| Article title | Pages |
Section 1. Theoretical and experimental research in the explosive cases and destruction of rocks
 | Gordopolov Yu.A., Gordopolova I.S. Acceleration of projectile plate by sliding detonation wave: numerical modeling | 3-16 |
 | Rakishev B.R., Auezova A.M., Samenov G.K. Study of explosion cracking in transparent blocks | 17-26 |
 | S. Buravova The fracture mechanism of solid bodies at contact pulse loading | 27-39 |
 | Paramonov G.P., Kovalevski V. N., Kirsanov O.N. Some features of the kinetics of an autocatalytic burning and ignition reaction of sodium chlorate with polyethylene in a manometrical bomb | 40-46 |
 | Pervukhin L.B., Pervukhina O.L. Features of explosives for industrial production of bimetals by explosion welding | 47-57 |
 | Kazakov N.N. Numerical parametres of a wave of pressure on radiation border | 58-68 |
Section 2. Development and usage of explosive technologies for mineral deposits mining
 | Belin V.A., Krukov G.M., Vaver P.A., Zhavoronko S.N. Evaluating the parameters of explosive rock crushing in open pits | 69-80 |
 | Rakishev B.R., Muhamedzhanov E.B., Auezova A.M. Rational parameters of hole load charges position in situ rock | 81-90 |
 | Fokin V.A. About choice standard of judgement to intensities of the rock massive dynamic loading under production blasts in open pit conditions | 91-102 |
 | Sisoev A.A., Grishin S.V., Kokin S.V. Parameters of preliminary contour blasting as dewatering blasting blocks | 103-112 |
 | Shkumatov A.N., Kendiukh S.N. Improving of explosive construction technology for the mine excavations connection on ukrainian mines | 113-120 |
 | Frantov А.Е., Zakalinsky V.M. Method of explosive preparation of ore of in combination open-pit and underground mining | 121-128 |
 | Menzhulin M.G. Trofimov A.V. Zakharian M.V. Two stages destruction of boulder by mud-capping and oblong cumulative charges placed in special safety device | 129-137 |
 | Akhanov T.M. Drilling and blasting works for breakage of the interchamber pillars by secondary mining of zhezkhazgan copperfields | 138-144 |
Section 3. Industrial explosives anf initiation devices
 | Strshinov A.V, Neiman V.R., Bakulin V.N., Kozak G.D., Litovka O.B., Zhamian Zh. Results of investigation of anfo mixtures on base of different raw materials | 145-155 |
 | Fokin V.A. The method quality of the emulsion explosives on the velocity of detonation | 156-161 |
 | Demchenko N.G. Role of water in composition of industrial explosives | 162-168 |
 | Mamedov Z.Y, Kalkiy L.N. Selection of emulsion explosives for the effective conduction blasting operations | 169-174 |
 | Kalinichev A.Yu., Voronov I.L., Ibragimov A.A., Shchukin Yu.G., Chernyshov S.N., Strikun T.A., Kolominov I.A. Commercial explosives based on dnt and an for mechanical charging in mining sulfide ore | 175-180 |
 | Mamedov Z. Influence of various factors on the emulsion explosives final density of under load the wells | 181-185 |
 | Andreev V.V, Ignatenko A.G. Recent blasting systems | 186-191 |
Section 4. Ecology and safety at blasting
 | Dobrynin I.A., Victorov S.D., Shlyapin A.V. Research of skilled explosions for the forecast of influence of explosion of the dam by training Kambaratinsky HES-2 | 192-198 |
 | Kukib B.N. Ignition of methane-air mixture during the detonation of explosive charges with open lateral surface | 199-210 |
 | Menzhulin M.G., Zakharian M.V., Trofimov A.V., Afanasiev P.I. Appraisal depreciation of seismic blast waves impact on buildings, basis on estimate of fracture nucleus | 211-219 |
 | Paramonov G.P.,Shalaev M.S. Reducing exposure from single blasting on water resources apply to blast work engineering; as example were taken bastard granite in lahdenpohskiy region of republic Karelia | 220-227 |
Section 6. Information events
 | Viktorov S.D., Zakaliпsky J.M., Fraпtov А.Е. Тhе 6-th international conference оп physical problems of rock destruction | 228-232 |
 | Serve the cause: To the Kolganova E.V. 60th anniversary, Director of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research Institute "Kristall" | 233-237 |
 | Shemiakin E.I. (to the 80-th anniversary) | 238-239 |
 | Information about the authors | 240-243 |