"Explosion technology"— scientific and technical journal

Journal was founded in 1922 by a group of engineers. In Russia and the CIS "Explosion technology" is the only one peer-reviewed specialized periodical in the field of blasting.

Issue 145/102 (2024)

Theory and practice of blasting work

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Section 1. Studies of rock destruction by explosion
UDC 622.235.5, 004.42
Peters K.I., Deputy Director for Prospective Development of Drilling and Blasting Technologies
Rada A.O., Director of the Institute of Digitalization, Candidate of Economical Sciences,
Konkov N.Yu., Head of the Development Department of the Institute of Digitalization
(Kemerovo State University)

Visualization of optimized blast design data using voronoi diagrams in the development of software

Keywords:blast design, blasting, optimization, algorithm, Voronoi diagram

When developing specialized software products and mining and geological information systems (MGIS), to increase their competitiveness, it is inevitable to use advanced algorithms for optimizing design processes and, in particular, the process of designing drilling and blasting operations.
Drilling and blasting operations are critical operations in the mining industry, where the efficiency of these processes directly affects the timing, cost and safety. Traditional methods of their optimization are often based on heuristic approaches or simple geometric patterns, which cannot always give the required results, and the main areas of optimization are often the rational placement of blast holes, explosive charges in the hole itself and the detonation sequence with different sets of input data. As a rule, the input data should be identified with the volume falling on the area of influence of the hole to form a comparative visual picture of the optimized indicators or their homogeneity.
The article discusses the main aspects of the optimization algorithm in the design of drilling and blasting operations using a mathematical concept from computational geometry called Voronoi diagrams.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Avseeva O. V., Chernyshov N. M. Ispol'zovanie diagrammy Voronogo na ploskosti v trekhmernyh modelyah dlya posleduyushchego razbieniya na fragmenty /Informatika: problemy, metody, tekhnologii. - 2021. - S. 44-52. (In Russian press)
  2. Yan, D., Wang, W., L´evy, B., Liu, Y. Efficient computation of clipped Voronoi diagram for mesh generation / Computer-Aided Design. 2013. Vol. 45, No. 4. P. 843–852.
  3. Isheyskiy, V.; Sanchidrián, J.A. Prospects of Applying MWD Technology for Quality Management of Drilling and Blasting Operations at Mining Enterprises. Minerals 2020, 10, 925.
  4. M. Zavershynskyi, E. Papadopoulou. A sweepline algorithm for higher order Voronoi diagrams, 2013 10th International Symposium onVoronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering, IEEE, 2013, pp. 16-22.
  5. Rebay, S. Efficient. Unstructured Mesh Generation by Means of Delaunay Triangulation and Bowyer-Watson Algorithm. Journal of Computational Physics Volume 106 Issue 1, May 1993, p. 127.
  6. Zolotov V.A., Semenov V.A. Issledovanie i razvitie metoda dekompozicii dlya analiza bol'shih prostranstvennyh dannyh. Trudy Instituta sistemnogo programmirovaniya RAN. 2013;25:131-166. (In Russian press)
  7. Stryukov R. K., Shashkin A. I. O modifikacii metoda blizhajshih sosedej. Vestnik VGU, seriya: sistemnyj analiz i informacionnye tekhnologii, 2015, № 1, 114-120 (In Russian press).

Section 2. Technology of blasting in the mining of solid minerals
UDC 622.235
Yakovlev V.L., Chief scientific officer, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Advisor to the RAS, Corresponding member to the RAS,
Zharikov S.N., Head at the rock destruction laboratory, Leading researcher, Candidate of Sciences,
Regotunov A.S., Senior researcher at the rock destruction laboratory, Candidate of Sciences,
Kutuev V.A., Researcher at the rock destruction laboratory,
Menshikov P.V., Researcher at the rock destruction laboratory,
Flyagin A.S., Junior researcher at the rock destruction laboratory,
Vasileva L.A., Junior researcher at the rock destruction laboratory
(Institute of Mining of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - IM UB RAS)

Comprehensive methodology for adjusting the parameters of drilling and blasting operations to new conditions of open-pit mining of compoundly structured solid mineral deposits

Keywords:adaptation of drilling and blasting operations, rock destruction, zoning according to the strength properties of rocks, energy and detonation characteristics of explosives, parameters of intermediate detonators, fracturing, seismic impact

The article is devoted to the issue of step-by-step adaptation of drilling and blasting parameters to changing conditions during open-pit mining of complex-structured deposits of solid minerals. Adaptation is based on improved methods for determining indicators of variability in physical, mechanical, and structural properties of rocks, obtained from drilling data, regression relationships between properties of emulsion explosive charges and their detonation characteristics, measures to stabilize those characteristics, parameters of intermediate detonators, and schemes for their placement in charges, in accordance with updated information about the structural state of rock masses, as well as forecast values of seismic and explosive effects.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Kutuzov B. N., Skorobogatov V. M., Erofeev I. E., etc. The Explosives Engineer's Handbook, Moscow, Nedra, 1988, 511 p.
  2. Rzhevsky V. V. Physical and technical parameters of rocks, Moscow, Nauka, 1975, 212 p.
  3. Tarasenko V. P. Physico-technical basics of calculating charges in quarries: textbook, Moscow, MSU, 1985, 84 p.
  4. Kutuzov B. N. Destruction of rocks by explosion: textbook for universities, Moscow, Publishing house of the Moscow Mining Institute, 1992, 516 p.
  5. Kornilkov S. V., Stenin Yu. V., Starikov A. D. Calculation of the parameters of drilling and blasting operations during borehole drilling in quarries: textbook, Ekaterinburg, Publishing house of the Ural State Mining and Geological Academy, 1997, 112 p.
  6. Bondarenko I. F., Zharikov S. N., Zyryanov I. V., Shemenev V. G. Drilling and blasting operations at the kimberlite quarries of Yakutia, Ekaterinburg, Institute of Mining Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2017, 172 p.
  7. Kuznetsov V. A. Substantiation of the technology of drilling and blasting operations in quarries and open-pit mining and construction workings based on the deformation zoning of exploding ledges: dissertation ... Doctor of Technical Sciences, Moscow, 2010, 225 p.
  8. Mosinets V. N. Crushing and seismic effect of explosion in rocks, Moscow, Nedra, 1976, 271 p.
  9. Rzhevsky V. V., Novik G. Ya. Fundamentals of Rock Physics, Moscow, Nedra, 1986, 390 p.
  10. Adushkin V. V., Spivak A. A. Geomechanics of large-scale explosions, Moscow, Nedra, 1993, 319 p.
  11. Viktorov S. D., Zakalinsky V. M. Large-scale explosive destruction of complex rock formations with selective extraction of minerals. Gornyj informacionno-analiticheskij bjulleten' (nauchno-tehnicheskij zhurnal). 2013, No. S1, pp. 70-79.
  12. Yakovlev V. L., Zharikov S. N., Regotunov A. S., Kutuev V. A. The method of measuring the detonation characteristics of emulsion explosives and express determination of the strength properties of rocks. Gornaja promyshlennost'. 2024, No. 5, pp. 37-44. DOI: 10.30686/1609-9192-2024-5-37-44.
  13. The method of measuring the velocity of seismic vibrations and pressure at the front of an air shock wave using the MiniMate Plus digital seismic recorder, the URAN registration and analysis device and the autonomous AIR meter recorder, Ekaterinburg, Institute of Mining Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 88-16359-118-01.00076-2011, 2011, 15 p.
  14. Pevsner M. E., Popov V. N., Bukrinsky V. A. Surveying: textbook for universities, Moscow, Publishing house of the Moscow State Mining University, 2003, 419 p.
  15. Yakovlev A.V., Shimkiv E. S. Investigation of the influence of the main crack systems in the massif of the Northern quarry of JSC EVRAZ KGOK on the quality of crushing of the exploded rock mass. Problemy nedropol'zovanija, 2015, No.3, pp. 15-19. DOI: 10.18454/2313-1586.2015.03.019
  16. Komarov M. A., Borisovich V. T. Rock drillability and its consideration in technical regulation: overview, Moscow, All-Russian scientific research institute of economics of mineral raw materials and subsoil use, 1974, 60 p.
  17. Saveliev A. A., Mukharamova S. S., Pilyugin A. G., Chizhikova N. A. Geostatistical data analysis in ecology and environmental management (using the R package): textbook, Kazan, Kazan University, 2012, 120 p.
  18. Hafsawi A., Khadush A., Hajaj E., Shettibi M. О влиянии направления трещиноватости массива горных пород на степень его дробления взрывом. Gornyj informacionno-analiticheskij bjulleten' (nauchno-tehnicheskij zhurnal). 2003, No. 8, pp. 53-55.
  19. GOST R 52892-2007. Vibration and shock. Vibration of buildings. Measurement of vibration and assessment of its impact on the structure: approved and put into effect by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 27, 2007 No. 586-st, URL: https:/docs.cntd.ru/document/1200064161 (date of application: 11/10/2024).
  20. Guidelines for analyzing the danger of emergency explosions and determining the parameters of their mechanical action. RB G-05-039-96: approved by Resolution No. 100 of the Gosatomnadzor of Russia on December 31, 1996: effective from August 01, 1997, URL: http:/docs.cntd.ru/document/1200061429 (date of application: 11/10/2024).
  21. Construction in seismic areas. CR 14.13330.2018: approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated May 24, 2018 No. 309/pr : effective November 25, 2018, URL: https:/docs.cntd.ru/document/550565571 (date of application: 11/10/2024).
  22. Safety rules for the production, storage and use of explosive materials for industrial purposes: as amended by Rostechnadzor Order No. 494 dated 03.12.2020. – (Federal Norms and Rules in the field of industrial safety). URL: http:/docs.cntd.ru/document/573219717 (date of application: 11/10/2024).
UDC 622.272:235
Sokolov I.V., doctor of technical sciences, main research worker of the laboratory of underground geotechnology,
Rozhkov A.A., candidate of technical sciences, senior research worker of the laboratory of underground geotechnology,
Baranovsky K.V., candidate of technical sciences, senior research worker of the laboratory of underground geotechnology,
Dyachkov P.S., junior research worker of the laboratory of underground geotechnology
(Institute of Mining of the Ural branch of Russian Academy of Sciences – IM UB RAS)

