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Section 1. Researches of the rocks destruction by explosion
| UDC 622.235 S.D. Viktorov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, N.N. Kazakov, lead scientist, D. sc. tech, A.V. Shlyapin, deputy director, Cand sc. tech., I.N. Lapikov, senior researcher, candidate of technical Sciences (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
On the theory of rock blasting at open pits Keywords:new theory, technological blasting, volumetric deformation, tensor calculus, fracture energy density, technological parameters This article describes the basic principles of the process of rock blastingby borehole charges in open pits, and the development of the fundamentally new multi-zone and multiphase theory of technological rock blasting in open pits. This theory was developed by a long-term work of the group of scientists from ICEMR RAS. Bibliographic list:- Kazakov N.N., Viktorov S.D., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Rock blasting in open pits. – Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020. – 517 p. (in Russian)
- Adushkin V.V. Model research of rock blasting // Physical problems of explosive destruction of rock massifs. – M.: IPKON RAN, 1999. – Pp.18-29. (in Russian)
- Kutuzov B.N. Design of blasting operations in industry. – M. Nedra, 1983. 359 p. (in Russian)
- Kazakov N.N. Mass velocity of particles in a wave at the radiation boundary. Collection «Blasting technology» Issue No. 106/63. – M.: CJSC «MVK for explosives at AGN», 2011. – Pp. 27-32. (in Russian)
- Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Geometric parameters of the camouflage zone during the explosion of a borehole charge in a quarry // «Blasting technology» Issue No. 108/65. – M.: CJSC «MVK for explosive business at AGN», 2012. – Pp.8-15. (in Russian)
- Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Energy parameters of the camouflage zone during the explosion of a borehole charge in a quarry. Collection «Blasting technology» Issue No. 108/65. – M.: CJSC MVK for explosives at AGN, 2012. – P.73-80. (in Russian)
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| UDC 622.235:552.574:539.3 V.N. Odintsev, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc.), Principal Researcher, I.E. Shipovskii, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Senior Researcher (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS, Moscow, Russia)
Modeling of the features of the «soft» explosive impact on the coal seam Keywords:coal, methane-saturated formation, degassing, explosive impact, computer modeling, stress, crack The paper presents the results of computer simulation of the explosive impact on a gas-bearing coal seam. It is shown that the explosive effect can significantly increase the intensity of seam degassing, since it not only creates conditions for the development of extended degassing cracks, but also activates the molecules of methane dissolved in coal and makes them mobile. It is also shown that the use of explosions with a high explosive detonation rate is favorable for the formation of induced microcracks in the zone far from the blast well. In microcracks, methane passes into a new phase state – free methane. Therefore, it is reasonable to use explosives with a high detonation rate to provoke sudden outbursts. At a low detonation rate (less than 4 km/s), induced microcracks are not formed in the zone far from the explosion, and the degree of outburst hazard does not increase. Some unfavorable features of explosive destruction may persist. These include the formation of a coal compression zone near the blast well, which prevents the release of free methane into the formed radial degassing cracks. When using «soft» explosions with a relatively low pressure build-up rate, mainly extended radial cracks can be formed, which can be the main channels for degassing the coal seam. The temperature effect is favorable for the release of methane molecules into the main cracks. Therefore, for the degassing of the coal seam using the technology of «soft» explosions, it is advisable to use powder charges, which have a low rate of pressure build-up in the blast well. The use of this technology can make the development of outburst-prone coal seam more safer and efficient for coal seam degassing. Bibliographic list:- Malyshev Yu.N., Trubetskoy K.N., Ayruni A.T. Fundamental'noprikladnyyemetodyresheniyaproblemymetanaugol'nykhplastov. – M.: Izd-vo Akademii gornykh nauk, 2000. – 519 p.
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- Odintsev V. and Shipovskii I. Simulating Explosive Effect on Gas-Dynamic State of Outburst-Hazardous Coal Band // Journal of Mining Science. – 2019. – Vol. 55. – No 4. – P. 556-566. DOI: 10.1134/S1062739119045904
- Victorov S.D., Kochanov A.N., Odintsev V.N. and Osokin A.A. Emission of submicron particles upon rock deformation // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics.–2012. – Vol. 76.–No 3.– P. 339-341. DOI:10.3103/S1062873812030392
- Victorov S.D., Kochanov A.N. and Odintsev V.N. Fragmentation of Coal Samples upon Intense Dynamic Impact // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. – 2019 – Vol. 83. – No 6. – P. 673–676. DOI:10.3103/S1062873819060376
- Trofimov V.A. and Shipovskii I.E. Komp'yuternoye modelirovaniye vzryvnogo razrusheniya ugol'nogo plasta // Fiziko-tekhnicheskiye problemy razrabotki poleznykh iskopayemykh. – 2020. – No5. – P. 69 – 81. DOI: 10.15372/FTPRPI20200509
- Efremovtsev N.N. and Shipovskii I.E. Investigation of the dynamic working of long charges by composition models coupling with computer simulation by the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method// Explosion technology. – 2020. – No 128-85. – P. 20-37.
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- Trubetskoy K.N., Ruban A.D., Viktorov S.D., Malinnikova O.N., Odintsev V.N., Kochanov A.N. and Uchaev D.V. Fractal structure of deformed coal beds and their susceptibility to gas-dynamic failure // Doklady Earth Sciences. – 2010. – Vol. 431. – No 2. – P. 538-540. DOI: 10.1134/S1028334X10040264
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| UDC 622.286.4(043.3) Yu.D. Norov , Professor of Mining department, Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor Sh.R.Urinov, Head of International Relations Department, Associate professor department of «Automation and control», Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor (Navoi state mining Institute, Uzbekistan, Navoi) U.F. Nasirov, Vice director in science, Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor (Branch of National Scientific Technical University «MISiS» in Almalyk, Uzbekistan, Almalyk) Kh.Y. Norova, PhD student (Tashkent state technical University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent)
Analytical studies to determine the geometric dimensions of various forms of soil embankment of trench discharge charges in the soil mass Keywords:trench charge, discharge, explosive consumption, ground embankment, form of embankment, mass humidity In this article, the regularities of changes in the volume of explosive discharge of trench explosive charges depending on the height and width of their trapezoidal, triangular and segmental forms of soil embankment are established. Studies have shown that the trapezoidal shape is an effective option for soil embankment of trench explosive charges. Bibliographic list:- Norov, Yu.D. Justification and development of new methods for the formation of elongated recesses in the ground by explosions of trench discharge charges. Diss. doctor of technical Sciences, Navoi state mining Institute, Navoi, 2001. Typewriting.
