"Explosion technology"— scientific and technical journal

Journal was founded in 1922 by a group of engineers. In Russia and the CIS "Explosion technology" is the only one peer-reviewed specialized periodical in the field of blasting.

Issue 129/86 (2020)

Theory and practice of blasting work

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Novosibirsk Mechanical Plant "Iskra"
Production of civilian products in the field of industrial blasting equipment
Novosibirsk Mechanical Plant "Iskra"
Intermediate detonator DPM-4
Novosibirsk Mechanical Plant "Iskra"
Detonating cords
Novosibirsk Mechanical Plant "Iskra"
Non-electrical initiation systems

Section 1. Researches of the rocks destruction by explosion
UDC 622.235
S.D. Viktorov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
V.M. Zakalinsky
Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)

A new conceptual direction in the methodology of the relationship between blasting and geomechanics

Keywords:explosion, explosive substance, rock, explosion pulse, mono charge, beams of converged wells, charge shape, flat charge, cavities, drilling technique

Based on the disclosure of cause-and-effect relationships and patterns at the intersection of various mining Sciences, a methodology is developed and appropriate tools are proposed for the relationship between blasting and geomechanics in order to improve equipment and technology in complex geomechanical conditions of mineral development.
When considering the conceptual issues of the priority direction, which has various mining applications with real improvement of economic indicators, the charge design is proposed as a means of increasing the share of the EXPLOSIVE explosion energy flow in a certain direction. This leads to a significant increase in the efficiency of a directional explosion and minimizes its effect in the opposite, «law-based» direction.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Viktorov S.D. Razrushenie gornykh porod sblizhennymi zaryadami (Destruction of rocks by close charges) / S.D. Viktorov, Yu. P. Galchenko, V.M. Zakalinsky, S.K. Rubtsov. Pod red. akad. K.N. Trubetskogo. M.: OOO Izdatel'stvo «Nauchtekhlitizdat» (Ed. Akad. K.N Trubetskoy. Moscow.: LLC publishing house «Nauchtehlitizdat»). 2006. 276 p.
  2. Budko A.V. Sovershenstvovanie skvazhinnoy otboyki(Improvement of borehole breakage) / A.V. Budko, V.M. Zakalinsky, S.K. Rubtsov, A.A. Blinov. Moscow.: Nedra. 1981. 199 p.
  3. Viktorov S.D. Tekhnologiya krupnomasshtabnoy vzryvnoy otboyki na udaroopasnykh rudnykh mestorozhdeniyakh Sibiri(Technology of large-scale explosive rebounding on impact-hazardous ore deposits in Siberia) / S.D. Viktorov, A.A. Eremenko, V.M. Zakalinsky, I.V. Mashukov. Novosibirsk: Nauka. 2005. 212 p.
  4. Zhendong Leng, Jinshan Sun, Wenbo Lu, Xianqi Xie, Yongsheng Jia, Guisong Zhou. Ming Chen. Mechanism of the in-hole detonation wave interactions in dual initiation with electronic detonators in bench blasting operation. Computers and Geotechnics.Publisher: Elsevier. Volume 129 (2021). doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2020.103873.
  5. Pagiev K. Kh., Petrov Yu. S., Maslov A.A. Sovershenstvovanie elektronnykh ustroystv initsiirovaniya elektrodetonatorov i upravleniya vzryvom(Improvement of electronic devices for initiation of electric detonators and explosion control) // Trudy SKGTU(Proceedings of skstu), Issue 5. 1998. 61 p.
  6. Pagiev K. Kh., Petrov Yu. S., Maslov A.A. Analiz sredstv obespecheniya zamedleniya pri elektricheskom vzryvanii zaryadov (Analysis of means for providing deceleration during electric charge explosion) // Trudy SKGTU (Proceedings of the scstu). Issue 6. 1999. 141 p.
  7. Gamsakhurdia Sh. G. Issledovanie razrusheniya ugol'nogo massiva pri pomoshchi ploskikh zaryadov (Investigation of the destruction of a coal massif using flat charges /abstract of the candidate's dissertation) // Rotaprintnoe izd. IGD im A.A. Skochinskogo (Rotaprint ed. IGD named after A.A. Skochinsky). 1963. 21 p.
  8. Budko A.V. K teorii deystviya vzryva puchkov sblizhennykh zaryadov(On the theory of the action of an explosion of beams of converged charges) // A.V. Budko, V. M. Zakalinsky // FTPRP. 1965. No. 6. 199 p.
UDC 622.235
N.N. Kazakov, lead scientist, D. sc. tech,
A.V. Shlyapin, deputy director, Cand sc. tech.
(Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences)

Еxpansion progress of the spherical part of a camouflet stage of an explosion in the lower zone of a pit block

Keywords:spherical part of a camoufletphase, destruction energy, blasting energy, crushed fraction size, crushing volume. stress wave

The article represents an analytical description of the expansion process of thecamoufletpart of a spherical stage in the lower zone of a quarry block during rock crushing using the borehole charges of an industrial explosives. The lower zone is adjacent to overdrilling wells. The spherical part of a camoufletstage of the process is formed below the subdrilling area and spreads into the depths of the rock massif.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Kazakov N.N., Viktorov S.D., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Rocks crushing by the explosion in open pits. 2020. (in Russian)
  2. Adushkin V.V. Model research of destruction of rocks by explosion. «Physical problems жof explosive destruction of rock massifs». – M.: IPKON RAN, 1999. – P.18-29. (in Russian)
  3. Kazakov N.N. Mass velocity of particles in the region at the radiation level. Collection «Explosive business» Issue No. 106/63. – M .: ZAO MVK for explosives at AGN, 2011. – pp. 27-32. (in Russian)
  4. Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Geometric parameters of the camouflage zone during the explosion of a borehole charge in a quarry. Collection «Explosive business» Issue No. 108/65. – M .: CJSC «MVK for explosive business at AGN», 2012. – P.8-15. (in Russian)
  5. Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Energy parameters of the camouflage zone during the explosion of a borehole charge in a quarry. Collection «Explosive business» Issue No. 108/65. – M .: CJSC MVK for explosives at AGN, 2012. – P.73-80. (in Russian)
UDC 622.235
N.N. Kazakov, lead scientist, D. sc. tech,
A.V. Shlyapin, deputy director, Cand sc. tech.
(Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences)

Еxpansion progress of the cylindrical part of a camouflet stage of an explosion in the lower zone of a pit block

Keywords:cylindrical part of a camouflet phase, blasting energy, crushedfraction size, crushing volume, stress wave

This article represents an analytical description of the expansion process of thecamoufletpart of a cylindrical stage in the lower zone of a quarry block during rock crushing using the borehole charges of an industrial explosives. The lower zone is adjacent to overdrilling wells. The idea was taken as an indisputable truth that some of the charges in the subdrills provide crushing of the rock layer three meters thick below the mined block.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Kazakov N.N., Viktorov S.D., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Rocks crushing by the explosion in open pits. 2020 (in Russian).
  2. Adushkin V.V. Model studies of destruction of rocks by explosion. «Physical problems of explosive destruction of rock massifs». – M.: IPKON RAN, 1999. – P.18-29 (in Russian).
  3. Kutuzov B.N. Design of blasting operations in industry M. Nedra, 1983. P. 359 (in Russian).
  4. Kazakov N.N. Mass velocity of particles in a wave at the radiation boundary. Collection «Explosive business» Issue No. 106/63. – M.: CJSC «MVK for explosive business at AGN», 2011. – S. 27-32 (in Russian).
  5. Rakishev B.R., Rakisheva Z.B., Auezova A.M., Kuttybaev A.E. Analytical determination of the granulometric composition of the blasted rock mass with borehole crushing charges. Sat. «Explosive business». Theory and practice of explosives № 113/70. M., 2015, p. 6-29 (in Russian).
  6. Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Geometric parameters of the camouflage zone during the explosion of a borehole charge in a quarry. Collection «Explosive businessМ Issue No. 108/65. – M.: CJSC «MVK for explosive business at AGN», 2012. – P.8-15 (in Russian).
  7. Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Energy parameters of the camouflage zone during the explosion of a borehole charge in a quarry. Collection «Explosive business» Issue No. 108/65. – M.: CJSC «MVK for explosive business at AGN», 2012. – P.73-80 (in Russian).
UDC 622.286.4 (043.3)
Yu.D. Norov, Professor of Mining department, Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor,
Sh.R.Urinov, Head of International Relations Department, Associate professor department of «Automation and control», Doctor of technical Sciences, professor
(Navoi state mining Institute, Uzbekistan, Navoi)
U.F. Nasirov, Senior teacher
(Branch of Tashkent state technical University in Almalyk, Uzbekistan, Almalyk)
Kh.Y. Norova, PhD student
(Tashkent state technical University,Uzbekistan, Tashkent)

