS” (Moscow, Russia)
Nikolaev S.P., Graduate student of Department of Open Mining
North-Eastern Federal University (Yakutsk, Russia)

Blasting complex rock mass structures criteria equations for parameters of industrial explosives and properties of rocks

Keywords: rock blasting, massives with different degree of solidity, hard rock layers, drill hole charge, additional drill holes, criteria equation, drill hole diameter, charge parameters.

In article theoretical research and justification of parameters of a charge for destruction of the difficult structure massif from the different durability of rocks is conducted. Blasting complex rock mass structures with rocks of varying solidity results in the emergence of intact zones in the hard rock layer. To account for this problem, additional charges placed in the center of the basic cell of drill hole networks are used. This paper proposes a criteria equation for non-dimensional variables that unites the parameters of industrial explosives in the additional drill hole and allows one to model explosive processes based on the similarity and dimension theory.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Bibik I.P., Rakhmanov R. A., Ivanovskiy D.S. Povyshenie effektivnosti vzryvnogo ryhleniya raznoprochnyh massivov pri razrabotke Dzheroy-Sardarinskogo mestorozhdeniya fosforitov. (Increase of efficiency of explosive loosening the different durability of massifs when developing the Dzheroy-Sardarinsky field of phosphorites). Tsvetnye metally = Non-ferrous metals. 2008. No. 8. р.р. 48-52
  2. Dugartsyrenov A.V. Fizicheskaya priroda y mekhanism razrusheniya gornoi porody pri kamufletnom vzryve (The physical nature and mechanism of rock blasting using combined explosion). Vzryvnoye Delo = Explosion Technology. 2011. No.105/62. pp.124-126.
  3. Chelyshev V.P. Osnovy teorii vzryva y goreniya (Foundations of the Explosion Theory and Combustion). Moscow, 1981. 212 p.
  4. Fizika vzryva (The Physics of Rock Blasting). [Ed.] Orlenko L.P. – Vol. 1. Moscow, 2002. 832 p.

Section 2. State and prospect of development of explosives, devices and blasting agents
UDC 622.235
Viktorov S.D., Deputy Director for Science, ph.D, professor
Kupriyanov I.Y., Graduate student
Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)
Starshinov A.V., Technical director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
“NT Sayani” Co. Ltd (Krasnoyrsk, Russia)
Ostapkovich A.M., Associate professor, Candidate of Сhemical Sciences
Siberian State Technological University (Krasnoyrsk, Russia)

Experimental determination of the possibility of manufacturing mixtures with high flowability and heating of the components

Keywords: Explosives, ammonium nitrate, mixtures, explosive characteristics, caking ability, waterproof, paraffin, dinitrotoluene, detonating velocity.

The experimental results for the preparation of new types of industrial explosives based on ammonium nitrate by using semi-finished product of trinitrotoluene synthesis and wax-like substances as fuel materials were shown. The basic advantages and disadvantages of the developed mixtures of ammonium nitrate/fuel were found out. The calculation of explosive characteristics of mixtures on the basis of ammonium nitrate was conducted, and some design characteristics of the studied compounds were presented. The experiments on determination of physical and chemical characteristics of the given mixtures were carried out. The method of recycling technical dinitrotoluene by using it for the manufacture of granular mixed explosives based on ammonium nitrate was suggested. An express method for determination of caking in industrial explosives was developed. The results of laboratory tests of these components were provided. The results obtained show that the developed compositions are suitable for practical application in mining industry and do not concede the existing analogues.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Dubnov L. V., Baharevich N. S., Romanov A. I. Promyishlennyie vzryivchatyie veschestva.- 3-e izd., pererab. i dop (Industrial Explosives. 3rd ed., revised and supplemented). Moscow: Nedra Publ, 1988. 358 p. with illustrations.
  2. Chikunov O.V., Chikunov V.I. Sredstvo protiv slezhivaemosti ammonitov. Bezopasnost rabot v ugolnyih shahtah (Anti-caking Agents for ammonites. Operational Safety in Coal Mines). In collected works of East Research Institute. Kemerovo, 1994. 207-210 pp.
  3. Viktorov S.D., Kupriyanov I.Yu., Starshinov A.V. V sb.: Problemyi osvoeniya nedr v HHI veke glazami molodyih: (Problems of Mineral Resourses Development in the XXI Century in the Eyes of the Young). Moscow: Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014. 86-88pp.
  4. Patent RF 2301788, 2006.
  5. Kalinichev A.Yu., Voronov I.L., Schukin Yu.G. i dr. Promyishlennyie vzryivchatyie veschestva na osnove dinitrotoluola i ammiachnoy selitryi, primenyaemyie pri razrabotke sulfidnyih rud. (Industrial explosives based on ammonium nitrate and dinitrotoluene in the development of sulphide ores). In collected works: “Blasting Work” №102/59. 2009. 175-180pp.
  6. Zbarskiy V. L. , Zhilin V. F. Toluol i ego nitroproizvodnyie: Uchebnoe posobie [Tekst].. (Toluene and its nitroderivatives): Textbook / Zbarskii V.L., Jilin V.F., D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia. Moscow, 1993. 266p.
  7. Stepanov R. S. Fisiko-khimicheskie yspitaniya vzryvchatykh veshchestv. Labaratorniy praktikum. Razdel 1. (Physical-chemical examinations of explosive materials. Laboratory-based practical. Section 1): Krasnoyasrk, 1989. 84p.
  8. Chernyshev A. K., Levin B. V., Tugolukov A. V., Ogarkov A. A., Ilin V.A. Ammiachnaya selitra: svoystva, proizvodstvo, primenenie [Tekst] / Chernyshev A.K., Levin B. V., Tugolukov A. V. [I dr.]: pod red. B.V. Levina, A.V. Tugolukova. (Chernyshev A. K., Levin B. V., Tugolukov A. V., Ogarkov A. A., Ilin V.A. Ammonia nitrate: properties, generation, usage [Textbook]/ Chernyshev A.K., Levin B. V., Tugolukov A. V. [and others]: under the editorship of Levin B.V., Tugolukov. A.V. Moscow, 2009. 504p.
UDC 622.235.213
Kutuev V.A., Junior researcher (PhD student)
Menshikov P.V., Junior researcher
Zharikov S.N., Senior research fellow, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Institute of Mining, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russia)

About research methods of detonation characteristics of explosives

Keywords: detonation velocity, methods of measuring the velocity of detonation, explosives, isoentropic exponent, detonation pressure, the density of explosives, methods of measurement of the detonation velocity, modern digital equipment Data Trap II.

There are different ways to study of detonation processes. Each of them has some accuracy and appropriate scope. The article provides an overview of known methods for measuring the speed of propagation of the detonation wave and the analysis of the current state of the study of detonation processes. The velocity of detonation of explosives determines the parameters of the damaging effects of explosions in the given environment. Industrial explosives, manufactured in the field of application (emulsion explosives) have a non-constant density of loading. The reason is that the explosive substance of not conventionally explosive components is obtained directly in mechanized loading wells and the margin of error of quality control density lead to a specific range of values. Accordingly, the velocity of detonation of charges from one borehole to another also has a range of values. Therefore, the research methods of the detonation characteristics of explosives deserve particular attention. Especially if you can apply these techniques in a production environment, directly at explosions excavation blocks at the quarries.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Andreev, K. K., Belyaev A. F. Teoriya vzrivchatih veschestv (Theory of explosives). Moscow: Oborongiz, 1960. pp. 210-212.
  2. Kornilkov M. V. Razrushenie gornih porod vzrivom: konspekt lekcii (The destruction of rocks by explosion: lecture notes). Ekaterinburg: Publishing Ural State Mining University, 2008. pp. 56-62.
  3. Dubnov L.N., Bakharevich N.S., Romanov A.I. Promishlennie vzriv¬chatie veschestva (Industrial explosives). Moscow: Nedra, 1988. pp. 304 - 309.
  4. Maslov I.Yu., Pupkov V.V., Kampel F.B. et al. Opredelenie fakticheskoi skorosti detonacii i rabotosposobnosti novih emulsionnih VV s celyu vibora racionalnoi plotnosti zaryajaniya pri vzrivopodgotovke jeleznih rud (The actual definition of the detonation velocity and the health of new emulsion explosives for the purpose of choosing the rational density of loading when variopedatus iron ore). Gornyy Informatsionno-Analiticheskiy Byulleten = Mining Information- Analytical Bulletin. 2003. No. 5.
  5. Metodika izmerenii skorosti detonacii vzrivchatih veschestv reostatnim metodom s ispolzovaniem izmeritelya skorosti detonacii VOD Mate (The method of measurement of velocity of detonation of explosives rheostatic method using the measurement of velocity of detonation, VOD Mate). SRT 01.01.004-2011 / IGD UB RAS. Ekaterinburg, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011.
  6. Metodika izmerenii skorosti detonacii vzrivchatih veschestv reflektrometricheskim metodom s primeneniem izmeritelya skorosti detonacii Speed VOD (The method of measurement of velocity of detonation of explosives electrometrically method with the use of measuring the velocity of detonation Speed VOD) SRT 01.01.004-2011 / IGD UB RAS. Ekaterinburg, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011.
  7. Fizika vzriva / Pod red. Orlenko L.P. Izd. 3-e, pererabotannoe. In 2 t. T. 1. - Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2002. - p. 95.
  8. Pokrovskii G.I. Vzriv (Explosion). fourth edition, revised and supplemented Moscow: Nedra, 1980, pp. 42 - 43.
  9. Sinicin V.A. Povishenie effektivnosti vzrivnoi podgotovki gornoi massi na karerah s primeneniem vzrivchatih veschestv na osnove obratnih emulsii: avtoreferat dissertatsii ... kandidatа tekhnicheskikh nauk (Improving the efficiency of the explosive preparation of mined rock quarries using explosives on the basis of inverse emulsions: thesis abstract ... Candidate of Technical Sciences). Sinitsyn V.A.; IGD UB RAS. Ekaterinburg, 2007. 26 p.
UDC 662.235
Mokeev A.A., Associate Professor, Ph.D in Technical Science
Salnikov А.S., Postgraduate student
Platonov S.V., Master
Evdokimova А.P., Master
Torutkina N.I., Postgraduate student
Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU) (Kazan, Russia)