Optimization of ore breaking parameters to reduce losses at contact with underlying rocks during underground mining of gentle bedding deposits

Keywords:gentle dipping deposit, mining system, open stoping, flat bottom, ore blasting, losses, damage, ore fines

When extracting gentle bedding deposits of limited thickness, in order to reduce damage from operational losses caused by incomplete breaking of ore at the contact with underlying rocks and sedimentation of metal-enriched fine fractions in the unevenness of the soil of the stope, a method for improving the process of stope extraction based on optimization of drilling and blasting parameters is proposed. The modernization consists in forming a flat surface of the stope using inclined fans of blastholes with their over drilling below the contact of the ore body and the rocks of the footwall with subsequent cleaning of the flat bottom by remote-controlled loading and haulage machines directly in the process of broken ore drawing. Depending on the diameter of the blastholes and the strength category of the underlying rocks of the footwall, rational over drilling parameters are recommended. The specific indicator, the effect per 1 m2 of the surface area of the open stope bottom, is adopted as an economic criterion for assessing the technology. The effect of reducing the loss of unbroken ore was assessed taking into account the influence of the maximum height of the incomplete breaking zone and the reduction of possible damage by 90% due to the optimization of the breaking parameters. The effect of reducing the loss of broken ore with an increased metal content was determined taking into account the height of the potentially lost layer, the degree of enrichment relative to the balance reserves and an increase in the quality of soil cleaning by 70%. The results obtained show that improving the process of cleaning excavation allows for a significant complex effect in very complex geological and mining conditions.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Jakovlev V.L. Osnovnye jetapy i rezul'taty issledovanij po razrabotke metodologicheskih osnov strategii razvitija gornotehnicheskih sistem pri osvoenii glubokozalegajushhih mestorozhdenij tverdyh poleznyh iskopaemyh (The main stages and results of research on the development of methodological foundations for the strategy for the development of mining systems for the development of deep deposits of solid minerals) / Gornaya promyshlennost' = Mining industry. 2022. No. S1. P. 34-45. DOI: 10.30686/1609-9192-2022-1S-34-45.
  2. Sokolov I.V., Antipin Ju.G., Baranovskij K.V., Rozhkov A.A., Nikitin I.V. Puti povyshenija jeffektivnosti podzemnoj razrabotki pologih mestorozhdenij bednyh kompleksnyh rud (Ways to increase the efficiency of underground mining of flat deposits of low-grade complex ores) / Problemy nedropol'zovanija = Problems of subsoil use. 2022. No. 4(35). P. 33-43. DOI: 10.25635/2313-1586.2022.04.033.
  3. Kurchin G.S. K voprosu o normirovanii poter' i razubozhivanija na kontaktah pri podzemnoj otrabotke mestorozhdenij (On the issue of normalizing losses and dilution at contacts during underground mining of deposits) / Markshejderskij vestnik = Mine Surveyor Bulletin. 2015. No. 4(107). P. 19-23.
  4. Antipin Ju.G., Rozhkov A.A., Baranovskij K.V. Obosnovanie parametrov kamernoj sistemy razrabotki s ostavleniem neizvlekaemyh celikov (Justification of the parameters of the chamber mining system with the leaving of non-recoverable pillars) / Izv. vuzov. Gornyiy zhurnal = News of the Higher Institutions. Mining Journal. 2021. No. 4. P. 15-23. DOI 10.21440/0536-1028-2021-4-15-23.
  5. Turtygina N.A., Ohrimenko A.V., Frolov N.A., Mel'nickaja M.E. Vlijanie sistemy razrabotki na poteri i razubozhivanie pri podzemnoj dobyche vkraplennyh rud (The influence of the development system on losses and dilution during underground mining of disseminated ores) / Nauchnyj vestnik Arktiki = Scientific Bulletin of the Arctic. 2023. No. 15. P. 5-14. DOI: 10.52978/25421220_2023_15_5-14.
  6. Rozhkov A.A., Baranovskij K.V. Ocenka ushherba ot nepolnoty otbojki rudy na kontakte s podstilajushhimi porodami pri podzemnoj razrabotke pologih mestorozhdenij (Assessment of damage from incomplete ore mining at contact with underlying rocks during underground mining of flat deposits) / Vzryivnoe delo = Explosion technology. 2024. No. 144/101. P. 85 – 103.
  7. Popov N.I., Ivanov A.A. Snizhenie poter' otbitoj rudy pri razrabotke naklonnyh zalezhej (Reducing the loss of broken ore during the development of inclined deposits). Magadan: Knizhnoe izd-vo, 1979. 62 p.
  8. Glotov V.V., Pahaluev B.G. Optimizaciya rasstoyaniya mezhdu stenkami zhelobov pri gidrozachistke vyemochnyh blokov (Optimization of the distance between the walls of the gutters in the hydraulic cleaning of excavation blocks) / Vestnik Zabajkal'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta = Bulletin of the Transbaikal State University. 2016. No. 4. P. 4-9.
  9. Volkov Yu.V., Smirnov A.A., Sokolov I.V., Antipin Yu.G. Vybor sistemy razrabotki mestorozhdenija magnezitov v pole shahty «Magnezitovaja» (Selection of the mining system of magnesite deposits in the field of the Magnezitovaya mine) / Gornyy Informatsionno-Analiticheskiy Byulleten = Mining Information-Analytical Bulletin. 2009. No. 2. P. 356-361.
  10. Neverov A.A., Semenov D.P., Neverov S.A., Nikol'skij A.M., Tishkov M.V. Obosnovanie parametrov kamerno-stolbovoj vyemki s reguljarnym izvlecheniem celikov i obrusheniem porod krovli v uslovijah bol'shih glubin (Justification of the parameters of a chamber-and-pillar excavation with regular extraction of pillars and collapse of roof rocks in conditions of great depths) / Vestnik Kuzbasskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta = Bulletin of the Kuzbass State Technical University. 2018. No. 1(125). P. 5-14. DOI: 10.26730/1999-4125-2018-1-5-13.
  11. Ilyukhin V.S., Smyshlyaeva N.A., Tarasov V.A., Kudryashov V.G., Lokotilov N.O., Sukhorukov I.A. Jemul'sionnyj patronirovannyj sostav dlja vzryvnyh rabot v podzemnyh gornyh vyrabotkah (Emulsion cartridge composition for blasting operations in underground mine workings) / Vzryivnoe delo = Explosion technology. 2012. No. 107/64. P. 129-138.
  12. Esterhuizen G.S., Dolinar D.R., Ellenberger J.L. Pillar strength in underground stone mines in the United States / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2011. Vol. 48(1). P. 42-50. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2010.06.003
  13. Zubkov A.A., Kalmykov V.N., Kulsaitov R.V., Kutlubaev I.M., Neugomonov S.S., Turkin I.S. Ocenka riskov kreplenija poverhnostej vyrabotok frikcionnoj ankernoj krep'ju (Risk assessment of fastening working surfaces with friction anchor support) / Vestnik MGTU = The Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University. 2022. Vol. 20. No. 3. P. 45-53. DOI: 10.18503/1995-2732-2022-20-3-45-53
  14. Mrad H., Leite A. The creative process for the development of an autonomous bolting arm for underground mines / 5th ISRM Congress 2023 and 72nd Geomechanics Colloquium At: Austria Salzburg, 2023. P. 703-708.
