| Article title | Pages |
Section 1. Theoretical and experimental research in the explosive cases and destruction of rocks
 | Trubezkoi K.N., Victorov S.D., Kutuzov B.N., Repin N.Iа Problems of development of explosive business on the terrestrial surface | 3-24 |
 | Krjukov G.M., Dokutovich M.I. Comparison of theoretical estimations of crushing of rocks by explosion to results of skilled crushing of separateness of limestone on career | 25-37 |
 | Viktorov S.D., Kochanov A.N. Experimental researches of microstructural changes of samples of rocks at intensive explosive influence | 38-42 |
 | Gordopolov Yu.A., Gordopolova I.S. Compression of cylindrical shell by sliding detonation wave | 43-50 |
 | Kukib B.N. Influence of cover material on critical diameter of detonation | 51-56 |
 | Kazakov N.N., Lapikov I.N. About the form of rock blasting fragmented pieces | 57-62 |
 | Dzhigrin A.V., Butchatski V.M., Murin K.M. Research of the hole charge's detonation at torpedoing of the difficult collapsible roof | 63-72 |
 | Frantov A.E. Improved methods for the initiation of mineral extraction | 73-79 |
Section 2. The technology of blasting operations in the development of solid mineral deposits
 | Alexandrov V.N., Sadykov I.F., Bazotov V.J., Vishnjakov A.K., Begashev D.V. Explosive technique of activation of salt rocks for their hydraulic mining by boreholes | 80-91 |
 | Kusmin S.N., Fadin I.M., Zatevakhin M.A., Brigadin I.W. The method of decision the problem of ventilation deep career by cascade explosion fam | 92-99 |
 | Ilyukhin V.S., Sosnin V.A., Strakhov A.G., Filinov A.I. The possibility for emulsion explosives application in sulfide rocks and ores | 100-109 |
 | Alexandrov V.N., Bazotov V.J., Vishnjakov A.K., Begashev D.V., Belin V.A., Krjukov G.M. The mixed charge of explosive for hydraulic mining by boreholes of rocks from horizontal chambers | 110-117 |
 | Butchatski V.M. Method of explosion and hydraulic destruction of the main roof's hanging consoles | 118-127 |
 | Bolotov A.B. Characteristics of blasting operations at dolomit mining pit | 128-133 |
 | Togunov M.B. Enhancing blasting operations at kovdorskiy mining and processing plant based on non-electric initiation systems | 134-140 |
 | Timoshin V.I., Prokopenko V.S. Influence of non-electric initiation systems on enhancing blasting technology | 141-146 |
Section 3. Industrial explosives and blasting agents
 | Kutuzov B.N., Ekvist B.V., Bragin P.A. The results of the industrial tests of electric detonators with electronic set-back | 147-152 |
 | Bovt A.N., Solodilov L.N., Shchukin Yu.G., Strikun T.A., Kolominov I.A.,Chernyshov S.N. Development of charges based on utilized elements of solid propellants for deep-water seismics in conditions of permafrost and shelf zone of arctic ocean | 153-160 |
 | Guskov S., Dushkin A., Lyakhov Z., Zarko V., Simonenko V., Andreev V. Application of mechanical and chemical technology for producing pyrotechnical compositions based on ferroalloy and non-organic oxidants | 161-168 |
 | Smirnov A.S., Sosnin V.A., Khvorov F.T., Filinov A.I., Karachev A.G., Mikhailyukova A.I., Kuzmichev D.Yu. Issues concerning detonation velocity determination | 169-174 |
 | Derzhavets A.S., Rudneva T.G., Filchakov A.A., Stolyarov P.N. Issue about possibility of rating emulsion used in industrial explosives production to a subclass 5.1. “Emulsion, suspension or gel of ammonium nitrate used as intermediate raw material in high explosives production” | 175-193 |
 | Ilyin V.P., Gorokhovtsev A.G., Boitsov V.I., Pechenev Yu.G., Kozhevnikov V.G., Bastrakov N.I. Commercial booster charges as one of fgup “GOSNII “Kristall” innovation activity trends | 194-203 |
 | Shalygin N.K., Mardasov O.F., Babinsteva V.V., Isakova L.V., Novikov B.V., Zaysteva N.B. Experience of creating plants for patronize emulsion explosives at industry factories (FSUE “DVPO “Sunrise“, Fsue “Plant “Plastic“) | 204-211 |
 | Shalygin N.K., Markov P.P., Glinski V.P., Ogurtsov V.M. Special vehicles for joint transportation of explosives and si payload capacity of up to 1 ton (EX-II -type) | 212-218 |
 | Sher E., Andreev V., Grishin А. Seismic fluctuations in application of high-precision electronic and non-electric blasting systems | 219-226 |
 | Zykov A., Taekin V., Timoshin I. Application of non-electric initiation SINV-systems and electric detonators with electronic delay at “Vzryvprom yuga Kuzbassa” | 227-232 |
 | Ilyin V.P., Tarakanov A.I., Chekalina L.K., Verkhoturova V.E. Legislative documents in the sphere of commercial explosives | 233-240 |
Section 4. Environment and safety during blasting operations
 | Kukib B.N., Yoffe V.B. Ignition of methane-air mixture during the detonation of explosive charges with open surface | 241-250 |
 | Kushnerov P.I., Petrov E.A., Bukhanov V.I. Analysis of development and test results of safety explosives for coal mines | 251-264 |
 | Shvedov K.K. The investigation of ammonium nitrate decomposition plenitude diring the explosion mixture at its basis by the soil analysis | 264-284 |
 | Fokin V.A., Togunov M.B., Shitov Y.B. About seismic safety methods of near contour blocks blasting in a deep open pits | 285-292 |
 | Paramonov G.P., Chernobay V.I. The formation of sulfur dioxide and its inhibition in conditions of brisant coverage of products detonation at the sulfur-containing rocks explosive destruction | 293-302 |
 | Artemov V.A., Vinogradova E.Yu., Vinogradov Yu.I., Gendler S.G. Influence of parity between depth of charge placing and weight of explosive on seismoblast waves parameters in near zone of explosion | 303-307 |
Section 5. Information events
 | Development of N.V. Melnikov ideas in the field of integrated development of mineral resources (on the 100th anniversary of Academician N.V. Melnikov) | 308-310 |
 | The results of the IV international scientific-practical conference "The Russian system of non-electric blasting SINV - 10 years. Experience. Problems. Prospects" | 311-314 |
 | Итоги международной научно-практической конференции «Российской системе неэлектрического взрывания СИНВ – 10 лет. Опыт. Проблемы. Перспективы» | 315-315 |
 | Shemiakin E.I. - obituary | 316-317 |
 | Information about the authors | 318-323 |
| Editorial board | 324-326 |