- Urinov Sh.R. Substantiation and development of effective parameters of soil embankment of trench discharge charges. Diss. cand.of technical siences, Navoi state mining Institute, Navoi, 2006. Typewriting.
- Norov Yu.D., Raimjanov B.R., Urinov Sh.R., Muhammedov Sh. Determination of the geometric dimensions of the soil embankment of trench discharge charges. // Industrial safety and efficiency of new technologies in mining: Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference «Mining-2000» MGGU publishing house, Moscow, 2001,pp.504-509.
- Norov Yu.D., Raimzhonov B.R., Turaev A.S., Urinov Sh.R. Determination of the size of recesses in the soil obtained by explosions of trench charges of the ejection. // Industrial safety and efficiency of new technologies in mining: Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference «Mining-2000», Moscow state University, Moscow, 2001, pp.545-548.
- Norov Yu.D., Urinov Sh.R. Geometric dimensions of the trapezoidal shape of the ground embankment of a trench explosive charge // Scientific-technical and production magazine «Mining bulletin of Uzbekistan» No. 2, June, 2004, pp.29-30. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2004-aprel-iyun.pdf
- Norov Yu.D., Urinov Sh.R. Investigation of trench discharge charges depending on the size and shape of the soil embankment // Mining information and analytical Bulletin. Explosive business. Separate issue 5, 2007. Pp.400-409. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=15198026
- Norov Yu.D., Urinov Sh.R. determination of the geometric dimensions of the segmental shape of the ground embankment of a trench explosive charge // Mining information and analytical Bulletin. Explosive work. Separate issue 5, 2007. Pp.422-425. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=15198029
- Urinov Sh.R. Researches of laws of formation lengthened digs in various soils explosions trenched charges of emission // Proceeding of joint scientific seminar of winners of «Istedod» foundation of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Shanghai University Scientists. Shanghai, October, 2007, pp.50-55.
- Urinov Sh. R., Norov Yu.D. Method of operational calculation of parameters of trapezoidal shape of ground embankment of trench discharge Charges // Scientific-technical and production journal «Mining bulletin of Uzbekistan» No.4, December, 2007, pp. 39-40, http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2007-iyul-sentyabr.pdf
- Urinov Sh. R. Investigation of trench charges depending on the size and shape of the soil embankment // Scientific-technical and production journal «Mining bulletin of Uzbekistan» No. 4, June, 2011, pp.26-28 http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2011-oktyabr-dekabr.pdf
- Norov Yu.D. Urinov Sh.R., Norov J.A., Egamberdiev O.M. Influence of parameters of the axial air cavity of trench discharge charges in various soils on the size of the excavation // Scientific, technical and production journal «Mining bulletin of Uzbekistan» no. 2 September 2013, pp.29-31. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2013-aprel-iyun.pdf
- Norov Yu.D., Urinov Sh.R., Mukhammedov Sh. Justification of the geometric dimensions of the ground embankment of trench discharge charges. // Abstracts of the Republican scientific and technical conference (with international participation) «ISTIQLOL» 26-28 September 2002, pp.16-17. «Current problems of modern mining and technical complexes and ways to solve them»
- Urinov Sh.R. The development of the gas cavity towards the open surface during the explosion of a trapezoidal form of a trench explosive charge encircled by soil // Abstracts of the scientific and technical conference «Science and personnel of the mining and metallurgical industry» Almalyk, April 30, 2004, pp.17-19.
- Norov Yu.D., Urinov Sh.R., Raimjanov B.R. Determining the size of the excavation by explosions of trench discharge charges. // Proceedings of the IV-international conference «Resource-producing, low-waste and environmental technologies for subsoil development» Moscow-Navoi, 18-25 September 2005 125-128 p.
- Norov Yu.D., Nasirov U.F., Urinov Sh.R., Rabbimov Kh.T. Construction of a trench explosive charge using side air cavities // Materials of the Republican scientific and technical conference «ISTIQLOL» (with international participation) «Modern equipment and technology of the mining and metallurgical industry and ways of their development» Navoi, 28-30 September, 2006, pp.26-28.
- Norov Yu.D., Urinov Sh.R., Manglieva J. Classification of methods for controlling the direction of action of an explosion of trench discharge charges in a ground mass // Materials of the Republican scientific and technical conference «ISTIQLOL» (with international participation) «Geotechnology: innovative methods of subsurface use in the XXI century» Navoi, 25-27 September, 2007, pp. 14-15.
- Urinov Sh.R. Determination of parameters of the trapezoidal-segmental form of ground embankment of trench discharge charges with an axial air cavity // Prospects for the development of equipment and technology and achievements of the mining and metallurgical industry during the years of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan: Mat. Rep. sci.-tech. conf., May 12-14, 2011, Navoi, Pp. 280-281.
- Urinov Sh.R. Determination of parameters of trapezoidal-triangular shape of ground embankment of trench discharge charges with an axial air cavity // Prospects for the development of equipment and technology and achievements of the mining and metallurgical industry during the years of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan: Mat. rep. sci.-tech. conf., May 12-14, 2011, Navoi, Pp. 429-430.
- Norov Yu.D., Urinov Sh.R. Determination of parameters of segmental-triangular shape of ground embankment of trench discharge charges with an axial air cavity // Prospects for the development of equipment and technology and achievements of the mining and metallurgical industry during the years of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan: Mat. Rep. sci.-tech. conf., May 12-14, 2011, Navoi, Pp. 486-487.
- Urinov Sh.R. Investigation of trench discharge charges depending on the size and shape of the ground embankment // Materials of the scientific and practical conference «Innovative technologies of the mining and metallurgical industry». Navoi, October 21, 2011, pp.55-57.
- Urinov Sh.R. Investigation of trench discharge charges depending on the size and shape of the ground embankment // Proceedings of the international scientific conference. Tashkent, Innovation, 22-23 October, 2014, pp.229-230.
