| Article title | Pages |
 | Title and imprint | |
 | Novosibirsk Mechanical Plant "Iskra" Offers wide variety of initiation systems | |
 | Novosibirsk Mechanical Plant "Iskra" DShN-M-160 - new brand of detonating cord | |
Section 1. Researches of the rocks destruction by explosion
 | UDC 622.83 A.A. Osokin, Senior Research Fellow, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS, Moscow, Russia)
Influence of structural inhomogeneity on the character of deformation and failure of rocks at the submicronic level Keywords:rocks, destruction, deformation, stresses, emission of submicron particles On the basis of theoretical and experimental studies of the processes of deformation and destruction of rocks at the submicron level, a classification of inhomogeneities for monomineral and polymineral rocks has been developed, which has a significant effect on both the intensity of the emission of submicron particles and its granulometric composition. It was found that for polymineral rocks, in contrast to monomineral rocks, the emission of submicron particles can quantitatively differ by several times, and the dependence remains qualitatively unchanged and has exponential growth in all size ranges in the range from 0.3 to 5.0 μm. The cylindrical hole in the samples is an artificial inhomogeneity and serves as a stress concentrator during uniaxial compression of geomaterials. For this purpose, formulas are considered for calculating stresses on inhomogeneities and sizes of inhomogeneities taking into account the rheological features of geomaterials. Based on the analysis of experimental data indicating a wide scatter of quantitative indicators for various types of geomaterials, along with the known strength properties, it is proposed to single out a new property characterizing the process of material disintegration at the submicron level under mechanical loading. Bibliographic list:- Ratc M.V. Inhomogeneity of rocks and their physical properties. – Moscow: Nauka, 1968. – 108 p.
- Protodyakonov M.M., Mokhnachev M.P. On the method of determining the strength of rocks. – M.: IGD im. A.A. Skochinsky, 1966.
- Rodionov V.N. Essay on Geomechanics. – M.: Scientific World, 1996. – 64 p.
- Rodionov V.N., Sizov I.A., Tsvetkov V.M. Fundamentals of Geomechanics. – M.: Nedra, 1986. – 301 p.
- Viktorov S.D., Kochanov A.N., Odintsev V.N., Osokin A.A. Emission of microparticles from the surface of deformable rocks. Proceedings of the All-Russian Conf. «Geodynamics and the stress state of the Earth's interior», v.1. – Novosibirsk: Institute of mining them. ON THE. Chinakala SB RAS, 2011. – S. 179-184.
- Viktorov S.D., Osokin A.A., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Registration of the Emission of Submicron Particles of Rocks to Predict the Destruction of Underground Mine Workings at Rockburst-Hazardous Deposits. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Natural Sciences, Moscow, 2019, No. 5 (86). P. 50-62. DOI: 10.18698 / 1812-3368-2019-5-50-62.
| 7-19 |
 | UDC 622.235:539.3 N.N. Efremovtsev, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Senior Researcher I.E. Shipovskii, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Senior Researcher (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS, Moscow, Russia)
Investigation of the dynamic working of long charges by composition models coupling with computer simulation by the smoothed Keywords:explosive, elongated charge, fragmentation, physical experiments, computer simulation, SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method) The application of a combined approach to investigate the effect of an explosion is considered. The proposed complex research technique allows for a comprehensive and most informative assessment of the effectiveness of various explosion modes, studying the nature and kinetics of deformation development, the formation of loosening zones, the localization of which predetermines the fragmentation and formation of model fragments. The materials of the investigation of the influence of the density and diameter of the crushing and sparing action on the yield of various fractions are presented. The nature of the dependences of the fragmentation speciments in different zones of the explosion was established. It is shown that the nature of the dependence of fragmentation on the density of an explosive fundamentally different for explosives containing blasting action and ammonium nitrate industrial explosives with different densities. The proposed research methodology makes it possible to obtain the dependencies necessary for the formation of digital models of optimization and adjustment of the parameters of drilling and blasting operations, charge designs and detonation systems based on them to reduce the yield of fines and achieve optimal crushing parameters. The work was carried out within the framework of the budgetary theme of IPKON RAS. Bibliographic list:- Orlenko L.P. (Editor). Explosion Physics Vol 2. Moscow, 2004, 656 p. [InRuss].
- Mott N.F. A theory of the fragmentation of shells and bombs. Ministry of Supply AC4035 / Ed. Dennis Grady. Springer 2006. Pp. 274-294.
