| Article title | Pages |
 | Title and imprint | |
 | URALCHEM Products for drilling and blasting | 5-5 |
 | LLC "MVK explosive business" Automatic flash suppression and explosion localization multifunctional system ASVP-LV.MFU | 6-6 |
Section 1. Researches of the rocks destruction by explosion
 | UDC 622.235 S.D. Viktorov, Head of department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, N.N. Kazakov, lead scientist, D. sc. tech, A.V. Shlyapin, deputy director, Cand sc. tech., I.N. Lapikov, senior researcher, candidate of technical Sciences (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
On the basic provisions of the classification of rock massifs by blockness Keywords:rock massifs, blockiness, blockiness category, blockiness classes, fractionation coefficient, technological blsting, technological parameters This article describes the main provisions of the classification of rock massifs by blockiness. A tabular form of classification of rock massifs by blockiness is selected, categories of rock massifs by blockiness are selected, classes of blockiness of massifs and fractionation coefficients of massifs for each category of blockiness and for each class of blockiness of rock massifs are selected. Bibliographic list:- Kazakov N.N., Viktorov S.D., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Crushing of rocks by explosion in quarries. - Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020, p. 517.
- Adushkin V.V. Model studies of destruction of rocks by explosion. "Physical problems of explosive destruction of rock massifs". - M .: IPKON RAN, 1999. - P.18-29.
- Kutuzov B.N. Design of blasting operations in industry M. Nedra, 1983. P. 359.
| 7-17 |
 | UDC 622.235 S.D. Viktorov, Head of department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, N.N. Kazakov, lead scientist, D. sc. tech, A.V. Shlyapin, deputy director, Cand sc. tech., I.N. Lapikov, senior researcher, candidate of technical Sciences (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
Lassification of rock massifs by blocknes at the deposit Keywords:rock massif, blockiness, category of blockiness, classes of blockiness, coefficients of fractionation, classification of blockiness of rock massif This article describes the provisions of the classification of rock massifs by blockiness. The fractionation coefficients of massifs are considered for each category of blockiness and for each class of blockiness of rock massifs. As an example, a classification of the blockiness of the rock massifs of the Mikhailovsky quarry has been developed. Bibliographic list:- Kazakov N.N., Viktorov S.D., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Crushing of rocks by explosion in quarries. - Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020, p. 517.
- Adushkin V.V. Model studies of destruction of rocks by explosion. "Physical problems of explosive destruction of rock massifs". - M .: IPKON RAN, 1999. - P.18-29.
- Kutuzov B.N. Design of blasting operations in industry M. Nedra, 1983. P. 359.
| 18-28 |
 | UDC 622.235:539.3 N.N. Efremovtsev, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Senior Researcher, V.A. Trofimov, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc), Head of Laboratory, I.E. Shipovskii, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Senior Researcher, (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS, Moscow, Russia) P.N. Efremovtsev, Head of blasting department (Research and Production Association «NITRO-SIBERIA», Moscow, Russia)
Investigation of the dynamic working of long charges by composition models coupling with computer simulation by the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method Keywords:explosive, elongated charge, fragmentation, physical experiments, computer simulation, SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method) The Smoothed Particle Method (SPH) is used to simulate the dynamic fracture, fragmentation and blasting process during explosive mining in quarries and mines. The SPH method is calibrated by simulating the process of fragmentation by an explosion in comparison with the results of experiments on explosive destruction of rock samples when detonating an elongated borehole charge. At the same time, an adequate representation of the development of the stress-strain state in the geomedium and the process of cracking, resulting in the fragmentation of the samples, was observed. After calibration, the SPH method was used for three-dimensional modeling of dynamic fracture and the resulting fragmentation in the exploded block of the developed rock mass. The influence of the distance between the wells and their diameter was investigated. The relevance of research is due to the need to expand the possibilities of controlling the action of the explosion to obtain rational fragmentation of the rock mass, as well as the economic feasibility of reducing the loss of minerals, and eliminating the negative factors of blasting. For this purpose, work was carried out to study the effect of the kinetics of energy release and the parameters of drilling and blasting operations on the intensity and uniformity of fragmentation. The work was carried out within the framework of the budgetary theme of IPKON RAS. Bibliographic list:- P.Rossin and B. Rammler. The laws governing the fineness of powdered coal // Journal of the Institute of Fuel, vol. 7, pp. 29–36, 1933.