- NorovYu.D., Urinov Sh.R., Islomov N.R., Mirzaeva F.D., Norov A.Yu., Amirkulov K.S. Justification and development of effective parameters of soil embankment of trench discharge charges. / Final report on budget topic A-4-015. Navoi, Funds, NavSMI, 2008, 135 p.
| 31-62 |
| UDC 622.235 A.P. Russkikh, «Promtekhvzryv» company director (PJSC Uralasbest, Asbest city, Sverdlovsk region)
Study on crushing and explosiveness of rocks, which are mined at the open pit «Uralasbest» Keywords:impact machine, simulation of crushing action of an explosion, characteristics of crushing, design, rational parameters of blast-blowing, chrysotile deposits For the design of rational parameters of drilling and blasting operations, a comprehensive study of physical and mechanical properties of destroyed rocks was carried out, including: bulk mass; ultimate stresses in tension and compression with the construction of strength certificates; granulometric composition of rock crushing products. The results of the study of the characteristics of crushing and explosiveness of rocks during the open-cut mining of chrysotile-asbestos ores and the extraction of building rocks for the production of crushed stone at the open pits of PJSC Uralasbest, including by the method of modeling the blasting action of an explosion on animpact machine. Bibliographic list:- Kutuzov B.N. Explosive and mechanical destruction of rocks. –Мoscow, Nedra, 1973. – p 312. (in Russian).
- Pokrovskiy G.I., Fedorov I.S. Impact and explosion action in deformable media. – Мoscow, Promstroyizdat, 1957. – p 276. (in Russian).
- Padukov V.А., Antonenko V.А., Podozerskiy D.S. Destruction of rocks by impact and explosion. – Saint-Petersburg, Science, 1971. – p 161. (in Russian).
- Orlenko L.P. Explosion and impact physics. – Мoscow, PHYZMATLIT, 2006. – p 304. (in Russian).
- Baron L.I., Konyashin Iu.G., Kurbatov V.М. Crushing of rocks. –Мoscow, Publ. ANSSSR, 1963. – p 167. (in Russian).
- Baron L.I. Mining breed science.Subject and methods of research.–Мoscow, Science, 1977. – p 324. (in Russian).
- Latyshev О.G. Explosive detonation theory.– Yekaterinburg, Publ.Ural State Mining University, 2015. – p 164. (in Russian).
- Latyshev О.G., Kazak О.О. Physics of rock destruction during drilling and blasting. – Yekaterinburg: Publ.Ural State Mining University, 2015 – p 320. (in Russian).
- Explosion physics. / Edited by L. P.Orlenko. V.1. –Мoscow, Phyzmatlit, 2004. – p 832. (in Russian).
- Kutuzov B.N., Rubtsov V.K. Physics of explosive destruction of rocks. Section 1. – Moscow, Publ. Moscow Mining University, 1970. – p 178. (in Russian).
- Lykhin P.A. Sets of boreholes and organization of work during excavations in homogeneous rocks. – Perm, Publ. Perm State University, 1977. – p 80. (in Russian).
- Protasov Iu.I. Theoretical foundations of mechanical destruction of rocks. – Moscow, Nedra, 1985. – p 242. (in Russian).
| 63-79 |
| UDC 622.235 A.V. Leshhinskij, PhD in engineering, associate professor, professor, E.B. Shevkun, PhD in engineering, professor, O.A. Kostiunina, postgraduate (Pacific National University, Khabarovsk, Russia)
An impact of long-delay blasting on the shock pulses acting on the elements of the gas-permeable shelter Keywords:rocks crushing by explosion, deceleration interval, pre-destruction of rocks, weakening of rock formations, sequential blasting of wells Electric and non-electric detonators are currently applied in mining industry. An impact of these new rock blasting conditions on the design of gas-permeable shelters is considered. In recent years, the conducted theoretical and experimental works established that the mechanical effect of the explosion is manifested not only in the crushing and destruction of rocks, but also in the softening at remote distances from the charge. Increasing the deceleration time between bursts of individual borehole charges contributes to the repeated impact of tension and compression cycles with a cumulative effect and promotes the fusion of cracks and consistent reduction of the size of the pieces. During the first explosion, when cracks in the rock have just begun to appear, the products of the explosion fly out of the well, a large release of rock mass occurs. However, as the cracks develop in further explosions, the rock pieces outflow is significantly reduced so it is possible to reduce the area of shelter of the exploding block, i.e. to cover only the first wells that give a large release. This problem is solved experimentally depending on the specific working conditions. The article presents the results of experimental explosions performed with varying delay timings including calculation of shock pulses acting on the elements of the gas-permeable shelter. Bibliographic list:- Leshchinskij A.V., Shevkun E.B., Lukashevich N.K. Vzryvnye raboty pod ukrytiem v transportnom stroitel'stve: ucheb. posobie dlya vuzov. (Undercover blasting in transport construction: textbook for universities). Moscow: Urait Publ. 2018.185 p. [In Russ]
- Shevkun E.B. Leshchinskij A.V., Urenev I.M., Vagina G.P. Ukrytie mest vzryva matami iz shin (Blasting mat made of car tires). Patent 2310812 Russian Federation. MPK F42D 5/05. No. 2006107870/03, Bull. 32, pp. 6. [In Russ]
- Lupij S.M. Zony predrazrusheniya pri burovzryvnom sposobe provedeniya gornyh vyrabotok i vliyaniya ih na parametry ankernogo krepleniya (Pre-fracture zones during drilling and blasting of mine workings and their influence on the parameters of anchorage). Vzryvnoedelo = Explosion technology. 2016. No. 115/72. pp. 226-232. [In Russ]
- Xiaodong F., Qian S., Yonghui Z., Jian C. Application of the discontinuous deformation analysis method to stress wave propagation through a one-dimensional rock mass // International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. – 2015. – Vol. 80. – P. 155-170.
- Xiao-Ping Z., Xin-Bao G., Yun-Teng W. Numerical simulations of propagation, bifurcation and coalescence of cracks in rocks // International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. – 2015. – Vol. 80. – P. 241-254.
- Changping N, Sjöbergb J., Johanssona D., Petropoulosa N. Numerical study of the effect of short delays on rock fragmentation // International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. – 2017. – Vol. 100. – P. 250–254.