- Efremovtsev N.N. Methodological questions from the study of the crushing ability of explosives Explosion technology. 2015.No. 113(70), pp. 96-106. [In Russ].
- Efremovtsev N.N., Efremovtsev P.N. The results of the study in production conditions of the influence of the kinetics of the release of explosive energy on the crushability of rocks. Mining Information and Analytical Bulletin. To the methodology of explosive destruction in the development of mineral deposits. Moscow, 2015, no. 11 (special issue, no. 58), pp. 17-25. [In Russ].
- Efremovtsev N.N. Aspects of the research into the methods of blast effect cpntrol with the use of compositional simulation models and scientific classification. 9 th International Conference on Physical Problems of Rock Destruction. Proceedings. 2017. pp. 134-139.
- Viktorov S.D., Zakalinsky V.M., Efremovtsev N.N. The use of innovative technologies for controlling the action of an explosion to increase the efficiency of developing deposits of strategic raw materials. Solution of technological problems of mining in Russia, atnear and far abroad. Moscow, VNIPIpromtekhnologii. 2018, pp. 8-14. [In Russ].
- Shipovskii I.E. Simulation for fracture by smooth particle hydrodynamics code. Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University, 2015, 1 (145), pp. 76-82 [In Russian].
- Mohammed A. Abdalla, Fragmentation Analysis of OG-7 Warhead Using AUTODYN SPH Solver.Advanced Materials Research.Vol. 576 (2012). pp. 645-650.
- Odintsev V.N., Shipovskii I.E. Simulating Explosive Effect on Gas-Dynamic State of Outburst-Hazardous Coal Band, Journal of Mining Science, 2019, 55(4), pp. 556-566.
- Efremovtsev N.N., Trofimov V.N., Shipovskii I.E. Localization of deformations in a wave field induced by explo-sion of lengthy charge.Mining informational and analytical bulletin (scientific and technical journal).2020, vol 8.
| 20-37 |
 | UDC 622.268.4:622.235 A.V. Dugartsyrenov, candidate of technical Sciences Sciences, associate Professor, Department of «Fishee» (Nust MISIS mining Institute, Moscow, Russia) R.A. Rakhmanov, research fellow, Ph.D. in Engineering (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS, Moscow, Russia) I.А. Alenichev, PhD in Engineering Science, D&B Lead Expert (Polyus Project LLC, Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
Estimation of the influence of EVV parameters on the size of rock fracture zones under conditions of different drilling diameters Keywords:the velocity of detonation, detonation products, deep-hole charge, the diameter of the bore, the charge parameters A comparative analysis of the impact of the detonation rate of emulsion explosives on the size of the zones of explosive destruction of rocks based on the change in the diameter of the well and the explosive characteristics of the EVV charge is carried out. It is shown that with an increase in the detonation rate, both the zone of fine crushing and the zone of controlled crushing increase, and for the latter there is a significant increase (several times). It is assumed that the coupling of adiabatic de-tonation products occurs at the border of zones of fine crushing and radial cracks. The pressure drop in the zone of fine crushing has a sharper character due to the higher value of the adiabatic index and the complete release of pores. In the zone of radial cracks, the pressure changes more slowly, which causes a large radius of this zone. The importance of controlling the explosion parameters based on the correct selection of the charge diameter and its explosive characteristics in the near and far zones from the final contour of the quarry in deep quarries with a high production capacity of rock mass excavation is noted. Bibliographic list:- Chadwick P., Cox A., Hopkinson G. Mechanics of deep underground explosions. – Moscow: Mir, 1966.
- Mechanical effect of underground explosion / V.N. Rodionov, V.V. Adushkin, V.N. Kostyuchenko et al. M.: Nedra, 1971.
- Grigoryan S.S. Some questions of mathematical theory of deformation and destruction of solid rocks / / PMM. – 1967. – Vol. 31. – Issue 4.
- Dugartsyrenov A.V. On the mechanism of destruction of an elastic medium (rock) in the explosion of concentrated and elongated charges. Gorny information and analytical Bulletin, no. 3, 2008, pp. 12-17/
- Dugartsyrenov A.V. Physical nature and mechanism of rock destruction in a camouflage explosion. Explosive business. Issue #106/63. – Moscow: JSC «MVK on explosive case at AGN», 2011. – p. 112-126.
- Dugartsyrenov A.V. Mechanism of destruction of plastic rocks in a kamuf-flight explosion. // Explosive case. – 2012. – no. 108/65. – P. 134-139.