Study of regularities of change of the angle of repose of the soil embankment of the trench ejection charges depending on their mass humidity, angle of internal friction and the resistance value shift of the soil mass in laboratory conditions

Keywords:trench charge, discharge, explosive consumption, ground embankment, form of embankment, mass humidity

This article presents a developed method for a comprehensive study of changes in the angle of natural slope of the soil embankment of trench discharge charges depending on the mass humidity of the massif, the angle of internal friction and the value of the friction resistance.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Popova Z.A. Research of soils for road construction. – M.: Transport, 1985. – 126 p.
  2. Mathematical statistics. Under the editorship of A. M. in Length. M.:1975. – 398 p.
  3. The solution of engineering problems in MathCAD. – M.: Science, 2003. – 495 p.
  4. Urinov Sh. R., Norov Yu. D. Development of a method for engineering calculation of effective parameters of soil embankment of trench discharge Charges // Scientific-technical and production journal «Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan» No.4, December,2005, pp. 46-49. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2005-oktyabr-dekabr.pdf
  5. Norov Yu.D., Urinov Sh.R. Changes in the mechanical properties of soil embankment of trench discharge charges depending on their mass humidity // Scientific-technical and production journal «Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan» No.3 September, 2006, pp.35-37. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads /pdf/2006-iyul-sentyabr.pdf
  6. Norov Yu.D., Urinov Sh.R. Investigation of the regularity of changes in the angle of internal friction of ground embankment of trench discharge charges depending on their angle of natural slope. // Scientific-technical and production magazine «Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan» No.3, September, 2006, pp.33-35. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2006-iyul-sentyabr.pdf
  7. Urinov Sh.R. Substantiation and development of effective parameters of soil embankment of trench discharge charges // Abstract of the dissertation. Navoi, Navoiypoligrafservis, 2006, 28 p.
  8. Norov Yu.D., Urinov Sh.R. Change in the value of the shear Resistance of the ground embankment of trench discharge charges depending on their angle of natural slope // Proceedings of the international scientific conference. Tashkent, Innovation, 22-25 October, 2006, pp.229-230.
  9. Norov Yu.D., Urinov Sh.R., Mirzaeva F., Norov D.Sh. Method of determining the angle of natural slope of the ground embankment of trench discharge charges // Materials of the international scientific and technical conference «ISTIQLOL» «Modern technology and technology of the mining and metallurgical industry and ways of their development» Navoi, 29-30 September, 2008,pp.49-52.
  10. Norov Yu.D., Nosirov U. F., Urinov Sh. R. «Substantiation and development of new methods for the formation of elongated recesses in floating sandy soils by explosions of trench discharge charges» / Final report on the budget Topic p. 6. 2. 5. Navoi, Funds, NavSMI, 2005, 129 p.
UDC 622.235 (043.3), 622.233/235.012.3
I.T. Mislibayev, dean of Mining Faculty, Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor,
A.Yu. Norov, Researcher of Mining department
(Navoi state mining Institute, Uzbekistan, Navoi)
Kh.Y. Norova, PhD student
(Tashkent state technical University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent)

Studies of changes in the width of the trapezoidal shape of the retaining wall by explosions of borehole discharge charges in the soil massif

Keywords:the height of the retaining wall, the width of the collapse, the exploded rock mass, the width of the ledge, the line of least resistance, explosives, trapezoidal, triangular, segmental shape of the retaining wall, borehole charges, methods of physical modeling

To calculate the maximum height of the collapse of blasted rock mass on the blast hole charges of explosives with the use of a trapezoidal shape is sandwiched environment obtained a formula, which includes the main parameters that determine the energy characteristics of emulsion explosives, parameters of blasting and physico-mechanical properties of the blasted rocks. Dependences of change of the maximum height of the collapse of the blasted rocks, the width of the collapse in the explosion of the first row of wells, the width of the retaining wall, the height of the step, the height of the emulsion charge density loading and the heat of explosion of emulsion explosives to blow very hard, hard blow and medium blow up rocks.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Drukovany M.F., Kukib B.N., Kuts V.S. Drilling and blasting works in open pits. - M.: Nedra, 1990.-337 p.
  2. Bibik I.P., Rubtsov S.K., Sytenkov D.V. Management of blasting preparation of rocks in technological streams of open pits. - Tashkent: Fan, 2008.-424 p.
  3. Rakishev B.R. Computer-aided design and production of massive explosions in open pits. Alma-Ata: Gylym. 2016 .-- 340 p.
  4. Norov Yu.D., Zairov Sh.Sh. Management of the collapse of rocks taking into account the charge energy of emulsion explosives // Gorny Vestnik of Uzbekistan. - Navoi, 2015. - No. 4. - S23-29.
  5. Kazakov N.N., Viktorov S.D. Determination of the parameters of the collapse of the rock mass repulsed by the explosion in open pits // Technological problems of destruction in the process of mining. - M., 2004 .-- S. 137-140.
  6. UrinovSh.R., SaidovaL.Sh. Theoretical studies of the influence of deep pit parameters on the choice of technological schemes for transporting rock mass / Solid State Technology, Volume: 63 Issue: 6, 2020, pp. 429-433. https://www.solidstatetechnology.us/index.php/JSST/article/view/1549
  7. Zairov Sh. Sh., Urinov Sh. R., Nomdorov R.U. Ensuring Wall Stability in the Course of Blasting at Open Pits of Kyzyl Kum Region. / Mining science and technology, vol 5, No 3, 2020, pp. 235-252. https://mst.misis.ru/jour/article/view/243/210
  8. Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R. Explosion action of outlining borehole charges of explosives in the near-contour zone of a quarry. - Monograph. - Bukhoro, Ed. "Bukhoro", 2014. - 127 p.
  9. Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R., Ravshanova M.Kh. Ensuring the stability of the pit walls during blasting operations. - Monograph. - LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. - Germany, 2020 .-- 175 p.
  10. Ivanovsky D.S., Nasirov U.F., Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R. Displacement of rocks of different strength by the energy of the explosion. - Monograph. - LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. - Germany, 2020 .-- 116 p.
  11. Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R., Ravshanova M.Kh., Nomdorov R.U. Physical and technical assessment of the stability of the sides of the quarries, taking into account the technology of drilling and blasting operations. - Monograph. - Bukhoro, publishing house "Bukhoro", 2020. - 175 p.
  12. Nasirov U.F., Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R., Ivanovsky D.S. Control of the movement of different-strength rocks by the energy of the explosion to discharge. Bukhoro, publishing house "Bukhoro", 2020. - 116 p.
  13. Urinov Sh.R., Khamdamov O.O. Investigation of the process of loading rocks with detonation products during the explosion of borehole charges of explosives with various types of boreholes // Gorny Vestnik of Uzbekistan. - Navoi, 2011. - No. 1. - S. 77-80. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2011-yanvar-mart.pdf
  14. Norov Yu.D., Bibik I.P., Urinov Sh.R., Ivanovsky D.S. Methodology for determining the main parameters of the collapse when moving different-strength rocks by explosions of borehole charges of explosives in industrial conditions // Gorny Vestnik of Uzbekistan. - Navoi, 2011. - No. 2. - S. 44-48. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2011-aprel-iyun.pdf
  15. Norov Yu.D., Bibik I.P., Urinov Sh.R., Ivanovsky D.S. Investigation of the movement of different-strength rocks by explosions of borehole charges by the method of mathematical modeling // Gornyi Vestnik Uzbekistan. - Navoi, 2011. - No. 3. - S. 35-39. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2011-iyul-sentyabr.pdf
  16. Norov Yu.D., Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R. Development of a mathematical model of the action of a slotted charge of explosives in a rock mass // Gorny Vestnik of Uzbekistan. - Navoi, 2015. - No. 3. - S. 32-37. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2015-iyul-sentyabr.pdf
  17. Petrosov Yu.E., Makhmudov D.R., Urinov Sh.R. The physical essence of rock crushing by the explosion of explosive borehole charges // Gorny Vestnik of Uzbekistan. - Navoi, 2016. - No. 4. - S. 97-100. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2016-oktyabr-dekabr.pdf
  18. Norov Yu.D., Umarov F.Ya., Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R., Makhmudov D.R. Theoretical studies of the parameters of the retaining wall for various forms of the compressed medium from the exploded rock mass // Izvestiya vuzov. Mining Journal. - Yekaterinburg, 2018. - No. 4. - S. 64-71. http://mining-science.ru/download/2018/2018-4.pdf#page=66
  19. Zairov, S. S., Makhmudov, D. R., & Urinov, S. R. (2018). Theoretical and experimental research of explosive rupture of rocks with muck piles of different geometry. GornyiZhurnal, (9), 46-50. doi: 10.17580 / gzh.2018.09.05
  20. Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R., Tukhtashev A.B. Analysis of technology of open pit mining and rebuilding of quarry sides // National Information Agency of Uzbekistan UzA. Department of Science (electronic journal). - Tashkent, June, 2020 .-- S. 1-15. http://uza.uz/upload/iblock/523/sh_sh_zairov_sh_r_urinov_a_b_tukhtashev_tekhnika_.pdf
  21. Norov Yu.D., Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R. Experimental studies of the action of the explosion of a concentrated shortened borehole charge of explosives // Magazine "Current resource-energy-saving technologies of hot-blast". - Science-virob-nichy journal: Kremenchutsk National University named after Mikhail Ostrogradskiy. - Kremenchuk: KrNU, 2012. - Issue 1 (9). - S. 23-29. http://www.kdu.edu.ua/GV_jurnal/GV_1_2012(9)/index.htm
  22. Norov Yu.D., Bibik I.P., Urinov Sh.R., Zairov Sh.Sh. Increasing the efficiency of crushing of different-strength rocks in difficult mining and geological conditions // Journal "Current resource-energy-saving technologies of mine-building technology". - Naukovo-virobnichy magazine: Kremen-Chutskiy National University named after Mikhail Ostrogradskiy. - Kremenchuk: KrNU, 2012. – Vipusk 2 (10) .– 134 p. pp. 48-52. http://www.kdu.edu.ua/GV_jurnal/GV_2_2012(10)/index.htm
  23. Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R., Tukhtashev A.B. Theoretical substantiation of methods for assessing the stability of slopes of fractured rocks // Scientific and practical electronic journal "Tesnika". - Nukus, 2020. - №2. - S. 50-55. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43420025
  24. Tukhtashev A.B., Urinov Sh.R., Zairov Sh.Sh. Development of a method for forming a structure and calculating the stability of the sides of deep quarries // Scientific and practical electronic journal "Tesnika". - Nukus, 2020. - №2. - S. 56-58. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43420027
UDC 622.235 (043.3), 622.233/235.012.3
A.Yu. Norov, Researcher of Mining department
(Navoi state mining Institute, Uzbekistan, Navoi)