- V.M. Kuznetsov. The mean diameter of the fragments formed by blasting rock // Soviet Mining Science, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 144–148, 1973.
- X.Y. Wei, Z.Y.Zhao, and J.Gu Numerical simulations of rock mass damage induced by underground explosion // International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, vol. 46, no. 7, pp. 1206–1213, 2009.
- Liu, D.Williams, and D.Pedroso. Numerical procedure for modelling dynamic fracture of rock by blasting // Proceedings of the Controlling Seismic Hazard and Sustainable Development of Deep Mines: 7th International Symposium On Rockburst and Seismicity in Mines (rasim7), Rinton Press, Dalian, China, August 2009.
- Z.Zhu, B.Mohanty, and H.Xie. Numerical investigation of blasting-induced crack initiation and propagation in rocks // International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 412–424, 2007.
- X.B. Zhao, J.Zhao, J.G.Cai, and A. M. Hefny. UDEC modelling on wave propagation across fractured rock masses // Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 97–104, 2008.
- Y.Ning, J.Yang, X.An, and G.Ma. Modelling rock fracturing and blast-induced rock mass failure via advanced discretisation within the discontinuous deformation analysis framework // Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 40–49, 2011.
- A.Fakhimi and M. Lanari. DEM-SPH simulation of rock blasting // Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 55, pp. 158–164, 2014.
- Shipovskii I.E. Simulation for fracture by smooth particle hydrodynamics code // Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University, 2015, 1 (145), pp. 76-82. [In Russian].
- Efremovtsev N.N., Trofimov V.N., Shipovskii I.E. Localization of deformations in a wave field induced by explo-sion of lengthy charge // Mining informational and analytical bulletin (scientific and technical journal). 2020, vol 8. [In Russian]
- Efremovtsev N.N., Shipovskii I.E. Investigation of the regularities of crushing by elongated charges using compositional models and numerical modeling by the method of smoothed particles // Explosive business. – 2020. – Issue. 128/85. – S. 20-37. [In Russian]
| 29-45 |
 | UDC 622.286.4(043.3) Yu. D. Norov , Professor of Mining department, Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, Sh.R. Urinov, Head of International Relations Department, Professor department of «Automation and control», Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor (Navoi state mining Institute, Uzbekistan, Navoi) U.F. Nasirov, Vice director in science, Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor (Branch of National Scientific Technical University «MISiS» in Almalyk, Uzbekistan, Almalyk) Kh.Y. Norova, PhD student (Tashkent state technical University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent)
Development of effective parameters of ground debonding of trench discharge charges by physical modeling in industrial conditions Keywords:trench charge, discharge, explosive consumption, ground embankment, form of embankment, mass humidity This article presents a developed method for determining the effective parameters of soil embankment of trench discharge charges by physical modeling. For the first time, a parabolic pattern of changes in the size of the cross-section of recesses depending on the mass humidity, height and shape of the ground embankment of trench discharge charges was established in order to establish their effective parameters. Bibliographic list:- Chernigovsky A.A. Application of directional explosion in mining and construction, 2nd ed. – M.: 1976. – 252 p.
- Norov Yu.D., Raimzhanov B.R., Nasirov U.F. Explosions of trench discharge charges. // Gorny Zhurnal. No. 11-12. – M.: 2000. Pp. 97-98.
- Mathematical statistics. Under the editorship of A. M. Dlina. M.:1975. – 398 p.
- Norov Yu.D., Martianov I.Yu., Turaev A.S., Makhmudov A.M., Nosirov U.F., Sharipov E.A. Development of a physical and mathematical model of the explosion of flat trench charges bounded by soil. – Tashkent: FAN RUz. 1999. No. 3. Pp. 26-29.
- Norov Yu.D., Raimzhanov B.R, Turaev A.S., Nosirov U.F., Makhmudov A.M., Sharipov E.A. Method of modeling the effect of an explosion of a trench charge of explosives on the release of soil. – Tashkent, FAN of the Republic of Uzbekistan. No. 7. 1997. Pp. 38-41.
- Murodov M.M., Slavin O.K., Norov Yu.D. Modeling of dynamic problems of solid deformable body mechanics. – Tashkent: FAN, 1997 – 217 p.
- Turaev A.S., Norov Yu.D., Abdullaev Sh.M., Shoymatov B. Modeling of the stress state of the massif when conducting a trench using the photoelasticity method. // Uzbek journal of mechanics problems. – Tashkent: 2000. No. 3. pp. 59-61.
