"Explosion technology"— scientific and technical journal

Journal was founded in 1922 by a group of engineers. In Russia and the CIS "Explosion technology" is the only one peer-reviewed specialized periodical in the field of blasting.

Issue 116/73 (2016)

Theory and practice of blasting work

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Section 1. Researches of the rocks destruction process
UDC 622.235
S.D. Viktorov, Deputy Director of the Institute, Prof, Dr. of Technical Sciences
N.N. Kazakov, Leading researcher, Dr. of Technical Sciences
A.V. Shlyapin, Senior researcher, Ph.D of Technical Sciences
(Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)

Influence of upper zone regulated by crushing out oversize the career the unit

Keywords: granulometric composition, oversized output, phase of the explosion process, category fracturing, crushing rocks, the thickness of the top layer

The article describes the method for calculating the size of pieces of rock in the upper layer of the ledge in the explosion of a borehole charge. The top layer is the main supplier of major factions in the quarries. The study of patterns of crushing rocks in this layer is of great scientific and practical interest. Calculation method takes into account the category of fractured rocks and destructive effect kamuflet, wave and quasi-static phase of the process and a thickness of the upper layer ledge.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V. Crushing rock explosion in the upper ledge career, subject to fracture rock. A collection of «blasting». 2012. № 114/71. pp. 56-70.
  2. Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I. N. Geometrical parameters the zone camouflet at explosion the charge chink In career. A collection of «blasting». 2012. № 108/65. pp. 8-15.
  3. Rakishev B.R. Rakisheva Z.B. Auezova A.M. Kuttibaev A.E. Analiticheskoe opredelenie granulometricheskogo sostava vzorvannoi gornoi massi pri skvajinnih zaryadah drobleniya (Analytical determination of the granulometric composition of blasted rock at the borehole crushing charges). Sbornik «Vzryivnoe delo» = A collection of «blasting». 2015. № 113/70. pp. 6-29.
  4. Kutuzov B.N. Metodi vedeniya vzrivnih rabot. (Methods of blasting). Chast 1. Razrushenie gornih porod vzrivom = Part 1. The destruction of rocks by explosion. 2009. p. 472.
  5. Kutuzov B.N. Metodi vedeniya vzrivnih rabot. (Methods of blasting). Chast 2 Vzrivnie raboti v gornom dele i promishlennosti = Part 2 Blasting operations in mining and industry. 2011. p. 511.
  6. Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Energiya v kamufletnoi zone pri vzrive skvajinnogo zaryada konechnoi dlini (Energy to camouflage the area during the explosion of the borehole charge of finite length). Sbornik «Vzryivnoe delo» = A collection of «blasting». 2013. №109/66. pp. 62-72.
  7. Kazakov N.N., Lapikov I.N. Parametryi protsessa kvazistaticheskogo deystviya vzryiva zaryada konechnoy dlinyi (The quasistatic parameters of the process steps of the explosion of the charge of nite length). Gornyiy informatsionno-analiticheskiy byulleten. Otdelnyiy vyipusk = Mining information and analytical Bulletin. Special release. 2014. №1. pp. 96-106.
  8. Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V. Rock crushing by the quasistatic phast jfexplosion in the top part of the blasthole. Sbornik «Vzryivnoe delo» = A collection of «blasting». 2013. №113/70. pp. 20-29.
  9. Zharikov I. F. Influence of boundary conditions jn quality jf crushing jf the blown up massif. Sbornik «Vzryivnoe delo» = A collection of «blasting». 2013. №113/70. pp. 83-95.
  10. Paramonov G.P.. Ishejskij V.A., Kovalevskij V.N. The numerical parameters of the stress wave jn the border radiation. Sbornik «Vzryivnoe delo» = A collection of «blasting». 2013. №113/70. pp. 108-117.
  11. Sanchidrian J.A., Segarra P., Lopez L.M., 2007 (Energy components of rock blasting). International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 44(1):130–147.
  12. Whittles D.N., Kingman S., Lowndes I., & Jackson K. (2006). Kf, (Laboratory and numerical investigation into the characteristics of rock fragmentation). Minerals Engineering, 19(14), 1418–1429. (Лабораторные и численные исследования характеристик грансостава горной массы).
  13. Wang J.A., Park H.D. (2001). Comprehensive prediction of rockburst based on analysis of strain energy in rocks). Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 16(1), 49–57.
  14. Hjelmberg H. 1983. (Some ideas on how to improve calculations of the fragment size distribution in bench blasting). In: First International Symposium on rock fragmentation by blasting. Lulea Sweden, Lulea University of Technology, p. 469-494.
  15. Hudaverdi T., Kulatilake P.H.S.W. & Kuzu C. 2010. (Prediction of blast fragmentation using multivariate analysis procedures). Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech, Wiley Online Library, DOI: 10.1002/nag. 9.
UDC 622.235
A.N. Kochanov, senior scientific. researcher, Cand. tech. Sciences
(IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)