- Bovt A.N., Lovetsky E.E. et al. Mechanical action of a camouflage explosion. / / – Moscow: 1990. – 184 p.
- Physics of explosion / ed. Orlenko L. P., – Ed. 3rd, ISPR – – In 2T. T. 2. – M.: Nedra, 2004, 656 p.
- Kryukov G.M., Glazkov Yu.V. Phenomenological quasi-static wave theory of deformation and destruction of materials by explosion of industrial EXPLOSIVES. Gorny information and analytical Bulletin. – 2003. – No. 11. – 67 p.
- Kryukov G.M. Model of explosive loosening of rocks in quarries. The output of the Nega-barite. The average size of rock pieces in the collapse. – M.: MGGU publishing House, – 2005. – 32 p.
- Alenichev I.A., Rakhmanov R.A., Shubin I.L. Evaluation of the effect of a well charge explosion in the near field in order to optimize the parameters of drilling and blasting operations in the pit's contour zone. Gorny information and analytical Bulletin. – 2020. – No. 4. – Pp. 85-95. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2020-4-0-85-95.
| 38-51 |
 | UDC 622.235.535.2 B.V. Еkvist, doctor of technical Sciences, associate Professor, Professor (Nust MISIS mining Institute, Moscow, Russia)
Methods for assessing the seismic impact of an explosion at quarries Keywords:mountain range, seismics, strength, drilling and blasting operations, rocks A method for estimating the destructive seismic effect of simultaneous explosions at the KUMTOR mining enterprise in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan is proposed. The area of seismic interaction between exploding blocks located at a distance of 600 meters from each other is estimated. The scheme of short-delayed detonation, the explosive substance igdanit, was used. The design of the explosive network was carried out using the SHOTPlus program using the non-electric initiation system Exel MS (bottom) and Exel HTD surface company ORIKA. The results are obtained for rocks that are in a frozen state. Bibliographic list:- Kulizhnikov A.M., Burda S.N. & Belozerov A.A. Primenenie georadarov dlya razvedki i otsenki zapasov dorozhno-stroitel’nykh materialov. Gornyy Zhurnal, Moscow. 2004, №3, Р. 86-87.
- Semeykin N.P., Pomozov V.V., Ekvist B.V. & Monakhov V.V. (2008). Geofizicheskie pribory novogo pokoleniya. Gornyy Informatsionno-Analiticheskiy Byulleten’, 2008, №12.Р. 203-210.
- Kutuzov B.N. Metody vedeniya vzryvnykh rabot.Razrushenie gornykh porod vzryvom. Moscow. Gornaya kniga. 2009. 471р.
- Gorokhov N.L. The mathematical formulation and numerical implementation of dynamic problems of geomechanics using finte element method // Scientfic Reports on Resource Issues.Vol 1. Internaational University of Resources Frierberg 2011. P. 205-211.
- Alenichev I.A. Korrektirovka udel’nogo raskhoda vzryvchatogo veshchestva. Gornyy Informatsionno-Analiticheskiy Byulleten, 2016, №7, Р. 364-373.
- Ekvist B.V. Theory of detonation of explosives. Textbook, Moscow. MISIS, Russia. 2016, 24 p.
- Chan Kuang Hiyeu, Nguyen Din Ahn, Nkhy Van Fuk, Belin V.A. Pilot studies of influence of diameter of explosive wells on seismic action of explosions on Nuybeo coal mine. Explosive technologies: conference materials, Hanoi, Vietnam. 2015, P. 252–255.
- Ekvist B.V., Gorbonos M.G. Improving the safety of seismic manifestations of short-term explosion in mining enterprises.M.: Mountain journal. 2016, №10, P. 34-36.
- Ekvist B.V. Theory of combustion and explosion. Textbook, Moscow. MISIS, Russia. 2018, 180 p.
- Kutuzov B.N., Ekvist B.V. & Bragin P.A. Sravnitel’naya otsenka seysmicheskogo vozdeystviya vzryva skvazhinnykh zaryadov pri ispol’zovanii sistemy neel- ektricheskogo initsiirovaniya i elektrodetonatorov s elektronnym zamedleniem. Gornyy Zhurnal. 2008, №12, Р. 44-46.
- Mehdi Hosseini, Mehdi Seifi Baghikhani. Analysing the Ground Vibration Due to Blasting at AlvandQoly Limestone Mine// International Journal of Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing, 2013, № 2 (2), Р 2.