- Norov Yu.D., Raimzhanov B.R., Turaev A.S., Nosirov U.F., Tukhtashev B.T. Investigation of the effect of soil moisture on the size of recesses during the explosion of trench explosive charges on the release. // Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan. No. 2. 1998. pp. 57-59.
- Sedov L.I. Methods of similarity and dimension in mechanics. – Moscow: Nauka, 1981. – 444 p.
- Ilyushin A.A. Continuum mechanics. 3rd ed. – Moscow state University, 1990. – 310 p.
- Sadovsky M.A., Adushkin V.V., Rodionov V.N. Modeling of large explosions for ejection // Report USSR Academy of Sciences, 1966, vol. 167, no. 6.
- Slavin O.K., Trumbachev V.F., Tarabasov N.D. Methods of photomechanics in mechanical engineering. – Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1983. – 270 p.
- Dokukin A.V., Trumbachev V.F., Slavin O.K., etc. Research of rock mass by photomechanics methods. – Moscow: Nauka, 1982. – 272 p.
- Strelchuk N.A., Khesin G.L., Kostin I.Kh., etc. Dynamic photoelasticity. / Method of photoelasticity. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1975. Vol. 2. Pp. 142-364
- Filatov N.A., Belyakov V.D., Ivlev G.A. Photoelasticity in mountain geomechanics. – M.: Nedra, 1975. – 184 p.
- Goldsmith V. Dynamic photoproject / Physics of fast processes. – M.: Mir, 1971. Vol. 2. Pp. 101-152.
- Filatov N.A., Beliakov V.D., Dukukin A.V., Irumbachev V.F., Slavin O.K. Photomechanical Practice of Studying Conditions of Solid Rock Near Underground Workings Driven at Great Depth // 5 International Congress on Rock Mechanics, Melbourne (Australia), 1983, pp.121-128.
- Kusov N.F., Murodov M.M., Norov Yu.D., Bibutov N.S. Modeling of the stress-strain state of a mountain massif in the zone of blasting operations. // News of Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR. Series of technical Sciences. No. 3. Tashkent: – 1991. Pp. 60-65.
- Norov Yu.D., Murodov Sh.N. Modeling of the stress state of a rock mass by the photoelasticity method. // Agriculture of Uzbekistan. No. 1. Tashkent, 1999. pp. 39-40.
- Kusov A.E., Brazhentsev A.V., Brazhentsev V.P. Distribution of stress in rock – breaking teeth of drill-ball bits. – M.: IGD named after A. A. Skochinsky, 1996. – 104 p.
- Wentzel E.S. Probability theory. – M.: Nauka, 1969. Pp. 139-141.
- Methodical guide to the use of data processing programs on electronic computers. – M.: IGD named after A. A. Skochinsky, 1985. – 53 p.
- Norov Yu.D., Urinov Sh.R. Development of effective parameters of soil embankment of trench discharge charges by physical modeling // Scientific-technical and production journal «Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan» No. 4 December 2005 pp.34-38. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2005-oktyabr-dekabr.pdf
- Urinov Sh.R., Egamberdiev O.M. Method of physical moderation of the action of trench discharge Charges // Scientific-technical and production journal «Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan» No. 3 September 2013, pp.55-57. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2013-iyul-sentyabr.pdf
- Norov Yu.D., Urinov Sh.R., Urunov I.O. Determination of effective parameters of ground deboning of trench discharge charges by physical modeling // Materials of the Republican scientific and technical conference «ISTIQLOL» (with international participation) "Modern equipment and technology of the mining and metallurgical industry and ways of their development" Navoi, 28-30 September 2006, pp. 20-22.
| 46-72 |
 | UDC 622.286.4(043.3) Yu. D. Norov , Professor of Mining department, Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, Sh.R. Urinov, Head of International Relations Department, Professor department of «Automation and control», Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, I.T. Mislibayev, dean of Mining Faculty, Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor (Navoi state mining Institute, Uzbekistan, Navoi) Kh.Y. Norova, PhD student (Tashkent state technical University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent)
Industrial verification implementation of the developed parameters of soil embankment, as well as the method for forming trench discharge charges when forming elongated recesses Keywords:trench charge, discharge, explosive consumption, ground embankment, form of embankment, mass humidity This article presents a developed and experimentally tested new engineering method for calculating the effective parameters of soil embankment of trench explosive charges, on the basis of which a nomogram and a program for calculating the effective parameters of soil embankment of trench discharge charges are developed. A new method for forming recesses by explosions with a trapezoidal shape of ground embankment of explosive trench charges was developed and experimentally tested, which provides an increase in the efficiency of the explosion by controlling emissions, with a sufficient width of the profile section of the recess along the bottom of 50 m or more. Bibliographic list:- Norov Yu.D., Urinov Sh.R. Method for determining the effective parameters of soil embankment of trench discharge charges. – Navoi. 2005. – 26 p.