The measuring system for determining the detonation velocity of energy-intensive materials

Keywords: measuring system, detonation velocity, energy-intensive materials, electrical contact pin, oscillograph, initiation, detonation wave

The description of MMD-SО1 measuring system for determining the characteristics of impact-detonated waves as well as the procedures of conducting the experiments on determining the detonation velocity of energy-intensive materials by using this system is given in the article. The research on determining the detonation of known and new energy-intensive materials by means of the measuring system and electrical contact pins were carried out. 6ZHB ammonite with the density ρ=1.21 g/cm3 and trinitrotoluol (TNT) with the density ρ=1.57 g/cm3 were used as samples of known energy-intensive materials. Experimental materials having pressed and gelatinous structures with the density 1.59 g/cm3 и 1.49 g/cm3 respectively were used as new energy-intensive materials . It is established that the measuring system permits to measure the detonation velocity to high precision, being founded on the comparison of the experimental values of the detonation velocity of the given energy-intensive materials with reference and calculated one. The relative deviation of experiment results from reference and calculated ones makes up no more than 1%.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Fizika vzryiva (Physics of Exposion). Pod redakciey L.P. Orlenko. – Izdanie 3-rd, pererabotannoe. – V 2 t. T.2. (edited by L. Orlenko. – 3d edition. – In 2 volumes. vol.2) – Moscow: FIZMATLIT, 2002. – 656 p.
  2. Salnikov A.S., Garifullin R.Sh., Vahidov R.M., Madyakin F.P., Kostochko A.V., Savagin V.N., Borisov V.M. Primenenie poroshkoobraznogo elastomera v plastichnyih i elastichnyih vzryivchatyih veschestvah (Application of Pulverous Elastomer in Gelatinous and Flexible Explosives). Vestnik Kazanskogo technologicheskogo universiteta = Gerald of Kazan Technological University. 2010. №.9. - pp. 276-281.
  3. Safronov P.O., Skupko S.A., Afanasev V.P., Abramovskaya E.S. Ekspluatatsionnyie harakteristiki nitrattsellyuloznyih blochnyih zaryadov (Performance Characteristics of Nitrocellulose Block Charges). Vestnik Kazanskogo technologicheskogo universiteta = Gerald of Kazan Technological University. 2012. Vol.15. №24. - pp.137-138.
  4. Gagarkin D.M., Mokeev A.A., Marsov A.A., Sadyikov I.F., Badretdinova L.H., Makarova N.A. Issledovanie energonasyischennyih materialov, primenyaemyih v tehnologii kompleksnoy perforatsii skvazhin (The Research of Energy-Intensive Materials Used in the Technology of Complex Well Perforation) Vestnik Kazanskogo technologicheskogo universiteta = Gerald of Technological University. 2012. Vol.15. №24. - pp.122.
  5. Selivanov V.V., Kobyilkin I.F., Novikov S.A. Vzryivnyie tehnologii (Explosive Technologies): uchebnik dlya vuzov – 2-nd izd., pererab. i dop. (textbook for higher education - 2d edition). – Moscow: Izdatel’stvo MGTU im. N.E.Baumana, 2014. – 519 p.
  6. Shaposhnikov V.V. Elektricheskie metodyi i sredstva registratsii protsessov pri issledovanii harakteristik vzryivchatyih veschestv: monografiya (Electrical Methods and Techniques for the Research of the Characteristics of Explosives: monograph) – Snezhinsk: Izd-vo RFYTS–VNIITF, 2011. – 197 p.
  7. Danilenko V.V. Vzryiv: fizika, tehnika, tehnologiya (Explosion: Physics, Engineering, Technolgy). Moscow: Energoatomizdat, 2010. – 782 p.
  8. Kotomin A.A. Raschet detonatsionnyih parametrov vzryivchatyih veschestv s inertnyimi do-bavkami: metodicheskie ukazaniya (The Calculation of Detonation Characteristics of Explosives with Inert Additives: Methodical Guidelines) – Leningrad : Leninrad Lensoviet Institute of Technology, 1977. – 25 p.

Section 3. Technology of blasting in the mining of solid minerals
UDC 622.235
Rakishev B.R., Head of Department "Open-cast mining", Аcademician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan
Kozhantov A.U., Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan)
Rakisheva Z.B., Рrofessor, Candidate of Рhys.-math. Sciences
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan)
Auezova A.M., Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Almaty University of Energy and Communications (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan)

Computer-aided design of parameters of the charge location in the bench

Keywords: SCADA-system, parameters of the charge location, computer modeling, the objects of mining technology, computer-aided design.

The paper describes a system of computer modeling of the mining technology objects at the modern SCADA-system (Supervisory control and data acquisition) and computer technology of the computer-aided design of the parameters of massive explosions at the quarries using interactive graphics, computer processing of the results and with the formation of working drawings and technical documents. Computer-aided design is based on an analytical method for definition of the charge location parameters in the bench. The method interconnects these parameters with the physical-mechanical properties of the blasted rocks and physical-chemical characteristics of the type of used explosive.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Lapckov K.N., Shlyapin A.B. Proektirovanie BVR v karerah (BSB Design in quarries). // Razvitie teorii i praktiki vzryvnogo dela (Development of the theory and practice of blasting) // Vzryvnoe delo = Explosion Technology No. 111/68 М., 2014. рр. 80-91.
  2. Kutuzov B.N., Belin V.A. Proktirovanie i organizaciya vzryvnyh rabot (Design and organization of blasting). M., Mountain book, 2012. 416 p.
  3. Rakishev B.R. Avtomatizirovannoe proktirovanie parametrov i rezultatov massovyh vzryvov na karerah (Computer-aided design parameters and results of mass explosions in quarries). Almaty: KazNTU, 2008. 125 p.
  4. Parr E. Programmiruemye kontrollery rukavodstvo dlya ingenera (Programmable controllers: a guide for engineers). M.: BINOM. Knowledge laboratory, 2007. 516 p.
  5. Sistemy avtomaticheskogo kontrolya i sbora informacii (SCADA) (Automatic control systems and information gathering (SCADA)) // //bourabai.kz/dbt/scada.htm.
  6. Rakishev B.R. Energoemkost mehanicheskogo razrusheniya gornyh porod (Power consumption of mechanical destruction of mining rocks). Almaty: Baspager, 1998. - 210 p.
  7. Platforma avtomatizacii Modicom М340 (Automation Platform Modicom M340). Schneider Electric catalog 2009.
UDC 550.344; 550.348; 622.235
Frantov A.E., Senior researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)
Brigadin I.V., Senior researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
«Promstrojvzryv» LLC (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Tuchkov E.N., First Deputy commander
Doroshenko S.I., Сhief of engineering service, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Ministry of defence (St. Petersburg, Russia)In article the short analysis of the factors influencing the carried-out drilling-and-blasting works in difficult mining-and-geological conditions is carried out.The method of evaluation and selection of parameters of drilling and blasting (diameter of the charge, the line of least resistance, the distance between wells) taking into account the effect of blasting conditions on the change in specific energy of the explosive destruction of rocks, the volume concentration of energy used explosives and stored energy per meter 1 borehole charge. Based on the established empirically the relative performance of explosives Helpоr proposed to evaluate the effectiveness of its action in difficult mining conditions to use indicator - effective volume concentration of energy.

