| Article title | Pages |
 | Title and imprint | |
 | URALCHEM Products for drilling and blasting | 5-5 |
 | LLC "MVK explosive business" Automatic flash suppression and explosion localization multifunctional system ASVP-LV.MFU | 6-6 |
Section 1. Researches of the rocks destruction by explosion
 | UDC 622.235 B.R. Rakishev, professor of department of «Mining Engineering», academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.A. Orynbay, scientific employee, doctoral student of the department of «Mining Engineering»; Senior Lecturer at the Department of Electronics and Robotics, AUPET A.B. Musakhan, Jr. scientific. employee, doctoral student of the department «Mining Engineering» (KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayeva, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan)
Granulometric composition of rock mass and blasted rock mass at different particle size scales of natural rocks and pieces of rock Keywords:content of natural aggregates, pieces of blasted rocks, particle size distribution, automated determination of the size distribution of blasted rocks, explosion control The article gives an algorithm for the transition from the adopted to a new scale of the size of natural units in the rock mass (formed pieces of rocks). It is very important for analyzing the quality of rock crushing by an explosion and is based on polynomial equations of cumulative curves of grain-size distribution of natural units in a rock mass. It was revealed that the granulometric composition of natural aggregates (exploded pieces) in each size class in the old and new size scales is practically the same. Using the previously developed computer aided design of drilling and blasting operations (CAD D&B) system, the calculation of the expected granulometric composition of the blasted rocks at various parameters of drilling and blasting operations was carried out according to the new scale of the size of rock pieces. Measurements of the granulometric composition of the blasted rocks were carried out at the underground mines of Corporation Kazakhmys LLP. Comparison of theoretical and experimental data on the granulometric composition of the blasted rocks at the new scale of the size of the blasted rock pieces showed a high degree of their identity. This confirms the broad possibility of CAD D&B system in the design, modeling, and control of the process of explosive crushing of rocks in various conditions. Bibliographic list:- Kutuzov B.N., Rubtsov V.K. Physics of explosive destruction of rocks. Moscow, 1970, 177p.
- Rakishev B.R. Prediction of technological parameters of blasted rocks in open pits. – Alma-Ata: Science, 1983. – 240p.
- Rakishev B.R. Computer-aided design and production of massive explosions in open pits: – Almaty: «Gylym», 2016. -340 p.
- Kutuzov B.N. Blasting techniques. Part 1. Destruction of rocks by explosion: Textbook for universities. – M .: Publishing house «Gornaya kniga», 2007.-471 p.
- Rakishev B.R., Rakisheva Z.B., Auezova A.M., Orynbai A.A. The influence of the blockiness of the massif and the grid of wells on the granulometric composition of the blasted rocks. Explosion technology, – Moscow, 2019, No. 122/79, p.5-19
- Laurent P.J. Approximation and Optimization. – M .: Mir, 1975. – S. 496.
- Microsoft Visual Studio [Electronic resource] – access mode. https://www.visualstudio.com/
- Rakishev B.R., Bitimbaev M.Zh., Minigulov A.M. New technologies of drilling and blasting operations at the mines of Kazakhmys Corporation LLP. Monograph. Almaty: Zhibek Zholy, 2020, p. 380 s.
- Rakishev B.R., Rakisheva Z.B., Auezova A.M., Orynbay A.A. (2020): Digital hierarchical model of lumpiness of blasted rock mass, Mining Technology, DOI: 10.1080/25726668.2020.1838775
- PortaMetrics [Electronic resource] – access mode. https://www.motionmetrics.com/ru/portametrics-russian/
- Fokin V.A., Tarasov G.E., Togunov M, B., Danilkin A.A., Shitov Yu.A. A method for calculating the granulometric composition of the blasted rocks during borehole blasting of benches. // Explosion technology. Moscow, 2007. – No. 98/55. – with. 38-45.
- Lizunkin V.M., Shurygin S.V., Lizunkin M.V. Results of tests of ore breaking with parallel-contiguous charges during mining of uranium ores of the Streltsovskoe deposit // MIAB. 2015. No. 4. C.41-50.
- Faramarzi F., Mansouri H., Ebrahimi Farsangi M.A. «A rock engineering systems based model to predict rock fragmentation by blasting,» International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Volume 60, 2013, Pages 82-94, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2012.12.045.
- Hekmat A., Munoz S. and Gomez R., «Prediction of Rock Fragmentation Based on a Modified Kuz-Ram Model,» In: Widzyk-Capehart E., Hekmat A., Singhal R. (eds) Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection – MPES 2018. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-99220-4_6
- Singh P.K., Roy M.P., Paswan R.K., Sarim Md., Suraj Kumar, Rakesh Ranjan Jha, Rock fragmentation control in opencast blasting, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Volume 8, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 225-237, ISSN 1674-7755, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrmge.2015.10.005.