The problem of controlling the explosion energy during the formation of the collapse of the exploded rock mass in quarries

Keywords:retaining wall height, collapse width, blasted rock mass, ledge width, line of least resistance, explosives, trapezoidal, triangular, segmental shape of the retaining wall, borehole charges, physical modeling methods

It is established that the control of the explosion energy during the formation of the collapse of blasted rocks can be divided into three main directions: the first is related to the development of an effective design of charges and their type of driving, designed for the formation of the collapse of blasted rocks by the explosion energy of downhole explosive charges in open – pit mining.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Bibik I.P., Rubtsov S.K., Sytenkov D.V. Management of blasting preparation of rocks in technological streams of open pits. - Tashkent: Fan, 2008.-424 p.
  2. Rakishev B.R. Computer-aided design and production of massive explosions in open pits. Alma-Ata: Gylym. 2016.-340 p.
  3. Norov Yu.D., Zairov Sh.Sh. Management of the collapse of rocks taking into account the charge energy of emulsion explosives // Gorny Vestnik of Uzbekistan. - Navoi, 2015. - No. 4. - S23-29.
  4. Bibik I.P., Zairov Sh.Sh., Ivanovskiy D.S., Urinov Sh.R. Determination of the discharge coefficient when moving rocks of different strength by explosions of borehole charges of explosives in industrial conditions // Gornyi Vestnik of Uzbekistan. - Navoi, 2010. - No. 3. - P. 19-22
  5. Manage the parameters of drilling and blasting operations and the stability of the sides in deep quarries. Snitka N.P., Nasyrov U.F., Umarov F.Ya., Zairov Sh.Sh. / Edited by prof. Norova Yu.D. - Tashkent. Fan., 2017 -344 p.
  6. Kuchersky N.I. Modern technologies in the development of primary gold deposits. - M .: "Ore and Metals", 2007. -696 p.
  7. UrinovSh.R., SaidovaL.Sh. Theoretical studies of the influence of deep pit parameters on the choice of technological schemes for transporting rock mass / Solid State Technology, Volume: 63 Issue: 6, 2020, pp. 429-433. https://www.solidstatetechnology.us/index.php/JSST/article/view/1549
  8. Zairov Sh. Sh., Urinov Sh. R., Nomdorov R.U. Ensuring Wall Stability in the Course of Blasting at Open Pits of Kyzyl Kum Region. / Mining science and technology, vol 5, No 3, 2020, pp. 235-252. https://mst.misis.ru/jour/article/view/243/210
  9. Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R. Explosion action of outlining borehole charges of explosives in the near-contour zone of a quarry. - Monograph. - Bukhoro, Ed. "Bukhoro", 2014. - 127 p.
  10. Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R., Ravshanova M.Kh. Ensuring the stability of the pit walls during blasting operations. - Monograph. - LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. - Germany, 2020 .-- 175 p.
  11. Ivanovsky D.S., Nasirov U.F., Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R. Displacement of rocks of different strength by the energy of the explosion. - Monograph. - LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. - Germany, 2020 .-- 116 p.
  12. Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R., Ravshanova M.Kh., Nomdorov R.U. Physical and technical assessment of the stability of the sides of the quarries, taking into account the technology of drilling and blasting operations. - Monograph. - Bukhoro, publishing house "Bukhoro", 2020. - 175 p.
  13. Nasirov U.F., Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R., Ivanovsky D.S. Control of the movement of different-strength rocks by the energy of the explosion to discharge. Bukhoro, publishing house "Bukhoro", 2020. - 116 p.
  14. Urinov Sh.R., Khamdamov O.O. Investigation of the process of loading rocks with detonation products during the explosion of borehole charges of explosives with various types of boreholes // Gorny Vestnik of Uzbekistan. - Navoi, 2011. - No. 1. - S. 77-80. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2011-yanvar-mart.pdf
  15. Norov Yu.D., Bibik I.P., Urinov Sh.R., Ivanovsky D.S. Methodology for determining the main parameters of the collapse when moving different-strength rocks by explosions of borehole charges of explosives in industrial conditions // Gorny Vestnik of Uzbekistan. - Navoi, 2011. - No. 2. - S. 44-48. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2011-aprel-iyun.pdf
  16. Norov Yu.D., Bibik I.P., Urinov Sh.R., Ivanovsky D.S. Investigation of the movement of different-strength rocks by explosions of borehole charges by the method of mathematical modeling // Gornyi Vestnik Uzbekistan. - Navoi, 2011. - No. 3. - S. 35-39. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2011-iyul-sentyabr.pdf
  17. Norov Yu.D., Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R. Development of a mathematical model of the action of a slotted charge of explosives in a rock mass // Gorny Vestnik of Uzbekistan. - Navoi, 2015. - No. 3. - S. 32-37. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2015-iyul-sentyabr.pdf
  18. Petrosov Yu.E., Makhmudov D.R., Urinov Sh.R. The physical essence of rock crushing by the explosion of explosive borehole charges // Gorny Vestnik of Uzbekistan. - Navoi, 2016. - No. 4. - S. 97-100. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2016-oktyabr-dekabr.pdf
  19. Norov Yu.D., Umarov F.Ya., Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R., Makhmudov D.R. Theoretical studies of the parameters of the retaining wall for various forms of the compressed medium from the exploded rock mass // Izvestiya vuzov. Mining Journal. - Yekaterinburg, 2018. - No. 4. - S. 64-71. http://mining-science.ru/download/2018/2018-4.pdf#page=66
  20. Zairov, S.S., Makhmudov, D.R., & Urinov, S.R. (2018). Theoretical and experimental research of explosive rupture of rocks with muck piles of different geometry. GornyiZhurnal, (9), 46-50. doi: 10.17580 / gzh.2018.09.05
  21. Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R., Tukhtashev A.B. Analysis of technology of open pit mining and rebuilding of quarry sides // National Information Agency of Uzbekistan UzA. Department of Science (electronic journal). - Tashkent, June, 2020 .-- S. 1-15. http://uza.uz/upload/iblock/523/sh_sh_zairov_sh_r_urinov_a_b_tukhtashev_tekhnika_.pdf
  22. Norov Yu.D., Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R. Experimental studies of the action of the explosion of a concentrated shortened borehole charge of explosives. - Naukovo-virobnichy journal: Kremenchutsk National University named after Mikhail Ostrogradskiy. - Kremenchuk: KrNU, 2012. - Issue 1 (9). - S. 23-29. http://www.kdu.edu.ua/GV_jurnal/GV_1_2012(9)/index.htm
  23. Norov Yu.D., Bibik I.P., Urinov Sh.R., Zairov Sh.Sh. Increasing the efficiency of crushing of different-strength rocks in difficult mining and geological conditions // Journal "Current resource-energy-saving technologies of mine-building technology". - Science-virobnichy magazine: Kremen-Chutsky nationality university of Mikhail Ostrogradsky. - Kremenchuk: KrNU, 2012. - Vipusk 2 (10). - 134 p. pp. 48-52. http://www.kdu.edu.ua/GV_jurnal/GV_2_2012(10)/index.htm
  24. Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R., Tukhtashev A.B. Theoretical substantiation of methods for assessing the stability of slopes of fractured rocks // Scientific and practical electronic journal "Tesnika". - Nukus, 2020. - №2. - S. 50-55. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43420025
  25. Tukhtashev A.B., Urinov Sh.R., Zairov Sh.Sh. Development of a method for forming a structure and calculating the stability of the sides of deep quarries // Scientific and practical electronic journal "Tesnika". - Nukus, 2020. –№2. - S. 56-58. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43420027