Estimation of parameters of cavity and radial cracks in the explosion in rocks

Keywords: explosion, the cavity, crack, rocks, parameters, experiment, mechanism

Discusses the development of cavity and radial cracks in the explosion in rocks. Experimental studies on the estimation of the cavity size depending on the charge energy. For samples of the granite was experimentally determined area sizes of the radial cracks. The analysis and evaluation of the cavity and radial cracks in the explosion for different rocks. The assumptions about the possible mechanism of explosive destruction of rocks. The importance of the gas factor in the process of explosive destruction.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Rodionov V.N. Issledovanie razvitiya polosti pri kamufletnom vzrive/ Vzrivnoe delo. 1974. № 64/21. – S.5-25
  2. Sadowsky M.A., Adushkin V.V., Spivak A.A. O razmerezon neobratimogo deformirovania pri vzryve v blochnoy sred. V sbornike Mechanicheskoe dejstvie vzryva. Moskva. Izdatelstvo Instituta dinamiki geosfer = Moscow. Publishing House of Institute of Geosphere Dynamics RAS. 1994.
  3. Sing P.K. Rock fragmentation by explosives: An overviev// Braunkohle – Surface Mining. 2000. 4. – P.401-407.
  4. Shemyakin E.I., Kochanov A.N. O razrushenii gornih porod v blijnei zone podzemnogo vzriva// Razvitie teorii razrusheniya gornih porod vzrivom. Vzrivnoe delo. 1999. № 92/49. M. – S.7- 19.
  5. Belyackii V.P. Issledovanie razvitiya polosti i parametri ee energoobmena s porodoi pri vzrive cilindricheskogo zaryada VV/ sb. Novie issledovaniya v gornom dele. Nauchnie trudi Leningradskii gornii institute. Leningrad. 1972. vip.5. – S. 45-49.
  6. Borovikov V.A. Razvitie gazovoi polosti pri vzrive cilindricheskogo zaryada v gornoi porode/ Journal of Mining Sciences, 1980. – №6
  7. Shemyakin E.I. Rasshirenie gazovoi polosti v nesjimaemoi uprugo-plasticheskoi srede/ Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physic, 1961.№5. S.91-99.
  8. Rakishev B.R, Rakisheva Z.B., Auezova A.M. Skorosti i vremya rasshireniya cilindricheskoi vzrivnoi polosti v massive porod/ Vzrivnoe delo, №111/68. M.: IPKON RAN, 2014. – S.3-17.
  9. Komir V.M., Kravcov V.S., Myachina N.M. Modelirovanie razrushayuschego deistviya v gornih porodah. M.: Nauka, 1972. – 216 s.
  10. Kochanov A.N. Analiz strukturi mikro- i makrotreschin pri dinamicheskom razrushenii gornih porod // Fundamentalnie i prikladnie voprosi gornih nauk. 2015. №2. S. 317-321.
  11. Yurevich G.G., Trofimov V.D. Gornaya geomehanika glubinnih vzrivov. M.: Nedra,1980. – 156 s.
  12. Odintsev V.N. Otrivnoe razrushenie massiva skalnih gornih porod. – M.: IPKON RAN, 1996. – 166 s.
  13. Nikitin L.V., Odintsev V.N. A dilatancy model of tensile macrocracks in compressed rock // Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials &Structures. 1999. Vol.22. N11. – P.1003-1009.
  14. Adushkin V.V., Spivak A.A. Geomehanika krupnomasshtabnih vzrivov. – M.: Nedra, 1993. – 319 s.
UDC 622.271:622.277.6 (047.31)
S.V. Ilagin, doctor. tech. Sciences, Professor
A.U. Norov, graduate student
(MGGRU (Russia, Moscow)
T.M. Yakshibaev, engineer of the mining Bureau of Central research laboratory
(NMMC (Navoi, Uzbekistan)

Definition of radius of zones of fracturing of rock mass in camouflet explosion

Keywords: explosion, rock, law, theory of elasticity, the radius of the crack formation, the acoustic stiffness of the array factor

This article is developed on the basis of theoretical study a mathematical model of the camouflet of action of explosion of a cylindrical charge, describing the zone of cracking in the depth of the productive layer of uranium. On the basis of the laws of the theory of elasticity determined by the radius of the crack formation in the depth of the productive stratum of uranium, depending on the radius of the camouflet borehole charge, factor defining the conditions of blasting operation, the acoustic stiffness of the array, Poisson's ratio and strength properties of rocks of the productive stratum of uranium in tension.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Mindelli EH.O., Mahnachev M.P. Metod i sledovanie povedeniya gornyh porod pri pul'siruyushchem rezhime nagruzheniya. //FTPRPI, 1971. – №1. – S. 18-25.
  2. Mahnachev M.P., Protod'yakonov M.M. Vliyanie statisticheskih ravnomernyh i dinamicheskih pul'siruyushchih nagruzok na ustalostnye svojstva gornyh porod. //V kn.: Issledovanie fiziko-mekhanicheskih svojstv i vzryvnogo sposoba razrusheniya gornyh porod. –M.: Nauka, 1970. – S. 99-103.
  3. Sivaev E.A., Sobolev YU.P., Nemov V.I. // Trudy Kuzbasskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta. Vyp. №3. – Kemerovo: Kuzbasskij politekhn. in-t, 1968. – S. 17-19.
  4. Rzhevskij V.V., Novikov G.YA. Osnovy fiziki gornyh porod. –M., Nedra, 1984. – 359 s.
  5. Borzyh A.A., Borzyh V.P. K teorii vzryvnogo razuprochneniya gornoj massy. Vozdejstvie odinochnogo zaryada. //FTPRPI, 1983. – №5. –S. 50-55.
  6. Danchev P.S. O vliyanii udarnyh vzryvnyh voln na makrostrukturu i prochnost' gornyh porod. // Trudy V sessii Uchenogo soveta po narodno-hozyajstvennomu ispol'zovaniyu vzryva. – Frunze: Ilim, 1965. – S. 219-226.
  7. Volov G.A., Uteshev V.A., CHepur V.A., Murzak A.D. Vliyanie vzryvnyh nagruzok na kachestvo gotovogo produkta. // Stroitel'nye materialy.1971. – №5. – S. 24-25.
  8. O povyshenii ehffektivnosti dobychi i pererabotki zhelezistyh kvarcitov KMA za schet upravleniya ih prochnost'yu. / N.YA.Repin, V.I.Tokmakov, M.B.Redkin i dr. //Nauchnye osnovy sozdaniya kompleksno-mekhanizirovannyh i avtomatizirovannyh kar'erov i podvodnoj dobychi poleznyh iskopaemyh: tez. dokl. Vsesoyuzn. nauchn.tekhn. konf. – M.: MGI, 1980. – S. 670-710.
  9. Tokmakov V.I. Issledovanie vliyaniya vzryva na prochnostnye svojstva zhelezistyh kvarcitov s cel'yu povysheniya ehffektivnosti processov rudopodgotovki: dis. …kand.tekhn.nauk. – M.:MGI, 1982.
  10. Shamonin V.A. Issledovanie mekhanizma vzryvnogo vozdejstviya i ego vliyaniya na izmenenie prochnostnyh svojstv v otbivaemoj rude i ee obogatimost': dis. kand.tekhn.nauk. – M.: MGI, 1982.
  11. Zhigur L.YU., Mezin A.I. Issledovanie mekhanizma vzryvnogo nagruzheniya gornyh porod v zone nedozaryada v skvazhine. – V kn.: Vzryvnoe delo, №86/43. M., Nedra, 1984. – S. 221-225.
  12. Mosniec V.N. Drobyashchee i sejsmicheskoe dejstvie vzryva v gornyh porodah. M., Nedra, 1976.
  13. Pokrovskij G.I., Fedorov I.S. Dejstvie udara vzryva v deformiruemyh sredah. M., 1957. – 276 s.
  14. Rakishev B.R. Ehnergoemkost' mekhanicheskogo razrusheniya gornyh porod. Almaty: Baspager, 1998. – 210 s.
UDC 622.271:622.277.6(047.31)
A.U. Norov, graduate student
(MGGRU (Russia, Moscow)
T.M. Yakshibaev, engineer of the mining Bureau of Central research laboratory
(NMMC (Navoi, Uzbekistan)