- Boris Vladimirovic Ekvist, Roman Leonidovic Korotkov, Application of Ground-Penetrating Radar for Specifications of Blasting Rocks. Science Publishing Group, 548 FASHION AVENUE, 8 NEW YORK, NY 1001 U.S.A., International Journal of Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurg. Volume 4, Issue 1, Published Online: Apr. 18, 2019 DOI: 10.11648/j.ijmpem.20190401.13, Pages: 14-17.
| 52-66 |
Section 2. State and improvement of explosives, devices and blasting agents
 | UDC 622.235 A.M. Eritsov, Deputy Head (FBU Avialesokhrana, Russian Federation, Moscow region) S.A. Kondratiev, General Director (JSC «NMZ «Iskra», Russian federation, Novosibirsk)
Improvement of explosive cordes for the use on forest fire suppression Keywords:forest fires, control zones, blasting operations for forest fire fighting operations, high power detonating cord The article outlines the problems of forest fires in the Russian Federation in recent years, the issues of extinguishing wildfires in remote and extended areas called control zones, where regional authorized bodies can make decisions to stop (suspend) extinguishing forest fires. Technologies for extinguishing fires using natural boundaries in remote areas and technologies for creating of mineralized barrier strips in the areas where it is impossible to use forest fire engines and tractors. The advantages of blasting operations for forest fire management are noted. The article presents the technical characteristics of theDShN-80 and DShN-M-160 that are high-power detonating cords for creating fireline (barrier) strips, the test results, as well as recommendations for their use. Bibliographic list:- Official website of the FBU «Avialesookhrana»: www.aviales.ru
- Ericom A.M., Astakhov E.A. Experience with the use of explosive materials in the localization and liquidation of forest fires // Problems of security and emergency situations, 2018, no. 1, Pp. 56-61.
- Сhervonny M.G. Protection of forests from fires. Moscow: Forest industry, 1973 104 p.
- Artsybashev E.S. Forest fires and fighting them. Moscow: Forest industry, 1972.152 p.
- Korovin G.N. Andreev N.A. Aviation protection of forests. Moscow: Agropromizdat. 1988. 220 p.
- Tsvetkov P.A. Essay on the history of domestic forest pyrology / / Siberian forest journal, 2015, no. 5, Pp. 3-25.
- Artsybashev E.S. The Use of elastic cord charges for fighting forest fires / E.S. Artsybashev, O.K. Orlov, Yu.V. Kustov / / Forestry. – 1984. – no. 9. – Pp. 64-65.
- Orlov O.K. Temporary instructions for the use of elastic cord charges ESH-1P in the fight against forest fires / O.K. Orlov, Yu.V. Kustov. – L.: Lenniilkh, 1983. – 9 p.
- Regulations on the management of explosive works in the system of state Forestry of the USSR. – M.: State forestry of the USSR, 1987. – 39 p.
- Instructions for aviation protection of forests – Moscow: Vniitslesresurs, 1997. 120 p.
- Official site JSC «NMP «Iskra»: www.nmz-iskra.ru.
| 67-76 |
 | UDC 622.684:629.622.271 S.A. Kozyrev, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Chief Researcher, E.A. Vlasova, PhD (Engineering), Senior Researcher (Mining Institute of KSC RAS)
Study of the chemical compatibility of emulsion explosives with rocks of Кhibiny massif and assessment of its consequences Keywords:emulsion explosives, chemical compatibility, carbonaties, williomite, safety, environmental pollution The paper presents studies of the chemical compatibility of ammonium nitrate, as the main component of emulsion explosives, with the rocks of the Nyorkpakhsky deposit of apatite-nepheline ores in the Khibiny massif. The mineral composition of the ores and the host rocks of the deposit was estimated and the negative effect of carbonate and fluorine-containing rock-forming minerals on the stability of ammonium nitrate was established, which can lead to foaming of charges in the wells after charging, a decrease in charge density and, as a result, a decrease in volumetric energy and detonation characteristics of the charge. Thermochemical calculations showed that the reaction between the components of explosives and rock minerals is endothermic – they absorb heat, therefore, the mixture does not heat up when the components interact. The considered interactions cannot lead to emergency situations of self-heating and decomposition of well charges of emulsion explosives. The explosive mixture and products of incomplete oxidation in the environment pollutes it. The increase in the content of «pollutants» is due either to the partial dissolution of ammonium nitrate or to the release of nitrogen oxides resulting from a decrease in the detonation ability of the charge. Bibliographic list:- Petrov E.A., Tambiev P.G., Savin P.I., Bychin N.V. Issledovanie termicheskoj stabil'nosti ammonita i granemita v sul'fidnyh rudah // Gornyj zhurnal Kazahstana, 2014. №4. pp. 18-20.