Section 2. State and improvement of explosives, devices and blasting agents
UDC 622.235.69
A.C. Kondratyev, General Director
(JSC "NMZ" Iskra", Novosibirsk, Russia)
E.A. Martynushkin, chief technologist
V.E. Bazhenov, deputy technical blasting manager
(LLC "Invest-Uglesbyt", Kiselevsk, Russia)

Experience of electronic detonators EDEZ-S application in the conditions of LLC “Resource“ and LLC “INVEST-UGLESBYT”

Keywords:mass explosions, electronic means of initiation, blasting operations, seismic impact, vibration velocity

The article describes the experience of using the Russian electronic system of initiation EDEZ-S produced by JSC "NMZ" Iskra" in the production conditions of LLC "Resource" and LLC "Invest-Uglesbyt". The practical results of experimental explosions obtained as a result of using an electronic initiation system and selection of deceleration intervals are presented. It is shown that the use of an electronic initiation system makes it possible to exclude an increase in the level of negative impact and to prevent a decrease in the quality characteristics of the blasted rock mass.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Rubtsov S.K. Comparative analysis of the use of non-electric initiation systems at mining enterprises / S.K. Rubtsov [and others] // Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan. - 2005. - No. 2. - S. 61-65.
  2. Sysoev A.A. Analysis of borehole charge initiation systems in open pits // Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavod. Mining Journal. - 2016. No. 4. - S. 60-67.
  3. Sysoev A.A. Pilot test of the probabilistic model of short-delayed initiation of the downhole charge system A.A. Sysoev, I.B. Katanov, S.A. Kondratyev. // Explosive business. Issue No. 125/82. - M .: IPKON RAN. –2019.– P. 5-16.
  4. Sysoev A.A. Comparative evaluation of pyrotechnic and electronic blasting caps based on a probabilistic model of initiation of the borehole charge system. Sysoev, S.A. Kondratyev, I.B. Katanov // Explosive business. Issue No. 126/83. - M .: IPKON RAN. - 2020. - S. 85-99.
  5. Kondratyev S.A. Analysis of the results of factory tests of Iskra devices for initiation of borehole charges / S.А. Kon-dratyev, A.A. Sysoev, I.B. Katanov // Bulletin of the Kuzbass State Technical University. - 2019. - No. 6. - S. 72-78.
  6. Peters K.I. Experience in reducing seismic impact on the environment and population during the production of massive explosions in the branches of OJSC "Coal company" Kuzbassrazrezugol "/ Vestnik NTs VostNII. - No. 3. - 2018 .-- S. 81-87.
  7. Kokin S.V. Control of parameters of a mass explosion / S.V. Ko-kin, D.M. Parkhomenko, A.V. Berwin // Explosive business. Issue No. 125/82. - M.: IPKON RAN. - 2019 .-- S. 39-52.
  8. Mushroom N.N. Analysis of seismic effects from massive explosions of the Neryungrinsky section / NN Grib, A.Yu. Pazynich. // Modern problems of science and education. - 2010. - No. 1. - S. 71-76.
  9. Novinkov A.G. The practice of using regression analysis to determine seismic safe distances during mass industrial explosions / Novinkov A.G., Protasov S.I., Gukin A.S. // Explosive business. Issue No. 108/65. - M.: IPKON RAN. - 2012 .-- S. 333-346.
  10. Novinkov A.G. Statistical Reliability of Prediction of the Peak Rate of Oscillations in Mass Industrial Explosions / No-vinkov A.G. [and others] // FTPRPI. - No. 5, 2015. - S. 50-57.
  11. Novinkov A.G. A practical method of taking into account the prevailing vibration frequency when determining seismically safe distances during blasting operations in open pits / Novinkov A.G., Protasov S.I., Samusev P.A. // Explosive business. Issue No. 115/72. - M.: IPKON RAN. - 2016 .-- S. 214-225.
  12. Novinkov A.G. Seismic safety of underground mine workings during blasting operations on the earth's surface / Novinkov A.G., Protasov S.I., Samusev P.A. // Labor safety in industry. - No. 8, 2018. - P. 64-68.
  13. Novinkov A.G. Determination of Seismic Safe Distances During Min-ing Blasts with Consideration of a Dominant Vibration Frequency / Novinkov A.G., Tashkinov A.S., Protasov S.I., Samusev P.A. // Coal in the 21st Century: Mining, Processing and Safety. 2016.S. 202-205.
UDC 622.235
S.D. Viktorov, head of the Department, Professor, doctor of technical Sciences,
A.E. Frantov, leading researcher, doctor of technical Sciences,
I.N. Lapikov, senior researcher, candidate of technical Sciences,
R.A. Rakhmanov, research associate
(Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
Yu. I. Suvorov, head of the Kuranakh mine
(Polyus Aldan JSC, Aldan, Russia)
V.Kh. Kantor, General Director
(NTF «Explosion Technology», Moscow)
V.Yu Fadeev., technical Director
V.N. Tikhonov, General Director,
V.V. Radkov, Director of technological development, head of special equipment,
V.V. Crooks, head of industrial engineering Department
(Azottech LLC, Moscow)

Development of the innovative blasting technologies based on application of the cheap explosives – granulites, on a development of mineral resources in the conditions of Northern and Arctic regions of Russia

Keywords:arctic zone, seasonally and permafrost, «frozen crust», ecosystem, industrial waste, cheap explosives, composition stability, dispersed aluminium, water-blocking additive, low-density filler, low-density intermediate detonator, gravity mixer

The factors that complicate blasting operations in the development of deposits in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation are indicated. Based on the generalization of many years of experience in the use of granularammonium nitrate-based explosives, the analysis of modern innovative solutions to improve the formulation, technology and equipment for their use, the potential of this technology in blasting seasonally and permafrost rocks, reducing the technogenic load on the environment was assessed.