Strength characteristics of the productive formation uranium in conditions of explosive loading

Keywords: strength characteristics, the reservoir of uranium, compressibility, tensile strength of layer crushing, the products of detonation, scientific and practical task, the explosive loading

Studies have found that strength characteristics of the productive formation of uranium depends on the compressibility and shear strength of layer crushing, this characteristic is different for different species and determined their mechanical and elastic properties.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Rakishev B.R. Ehnergoemkost' mekhanicheskogo razrusheniya gornyh porod. Almaty: Baspager, 1998. – 210 s.
  2. Rodionov V.N., Adushkin V.V. i dr. Mekhanicheskij ehffekt podzemnogo vzryva. M., 1971. – 200 s.
  3. Rakishev B.R. Prognozirovanie tekhnologicheskih parametrov vzorvannyh porod na kar'erah. Alma-Ata: Nauka, 1983. – 240 s.
  4. Kutuzov B.N., Rubcov V.K. Fizika vzryvnogo razrusheniya gornyh porod primenitel'no k vzryvnym rabotam // Vzryvnoe delo. M., 1963. – №53/10. – S.31-36.
  5. Belenko F.A. Issledovanie polej napryazheniya i processa obrazovaniya treshchin pri vzryve kolonkovyh zaryadov v skal'nyh porodah// Voprosy teorii razrusheniya gornyh porod pod vozdejstviem vzryva. M., 1958. – S. 126-139.
UDC 622.268.4:622.235
A.V. Dugartsyrenov, Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor at the Department of Rock Mining
I.T. Kim, PhD. tech. Sciences
(Moscow State Mining University (Moscow, Russia)
R.A. Raкhmanov, research fellow, Cand. tech. Sciences
(Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)
B.N. Zarovnyaev, Doctor of Engineering, Director of the Institute of Mining
G.V. Shubin, Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor at the Department of Open Cast Mining
S.P. Nikolaev, Ph.D. student at the Department of Open Cast Mining.
(North-Eastern Federal University (Yakutsk, Russia)

The impact of the enlargement products detonation at the time of departure of tamping with the explosion of borehole charges

Keywords: tamping, detonation products, isotherm, adiabata, pressure, process

Describes the parameters of departure stemming from the well when the explosion of the explosive charge. Feature of the work is considering the effect of expansion of the detonation products and a corresponding reduction in time of gas pressure on the tamping when it is accelerated motion. It is shown that a relatively small divergence of the results at constant pressure gases and by reducing this pressure on adiabate apparently due to the fact that the movement of the tamping in the absence of friction is determined by its acceleration in the initial stage.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Aleksandrova N. I., Sher E. N., Vliianie zaboiki na razrushenie gornykh porod vzryvom tcilindricheskogo zariada. Fiziko-tekhnicheskie problemy razrabotki poleznykh iskopaemykh (The influence of tamping on the destruction of rocks by explosion of the cylindrical charge. Physico-technical problems of mining) Novosibirsk, 1999, №5. – S. 42-52.
  2. Drukovannyi M.F. Kutc V.S. Ilin V.I. Upravlenie deistviem vzryva skvazhinnykh zariadov na karerakh (Control of the effects of the explosion of borehole charges in quarries) – M.: Nedra, 1980. – 223 p.
  3. Spravochnik po spetcialnym funktciiam (Handbook of special functions). Pod redaktciei M. Abramovitca. M.: Nauka, 1979. – 831 S.
UDC 622.268.4:622.235
A.V. Dugartsyrenov, Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor at the Department of Rock Mining
(Moscow State Mining University (Moscow, Russia):

The account of forces of friction when moving the tamping in the well

Keywords: tamping, the products of detonation, friction, side thrust, adiabata

A study of the process of departure of tamping with the influence of friction forces on the movement of the tamping in the well. The resulting friction between the tamping and the borehole walls is proportional to the lateral thrust of the tamping, due to its compression under the action of inertia forces when accelerating its movement. It is established that one of the effective ways to control the duration of the explosive impulse is the choice of material tamping or create methods of enhancing the coefficient of friction between the tamping and the borehole walls.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Efremov E.I., Dzhos V.F., Burlaka A.V. Nekotorye metody intensifikatcii drobleniia porod srednei i nizhe srednei kreposti (Some methods of intensification of crushing rocks of average and below average strength) Sb Vzryvnoe delo = The explosive case No. 62/19.-M., Nedra, 1967. P. 198-204.
  2. Dugartcyrenov A.V., Kim I.T., Rakhmanov R.A., Zarovniaev B.N., Shubin G.V., Nikolaev S.P. Vliianie rasshireniia produktov detonatcii na vremia vyleta zaboiki pri vzryve skvazhinnykh zariadov (The impact of the enlargement products detonation at the time of departure of tamping with the explosion of borehole charges) Statia v nastoiashchem sbornike = The article in this book.
  3. Drukovannyi M.F. Kutc V.S. Ilin V.I. Upravlenie deistviem vzryva skvazhinnykh zariadov na karerakh (Control of the effects of the explosion of borehole charges in quarries) – M., Nedra, 1980. 223 p.

