| Article title | Pages |
Section 1. Theoretical and experimental studies on explosions and fracture of rocks
 | UDC 622.235 Belin V.A., Krukov G.M. (MSMU)
Results of rocks fracture by explosion theory development Keywords: rock, a phenomenological quasistatic-wave model, the charge of industrial explosives, stress strain state explosion This paper presents the results of the development of a new theory of rock explosion of the charges of industrial based on the phenomenological quasistatic-wave model N.V. Rodionova | 3-17 |
 | UDC 622.235 Kazakov N.N. (ERAS RICEMR RAS) Tsukerman A.I. (Mihajlovsky GOK)
The general classification of rocks by explosibility Keywords: explosive works, an open-cast mine, resistibility to destruction, the specific expense, an explosibility category, classes, a grid of chinks In article the detailed description of the general classification of rocks developed by authors on explosibility is resulted. The offered classification includes ten categories of explosibility. It can be used on all open-cast mines at extraction of ores and building materials. | 18-25 |
 | UDC 662.215.2 Raikova V.M., Annikov V.E., Veprikova А.А. (Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow)
Calculation of explosion heat of watergel explosives containing aluminum Keywords: watergel explosives, aluminum, explosion heat Explosion heat of water-impregnated explosives containing various content of aluminum were calculated. Computations were performed by means of SD and Real computer codes. Also explosion heat was calculated by use reaction equation of explosive transformation. The agreement of all variants of calculation have been received. | 26-33 |
 | UDC 622.235:620.22 Odintsev V.N.
Modelling of geomaterial strength decrease under pulse and wave impaction Keywords: geomaterial, rocks, destruction, strength decrease, microcrack, latency period, mechanical model, pulse impaction, wave impaction The paper considers parameters of geomaterial dynamic destruction, in particular lag in time of the destruction onset. Increase in frequency of the impaction is shown to activate smaller natural cracks. A 1 GHz frequency is needed to activate submicronal cracks. | 34-45 |
 | UDC 622.235 Kochanov A.N. (IPKON RAN)
About the role of wave and gas factors on process of explosive prefracture and destruction of rocks Keywords: explosive influence, rocks, wave of pressure, prefracture, pressure of gases, the mechanism, microdefects, destruction In article representations about the mechanism of explosive influence on rocks are considered. The important role of joint action of waves of pressure and gaseous products is marked at explosion.. The role of a wave of pressure consists in formation of system of microdefects - prefracture of rocks. Dynamics of quasistatic pressure of gases causes time features of development of cracks. | 46-53 |
Section 2. Development and usage of explosive technologies for mineral deposits mining
 | UDC 622.235 Belin V.А., Krukov G.М., Dugartcyrenov А.V., Kamolov S.А., Ismailov Т.Т. (MSMU)
The general principles of a choice of parameters of chisel and explosive works at detonation of difficult structural files of rocks Keywords: blast, additional hole, differently structural the file, detonation velocity, fragmentation, diameter of a charge, zone of adjustable crushing, additional charge The general approach to choice explosive substances and diameter of a charge in additional chinks is proved at detonation of difficult structural files of rocks. | 54-61 |
 | UDC 622.235 Menzhulin M. G, Fedoseev A.V., Zaharjan M. V, Afonasev P. I, Bulbashev A.A. (SPPGI)
Calculation of blasting parameters on the basis of interface of zones destructions for porous and cracked breeds Keywords: waves of compression, zone radius cracking, break-away layers, energy dissipation, rock jointing, porosity, strength, a grid of chinks, a line of the least resistance In work the method of definition of parameters of a wave of pressure in трещиноватых rocks is considered. Decrease in speed of a longitudinal wave depending on infringements of a file and change of the sizes of zones of destruction is estimated. Recommendations about definition of a grid of chinks and a line of the least resistance are resulted. | 62-67 |
 | UDC 622.235 Vinogradov Ya.I. (SPPGI)
Principles of drilling and blasting operation parameters calculation based on invariants of crushing Keywords: drilling-and-blasting parameters, energy distribution, blast, grain-size composition of the blasted rock mass, invariant, determination method On basis of researches the invariants of rock mass fracture by blasting energy were obtained, which enabled to establish the drilling-and-blasting parameters determination method for specified grain-size composition of the blasted rock mass. | 68-82 |
 | UDC 622.235 Zakalinskiy V.M., Frantov A.E.