- Djerdjev A.M., Priyananda P., Gore J., Beattie J.K., Neto C., Hawkett B.S. The mechanism of the spontaneous of ammonium nitrate in reactive grounds // Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2018. V.6. pp. 281-288.
- Kozyrev S.A., Vlasova E.A. Issledovanie himicheskogo vzaimodejstviya ammiachnoj selitry s sul'fidsoderzhashchimi mineralami v sostave gematit-magnetitovyh kvarcitov Olenegorskogo mestorozhdeniya // Vestnik Kol'skogo nauchnogo centra RAN. 2019. №2. T.11. pp. 54-60.
- Pupkov V.V., Maslov I.Yu., Bachurin L.V. i dr. Ocenka himicheskoj sovmestimosti promyshlennyh VV s razrabatyvaemymi porodami i rekomendacii po povysheniyu himicheskoj stojkosti promyshlennyh VV – s cel'yu povysheniya bezopasnosti vedeniya vzryvnyh rabot // Bezopasnost' truda v promyshlennosti. 2004. №4. pp.37-40.
- Alishkin A.R., Zaharov V.I., Matveev V.A., Majorov D.V. O himicheskoj sovmestimosti emul'sionnyh vzryvchatyh veshchestv s rudami i gornymi porodami // Bezopasnost' truda v promyshlennosti. 2007. №7. pp. 69-71.
- Mineral'nye mestorozhdeniya Kol'skogo poluostrova / G.I. Gorbunov, I.V. Bel'kov, S.I. Makievskij i dr.; L., «Nauka», 1981. 272 p.
- Himicheskie analizy mineralov Kol'skogo poluostrova / sost. M.I. Volkova, N.G. Pomeranceva; otv.red. I.D. Borneman-Starynkevich; Akademiya nauk SSSR, Kol'skij filial, Geologicheskij institut. – Apatity, 1970. – 510 p.
- Mineraly Hibinskogo massiva / V.N. Yakovenchuk, G.Yu. Ivanyuk, Ya.A. Pahomovskij, Yu.P. Men'shikov // Moskva: Izd. «Zemlya», 1999. 326 p.
- Mineralogiya Hibinskogo massiva (mineraly).Tom 2. / otv.red. F. V. Chuhrov; M., «Nauka», 1978. – 588 p.
- Dauval'ter V.A., Dauval'ter M.V. Ekologicheskoe sostoyanie podzemnyh vod Vostochnogo rudnika AO «Apatit» // Trudy Fersmanovskoj nauchnoj sessii GI KNC RAN. 2019. T.16. pp. 131–135.
- Hohryakov A.V., Studenok A.G., Studenok G.A. Issledovanie processov formirovaniya himicheskogo zagryazneniya drenazhnyh vod soedineniyami azota na primere kar'era krupnogo gornogo predpriyatiya // Izvestiya Ural'skogo gosudarstvennogo gornogo universiteta. 2016.№ 4 (44). pp. 35-37.
- Kozlovskaya T.F., Chebenko V.N. Puti snizheniya urovnya ekologicheskoj opasnosti v rajonah dobychi poleznyh iskopaemyh otkrytym sposobom // Vіsnik KNU іmenі Mihajla Ostrograds'kogo, Vipusk 6/2010 (65). Chastina 1. pp. 163-168.