Section 2. State and improvement of explosives, devices and blasting agents
UDC 622.235
A.V. Starshinov, Candidate of Technical Science, technical director
I.Y. Kupriyanov, Technical engineer
S.S. Kostylev, Director General
(«NT Sayani» Co. Ltd. (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
Jamian J., Director General
(«Monmag» Joint Company (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)

Some problems and results of quality improvement of mixed explosives for different application conditions

Keywords: explosives, ammonium nitrate, mixtures, explosive characteristics, caking ability, water resistance, coal combustion, emulsion explosive

The article provides some results of the analysis of the use of mixed non-trotyl explosives of different types in Russia and abroad. It highlights the problems of using such explosives in difficult conditions, particularly in charges of small cross-section, at blasting of coal blocks prone to fire during loosening, etc. The article also suggests variants of technical solutions to improve the operational and explosive characteristics of mixtures based on ammonium nitrate in a solid granular and powdery state, as well as in the form of emulsion. It shows the possibility to produce mixed systems of quality acceptable for the industry with the use of the available types of raw materials of the general technical purpose.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Dubnov L.V., Baharevich N.S., Romanov A.I. Promyshlennye vzryvchatye veshhestva (Industrial explosives). 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Nedra, 1988. – 358 s.
  2. Kalganov E.V., Sosnin V.A. Promyshlennye vzryvchatye veshhestva (Industrial explosives). V dvuh knigah. – Dzerzhinsk, Izd. GosNII «Kristall», 2010.
  3. M.A.Cook. The Science of Industrial Explosives.USA, IRECO Chemicals, 1974. – 449 р.
  4. Wang Xuguang. Emulsion Explosives. – Beijing. Metallurgical Industry Press.1994. – 388p.
  5. Kolganov E.V., Sosnin V.A. Jemul'sionnye promyshlennye vzryvchatye veshhestva (Industrial emulsion explosives). V dvuh knigah. -Dzerzhinsk. Izd. GosNII «Kristall», 2009.
  6. Kinjak S.M., Kostylev S.S., Starshinov A.V. i dr. Sozdanie proizvodstva i rezul'taty primenenija jemul'sionnyh vzryvchatyh veshhestv s povyshennoj detonacionnoj sposobnost'ju (Production establishment and results of application of emulsion explosives with the increased detonation capacity). «Mrkshejderija i nedropol'zovanie», 2015. №1 (75). – S. 25-27.
  7. Chernyshov A.K., Levin B.V., Tugolukov A.V. i dr. Ammiachnaja selitra: svojstva, proizvodstvo, primenenie (Ammonium nitrate: properties, production, application). – M.: ZAO «INFOHIM», 2009. – 544 s.
  8. Starshinov A.V., Kostylev S.S, Nejmann V.R. i dr. Nekotorye osobennosti syr'evogo obespechenija i metrologicheskogo osnashhenija proizvodstva smesevyh vzryvchatyh veshhestv (Some features of the raw material provision and metrological equipage of mixed explosives). «Markshejderija i nedropol'zovanie», №1(45), 2010. – S.49-53.
  9. Demidjuk G.P., Bugajskij A.N. Sredstva mehanizacii i tehnologija vzryvnyh rabot s primeneniem granulirovannyh vzryvchatyh veshhestv (Mechanisation means and technology of explosive works using granulated explosives). M. «Nedra», 1975. – 312 s.
  10. Kutuzov B.N., Starshinov A.V., Zh. Zham'jan, Zh. Batmung. Sovershenstvovanie burovzryvnyh rabot na osnove primenenija novyh vidov vzryvchatyh materialov i zarjadnoj tehniki (Improvement of drilling and blasting operations based on the application of new types of explosives and charging machines). Gornyj zhurnal, 2010. – №7. – S. 61-64.
  11. Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo po prognozu i profilaktike samovozgoranija uglja (Methodological guideline for prediction and prevention of self-ignition of coal). M. IGD im. A.A.Skochinskogo, 1971. – 59 s.
  12. Viktorov S.D., Kuprijanov I.Ju., Starshinov A.V., Ostapkovich A.M. Jeksperimental'noe opredelenie vozmozhnosti izgotovlenija smesej na osnove ammiachnoj selitry s vysokoj sypuchest'ju (Experimental evaluation of capability to make mixtures based on ammonium nitrate with free-flowing).
UDC 622.235
A.S. Ivanov, Deputy chief engineer for the development of the means of initiation
(JSC «NMP «Iskra» (Novosibirsk, Russia):

The use of spray devices with blocking explosive network

Keywords: fire extinguishing powder, an explosive mixture, dust veil, a gas-coal mixture, a spray device with blocking explosive network (DRM)

The article presents a new development of JSC «NMP «Iskra» – the safety device of initiation of waveguides-electric initiation system a spark, the main work of which is fire-extinguishing powder. The prospects and experience in the use of spray devices with blocking explosive network.


Section 3. Technology of blasting in the mining of solid minerals
UDC 622.233 : 622.235 : 622.272
S.K. Manhush, Ph. D., Professor
V.A. Kuznetsov, Ph. D., Professor
K.I Dolzhikov, Graduate student
(Nust MISIS Moscow mining Institute (Moscow, Russia)
E.N. Konovalov, mining engineer,
(OOO «KNAUF GIPS Novomoskovsk» (Moscow, Russia)

Substantiation of parameters of blasting for forming a bare surface at underground mines

Keywords: borehole, the borehole, the explosive charge means of initiation, the line of least resistance, the specific consumption of EXPLOSIVES, interval delay, degree of fragmentation, the strength coefficient, the compensation space, «clip», the explosive chain, EB