About the continuity priciple of technological solutions for blasting Keywords: mining engineering systems, large-scale breaking, continuity, development models, extensive and intensive development, the optimization curve This article outlines the problems of blasting technology from a perspective of science and technology progress using extensive and intensive development models. The principle of production continuity is suggested to apply for the combination of different extraction processes. Theoretical consideration of this issue is shown by the example of a large-scale breaking in underground mining. | 83-92 |
 | UDC 622.233:622 Ismailov T.T., Kamolov Sh.A.
The rock deformation process in explosion of long combined charge Keywords: point initiation, a detonation wave, a special automodelling wave discharging, time of expansion of a cavity, breed destruction, products of a detonation, charging a cavity It is resulted the analysis of results of laboratory experimental researches of deformation of lead samples by explosion of the combined charges. It is shown that processes of deformation and destruction of breeds at dot initiation of the extended charges completely are defined by pressure Detonation products in concrete section of these charges. | 93-104 |
 | UDC 622.235 Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N.
Influence of hole charges number on particle size distribution of rock mass Keywords: еxplosion, structure, quantity the chink of charges In article number influence simultaneously blown up the chink of charges on granulometrichesky structure of the mountain weight beaten off by explosion is considered. On the basis of the developed settlement method and a complex of computer programs the estimation of concrete conditions of detonation of the "Shchurovsky" open-cast mine is executed and the optimum quantity the chink is defined. | 105-112 |
 | UDC 622.235 Kozub A.V. (JSC «Mikhailovsky GOK»)
Determination parameters of two-ledge blocks with variable height Keywords: double ledge blocks; explosive works; open-cast mine In article the technology breaking ores and rocks double ledge is considered by blocks of variable height. Features of calculation of technological parameters of definition of constructive elements are considered. | 113-120 |
Section 3. Industrial explosives and initiation devices research
 | UDC 622.235.213 Kukib B.N., Lavrov V.V., Demchenko N.G.
Experimental investigation of a detonation ability of ammonium nitrate Keywords: ammonium nitrate, detonation velocity, critical diameter There was a survey of experimental works on the detonation of ammonium nitrate. Particular attention was paid to the analysis data to assess the ability of the detonation of various samples AN. Analysis showed that the explosive processes that apply to the front velocity at 1.7 km/sec to detonation does not include. | 121-141 |
 | UDC 622.235 Viktorov S.D. (RAS Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources) Starshinov A.V., Zhamjan Zh. (company «MONMAG»)
Experimental estimation and comparison of work of multicomponent explosives of various structure Keywords: mixed explosives, ammonium nitrate, grain, combustible additive Results of comparative estimations of working capacity of multicomponent explosives of various structure by various experimental techniques are resulted. It is shown that for systems of type ANFO dependence of an indicator of working capacity appreciably depends on type and structure of granules of ammoniac saltpeter and a combustible additive, but at surplus combustible more stoichiometrical maintenances depends on its quantity a little. | 142-150 |
 | UDC 622.235 Kozyrev S.A., Vlasova E.A., Sokolov A.V.
Study of properties and experimental determination of the effectiveness of explosive simple mixture anfo at pneumatic charging Keywords: ANFO, porous types of ammonium nitrate, detonation velocity, gaseous harmfulness, relative working capacity, explosive characteristics In the testing and in-situ conditions tests have been carried out of mixture made of porous types of ammonium nitrate produced by JSC "Akron" and "Yara-AB". Detonation velocity, gaseous harmfulness and relative working capacity have been determined at pneumatic charging of explosives. | 151-161 |
 | UDC 622.235.535.2 Akimushkin Y.A., Andreev V.V.
Improving borehole non-electric explosion initiation system Keywords: mines, explosion systems, sealing plug, explosion works Non-electric explosion systems application was viewed in the mines safety for gas and dust. The reasons for refuse were founded out and practical advices how to avoid them were given. Consumers were informed about improved non-electric explosion system “ISKRA”. | 162-167 |
 | UDC 622.2:614.83 Семейкин Н.П., Шаршин Ю.А. (ООО «ЛогиС») Эквист Б.В. (МГГУ)
Disclosure of explosives with the aid of analysis of resonance condition in radio-frequency field Keywords: explosives, safety, disclosure, radio-frequency field, resonance, analysis We describe method of disclosure explosives base on nuclear resonance. Give favorite reception to characteristics of method. Experimental specimen base on the both method stranded the industrial tests. | 168-170 |
 | UDC 622.035 Borovikov V.A., Slastenko V.K., Atojan G.L.