| 77-90 |
Section 3. Technology of blasting in the mining of solid minerals
 | UDC 622.271.4 I.F. Zharikov, lead researcher of IPKON RAS, Doctor of Technical Sciences, A.I. Shenderov, head of the IGD laboratory, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS, Moscow, Russia)
High-ranking technology of the works with dragline Keywords:high ledges, drilling, angle of slope of the board, width of collapse, granulometric composition, front of dissection works High-level mining technology is being considered, which ensures a reduction in the current volume of dissection work by increasing the angle of the escarpment of the working side. It is shown that compared to the existing technology, the volume of dissection work during the period of restructuring of the working board is reduced by half, and the real technological scheme of the opening zone differs from the scheme considered by the breakdown of the total height of the open on separate ledges and the cyclical nature of the development of open ledges by separate openings. In the case of incision conditions, the appropriate height of the open ledges is between 25 and 35 m, which provides the possibility of bringing the angle of the escarpment of the working board to 25-270, against their existing traditional values of 12-150, with a corresponding decrease in the current volume of dissection work. The results of studies of the explosion of high ledges are considered as one of the elements of improving the technology of explosive preparation of the mountain range for excavation in the development of mineral deposits by deep quarries. Bibliographic list:- Trubetskaya K.N., Seinov N.P., Shenderov A.I. Reducing the current dissection rate/ Open Mining, 2000. No 2, p. 7-13
- Zharikov I.F. The effectiveness of the management of the processes of drilling capacity for excavation of the mountain range is effective . «Explosive Business», 2012, No. 108/65, p. 82-92
- Zharikov I.F.Increased the efficiency of rock crushing at deep quarries/ Sat. «Explosive Business», 2018, No121/78, p. 48-57.
- Trubetskaya K.N., Zharikov I.F., Shenderov A.I. Improving the design of career complexes of the TTC/ Mountain Journal, 2015, No. 1, p. 21-25.
| 91-104 |
 | UDC 622.235 Yu.G. Antipin, candidate of technical sciences, head of the laboratory of underground geotechnology, K.V. Baranovsky, candidate of technical sciences, senior research worker of the laboratory of underground geotechnology, A.A. Rozhkov, candidate of technical sciences, research worker of the laboratory of underground geotechnology (Institute of Mining of the Ural branch of Russian Academy of Sciences – IM UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Investigation of schemes and parameters of breaking at the floor-and-chamber mining system of copper pyrite Urals deposits Keywords:copper-pyrite deposits, oversized yield, unregulated crushing zone, ore drawing, blast hole ring charges, blast hole bunch, breaking schemes, counter blasting In the underground mining of copper pyrite deposits in the Urals by a floor-and-chamber mining system with gob filling with hardening tab, the issue of increasing the efficiency of self-propelled loading and delivery equipment at ore output is rather acute. The most negative factor in this case is a significant (up to 12-19%) yield of oversized fractions during the production of explosive ore breaking. In addition to the time spent on the process of filling the bucket of the loading and delivery machine and further transporting the oversized material to the secondary crushing chamber, tire wear is also significant and the cost of fuels and lubricants per ton of ore mined is increasing. In this paper, the main ways to reduce the oversize yield when mining primary and secondary chambers based on various schemes of explosive breaking are proposed and considered. As a result of the studies, the main technical and economic indicators of the considered schemes, the areas of their effective application were established, and the flight parameters between the outcrop planes during the oncoming breakdown of the blast hole ring charges were justified. Bibliographic list:- Volkov Yu.V., Sokolov I.V. Podzemnaya razrabotka mednokolchedannyh mestorozhdenij Urala (Underground mining of copper pyrite deposits in the Urals). Ekaterinburg: UrO RAN, 2006. 232 p.
- Kalmykov V.N., Pergament V.H., Neugomonov S.S. Raschyot parametrov otbojki treshchi-novatyh rud skvazhinnymi zaryadami pri sistemah razrabotki s tverdeyushchej zakladkoj (Calculation of parameters for breaking fractured ores by borehole charges in development systems with a hardening tab) Vestnik MGTU = The Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University. 2009. No. 1. P. 22-24.
- Lyashenko V.I., Golik V.I., Komashchenko V.I., Rakhmanov R.A. Razrabotka tekhnologij i tekhnicheskih sredstv dlya burovzryvnoj otbojki skal'nyh rud pri kamernyh sistemah s zakladkoj (Development of technologies and technical means for drilling and blasting breaking of rock ores with chamber systems with a tab) // Vzryivnoe delo = Explosion technology. 2020. No. 126-83. P. 113-150.
- Sokolov I.V., Smirnov A.A., Antipin YU.G., Nikitin I.V., Baranovskij K.V. Napravleniya razvitiya i opyt primeneniya podzemnoj geotekhnologii s ispol'zovaniem samohodnoj tekhniki na Ural'skih rudnikah (Directions of development and experience in the use of underground geotechnology using self-propelled equipment in the Ural mines) // Gornyy Informatsionno-Analiticheskiy Byulleten = Mining Information-Analytical Bulletin. 2013. No. 4. P. 66-74.