Communications of energetic and explosive characteristics during evaluation of explosion in complex mining conditions

Keywords: mining and geological conditions, downhole charge, emulsion explosives, gel explosives, reserve of the charge, the volume concentration of explosive energy, the relative performance of the explosives.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Ismailov T.T., Komashhenko V.I. Osnovnye problemy organizacii processov vzryvnyh rabot s uvelicheniem glubiny kar'erov (The main problems of the organization of the processes of blasting with increasing depth of the pits) // Gornyj informacionno-analiticheskij bjulleten = Mining Information-Analytical Bulletin. – 2005. - №12. - P.149-151.
  2. Viktorov S.D. Tehnologiya krupnomasshtabnoy otbojki na udaroopasnyh mestorozhdeniyah Sibiri (Large-scale blasting technology for rockbrust-hazardous ore deposits in Siberia) // S.D. Viktorov, A.A. Eremenko, V.M. Zakalinskiy, I.V. Mashukov. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2005. - 212 p.
  3. Tehnika i tehnologiya vzryvnyh rabot na rudnikah (Technique and technology of blasting in mines) / G.P. Demidyuk, L.V.Dubnov, V.V. Stoyanov et al. - Moscow: Nedra, 1978. - 238 p.
  4. Doroshenko S.I. Razvitie tehnologii razrusheniya gornyh porod gelevymi VV, izgotovlennymi na osnove utiliziruemyh boepripasov (The development of the technology of destruction of rocks gel explosives made on the basis of demilitarization explosive materials) : Diss… kand. tehn. nauk. - Moscow: IPKON RAN - 2014. – 124 p.
UDC 622.235
Zharikov S.N., Senior research fellow, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Matukhno N.S., Trainee researcher (PhD student)
Institute of Mining, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russia)

On a staggered mesh arrangement of wells for blasting at quarries

Keywords: drilling and blasting operations, scheme of initiation, the grid location of wells, destruction of rocks, diagonal circuit, density of the rock

The application in the production of blasting chess the location of the blast hole. For a long time, the effectiveness of this approach was uncertain. This is primarily due to certain difficulties in the process of drilling. However, a number of works performed in the Institute of mining of the Ministry of ferrous metallurgy of the USSR showed the effectiveness of a staggered arrangement of the wells using the diagonal scheme of initiation of the explosive charges in the excavation blocks at the quarries. In the topic was formulated, the scientific theoretical provisions allowing for the use of the approach to determining the angle of inclination of the diagonal in almost all rocks. Currently this approach has good prospects for development. With the study of the direction of the cracks of rocks within the boundaries of an excavation unit can efficiently use the slope of the diagonal of the initiation of charges, due to the checkerboard layout. The use of conditionally chess grids of wells location in the excavation blocks due to the establishment of rational direction of initiation of charges to increase crushing action of the explosion.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Senuk M. V. Impuls vzriva i usloviya bolee polnogo ispolzovaniya ego na droblenie massivov krepkih porod pri skvajinnoi otboike (Impulse and explosion conditions fuller use it to split arrays hard rock with breaking of the well). Fiziko-tekhnicheskie problemy razrabotki poleznykh iskopaemykh = Journal of Mining Science. 1979. No. 1. pp. 28-34.
  2. Artemev E. P. Optimizaciya otnositelnogo rasstoyaniya mejdu zaryadami pri droblenii krupnoblochnih porod na karerah : dissertaciya ... kandidata tehnicheskih nauk (Optimization of the relative distance between the charges at crushing coarse-rock quarries : dissertation of the Candidate of Technical Sciences). IGD MCM USSR. Sverdlovsk. 1987. 187 p. App.
  3. Rojdestvenskiy V. N. Issledovanie sposobov upravleniya razvalom pri vzrivanii skalnih porod na karerah : dissertaciya … kandidata tehnicheskih nauk (Study ways to control the collapse of the rock by blasting in quarries: the dissertation. ... Candidate of Technical Sciences). IGD UB RAS. Ekaterinburg. 1997. 182 p. App.
  4. Senuk M. V. Vliyanie koefficienta sblijeniya zaryadov na harakter drobleniya sredi vzrivom (Influence coefficient convergence charges on the nature of the medium crushing blast). M.V. Senuk, B.B. Rikovskii, V.G. Trutnev et al. Gornii jurnal = Mining Journal. 1970. No 6. pp. 44-46.
  5. Rikovskiy B.B. Vedenie vzrivnih rabot na Kachkanarskom GOKe s povishennim koefficientom sblijeniya zaryadov (Blasting operations on Kachkanarsky GOK with increased coefficient of convergence charges). B.B. Rikovskii, B.A. Gilev, M.G. Tolochko et al. Mining Journal. 1970. No 6. pp. 46-47.
  6. Galyanov A.V. Transformaciya strukturi gornih massivov pri vzrivnih rabotah na karerah (The transformation of the structure of a rock during blasting in quarries). A.V. Galyanov, V.N. Rojdestvenskiy, A.N. Blinov. IGD UB RAS. Ekaterinburg. 1999. 140 p.
  7. Senuk M. V. Opit primeneniya shem vzrivaniya s uvelichennim koefficientom sblijeniya v usloviyah trudnovzrivaemih porod (Experience of using blasting circuits with an increased coefficient of convergence in terms trudnovzryvaemyh breeds). V. M. Senuk, B. V. Rikovskiy, V. N. Rojdestvenskiy. Proceedings. IGD MCM USSR. Issue 38. Sverdlovsk. 1972. pp. 60 - 63.
UDC 622.261:622.026
Yakovlev D.S., Director
Tugnuyskoe branch of LLC "Management for blasting works" (Sagan-Nur, Russia)

Design of drilling and blasting in the framework of the blast maker

Keywords: design, process of drilling, positioning the drilling rigs, rocks, explosion, mapping array.

The results of the practical use of computer-aided design of drilling-and-blasting the "Blast Maker" in the section "Contract" (OAO SUEK) to highlight the main elements of the system, to reduce the cost of rock mass blasting to excavation and mining equipment operation efficiency. Block diagram and functionality of application of computer-aided design of drilling and blasting Blast Maker to optimize the drilling process and preparation of projects on loading with the use of various designs of charges, including in hard-to-structural fields. When carrying out drilling and blasting operations, at the expense of modeling geological conditions explode the block, and simulation of the propagation direction of the explosion energy within it, the system allows to minimize the main technological criteria that determine the technical and economic parameters of reference of BSB.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Programmno – analiticheskiy kompleks «Blast Maker» (Software - analytical complex Blast Maker). Publisher «Kobus», www.blastmaker.kg.
  2. Zharikov I. F. Effektivnost upravleniy protsessami burovzryvnoy podgotovki gornogo massiva k ekskavatsii (Effective management of drilling and blasting preparation to rock mass excavation). Vzryvnoe delo = Explosion Technology. 2012. No. 108/65. pp. 82–92.
UDC 622:768
Dzhigrin A.V., director of scientific work, perspective development and commerce, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
JSC “Interdepartmental commission on explosion science within the Academy of mining science” (Moscow, Russia)
Lupiy S.M., Director
JSC "Tekhnologii ankernogo krepleniya" (Kemerovo, Russia)
Bakin V.A., mining engineer
JSC "SUEK-Kuzbass" Taldinskaya-Zapadnaya mine (Kuzbass, Russia)

Anchor roof bolting and the ex-plosive works impact on the effectiveness of mine workings fastening

Keywords: anchor preparatory excavation, loading, anchor tension, explosion, fastening, massif of rocks.

In article the review of application anchor is made fix in the mining industry. Data on different types anchor are provided fix their features of application in excavations. Designs anchor are given fix from various producers. The aspects of explosive works rendering influence on quality of fastening of preparatory excavations, first of all, on durability of fixing of metal klino-slot-hole anchors in the massif of rocks are considered. The special natural observations made in the conditions of mines of Osinnikovsky and Kondomsky areas, directed on clarifications of influence of explosive works on an anchor krep in preparatory developments are given.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Freger G. E., Dzhigrin A.V., Tatsiyenko V.P. Spiral'no armirovannye kompozitnye ankera (Lippes loop reinforced composite an anchor). – M.: Prod. NNTs GP-IGD of A. A. Skochinsky, 2001. 179 p.
  2. Zaslavsky Yu.Z., Druzhko E.B. Novye vidy krepi gornyh vyrabotok (New types fix excavations). – M.: A subsoil, 1989. 295 p.
  3. Gorbachev G. F., Shtumpf G.G., Strigin B. I. Primenenie ankernoj krepi v podgotovitel'nyh vyrabotkah (Application anchor fix in preparatory developments). – Novosibirsk: Prod. "Science", the Siberian office, 1972. 296 p.