The article describes the main principles of the approach to the calculation of the main parameters of blasting for the formation of a free surface. Justified the order of selection of the necessary explosives in accordance with the physico-technical properties of rocks and explosive characteristics of explosives, the calculation order of the required width of the compensation space, passport BVR, shows calculated and experimentally tested in mining conditions, the parameters of workings in different species using direct cuts with different diameters compensation wells. The order of initiation of charges when conducting mining.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Gustafson G. Swedish blasting technique. M.: Nedra, 1977 (translated from English.)
  2. Mangush S.K., Kryukov G.M., Fisun A.P. Blasting operations in underground mining. M.: Publishing house of Academy of mining Sciences, 2000.
  3. Mangush K.S., Dolzhikov K.I. The impact of detonation characteristics on the effectiveness of explosive destruction of rocks. M., Moscow state mining University Scientific Bulletin №10 (31), 2012.
  4. Mangush S.K., Kuznetsov V.A., Ekvist B.V., Dolzhikov K.I. Methods of operative estimation of the energy intensity of explosive crushing of rocks. M., Moscow state mining University Scientific Bulletin №10 (31), 2012.
  5. Mangush K.S., Dolzhikov K.I.The method of calculation of parameters of drilling and blasting operations in underground mine workings. M., Moscow state mining University Scientific Bulletin №11 (32), 2012.
  6. Mangush K. S., Dolzhikov K. I. Model of crushing of rocks by explosion of an elongated blast-hole charges. M., Moscow state mining University Scientific Bulletin №11 (32), 2012.
  7. Mangush K. S., Dolzhikov K. I. The rationale for the diameter compensation wells using direct cuts to intensify the explosive destruction of rocks. M., Moscow state mining University MINING No. 2, 2013.
  8. Mangush S.K., Kuznetsov V.A., Dolzhikov K.I. Forming a compensation space for the intensification of explosive destruction of rocks in underground mining. M. Sat. reports 23. International Symposium «miner's Week», 2015.
UDC 622.235
V.I. Korneichuk, Deputy Chief Engineer of the Polar Division of MMC «Norilsk Nickel» for drilling and blasting working.
(Federal State Autonomous Education Institution of Higher Education, Siberian Federal University (SibFU), (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
S.A. Vokhmin, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, professor, Head of Department «Mining and underground construction».
G.S. Kurchin, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
А.К. Kirsanov, Postgraduate student
(PJSC "MMC" Norilsk Nickel")

Improvement of methods for blasting cuts parameters calculation

Keywords: drilling and blasting, straight cut, parameters of blast holes, review, charge, blast

To ensure better performance of sinking operations and safety of blasting in the mining practice, special attention is drawn to improving the cutting cavity calculation methods. In this paper, the experience in developing the calculation methods for the blasting cuts parameters are generalized and analyzed. Straight and perimeter holes were recognized to be the most effective blasting cuts. The main drawbacks of current methods for calculating blast cuts are shown. The extent of influence was assessed for the importance of defining the breakthrough distance between the charged blast holes and perimeter holes. Based on these studies, the authors suggest the new calculation procedure of the box-type cut corresponding to the mining and geological and mine-engineering features peculiar for sinking operations in laterals and brows. The feature of this method is its direct relation to the destruction areas radii of the rock mass when using extended cylindrical charge of the explosive. The paper contains the developed design parameters of cut holes. The suggested solution allows increasing the efficiency of cavity development, which in turn increases the blast hole efficiency ratio. The paper provides the data on production validation of these calculation methods for straight box-type cut at the Komsomolsky mine, Skalistaya hole where the improved blasting results were achieved on the mentioned parameters.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Masayev Yu.A. Analysis of cut holes profiles used for the development of mine openings and their classification. Bulletin of Kuzbass State Technical University. No.3 (109). 2005. pp.37-43.
  2. Litvinskiy G.G., Shulgin P.N. Substantiation of the design and parameters of a straight box-type cut when developing mine openings. Contemporary issues of mine and underground construction: Materials of International Research and Practical Academic Conference. – Donetsk: Nord-Press, 2004. – Issue 5. pp. 130-139.
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  6. Stafeyev A.A., Khobta A.A. Definition of the breakthrough distance between the parallel holes and wells in straight cuts. Research and information bulletin on mining (Scientific Journal). 2014. No. 5. – pp. 362-369.
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  8. Vokhmin S.A., Kurchin G.S., Kirsanov A.K. et al. Structural modeling of a straight box-type cut. Contemporary issues of science and education. 2015. No. 1. Access mode: //www.science-education.ru/121-17267 (date of application 02.04.2016).
  9. Kirsanov A.K. , Vokhmin S.A., Kurchin G.S. Improvement of calculation methods for blasting parameters in the development of horizontal openings and brows in terms of the Polar Division of MMC Norilsk Nikel, JSC. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Series: Technics and Technologies. 2015. V.8. No.4. – pp. 396-405.
  10. Vokhmin S.A., Kurchin G.S., Kirsanov A.K. et al. Calculation methods for blasting parameters in the development of horizontal openings and brows. Bulletin of the G.I. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University. 2014. No.4 (48). – Pp.5-9.
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Section 4. Usage of combustion processes and the impact of the explosion in industry
UDC 624.152.5 + 624.131
L.M. Borosenetz, Professor of the department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
(Togliatti State University, Architecture and Construction Institute, Department “Industrial and civil construction” (Togliatti, Russia)

Scientific assessment of condensate vacuum origin and durability of steel cylindrical chamber for high-explosive hole-formations explosion

Keywords: condensate, vacuum, camouflet, chamber, hole-formation, effect, criterion, pressure, energy, explosion, durability, low-cycle durability, loading