- Norov Yu.D., Urinov Sh.R. Method of engineering calculation of effective parameters of soil embankment of trench discharge charges. – Navoi. 2005. – 21 p.
- Certificate DGU 00976 RUz. Obvalovka / Norov Yu.D., Raimzhonov B. R., Urinov Sh. R. Computer program. By request no. DGU 2005-0072 accepted 06.06.2005 and registered in the state register of inventions of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 12.07.2006 in Tashkent.
- Patent No. 5922 (RUz). A method of forming a trench of an explosive charge. / Norov Yu. D., Dustmuradova M. N. Registered in the state register of inventions of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 13.07.1999. Published in the Bulletin of inventions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1999. No. 3.
- Methods for determining the economic efficiency of using new equipment, inventions, and rationalization proposals in the national economy. M.: VINITI, 1977.
- Norov Yu.D., Raimzhanov B.R., Nasirov U.F. Explosions of trench discharge charges. // Ghorniy Zhurnal. No. 11-12. – M.: 2000. Pp. 97-98.
- Ivanov P.L. Compaction of poorly connected soils by explosions. – M.: Nedra, 1983. – 230 p.
- Ivanov, P.L., Schultz, L.V. Effect of particle shape on the property of Sands of alluvial structures. – M.: Hydraulic engineering, 1972, No. 11, pp. 47-49.
- Temper Yu., Turaev A.S., Abdullayev S.M., Nosirov, W.F., Yuldoshev W.W. Guidance on the application of the method of formation of recesses explosions lined trench soil charges release guttering sandy soils. – Tashkent: Fan, 2000. – 10 p.
- Norov Yu.D., Urinov Sh.R. Determining the size of recesses depending on the height of the trapezoidal shape of the ground embankment and the specific consumption of trench discharge charges // Scientific, technical and production journal «Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan» No. 3 September 2005, pp.34-36 http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2005-iyul-sentyabr.pdf
- Norov Yu.D., Urinov Sh.R. Determining the size of recesses depending on the width of the trapezoidal shape of the ground embankment and the specific consumption of trench discharge charges // Scientific-technical and production journal «Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan» No. 3 September 2005, pp.37-38. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2005-iyul-sentyabr.pdf
- Urinov Sh.R. Classification of methods of management by the direction of action of explosion trenched charges of emission in soils // Proceeding of joint scientific seminar of winners of «Istedod» foundation of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Shanghai University Scientists. Shanghai, October, 2007, 47-50 p.
- Norov Yu.D., Nosirov U.F., Urinov Sh.R. «Substantiation and development of new methods for the formation of elongated recesses in floating sandy soils by explosions of trench discharge charges» / Final report on the budget Topic p. 6. 2. 5. Navoi, Funds, NavSMI, 2005, 129 p.
- Norov Yu.D., Urinov Sh.R., Islomov N.R., Mirzaeva F.D., Norov A.Yu., Amirkulov K. S. Justification and development of effective parameters of soil embankment of trench discharge charges. / Final report on budget topic A-4-015. Navoi, Funds, NavSMI, 2008, 135 p.