Section 4. Usage of combustion processes and the impact of the explosion in other areas of industry
UDC 622.235
Selyavin A.I., Сhief engineer
Nenachov I.A., Head of group tests of explosive materials
Fomenkova V.E., Leading expert
"Promtechvzryv" (Moscow, Russia)
Ganopolskiy M.I., technical Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
"CPESSL BVR" (Moscow, Russia)In article reviewed the problems of organization and production work on the destruction of concrete when disassembling monolithic concrete Foundation combined method (using non-explosive destructive means of SIGB and gas generators, pressure blast hole GDSh), substantiation of safe production conditions works and ensure the integrity of protected sites. The method of calculation of the effects of seismic and acoustic air waves when triggered GDSh on protected objects, and calculate the parameters of the protective cover, limiting the dispersion pieces of concrete. The results of measurements of seismic vibrations when triggered GDSh.

The destruction of monolithic reinforced concrete foundation using non-explosive destructive means

Keywords: safety of work, non-explosive destructive tool, the gas generator pressure, seismic vibrations, acoustic air wave, protective shelter, safe distance

Bibliographic list:
  1. Instrukcija po primeneniju smesi isvestkovoji dlja gornykh i burovykh rabot SIGB (analog NRS-1) (Instructions for the use of a mixture of lime for mining and drilling operations SIGB (analog NRS-1)). Kraskovo : AO «Stroimaterials», 1996. - 4p.
  2. Rukovodstvo po primeneniju gasogeneratora davlenija shpurovogo GDSh (Guidance on the application of the gasifier pressure blast hole). TU 7275-002-46242932-2002. St. Petersburg : OOO «NPK «Kontech», 2002. - 7 p.
  3. Berezuev Ju.A. Primenenie shpurovykh gasogeneratorov davlenija na karjerakh blochnogo kamnja (The use of blast-hole pressure generators on a quarries block of stone). Gornyi Zhurnal = Mining Journal. 2008. No.1. pp. 50-52.
  4. Federalnye normy i pravila v oblasty promyshlennoji besopasnosty. Pravila besopasnosty pri vsryvnykh rabotakh. Sbornik dokumentov. Srija 13. Vypusk 14 (Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety. Safety regulations for blasting. Collection of documents. Series 13. Vol.14). Moscow : ZAO «Scientific and technical centre for the study of industrial safety», 2014. - 332 p.
  5. Tekhnicheskie pravila vedenija vsryvnykh rabot na dnevnoy poverkhnosty (Technical rules of blasting on the surface). Moscow : Nedra, 1972. - 240 p.
  6. Rukovodstvo po proektirovaniju i proisvodstvu vsryvnykh rabot pri rekonstrukcii promyshlennykh predprijatiji i grazhdanskikh sooruzheniji. RTM 36.9-88 (Guidance on the design and manufacture of blasting during the re-construction of industrial enterprises and civil structures. RTM 36.9-88). Moscow : CBNTI MMSS USSR, 1988. - 37 p.
  7. Ceitlin Ja.I., Smoliy N.I. Sejismicheskie i udarnye vosdushnye volny promyshlennykh vsryvov (Seismic and air shock wave of industrial explosions). Moscow : Nedra, 1981. - 192 p.
  8. Opredelenie kriticheskikh parametrov kolebaniji okhranjaemykh objektov pri vsryvnom droblenii fundamentov i obrushenii sdaniji pri rekonstrukcii. RTM 36.22-91 (The determination of the critical parameters of the oscillations of protected objects with explosive crushing foundations and collapse of buildings during reconstruction. RTM 36.22-91). Moscow : CBNTI MMSS USSR, 1991. - 17 p.
UDC 662.235
Derzhavets A.S., Director General, ph.d, professor
Sal'ko A.E., Director of Science, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor
JSC "Vzryvispytaniya" (Moscow, Russia)

Composite combustible materials based resources recyclable returnable propellants

Keywords: solid propellant, composite combustible materials VEKS - high-condensed systems, waste, resources.

In article the analysis of the situation which developed and aggravated in the world community with accumulation and processing (utilization) of household waste which aggravate ecological equilibrium practically in all industrially developed states is made. Researches on target use of returnable resources are given in composite combustible systems. The article discusses the use of composite materials based on fuel return and waste that with skilful their involvement in economic circulation can and should free up vast natural resources, is still used as fuel material. As the object of the investigation on the basis of the composition of different types of recyclable solid rocket fuels.

Bibliographic list:
  1. A.E. Salko Utilizaciya voenno-tekhnicheskikh sredstv. Sostoyanie problemy, metodologiya razvitiya organizacionno-ekonomicheskie osnovy, upravlenie, perspektivnye tekhnologii: Nauchno-metodicheskie materialy (Disposal military-technical means. State of the problem, methodology development of organizational and economic bases, management, advanced technology: Research and teaching materials), SAP RAS, 1997, vol. 1, pp 1-67
  2. Sposob razrusheniya zaryadov smesevykh tverdykh topliv (The method of destruction charges composite solid propellants). A.E. Salko, V.V. Golubev. // C.A. USSR №308505
  3. The process of destruction of solid rocket propellants. A.E. Salko, N.K. Yegorov. // C.A. USSR №328345
  4. Federal'naya celevaya programma «Promyshlennaya utilizaciya vooruzheniya i voennoy tekhniki na 2011-2015 gody i na period do 2020 goda» (The Federal Target Program «Industrial utilization of weapons and military equipment for the period 2011-2015 and the period»).
UDC 622.235
Paramonov G.P., Head of Department of blasting operation , Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Lisevich V.V., assistant, postgraduate student
Dolzhykov V.V., assistant, postgraduate student.
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University) (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
Derzhavets A.S., Director General, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Brudanin A.I., Deputy Director General.
JSC "Vzryvispytaniya" (Moscow, Russia)

Elimination of ice jams with the help of specialized charges

Keywords: ice jams, SZL, cpecialty ice charge, explosion, Akron-K, surface charge, ice hole, special blasting work.

In article questions of explosive destruction of an ice cover in lower reaches of the rivers are taken up, results of experimental detonation are given. The paper presents invented by CJSC "Vzryvispytaniya" specialized shell ice SZL. Shows the structure and characteristics of the main charge of explosive used Acronym-K. On the basis of the tests proved positive operation charges from the detonator cap. Also empirically tested various combinations of geometric variations spe-cialized charges ice and proved the effectiveness of the charges on the surface in the ice cover.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Timofeeva S.S., Morozova O.V. Riski chrezvychaynykh situatsiy, obuslovlennykh zatorami, i sovremennye tekhnologii ikh minimizatsii // Fundamental'nye issledovaniya.( Risks of emergencies caused by congestion, and modern technology to minimize them // Basic Research.). 2013. No. 1–2. pp. 428-432.
  2. Kutuzov B.N. Bezopasnost' vzryvnykh rabot v gornom dele i promyshlennosti: Uchebnoe posobie. (Security blasting in mining and industry: Textbook.) – M.: Izdatel'stvo «gornaya kniga», Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo gornogo universiteta = Publishing House "book mountain", Publisher of the Moscow State Mining University, 2009. pp. 22-38.
  3. Federal'nye normy i pravila v oblasti promyshlennoy bezopasnosti «Pravila bezopasnosti pri vzryvnykh rabotakh»(Federal rules and regulations in the field of industrial safety "Safety Rules for blasting work"). – SPb.: TsOTPBSPPO, 2014. 272 p.
  4. GOST 2-2003. Selitra ammiachnaya. Tekhnicheskie usloviya (Ammonium nitrate. Technical conditions.)
  5. GOST 305-82. Toplivo dizel'noe. Tekhnicheskie usloviya. (Diesel fuel. Technical conditions.)
  6. TU 7276-010-13242822-2014. Spetsializirovannye zaryady ledovye SZL. (Specialized charges SZL for ice.)
  7. TU 7276-009-13242822-2012. Veshchestvo vzryvchatoe promyshlennoe Akronit-K (Explosive substance of industrial Acronym-K)
UDC 622.813:622,817;541,124,7
Sargsyan G.N., Senior researcher, Candidate of Physical Mathematical Science
Harutyunyan A.B., Deputy Director for Science, Candidate of Chemistry
Institute of Chemical Physic National Academy of Science Republic of Armenia (Yerevan, Armenia)
Isaev I.R., Head, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Lower Volga management of Rostekhnadzor (Volgograd, Russia)

Modelling of the phenomenon of influence boundary modes on intensity of the front of distribution of chain processes in coal mines

Keywords: modeling, concentration profile, chain reactions, border regime, instant point sources, diffusion front, crakes in mine.