- Sadovskij M.A., Adushkin V.V., Spivak A.A. O razmere zon neobratimogo deformirovaniya pri vzryve v blochnoj srede (On the size of zones of irreversible deformation in an explosion in a block environment).Dinamicheskieprocessy v geosferah. Geofizikasil'nyhvozmushchenij = Dynamic processes in geospheres. Geophysics of strong disturbances.Moscow. 1994. pp. 45-56. [InRuss]
- Kochanov A.N., Odincev V.N. Mikrorazrushenie gornyh porod pri dinamicheskih vozdejstviyah (Micro-destruction of rocks under dynamic influences). Vzryvnoedelo = Explosiontechnology.2015. No. 114/71. pp. 14-28. [InRuss]
- Yurovskih A.V. Razrabotka modeli razrusheniya gornyh porod na kvazistaticheskoj stadii dejstviya vzryva: avtoreferat dissertatsii ...kandidata tekhnicheskikh nauk (Development of a model of destruction of rocks at the quasi-static stage of the explosion). Saint Petersburg. 2003. 119 p. [InRuss]
- Snitka N.P., Nazarov Z.S. Opredelenie radiusa zon treshchinoobrazovaniya gornogo massiva vzryvami kamufletnogo zaryada (Determination of the radius of zones of rock mass formation by explosions of a camouflage charge).GornyjvestnikUzbekistana = Mountain Bulletin of Uzbekistan.2014. No. 4 (59). pp. 55-56. [In Russ]
- Shevkun E.B., Leshchinskiy A.V., Lysak Y.A., Plotnikov A.Y. Osobennosti vzryvnogo ryhleniya pri uvelichennyh intervalah zamedleniya (Features of explosive loosening at extended deceleration intervals). Gornyj informacionno-analiticheskij byulleten = Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin. 2017. No. 4.pp. 272-282. [In Russ]
- Mityushkin Y.A. Optimizaciya parametrov vzryvnyh rabot uvelicheniem intervalov zamedleniya (Optimization of blasting parameters by increasing deceleration intervals).Gornyj informacionno-analiticheskij byulleten = Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin. 2015. No. 4. pp. 341-348.[InRuss]
- Leschinskiy A.V., Lukashevich N.K., Shevkun E.B. Raschet soedinitel'nyh elementov lokalizatorov vzryva (The calculation of joining elements of explosion localizer).Gornyj informacionno-analiticheskij byulleten = Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin. 2009. No. 4. Pp. 151-158.[In Russ]
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Section 2. State and improvement of explosives, devices and blasting agents
| UDC 622.235 V.A. Belin, Professor, doctor of engineering. doctor of science, Professor, President of ANO «NOIV in support of professional development» member of the public Council of Rostechnadzor (Mining Institute NUST «MISIS», Moscow, Russia) Jamian J., PhD in engineering Sciences, General Director, A.V. Starshinov, PhD in engineering Sciences, technical Director (Company «Monmag», Mongolia) Temuulin A., Executive Director (Blast Company, Mongolia)
Explosion products the smesevykh of systems on the basis of compounds of nitric acid – nitrates Keywords:smesevye VV, VV charge, detonation, nitrates, nitrogen oxides, toxicity, nitric acid, nitrosoedineniy, nitroefiry The analytical assessment of opportunity and probability of allocation of oxides of nitrogen is given at explosion of condensed VV on the basis of oxidizers of nitrates. The assumption of allocation of brown oxides of nitrogen at final stages of scattering of the blown-up weight because of existence of the condensed form of oxide with a valency of nitrogen of +4 is made. Bibliographic list:- Dubnov L.V., Bakharevich N.S., Romanov A.I. Industrial explosives. – M.: Subsoil. 1988. 3rd prod. – 358 pages.
- Andreyev K.K., Belyaev A.F. The theory of Centuries – M.: Oborongiz. 1960. – 595 pages.
- Belyaev A.F. Burning, a detonation and work of explosion of the condensed systems. – M.: Science. 1968.-255 pages.
- Belin V.A., Kutuzov B.N., Ganopolsky M.I. Overchenko M.N., Strict I.B. Tekhnologiya and safety of explosive works. M.: Gornoye Delo publishing house of JSC Cimmerian Center, 2016. – 424 pages.
- Beyling C., Drekopf K. Sprengstoffe und Zungmitter mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Sprengardeit unter Tage. 1936. (The Beyling To., Drekopf K. explosives and blasting agents. Translation from German. M.; OBORONGIZ, 1941.).
- Assonov V.A., Rossi B.D. Poisonous gases during the explosive works. M.: Ugletekhizdat. 1952. 109 pages.
- Catherine Johnson, Braden T. Lusk, Joshua Micah Hoffman. NOx Emissions from Blasting Activities in a Surface Mining Operation. Proceedings of the 14 Annual Conference ISEE. Denver, CO USA. 2014. P. 647-654.
- Blasters Handbook ISEE. 18-th Edition. 2019/p 226.
- Chemical Encyclopedia / Knunyants I.L., etc. — M.: Soviet encyclopedia. In 5 volumes, 1988 – 1998.
- Dobrynin A.A. Explosives. Chemistry. Structures. Safety. – M.: Academy IDES of N. E. of Zhukovsky, 2014. – 528 pages.
- Dobrynin I.A. Influence of quality of the components which are part of ANFO PVV on its explosive characteristics and ecological consequences of explosion / the Scientific and practical conference «Geo-ekologichesky and Engineering-geological Problems of Development of Civil and Industrial Complexes of the City of Moscow». – M.: RGGRU, 2008. – Page 136-137.
| 94-103 |
| UDC 622.235 R.Ya. Mingazov, Lead Engineer (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
On the choice of a granular explosive and its component composition Keywords:explosion, explosive, well drilling, rock, spent engine oil, porous saltpeter, combined development system The article presents aspects of research of ammonium nitrate and used engine oil as a fuel component in order to improve the efficiency of blasting operations using the simplest explosive compositions of local manufacture. At different temperatures, ammonium nitrate granules were studied by qualitative characteristics «open» or «closed» and by quantitative indicators, which allowed us to evaluate its absorption and retention ability of oil absorption in order to effectively use it as a component of the simplest explosive compositions of local manufacture. Experimental data obtained in the laboratory can be used as energy and detonation characteristics of explosives under the conditions of the explosive process. Bibliographic list:- Viktorov S.D., Zakalinskiy V.M., Frantov A.E., Mingazov R.Ya., Lapikov I.N., Starshinov A.V. Patent na izobretenie RU 2630557 Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Ustroystvo polucheniya porizovannoy granulirovannoy ammiachnoy selitry (Device for obtaining porous granular ammonium nitrate). 11.09.2017.
- Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E., Zakalinskiy V.M., Mingazov R.Ya., Belousov F.S. Patent na izobretenie RU 2643950 Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Ustroystvo polucheniya porizovannoy granulirovannoy ammiachnoy selitry (Device for obtaining porous granular ammonium nitrate). 06.02.2018.
- Viktorov S.D., Zakharov V.N., Frantov A.E., Postavnin B.N., Zharikov I.F., Mingazov R.Ya., Strogiy I.B., Efremovtsev N.N., Lapikov I.N., Didyura A.E., Opanasenko P.I. Patent na izobretenie RU 2663037 Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Sostav prosteyshego VV i sposob ego realizuyushchiy (The composition of the simplest explosive and the method that implements it). 01.08.2018.