| 73-91 |
Section 2. State and improvement of explosives, devices and blasting agents
 | UDC 622.235 V.А. Sosnin, doctor of technical sciences, chief designer in the direction of commercial explosives – team leader, A.A. Merkin, candidate of chemical sciences, general director (JSC «GosNII «Kristall», Nizhny Novgorod region, Russian Federation)
Current trends of emulsion explosive production Keywords:industrial explosives, emulsion explosives, explosive production range, production output, market share, manufacturing facilities, plants, mobile explosives manufacturing units This article presents the industrial explosive production range used over the past decade in Russia. The data provided herein refers to demand dynamics for emulsion explosives, their production outputs by key manufacturers. The paper describes various options of emulsion explosive preparation technology along with the relevant plants and mobile explosives manufacturing units (MEMU). | 92-114 |
 | UDC 66.02 : 622.235.2 А.S. Zimin, deputy team leader of commercial explosive, V.А. Sosnin, doctor of technical sciences, chief designer in the direction of commercial explosives – team leader (JSC «GosNII «Kristall», Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russian Federation) A.S. Shmotev, Technical Department Manager (FORES Ltd., Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg) E.S. Solomin, Deputy Director (LLC «TD Foresfera», Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg)
Investigation of physical and chemical properties and detonation characteristics of emulsion explosive compoound based on «FORESPHERE» microspheres produced by «FORES» LTD Keywords:glass microspheres, emulsion matrix, emulsion explosives, detonation velocity The present article deals with the studies on the detonation characteristics of emulsion-type explosive Poremit, sensitized by ForeSphere microspheres. A comparison is made between physical and chemical properties of microspheres of different types and manufacturers as well as between detonation characteristics of emulsion explosives sensitized by these various microspheres. | 115-123 |
Section 3. Technology of blasting in the mining of solid minerals
 | UDC 622.235 P.S. Simonov, associate Professor of the chair «Development of mineral deposits», Candidate of Engineering Sciences (Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia)
Calculation of parameters of borehole charges of emulsion explosives with help of a mathematical system MathCAD Keywords:blast, blasting works, emulsion explosive, explosive density, parameters of drilling-and-blasting works, safety of mass explosion In practice of explosive business quite difficult calculations demanding obtaining exact results for safety and quality of the conducted explosions often meet. One of such calculations is determination of length, density and mass of charges of the emulsion explosives sensitized the gas-generating additive. In article it is offered to automate design of blasting works with the help of the mathematical Mathcad system that allows quickly and from a fine precision to determine parameters of borehole charges. Bibliographic list:- Federal'nye normy i pravila v oblasti promyshlennoj bezopasnosti «Pravila bezopasnosti pri proizvodstve, hranenii i primenenii vzryvchatyh materialov promyshlennogo na-znacheniya». Utverzhdeny prikazom Federal'noj sluzhby po ekologicheskomu, tekhnologicheskomu i atomnomu nadzoru ot 3 dekabrya 2020 g. N 494 [Elektronnyj resurs]. – URL: http://www.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc&mode=splus&base=LAW&n=372449#0398254851302708 – Zagl. s ekrana.
- Zhuchenko E.I., Ioffe V.B., Kukib B.N., Sundukov I.Yu., Overchen-ko M.N. Primenenie emul'sionnyh VV, sensibilizirovannyh metodom gazogeneracii, v glubokih skvazhinah. // Bezopasnost' truda v promyshlennosti. 2002. № 11. S. 30-32.
- Bragin P.A., Gorinov S.A., Maslov I.Yu., Ilyahin S.V., Overchenko M.N. O raspredelenii plotnosti v zaryadah emul'sionnogo vzryvchatogo veshchestva, sensibilizirovannogo gazovymi porami. // Otdel'nye stat'i: Gorn.inf-anal.byul. 2015. № 5 (special'nyj vypusk 20). – 40 s.
- Fokin V.A. Raspredelenie plotnosti emul'sionnyh vzryvchatyh veshchestv po vysote ko-lonki skvazhinnogo zaryada // Izv. VUZov. Gornyj zhurnal, 2007, № 3, s.89-94.
- Explosives Engineers’ Guide. [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://www.dynonobel.com/apac/~/media/Files/Dyno/ResourceHub/Brochures/APAC/Explosives%20Engineers%20Guide.pdf – Zagl. s ekrana.
- Blasting and Explosives Quick Reference Guide 2010. [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://www.leg.mn.gov/docs/2015/other/150681/PFEISref_1/Dyno%20Nobel%202010.pdf – Zagl. s ekrana.