The article reports about the results of a comprehensive experimental and theoretical research of condensate vacuum origin because of displacement of soil camouflet cavities and in high-explosive hole-formations explosive chambers such as theoretic and criteria methodologies to determine dynamic and static nature of explosive products energy blast pressure on hole-formation chamber wall, low-cycle durability of steel cylinder under the conditions of effective explosive repetitive internal loading such as experimental validation of a model of steel heavy walled cylinders strength analysis during intrachamber axisymmetric explosive loading.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Borozenetz L.M. Geotehnologiya i teoriya vzryivnogo davleniya v tsilindricheskih kamerah skvazhinoobrazovateley s izmenyayuschimsya ob'emom i v soputstvuyuschih kamufletnyih polostyah / L.M. Borozenetz // Vzryivnoe delo. Vyip. №113/70. – M.: IPKON RAN, 2015. – pp. 330-346.
  2. Borozenetz L.M. Yavlenie fizicheskogo vzryiva pri kamufletah / L.M. Borozenetz // Inf. listok TsNTI. – Vladimir, 1991. – NTD № 91-53. – 4 p.
  3. Borozenetz L.M. Sposob opredeleniya davleniya v kamerah vzryivaniya / L.M. Borozenetz // Inf. listok TsNTI. – Vladimir, 1987. – NTD № 87-19. – 4 p.
  4. Brodov E.Yu. Issledovanie razrushitelnogo deystviya vzryiva v svyaznom grunte / E.Yu. Brodov // Sb. «Deystvie vzryiva v grunte i raschet zaryadov». – M.: Promstroyizdat, 1954.
  5. Kuhling H. Spravochnik po fizike / H. Kuhling // Perevod s nemets. pod red. E.M. Leykinoy. – M.: Mir, 1982. – 519 p.
  6. Sobolevskiy, Yu.A. Vodonasyischennyie otkosyi i osnovaniya / Yu.A. Sobolevskiy. – Minsk: «Vyisheysh. shkola», 1975. – 400 p.
  7. Borozenetz L.M. Metodika opredeleniya haraktera i znacheniya vzryivnogo davleniya na stenki kamer pri vyibore ih ohrannoy zonyi / L.M. Borozenetz, S.I. Afanasenko // Promyishlennaya bezopasnost, sovremennoe sostoyanie, perspektivyi sistemyi upravleniya: sb. mat. Vserossiyskoy nauch.-prakt. konf. – Penza: PDZ, 2001. – pp. 21-25.
  8. Spravochnik mashinostroitelya / Pod red. S.V. Serensena. V 6 T. T.3: 3-e izd. ispr. i dop. – M.: Mashgiz, 1962. – 651 p.
  9. Birger I.A. Soprotivlenie materialov / I.A. Birger, R.R. Mavlyutov. – M.: Nauka : gl. red. fiz.-mat. liter., 1986. – 560 p.
UDC 622.235
A.S. Ivanov, Deputy chief engineer for the development of the means of initiation
V.V. Guseva, a specialist in prospective markets
O.V. Titkova, Deputy head of Department
(JSC «NMP «Iskra» (Novosibirsk, Russia)

The efficacy of detonating cord high-power DSN-80 on underground mine workings and for blasting extinguishing and localization of forest fires

Keywords: detonating cord, blasting, energy, explosion, production

In this article attention will be focused on blasting in underground workings, not hazardous gas or dust that fall into the General category of blasting. As well as the use of explosives to combat forest fires that are related to the category of special blasting works. The practical experience of using detonating cord high-power DSN-80 on underground mine workings and locating forest fires.

UDC 622.245
A.A. Merkulov, General Director, Candidate of Technical Sciences
I.N. Gayvoronskiy, Advisor, Director General, Dr.technical sciences, professor
(JSC "VNIPIvzryvgeofizika", (Ramenskoye, Moscow region., Russia)

The state and prospects of using explosives in perforating jobs in oil and gas wells

Keywords: explosive, perforating tools, perforating jobs, shooting, accident elimination in oil and gas wells

The questions of improving the effectiveness of using explosive energy in construction and operation oil and wells are considered. In is shown that contemporary Russian explosive facilities lets to solve the most problems in well completion, well stimulation and accident elimination while drilling and well operation in different thermo baric conditions. It is shown, that there are some problems that require attention of explosive specialists.


Section 5. Ecology and safety during blasting operations
UDC 622.235
A.S. Derzhavets, CEO, Prof, Dr. of Technical Sciences
A.E. Salko, Director of science, Prof, Dr. of Technical Sciences
(JSC «Vzryvispytaniya» (Moscow, Russia)

Methodological aspects of technological and design expertise of technogenic explosions

Keywords: technical and technological expertise, industrial safety expert, explosives, forensics, unauthorized explosion, technogenic explosion, explosive devices

The article is devoted to methodological aspects of performing technogenic explosions independent examination. The definitions of technical and technological expertise are considered and their substantive purpose are given. A discussion of the performing examinations features is carried out.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Taubkin I.S. Sudebnaya ehkspertiza tekhnogennyh vzryvov. Organizacionnye metodicheskie i pravovye osnovy. – M.: Izd-vo «Yurlitinform», 2009. – 592 s.
  2. Nezavisimaya ehkspertiza bezopasnosti opasnyh proizvodstvennyh ob'ektov i ehnergonasyshchennyh materialov (Sbornik nauchnyh trudov pod red. Derzhavca A.S. i Sal'ko A.E). Izdatel'skij dom «Grand». – S-Peterburg, 2016. – 113 s.
  3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 21 iyulya 1997 g. № 116 – FZ « O promyshlennoj bezopasnosti opasnyh proizvodstvennyh ob»ektov».
  4. Taubkin I.S. Sudebnaya vzryvotekhnicheskaya ehkspertiza // Problemy bezopasnosti pri chrezvychajnyh situaciyah. – M.: VINITI RAN, 2000. – Vyp.2. - s. 146-213.
  5. GOST R22.0.08-96 Bezopasnost' v chrezvychajnyh situaciyah. Tekhnogennye chrezvychajnye situacii. Vzryvy. Terminy i opredeleniya.
  6. Grushin L.V. Osobennosti proizvodstva ehkspertizy i ehkspertno-kriminalisticheskogo soprovozhdeniya rassledovaniya proisshestvij po faktu tekhnologicheskih vzryvov. Materialy Mezhdunar. nauch-praktich. konf-cii (Moskva, 14-15 fevralya 2007g.) M.: TK Velbi, izd-vo «Prospekt», 2007. – 560 s.
  7. Prozorov A.A., Steckevich A.D., Martynov V.V. i dr. Slovar' osnovnyh terminov vzryvotekhnicheskoj ehkspertizy. – M.: EHKC MVD RF, 1998. – 72 s.
  8. Baum F. A., Orlenko L. P., SHekhter B.I. i dr. Fizika vzryva. M. – Izd-vo «Nauka», 1975. – 704 s.
UDC 621.182
S.A.Chivikov, head of laboratory, candidate of technical Sciences, senior researcher
G.Y. Shiryaev, the leading engineer of laboratory
N.V. Chikunov, General Director, candidate of engineering Sciences
(JSC «KNIIM» (Krasnoarmeysk, Moscow region, Russia)