- Sharuda V.G. Sovershenstvovanie vzryvnykh rabot na gornykh predpriyatiyakh Severo-Vostoka na osnove mekhanizirovannogo primeneniya igdanita (Improvement of blasting operations at mining enterprises of the North-East on the basis of mechanized application of igdanite): dis.... na soisk. uchen. stepeni kand. tekhn. nauk. Magadan. 1985. 216 p.
- Khmel'nitskiy L.I. Spravochnik po vzryvchatym veshchestvam (Handbook of explosives). Part. 2. Moscow. 1962. 844 p.
- Shvedov K.K. Ob otsenke effektivnosti sovremennykh promyshlennykh vzryvchatykh veshchestv (On evaluating the effectiveness of modern industrial explosives). Gornyy zhurnal.No 12. 2006. pp. 53-56.
| 104-112 |
Section 3. Technology of blasting in the mining of solid minerals
| UDC 622.233 V.A. Isheyskiy, associate Prof., Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Blasting design department, A.S. Vasiliev, Student, Blasting design department (Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Estimation of parameters correlation in the process of blasting borehole drilling Keywords:Measurement While Drilling MWD; drilling monitoring; drilling parameters; rock properties, blasting parameters Scientific research «Development of a method for predicting the fragmentation of blasted rocks based on measurement while drilling (MWD) data and machine learning» are carried out by the St. Petersburg Mining University and the «Problem Laboratory of Explosive Technologies» with financial support from the «Council for Grants of the President of the Russian Federation for State Support of Young Russian Scientists and for State Support of Leading Scientific Schools of the Russian Federation». An article «Estimation of parameters correlation in the process of blasting borehole drilling» opens a series of publications on the results of research regarding the use of MWD technology for quality control of drilling and blasting operations at mining enterprises. The article discusses the problems of using the MWD technology to assess structural heterogeneities in the rock mass and identify the most significant parameters for use as input in its description or analysis in the process of blasting borehole drilling. The main dependent and independent parameters are highlighted that affect the process of data interpretation. Based on the MWD data processing, the article presents a matrix of correlation of the main parameters for drilling, which shows that the correct choice of parameters that are the basis and input for the next stages of data processing in the chain «MWD data – physical and mechanical properties of rocks and structure – drilling and blasting parameters», should be provided independence from the drilling mode and the response of the control system and be based on the response of the drilling system depending on changes in the rocks structures. Bibliographic list:- Brodov G.S., Shelkovnikov E.K. Technological measurements and automation of the drilling process. FGU NLP Geologorazvedka: Saint-Petersburg, Mining Institute, 2004,105 p.
- Glazunov V.V., Gorodnova E.V., Efimova N.N., Kulikov, A.I., Kulikova N.V. Geophysical Monitoring of Changes in the Condition of the Embankment Base of a Road by Soil Stabilization Using Explosion Energy. Proceedings of the 14th Engineering and Mining Geophysics Conference, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 23-27 April 2018; pp. 1–9.
- Khorzoughi M.B. Use of measurement while drilling techniques for improved rock mass characterization in open-pit mines. Master’s Thesis, Vancouver: University of British Columbia, Canada, 2013.
- Zhantao Li, Ken-IchiItakura, Y. Ma. Survey of measurement-while-drilling technology for small-diameter drilling machines. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 2014, Vol. 19, pp. 10267-10282.
- Lucifora D., Rafezim H. State of the art review: Monitoring-While-Drilling for mining application.Proceedings of the World Mining Congress (WMC), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 11–15 August 2013.
- Segui J.B., Higgins M. Blast design using measurement while drilling parameters. International Journal for Blasting and Fragmentation 2002, Vol. 6 (3-4), pp. 287-299.
- Isheyskiy V., Sanchidrián J.A. Prospects of Applying MWD Technology for Quality Management of Drilling and Blasting Operations at Mining Enterprises. Minerals 2020, Vol 10(10), art. 925.
- Navarro J., Segarra P., Sanchidrián J. A., Castedo R., Pérez Fortes A.P., Natale M., Lopez L.M. Application of an in-house MWD system for quarry blasting. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Fragblast 12, Luleå, Sweden, 11-13 June 2018; H. Schunnesson, D. Johansson (Eds); pp. 203 – 207.
- Navarro J., Schunnesson H., Johansson D., Sanchidrián J.A., Segarra P. Application of drill-monitoring for chargeability assessment in sublevel caving. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 2019, Vol. 119, pp. 180–192.
- Ghosh R., Schunnesson H., Gustafson A. Monitoring of Drill System Behavior for Water-Powered In-The-Hole (ITH) Drilling. Minerals 2017, Vol. 7 (7), art. 121.
- Scoble M. J., Peck. J., Hendricks C. Correlation between rotary drill performance parameter sand borehole geophysical logging. Mining Science and Technology 1989,Vol. 8, pp. 301-312.
- Brown E.T., Barr M.V. Instrumented Drilling as an Aid to Site Investigations. Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology, Madrid, Spain, 4-8 September 1978, pp. 21–28.
- Veena S. V., Steinar L.E. Estimating the blast sill thickness using changepoint analysis of MWD data. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 2020, Vol.134, art. 104443.
| 113-126 |
| UDC 622.235 V.I. Suprun, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Director of the Design and Expert Center, M.G. Gorbonos, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Docent of the Departments of PhysGeo, Ya. V. Levchenko, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Docentof the Department of GeoTech (National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russia) A.V. Balashov, General Director V.I. Gakh, technical Director R.G. Polyakov, Head of Production (Company «Kasimovnerud», Russia)
Оptimization of the parameters of explosive training carbonate massifs for the purpose of conservation quality characteristics feedstock Keywords:carbonate rocks, fracturing, fracture mechanism, optimization of drilling and blasting operations, contour blasting technology, specific explosive consumption, losses, raw material quality The article considers the issue of preserving the quality of raw materials, which is relevant for enterprises with medium and low strength characteristics of carbonate rocks. Shows the failure mechanism of fractured carbonate masses in the blasting borehole charges of difference layers (zones). To ensure the preservation of the natural strength characteristics of the raw material, it is proposed to use the technology of contour blasting, which allows partially or completely dividing the local zones of the massif into geological elements (or elements of these individuals). The specific flow rate of explosives when using contour blasting in carbonate rocks with a strength of 40-60 MPa is 0.05–0.12 kg/m3, which is a multiple of lower than with standard blasting schemes, while the well grid (a×b) when using MKO for technological purposes can fit in the interval from (1,5–2,0) × (3,0–3,5) m. Thickening the well grid to such a size will increase the volume and cost of drilling operations, which is compensated by maintaining the strength characteristics of the source rocks coming for crushing, reducing the specific consumption of explosives, raw material losses and operating costs for transportation and storage of screenings. Bibliographic list:- Suprun V.I., Artemyev V.B., Opanasenko P.I. i dr. Kompleksi ciklichno_potochnoi tehnologii dlya otrabotki karerov (Complexes of cyclic-flow technology for quarry mining.) M. Izdatelstvo «Gornoe delo» OOO «Kimmeriiskii centr» = Moscow: Publishing House «Mining» LLC «Kimmeriyskiy center», 2018. 232 p.