- Lapin V.A. Sovershenstvovanie tekhnologii vzryvnoj otbojki na glubokih gorizontah mednokolchedannyh mestorozhdenij (Improving the technology of explosive blasting at deep horizons of copper pyrite deposits: Abstract): Avtoref. dis. ... kand. tekhn. nauk. – Magnitogorsk : Magnitogorskij gosudarstvennyj tekhnicheskij universitet im. G.I. Nosova, 2002. 21 p.
- Antipin Yu.G. Vliyanie geometricheskih parametrov kamer na effektivnost' otrabotki mestorozhdenij (The influence of the geometric parameters of the chambers on the efficiency of mining) // Gornyy Informatsionno-Analiticheskiy Byulleten = Mining Information-Analytical Bulletin.. 2007. No. 3. P. 264-269.
- Kutuzov B.N., Belin V.A. Proektirovanie i organizaciya vzryvnyh rabot. М.: Gornaya kniga, 2012. 416 p.
- Smirnov A.A., Rozhkov A.A. Issledovanija dejstvija vzryva veera skvazhinnyh zarjadov (Investigations of explosion action of blast hole ring charges) // Vzryivnoe delo = Explosion technology. 2018. No 119/76. pp. 118-128.
- Smirnov A.A., Baranovskiy K.V., Rozhkov A.A. Primenenie principov resursosberezheniya pri otbojke krepkih treshchinovatyh rud veerami skvazhinnyh zaryadov (Application of resource-saving principles at breaking of strong fractured ores by blasthole ring charges) // Gornyy Informatsionno-Analiticheskiy Byulleten = Mining Information-Analytical Bulletin. 2020. No. 3-1. P. 300-312.
- Bud'ko A.V., Zakalinskij V.M., Rubcov S.K., Blinov A.A. Sovershenstvovanie skvazhinnoj otbojki (Improving borehole breaking). М.: Nedra, 1981. 199 p.
- Trubeckoj K.N., Zaharov V.N., Viktorov S.D., Zharikov I.F., Zakalinskij V.M. Vzryvnoe razrushenie massivov gornyh porod pri osvoenii nedr (Explosive destruction of rock masses during the development of mineral resources) // Problemy nedropol'zovaniya = Subsoil Use Issues. 2014. No. 3. P. 80-95.
- Kutuzov B.N., Kryukov G.M., Pushkin B.Ya. Teoriya razrusheniya kuskov porody pri soudarenii vo vremya razleta ih v rezul'tate vzryva (The theory of the destruction of pieces of rock during a collision during their expansion as a result of an explosion) // Vzryivnoe delo = Explosion technology. 1986. No. 86-43. P. 39-48.
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| 105-120 |
 | UDC 622.831:550.543 O.E. Khomenko, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, M.N. Kononenko, PhD. tech. sciences', Associate Professor (National Technical University «Dnipro Polytechnic», 49005, Dnepr, Ukraine) V.I. Lyashenko, PhD. tech. sciences', senior researcher (Of Ukrnipipromtehnologii, Zhovti Vody , Ukraine)
Justification of the parameters of drilling and blasting operations in the formation of the bottom of operating units in energy-disturbed mining masses Keywords:rock massifs, blasthole parameters, bottoms, blocks, undercutting, geological environment, environmental safety, efficiency The article describes methods of generalization, analysis and evaluation of practical experience and scientific achievements in the field of drilling and blasting destruction of solid media, mechanics of continuous media, mathematical statistics, as well as research methods of wave processes. The technique of substantiating the blasthole parameters during the formation of trench undercutting of reserves of the production block with sucker-rod holes or wells with a diameter of 50-105 mm drilled from undercut workings located at the level of the haulage horizon or higher by 3-5 m. It is shown that the use of geochemical technologies for leaching metals in devices installed in underground workings makes it necessary to improve the design of the block bottom. The preparation of the receiving horizon should be carried out in the form of a flat bottom, silted with clay solution at an angle of up to 5-6 degrees towards the collection of the productive solution. Drill observation wells into the ore body contour and the horizon for catching productive solutions, as well as flushing with process water through the existing irrigation system. This ensures a reduction in the ingress of harmful pollutants into the geological environment. Bibliographic list:- Khomenko, O., Kononenko, M., & Myronova, I. (2013). Blasting works technology to de-crease an emission of harmful matters into the mine atmosphere. Mining Of Mineral Deposits, 231-235. [In Ukr]. http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/b16354-43.
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- Lyashenko V.I., Andreev B.N., Kucha P.M. (2018).Development of mining technologies for underground block leaching of metals from rock ores // Mining information and analytical bulletin. No. 3. – P. 46-60. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018 / 0236-1493-2018-3-0-46-60.