| 7-26 |
 | UDC 622.235:539.3 N.N. Efremovtsev, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Senior Researcher I.E. Shipovskii, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Senior Researcher (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS, Moscow, Russia)
Investigation of the dynamic working of long charges by composition models coupling with computer simulation by the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method Keywords:explosive, explosive density, design of charges, air gaps, zones of explosion, physical experiments, computer simulation, method of smoothed particles, intensity and uniformity of crushing The paper presents some results of researc of the effect of the design of charges on the yield of fine fractions during blasting operations in open pits during mining. The obtained patterns can be useful for identifying recommendations for conducting experimental studies in the field. The calculated data also determine the influence of the design features of the charge, such as the size of the air gap and the decompaction of the explosive (HE), on the intensity of fragmentation and the nature of stress localization in the rock during explosive mining of valuable crystalline raw materials and flux limestones. The relevance of research is due to the need to expand the capabilities of controlling the action of the explosion to obtain a rational fragmentation of the rock massive, as well as the economic feasibility of reducing the loss of minerals and eliminating the negative environmental factors of blasting. A research methodology has been developed and tested using composite simulation models for testing explosive charges and modeling the blasting of a borehole charge inside a block of the developed massive.In this work, the Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method is used for computer calculations. As the practice of solving dynamic problems of geomechanics has shown, this method is a convenient tool for simulation the entire blasting process, starting from the detonation of the explosive charge, the expansion of detonation products, the impact of the explosion energy on the rock, the failure of the rock and ending with fragmentation and scattering of fragments. The simulation results show that the chosen approach turned out to be useful for the analysis and better understanding of the mechanics of explosive fracturing of the rock mass. The work was carried out within the framework of the budgetary theme of the IPKON RAS. Bibliographic list:- Efremovtsev N.N. Methodological aspects of research into rock fragmentation efficiency of explosives // Explosion technology, 2015, no. 113 (70), pp. 96-107.
- Efremovtsev N.N., Efremovtsev P.N. Results of research in industrial conditions of the effect of the kinetics of the release of explosion energy on the crushing of rocks // Mininginformationalandanalyticalbulletin (scientificandtechnicaljournal), 2015, vol. 58, pp. 17-25.
- Efremovtsev N.N., Efremovtsev P.N., Trofimov V.А., Shipovskii I.E. Results of numerical studies of rock fragmentation within the blasted block using the meshless Smoothed-particle hydrodynamicsmethod // Explosion technology, 2021,no. 130/87,pp. 29-45.
- Efremovtsev N.N., Shipovskii I.E. Investigation of the regularities of crushing by elongated charges using compositional models and numerical modeling by the method of smoothed particles // Explosion technology, 2020, no. 128/85, pp. 20-37.
- Efremovtsev N.N., Trofimov V.А., Shipovskii I.E. Localization of deformations in a wave field induced by explo-sion of lengthy charge //Mining informational and analytical bulletin (scientific and technical journal), 2020, vol 8, pp. 73-85.
- Trofimov V.A. and Shipovskii I.E. Simulation fragmentation of samples of rock at explosive loading // Proc VIII Int. Sci. Conf.Probl. Complex Develop.Georesources, E3S Web of Conferences 192, 01013 (2020).
- Shipovskii I.E. Simulation for fracture by smooth particle hydrodynamics code // Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University, 2015, vol. 1 (145), pp. 76-82.
- Trofimov V.A. and I.E.Shipovskii I.E. Computer modeling of coal seam blasting // J. Min. Sci., 2020, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 741–752.
- Trofimov V.A., Malinnikova O.N., Shipovskii I.E. and Wen-Jie Xu Numerical Approach to Computer Simulation of Landslid Events // Proc. Int. Conf. Adv. Mater.with Hierarchical Struct. New Tech. Reliable Struc, AIP Conference Proceedings 2167, 020329 (2019).
| 27-39 |
 | UDC 622.235.6 I.L. Shubin, Technical Manager (Europe / CIS / South Africa) (Davey Bickford Enaex JSC, Sochi, Russia) R.A. Rakhmanov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, researcher (IPCON RAS, Moscow, Russia) I.A. Alenichev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief specialist (Polyus Project LLC, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) M.F. Nabiullin, Director for the development of BVR technology (JSC «Azot Explosion», Moscow, Russia)
Аpproaches to control parameters of the blast of borehole explosives based charges by measuring seismic wavesapproaches to control of the parameters of the explosion of borehole charges of explosives based on measuring seismic waves Keywords:blast, efficiency of blasting, rock breakage, shock energy effect, acoustic wave, rock fragmentation, vibration impact Technics of drill & blast optimization related to blast outcomes such as open-pit slop stability and rock mass fragmentation control are considered in this article.These technics are based on actual parameters of acoustic waves in anisotropic rock massif - that significantly increase efficiency of the implementation in real mining operation. Also, here is short description of acoustic wave role in question of rock breakage induced by blasting. Methods of determination of the actual acoustic wave parameters in real mining operation is given here as well. Bibliographic list:- Rossmanith H.P. Understanding the Principles of Rock Breakage Using Precise Initiation Timing// Monograph. Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics, Vienna University of Technology, Austria. 2006, p. 26-28
- Mosinets V.N. Crushing and seismic effect of explosion in rocks. Moscow «Nedra» 1976
- Rossmanith H.P. Understanding the Principles of Rock Breakage Using Precise Initiation Timing// Monograph. Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics, Vienna University of Technology, Austria. 2006, p. 8
- Lopes G.S., Oliveira D.B., Corsini J.S., Garcia A.M., Carvalho L.F. Vibration Data Analysis to Optimize the Blast Design and Improve Shovel Productivity// ISEE conference, 2019, c. 4
- Arora S., Dey K. Estimation of near-field peak particle velocity: a mathematical model// Journal of Geology and Mining Research Vol. 2(4), 2010, c. 68-73
- Adamson W.R., Scherpenisse C.R. The measurement and control of blast induced damage of final pit walls in open pit mining// ISEE conference, 2000, c. 539-554
- Wyartt G. Electronic blasting initiation sequencing – design for productivity// ISEE conference, 2017
- Hawke S. Advanced timing workshop. Blast learning's / / Latam regional services conference, Chile. 2013, c. 9-47
- Rossmanith H.P. Understanding the Principles of Rock Breakage Using Precise Initiation Timing// Monograph. Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics, Vienna University of Technology, Austria. 2006, pp. 35-42
- Rorke A.J. An evaluation of precise short delay periods on fragmentation in blasting/ / EFEE conference, 2007, c 257-263.