- Kuznecov V.A. Parametri i tehnologicheskie osobennosti konturnogo vzrivaniya pri stroitelstve otkritih profilnih viemok (Parameters and technological features of contour blasting in the construction of open profile recesses) Informacionnii byulleten ANO NOIV = Information Bulletin of the ANO NOIV No. 1, 2003. pp. 17-20.
- Brotanek I., Voda I. Konturnoe vzrivanie v gornom dele i stroitelstve (Contour blasting in mining and construction). M. Nedra =Moscow: Nedra, 1983. 144 p.
- J. Zhao, W. Wu, Q.B. Zhang & L. Sun. Nekotorie poslednie razrabotki v oblasti dinamicheskih eksperimentov i modelirovaniya gornih porod (Some recent developments on rock dynamic experiments and modelling). Rock Dynamics and Applications – State of the Art. 2013. May 13, Reference – 632 Pages.
- Olyunin V.V. Pererabotka nerudnih stroitelnih materialov. (Processing of non-metallic building materials). M. Nedra = Moscow: Nedra, 1988. 232 p.
- Suprun V.I. Belii kamen. Uchebnoe posobie. (White stone: A textbook.) Izdatelstvo Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo gornogo universiteta_ izdatelstvo «Gornaya kniga» = Publishing House of the Moscow State Mining University, publishing house «Gornaya kniga», 2010. 153 p.
- Kutuzov B.N. Razrushenie gornih porod vzrivom (Destruction of rocks by explosion). M. Izdatelstvo MGI = Moscow: MGIK Publishing House, 1992. 516 p.
- Drebenshtedt K. Provedenie opitnih vzrivov na gipsovom karere Lauffen firmi «Knauf» Germaniya, (Conducting experimental explosions at the Lauffen gypsum quarry of the Knauf company (Germany).Otchet specialistov Fraibergskoi gornoi akademii = Report of the specialists of the Freiberg Mining Academy, Freiberg, 2013.
- Belin V.A., Suprun V.I., Agafonov Yu.G., Kuznecov V.A. Osobennosti vedeniya vzrivnih rabot pri viemke zapasov stroitelnogo gipsa v vodoohrannoi zone (Features of conducting blasting operations when dredging construction gypsum reserves in the water protection zone). Gornii jurnal = Mining Magazine2017. No. 3. pp. 37-42. DOI: 10.17580/gzh. 2017. 03. 07.
| 127-146 |
| UDC 622.235 V.A. Belin, Professor, doctor of engineering. doctor of science, Professor, President of ANO «NOIV in support of professional development» member of the public Council of Rostechnadzor (Mining Institute NUST «MISIS», Moscow, Russia) Yu.N. Bolotova, engineer, Executive director (Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization NOIV of Russia)
Studying of physics and technology properties of breeds as basis of development of resource-saving technology of explosive works Keywords:detonation, detonation characteristics, emulsion explosives, resource-saving, specific consumption of explosive, charge, drilling-and-blasting works, mountain weight In article questions of optimization of processes of preparation of rocks to dredging are considered. The analysis of use of emulsion explosives in various mining-and-geological conditions is carried out. Results of studying of physics and technology properties of rocks in relation to a career field of JSC Lebedinsky GOK are given. The technique of carrying out researches on determination of drilling capacity and explosibility of a working zone of an iron ore pit is given. The card of explosibility and the recommendation about optimization of parameters of explosive works is shown. Bibliographic list:- FNP «Safety Rules by Production, Storage and Application of Explosive Materials of Industrial Function». No. 494 are approved by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision order on December 03, 2020. 350 pages.
- Adushkin V.V. Major factors of impact of open mining operations on environment. Mountain magazine, No. 4, 1996. Page 44-55.
- Belin V.A., Starshinov A.V., Zhamyan Zh. Influence of explosive works and various types of explosives on self-ignition of coal masses. In сб.: Explosive business. 2017. No. 117/74 Page 115–126.
- Belin V.A., Gorbonos M.G., Mitkov V.E. Influence of quality of explosives and funds of initiation for efficiency of crushing of mountain weight explosion. Works of the international symposium «Week of the miner-2015» Collection of articles. Separate release of the Mountain information and analytical bulletin. – M.: Mountain Book publishing house. – 2016. – page 72-80.
- Weisberg L.A., Baranov V.F., Bilenko L.F. Rams., Dyachkova T.F. A current state and prospects of development of processes of crushing and crushing mineral Raw materials / Materials 4 of the International school of sciences of young scientists and experts «Problems of development of a subsoil in the XXI century eyes young» on November 6-9, 2007 – M.: IPKON RAHN, 2007. – Page 259-269.
- Belin V.A., Kutuzov B. N., Ganopolsky M. I. Overchenko M.N., Strict I.B. Tekhnologiya and safety of explosive works. M.: GornoyeDelo publishing house of JSC Cimmerian Center, 2016. – 424 pages.
- Belin V.A., Gorbonos M.G., TyupinV.N. Tekhnologiya and safety of explosive works. Manual. Belgorod: IDES of «BELGU» of NIU «BELGU», 2020. – 204с.
- Kolganov E.V., Sosnin V.A. Emulsion industrial explosives. 1st book (Structures and properties). – Dzerzhinsk: State Research and Development Institute «Crystal», 2009. – 592 pages.
- Dodukh V.G., Starshinov A.V. Chernilovsky A. M, Zh. Zhamyan, Fadeyev V.Yu. «Influence of type and properties of ammonium nitrate on explosive characteristics loose the smesevykh of VV», In сб.: Problems of the explosive were put by M.: Prod. MGGU, 2002 of p. 132-119.
- Dobrynin I.A. Influence of quality of the components which are part of ANFO PVV on its explosive characteristics and ecological consequences of explosion / the Scientific and practical conference «Geo-ekologichesky and Engineering-geological Problems of Development of Civil and Industrial Complexes of the City of Moscow». – M.: RGGRU, 2008. – Page 136-137.