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- Lyashenko V.I., Golik V.I., Komashchenko V.I. (2018).Increasing the efficiency of drilling and blasting preparation of rocky ores for underground block leaching of metals. Scientific and technical collection Vzryvnoe delo. No. 120/77. – S. 147–168. [In Russ].
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- Lyashenko V.I., Khomenko O.E. (2019).Increasing the efficiency of drilling and blasting of ore in a clamped environment. Mining information and analytical bulletin. No. 11. – P. 59–72. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018 / 0236-1493-2019-11-0-59-72.
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| 121-145 |
 | UDC 622.26.016.34 V.I. Lyashenko, PhD. tech. sciences', senior researcher, A.H. Dudchenko, Senior Researcher (Of Ukrnipipromtehnologii, Ukraine) O.E. Khomenko, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, M.N. Kononenko, PhD. tech. sciences', professor (National Technical University «Dnipro Polytechnic», Dnepr, Ukraine) R.A. Rakhmanov, research fellow, Ph.D. in Engineering, (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS, Moscow, Russia)
Improvement of technologies and technical means for drilling and blasting horizontal mine workings in rock massifs Keywords:rock massifs, technologies and technical means, mine workings, drilling and blasting, prismatic cuttings, safety, efficiency The article presents the main scientific and practical results of improving technologies and technical means for drilling and blasting horizontal mine workings in rock massifs obtained on the basis of the results of studying the changing geomechanical, mining and hydrogeological conditions of the field. mathematical modeling of BWR parameters and new designs of prismatic cuttings with an uncharged well. This will ensure a high-quality development with the care of the face for a cycle of at least 3.3-3.5 m and increase the safety of operation during its lifetime. Methods of generalization, analysis and evaluation of practical experience and scientific achievements in the field of drilling and blasting of solid media, continuum mechanics, mathematical statistics, as well as research techniques of wave processes using standard and new methods of leading specialists of developed mining countries with the participation of the authors are described. The prismatic cuttings and parameters of drilling and blasting operations for the sinking of mine workings and the depth of holes in the faces up to 3.5 m are justified. It is established that in addition to productive self-propelled equipment, there is a need for new designs of prismatic cuttings, with a high-quality (clean) cut cavity up to 0.95-1.0. Seven variants of new designs of prismatic cuttings with uncharged boreholes with diameters of 105, 85 and 74 mm are proposed. Prismatic cuttings with compensating volume (wells of various diameters from 65 to 105 mm) are proved and developed. Bibliographic list:- Kelly B. Stress analysis for boreholes on department of defense lands in the western united states: a study in stress heterogeneity / Proceedings, Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University. Stanford: Stanford University, 2013. Pp. 139-150.
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- Lyashenko V.I., Khomenko O.E. Improving the efficiency of drilling and blasting of ore in a clamped environment / / Mining information and analytical Bulletin. – 2019. – No. 11. – Pp. 59-72. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2019-11-0-59-72.
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| 146-171 |
Section 4. Information, chronicle
 | UDC 622.235 V.A. Belin, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, President of ANO NOIV, member of the public Council of Rostechnadzor (Mining Institute of nust MISIS, Moscow)
To the 300th anniversary of the mountain and industrial supervision of Russia. History of development of explosive business in Russia in documents and facts Keywords:explosive business, industrial safety, mineral development, mining supervision bodies, explosives, mining education, professional publications, regulatory framework, safety rules The article presents historical documents and facts of the development of mining and blasting in Russia from the time of Peter the Great to the present day. The stages of formation of blasting operations in the Russian industry and the creation of mining supervision bodies from the Berg Board, created by decree of Peter 1, to the modern « Rostekhnadzor» are considered in detail. There are references to legislative acts from pre-revolutionary Russia to the present day. The history of the development of explosives from black powder to emulsion explosives and the simplest ammonium nitrate compounds is given. The main tasks of the state control bodies of the USSR and Russia on control in the field of industrial safety at the objects of the mining, coal and construction industries are considered. The historical facts of creation of professional publications for specialists of the mining industry and explosive business are considered. The main stages of improving the training of personnel for industrial enterprises engaged in the development of minerals are described. Attention is paid to the development of a modern regulatory framework for explosives in Russia and the countries of the customs Union. | 172-194 |
 | Novosibirsk Mechanical Plant "Iskra" Miner's day | 195-195 |