Bibliographic list:
  1. GOST 21987-76 industrial explosive Substances.
  2. Viktorov S.D., Demidyuk G.P. The Simplest explosives. // Bulletin of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1985, no. 4, pp. 102-111.
  3. Starshinov A.V., Fadeev V.Yu. Bogdanov M.N. Influence of the physical state of the initial components on the effectiveness of the use of mixed explosives. Proceedings of the international conference «Physical problems of explosive destruction of rock massifs» ipcon RAS, Moscow, 1999. From 244-250
  4. Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E., Opanasenko P.I., Strogiy I.B., Zharikov I.F., Lapikov I.N. Innovative directions for improving the simplest EXPLOSIVES with additives returned to production by recycling materials. // Coal 2020, no. 11, p. 17-21.
  5. Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E., Lapikov I.N., Mingazov R.Ya. On methods for determining technological indicators of components of the simplest EXPLOSIVES / / Engineering physics, 2020, no. 8, p. 25-35.
  6. RF Patent No. 2096398. A method of making an explosive composition. Ed.: Seinov N.P., Annikov V.E., Cholakh N. O., Konoshenkov A.I., Kudryashov V.S., Vakhotin A.A., Nurijanyan G.Z. patent publication date 20.11.1997.
  7. Frantov A.E., Mingazov R.Ya., Krasyukova E.V. Development of methodological provisions for assessing the effect of depressant additives concentration on the viscosity of spent oils used in ISU granulites / / Collection of reports of the 14 International scientific school of young scientists and specialists «problems of subsoil development in the XXI century through the eyes of young people» – Moscow, ipcon RAS, 2019, pp. 275-280.
  8. Egupov A.A. «Use of explosion energy in the development of permafrost placers» M. Nedra. 1991c. 59-67.
  9. Protozoan explosives and features of their use in NMMC quarries / / E.I. Efremov, V.F. Dzhoe, O. Malygin, etc. / / Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan. – 2002. – No. 2. – P. 32-35.
  10. Joey V.F., Nikolenko E.V. Increasing the physical stability of charges of the simplest butylotic EXPLOSIVES. «Collection of scientific works» Improving the efficiency of rock destruction-Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1991-P. 12-15.
  11. Development of innovative technology for the destruction of a mountain massif in the development of stratified mineral deposits / / research report, ipcon RAS funds, 2016, 504 p.
  12. Zimon A.D. Adhesion of dust and powders. Ed. 2nd, TRANS. and add. M.: «Chemistry», 1976. 432 p
  13. Trubetskoy K.N., Zhdamirov V.M., Viktorov S.D., Seinov N.P., Zhuchenko E.N. Research of the simplest explosives containing coal powder //Izvestiya IGD im. A. A. Skochinsky, 1991, no. 1, pp. 38-41.
  14. Frantov A.E., Belousov F.S. Investigation of some properties of solid combustible components for the simplest explosives //Engineering physics, № 11, 2019, p. 51-57.
  15. Development of technological regulations on the production and use of granular EXPLOSIVES made on the SPM TDR.ANFO-7B-KMU with the addition of hydrocarbon and other additives from waste of mining production // report R & d funds NTU JSC «Polyus Aldan», 2019, 37s.
  16. Patent of Kazakhstan for the invention № 905. Senko N.V., Fadeev V.Yu., etc.
  17. On the prospect of using high-pressure igdanite IVD-5 for breaking waterlogged massifs / B. I. Rimarchuk, V. Ya. Schwarzer, R. A. Nikitchenko, E. I. Efremov, N. V. Lisitsyn / / mining journal, 2004, Pp. 27-31.
  18. Patent of Ukraine for invention No. 33544. Rimarchuk B.I., Schwarzer V.Ya., etc.
  19. Efremov E.I., Rimarchuk B.I., Drobin G.F., and others. The new simplest BB is high-pressure igdanite (IVD-5). Metallurgical and mining industry-2001, no. 6. P. 132-136.
  20. Patent of Ukraine for invention no. 33978A. Rimarchuk B. I., Schwarzer V. A. et al.
  21. Efremov E.I. Modern trends in the use of explosives in the quarries of Ukraine / / Metallurgical and mining industry. – 2007. – No. 6. – Pp. 79-82.
  22. Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E., Starshinov A.V. System for monitoring the parameters of mixtures based on ammonium nitrate // Devices and systems. Management, control, diagnostics. – 2015. – No. 11. – Pp. 39-45.
  23. Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E., Lapikov I.N., Andreev V.V., Starshinov A.V. Influence of the microstructure of ammonium nitrate granules on the detonation ability of mixed EXPLOSIVES based on it / FGV, 2016, vol. 52, no. 6, pp. 119-124.
  24. Dubnov L.V., Bakharevich N.S., Romanov A.I. Industrial explosives. Ed. 3, reprint. and add. M.: Nedra, 1988. – 358 p.
  25. Viktorov S.D., Kutuzov B.N., Fadeev V.Yu. Improving the range of Russian industrial explosive materials for underground mines in Russia, labor Safety in industry / / 2011, no. 4, pp. 28-34.
  26. Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E. Selection of efficiency criteria and methods for evaluating the simplest EXPLOSIVES for the Northern and Arctic regions of Russia. // Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the international scientific school of academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences K.N. Trubetskoy «Problems and prospects of integrated development and conservation of the earth's interior». Edited by academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences K. N. Trubetskoy / / Moscow: IPKON RAS. – 2020. – Pp. 67-71.
  27. Investigation of the influence of new compositions of the simplest granular explosives, technology and equipment on the parameters of blasting operations in the Kuranakh ore field. // research report, funds of NTU JSC «Polyus Aldan», 2018, 127s.
  28. Sivenkov V.D. Development of effective means and methods of explosive rebounding in conditions of negative temperatures and high mountains. Avtoreferat Diss. Ph. D. Bishkek, 1998, 21 p.
  29. Frantov A.E., Didyura A.E. Application of photometric methods for quality control of mixing components in the simplest EXPLOSIVES. Proceedings of the XXVII international scientific school named after academician S. A. Khristianovich «Deformation and destruction of materials with defects and dynamic phenomena in rocks and workings». Simferopol: Crimean Federal University, 2017, Pp. 226-233.
  30. Frantov A.E., Didyura A.E. QUALITY CONTROL OF MIXING THE COMPONENTS IN PRIMARY GRANULAR EXPLOSIVES. 9th International Conference on Physical Problems of Rock Destruction. Sept. 2017, Zhoushan, China, p. 411-414.
  31. Seinov N.P. Cantor V.H. Technology of loading wells nedostigenii BB // Proc. The explosive case No. 89/46. – M.: Nedra, 1986. – Pp. 204-215.
  32. Baron V.L, Cantor H.V. Technique and technology of blasting in the United States. – M.: Nedra, 1980. – 376 p.
  33. Skorobogatov V.M., Kukib B.N., Pozdnyakov Z.G., Viktorov S.D. Improving the range of industrial EXPLOSIVES in foreign countries. SB. Explosive case, no. 84/33. Pp. 174-182.
  34. Gorbonos M.G. Application of heavy ANFO on granite quarries in Canada / M. G. Gorbonos // Materials of the international conference «Explosive business 99», Moscow: MGGU, 1999, Pp. 307-310.
  35. Gorbonos M.G., Veye R., Bar F. Experience in using the simplest EXPLOSIVES of the ANFO type in the quarries of Canada / / SB. Explosive case, No. 91/48. – M., 1998. – Pp. 118-127.
  36. Veyer R., Kohler J., Homburg A. Explosives // 1807wiley2007, Wiley-VCH Velgar GmbH and Co. KGaA.
  37. Krysin R.S. Modern explosives of local preparation / / R.S. Krysin, V.N. Domnichev. – Dnepropetrovsk: Science and education, 1998. – 140 p.
UDC 622.235
V.A. Belin, Professor, doctor of engineering. doctor of science, Professor, President of ANO «NOIV in support of professional development» member of the public Council of Rostechnadzor
(Mining Institute NUST «MISIS», Moscow, Russia)
I.F. Zharikov, the Vedas. research associate, doctor of technical Sciences,
A.E. Frantov, the Vedas. research associate, doctor of technical Sciences,
I.N. Lapikov, senior researcher, PhD in engineering Sciences
(Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
J. Jamian, PhD in engineering Sciences, General Director,
A.V. Starshinov, PhD in engineering Sciences, technical Director
(Company «Monmag», Mongolia)
A. Temuulin, Executive Director
(Blast Company, Mongolia)

Effective application experience with ammonium nitrate-based mixed explosives of various brands

Keywords:mixed explosives, ammonium nitrate, granulae, granulae parameters, heat treatment, grinding, composition averaging, liquid fuel additives, oil products

This article reviews a selection of factual data on application of the mixed liquid petroleum products combined with granular ammonium nitrate of various grades, produced by the nitrogen industry at different periods of time. Such chemical systems can ensure the efficiency of blasting operations in mining at a certain combination of the granulae main parameters such as strength, strength and surface condition, bulk density, which can be in the process of preparing components, manufacturing and loading the mixture.