  15. Zharikov S.N., Sukhov R.I., Regotunov A.S., Kutuev V.A., Taranzhin S.S. O vozmozhnoj jeffektivnosti primenenija gorizontal'nogo vruba pri ustupnoj vzryvnoj otbojke na kar'erah (On the possible efficiency of using horizontal cutting in bench blasting in quarries) / Problemy nedropol'zovaniya = Problems of subsoil use. 2020. No. 1(24). P. 80-92. DOI: 10.25635/2313-1586.2020.01.080.
  16. Kurchin G.S., Vohmin S.A., Kytmanov A.A. Vlijanie formy geologicheskogo kontakta na velichinu poter' pri otrabotke prikontaktnyh zon (The influence of the shape of the geological contact on the amount of losses during the development of near-contact zones) / Zapiski Gornogo institute = Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. T. 223. P. 37-43. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2017.1.37.
  17. Sokolov I.V., Rozhkov A.A., Baranovskij K.V. Parametrizacija tehnologii snizhenija ushherba ot pereizmel'chenija rudy pri podzemnoj razrabotke mestorozhdenij (Parameterization of technology for reducing damage from ore grinding during underground mining) / Gornaya promyshlennost' = Mining industry. 2023. No. 5. P. 124-128. DOI: 10.30686/1609-9192-2023-5-124-128
  18. Borychev V.M., Ilyakhin S.V., Bryukhovetsky O.S. Vlijanie gornotehnicheskih faktorov na vybor velichiny perebura skvazhinnogo zarjada (Influence of mining factors on the choice of the re-drilling value of a borehole charge) / Gornyj zhurnal = Mining journal. 2018. No. 11. P. 87-91. DOI: 10.17580/gzh.2018.11.16.
  19. Pytalev I.A., Domozhirov D.V., Shvabenland E.E., Prokhorov A.A., Pronin V.V. Sposob povyshenija kachestva podgotovki porod k vyemke pri ispol'zovanii jemul'sionnyh vzryvchatyh veshhestv na kar'erah s vysokimi ustupami (Method for improving the quality of rock preparation for excavation using emulsion explosives in quarries with high benches) / Gornaya promyshlennost' = Mining industry. 2021. No. 6. P. 62-67. DOI 10.30686/1609-9192-2021-6-62-67.
  20. Klishin I.V. Vlijanie velichiny perebura skvazhin na kachestvo vedenija vzryvnyh rabot pri razrabotke kamennyh kar'erov po proizvodstvu shhebnja (Influence of the amount of borehole overdrilling on the quality of blasting operations during the development of stone quarries for the production of crushed stone) / Gornyy Informatsionno-Analiticheskiy Byulleten = Mining Information-Analytical Bulletin. 2012. No. 5. P. 272-274.
  21. Lomonosov G.G., Turtygina N.A. Yavlenie segregacii rudnoj massy i ego vliyanie na formirovanie kachestva produkcii gornorudnogo proizvodstva (The phenomenon of ore mass segregation and its influence on the formation of the quality of mining products) / Gornyy Informatsionno-Analiticheskiy Byulleten = Mining Information-Analytical Bulletin. 2014. No. 6. P. 37-40.
  22. Sokolov I.V., Rozhkov A.A., Antipin Ju.G. Metodicheskij podhod k obosnovaniju teh-nologij snizhenija ushherba ot pereizmel'chenija rudy pri podzemnoj razrabotke (Methodological approach to substantiation of technologies for reducing damage from ore grinding during underground mining) / Izvestiya Tul'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Nauki o Zemle = News of the Tula State University. 2023. No. 3. P. 352-367. DOI: 10.46689/2218-5194-2023-3-1-352-367
  23. Rozhkov A.A. Sistematizaciya sposobov snizheniya poter' rudnoj melochi pri podzemnoj razrabotke mestorozhdenij (Systematization of ways to reduce losses of ore fines during underground mining) / Problemy nedropol'zovaniya = Problems of subsoil use. 2021. No. 3(30). P. 16-28. DOI 10.25635/2313-1586.2021.03.016.
  24. Zharikov S.N., Kutuev V.A. O racional'nom podhode k ustupnoj vzryvnoj otbojke na kar'erah i voprosah primenenija nekotoryh vzryvchatyh veshhestv (On a rational approach to bench blasting in quarries and issues of using some explosives) / Izvestiya Tul'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Nauki o Zemle = News of the Tula State University. 2023. No. 1. P. 435-444. DOI: 10.46689/2218-5194-2023-1-1-435-444.
  25. Kornilkov S.V., Stenin Yu.V., Starikov A.D. Raschet parametrov burovzryvnyh rabot pri skvazhinnoj otbojke na kar'erah (Calculation of parameters of drilling and blasting operations during borehole breaking in quarries). Ekaterinburg: USMGA, 1997. 112 p.
  26. Fokin V.A., Tarasov G.E., Togunov M.B., Danilkin A.A., Shitov Yu.A. Sovershenstvovanie tehnologii burovzryvnyh rabot na predel'nom konture kar'era (Improving the technology of drilling and blasting operations at the maximum contour of the quarry). Apatity: Publishing house Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2008. 224 p.
  27. Gushchin V.I. Zadachnik po vzryvnym rabotam (Problem book on blasting operations). Moscow: Nedra, 1990. 171 p.
  28. Kaplunov D.R., Rylnikova M.V. Razvitie nauchno-metodicheskih osnov ustojchivosti funkcionirovanija gornotehnicheskih sistem v uslovijah vnedrenija novogo tehnologicheskogo uklada (Development of scientific and methodological foundations for the sustainability of the functioning of mining engineering systems in the context of the introduction of a new technological order) / Izvestiya Tul'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Nauki o Zemle = News of the Tula State University. 2020. No.4. P. 24-39.
  29. Sokolov I.V., Antipin Ju.G., Rozhkov A.A. Modernizacija sistemy razrabotki malo-moshhnogo mestorozhdenija bogatyh mednokolchedannyh rud (Modernization of the development system for a thin deposit of rich copper pyrite ores) / Ustojchivoe razvitie gornyh territorij = Sustainable development of mountain territories. 2020. T. 12, No. 3(45). P. 444-453. DOI: 10.21177/1998-4502-2020-12-3-444-453.
  30. Xu X., Li L., Jiao W., Zhang Q. Challenges of Autonomous Navigation and Perception Technology for Unmanned Special Vehicles in Underground Mine / In Proceedings of the 2023 6th International Symposium on Autonomous Systems (ISAS), Nanjing, China, 2023. P. 1-6. DOI: 10.1109/ISAS59543.2023.10164322
UDC 622.23:622.23.02:622.235
Kublikow S.N. – deputy chief engineer of the mine for blasting and drilling operations
(JSC "KMAruda Combine" Gubkin mine)

Experimental studies of the granulometric composition of rocks on the example of the korobkovsky deposit

Keywords:floor-chamber development system, secondary crushing, granulation, blasting, average piece size, drilling and blasting, quartzites, deposit, mine

The purpose of this article is to experimentally determine the reliability of theoretical calculations of the average size of a piece of blasted rock mass, based on the degree of curvature of wells with depth and in order to increase the efficiency of drilling and blasting operations during downhole drilling to ensure high-quality crushing of minerals. The object of the study is an array of rocks after a massive explosion. Practical studies have been carried out to determine the average size of a piece of blasted rock mass along the length of the well. The subject of the study is the granulometric composition of the rock, when loaded into trolleys in the Gubkin mine, JSC "KMAruda Combine".