- Demidyuk G.P., Abramyan E.I., Senuk V.M. Parameters of detonation and extent of crushing of breed at an explosive otboyka//Explosive business No. 80/51. M.: Subsoil, 1978. Page 187-193.
- Overchenko M.N. Influence of mining-and-geological and technogenic factors on stability of explosive wells when developing apatite – nepheline Ores/Overchenko M. N., Tolstunov S. A., Mozer S. P.//St. Petersburg state mining institute, SPb, 2018. Notes of mining institute. Volume 231. Page 239-244.
- Hemant Agrawal, Arvind Kumar Mishra. A Study on Influence of Density and Viscosity of Emulsion Explosive on Its Detonation Velocity//Modelling, Measurement and Control C. 2017. Vol. 78. No. 3. – P. 316–336.
- Dobrynin A.A. Explosives. Chemistry. Structures. Safety. – M.: Academy IDES of N. E. of Zhukovsky, 2014. – 528 pages.
- Methods of conducting explosive works. Special explosive works: manual/MI. Ganopolsky. V.L., Baron. V.A., Belin. B.B., Navels. – M.: MGGU publishing house. 2007. 563 pages
- Kutuzov. B.N., Belin V.A. Design and organization of explosive works. – M.: MGGU publishing house. – 2011. – 410 pages;
- Tangayev I.A. Power consumption of processes of production and processing of minerals. – M.: Publishing house Subsoil. – 1986. – 230с.
| 147-167 |
| UDC 622.235 V.V. Kushnerchuk, engineer, head of the mine E.A. Umrikhin, engineer, chief specialist (Оf JSC «Mikhailovsky GOK named by A.V. Varicheva») Yu.N. Bolotova, engineer, Executive director M.N. Vyatkin, engineer, Technical Director (Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization NOIV of Russia)
The results of experimental sinking of underground mine workings at KMA enterprises Keywords:rock, excavation, shot, shpurova charge, explosive, explosion, detonation speed, passport of explosive works In article results of researches physics and technology properties of breeds are stated at a driving of horizontal excavations in drainage mine. Characteristics of the industrial explosives applied to carrying out excavations are provided. Process of a detonation of charges and the phenomena of explosion and technology of conducting explosive works in the conditions of drainage mine of the Mikhailovsky Mining and Processing Integrated Works (MMPIW) is considered. The main schemes of an arrangement of shots, cut type, the mechanism of destruction of breeds are described. The decisions connected with calculation of parameters of explosive works, by installation of an explosive network, loading and a zaboyka of charges of explosives are provided. Bibliographic list:- Underground mining of ferruterous quartzites/GM. Babayants, L.K. Vertleyb, N.Ya. Zhurin, etc. – M.: Subsoil, 1988. – page: 168th silt.
- Tyupin V.N., Svyatetsky V.S. Metodika of determination of the BVR parameters at working off of low-power uranium ore bodies for the purpose of decrease in impoverishment//Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling. – IRGUPS, 2013. – №3(39). Page 89-94.
- Technology and safety of explosive works: studies. grant/VA. Belin, M.G. Gorbonos, V.N. Tyupin – Belgorod: IDES «Belgorod» NIU «BELGU», 2020. – 204 pages.
- Dubnov L.V., Bakharevich N.S., Romanov A.I. Industrial explosives. – M.: Subsoil. 1988. 3rd prod. – 358 pages.
- Belin V.A., Kutuzov B. N., Ganopolsky M. I. Overchenko M. N., Strict I.B. Tekhnologiya and safety of explosive works. M.: Gornoye Delo publishing house of JSC Cimmerian Center, 2016. – 424 pages.
- The report of VIOGEM on research work «State monitoring целиков chambers with the design and increased geometrical parameters, control of shifts of a terrestrial surface in a zone of conducting mining operations» – Belgorod, 2019 of 63 pages.
- The report of VIOGEM on scientific work on Gornogeologichesky and geomechanical conditions of development of ores under safety potolochiny on the Korobkovsky field – Belgorod, 2008 of 65 pages.
- Solodyankin S.S., Bugayets P.V., Kublikov S.N. Features of a borehole otboyka and the direction of development of drilling-and-blasting works on mine of Gubkin//Mining industry, 2017. – No. 5. – Page 74-76.
- Mangush S.K., Fisun A.P. The reference book on drilling-and-blasting works on underground mountain minings. Moscow 2003.-344 pages.
- FNP «Safety Rules by Production, Storage and Application of Explosive Materials of Industrial Function». No. 494 are approved by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision order on December 03, 2020. – 350 pages.
- Kutuzov B. N., Belin V.A. Design and organization of explosive works. M.: Mountain Book publishing house, 2012. – 416 pages.
| 168-180 |
Section 4. Ecology and safety during blasting operations
| UDC 622.274.4: 622.34 V.I. Lyashenko, PhD. tech. sciences, senior researcher, A.X. Dudtchenko , Senior Researcher (Of Ukrnipipromtehnologii, Ukraine) O.E. Khomenko, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor (National Technical University «Dnipro Polytechnic», Dnepr, Ukraine)
Evaluation of the efficiency and seismic safety of the development of complex ore deposits in energy-rich massifs Keywords:ore deposits, energy-damaged massifs, geomechanics of mountain massifs, drilling and blasting operations, technological, seismic and environmental safety Analytical studies, comparative analysis of theoretical and practical results according to standard and new methods were carried out. The issues of geodynamic monitoring of the stress-strain state of the rock mass for the safe development of ore deposits are considered. The interaction of natural and man-made factors to ensure the geomechanical balance of ore-bearing massifs and the earth's surface in the area of subsurface development over a long period of time is shown. Justified safe geometrical and technological parameters of chamber ore mining complex structures with laying out space hardening compounds, including seismic and environmental safety, as well as the social factor, which are implemented in the instructions, standards and practices ore mines of Ukraine. Bibliographic list:- Khomenko O.E. Geoenergetics of underground mining of ore deposits: monograph. D.: NSU. – 2016. – 242 p.
- Slesarev V.D. Determination of the optimal dimensions of tselikov for various purposes. Moscow: Ugletekhizdat. – 1948. – 57s.
- Vetrov S.V. Permissible dimensions of rock outcrops during underground ore mining-Moscow: Nauka, 1975-223 p.
- Borisov A.A. Mechanics of rocks. – M.: Nedra, 1980 – 359 p.
- Fisenko G.L. Limiting state of rocks around workings. – M.: Nedra, 1980. – 359 p.
- Khomyakov V.I. Foreign experience of laying in the mines. M.: – Nedra. – 1984. –224c.