- TITAN® 2000. Matrix Blend Series. [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://www.dynonobel.com/apac/~/media/Files/Dyno/ResourceHub/Technical%20Information/Asia%20Pacific/BulkExplosives/TITAN%202000%20Matrix.pdf – Zagl. s ekrana.
| 124-137 |
 | UDC 622.235 R.Ya. Mingazov, Lead Engineer (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
Technology of blasting operations in combined field development Keywords:explosion, explosive, well drilling, rock formation, charge shape, inert gap, smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method for simulation, combined development system Aspects of the methodology of a new approach to solving the problem of substantiating a rational technology of rock destruction in a quarry that provides seismic safety for underground mine workings are presented. Fragments of achieving the results of the set tasks are described, including their scientific and technical justification, which makes it rational to search for new reserves to significantly increase the efficiency of technical and economic indicators of mineral development by combined development systems. Bibliographic list:- Viktorov S.D., Goncharov S.A., Iofis M.A., Zakalinskiy V.M. Mekhanika sdvizheniya i razrusheniya gornykh porod (Mechanics of displacement and destruction of rocks). Otv. red. akad. RAN K.N. Trubetskoy; In-t problem kompleksnogo osvoeniya nedr im. akademika N.V. Mel'nikova RAN. Moscow: RAN. 2019. 360 p.
- Viktorov S.D., Zakalinskiy V.M., Mingazov R.Ya., Shipovskiy I.E. Patent na izobretenie RU 2725721 Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Sposob formirovaniya zaryada v skvazhine pri kombinirovannoy otkryto-podzemnoy razrabotke (A method of forming the charge in the well with combined open and underground development). 03.07.2020.
- Mosinets V.N. Drobyashchee i seysmicheskoe deystvie vzryva v gornykh porodakh (Crushing and seismic action of an explosion in rocks). Moscow: Nedra, 1976. 271 p.
- Zhendong Leng, Jinshan Sun, Wenbo Lu, Xianqi Xie, Yongsheng Jia, Guisong Zhou. Ming Chen. Mechanism of the in-hole detonation wave interactions in dual initiation with electronic detonators in bench blasting operation. Computers and Geotechnics. Publisher: Elsevier. Volume 129 (2021). doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2020.103873.
- Viktorov S., Zakalinsky V., Shipovskii I., Mingazov R. About Interaction of Blasting and Geomechanical Processes in Mining. In: Kocharyan G., Lyakhov A. (eds) Trigger Effects in Geosystems. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Springer, Cham. pp 417-425. (2019). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-31970-0_44.
| 138-148 |
Section 4. Ecology and safety during blasting operations
 | UDC 622.81:622.271:622.235 V.I. Lyashenko, PhD. tech. sciences', senior researcher (State Enterprise «UkrNIPIIpromtechnologii», Zhovti Vody, Ukraine) V.I. Golik, doctor of technical Sciences. Professor of the Department «Development of mineral deposits» (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "North Caucasian State Technological University", Vladikavkaz, RNO-Alania, Russia) V.I. Komashchenko, Dr. tech. Professor of the Department «Development of mineral deposits» (Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia) R.A. Rakhmanov, research associate, PhD. Techn. Sciences (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS, Moscow, Russia)
Justification of the efficiency and environmental safety of open-pit mining of mineral raw materials Keywords:drilling and blasting operations, quarry, crushing, explosive rebound, charge, geoecology, quality, geoinformation systems The article presents the main scientific and practical results of improving the efficiency and environmental safety of open-pit mining of mineral raw materials during blasting operations on the basis of optimizing design solutions by introducing innovative geotechnologies, based on mathematical modeling of technological processes and geoinformation systems. The improvement of blasting operations in quarries based on new blasting schemes, analysis of experimental data, generalization of experience and mathematical processing methods is an urgent task. The use of geoinformation systems is a promising reserve for improving the efficiency and environmental safety of mining production with a reduction in the negative impact on the natural environment. The use of the proposed solutions will increase the estimated profit from processing and processing of ores by 5-7 %. Bibliographic list:- Safonov O.P., Shkreba O.P. Probabilistic method for estimating the seismic effect of industrial explosions. – M.: Nedra, 1970. — 56 pages.
- Shashurin S.P., Plaksa N.V., Lebedev A.P. Development of powerful ore deposits by systems with single-stage excavation. – M.: Nedra, 1971. — 201 pages.
- Mosinets V.N. Crushing and seismic action of an explosion in rocks. – M.: Nedra, 1976. — 271 pages.
- Zeitlin Ya. I., Smoliy N.I. Seismic and shock air waves of industrial explosions. – M.: Nedra, 1981. — 192 pages.
- Bogatsky V.F., Friedman A.G. Protection of structures and the environment from the harmful effects of industrial explosions. – M.: Nedra, 1982. – 162 pages.
- Mosinets V.N., Abramov A.V. Destruction of fractured and disturbed rocks. – M.: Nedra, 1982. — 248 pages.