Bibliographic list:
  1. Kublikov S.N. On the dependence of the yield of oversized pieces of ferruginous quartzites on the specific consumption of explosives for secondary crushing / Kublikov S.N., Korolev N.D./ Journal "Scientific research publications"-2022.-Voronezh-No.6-2022.pp. 46-50.
  2. Kublikov S.N. Physico-technical parameters of rock massifs Korobkovsky field/ Scientific and practical journal "Notes of a Scientist" - 2023. – Rostov-on-Don: Publishing House of the Southern University "Institute of Business Management and Law" (IUiP). No.7/2023. pp. 82-94.
  3. Kutuzov B. N., Tyupin V.N.. Determination of the specific consumption of explosives to achieve the required crushing intensity of a fractured massif / Kutuzov B. N., Tyupin V.N.. / Izv. Universities. Mining Journal, 1981, No. 3. pp. 61-65.
  4. Kutuzov B. N., Tyupin V.N. Designing a mass explosion to achieve the required crushing intensity of a fractured massif/ Kutuzov B. N., Tyupin V.N. / Izv. VUZov. Mining Journal, 1985, No. 4. pp. 41-45.
  5. Kutuzov B. N., Tyupin V.N. Determining the size of the controlled crushing zone during a charge explosion in a fractured massif / Kutuzov B. N., Tyupin V.N. / Izv. VUZov. Mining Journal, 1979, No.8. pp. 30-35.
  6. Kutuzov B. N., Tyupin V.N. Determining the size of deformation zones of a fractured massif by an explosive charge explosion/ B. N. Kutuzov, V.N. Tyupin / Izv. VUZov. Mining Journal, 1983, No. 4. pp. 53-58.
  7. Kutuzov B. N., Tyupin V.N. Method of calculating the parameters of drilling and blasting operations in quarries in order to ensure a given quality of rock crushing / Kutuzov B. N., Tyupin V.N. / Mining Journal, 2017. No.8. pp. 66-69.
  8. Munch A.F. Creation and the first results of the development of a mobile inclinometric station for measuring blast wells / Munch A.F. Shokov V.I., Binder Ya.I. [et al.] / Mining Journal, 2011. No. 10. pp. 53-56.
  9. Ovseychuk V.A., Tyupin V.N. Optimization of the granulometric composition of ore at underground and heap leaching/ Ovseychuk V.A., Tyupin V.N./ Mining Journal, 2002. No. 9. pp. 24-27.
  10. The extension of the sirovine base of the underground Kryvbas for the rakhunok zaluchennya to the view of the magnenetite quartzite: monograph/ Korolenko M.K. [et al.] Krivoy Rog: 2012. – 284 p.
  11. Solodyankin S.S. Features of borehole drilling and directions of development of drilling and blasting operations at the Gubkin mine/ Solodyankin S.S., Bugaets P.V., Kublikov S.N. / Mining industry. - 2017. No.5. pp. 74-76.
  12. Tyupin V.N. Explosive and geomechanical processes in fractured stressed mountain massifs: monograph/ V.N. Tyupin. - Belgorod: Publishing house "Belgorod" NRU "BelGU", 2017. 192 p.
  13. Tyupin V.N. The influence of explosion zones in fractured massifs on mining processes/ Tyupin V.N., Khaustov V.V., Voronov E.T./ Mining Journal, 2020, No. 12. pp. 26-30.
  14. Tyupin V.N. Methodology for determining the parameters of BVR during mining of low-power uranium ore bodies in order to reduction of dilution/ Tyupin V.N., Svyatetsky V.S./ Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling.- IrGUPS,2013.-№3(39), Pp. 89-94.
  15. Tyupin V.N., Kublikov S.N. Results of crushing of ferruginous quartzite arrays during blasting of deep curved wells at the Gubkin mine of JSC KMAruda Combine/ Tyupin V.N., Kublikov S.N. / Mining information and Analytical bulletin. -2019.-No.8.-pp.65-73. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-08-0-65-73.
  16. Tyupin V.N. Establishment of dynamically stable dimensions of inter-chamber targets with chamber versions of development systems/ Tyupin V.N., Rubashkina T. I./ Vestn. Zabaikal. state. Univ., 2016. Vol.22. No.5. pp. 15-22.
  17. Tyupin V.N. Establishment of dynamically stable sizes of outcrops of fractured stressed rock mass with chamber versions of development systems/ Tyupin V.N. / Vestn. Zabaikal. state. Un-ta. 2016. Vol.22. No.6. pp. 31-39.
  18. Cunningham C.V.B. Control over Blasting Parameters and lts Effect on Quarry Productivity. - Rondebosch: AECI Explosives and Chemical Limited, 2011. P. 173-177.
  19. Exploration and 3D Mine Desing / Micromine, 2020.URL (https:/mm-website.cachefly.net/wp-ontent/uploads/2019/12/MM_ExMine _Modules_A4_Dec19_LR.pdf).
  20. Furtney J. Simple models for the complex process of rock blasting/ Furtney J., Sellrs E., Onederra L. / Rock Fragmentation by Blasting: Fragblast 10.- Leiden: CRC Press, 2013. P 275-282.
  21. Haibao Yi Study on Open-Pit Precision Control Blasting of Easily Weathered Rock and ist Application/ Haibao Yi Haibatao Yang, Li Ming, Han Bin, Zheng Lujing. / 8th International Conference on Physical Problems of Rock Destruction. - China. 2014. P. 157-160.
  22. International Mining./ 10.2019- Vol. 8, N 3. - P. 181-202.
  23. Kutter H. K. On the fracture process in blafing. «Int. J. Roch. and Mining Sci»/ Kutter H. K., Fairhust C/ 1971,8, №3, 181-202.
  24. Paul Moore A fragmented approach/ Paul Moore/ International Mining, MARCH 2015. P.70-77.
  25. Pradeep K. Singh Controlled Blasting for Safe and Efficient Mining Operations at Rampura Agucha Mine in India / Pradeep K. Singh, M. P. Roy, Amalendu Sinha/ 8th International Conference on Physical Problems of Rock Destruction. China, 2014, pp. 137-151.
UDC 622.235
Kovalchuk I.O. – deputy technical director

Justification of air deck effect between charge and stemming

Keywords:detonation velocity, shock wave, EVV, uncharged part of the well, downhole, air gap, granulometric composition, torn rock mass, stereo camera

In this article the results of velocity of detonation in borehole charges are presented. It is pointed out on a part of detonic graphs in the uncharged area of the loaded borehole. This evidence is frequently repeated and the velocity is similar to detonation process. The fragmentation analysis of comparing boreholes with airdeck between charge and stemming and boreholes with continue explosive column are also presented in this article.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Galimyanov A.A., Gerasimov D.E., Mishnev V.I., Kazarina E.N., Galimyanov A.A., Gevalo K.V. Influence of BVR parameters on the detonation rate of an explosive charge / Izvestiya Tula State University. Technical sciences. 2022. Issue 9. pp. 268-274. DOI 10.24412/2071-6168-2022-9-268-274.
  2. Galimyanov A.A., Gerasimov D.E., Gevalko K.V., Mishnev V.I., Galmyanov A.A. Factors influencing the detonation rate of an explosive charge / Ugol. 2022. Issue 11(1160). pp. 55-61. DOI 10.18796/0041-5790-2022-11-55-61.
  3. Voronin M.S. Physics of explosion and impact: textbook / M.S. Voronin. Novosibirsk: NSTU Publishing House, 2019. – 212 p.
  4. Per-Anders Persson, Roger Holmberg, Jaimin Lee Rock Blasting and Explosives Engineering / CRC Press LLC, Inc. 1994.
  5. Shevkun E.B., Leshchinsky A.V. Borehole charges with a shortened face / Mining information and Analytical Bulletin. - 2006. – No. 4. – pp. 139-146.
  6. Drukovany M.F., Komir V.M., Semenyuk I.A. On the issue of the impact of the size of the slaughter on the ka
  7. Melnikov N.V., Marchenko L.N. Explosion energy and charge design. – Moscow: Publishing house "Nedra", 1964. – 138 p.
  8. Leshchinsky A.V., Shevkun E. B. Dispersal of borehole charges. Khabarovsk: Publishing House of TOGU, 2009. 154 p.
  9. Overchenko M. N., Tolstunov S. A., Moser S. P., Belin V. A. Determination of optimal parameters of technological processes during blasting of borehole charges with air gaps / Mining information and analytical bulletin. – 2022. – No. 4. - pp. 87-99. DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2022_4_0_87.
  10. Kovalchuk I.O., Kovalkov S.A., Ivanova E.A., Klebanov D.A., Poplavsky S.F. Application of artificial intelligence and computer vision technologies for optimization of drilling and blasting complex in open-pit mining / Globus. 2024. Issue 1(80) March 2024.