- Chiapetta R.F. Combining Electronic Detonators with Stem Charges and Air Decks/ / Drill & Blast conference, Australia, 2010, p 46-49
- Adamson W.R., Parra H. Blasting for optimum leaching performance: Electronic blast engineering of desired fragmentation// IMCET conference, 2017, c 153–163.
- Adamson W.R., Kara S., Reisz W.J. Trousselle R. The latest generation of the electronic system enhanced safety and productivity/ / SYMPHONY conference, 2013, p 432-440.
- Alenichev I. A., Rakhmanov R. A., Shubin I.L. Evaluation of the explosion effect borehole charge in the near field in order to optimize the parameters of drilling and blasting operations in the near-contour zone of the quarry / / Mining information and analytical Bulletin. – 2020. – No. 4. – P. 85-95. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2020-4-0-85-95.
- Rakhmanov R.A., Alenichev I.A., Lushnikov V.N. Sparing technologies blasting, experience and prospects of implementation at the enterprises of the company Research Institute «Polyus» // Mining Journal – 2021 № 1 – P. 86-92 DOI: 10.17580 / gzh.2021.01.15.
| 40-58 |
 | UDC 622.235 S.V. Khokhlov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences A.V. Bazhenova, Postgraduate Student V.A. Makkoev, Engineer researcher (Saint Petersburg Mining University (Saint Petersburg, Russia) R.A. Rakhmanov, Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS, Moscow, Russia) I.A. Alenichev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief specialist (Polyus Project LLC, Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
Investigation of the issue of management and control over the displacement of ore contours after the blast Keywords:blast, contour, ore, displacement, forecasting, markers The article provides an overview of domestic and foreign studies concerning the management and control of the displacement of the exploded rock mass. Two fundamentally different approaches to estimating displacement are described in detail: direct measurements and modeling of contour displacement. The description of dynamic models and algorithms used in modeling the movement of an exploded rock mass is given. Conclusions are drawn on the use of direct and indirect methods for estimating the displacement of the rock mass. | 59-76 |
 | UDC 622.235(083.75): 622.271.3 Yu.D. Norov, Professor of Mining department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan, Navoi) U.F. Nasirov, Vice director in science, Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor (Branch of National Scientific Technical University «MISiS» in Almalyk, Uzbekistan, Almalyk) Yo.L. Karimov, head of the Department of Mining Z.Yo. Latipov, senior lecturer of the Department of Mining (Karshi Engineering and Economics Institute, Uzbekistan, Karshi)
Investigation of the effectiveness of borehole explosive charges with variable diameter over the height of the ledge Keywords:borehole diameter, relative distance to the bench surface, specific consumption of explosives, bench height, bench bottom, line of least resistance, elementary volume, rock crushing, development of the bench bottom With a constant borehole diameter, the relative distance to the free surface and the specific consumption of explosives in the elementary volume will not be the same along with the bench height. Naturally, this leads to uneven crushing of rocks along with the bench height and creates prerequisites for poor development of the bench bottom. The uniformity of crushing can be improved by ensuring the same specific consumption of explosives or the same relative value of the line of least resistance. Bibliographic list:- Komir V.M., Volinets M.A., Maliy I.S. Issledovaniye effektivnosti zaryada VV s peremennim diametrom po visote ustupa (Investigation of the efficiency of the explosive charge with a variable diameter over the height of the ledge). Vzrivnoye delo, sbornik №70/27, Sovershenstvovaniye burovzrivnix rabot na karyerax Ukraini. = Explosive business, collection No. 70/27, Improvement of drilling and blasting operations in the quarries of Ukraine. Pod redaksiyey d.t.n. M.F.Drukovanogo i E.I.Shkuta. Izd-vo «Nedra», M.: 1971. pp. 96-97.
- Demidyuk G.P., Smirnov S.A. Regulirovaniye stepeni drobleniye pri vzrivnoy otboyke na ustupe. (Regulation of the degree of crushing during explosive breaking on the ledge) Vzrivnoye delo, sbornik №70/27, Sovershenstvovaniye burovzrivnix rabot na karyerax Ukraini. = Explosive business, collection No. 70/27, Improvement of drilling and blasting operations in the quarries of Ukraine. Pod redaksiyey d.t.n. M.F.Drukovanogo i E.I.Shkuta. Izd-vo «Nedra», M.: 1971. pp. 44-53.