Bibliographic list:
  1. S.D.'s vectors, Dandies A.E., Opanasenko P.I., etc., Coal. 2020. No. 11. – Page 17-21.
  2. The power condensed systems. The short encyclopedic dictionary / Under the editorship of B. P. Zhukov. – M.: Janus-to, 2000. 596 pages.
  3. Demidyuk G.P., Bugaysky A.N. Of means of mechanization and technology of explosive works with use of the granulated explosives. – M. «Subsoil». 1975. 312 pages.
  4. Chernyshov A.K., Levin B.V., Tugolukov A.V., etc. Ammonium nitrate: properties, production, application. – M.: JSC INFOKHIM, 2009. – 544 pages.
  5. Belin V.A., Kutuzov B.N., Ganopolsky M.I. etc. Technology and safety of explosive works. M.: GornoyeDelo publishing house, 2016. – 424 pages.
  6. Cook M.A. The Science of Industrial Explosives. USA, IRECO Chemicals, 1974.
  7. Wang Xuguang. Emulsion Explosives. – Beijing. Metallurgical Industry Press.1994. – 388p
  8. Baron V.L., Cantor V.H. Tekhnika and technology of explosive works in the USA. – M. Subsoil, 1989.-376 pages.
  9. Viktorov S.D. Development and use of the elementary explosives – M.: IPKON RAHN, 1996. – 155 pages.
  10. Starshinov A.V., Kozak G.D. Zhamyan Zh. etc. In сб.: Explosive business No. 102/59, 2009. Page 145-154.
  11. Egupov A.A. Use of energy of explosion when developing the mnogoletnemerzlykh of scatterings. – M.: Subsoil, 1991. – 224 pages.
  12. Yemelyanov V.I. Tekhnika and technology of preparation the mnogoletnemerzlykh of breeds to dredging. – M.: Subsoil, 1978. – 280 с.
  13. Zh.Zhamyan, Kutuzov B.N., Starshinov A.V. Experience of production and application of explosive materials on pits of Mongolia. Mountain magazine. 2000. No. 8. Page 31-34.
  14. Belin V.A., Starshinov A.V., Zh. Zhamyan. In сб. Explosive business. – 2017, No. 117/74. Page 99-114.
  15. Albrecht S.N., Konokhova N.V., Evstifeykin K.V. «Mining industry», 2020, No. 4, S. 2-3.
  16. Dumpling F.I., Kotlyarov A.A. «Mining industry» 2019, No. 2.
  17. Kurs's N.A. Shilling of smoky gunpowder. M.: «Oborongiz», 1940, 280 pages.
UDC 622.35
A.A. Kotlyarov, graduatestudent
(Institute of Mining of National University of Science and Technology – MISiS, Moscow, Russia)

Increasing efficiency of ammonium nitrate based explosive mixes by the use of porous ammonium nitrates

Keywords:porous ammonium nitrate, industrial explosives, diesel fuel, absorbent capacity, retention capacity, detonation velocity

Taking into account the global trend of transition of the drilling and blasting process to the use of ammonium nitrate based industrial explosives in the explosive preparation of rock mass, the question of the need to improve the quality, stability and efficiency of these explosive mixtures is acute. The article considers the dependence of the effectiveness of the resulting mixed explosives of the ANFO type on the quality and characteristics of the initial components. GOST 2-2013 AN based explosives used at many enterprises has low efficiency due to insufficient absorption and retention capacities of this type of AN. The priority solution to the problem is to use modified AN – porous ammonium nitrate for the production of ANFO type explosives. The results of laboratory tests and a comparative assessment of various types of ammonium nitrate (as GOST 2-2013, as well as samples of porous ammonium nitrate from various Russian and foreign manufacturers) are presented in the article. Also in this article was studied the detonation characteristics of porous ammonium nitrate based explosives.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Vajsberg L.A., Baranov V.F., Bilenko L.F., D'yachkova T.F. Sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya processov drobleniya i izmel'cheniya mineral'nogo syr'ya (Current condition and perspectives of crushing and grinding processes development. – M.: IPKON RAN = IPKON RAN materials, 2007. pp. 259–269.
  2. Dobrynin A.A. Vzryvchatye veshchestva. Himiya. Sostavy. Bezopasnost' (Explosives. Chemistry, mixes, safety). 2014. p. 528.
  3. Kolganov E.V., Sosnin V.A. Emul'sionnye promyshlennye vzryvchatye veshchestva. 1-ya kniga (Sostavyisvojstva) (Emulsion explosives, book №1). 2009. p.592.
  4. Alejnikov N.N., Vershinin N.N., Shvedov K.K. Problemy monitoringa ekologicheskoj bezopasnosti okruzhayushchej sredy v mestah provedeniya vzryvnyh rabot. Fizicheskie problemy razrusheniya gornyh porod. (Problems of monitoring the environmental safety of the environment at the sites of blasting operations. Physical problems of rock destruction). ZapiskiGornogoinstituta (Mining institutenotes). 2000. T. 148 (2). pp. 3–5.
  5. Doduh V.G, Starshinov A.V. Chernilovskij A.M, ZH. Zham'yan, Fadeev V.YU. «Vliyanie tipa i svojstv ammiachnoj selitry na vzryvchatye harakteristiki sypuchih smesevyh VV», (Influence of AN type on the explosive characteristics of mixed explosives) Problemy vzryvnogo dela = Blasting process issues, 2002.pp. 132-119.
  6. Ivanov M.E., Olevskij V.M., Polyakov N.N. Tekhnologiya ammiachnoj selitry. (Ammonium nitrate technology). 1978.
  7. Dobrynin I.A. Vliyanie kachestva komponentov, vhodyashchih v sostav PVV tipa ANFO na ego vzryvchatye harakteristiki i ekologicheskie posledstviya vzryva (Influence of quality of the components in ANFO based explosives) / Nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya «Geo-ekologicheskie i inzhenerno-geologicheskie problemy razvitiya grazhdanskogo i promyshlennogo kompleksov goroda Moskvy» = Science conference «Geo-ecological and techno-geological issues of the Moscow development». 2008. – pp. 136–137.
  8. Elin O.L., Tambiev P.G. Primenenie poristoj ammiachnoj selitry v granulirovannyh vzryvchatyh veshchestvah (Use of PAN in granular explosives) // Gornyj zhurnal Kazahstana. – 2016. – № 2, 2016. – S. 10–12.
  9. Dobrynin I.A., Belyaev A.G., Pasynkov V.I. Rezul'taty izmereniya skorosti detonacii v skvazhinnyh zaryadah na Chernigovskom razreze (Velosity of detonation assessment results). Gornyj informacionnyj byulleten' = Mining Information- Analytical Bulletin. – 2007. –№ 8. p. 21–26.
  10. Demidyuk G.P., Adrianov N.F., Ivanov O.B. Povyshenie fizicheskoj stabil'nosti igdanitov (Increasing of ANFO stability). Vzryvnoe delo (Blastingprocesses). 1976. № 77/34. pp. 85–87.
UDC 622.235
N.N. Efremovtsev, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Senior Researcher
(Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS, Moscow, Russia)
P.N. Еfremovtsev, Head of the BVR Department

On the issue of controlling the structure of ammonium nitrate at various scale levels to increase the efficiency of the explosion

Keywords:dislocation density, pulsed electromagnetic, acoustic, ultrahigh-frequency impacts, methodology for systematizing the synergistic effects of combined impacts at various scale levels