Section 3. State and improvement of explosives, devices and blasting agents
UDC 622.235
Frantov A.E., Leading Researcher, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Lapikov I.N., Senior Researcher, Head of IT Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Budnikova M.S., Laboratory Assistant
(Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAN)

On modeling the properties of multicomponent granulated explosives for the conditions of the Kuzbass region

Keywords:ammonium nitrate, petroleum products, diesel fuel, solid fuel, coke fines, coal powder, detonation capability

The article addresses key issues related to modeling the characteristics of multicomponent granulates designed for use under low-temperature conditions and other challenging operational circumstances. The study is based on a methodological approach that identifies primary and secondary features characterizing multicomponent explosives (MCEs) as complex objects with unique properties and parameters. An algorithm is detailed, structurally dividing variable indicators and parameters into production and application stages. The influence of physical-mechanical, structural, and other characteristics of granulate components on their explosive properties, as well as on the technological and technical aspects of production, is analyzed. The limitations associated with the use of raw materials in low-temperature conditions are also examined.Data on the composition of recycled materials arising during mining operations and the processing of mineral raw materials are presented, with a focus on the cost-effectiveness of granulates. A desulfurization method is proposed for neutralizing sulfur dioxide produced during explosive processes. Furthermore, the influence of natural and climatic conditions, the geographical features of deposit locations, and mining-technical conditions affecting blasting operations in complex environments are considered.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Frantov A.E., Lapikov I.N. Evaluation of technological parameters of cheap explosives’ components in terms of using in northern and arctic regions of Russia / AIP Conference Proceedings. 2022; 2656(1):020009. https:/doi.org/10.1063/5.0106797.
  2. Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E., Lapikov I.N. Modeling properties of multicomponent simple explosives. Blasting Technology. 2023;(140-97):19–35. https:/doi.org/10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-2.
  3. Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E., Lapikov I.N. Results of comparative testing of granulates with different formulations / Mining Journal. 2022;(7):67–71. https:/doi.org/10.17580/gzh.2022.07.112.
  4. Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E., Lapikov I.N. Development potential of simple explosives in Russia / Occupational Safety in Industry. 2021;(8):7–14. https:/doi.org/10.24000/0409-2961-2021-8-7-14.
  5. Viktorov S.D., Zakharov V.N., Frantov A.E., Postavnin B.N., Zharikov I.F., Mingazov R.Y., et al. Composition of simple explosive and method of implementation. Patent RU 2663037 C2. Filed 23.12.2016; published 01.08.2018, Bulletin No. 22.
  6. Frantov A.E., Viktorov S.D., Lapikov I.N., Vyatkin N.L., Bolotova Y.N. Development of methodological approaches in modeling properties of multicomponent granulates used under low-temperature conditions and other complicating factors. Mining Industry. 2024;(5S):79–90. https:/doi.org/10.30686/1609-9192-2024-5S-79-905.
UDC 662.756.3 + 622.235
Solodukhin E.S., senior laboratory assistant, PhD student of Technosphere Safety department,
Shushpanov A.N., assistant professor of Technosphere Safety department, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences,
Akinin N.I., head of Technosphere Safety department, Prof., Doctor of Engineering Sciences
(FSFEI HE «Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia»)
Frantov A.E., Leading Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,
Lapikov I.N., Senior Researcher, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences
(Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS)

The advantages of biodiesel usage as a fuel component in simple explosives

Keywords:biodiesel, transesterification, rapeseed, ammonium nitrate, ANFO, explosives, granulit, differential thermal analysis, adsorption

The article discusses new modular systems of mixtures of ammonium nitrate and biodiesel. The process of synthesis of biodiesel fuel by transesterification reaction with ethyl alcohol in the presence of the basic catalyst is described. The purity of synthesized from rapeseed oil biodiesel fuel, which is a mixture of fatty acid esters, was evaluated via chromato-mass spectroscopy. Based on the conducted study of contact angles, the article evaluates the adsorption affinity of various types of fuels to polar and non-polar surfaces, from which a conclusion is formulated about the adsorption affinity of various types of fuels in relation to ammonium nitrate. The method of differential thermal analysis was utilized to assess the thermal stability of both samples of the fuel itself and their mixtures with ammonium nitrate, on the basis of which a conclusion was made about the fire and explosion hazard of the obtained compositions.