- Nifontov B.I., Podukov V.A., Antonenko V.A. Vliyaniye udelnogo rasxoda vzrivchatix veshestv na intensivnost drobleniya gornix porod. (Influence of the specific consumption of explosives on the intensity of rock crushing) Vzrivnoye delo, sbornik №70/27, Sovershenstvovaniye burovzrivnix rabot na karyerax Ukraini. = Explosive business, collection No. 70/27, Improvement of drilling and blasting operations in the quarries of Ukraine. Pod redaksiyey d.t.n. M.F.Drukovanogo i E.I.Shkuta. Izd-vo «Nedra», M.: 1971. pp. 68-75.
- Drukovaniy M.F., Komir V.M., Myachina N.I., Kravsov V.S. Nekotoriye voprosi teorii drobleniya gornix porod deystviyem vzriva. (Some questions of the theory of rock crushing by the action of an explosion) Vzrivnoye delo, sbornik №70/27, Sovershenstvovaniye burovzrivnix rabot na karyerax Ukraini. = Explosive business, collection No. 70/27, Improvement of drilling and blasting operations in the quarries of Ukraine. Pod redaksiyey d.t.n. M.F.Drukovanogo i E.I.Shkuta. Izd-vo «Nedra», M.: 1971. pp. 75-80.
- Drukovaniy M.F., Yefremov E.I., Usik I.N., Glyavin V.A. Otsenka ekonomicheskoy effektivnosti vzrivaniya neubrannuyu gornuyu massu. (Evaluation of the economic efficiency of blasting uncollected rock mass) Vzrivnoye delo, sbornik №70/27, Sovershenstvovaniye burovzrivnix rabot na karyerax Ukraini. = Explosive business, collection No. 70/27, Improvement of drilling and blasting operations in the quarries of Ukraine. Pod redaksiyey d.t.n. M.F.Drukovanogo i E.I.Shkuta. Izd-vo «Nedra», M.: 1971. pp. 120-124.
- Norov Y.D., Bibik I.P., Urinov SH.R., Ivanovskiy D.S. Metodika opredeleniya osnovnix parametrov razvala pri peremeshenii raznoprochnix gornix porod vzrivami skvajinnix zaryadov vzrivchatix veshestv v promishlennix usloviyax (Method for determining the main parameters of collapse when moving multi-strength rocks by explosions of borehole charges of explosives in industrial conditions) // Gorniy vestnik Uzbekistana = Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan. – Navoi, 2011. №2. – pp. 44-48. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2011-aprel-iyun.pdf
- Norov Y.D., Bibik I.P., Urinov Sh.R., Ivanovskiy D.S. Issledovaniye peremesheniya raznoprochnix gornix porod vzrivami skvajinnix zaryadov metodom matematicheskogo modelirovaniya (Investigation of the movement of multi-strength rocks by bursts of borehole charges by mathematical modeling) // Gorniy vestnik Uzbekistana == Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan – Navoi, 2011. №3. – pp. 35-39. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2011-iyul-sentabr.pdf
- Norov Y.D., Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R. Razrabotka matematicheskoy modeli deystviya shelevogo zaryada vzrivchatix veshestv v massive gornix porod (Development of a mathematical model of the action of a slot charge of explosives in a rock mass) // Gorniy vestnik Uzbekistana = Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan. – Navoi, 2015. – №3. – pp. 32-37. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2015-iyul-sentabr.pdf
- Petrosov Y.E., Maxmudov D.R., Urinov Sh.R. Fizicheskaya sushnost drobleniya gornix porod vzrivom skvajinnix zaryadov VV (The physical essence of the crushing of rocks by explosion of borehole charges of explosives) // Gorniy vestnik Uzbekistana = Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan. – Navoi, 2016. №4. – pp. 97-100. http://gorniyvestnik.uz/assets/uploads/pdf/2016-oktabr-dekabr.pdf
- Norov Y.D., Umarov F.Y., Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R., Maxmudov D.R. Teoreticheskiye issledovaniya parametrov podpornoy stenki pri razlichnix formax zajatoy sredi iz vzorvannoy gornoy massi (Theoretical studies of the parameters of the retaining wall in various forms of a compressed medium from an exploded rock mass) // Izvestiya vuzov. Gorniy jurnal = Izvestiya vuzov. Mining journal – Yekaterinburg, 2018. – №4. – pp. 64-71. http://mining-science.ru/download/2018/2018-4.pdf#page=66
- Zairov, S.S., Makhmudov, D.R., & Urinov, S.R. (2018). Theoretical and experimental research of explosive rupture of rocks with muck piles of different geometry. Gornyi Zhurnal, (9), 46-50. doi:10.17580/gzh.2018.09.05
- Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R., Tuxtashev A.B. Analiz texnologii vedeniya otkritix gornix rabot i otstroyki bortov karyerov (Analysis of open pit mining technology and construction of quarry sides) // Natsionalnoye informatsionnoye agentstvo Uzbekistana UzA. Otdel nauki (elektronniy jurnal). = National news Agency of Uzbekistan UzA. Department of science (electronic journal) – Tashkent, iyun, 2020. – pp. 1-15. http://uza.uz/upload/iblock/523/sh_sh_zairov_sh_r_urinov_a_b_tukhtashev_tekhnika_.pdf
- Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R., Tuxtashev A.B. Teoreticheskoye obosnovaniye metodov otsenki ustoychivosti otkosov treshinovatix porod = Theoretical justification of methods for assessing the stability of slopes of fractured rocks // Nauchno-prakticheskiy elektronniy jurnal «TECHICA». = Scientific and practical electronic journal “TECHICA” – Nukus, 2020. №2. – pp. 50-55. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43420025
- Tuxtashev A.B., Urinov Sh.R., Zairov Sh.Sh. Razrabotka metoda formirovaniya konstruksii i rascheta ustoychivosti bortov glubokix karyerov (Development of a method for forming the structure and calculating the stability of the sides of deep pits) // Nauchno-prakticheskiy elektronniy jurnal «TECHICA». = Scientific and practical electronic journal «TECHICA» – Nukus, 2020. №2. – pp. 56-58. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43420027
- Urinov Sh.R., Saidova L.Sh. Theoretical studies of the influence of deep pit parameters on the choice of technological schemes for transporting rock mass / Solid State Technology, Volume: 63 Issue: 6, 2020, pp.429-433. https://www.solidstatetechnology.us/index.php/JSST/article/view/1549
- Zairov S.S., Urinov S.R., Nomdorov R.U. Ensuring Wall Stability in the Course of Blasting at Open Pits of Kyzyl Kum Region. Gorne nauki i tekhnologii = Mining Science and Technology (Russia). 2020;5(3):235-252. https://doi.org/10.17073/2500-0632-2020-3-235-252
- Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R. Deystviye vzriva okonturivayushix skvajinnix zaryadov vzrivchatix veshestv v prikonturnoy zone karyera (The effect of the explosion of borehole borehole charges of explosives in the near-contour zone of the quarry) Monografiya = Monograph. – Buxoro, Izd. «Buxoro», 2014. – 127 p.
- Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R., Ravshanova M.X. Obespecheniye ustoychivosti bortov karyerov pri vedenii vzrivnix rabot (Ensuring the stability of the sides of quarries during blasting operations). Monografiya = Monograph. – LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. – Germany, 2020. – 175 p.
- Ivanovskiy D.S., Nasirov U.F., Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R. Peremesheniye raznoprochnix gornix porod energiyey vzriva (The movement of the different rocks in the energy of the explosion). Monografiya = Monograph. – LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. – Germany, 2020. – 116 p.
| 77-87 |
Section 2. Technology of blasting in the mining of solid minerals
 | UDC 622.235 O.A. Kostiunina, leading engineer (Pacific National University, Khabarovsk, Russia)
Estimation of the rock pre-destruction intensity at increaseddeceleration intervals Keywords:rocks crushing by explosion, delay interval, flyrock, pre-destruction of rocks, sequential blasting Electronic and non-electric initiation systems enabled a wide range of blasting patterns.Sequential blasting with increased delay intervals contributes to the multiple effects of stress waves propagation in the rock mass. It increases the concentration of existing microcracks, their coalescence as well as the formation of new free surfaces in the pre-destruction zone.The larger the delayintervals, the longer the stress waves action in the rock mass and the higher pre-destruction intensity.Sixsingle and multi-row test blastswith 150-1000 ms delays were performed for analysis of vertical blowout dynamics and shock pulses acting on the elements of gas-permeable shelter.It was found that pre-destruction effect of the explosion increases with increasing delays.It is expressed in a decrease of vertical blowout from wells without stemming, the release of loosened rock and shock pulses reduction.More energy could be spent on rock fragmentationand less energy on rock movementby increasing the delay intervals in sequential blasting. Bibliographic list:- Belkin A.L., Chekhovskoj A.A., Zharkov A.M., Ioffe V.B., Efremovcev P.N. Bezopasnost' iekologichnost' – klyuchevyenapravleniya v proizvodstve i primenenii promyshlenny hvzryvchatyh veshchestv v Kuzbasse [Safety and environmental friendliness are key areas in the production and use of industrial explosives in Kuzbass]. GornayaPromyshlennost'. 2015, no. 6 (124). pp. 32-33. [In Russ]
- Leshchinskij A.V., Shevkun E.B., Lukashevich N.K. Vzryvnyeraboty pod ukrytiem v transportnomstroitel'stve [Undercover blasting in transport construction]. Moscow, Urait, 2018, 185 p. [In Russ]
- Katsabanis P.D, Omidi O. The effect of the delay time on fragmentation distribution through small- and medium-scale testing and analysis. In: Spathis AT et al (eds) Proceedings of 11th international symposium on rock fragmentation by blasting (Fragblast 11). The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Carlton, 2015, 715–720.
- Rossmanith, H.P. The use of Lagrange diagrams in precise initiation blasting. Part 1: two interacting blastholes. Fragblast 6 (1), 2002, 104–136.
- Rossmanith H.P., Kouzniak N. Supersonic detonation in rock mass: Part 2: particle displacements and velocity fields for single and multiple non-delayed and delayed detonating blast-holes. Fragblast 8 (2), 2004, 95–117.