The article considers the application of a systematic approach to the study of the structure of components of industrial explosives at various scale levels. The paper presents the materials of the study of the influence of the modes of ultrasonic, pulsed electromagnetic and super high frequency treatment of ammonium nitrate on the change in its defectiveness, the size of the block of the mosaic structure and the density of dislocations of ammonium nitrate. The nature of the dependences of the block size and dislocation density of ammonium nitrate on the intensity of wave impacts has been established. Using the underwater explosion method, the influence of the magnetic-pulse treatment of AS / DT-6 and the combined physicochemical action in charges of small and limited diameter on the completeness of the release of the explosion energy was determined.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Explosion Physics / Orlenko, L. P (Editor). Vol 2. Moscow, 2004, 656 p.
  2. Efremovtsev N.N. On the issue of systematization of synergetic effects at various large-scale levels to improve the effectiveness of explosion control// Problems and prospects of integrated development and conservation of the earth's interior. Edited by academician K.N. Trubetskoy, Moscow: ipcon RAS, 2020, Pp. 79-81.
  3. Efremovtsev N.N., Kazakov N.N. On the issue of forming a classification of methods for controlling the kinetics of energy release and transfer to an array in order to destroy it with the necessary degree of fragmentation // -2012. – No. 12. Individual articles (special issue). Questions of scientific substantiation of improvement of means of management of intensity of destruction of rocks by explosion. Pp. 27-32.
  4. Efremovtsev N.N. Issues of improving methods and means of controlling the action of an explosion based on scientific classifications. Proceedings of the 2nd international scientific school of academician K.N. Trubetskoy. Problems and prospects of integrated development of the earth's interior. Moscow, 2016. With 137-141.
  5. Efremovtsev N.N. New industrial explosives and technologies for their production based on porizing emulsions for the mining industry. Proceedings of the international scientific Symposium «Miner's week-2018». Mining information and analytical Bulletin. – 2018. – No. 1 (special issue 1). P. 178-191.
  6. Viktorov S.D., Zakalinsky V.M., Shipovsky I.E., Mingazov R.Ya. The Concept of synergetic interaction of explosive destruction processes and geomechanics in the development of mineral deposits / / Mining information and analytical 1. Bulletin. – 2019. – No. 3. – Pp. 113-124.
  7. Еfremovtsev N.N., Trofimov V.A., Shipovsky I.E. Localization of deformations in a wave field induced by an elongated charge explosion. Mining information and analytical Bulletin. Publishing house «Mountain book».No. 8.2020. p. 73-85
UDC 622.235.3
I.Yu. Maslov, Ph. D., chief engineer,
S.A. Gorinov, doctor of technical sciences, scientific consultant
(«Global Mining Explosion-Russia» LLC)

Influence of the type and content of the inhibitor on the detonation characteristics of sulfide-resistant EE

Keywords:emulsion explosive, ammonium nitrate, sulfide-containing rocks, inhibitors, detonation parameters of EE

It is shown that when developing compositions of sulfide-resistant EVS, it is necessary to take into account that when placing EE in sulfide-containing rocks, explosives are filled with products of the reaction of inhibitors contained in EE with an aggressive environment, which reduce the detonation characteristics of EE to a greater extent than the inhibitor itself.It was found that in the series of inhibitors – Urea >Calcium Carbonate > Diphenylamine >Urotropin – each subsequent member of the series reduces the performance of EE in a greater way than the previous one (while maintaining the same chemical resistance).It has been shown that urotropin strongly reduces the susceptibility to the excitatory impulse, and diphenylamine creates a small "buffer capacity", which limits their use as an inhibitor in EE.When designing sulfide-resistant EE, it is necessary to take into account that sulfide-resistant EE based on a binary solution of ammonium and calcium nitrate have a significantly smaller critical diameter than EE with an oxidizing phase on a monosolution of ammonium nitrate, which allows us to recommend these compositions for use in boreholes and small-diameter wells.The work is of practical interest to developers and manufacturers of EE, as well as manufacturers of blasting operations at mining enterprises.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Kolganov E.V. Emulsion industrial and properties) / E.V. Kolganov, V.A. Sosnin. – Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region: Publishing house of the state research Institute «Kristall». – 2009. – 592 p.explosives. Book 1 (Compositions
  2. Xu Z. X. Thermal stability and mechanism of decomposition of emulsion explosive sin the presence of pyrite / Z.X. Xu, Q. Wang, X.Q. Fu // Journal of Hazardous Materials. – 2015. – no. 1. – V. 300. – PP.702-710.
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Section 3. Ecology and safety during blasting operations
UDC 622.831
E.O. Sharavin, graduate student
(Saint-Petersburg University of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
V.A. Dubrovskaia, 5th year student
(Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
L.V. Pikhkonen, professor,Candidate of Engineering Sciences
(ANO DPO «UTS «MAEB», Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

Selection of sampling sites for determining the impact state of coal seams based on seismoacoustic monitoring

Keywords:gas-dynamic phenomena, seismoacoustic methods, seismic stations, seismic monitoring, shock hazard, sudden surge, geodynamic phenomena

The article considers the criteria for selecting coal sampling sites for a comprehensive study of seams for rock shock hazard and outburst hazard.The choice of sites is based on the usage of a multifunctional system for monitoring the geodynamic and gas-dynamic state of the rock mass in the coal-rock mass in mining areas for monitoring and forecasting gas-dynamic phenomena of rock mass on a practical example of using the seismic method for monitoring the state of a rock mass in the conditions of Zapolyarnaya mine at «Vorkutaugol» JSC, Pechora coal basin.The principle of operation of the monitoring and predicting by geophysical research methods, design features, methods of processing the received signals and interpretation of monitoring results are described. The goals and objectives of a comprehensive study of the rock shock hazard of coal seams with the usage of instrumental express methods are given.

Bibliographic list:
  1. YAkovlev D.V., Lazarevich T.I., Polyakov A.N. Princip postroeniya sistem monitoringa sostoyaniya geologicheskoj sredy na kompleksnyh sejsmo-geodinamicheskih poligonah na gornyh predpriyatiyah // Ugol'. – 2014. – №10. – S. 8-12.
  2. Federal'nye normy i pravila v oblasti promyshlennoj bezopasnosti «Polozhenie po bezopasnomu vedeniyu gornyh rabot na mestorozhdeniyah, sklonnyh i opasnyh po gornym udaram» 2014.
  3. Federal'nye normy i pravila v oblasti promyshlennoj bezopasnosti «Instrukciya po prognozu dinamicheskih yavlenij i monitoringu massiva gornyh porod pri otrabotke ugol'nyh mestorozhdenij» 2017 g.
  4. Metodika prognoza udaroopasnogo sostoyaniya massiva gornyh porod sejsmicheskim metodom sh. Komsomol'skaya AO «Vorkutaugol'» – M.: AO «VNIMI», 2017. – S. 36.
  5. Federal'nye normy i pravila v oblasti promyshlennoj bezopasnosti «Instrukciya po prognozu dinamicheskih yavlenij i monitoringu massiva gornyh porod pri otrabotke ugol'nyh mestorozhdenij» 2017. – S. 95.
  6. Prikaz ot 15 avgusta 2016 goda N 339 Ob utverzhdenii Federal'nyh norm i pravil v oblasti promyshlennoj bezopasnosti "Instrukciya po prognozu dinamicheskih yavlenij i monitoringu massiva gornyh porod pri otrabotke ugol'nyh mestorozhdenij"
  7. Isaev V.I., Bajkenzhina A.Zh. Geologicheskie faktory vybrosoopasnosti ugol'nyh plastov Karagandinskogo bassejna i vozmozhnosti ih geologo_geofizicheskogo prognoza // Vestnik RAEN (ZSO). – 2017. – Vyp. 20. – S. 52–56.
  8. Ul'yanova E.V., Vasilenko T.A., Bitterlih V.O. i dr. Strukturnye prevrashcheniya v skopaemyh uglyah pri mekhanicheskih vozdejstviyah // Materialy 6-j nauchnoj shkoly stran SNG Vibrotekhnologiya – 96». CH. 2. – Odessa, 1996. – S. 39–44.
  9. Polyakov P.I., Ul'yanova E.V., Vasilenko T.A. Izmeneniya v strukture iskopaemyh uglej, voznikayushchie pod dejstviem vysokih davlenij. – Fiz.-tekhn.problemy gornogo proizvodstva T.1 (Pod red. A.D. Alekseeva) (Doneck: DFTI NANU, 1998). – S. 16–23
  10. Sharavin E.O., Pihkonen L.V., Dubrovskaya V.A. Primer prognoza dinamicheskih yavlenij gornogo massiva pri otrabotke ugol'nyh mestorozhdenij s pomoshch'yu geofizicheskogo monitoringa // Geoekologiya, inzhenernaya geodinamika, geologicheskaya bezopasnost'. Pecherkinskie chteniya. Sbornik nauchnyh statej po materialam Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Perm', 2020. S. 305-310.
  11. Małkowski P., Niedbalski Z. A comprehensive geomechanical method for the assessmentof rockburst hazards in underground mining // International Journal of Mining Science and Technology Volume 30, Issue 3, May 2020, Pages 345-355.
UDC 622.831:550.543
V.I. Lyashenko, head of the research Department, candidate of technical Sciences. Sciences, senior researcher
(State enterprise «Ukrnipiipromtechnologies», Yellow Waters, Ukraine)
V.I. Golik, doctor of engineering. Professor of the Department of Mining
(North Caucasus state technological University, Vladikavkaz, RSO-Alania, Russia)
V.I. Komashchenko, Dr. tech. Professor of the Department of Applied Geology and mining
(Belgorod state national research University, Belgorod, Russia)
R.A. Rakhmanov, research associate, candidate of technical Sciences. science
(Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)