Bibliographic list:
  1. A.K. Das, S.K. Sahu, A.K. Panda. Current status and prospects of alternate liquid transportation fuels in compression ignition engines: A critical review / Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 2022. Vol. 161. 112358
  2. W. Senusi, M.I. Ahmad, H.P.S.A. Khalil. Comparative assessment for biodiesel production from low-cost feedstocks of third oil generation / J. Renew. Energy, 2024. Vol. 236. 121369
  3. M. Balat. Modeling Vegetable Oil Vi scosity / Energy Sources A: Recovery Util. Environ. Eff., 2008. Vol. 30. pp. 1856-1869.
  4. A. Demirbas. Biofuels sources,biofuel policy,biofuel economy and global biofuel projections / Energy Convers. Manag., 2008. Vol. 49, №8. pp. 2106-2116.
  5. B. Maleki, S.S.A. Talesh, M. Mansouri. Comparison of catalysts types performance in the generation of sustainable biodiesel via transesterification of various oil sources: a review study / Mater. Today Sustain., 2022. Vol. 18. 100157.
  6. Sh.M. Santos, D.C. Nascimento, M.C. Costa, A.M.B. Neto, L.V. Fregolente. Flash point prediction: Reviewing empirical models for hydrocarbons, petroleum fraction, biodiesel, and blends / Fuel, 2020. Vol.. 263. 116375.
  7. GOST 32511–2013 Diesel fuel EURO. Technical conditions. Developed by Open joint-stock company " All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Oil Refining " ("VNII NP" OAO). Proposed by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. Approved by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol from November 14, 2013 N44). Put in force 2015-01-01 Moscow: Standartinform, 2014. 15 p.
  8. Th. Jeyaseelan, P. Ekambaram, J. Subramanian, T. Shamim. A comprehensive review on the current trends, challenges and future prospects for sustainable mobility / Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev., 2022. Vol. 157. 112073.
  9. R. Jayabal, S. Subramani, D. Dillikannan et al. Multi-objective optimization of performance and emission characteristics of a CRDI diesel engine fueled with sapota methyl ester/diesel blends / Energy, 250. Vol.. 250. 123709.
  10. S.M. Palash, H.H. Masjuki, M.A. Kalam et al. Biodiesel production, characterization, diesel engine performance, and emission characteristics of methyl esters from Aphanamixis polystachya oil of Bangladesh / Energy Convers. Manag., 2015. Vol. 91. pp. 149-157.
  11. S.I. Jackson, Ch.B. Kiyanda, M. Short. Experimental observations of detonation in ammonium-nitrate-fuel-oil (ANFO) surrounded by a high-sound-speed, shockless, aluminum confiner / Proc. Combust. Inst. 2011. Vol. 33, № 2. pp. 2219-2226.
  12. M. Fabin, T. Jarosz. Improving ANFO: Effect of Additives and Ammonium Nitrate Morphology on Detonation Parameters / Materials (Basel), 2021. Vol. 14, №19. 5745.
  13. Sosnin V.A. The state and prospects of development of industrial explosives / International Scientific and Technical Conference "Industrial explosives: state, prospects of development and application" (JSC «GosNII Krystall»). Nizhniy Novgorod, 16.05.2023 - 19.05.2023.
  14. Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E., Lapikov I.N. Development of the potential of the simplest explosives in Russia / Occupational Safety in Industry, 2021. № 8. pp. 7-14.
  15. Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E., Lapikov I.N. The results of comparative tests of granulated explosives of different formulation composition / Gornyi Zhurnal, 2022. №7, pp. 65-71.
  16. Frantov A. E., Lapikov I. N.. Evaluation of technological parameters of cheap explosives’ components in terms of using in northern and arctic regions of Russia / AIP Conf. Proc., 2022. 2656. 020009.
  17. Frantov A. E., Viktorov S. D., Lapikov I. N.. Comparison of oil products as components of granulits for Siberia, extreme north and the Arctic areas / Eurasian Mining, 2023. № 2. pp. 70-75.
  18. Malyshev Y. N., Ayruni A.T., Kulikova E.Y. Physico-chemical processes in the extraction of minerals and their impact on the environment / Moscow: Academy of Mining Sciences, 2002. – 270 p.
  19. Bulushev D.A., Sultanov E.V., Akinin N.I., Smirnov S.P. the environmental harm mitigation from application of ammonium nitrate industrial explosives / Vzryvnoe delo (Explosion Technology), 2023. № 141/98. pp. 168-184.
  20. Sultanov E.V., Bulushev D.A., Akinin N.I., Smirnov S.P. quantitative determination of nitrogen oxides (II) content in explosion debris of model industrial explosive charges based on ammonium nitrate / Uspehy himii i himicheskoy tehnologii (Advances in Chemistry and Chemical Technology), 2022. Vol. 36, № 10. pp. 124-128.
  21. Belin V.A., Paramonov G.P., Zhimyan Z. Peculiarities of manufacturing and application of mixed explosives of ANFO type at mining enterprises of Mongolia / Journal of Mining Institute, 2018. Vol. 232. pp. 364-367.
  22. H. Li., Ce Yang, J. Sun, Y. Cheng. Effects of biodiesel on thermal safety and detonation characteristics of emulsion explosive / Propellants, Explos. Pyrotech., 2023. Vol. 48, № 5. e202200258.
  23. Sh.M. Santos, M.R. Wolf-Maciel, L.V. Fregolente. Cold flow properties: Applying exploratory analyses and assessing predictive methods for biodiesel and diesel-biodiesel blends / Sustain. Energy Technol. Assess., 2023. Vol. 57. 103220.
  24. GOST 22254-92 Diesel fuels. Cold filter method for determination of lowest filtering temperature. Developed and proposed by All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Oil Refining (VNII NP). Approved and put in force by the Resolution of the Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR from 03.02.92 N101. Instead of GOST 22254-76; introduced 1993-01-01. Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR; Moscow: 1992. 15 p.
  25. A. Bouaid, N. El boulifi, K. Hahati, M. Martinez, J. Aracil. Biodiesel production from biobutanol. Improvement of cold flow properties / Chem. Eng. J., 2014. Vol. 238. pp. 234-241.
  26. P.A. Leggieri, M. Senra, L. Soh. Cloud point and crystallization in fatty acid ethyl ester biodiesel mixtures with and without additives / Fuel, 2018. Vol. 222. pp. 243-249.
  27. I.M. Monirul, M.A. Kalam, H.H. Masjuki et al. Influence of poly(methyl acrylate) additive on cold flow properties of coconut biodiesel blends and exhaust gas emissions / Renew. Energ., 2017. Vol. 101. pp. 702-712.
  28. A.K.F. Achmad, N.A. Fathurrahman, E. S. Kunarti et al. Optimizing cold-flow properties and oxidation stability of B40 biodiesel blend with turpentine oil and ethanol: Experimental and quantum chemical approach / Fuel, 2025. Vol. 381. 133258.
  29. H. Tajima, M. Abe, H. Komatsu, K. Yamagiwa. Feasibility of additive winterization of biodiesel fuel derived from various eatable oils and fat / Fuel, 2021. Vol. 305. 121479.
  30. Solodukhin E.S., Shushpanov A.N., Shushpanova D.V.. Thermal analysis of biofuels from plant materials in comparison with fossil biodiesel / Education and science for sustainable development: XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference: conference materials: in 2 parts. Vol. 1. pp. 238–241.
  31. Akinin N.I., Shushpanov A.N., Solodukhin E.S., Frantov A.E.. Properties of the plants derived biodiesel and the possibility of its application in the industrial explosives / ХХII Mendeleev congress on general and applied chemistry, 7-12.10.2024, Federal Territory “Sirius”, Russia. Book of abstracts in 7 volumes. – Vol. 6. – М.: “Admiral Print” LLC, 2024 – pp. 328–328.

Section 4. Use of combustion andexplosion actions in industry
UDC 662.2:662.76
Garifullin R. Sh. – associate Professor, Candidate of technical Sciences,
Bystrova A.I. – student
(Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education «Kazan national research technological University» - FGBOU VO «KNITU»)

A Promising energy-saturated material for the gas dynamic effect on the oil reservoir

Keywords:energy-saturated material, gas pulse effect, oil board, increased oil recovery, gorenje gorenje inhibitor, burning rate, bench installation, rubber

Research has been carried out on the development of a promising energy-saturated material for use in a device for gas dynamic effects on an oil reservoir. Gorenje regularities of various energy-saturated compositions in conditions simulating borehole have been studied. The experimental results were recorded in the form of curves of the dependence of the pressure level created in the internal volume of the bench installation by gaseous products of explosive transformation of compounds on the duration of this process. The optimal component composition of a promising energy-saturated material for gas-pulse action on an oil reservoir containing ammonium nitrate as an oxidizer, butadiene-nitrile rubber as a fuel and ammonium chloride as a gorenje inhibitor has been established.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Agliullin M. M., Abdullin V. M., Abdullin M. M. et al. Razrabotka i vnedreniye termobarokhimicheskogo metoda uvelicheniya produktivnosti neftegazovykh skvazhin (Development and implementation of thermobarochemical method of increasing the productivity of oil and gas wells). Vestnik Tyumenskogo neftegazovogo universiteta = Bulletin of Tyumen oil and gas University. 2004. No. 3. pp. 186-189.
  2. Sadykov I.F., Marsov A. A., Mokeev A. A. Pat. 2334873 Russian Federation, IPC E21B 43/18, IPC E21B 43/24. Device for gas pulse treatment of the bottomhole zone of the well.
  3. Salnikov A.S., Gilmanov R.Z., Petrov A.S. et al. Issledovanie vliyanie katalizatorov na xarakteristiki goreniya energonasishennogo materiala na osnove nitrata ammoniya (Investigation of the effect of catalysts on the combustion characteristics of an energy-saturated ammonium nitrate-based material). Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta = Bulletin of Kazan technological University. 2016. Vol. 19. No. 3. pp. 55-59.
  4. Garifullin R.Sh., Salnikov A.S., Mokeev A.A. et al. Eksperimentalnie issledovaniya opitnix obrazov termogazogeneratora dlya obrabotki skvajin po opredeleniyu temperaturi goreniya, udelnogo gazoobrazovaniya i soderjaniya tverdix shlakov sostavi na osnove poroshkoobraznix elastomerov (Experimental studies of experimental images of a thermogasogenerator for processing wells to determine the combustion temperature, specific gas formation and solid slag content compositions based on powdered elastomers). Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta = Bulletin of Kazan technological University. 2014. Vol. 17. No. 18. pp. 186-189.
  5. Mokeev A.A., Salnikov A.S., Badretdinova L.H. et al. Laboratorniy stend dlya izucheniya xarakteristik goreniya kombinirovannix zaryadov energonasishennix materialov (Laboratory bench for studying the combustion characteristics of combined charges of energy-saturated materials). Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta = Bulletin of Kazan technological University. 2014. Vol. 17. No. 15. pp. 95-97.
  6. Badretdinova L.H., Sadykov I.F., Mokeev A.A. et al. Issledovanie zavisimosti xarakteristik goreniya ot fizicheskoy stabilnosti energonasishennogo materiala termoistochnika (Investigation of the gorenje characteristics dependence on the physical stability of the energy-saturated thermal source material). Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta = Bulletin of Kazan technological University. 2014. Vol. 17. No. 7. pp. 120-122.
  7. Soldatova A.S., Sadikov I.F., Marsov A.A. et al. Izuchenie strukturi i ekspluatasionnix xarakteristik v zavisimosti ot vremeni xraneniya sostava termoistochnika, izgotovlennogo v usloviyax povishennoy vlajnosti (Study of the structure and performance characteristics depending on the storage time of the composition of a thermal source manufactured in conditions of high humidity). Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta = Bulletin of Kazan technological University. 2010. Vol. 13. No. 8. pp. 104-111.
UDC 004.94
Mukhutdinov A. R. – Professor, doctor of technical Sciences,
Garifullin R. Sh. – associate Professor, Candidate of technical Sciences
(Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education «Kazan national research technological University» - FGBOU VO «KNITU»)
Vakhidova Z.R. – Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
(Higher Educational Institution «University of Management «TISBI»)