- Vanbrabant F., Espinosa A. Impact of short delays sequence on fragmentation by means of electronic detonators: theoretical concepts and field validation. Fragblast 8, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, 2006, 326–331.
- Qiu X, Hao Y, Shi X, Hao H, Zhang S, Gou Y. Numerical simulation of stress wave interaction in short-delay blasting with a single free surface. PLoS ONE 13(9), 2018, 0204166. https://doi. org/10.1371/journal.pone.0204166
- Li X. P., Huang J. H., Luo Y., Chen P. P. A study of smooth wall blasting fracture mechanisms using the Timing Sequence Control Method. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, vol. 92, 2017, 1–8.
- Blair D.P. Limitations of electronic delays for the control of blast vibration and fragmentation. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Granada, Spain, 2010, 171–184.
- Yi C. P., Daniel J., Ulf N., Ali B. Stress Wave Interaction Between Two Adjacent Blast Holes. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 49(5), 2015, 1803–1812.
- Chenxi Ding, Renshu Yang, Chun Feng. Stress wave superposition effect and crack initiation mechanism between two adjacent boreholes. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 138 (2021) pp. 104622
- Yi C., Sjöberg J., Johansson D., Petropoulos N. A numerical study of the impact of short delays on rock fragmentation. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 100, 2017, 250-254
- Qiu X., Shi X., Gou Y., Zhou J., Chen H., Huo X. Short-delay blasting with single free surface: results of experimental tests. TunnUndergr Space Technol 74 (2018) 119-130.
- Otterness R.E., Stagg M.S., Rholl S.A., Smith N.S. Correlation of shot design parameters to fragmentation, Proc. 7th Annu. Conf. Explos. Blasting Tech, ISEE, Las Vegas 1991, pp. 179–191.
- Bhagade N.V., Murthy V.M.S.R., Ali M.S. Enhancing rock fragmentation in dragline bench blasts using near-field ground vibration dynamics and advanced blast design. Powder Technology 381 (2021) 421–439
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| 88-107 |
 | UDC 622.81:622.271:622.235 V.I. Lyashenko, PhD. tech. sciences', senior researcher (State Enterprise «UkrNIPIIpromtechnologi», Zhovti Vody, Ukraine) V.I. Golik, doctor of technical Sciences. Professor of the Department «Development of mineral deposits» (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "North Caucasus State Technological University", Vladikavkaz, Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Russia) V.I. Komashchenko, Dr. tech. Professor of the Department «Development of mineral deposits» (Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), Novocherkassk, Russia) A.A. Gurin, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof. (Krivoy Rog National University, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine)
Quality management of rock mass crushing during blasting operations in quarries Keywords:environmental protection, geoecology, technology, field development, crushing of rock mass, blasting, quarry, borehole charge, explosives, drilling operations, methods and means of blasting The article presents the main scientific and practical results of quality management of crushing rock mass during blasting operations in quarries based on the assessment and selection of explosives (explosives) that increase the efficiency and environmental safety of open-pit mining of mineral raw materials. The results of the analysis and generalization of previously conducted own and involved theoretical and experimental studies are described. Theoretical and field studies of detonation processes in borehole charges of various designs made of mixed explosives with various additives are shown. The optimal technology of blasting is the one that provides profit taking into account the costs of restoring the disturbed state of the environment. The introduction of explosive work technology using charges with a universal channel gunman allows you to reduce the consumption of scarce explosives by 20%, while not increasing the specific consumption, to ensure an improvement in the quality of explosive work. Reduce by 15% with a compact collapse with a loosening coefficient of 1.15, the average diameter of a piece of exploded rock mass, and also due to the directed development of the explosion, reach the design mark of the sole of the ledge. Methods have also been developed for forming a charge of water-filled explosives by replacing the water supplied to eliminate the plug with a BPB with a density of more than 1250 kg/m3, which does not dissolve ammonium nitrate and has a cost an order of magnitude lower than grammonite 79/21. This allows you to reduce the consumption of explosives by 1.4-1.5 times and reduce emissions of harmful gases by 20-30%. A method of dust suppression during the explosion of the ledge block by replacing water with bischofite is also proposed, which made it possible to reduce the release of gases during a mass explosion by 1.3-1.4 times. Bibliographic list:- Safonov O.P., Shkreba O.P. Probabilistic method for estimating the seismic effect of industrial explosions. – M.: Nedra, 1970. – 56 p.
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- Lyashenko V.I., Golik V.I., Komashchenko V.I., Nebogin V.Z. Improving the efficiency of blasting operations using emulsion explosives in mines//Scientific and technical collection Explosive business. – 2018. – No. 119/76. – p. 143 -163.
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- Lyashenko V.I., Kislyi P.A., Golik V.I., Komashchenko V.I. Improving the efficiency of blasting operations in mines //Scientific and technical collection Explosive business. – 2018. – No. 119/76. – p. 129 -142.
- Lyashenko V.I., Golik V.I., Komashchenko V.I., Nebogin V.Z. Improving the seismic safety of the development of rock deposits based on the use of new explosive charges//Scientific and technical collection Explosive business. 2018. – No. 120/77. – pp. 243-264.