- Rakishev B.R., Rakisheva Z.B., Auezova A.M. Speed and the time of expansion of the cylindrical explosive cavity in the rock massif//Explosive business. — 2014. — № 111/68. — Page 3 — 17.
- Ilyakhin S.V., Norov A.Yu., Yakshibaev T.M. Determination of the radius of the cracking zones of the mountain range during a camouflage explosion//Explosive business. — 2016. — № 116/73. — Page 29 — 36.
- Lyashenko V.I., Golik V.I., Komashchenko V.I., Rakhmanov R.A. Resource-saving mining technologies based on geoinformation systems for drilling and blasting control/Scientific and technical collection Explosive business. – 2020. – №129/86. – Page 221-251.
- Lyashenko V.I., Golik V.I., Komashchenko V.I., Nebogin V.Z. Improving the efficiency of blasting using emulsion explosives at mines//Scientific and technical collection Explosive business. – 2018. – №119/76. – Page 143 – 163.
- Komashchenko V.I. Development of explosive technology that reduces harmful environmental impact//Izvestia of Tula State University. Earth sciences. 2016. № 1. Page 34-43.
- Features of the technology of formation of well charges with emulsion explosives Ukrainit in underground conditions/I.L. Kovalenko, N.I. Stupnik, M.K. Korolenko, S.P. Poltorashchenko, I.A. Karapa, D.V. Kiyashchenko, V.Z. Nebogin//Visnik Kriyashchenko – 2016. "Veep. 41. – Page 3-6.
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 | UDC 622.235 M.N. Overchenko, General manager, Ph. D., S.A. Tolstunov, scientific consultant (JSC «Orica UMMC», Russia, Moscow) S.P. Mozer, Operation Support Lead, Ph. D. (JSC «Orica CIS», Russia, Moscow)
Investigation of the process of dust formation during blasting of hard rocks Keywords:quarry, mining allotment, dust, air exchange, calculation of the amount of dust, screen for aerosols, green mining The paper analyzes the factors of the appearance of dust during blasting operations with blast holes in rocky and semi-rocky massifs. It was found that the bulk of the dust is formed in the blasthole during direct contact of the explosive with the rock. Under the influence of wave processes and explosive, a layer of over-crushed rocks is formed in the borehole sides, which is the basis for the formation of fine dust. The paper gives a formula for calculating the layer of over-crushed rocks. On the example of one of the quarries, the cycle of air exchange in the working space is shown and the rules of movement of air masses are identified. On the basis of consideration of a specific air exchange scheme in a quarry, it is proposed to use a screen to slow down the propagation rate of aerosols and dust deposition within the boundaries of the mining allotment. Bibliographic list:- Bitkolov N.Z. Prichiny narusheniya vozdukhoobmena i prognoz zagazovannosti atmosfery v kar'yerakh. Izv. Vuzov. Gornyy zhurnal, 1958, №10.
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 | UDC 622.235:622.271 V.A. Belin, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, President of ANO NOIV (National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russia)
Safety of technological processes and labor protection of miners are the main conditions for conducting blasting operations at mining enterprises Keywords:explosive and ore dressing, safety and health protection, emulsion explosive, well, collapse, detonation, critical diameter, ammonium nitrate, nitrogen oxides In September, 2020 successfully there took place the next International scientific and practical conference on explosive and mining and processing business. A main objective of carrying out conference was discussion of a wide range of questions of carrying out explosive works, an exchange of scientific and technical information, definition of the perspective directions of creation and development of new equipment and safe technologies. In a zone of attention of experts of explosive business there are researches of major factors of negative impact of open mining and explosive operations on habitat, development of rules of safe carrying out large-scale mass explosions on pits. And also to questions of the technogenic seismicity accompanying oil production, gas and firm minerals. Safety issues of explosive works always are the major at design of mass explosions. Reliability of an explosive complex and non-failure operation applied borehole and the shpurovykh of charges of VV is a basis by preparation and carrying out explosive works. It should be noted the importance of such discussions and exchange of experience at the conference venues, which gives an impetus to improving technologies and improving their implementation efficiency. Bibliographic list:- Annikov V.E.; Belin V.A.; Smagin N.P. et al. Water-containing powder composition, patent of the Russian Federation No. 2183209 of 26.12.2000.
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- Annikov V.E.; Kondrikov, B.N., Oleynikov V.A., etc. Method for manufacturing powder water-containing composition, RF patent No. 2253642 dated 05.12.2003.
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