In the article develop the concepts about the formation of the active particles front in the diffusion limit of propagation in small volumes (cracks etc.) of coal mines. The results indicate that, if coal dust particles are heated up to 200-300C (even in a cool atmosphere of the mine) due to absorption of radiation present in the mine, the combustion reaction of methane can be initiated in the cracks. By means of modeling the role of cracks surface treatment during the reaction on the front intensity of active particles was investigated. It was found that due to treatment the intensity of reaction front in the center can be increased up to 50%. This is conditioned by the increase of initiation centers on the cross section of the reaction zone volume. It is concluded that cracks and deepening’s filled with a combustible gas + coal + air mixture, can serve as a source of active particles discharge into the mine' volume. This may cause combustion and explosion in the mine.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Sargsyan G.N. Pereraspredelenije energii v srede ugolnoj shaxti kak odna iz prichin vosplamenenija pilevozdushnoj smesi I rojdenija udarnoj volni (Redistribution of energy in the coal mine environment as one of the causes of dust-air mixtures ignition and shock wave appearance). Vzrivnoe Delo = Explosion Technology. 2013. № 110/67. pp. 224 - 232.
  2. Glarborg P., Miller J. A., Kee R. J. Kinetic modeling and Sensitivity of Nitrogen oxide formation in well – stirred reactor// Combustion and Flame.1986. № 65. P. 172 – 203.
  3. Konndratev B.N. Konstanti skorostej gazofaznix reakcij (Rate constants of gas-phase reactions). M.: 1970. 356 p.
  4. Sargsyan G.N. Primenenie teorii diffuzionnogo rasprostranenie frontov v aktivnich gazovix sredach k obrazobaniu frontov aktivnix chastic pri nalichii cepnix reakcij v srede (Application of the theory of diffusion fronts propagation in active gas media to the formation of fronts of active particles at the presence of chain reactions in the medium). Vzrivnoe Delo = Explosion Technology. 2014. № 111.68. pp. 61 - 69.
  5. Tichnov A. N., Samarsky A.A. Uravnenija matematicheskoj fiziki = Equations of mathematical physics. Science, 1977. 73 p.
  6. Sargsyan G.N. Rol geterogennich faktorov v vozbujdenii koncentracionnich abtokolebanij pri okislenii acetaldegida (Role of heterogeneous factors in exitation of concentration auto-oscillations at acetaldehyde oxidation). Doklady nacionalnoj akademii nauk Armenii = Reports of national academy of science of Armenia. 1995. V. 93. № 3. Pp..162 – 167.
  7. Yesayan R.S., Sargsyan G.N. Avtokoleebanija v sisteme CH3CHO+O2 s uchetom geterogennix faktorov (Auto-oscillations in the CH3CHO+O2 system with the account of heterogeneous factors). Sb. Trudov Sipoziuma – Nauka trete tisjachletie = Symposium Yungers – Science Thrid Milenium. 1977. p. I- 43.
  8. Sargsyan G.N. Issledovanie pulsacionnich javlenij pri cepnix gazofaznixh reakcijach okislenija organicheskix soedinenij (Investigation of pulsation phenomena at oxidation chain reactions of organic compounds). Vzrivnoe Delo = Explosion Technology. 2012. № 107/64. pp. 280 - 288.
  9. Lewis A., von Elbe G. Combustion, Flames and Explosion of Gases// N. Y. L.: Acad. Press Inc. 1961. P. 263.
  10. Yerjomin E.N. Osnovi ximicheskoj kinetiki (Fundementals of chemical kinetics) М.: High scool.1976. 375 p.
UDC 539.3
Buravova S.N., Leading researcher, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Petrov E.V., Senior researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science RAS – ISMAN RAS (Chernogolovka, Russia)

Keyworlds: adiabatic shear bands, explosion, deformation, penetration of the projectile, plug, shock wave, unloading wave.

Analysis of projectile penetration into the target with account of interference of lateral unloading waves allowed one to install one of the fundamental laws of shock interaction: penetration of an elongated deformed body is an interrupted process and accompanied by repeated loading pulse compression flux appearing as a result of internal projectile velocity braking. The plugging before the projectile moving is a two-step mechanism. The penetration interrupts after the lateral unloading waves overlap the whole area of the contact and zero pressure is established there. The lateral unloading wave focusing induces longitudinal needlelike cracking. The second penetration stage involves internal penetrator movement braking forming a compression pulse flux which recovers the interrupted penetration process. The interference of the unloading waves which sources are side faces of the penetrator and the needlelike crack, creates a cylindrical high tensile stress zone. At velocities close to the ballistic limit the cylindrical spall damage is an adiabatic shear band (strain localized band) responsible for plugging, as in the zone of unloading wave interference the tensile stress does not reach the dynamic material strength and discontinuity does not occur. Increasing the impact velocity over ballistic limit is accompanied by formation of new longitudinal circular cracks breaking down the previously formed plug.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Zukas J. A., Nicholas T., Swift H. F., Greszczuk L. B., Curran D.R. ”Impact Dynamics” // A wiley-Interrscience. New York, 1982. 296 p.
  2. Wright T. W. The physics and mathematics of adiabatic shear bands // Cambridge: University Press, 2002. 240 p.
  3. Awerbuch J., Bodner S. R. Experimental investigation of normal perforation of projectiles in metallic plates // Scientific Report № 4, Israel Institute of Technology. 1973. pp.1-30.
  4. Raftenberg M. N. A shear banding model for penetration calculation // Army Research Laboratory, ARL–TR–2221. 2000. pp. 1–23.
  5. Belikova A. F., Buravova S. N., Gordopolov Yu. A. Lokalizacija deformacii i svjaz' ee s deformirovannym sostojaniem materiala (Strain localization and its connection with the deformed state of the material). Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoj Fiziki = Technical Physics. 2013. vol. 83. № 2. pp. 153–156.
  6. Belikova A. F., Buravova S. N., Petrov E. V. Lokalizacija deformacii pri dinamicheskih nagruzkah (Strain localization under dynamic loading). Zhurrnal Tekhnicheskoj Fiziki = Technical Physics. 2013. vol. 83. № 8. pp. 68–75.
  7. Buravova S. N. Jetjudy na temu lokalizacii dinamicheskoj deformacii: monografija (Study on the strain dynamic localization: monograph). Palmarium Academic Publishing. 2014. 140 p.
  8. Buravova S. N., Goncharov A. A., Kiselev Yu. N. Surface damage under dynamic loading // Tribology International. 1996. vol. 29. № 5. pp. 357–363.
  9. Buravova S. N., Gordopolov Yu. A. Cavitation erosion as a kind of dynamic damage // Int. Journal of Fracture. 2011. vol. 170. pp. 83–93.
  10. Barker L. M., Hollenbach R. E. Shock wave study of the α↔ε phase transition in iron // Journal of Applied Physics. 1974. vol. 45. issue 11. pp. 4872–4887.
UDC 622.235
Merkulov A.A., Director General, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Shepel K.Ju., Researcher associate
JSC "VNIPIvzryvgeofizika" (Ramenskoe, Moscow region, Russia)

Technique and technology pulse impact onthe near-welbore formation zone based high-energetic condensed systems

Keywords: pulse method, well, near-well region of the reservoir, gas generating device, reservoir, perforating, pressure pulse, crack, explosive materials, termogazohimicheskoe impact, charge, productivity.