Preservation of idle buildings and equipment production of explosives and products on their basis by means of their preservation for a longer period

Keywords: conservation, hazardous production objects, explosives, buildings, equipment, and safety

The article defines the General procedure for safeguard on a lontional period of used, redundant, dormant explosive production facilities of explosive substances and products based on them. The requirements in the new rules of construction industries and a guidance document, which regulated organizational-technical measures and means for the preparation and conservation of buildings, structures, equipment, communications, followed by entering their safe continued operation. Carrying out such conservation work on explosive objects and in accordance with the requirements of the rules and guidance document will allow to companies and organizations to ensure protection from destruction of building constructions, corrosion of metals and the long term to keep them in working condition.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Federal law of 21.07.1997 № 116-FZ «On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities» (with amendments).
  2. Federal law of 29.12.2004 № 190-FZ «Urban planning code of the Russian Federation» (with changes).
  3. Morozov P.M., Civikov S.A., Levitsky V.N. Ensuring industrial safety of hazardous facilities in the context of limited financial and administrative resources //Scientific and technical journal «Ammunition and special chemicals». – M., 2009 – Vol. No. 1. – p. 132-136.
  4. Chivikov S.A. the Extension of life of aging technology equipment production of industry of munitions and special chemicals // Scientific and technical journal «Ammunition and special chemicals». – M., 2013. – Issue № 1. – p. 121-124.
  5. Regulations on the procedure of organization and carrying out of works for the safe stop for a long period and (or) preservation of chemically hazardous industrial facilities. Rostekhnadzor. RD 09-390-00.
  6. Branch instruction on the preservation and storage of production equipment. – M.: Minmash USSR, 1974.
  7. Rules device manufactures EXPLOSIVES and products on their basis. PR 84-45-2015 – M.: Ministry of industry and trade, 2015.
  8. Manual for conservation and re-commissioning of buildings, structures and technological equipment of the production of munitions and special chemicals. RD 84-21-2015.
UDC 622.235
A.V. Dzhigrin - Director of Research, New Development and Commerce
(JSC "Interdepartmental Commission for explosives with AGN" (Moscow, Russia)
Y.V. Kudinov - Chief Researcher, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences.
(MakNII (Makeyevka, Ukraine)
A.A. Kavardakov - Director, mining engineer.
(W/y "Kotinskaja" OJSC "SUEK-Kuzbass" (Russia)

Drilling degasification wells explosion safety

Keywords: degasification wells, methane-air mixture explosion, the frictional sparking, auger drilling, desensitization

The article presents an analysis of the various ways of ensuring the explosion safety when drilling degasification wells. The main factors of the formation of explosive mixtures of methane with auger drilling degasification wells.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Likvidaciya avarij v ugol'nyh shahtah. Teoriya i praktika / Radchenko V.V., Smolyanov S.M., Pashkovskij P.S., Amatnikova YU.B.Zabolotnij A.G. – K.: Tekhnika, 1999. – 320 s.
  2. Razrabotat' trebovaniya, obespechivayushchie vzryvobezopasnost' pri burenii degazacionnyh skvazhin: Otchet o NIR MakNII / Makeevka-Donbass, 1984. – 80 s.
  3. Rapoport M.Ya. Ognepregraditeli dlya degazacionnyh ustanovok shaht // Rudnichnaya aehrologiya i vnezapnye vybrosy uglya, porody i gaza. – M.:IGD im. A.A. Skochinskogo, 1976. – Vyp. 142. – S. 18-20.
  4. Fin'ko V.L. Issledovanie uslovij vozniknoveniya pozharov v skvazhinah pri burenii v ugol'nyh plastah s vydachej burovoj melochi szhatym vozduhom // Sovershenstvovanie tekhniki i tekhnologii podgotovitel'nyh i ochistnyh rabot na ugol'nyh shahtah. – Doneck: DonUGI. – 1977. – № 66. – S. 266.
  5. Morev A.M., Saharov N.M. Degazaciya ugol'nyh shaht i utilizaciya metana, – Doneck; Donbass, 1974. – 182 s.
  6. Morev A.M., Sklyarov L.A., Romanchuk A.L. Primenenie degazacii pri tushenii goryashchego metana v vyrabotannom prostranstve// Ugol'. – 1978. – № 7. – S. 67-71.
  7. Sobolev G.G. Inertnye gazy – nadezhnoe sredstvo pre, duprezhdeniya vzryvov pri podzemnyh pozharah// Ugol'. – 1976. – №3. – S. 18.
  8. Karagodin Yа.N. O sostoyanii i napravleniyah razvitiya rabot po degazacii shaht// Tez. dokl. VONT konferencii v g. Donecke «Degazaciya ugol'nyh shaht i utilizaciya dobyvaemogo metana». – M.; CNIEHIugol'. – 1988. – S. 44.
  9. Izuchit' opasnost' vosplameneniya v skvazhinah pri vyemke uglya buroshnekovymi ustanovkami (BSHU) na gazonosnyh plastah i razrabotat' predlozheniya po obespecheniyu, bezopasnosti raboty: Otchet o NIR MakNII.- Makeevka-Donbass, 1983. – 43 s.
UDC 622.235
V.I. Kulikov, leading researcher, Ph. D. of Phis. and Math. Sciences.
(IDG RAS (Moscow), MIPT (Dolgoprudny, Moscow reg.)
M.S. Akimkin, Director
(ООО «NPO SovInTehno»)
V.V. Sedochenko, research fellow
(IDG RAS (Moscow)

Seismic effect when for drilling mining operations are used destructor

Keywords: blasting, blast-hole charges, staff BB destructor of seismic wave, seismic effect, TNT equivalent