- Lyashenko V.I., Golik V.I., Komashchenko V.I., Kislyi P.A., Rakhmanov R.A. Improving the seismic safety of underground mining of rock deposits based on the use of new means of initiating explosive charge explosions//Scientific and technical collection Explosive business. –2019 . – No. 122/79. – pp. 154 -179.
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- Lyashenko V.I., Golik V.I., Komashchenko V.I., Rakhmanov R.A. Development of technologies and technical means for drilling and blasting of rock ores with chamber systems with a bookmark//Scientific and technical collection Explosive business. – 2020. – No. 126/83. – pp. 123-150.
- Lyashenko V.I., Khomenko O.E., Dudchenko A.Kh., Rakhmanov R.A. Improvement of technologies and technical means for drilling and blasting of horizontal mine workings in rock massifs. Message 1//Scientific and technical collection Explosive business. – 2020. – No. 127/84. – p. 77-101.
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- Lyashenko V.I., Khomenko, O.E. improving the efficiency of drilling and blasting of ore breaking in tight environment // Mining information-analytical Bulletin. – 2019. – No. 11. – pp. 59-72. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2019-11-0-59-72.
- Lyashenko V.I., Khomenko O.E., Golik V.I. Development of environmental and resource-saving technologies of underground ore mining in energy-damaged massifs. Mining sciences and technologies. 2020; 5(2):104-118. DOI: 10.17073/2500-0632-2020-2-104-118.
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| 108-132 |
 | UDC 622.235 R. Sh. Naimova, DSc (Eng.), Associate Professorat the Departament of Mining H.Yu. Norova, Doctoral Student at the Departament of Mining A.A. Mirzaev, Doctoral Student at the Departament of Mining (Tashkent State Technical University (TSTU), Tashkent Uzbekistan)
Substantiation of the influence of the rational height of the worked ledge on the efficiency of extracting minerals from the subsurface Keywords:quarry, explosion, ledge height, reserves, maintenance, losses, dilution, rock mass, ore flow, mining operations, rock, testing The article presents a justification of the influence of the rational height of the worked ledge in the conditions of elephant-structured deposits. The influence of the height of the worked ledge on the efficiency of the use of reserves is justified. It is revealed that the ore reserves grow with an increase in the height of the ledge and fall with an increase in the onboard content. The average content in the ore gradually decreases with an increase in the height of the ledge and increases with an increase in the on-board content. The optimal heights of the ledges were established: during the open – pit development of the Muruntau and Kalmakir deposits in the quarry-15 m, during the development of warehouses-10 m, taking into account the amount of losses and dilution not higher than 5.0 and 12.0%, respectively. Bibliographic list:- Snitka N.P. Upravleniyekachestvomrudopotokapriotkritoyrazrabotkemestorojdeniy s uslovnimigranitsamirudnixtel // Gorniyjurnal. –No 8, 2008. – рр. 40-43.
- Snitka N.P. Rasshireniye oblasti primeneniya siklichno-potochnoy texnologii dobichi i otgruzki v pererabotku rudi pri razrabotke mestorojdeniya Muruntau. Sb. nauch. st.mejd. nauch.-prakt. konf. «Innovatsiya–2010». – Tashkent, 2008. – pp. 169-171.
- Aristov I.I., Rubtsov S.K., Snitka N.P. Opit poetapnogo sovershenstvovaniya metodik normirovaniya i ucheta poter razubojivaniya rudi na karerax Navoiyskogo GMK // Gorniy vestnik Uzbekistana.
- Shemetov P.A. Adaptatsiya texnologii otrabotki glubokix karerov k sokrasheniyu shirini rabochix ploshadok // Gorniy Vestnik Uzbekistana, No 4, 2006. – pp. 38-45.
- Shemetov P.A. K voprosu o povishenii effektivnosti ispolzovaniya geoekonomicheskogo potentsiala mestorojdeniy slojnogo stroyeniya na sovremennom etape razvitiya otkrыtыx gornыx rabot // Gornыy Vestnik Uzbekistana, 2005. – No2. – pp. 54-59.
- Norova H.Yu. Issledovanie metodov upravleniya rudnim potokom na slognostrukturnih mestorogdeniyah // Navjiy 2012/ pp.49-49.
- Malgin O.N., Rubtsov S.K., Shemetov P.A. i dr. Sovershenstvovaniye texnologicheskix protsessov burovzrivnix rabot na otkritix gornix rabotax. – Tashkent: «Fan» AN RUz, 2003 – P. 199.
- Snitka N.P., Naimova R.Sh. Napravleniya kompleksnogo ispolzovaniya texnogennыx resursov pri otkritoy razrabotke mestorojdeniya Muruntau Gorniyjurnal–No9, 2018. – P. 57-60
| 133-142 |
Section 3. Ecology and safety during blasting operations
 | UDC 622.235:622.271 V.A. Belin, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, President of ANO NOIV (National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russia)
Comparative assessment of approaches to the regulation of industrial safety in the turnover of explosive materials in the Russian Federation and the United States Keywords:industrial safety, explosive materials, explosives, dangerous objects of industrial production, examination of industrial safety, technical devices, VM plunder, accident rate, safety rules, blaster, types of explosions In article the basic rules and requirements in the field of industrial safety are given when conducting explosive works in the industry in the leading countries of the world Russian Federation, the USA, Canada. The latest information on change of regulatory base, acts and other documents regulating explosive works in the Russian Federation is given. The comparative analysis of the Russian and international legislation in the field of a turn of explosive materials of industrial function is made. The comparative analysis of regulatory base in a scope of explosive materials of industrial function in the leading mining countries of the world (the Russian Federation, the USA, Canada) shows that requirements and restrictions have almost uniform character that provides necessary level of industrial safety and preservation of lives of the miners connected with preparation and carrying out explosive works. Bibliographic list:- Industrial Accidents [electronic resource]. – URL: https://ohsonline.com/articles/2006/07/industrial-accidents. aspx.