The paper provides an overview of existing gas generating devices based on pulse method effects on near-well region of the reservoir, including the construction of modern powder pressure generator type PGD.BK. Showing two major technological schemes which are being implemented pulse stimulation methods, using examined in the downhole gas generating devices. Describes the theoretical model termogazohimicheskogo impact on the formation. Shows the advantages and disadvantages of pulsed methods of influencing the near-well region of the producing formation using downhole gas generating solid-fuel devices. Conclusions are drawn on advantages of pulse methods of impact on a bottomhole zone of layer with use of the borehole solid propellant gas-generating devices.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Belin V.A., Gribanov N.I., Shilov A.A., Pelyh N.M. Metody razrushenija plasta-kollektora jenergiej gorenija jenergeticheskih kondensirovannyh sistem (Methods of destruction of reservoir energy combustion of energetic condensed systems): Uchebnoe posobie = Textbook . – М.; MGTU, 2011. – 213 p.
  2. Gajvoronskij I.N. Sostojanie i perspektivy razvitija metodov in-tensifikacii neftepritokov v neftjanyh i gazovyh skvazhinah vzryvnymi i mpul'snymi metodami (Status and prospects of development of methods of intensification of water influxes in oil and gas wells explosive pulse methods) // NTV «Karotagnik» - Tver: GERS. 1998 No.43. pp.40-46.
  3. Perechen' vzryvchatyh materialov, oborudovanija i priborov vzryvnogo dela, dopushhennyh k primeneniju v Rossijskoj Federacii. Serija 13. Vypusk 2, 2-u izdanie / Koll. avt. – M.: ZAO «Nauchno-tehnicheskij centr issledovanij problem promyshlennoj bezopasnosti», 2013. – 64 p.
  4. Beljaev B.M., Sanasarjan N.S., Uluncev Ju.G., Gribanov N.I. et al.Instrukcija po primeneniju porohovyh generatorov davlenija PGD.BK v skvazhinah (Instrukciya po primeneniu porohovuh generatorov davleniya PGD.BK v skvaginah). – VIEMS, 1989. – 68 p.
  5. Gribanov N.I., Sanasarjan N.S., Sliozberg R.A. Tehnika i tehnologija intensifikacii pritokov iz skvazhin (Engineering and technology stimulation of wells) // V sb. Prostrelochno-vzryvnye i impul'snye vidy rabot v skvazhinah. – М.: VIEMS, 1989. pp.166-174.
  6. Duvanov A.M., Gayvoronskiy I.N., Mihailov А.А., Chelushev V.P., Shkitkin B.V. Metodu intensifikacii pritokov v neftianuh i gasovuh skvaginah c ispolzovaniem energii vzruva i goreniya vzruvchatuh materialov (Methods of stimulation in the oil and gas wells using the energy of the explosion and burning of explosives) / Regional'naja i morskaja geofizika; metody poiskov i razvedki mestorozhdenij poleznyh iskopaemyh: Obzor. - M.: VNII jekon.miner.syr'ja i geol.-razved.rabot. VIEMS, 1990 – 34p.
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  9. A.s. 912918, MKI E 21 V 43/26. Sposob razryva plasta porohovymi gazami (A method of fracturing powder gases) / Beljaev B.M., Korolev I.P., Pozdnjakov V.F., Sanasarjan N.S., Sliozberg R.A., Usik V.A.. - № 2966505/22-03.
  10. A.s. 933959 SSSR. MKI E 21 V 43/26. Porohovoj generator davlenija dlja skvazhin (Powder pressure generator for wells) / Beljaev B.M., Sliozberg R.A., Kuleshov Ju.N., Orlov G.I., Komarov V.F.. № 3000924/22-03.
  11. Instrukciya po ekspluatacii porohovuh generatorov davleniya PGD.BK v skvaginah (Instructions for use of powder pressure generators PGD.BK wells) / ОАО « VNIPIvzryvgeofizika ». – М., 1989.- 80 p.
  12. WORLD OIL. - 1984. - Vol.198, No. 6.
  13. Garifov K.M., Maksutov P.A. Issledovanie kolebanija davlenija v skvazhine pri gorenii v nej porohovogo zarjada (Investigation of pressure fluctuations in the well during the combustion of gunpowder charge therein). М., - Dep. vo VNIIOENG, - 1980, - No 661.
  14. Jakimov S.V., Margulis A.S. Harakteristiki fizicheskih processov pri termogazohimicheskom vozdejstvii (Characteristics of physical processes at termogazohimicheskom impact) // Neftyanoe hozyaistvo = oil industry journal. - 1981 - No 2 - pp.44-46.
  15. Jakimov S.V., Margulis A.S., Fat'kina T.P., Bal'dekov A.U., Vasileva E.B. Obobshhenie rezul'tatov primenenija TGHV v dobyvajushhih skvazhinah (Generalization of the results of applying TGHV in producing wells) // Neftyanoe hozyaistvo = oil industry journal. - 1983 – No. 4
UDC 622.235+622.276
Merkulov A.A., Director General, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Shepel K.Ju., Researcher associate
JSC "VNIPIvzryvgeofizika" (Ramenskoe, Moscow region, Russia)

Rationale of the development and main characteristics technical equipment pulse impact on the near-wellbore formation zone

Keywords: pulse method, gas-dynamic impact, well, near-well region of the reservoir, reservoir, perforation, pressure pulse, crack, explosive materials, charge, productivity.

The paper describes the process of gas-dynamic fracturing based on base the complex technology of pulse impact on near-well zone of the formation. Showing the stages of impacts to the bottomhole formation zone at high gradients of pressure rise. Presented substantiation of the formation and propagation of cracks in the rock mass at the gas-dynamic fracturing based on fracture criteria perfectly elastic isotropic material.It is shown that under symmetric loading of the body (elastic isotropic rock) retains the original linear crack propagation direction. When pulsed action on bottomhole formation zone with using VEKS, that working in normal mode burning the layers, distribution (increase) of the vertical cracks occur under the effect of pressure working fluid penetrating from the wellbore into the reservoir.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Barenblatt G.I. O ravnovesnyh treshhinah, obrazujushhihsja pri hrupkom razrushenii (About equilibrium cracks formed in brittle fracture). – PММ, 1959.- Т.ХХIII. – No.3. – pp.434-444, - No.4. - pp.702-721, - No.5. – pp.893-900.
  2. Gajvoronskij I.N. Perspektivy razvitija vzryvnyh metodov po-vyshenija proizvoditel'nosti neftegazovyh skvazhin (Prospects for the development of explosive techniques to enhance productivity of oil and gas wells) / Sbornik: Intensifikacija i vosstanovlenie neftjanyh skvazhin s pomoshh'ju kondensirovannyh jenergeticheskih sistem / Sbornik: Intensifikaciya I vosstanovlenie neftyanuh I gasovuh skvagin s pomosh’u kondensirovannuh energeticheskih system – Materialu nauchnuh sovetov RAN и ТPP RF – pod red. akad. RAN Gukova B.P. i akad. RAN Frolova K.V. – М.: 1993.- pp.10-12.
  3. Koljasov S.M., Kroshhenko V.D., Chelyshev V.P. et al. Malovjazkie gorjuche-okislitel'nye sostavy dlja obrabotki produktivnyh plastov v celjah povyshenija proizvoditel'nosti skvazhin (Low-viscosity fuel and oxidizing compositions for the treatment of productive formations in order to increase the productivity of wells). // V sb. Prostrelochno-vzryvnye i impul'snye vidy rabot v skvazhinah. – М.: VIEMS, 1989. – pp. 82-94.
  4. Lebedinec N.P. Izuchenie i razrabotka neftjanyh mestorozhdenij s treshhinovatymi porodami (Study and development of oil fields with fractured rocks). – М.: Nedra, 1997. – 396 p.
  5. Matvienko Ju.G. Modeli i kriterii mehaniki razrushenija (Model and criteria of fracture mechanics). – М.: FIZMATLIT, 2006 – 328 p.
  6. Morozov N.F. Matematicheskie voprosy teorii treshhin (Mathematical questions theory of cracks). – М.: Nauka. Glavnaya redakciya fiziko-matematicheskoi literaturu, 1984 – 256 p.
  7. Novozhilov V.V. K osnovam teorii ravnovesnyh treshhin v uprugih telah (By the foundations of the theory of equilibrium cracks in elastic bodies). // PММ. 1969. Т. 33. Vup. 5. pp. 797-812.
  8. Novozhilov V.V. O neobhodimom i dostatochnom kriterii hrupkoj prochnosti (About necessary and sufficient criteria for brittle strength). – PММ, 1969. – Vup.2 - pp. 212-222.
  9. Sliozberg R.A., Sanasarjan N.S., Shkitkin B.V. Sostoyanie i perspektivu razvitiya metodov dobuchi nefti i gasa s ispolzovaniem energii goreniya porokhovuh system (Status and prospects of development of methods of oil and gas using energy burning propellant systems). Sbornik: Intensifikacija i vosstanovlenie neftjanyh skvazhin s pomoshh'ju kondensirovannyh jenergeticheskih sistem – Materialu nauchnuh sovetov RAN и ТPP RF – pod red. akad. RAN Gukova B.P. i akad. RAN Frolova K.V. – М.: 1993 - pp. 30-39.
  10. Phisika vzruva (Physics of explosion) / pod red. Orlenko L.P. – Izd. 3, ispr. – V 2t. Т.1. – М.: FIZMATLIT, 2004 – 832 p.
  11. Shherbina K.G., Zubkov E.F., Lipinskij V.Ju. et al. Vusokoenergeticheskoe vozdeistvie na plastu s trudnoizvlekaemumi i vusokovyazkimi neftiami (High-energy impact on the reservoir with hard and high-viscosity oil) // Neftyanoe hozyaistvo = oil industry journal. – 2000. – No. 4. pp. 30-32.
  12. Historical and technical perspectives. Joe Haney, HTH Technical Services, Inc., John Schatz, John F. Schatz Research & Consulting. Inc. / StimGan Technology. – рр. 15 – 19.
UDC 624.152.5 + 624.131
Togliatti State University, Architecture and Construction Institute (Togliatti, Russia)
Borosenetz L.M., Professor of the department “Industrial and civil construction”, Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Geotechnology and the theory of explosive pressure in cylindrical chambers of hole-forming equipement with the variable volume and in the camouflet cavities

Keywords: geotechnology, hole-forming equipement, chamber, variable volume, camouflet cavity, explosive, explosive pressure, calculation.