Testing a universal computing express method for developing a neural network model in determining optimal operating parameters of a special product

Keywords:cumulation, special product, express method, neural network modeling, neural network model, knowledge base, testing

This article presents the results of testing a universal computational express method using modern information technologies, namely neural network modeling to determine the optimal operational parameters of a special product. To do this, based on the express method, a neural network model of the accumulation process of a special product has been created in the NeuroShell software development environment. The developed neural network model is capable of determining the optimal operational parameters of a special product with a relative error of 8.8%. A universal computational express method for developing a neural network model has been tested to determine the optimal operational parameters of a special product with a relative prediction error not exceeding 9%.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Khotin V. G., Tomasheevich I. I., Ngunen M. T. et al. Kumulyasiya i ee ispolzovanie vo vzrivnoy texnike: uchebnoe posobie. (Cumulation and its use in explosive technology: a textbook). Moscow: Publishing House of the D.I. Mendeleev 2007. 87 p.
  2. Pelts E.I. Vliyanie materiala oblisovki na effektivnost kumulyativnogo zaryada: sbornik nauchno-texnicheskix statey. (The influence of the cladding material on the efficiency of the cumulative charge: a collection of scientific and technical articles). Moscow: Publishing house of the Research Institute-24. №1 (63). 1958 – 234 p.
  3. Sklyarov N. M. Rol strukturi i svoystv materiala oblisovki pri formirovanii kumulyativnoy strui: sbornik trudov. (The role of the structure and properties of the cladding material in the formation of a cumulative jet: proceedings). Saint-Petersburg: Publishing house of the AAN im. Dzerzhinsky. 1952 – 154 p.
  4. Mukhutdinov A.R., Marchenko G.N., Vakhidova Z.R. Neyrosetevoe modelirovanie i optimizasiya slojnix prosessov i naukoemkogo teploenergeticheskogo oborudovaniya: monografiya. (Neural network modeling and optimization of complex processes and high-tech thermal power equipment: monograph). Kazan: Publishing house of Kazan State Energy University. 2011. – 296 p.
  5. Mukhutdinov A.R., Garifullin R.Sh., Efimov M.G. Neyrosetevoe modelirovanie prosessa kumulyasii zaryadov perforatorov v skvajinax. (Neural network modeling of the charge accumulation process of perforators in wells / Vzrivnoe delo = Explosive business. 2022. No. 136/93. pp. 150-159.
  6. Mukhutdinov A.R., Efimov M.G. Universalnie vichislitelnie ekspress-metodi dlya sozdaniya iskusstvennoy neyronnoy seti slojnogo ob'ekta i innovasionnogo programmnogo modulya na ee osnove: monografiya. (Universal computational express methods for creating an artificial neural network of a complex object and an innovative software module based on it: monograph). Kazan: KNITU Publishing House, 2022. – 156 p.
  7. Mukhutdinov A.R., Efimov M.G. Aprobasiya universalnogo vichislitelnogo ekspress-metoda razrabotki neyrosetevoy modeli prosessa obrabotki medi na vertikalnom frezernom stanke. (Approbation of a universal computational express method for developing a neural network model of the copper processing process on a vertical milling machine) / Avtomatizasiya i informatizasiya TEK = Automation and informatization of the Fuel and Energy Complex. 2024. No. 10 (615). pp. 9-15.

Section 5. Ecology and safety during blasting operations
UDC 622.235
Kantor V.H., General Director
(LLC Scientific and technical company "Explosion technology")

Features of determining safe distances for the scattering of rock fragments during blasting operations

Keywords:explosion, safe distance, charge, rock, discharge, environment

The features of determining the safe distances for the spread of individual pieces of rock are considered when using the current industrial safety standards for their calculation from the point of view of the possibility of regulating the technological parameters of charges and taking more fully into account the properties of the explosive medium that affect the process of controlling the action of an explosion in various conditions of blasting. The calculated provisions given in the article make it possible to expand the possibilities of using the current Safety Rules when justifying safe distances for the separation of pieces of rock for various types of explosive charges used on the Earth's surface and in underwater conditions.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules for the production, storage and use of explosive materials for industrial purposes" - M., CJSC STC PB, 2022. – 252s.
  2. Rules for the technical conduct of explosive work performed on a daytime surface. – M., Gosstroizdat, 1945. – 110s.
  3. Normative reference book on drilling and blasting operations. VSN 335-86/ A.F. Avdeev, V.L. Baron; N.V. Gurov, V.H. Kantor. – M., Nedra, 1986. – 511c.
  4. Technical rules for conducting blasting operations on the daytime surface. VSN 281-71. M., Nedra, 1972. – 240s.
UDC 622.235
Streleckiy A.A., junior researcher,
Kubrin S.S., Scientific Secretary of the Institute
(Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS)

A block diagram of monitoring and forecasting the spread of aerosols after explosions at coal mining enterprises

Keywords:opencast colliery, dust, atmospheric pollution, explosion, mass transfer, sedimentation, particle shape, dust and gas cloud, control

The article describes a structural scheme for monitoring a dust and gas cloud and identifies functional tasks that require solutions to man-made atmospheric dust pollution, which provides drilling and blasting operations during the development of open-pit coal deposits. The control of man-made atmospheric pollution from mining operations can be carried out by monitoring and predicting the spread of aerosols after explosions at coal mining enterprises. The results of calculating the number of posts required for the dust and gas cloud monitoring system are presented.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Petrenko I.E. Itogi raboty ugolnoy promyshlennosti Rossii za 2022 god (The results of the Russian coal industry in 2022) Ugol=Coal. 2023 No. 3. pp. 21-23 DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2023-3-21-33
  2. Luong L.T.M., Dang T.N., Thanh Huong N.T., Phung D., Tran L.K., Van Dung D., Thai P.K. Particulate Air Pollution in Ho Chi Minh City and Risk of Hospital Admission for Acute Lower Respiratory Infection (ALRI) among Young Children. Environ. Pollut. 2020. V. 257. 113424. DOI: 10.1016/j. envpol.2019.113424.
  3. Kosinova I.I., Sopin D.O., Yukina A.L. Ecologo-geologicheskay ocenka pylevoy nagruzki pri otkrytoy razrabotke mestorogdeniy granitnogo Syria (Ecological and geological assessment of the dust load during the open-pit mining of granite deposits) / Patterns of transformation of ecological functions of geospheres of large mining regions: Collection of materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference, Gomel, May 10-15, 2022. – Gomel: Gomel State University named after Franziska Skaryna, 2022. – pp. 137-140
  4. Gorlov Y.V., Belodedov A.A. O raschete vybrosov pyli na otvalah gornyh predpriyatiy (On the calculation of dust emissions at the dumps of mining enterprises) / Actual problems of subsoil use – 2021: Materials of the International scientific and practical Conference dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of A.G. Kobilev, Novocherkassk, November 30, 2021. Novocherkassk: South Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platov, 2021. – pp. 41-45
  5. Ghose M.K. & Majee S.r. Environmental Monitoring and assessment, 2000, 61(2), pp. 257–265.
  6. Mishina V.V. Problemy otkrytoy dobychi uglay i puti ih resheniay v g. Nyurengi (Problems of open-pit coal mining and ways to solve them in Neryungri) [Electronic resource]. – URL: http:/econf.rae.ru/article/5727 (date of application: 01/29/2023)
  7. Mark Brusseau, Ian Pepper & Charles Gerba. Environmental and Pollution Science. 3rd Edition. Academic Press, 2019, 662 p.
  8. Zhernov E., Nekhoda E. & Peters D. Nature and economy in the mining region: Holistic approach / E3S Web of Conferences. 4th International Innovative Mining Symposium, 2019, Vol. 105, Article No. 04012.
  9. Wark K., Warner C.F. & Davis W.T. Air pollution: its origin and control. 3rd ed. Menlo Park, California, ddison Wesley longman, Inc, 1998
  10. Korchagina T., Bykov A. & Schastlivcev E. Air pollution by coal dust as a factor of ecological compatibility for coal mining enterprises. 2019;134:02001. DOI: 10.1051/E3SCONf/201913402001
  11. Ljungman P.L.S., Andersson N., Stockfelt L., Andersson E.M., Nilsson Sommar J., Eneroth K., Gidhagen L., Johansson C., Lager A., Leander K. et al. Long-Term Exposure to Particulate Air Pollution, Black Carbon, and Their Source Components in Relation to Ischemic Heart Disease and Stroke. Environ. Health Perspect. 2019. № 127. Р. 107012. DOI: 10.1289/EHP4757
  12. Cortes-Ramirez J., Naish S., Sly P., Jagals P. Mortality and Morbidity in Populations in the Vicinity of Coal Mining: A Systematic Review. BMC Public Health. 2018. № 18. Р. 721. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-018-5505-7.
  13. Metodicheskie ukazania po raschetu neorganizovannyh vybrosov pyli I vrednyh gazov v atmosferu pri vzryvnyh rabotah na karierah gorno-khimicheskih predpriyatiy (Methodological guidelines for the calculation of unorganized emissions of dust and harmful gases into the atmosphere during blasting operations at quarries of mining and chemical enterprises), Lyuberzy, 1987. – P. 7.
  14. Leshukov T., Legoshchin K., Yakovenko O., Bach S., Russakov D., Dimakova D., Vdovina E., Baranova E., Avdeev K., Kolpina E. et al. Fractional Composition and Toxicity Coal–Rock of PM10-PM0.1 Dust near an Opencast Coal Mining Area and Coal-Fired Power Station. Sustainability. 2022. № 14. Р. 16594. DOI: 10.3390/su142416594.
  15. Abouchami, W., Näthe, K., Kumar, A., Galer, S. J. G., Jochum, K. P., Williams, E., et al. (2013). Geochemical and Isotopic Characterization of the Bodélé Depression Dust Source and Implications for Transatlantic Dust Transport to the Amazon Basin. Earth Planetary Sci. Lett., 380: 112–123.
UDC 550.34
Shlyapin A.V., Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Deputy Director, head of the department,
Belousov F.S., Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Researcher
(Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS)
Golubev F.M., Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Leading Researcher, head of the department.
(Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Republican Academic Research and Design Institute of Mining Geology, Geomechanics, Geophysics and Surveying")