- Industrial Injuries [electronic resource]. – URL: https://industrytoday.com/industrial-injuries.
- Industrial Injuries Compensation: Tort and Social Security Compared [electronic resource]. – URL:https://academic.oup.com/ilj/article- abstract/46/4/445/3861749?redirectedFrom=fulltext.
- McCaughey, D. The negative effects of workplace injury and illness on workplace safety climate perceptions and health care worker outcomes / Jamie L. DelliFraine, Gwen McGhan/ / Safety Science. – 2013. – No 51. – P. 138-147.
- Statistics [electronic resource]. – URL:https://www.statista.com/statistics/193214/employment-in-total-us-mining-industry-since-1998.
- Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety «Safety rules for the production, storage and use of explosive materials for industrial purposes». Approved by the order of Rostechnadzor No. 494 of 03.12.2020.
| 143-163 |
 | UDC 534.612:69.059.622 A.S. Flyagin, Junior researcher at the rock destruction laboratory V.A. Kutuev, Researcher at the rock destruction laboratory (Institute of Mining of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences IM UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Researches of pressure in front air shock wave on the example of the dismantling of television tower in Ekaterinburg Keywords:shock wave, dismantling of the unfinished construction of the city radio and television tower, «Enamat» pulse gas generator, method of directional collapse, excessive pressure at the UVV front, destructive pressure The article presents the results of a study of the impact of an air shock wave during the dismantling of the object of unfinished construction of the city radio and television tower in Yekaterinburg. Employees of the Institute of Mining of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and specialists of JSC «Special Explosive Works» registered air shock wave at 4 points located near protected objects on different sides of the place of the dismantled TV tower, using digital seismic recorders of the company «Instantel». The analysis of the obtained data is made in comparison with the permissible values of destructive loads for the glazing of buildings and structures.The results of the study were used to develop the innovative orientation of the drilling and blasting technology, the basis of which is laid in the study of the transients of mining production. What is described in the article is only a small part of the list of issues considered in the implementation of the topic No. 0405-2019-0005 of the state task No. 075-00581-19-00. Bibliographic list:- Means of influence on nature Gas Generator of Pulse Action «ENAMAT» Technical specifications of technical specifications 20.51.11-006-68209243-2017. Москва Moscow: Global Mining Explosiv-Russia, LLC, 2017. 21 p.
- Report on the results of measurements of the levels of seismic and air waves arising from the collapse of the unfinished construction: «Radio-Television transmitting station in Yekaterinburg»: Report, Ekaterinburg, JSC «Special blasting Operations» .2018. 8 p.
- MiniMatePlus. OperatorManual.Canada, Ontario: Instantel.2001.43 p.
- Kornilkov M.V., Shemenyov V.G., Menshikov P.V., Sinitsyn V.A. Factors influencing the intensity of a shock air wave under changing meteorological conditions. Izvestija vuzov. Gornyj zhurnal, 2013, No 7, pp. 65-71.
- Menshikov P.V. Investigation of the mechanism of impact of a shock air wave on objects on the Earth's surface during blasting operations. Gorny informatsionno-analiticheskiy bulletin (nauchno-tekhnicheskiy zhurnal), 2010, No 11, pp. 321-325.
- Menshikov P.V. Impact of an air shock wave on buildings and structures on the Earth's surface.Vzryvnoye delo, 2007, No 97/54, pp. 77-82.
- Bersenyov G.P., Senin L.N., Menshikov P.V. Explosive work in cramped conditions.Vzryvnoye delo, 2007, No 97/54, pp. 56-66.
- Federal Rules and Regulations on Industrial Safety: Safety Rules for the Production, Storage and use of Industrial Explosives (approved by Order of Rostekhnadzor dated December 3, 2020 No. 494).
- Zeitlin Ya.I., Smoliy N.I. Seismic and shock-air waves of industrial explosions. Moscow: Nedra. 1981. 192 p.
- Kartuzov M.I. Development of safe technologies of blasting on the effectsof seismic and airshockwaves at the buildings, «Olenegorsk»: Report. Sverdlovsk, 1989.72 p.
- Kartuzov M.I. Investigation of the influence of seismic and air waves on the buildings of the city and industrial site during the explosions in the Kovdor Mining quarry: Report. Sverdlovsk, 1986. 68 p.
- Osipov G.L., Korobkov V.E. Protection from noise in urban planning. Directory of the designer, Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1993. 96 p.
| 164-173 |
Section 4. Information
 | Mine Forum Press Release | 174-174 |