The article presents results of complex theoretical and experimental research of the basic aproaches in geotechnology soil-extrusive hole-forming wells in the grounds of piles, which given the notion of process "soil-extrusive replacement of soil", shows how geotechnology soil-extrusive hole-forming wells with a machine-equipement; theory of explosive pressure volume camera explosives equal to the volume of an explosive charge in the amount of labor camera equipement an increase in bands associated camouflet; methods of calculation of the pressure of the explosion product in cylindrical chambers of explosive chemical energy ammunition soil-extrusive hole-forming equipement with the variable volume and in the camouflet cavities.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Borozenets L.M. Sposob opredeleniya davleniya v kamerah vzryivaniya (Method of determining the pressure in the detonation chambers) / L.M. Borozenets // Inf. listok TsNTI. – Vladimir, 1987. – NTD – 87-19. – 4 р.
  2. Borozenets L.M. Yavlenie fizicheskogo vzryiva pri kamufletah (The physical phenomenon of an explosion by camouflet) / L.M. Borozenets // Inf. listok TsNTI. – Vladimir, 1991. – NTD – 91-53. – 4 р.
  3. Fen D. Mashinyi, energiya, entropiya (Machines, energy, entropy) / D. Fen // Perevod s angl. pod red. Yu.G. Rudogo. – M., : Mir, 1986. – 333 р.
  4. Spravochnik po elementarnoy himii (Handbook of elementary chemistry) / Podobsch. red. A.T. Pilipenko. – Kiev, : Naukova dumka, 1977. – . 544 р.
  5. Spravochnik po burovzryivnyim rabotam (Handbook for blasting work) / M.F. Drukovanyiy, L.V. Dubnov, E.O. Mendeli i dr. – M., : Nedra, 1976. – 631 р.
  6. Kuhling H. Spravochnik po fizike (Handbook of physics) / H. Kuhling // Perevod s nemets.pod red. E.M. Leykinoy. – M., : Mir, 1982. – 519 р.
  7. Laboratornyie i prakticheskie rabotyi po razrusheniyu gornyih porod vzryivom (Laboratory and practical work on the destruction of rocks by explosion) / Pod red. B.N. Kutuzova. – M., : Nedra, 1981. – 255 р.
  8. Demchuk A. F. Odin metod raschYota vzryivnyih kamer (One method of calculating the blasting chamber) / A. F. Demchuk // Prikladnaya mehanika i tehnicheskaya fizika. - 1968. – 5. - рр. 47-50.

Section 5. Ecology and safety during blasting operations
UDC 622.235
Ganopolskiy M.I., technical Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
"CPESSL BVR" (Moscow, Russia)
Pupkov V.V., Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Nenachov I.A., Head of group tests of explosive materials
Fomenkova V.E., Leading expert
"Promtechvzryv" (Moscow, Russia)

Rationale for seismically safe blasting conditions

Keywords: safety of blasting, mass explosion, seismic vibrations, velocity of ground vibrations, the technical condition of the protected object, safe distance.

The article examines Russia's current regulations (Safety regulations for blasting, Technical rules of blasting, GOST R 54257-2010, Guidance RB G-05-039-96 and RTM 36.22-91 and etc.), on the basis of which produce the selection of the permissible speed fluctuations for various protected sites (buildings, structures, operating equipment) to ensure safe production conditions of blasting in mines and in construction. Considered selection criteria permissible speed fluctuations in the explosions used in the standards of UK, Germany, Norway and the USA. It is shown that complex selection criteria permissible speed fluctuations on the basis of the results of the preliminary survey of the actual state of the protected object and based on the properties of soil in its Foundation, is the most objective, and provides greater safety blasting works.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Federalnye normy i pravila v oblasty promyshlennoji besopasnosty. Pravila besopasnosty pri vsryvnykh rabotakh. Sbornik dokumentov. Srija 13. Vypusk 14 (Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety. Safety regulations for blasting. Collection of documents. Series 13. Vol.14). Moscow : ZAO «Scientific and technical centre for the study of industrial safety», 2014. - 332 p.
  2. Tekhnicheskie pravila vedenija vsryvnykh rabot na dnevnoy poverkhnosty (Technical rules of blasting on the surface). Moscow : Nedra, 1972. - 240 p.
  3. Tekhnicheskie pravila vedenija vsryvnykh rabot v energeticheskom stroitelstve (Technical rules for the conduct of blasting operations in the energy construction). Moscow : AO «Institut Gidroproekt», 1997. - 232 p.
  4. Rukovodstvo po analisu opasnosti avariynykh vsryvov i opredeleniju parametrov ikh mekhanicheskogo vosdeystvija. RB G-05-039-96. Normativniy document (Guidance to hazard analysis emergency explosions and defining the parameters of their mechanical action. RB G-05-039-96. Normative document). Moscow : STC for NRS of Gosatomnadzor of Russia, 2000. – 45 p.
  5. Opredelenie kriticheskikh parametrov kolebaniji okhranjaemykh objektov pri vsryvnom droblenii fundamentov i obrushenii sdaniji pri rekonstrukcii. RTM 36.22-91 (The determination of the critical parameters of the oscillations of protected objects with explosive crushing foundations and collapse of buildings during reconstruction. RTM 36.22-91). Moscow : CBNTI MMSS USSR, 1991. - 17 p.
  6. Rukovodstvo po proektirovaniju i proisvodstvu vsryvnykh rabot pri rekonstrukcii promyshlennykh predprijatiji i grazhdanskikh sooruzheniji. RTM 36.9-88 (Guidance on the design and manufacture of blasting during the re-construction of industrial enterprises and civil structures. RTM 36.9-88). Moscow : CBNTI MMSS USSR, 1988. - 37 p.
  7. Sadovskiy M.A. Ocenka sejismicheski opasnykh son pri vsryvakh (Evaluation of seismically dangerous zones in the explosions). V kn.: M.A. Sadovskiy. Isbrannye trudy: Geofisika i fisika vsryva = In the book: Selected works: Geophysics and Physics of Explosion. Moscow : Nauka, 2004, pp. 92-103.
  8. Mosinez V.N. Drobjashchee i sejismicheskoe dejistvie vsryva v gornykh porodakh (Crushing and seismic action explosion in rocks). Moscow : Nedra, 1976. - 271 p.
  9. Ceitlin Ja.I., Smoliy N.I. Sejismicheskie i udarnye vosdushnye volny promyshlennykh vsryvov (Seismic and air shock wave of industrial explosions). Moscow : Nedra, 1981. - 192 p.
  10. Bogazkiy V.F., Pergament V.H. Sejismicheskaja besopasnost pri vsryvnykh rabotakh (Seismic safety for blasting). Moscow : Nedra, 1978. - 128 p.
  11. Ganopolskiy M.I., Baron V.L., Belin V.A. et al. Metody vedenija vsryvnykh rabot. Specialnye vsryvnye raboty: Uchebnoe posobie (Methods of blasting. Special blasting: Study guide). Moscow : Publisher MGGU, 2007. - 563 p.
  12. Kutuzov B.N. Besopasnost vsryvnykh rabot v gornom dele i promishlennosti: Uchebnoe posobie (Safety of blasting in mining and industry: Study guide). Moscow : Publisher Mining book, 2009. - 670 s.
  13. GOST R 52892-2007. Vibracija i udar. Vibracija sdaniy. Ismerenie vibracii i ocenka ee vosdejistvija na konstrukciju (Vibration and shock. Vibration of buildings. Measurement of vibration and evaluation of its effects on structure). Moscow : Standartinform, 2008. - 21 p.
  14. Sovmen V.K., Kutuzov B.N., Marjasov A.L. et al. Sejismicheskaja besopasnost pri vsryvnykh rabotakh: Uchebnoe posobie (Seismic safety for blasting: Study guide). Moscow : Publisher Mining book, 2012. - 228 p.
  15. SNiP 2.01.07-85*. Nagruski i vosdejistvija (Load and impact. Moscow: USSR state Committee for construction). Moscow : Gosstroy USSR, 1985. - 58 p.
  16. Gradostroitelnyji kodeks Rossijiskoji Federacii (The town-planning code of the Russian Federation). Moscow : Eksmo, 2015. - 205 p.
  17. Tekhnicheskiji reglament o besopasnosti sdaniji i soorugeniji (Technical regulations on safety of buildings and structures: federal Law Of The Russian Federation as of December 30, 2009, No. 384-FZ; adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2009; approved by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2009) // Russian Gazette. - 2009. - December 31.
  18. GOST R 54257-2010. Nadegnost stroitelnykh konstrukciji i osnovaniji. Osnovnye pologenija i trebovanija (Reliability of the constructions and foundations. Basic principles and requirements). Moscow: Standartinform, 2011. - 15 p.
UDC 622.235
Kulikov V.I., Leading researcher, Candidate of Phys-math Sciences
Institute of Geospheres Dynamics of Russian Academy of Sciences – IGD RAS (Moscow, Russia)
Dmitriev A.Yu., Vice-head engineer
"SMU-5 Moscow Metro Construction" (Moscow, Russia)
Galushko F.I., Technical services manager
Orica mining services (Moscow, Russia)

Seismic action bev with elrctronic initiation

Keywords: seismic waves, accelerograms, velosigrams, short-delay firing, electronic initiation, alone hole explosion.