The paper discusses the issues of conducting blasting mining operations in the limestone, using in boreholes, instead of standard explosive, knock-free composition – Destructor. Accelerograms was carried out by registration of seismic waves in the sinking of limestone in the oblique stroke metro station Dmitrovskaya using Destructor. It is shown that the maximum oscillation velocity of seismic wave from the action of the Destructor is ten times smaller than the amplitude of seismic waves from the standart explosives. According to the maximum oscillation speed of seismic waves was estimated TNT equivalent of a Destructor in the limestone, which turned out to be less than 0,004. This quality of Destructor allows this Destructor is widely used instead of standard explosives, when intense seismic impact on the mountain and facilities are not allowed.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Kulikov V.I., Dmitriev A.Y., Galushko F.I. Seismic action DBM with electronic initiation system. // Explosion technology. 2015. № 113/70. – p.366-383.
  2. Sadovsky M.A. The seismic effect of explosions .// Proceedings of the All-Union Conference on Explosives. ed. Gostoptekhizdat. 1940. – p.290-319.
  3. Zeitlin J.I., Smoly N.I. Seismic and shock air waves industrial explosions. // ed. Nedra, 1981. – 192 p.
  4. Technical rules for blasting operations in the energy construction .// ed. Hydroproject Institute. 1997. – 232 p.
  5. Mosinets V.M. Blunt and the seismic effect of the explosion in the rocks. // ed. Nedra. 1976. – 271 p.
  6. Patent 2010106722/03, 26.02.2010. The device (destructor) for the destruction of solid rock or concrete. 2010.
  7. Berezuev Y.A. The use of blast-hole pressure gas generators in the quarries of block stone .// Mining Journal. № 1. 2008. p. 50-52.
  8. Selyavina A.I., Nenakhov A.I., Fomenkova V.E., Ganopolsky M.I. The destruction of the monolithic reinforced concrete foundation with non-explosive depleting funds .// Explosion technology. № 113/70. 2015. p.243-258.
  9. Pupkov V.V., Nenakhov A.I., Selyavina A.I., Fomenkova V.E., Berezuev Y.A., Ganopolsky M.I. Loosening rocky soils using gas generators GDSH .// Explosion technology. № 113/70. 2015. p.243-258.
UDC 622:235
M.G.Lupy, director, Ph.D.
(Mine «Taldinskaya-West» OJSC «SUEK-Kuzbass» (Prokopevsk, Kemerovo region., Russia)

Methods of calculating the parameters of borehole charges bb control roof of the excavation site and in conducting mining

Keywords: torpedoing downhole charge, pre-fracture zone camouflet, rocks, humidity

The article presents the methods of calculation of downhole explosive charges parameters for advanced torpedoing and the well-shpurovyh method of mining, taking into account the properties of the rock blasting operations mode (komufletnoe blasting), the humidity of the rock mass, and others. The effect on the parameters of borehole charges explosive zones features predestruction.

Bibliographic list:
  1. A.N. Kochanov. Development parameters explosive softening trudnoobrushaemyh roofs of coal seams in order to improve the advanced torpedo technology: Avtoref.dis.na soisk.uchen.step. Candidate of Science / Institute of gorn.dela their AA Skochinskiy. – M., 1988. – 14c.
  2. A.V. Dzhigrin and others. User selection method and parameters of roof weakening on excavation sites. – L. VNIMI, 1989. – 178s.
  3. A.V. Dzhigrin et al. New materials zaboechnye // System DOR. – Voroshilovgrad. MTTSNTI, 1989. – 16c.
  4. A.V. Dzhigrin. Development of parameters and type of tamping wells under the management of the state of the rock mass in order to increase the efficiency and safety of blasting operations in mines, hazardous gas and dust. Author. dis.na soisk. uchen.step. Candidate of Science / IGD Academy of Science Skochinskiy. – M – 15s.
  5. Softening trudnoobrushaemyh roofs coalbed / Kuznetsov S.T. etc. -. M .: Nedra, 1987. – 200c.
  6. G.A. Katkov, A.A. Zhurilo Determination of rational parameters of rock pressure control in sewage workings with trudnoobrushayuschimisya roofs // Coal. – 1980. – №1. – S.22-24.
  7. Softening rock during physical impact / A.A. Zhurilo etc. -. M .: TsNIEIugol, 1987. – 53c.
  8. V.E. Alexandrov, O.V.Sinyakina, A.V.Orlov, V.Ya.Tkachev. The study of explosive pre-fracture zone in the dry and water-saturated sandstones ON «Luganskugol» // Scientific and technical achievements and advanced experience in the coal industry: Ezhem. Inf. Sat / TsNIEIugol. – M. 1991 vyp.6. – P.28-29.
UDC 622:235
S.M. Lupy, director.
(LLC «Anchoring technology» (Kemerovo, Russia)

The effect of humidity on the characteristics of explosive destruction of rocks and stability of mines

Keywords: humidity, rock formation, explosive disorder, pre-fracture, fracture, workings stability

The paper studied the effect of humidity on the characteristics of the rocks of explosive destruction. The analysis of various studies evaluating the effect of moisture on the physical and mechanical properties of rocks. The characteristic changes of structural defects in the rocks, the development and the increase in defects and micro-cracks and the impact of this factor on the stability of the mine workings, carried out by drilling and blasting.

Bibliographic list:
  1. E.I. Yelnitskiy, R.I. Teder, E.S. Vatolin, M.F. Kuntysh. The properties of rocks and methods of their determination. – M .: Nedra, 1969. – 392 p.
  2. M.N. Koifman, E.I. Yelnitskiy, V.I. Karpov. The strength of rocks in the volume stressed state. M.: Nauka, 1964 – 212 p.
  3. A.T. Karmansky. Influence of moisture on deformation properties of hard rock under complex stress state
  4. P.A. Rebinder. The value of physical-chemical processes in the mechanical destruction and handling of solids in the art. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR – 1940. – Vol.10, №8 – s.5-28
  5. A.F. Lebedev. Maintenance of mine workings in the mines. M. Uglete-hizdat, 1954, 88c.
  6. V.V. Naldzhan, G.N. Gumenick, V.A. Adeyanov. The presence or absence of rock bursts. M., woogie, 49.
  7. Hill R. Unpublished Report, Ministry of Supply. 1948, №5, r.60-70.

Efremovcev A.N. nekrolog231-231

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