Resource-saving mining technologies based on geoinformation systems for drilling and blasting operations management

Keywords:drilling and blasting, explosion, efficiency, geoinformation systems, quarry, design

The article offers resource-saving methods of progressive mining mass extraction using integrated use of automated planning systems to increase the potential of mining and processing through effective management of mining production. Approaches to the introduction of innovative mining technologies, including drilling and blasting operations based on mathematical modeling of technological processes and geoinformation systems (GIS), are proposed. Using the proposed solutions will increase the estimated profit from processing and enrichment by 5-7 %, as well as efficiency and environmental safety by managing the quality of ore crushing during blasting operations based on the introduction of GIS systems.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Safonov O.P., Shkreba O.P. Probabilistic method for evaluating the seismic effect of industrial explosions. – M.: Nedra, 1970. – 56 p.
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  3. Mosinets V.N. Crushing and seismic action of an explosion in rocks. – M.: Nedra, 1976. – 271 p.
  4. Zeitlin Ya. I., Smoliy N.I. Seismic and shock air waves of industrial explosions. – M.: Nedra, 1981. – 192 p.
  5. Bogatsky V.F., Fridman A.G. Protection of structures and the environment from the harmful effects of industrial explosions. – M.: Nedra, 1982. – 162 p.
  6. Mosinets V.N., Abramov A.V. Destruction of fractured and disturbed rocks. – M.: Nedra, 1982 – 248 p.
  7. Rakishev B.R., Rakisheva Z.B., Auezova A.M. Velocities and time of expansion of a cylindrical explosive cavity in a rock mass // Explosive business. – 2014. – no. 111/68. – P. 3-17.
  8. Ilyakhin S.V., Norov A.Yu., Yakshibaev T.M. Determination of the radius of zones of rock mass cracking during a camouflage explosion // Explosive business. – 2016. – No. 116/73. – Pp. 29-36.
  9. Komashchenko V.I. Development of explosive technology that reduces the harmful impact on the environment//Proceedings of the Tula state University. earth science. 2016. no. 1. Pp. 34-43.
  10. Features of the technology for forming borehole charges with emulsion EXPLOSIVES Ukrainite in underground conditions / I. L. Kovalenko, N. I. Stupnik, M. K. Korolenko, S. P. Poltorashenko, I. A. Karapa, D. V. Kiyashenko, V. Z. Nebogin / / Visnik Krivorizskogo national University. – 2016. – VIP. 41. – P. 3-6.
  11. Lyashenko V.I., Kisly P.A., Golik V.I., Komashchenko V.I. Improving the efficiency of blasting operations in mines //Scientific and technical collection Explosive business. – 2018. – no. 119/76. – P. 129 -142.
  12. Lyashenko V.I., Golik V.I., Komashchenko V.I., Nebogin V.Z. Improving the efficiency of blasting operations using emulsion explosives in mines//Scientific and technical collection Explosive business. – 2018. – No. 119/76. – P. 143 -163.
  13. Lyashenko V.I., Golik V.I., Komashchenko V.I., Nebogin V.Z. Improving the seismic safety of the development of rock deposits based on the use of new EXPLOSIVE charges//Scientific and technical collection Explosive business. – 2018. – no. 120/77. – P. 243 -264.
  14. Lyashenko V.I., Golik V.I., Komashchenko V.I., Kisly P.A., Rakhmanov R.A. Improving the seismic safety of underground mining of rock deposits based on the use of new means of initiating explosive charge explosions//Scientific and technical collection Explosive business. – 2019. – No. 122/79. – P.154 -179.
  15. Lyashenko V.I., Kisly P.A., Rakhmanov R.A. Theory and practice of drilling and blasting preparation of ore mass for underground block leaching//Scientific and technical collection Explosive business. – 2019. – №124/81. – P. 155 -180.
  16. Lyashenko V.I., Golik V.I., Komashchenko V.I., Rakhmanov R.A. Development of technologies and technical means for drilling and blasting of rock ores in chamber systems with a bookmark//Scientific and technical collection Explosive business. – 2020. – No. 126/83. – P. 123-150.
  17. Lyashenko V.I., Khomenko O.E., Dudchenko A.Kh., Rakhmanov R.A. Improvement of technologies and technical means for drilling and blasting horizontal mining in rock massifs. Message 1//Scientific and technical collection Explosive business. – 2020. – No. 127/84. – P. 77-101.
  18. Sadovsky M.A. Geophysics and explosion physics, Moscow: Nedra, 1997, 334 p.
  19. Gupta I.D., Trapathy G.R. Comparison of construction and mining blast with specific reference to structural safety // Indian Mining and Engineering Journal. 2013. Vol. 54. No. 4. Pp. 13—17.
  20. Lyashenko, V., Vorob’ev, A., Nebohin, V., Vorob’ev, K. (2018). Improving the efficiency of blasting operations in mines with the help of emulsion explosives. Mining of Mineral Deposits, 12(1), 95–102. http://dx.doi.org/10.15407/mining12.01.095
  21. The liquid loading wells of emulsion EXPLOSIVES mark Ukrainet in the underground environment / M. K. Korolenko, N. And. Stupnyk, I. L. Kovalenko, S. P. Poltoradyadko, I. A. Karapa // Informacini newsletter Ukraïnskoï splce neener-pdripriv. – 2016. – № 4(32). – Pp. 5-11.
  22. Lyashenko V.I., Khomenko O.E. Improving the efficiency of drilling and blasting of ore breaking in sandwiched environment // Mining information-analytical Bulletin. – 2019. – No. 11. – Pp. 59-72. DOI: 10.25018 / 0236-1493-2019-11-0-59-72.
  23. Lyashenko V.I., Khomenko O.E., Golik V.I. Development of environmental and resource-saving technologies for underground mining of ores in energy-damaged massifs. Mining science and technology. 2020; 5(2):104-118. DOI: 10.17073/2500-0632-2020-2-104-118.
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  38. Lyashenko V.I., Nazarenko V.M., Nazarenko M.V. Rational use of the subsoil of uranium deposits-reliable geological and surveying support // Ekologiya dovkillya TA BEZPEKA zhittediyalnosti. – 2007. – no. 6. – P. 65-76.
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  40. Lyashenko V.I., Nazarenko V.M., Nazarenko M.V. Rational use and protection of the subsoil of uranium deposits-reliable geoinformation support // Ekologiya dovkillya TA BEZPEKA zhittediyalnosti. – 2008. – no. 3. – P. 39-47.
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  44. Nazarenko M.V., Nazarenko V.M., Lyashenko V.I. Automated mining management system / / non-Ferrous metallurgy. – 2010. – no. 3-P. 3-12.
  45. Nazarenko M.V., Nazarenko V.M., Lyashenko V.I. Geological and surveying support of mining operations based on the geoinformation system / / non-Ferrous metallurgy. – 2010. – No. 11-C. 3-15.
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Section 4. Information
UDC 622.235
V.A.Belin,Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,President of ANO NOIV,
M.G. Gorbonos, Docent, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
(National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russia)
N.L. Vyatkin, Vice-President of ANO NOIV, Doctor of economics,
U.N. Bolotova, Executive Director of ANO NOIV
(Autonomous non-profit organization National organization of explosive engineers ANO NOIV, Moscow, Russia)

Results of the XX International conference on explosive and mining and processing

Keywords:international conference, blasting, mining and processing, scientific and technical information, technologists, engineering, safety

The article provides information about the event that took place in September 2020 in the city. Gelendzhik (Russia, Krasnodar territory) XX anniversary of the International scientific and practical conference on explosive and mining and processing, organized by the national organization of explosive engineers of Russia (ANO NOIV)

Novosibirsk Mechanical Plant "Iskra"
Happy New Year

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