The results of field studies of the seismic action BEW on underground mine workings. Registration of seismic waves was carried out as in mines, and on the surface. It is obtained the parameters of seismic waves, the degree of attenuation of seismic waves and the seismic coefficient for the near zone, in which the maximum acceleration reaches 20g, the maximum velocity - 0.2 m / s. The paper demonstrates the shortcomings technology with the use of electric detonators and demonstrates the benefits of using the electronic system of initiation I-KON, which allowed us to realize alone hole explosion with the lowest possible seismic action.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Belin V.A., Gorbonos M.G., Mangush S.K., Jekvist B.V. New Technologies of Conducting Explosive Works // Mining informational and analytical Bulletin. 2015. № OB1. p. 87-102.
  2. Ekwist B.V., Girich I.B. Effects of explosions using not electric initiation system // Vzrivnoe delo. 2014. Vol. 112/69. p. 243-250.
  3. Grishin A.N., Polyankin G.N., Anoshenko D.A. Vnedrenie innovazionnih tehnologii BVR pri stroitelstve podzemnih soorushenii. (Introduction of innovative technologies in the construction of underground drilling and blasting works) // Metro and tunnels. 2013. № 2. p.34-35.
  4. Tehnicheskie pravila vedenija vzrivnih rabot v energeticheskom stroitelstve. (Technical rules of blasting in the energy construction). Edishen of Institute Gidroproect. 1997. 232 p.
  5. Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo po ozenke seismicheskogo deistvija massovih vzrivov na gornie virabotki. (Methodological guidance for estimating mass explosion seismic action on mine workings). Edishen of NIIKMA. 1984. 32 p.
  6. Zeitlin Ya.I., Smolii N.I. Seismicheskie i udarnie vozdushnie volni promishlennih vzrivov. (Seismic and shock air waves of industrial explosions). Edishen of Nedra. 1981. 192 p.
  7. Adushkin A.V., Goncharov A.I., Kulikov V.I. Ozenka optimalnih parametrov KZV na kareerah KMA. (Estimation of optimal parameters of KZE in quarries KMA) // Geophysical processes in the upper and lower shells of the Earth. Coll. scientific papers IDG RAS. 2003. book 2. p. 213-216.
UDC 622.235
Shubin G.V., Аssociate professor, Нead of the department of the open cast mining, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Zarovnyaev B.N., Director of Mining Institute, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Northeast federal university (Yakutsk, Russia)
Bondarenko I.F., Scientific secretary of institute, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Khon V.I., Head sector of rock destruction
Institute "Yakutniproalmaz" JSC "ALROSA" (Mirnyi, Russia)

Engineering measures safety explosive destruction rocks on stage modifications superdeep quarry "Ydachniy"

Keywords: pit, engineering calculations, monitoring, soil fluctuation speed, class, dynamic influence, seismic center, mass explosion, charge.

Manufacturing blasting improvements in the conditions of super-deep quarry "Udachny" requires a series of engineering measures aimed at ensuring compliance with design solutions to achieve an acceptable quality rock crushing and mining safety. Depending on the specific mine technical situation a number of practical tasks were solved. With the help of engineering calculations, determined allowable charge exploded simultaneously in the management of drilling and blasting operations near the portals of tunnels. Based on these results it is concluded about the safety of the dynamic impact of rocks for underground workings at career options used to drilling and blasting operations. The dependence of the size of the seismic source mass explosions in the quarry "Ydachniy" on quantity of the explosive charge. Experimental determination of the coefficient of proportionality, appropriate soil conditions and method of detonation in the near field of blasting.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Aleksandrov I.N., Shmyrko A.N., Shubin G.V., Kiriushin D.I. Development of a monitoring system for safe mining operations in a career "Udachny" // Mining information-analytical bulletin. - 2003. – No. 5. - р. 251-259.
  2. Alexandrov I.N., G.V. Shubin, Kiriushin D.I. Improving the safety of mining operations on the ultradeep career "Udachny". // Mining information-analytical bulletin. - 2003. – No. 4. - p. 70-73.
  3. Aleksandrov I.N., Shmyrko A.N., Shubin G.V., Kiriushin D.I. Creating a safe environment in ultradeep mining quarries of Yakutia, Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2005. – р. 180.
  4. Shubin G.V, Zarovnyaev B.N., Kurilko A.S., Sleptcov V.I. Investigation of the process drawdown of upper edge of bench "Udachny" // Problems and efficient mining of diamond deposits: International scientific-practical conference: a book of reports.- Nauka, Novosibirsk, 2011.-p.32-35.
  5. Shubin G.V., Zarovnyaev B.N., Sorokin V.S., Kiriushin D.I., Federyaev O.V. Analysis and systematization of various disorders in the survey ledges and slopes of berms of pit walls "Udachny" // Mining information-analytical bulletin. - 2011. – No. 4. - p. 79-83.
  6. Shubin G.V., Zarovnyaev B.N., Sorokin V.S. Monitoring the safe state of slopes and berms of pit walls in "Udachny." // Mining information-analytical bulletin. - 2011. - № 11. - P.314-320.
  7. Shubin G.V., Alexandrov I.N., Kiriushin D.I., Zarovnyaev B.N. Instrumental control of relative deformations of displacements cracks in career "Udachny" // Mining information-analytical bulletin. - 2003. – No. 6. - p. 20-23.
  8. Shubin G.V., Alexandrov I.N., Kiriushin D.I. Features of the dynamics of relative deformations of cracks in career "Udachny" // Mining information-analytical bulletin. - 2004. - No 5. - р. 95-98.
  9. Alexandrov I.N., G.V. Shubin, Zemskov V.V. Evaluation of the relative displacement of fracture strain on local career sites "Udachny" // Mining information-analytical bulletin. - 2005. - No 5. - p. 87-92.
  10. Chernykh E.N, Alexandrov I.N., G.V. Shubin, Kiriushin D.I. Experimental evaluation of the effect of mass explosions on the state of development of industrial facilities underground site using seismic methods: tube "Udachnaya" // Mining information-analytical bulletin. - 2005 - Vol. 1 .: Regional Supplement Yakutia. - р. 239-249.
  11. Alexandrov I.N., Shubin G.V., Neustroev A.N., Chernykh E.N.. Seismic impact of explosions in the galleries of mine "Udachny" on the state of the objects OPPU // Seismicity of Southern Yakutia region and adjacent areas: Proceedings of Scientific conference. - Neryungri, 2005. - р. 166 - 171.
  12. Pavlenov V.A., Chernykh E.N., Alexandrov I.N., Hon V.I. Experimental studies of the seismic impact of blasting on the mountain structures and protected objects in a diamond mining industry // Modern geodynamics and dangerous natural processes in Central Asia. Issue 3. Materials of National Conference (Irkutsk, Institute of the Earth's Crust, September 20-23, 2005). - p. 348-351.
  13. Avdeev F.A., Baron V.L. and others. Technical rules of blasting on the surface. - M .: "Nedra", 1972
  14. Zeitlin Y.N, Smolin N.I. Seismic and shock air waves of industrial explosions. - M .: Nedra, 1981. - 192 p.
  15. Sadovsky M.A. Determination of the simplest methods of seismic hazard massive explosions. - Publication of the USSR Academy of Mining, 1962
  16. Mosinets V.N. Blunt and seismic effects of the explosion in the rocks. M .: "Nedra", 1976. – р. 271

Section 6. Information, chronicle
70 years of the Great Victory - May 9 greetings398-400
To the 80th anniversary of Derzhavets Abram Semenovich401-402
To the 65th anniversary of Sosnin Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich403-405
To the 60th anniversary of Zaharov Valeriy Nikolaevich406-407
Borodin Vladimir Petrovich - necrology408-409
Publishing house of the N.E. Zhukovsky Academy

Exclusive Edition "Explosives. Chemistry. Formulations. Safety" (A.A.Dobrynin)

JSC “Interdepartmental commission on explosion science within the Academy of mining science”

Automatic system for explosion suppression and localization "ASVP-LV.1M"

Information of National organization of engineers-explosers412-416

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