Investigation of the near-surface soil massif to detect potential failure zones

Keywords:georadar, mining, gold mine, soil sounding, sinkhole, radarogram, decompressed soils, displacements, tectonic disturbances, electromagnetic wave

A study of the near-surface soil massif was carried out to identify areas of potential soil failures using the LOZA-1V ground penetrating radar system. The main objective of the survey was to analyze radargrams to identify potentially dangerous areas on profiles drawn along proposed geodetic reference stations in areas subject to deformation of the earth's surface and failures within the city limits. This equipment allows detecting areas of loose soil at depths of 6-8 meters, including those that currently do not lead to subsidence on the daytime surface. If such areas are detected, the LOZA-1V ground penetrating radar can be used for subsequent monitoring of changes in the near-surface layer.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Borella J, Quigley C., Riley M., Trutner S., Jol H., Borella M., Hampton S., Gravley D. Influence of anthropogenic landscape modifications and infrastructure on the geological characteristics of liquefaction. Anthropocene, 2020, V.29, 16 p.
  2. Lejzerowicz A., Kowalczyk S., Wysocka A. Application of ground penetrating radar method combined with sedimentological analyses in studies of glaciogenic sediments in central Poland. Studia Quaternaria, 2018, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 103–119.
  3. Rodionov A. I., Ryazancev P. A. Estimation of parameters of GPR signal in conditions of physical modeling of sand and gravel mixture. Geofizika, 2017. no. 6, pp.57–64. (In Russ).
  4. Fomenko N. E., Kapustin V. V., Gaponov D. A., Fomenko L. N. Investigation of technogenically fixed soils of the foundations by radar and seismic methods in the conditions of a long-term exploited cultural heritage site. Izvestiya Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Inzhiniring georesursov, 2018, V. 329 (8), pp. 16–29. (In Russ).
  5. Kulik K. N., Semenenko S. YA., Marchenko S. S., Ar’kov D. P., Koshelev A. V., Morozova N. V. Possibilities of GPR inspection of the state of an unauthorized household waste landfill. Ekologiya i stroitel’stvo, 2019 no. 4. pp. 4–13 (In Russ).
  6. Kulyandin G. A. Vyyavlenie tekhnogennogo zagryazneniya gruntovoj sredy metodom georadiolokacii (na primere uchastka stroitel’noj ploshchadki) [Identification of technogenic pollution of the soil environment by GPR (on the example of a construction site)] «Geologiya i mineral’no-syr’evye resursy Severo-Vostoka Rossii»: materialy VIII Vserossijskoj nauchnoprakticheskoj konferencii, g. YAkutsk, 18–20 apr. 2018 g.Yakutsk, 2018. 2. pp. 224–227. (In Russ).
  7. Stadler S., Igel J. A numerical study on using guided GPR waves along metallic cylinders in boreholes for permittivity sounding / 2018 17th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), 2018, pp.543-–548.
  8. Klewe T., Strangfeld C., Kruschwitz S. Review of moisture measurements in civil engineering with ground penetrating radar. Applied methods and signal features / Construction and Building Materials. Volume 278.2021. 9 p.
  9. Fedorova L. L., Kulyandin G. A., Poiseeva S. I. Structural investigation of waste piles by radiolocation. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2021;(12-1):243-254. (In Russ). DOI: 10.25 018/0236_1493_2021_121_0_243.
  10. Averin A.P., Frantov A.E., Belousov F.S. Research of Some Properties of Solid Combustible Components for Cheap Explosives. Inzhenernaya fizika = Engineering Physics. 2019. № 12. pp. 52–55. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.25791/infizik.12.2019.1102
  11. Belousov F.S. Studying the State of Rocks of Transitional Zones under the Conditions of Their Natural Occurrence by Methods of Mining Seismic in the Combined Development of Kimberlite Tubes. Inzhenernaya fizika = Engineering Physics. 2021. № 1. pp. 49–56. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.25791/infizik.1.2021.1187
  12. Belousov F.S. Investigation of the heterogeneity of the elastic properties of a rock mass in underground conditions by depth by ultrasonic logging. Occupational safety in industry. 2023. №. 11. pp. 17-21. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2023-11-17-21

Section 6. Information
UDC 622.235
Bolotova Yu.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Executive Director of ANO "NOIV", member of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(ANO "National Organization of Explosive Engineers")

Participation of the scientific council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the problems of "National economic use of explosions" in solving complex scientific and technical programs for the development of the drilling and blasting complex of the country

Keywords:scientific council, report, explosives, blasting, borehole charge, rocks

On March 26, 2024, on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the large coal mining company Kuzbassrazrezugol Coal Company, for the first time in Kuzbass at the Kedrovsky coal mine (a branch of Kuzbassrazrezugol Management Company JSC", located in the Kemerovo city district), the second meeting of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the problems of "National economic use of explosions" was held in 2024. The decision to hold a meeting of the Council in the heart of the Russian coal industry was absolutely correct – about 40% of the all-Russian coal is mined here, and it is here that all innovative blasting methods are tested in conditions of real coal mining. And on September 10, 2024, for the first time in Kaspiysk, the next, third meeting of the Council was held. The venue is the Derbent conference hall of the Azimut Hotel. The decision to hold a meeting of the RAS Council on the shores of the Caspian Sea is caused by the prospect of the region's development – the main North–South transport routes will pass here. A distinctive feature of the meetings of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences in different regions of the Great Country was the discussion of the development of mining technologies in the context of the sanctions burden and the terrorist threat to dangerous production facilities. One of the important topics of the Council's meetings was the consideration of problems in mining and explosives related to the development of central, southern and northern territories, including the territories of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, the construction of facilities for the development of the Northern Sea Route and the problems of ensuring technological sovereignty in the production of initiation tools for the mining industry.

UDC 622.235
Conference Organizing Committee

Explosion is an art!

Keywords:conference, participants, drilling and blasting operations, development, experience

On December 12-13, 2024, the Poles conference "People. Gold. Technologies", which was dedicated to drilling and blasting operations. For two days, 150 participants from Polyus business units, 20 leading mining companies and software and hardware suppliers exchanged experiences, discussed new technologies and best practices. 52 reports were heard, which covered the steps of the process: preparation of a mass explosion project, drilling and blasting operations, performance analysis and implementation of improvements.


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