- Sleptsov, M.N., Azimov R.Sh., Mosinets V.N. Underground development IU-an effective non-ferrous and rare metals – M: Nedra, 1986. – 206с.
- Khomenko O., Tsendjav L., Kononenko, M., Janchiv B. Nuclear-and-fuel power industry of Ukraine: production, science, education // Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2017. – 11 (4). R. 86-95.
- Lyashenko V.I., Golik V.I., Komashchenko V.I., Nebogin V.Z. Improving the efficiency of blasting operations with the help of emulsion explosives at mines//Scientific and technical collection Explosive business. – 2018. – No. 119/76. – p. 143 -163.
- Lyashenko V.I., Kislyi P.A., Golik V.I., Komashchenko V.I. Improving the efficiency of blasting operations in mines //Scientific and technical collection-nick Explosive business. – 2018. – No. 119/76. – p. 129-142.
- Lyashenko V.I., Golik V.I., Komashchenko V.I., Nebogin V.Z. Improving the seismic safety of the development of rock deposits based on the use of new explosive charges//Scientific and technical collection Explosive business. – 2018. – No. 120/77. – pp. 243-264.
- Lyashenko V.I., Golik V.I., Komashchenko V.I., Rakhmanov R.A. Development of technologies and technical means for drilling and blasting of rock ores in chamber systems with a bookmark//Scientific and technical collection-nick Explosive business. – 2020. –No. 126/83.–p. 113-150.
- Golik V.I., Komashchenko V.I., Lyashenko V.I. Monitoring of technogenic seismic impact in ore mining/ / Geofizika.-2020. – No. 1. – p. 42-48
- Lyashenko V., Khomenko O., Topolnij F., & Golik V. (2020). Develop-ment of natural underground ore mining technologies in energy distributed massifs. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(3(51)), 17–24. doi:10.15587/2312-8372.2020.195946
- Lyashenko V., Khomenko O., Golik V., Topolnij F., & Helevera O. (2020). Substantiation of environmental and resource-saving technologies for void fill-ing under underground ore mining. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(3(52)), 9–16. doi:10.15587/2312-8372.2020.200022
- Lyashenko V.I., Golik V.I. Environmental protection technologies of underground development of uranium deposits//Mining Journal. -2006. – No. 2. – pp. 89-92.
- Baryakh A.A. Geomechanika: synthesis of theory and experiment. Strategy and processes of the development of geo-resources / proceedings of the session of the Mining Institute of UB RAS, Perm, 19-23 April 2010. — Perm: mines Of SD RAS, 2010. P. 78– 79.
- Kuzmin O.Yu., Zhukov V.C. Modern geodynamics and variation of physical properties of rocks. Mountain Book, 2012. – 264 p.
- Lyashenko V.I., Golik V.I., Khomenko O.E. Increasing geodynamic safety underground mining complex structure of ore deposits // ferrous metallurgy, 2017. – No. 3. – S. 24-32.
- Lyashenko V.I., Sciocca S.I., Elansky A.A., Palamarchuk T.A. Geomechanical monitoring in underground mining complex structures // proceedings of higher educational institutions. Mountain magazine. – 2012. – No. 4. – pp. 109-118.
- Trubetskoy K.N., Zakharov V.N., Viktorov S.D., Zharikov I.F., Za-kalinsky V.M. Explosive destruction of rocks in the development of subsurface resources. 2014. No. 3. – pp. 80-95.
- Golik V., Komashchenko V., Morkun V. Innovative technologies of metal extraction from the ore processing mill tailings and their integrated use. Metallurgical and Mining Industry, 2015, No. 3, – pp. 49-52.
- Chistyakov E.P. Improvement of methods for maintaining underground mining workings of mines in the Kryvyi Rih basin. – 2006. – No. 13. – p. 16-20.
- Eremenko V.A., Esina E.N., Semenyakin E.N. Technology of operational monitoring of the stress-strain state of the developed rock mass / / Gorny zhurnal. – 2015. – No. 8. – pp. 42-47.
- Dmitrak Yu.V., Kamnev E.N. JSC «Leading Design and Survey and Research Institute of Industrial Technology» – A path of 65 years//Mountain magazine. 2016. No. 3. – S. 6-12.
- Stupnik M., Kalinichenko O., Kalinichenko V., Pysmennyi S., & Morhun O. (2018). Choice and substantiation of stable crown shapes in deep-level iron ore mining. Mining of Mineral Deposits, 12(4), 56-62. https://doi.org/10.15407/mining12.04.056
- Krupnik L., Shaposhnik Yu., Shaposhnik S., Konurin A., & Shokarev D. (2018). Selection of accessing and development schemes for extracting reserves of ore body 2 in Irtysh deposit. Mining of Mineral Deposits, 12(4), 108-114. https://doi.org/10.15407/mining12.04.108
- Kulikovska O., & Sydorenko V. (2017). Research into the influence of technical factors on rocks deformation during reworking of ore deposits. Mining of Mineral Deposits, 11(3), 76-83. https://doi.org/10.15407/mining11.03.076
- Petlovanyi M., Lozynskyi V., Zubko S., Saik P., & Sai K. (2019). The influence of geology and ore deposit occurrence conditions on dilution indicators of ex-tracted reserves. Rudarsko Geolosko Naftni Zbornik, 34(1), 83-91. https://doi.org/10.17794/rgn.2019.1.8
- Petlovanyi M., Kuzmenko O., Lozynskyi V., Popovych V., Sai K., & Saik P. (2019). Review of man-made mineral formations accumulation and prospects of their developing in mining industrial regions in Ukraine. Mining of Mineral Depos-its, 13(1), 24-38. https://doi.org/10.33271/mining13.01.024
- Blyuss B., Semenenko Ye., Medvedieva O., Kyrychko S., & Karatayev A. (2020). Parameters determination of hydromechanization technologies for the dumps development as technogenic deposits. Mining of Mineral Deposits, 14(1), 51-61. https://doi.org/10.33271/mining14.01.051
- Lyashenko V., Vorobyov And Nebogin V., Vorobyev K. Improving The Efficiency Of Blasting Operations In Mines With The Help Of Emulsion Explosives // Mining of Mineral Deposits Ltd 2018. 1 (12), P. 95 – 102.
- Khomenko O.E., & Lyashenko V.I. (2019). Improvement of the Mine Technical Safety for the Underground Workings. Bezopasnost' Truda v Promyshlennosti, (4), 43–51. https://doi.org/10.24000/0409-2961-2019-4-43-51
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Section 5. Information
| In memory of Norov Yunus Dzhumaevich | 214-216 |