About the interconnection between the density of charging and the intensity of the shock wave and fracture behavior Keywords: explosive materials, explosion energy, emergency situation, unauthorized explosion, act of terror, velocity of detonation, acoustic stiffness, underwater shock wave, stress wave, refracted wave method, fracture efficiency In the article the results of the impact research of the density of explosive materials on the shock wave parameters and the fracture efficiency in the solid medium are presented. The improved method of the estimation of properties of explosive materials by underwater explosion is introduced, taking into consideration dissipative loss of energy in the near-field zone of explosion. It is shown that the transition to loose explosives is followed by the essential decrease of the wave amplitude, increase of the shock wave thickness and less intense gradient of descent. Such a behavior of stressing of explosive solid medium provides loose mode of fracture, directed split and is recommended for crystals mining, extraction of block stones and destruction of dense constructions. | 171-183 |
 | UDC 612.215.2 Starshinov A.V., Kostylev S.S., Alexeeva O.A., Miletenko I.V.
Technical and metodical bases of explosives efficiency ensuring for excavation preparation Keywords: explosive rupture, mixed explosives, porous granules, testing methods, mixing methods, agitating devices According to the results of the analysis of the historical and technical opportunities of the explosives manufacturing and usage for rock fragmentation, the proposals on the following directions were made: the selection of the raw materials, the testing methods, the manufacturing methods and technical equipment for mixed explosives based on the solid ammonium nitrate, in the form of porous granules. | 184-198 |
 | UDC 662.235 Sosnin A.V.
Influence of the sizes and parameters of microspheres for speed of a detonation in emulsion explosives Keywords: speed of a detonation, microspheres, sensitizer, emulsion In article the question influence of the sizes and parameters of microspheres for speed of a detonation in an emulsion explosives is considered. The empirical model of a detonation emulsion explosives , process of sensitization emulsion explosives at the expense of introduction gas cavities necessary for a stable detonation is shown, the theory of "flashpoints" on which mechanism is considered there is detonation emulsion explosives and variants of course of reactions of explosive transformation and prospective mechanisms of initiation by microspheres. The given speeds of a detonation emulsion explosives in chinks and cartridges are experimentally obtained at various diameters of a sensitizer which give the chance to define "ideal" parameters of a detonation. | 199-209 |
Section 4. Ecology and safety at blasting
 | UDC 622.235 Paramonov G.P., Mironov J.A., Chernobay V.I., Andreev R.E., Moldovan D.V. (The St.-Petersburg state mountain university)
Increase of efficiency and safety of explosive works at carrying out of mountain developments on pyrite mines Keywords: charge, tamping, explosion, blasthole, locking gas dynamics the device, a sulphidic dust, sulphurous gas The opportunity of application in quality tamping blasthole explosive charges locking gas dynamics devices is shown. Results of laboratory and industrial tests of designs blasthole charges providing prevention of explosion of a sulphidic dust and decrease in emission of sulphurous gas are resulted. | 210-217 |
 | UDC 622.235 Makhrakov I.V.
Method for bump hazard for blasting work prediction in the mines of JSC "SUBR" Keywords: forecast, bump hazard, seismoacoustic observation, pneu-mopatron, relief well, impact on rock The article discusses ways to use shock-hazard prediction in terms of JSC "SUBR". In describing this method, reviewed the technical means for influencing the masses and feedback seismo-acoustic signal. Shows the results of data processing. | 218-229 |
 | UDC 622.235 Fokin V.A., Togunov M.B., Shitov Y.A.
To the question of efficiency of application of electronic detonators for decrease in seismic action of mass explosions of hole charges Keywords: explosives, electronic detonators, seismic action of explosion In article results of additional explosions of the skilled blocks spent with use of electronic detonators, for the purpose of check of efficiency of their application for decrease in seismic action of mass explosions in open pit conditions are shown. | 230-238 |
 | UDC 622.235 Artemov V.A., Vinogradov J.I., Kholodilov A.N., Gustov S.V., Shcherbakov N.J.
Research of seismosafe conditions of production of mass explosions on JSC "Novoshirokinskoye mine" Keywords: explosion, mine, a seismic wave, attenuation factor, seismicity factor, safety Results of tool measurements of parameters of seismic blast waves are presented at explosive loosening of ore on Novoshirokinskoye mine. The choice of admissible velocity of displacement with reference to structurally-geological properties of a file and an industrial infrastructure of mine is proved. | 239-252 |
 | UDC 51.1:28.081 Kozlovskaya T.F. (Kremenchug Mykhaylo Ostrogradskiy National University (Ukraine)
Ecological risk as measure of estimation of ecological danger of application of explosives on openworks of minerals Keywords: explosives, ecological risk, ecological safety physical and chemical monitoring Тhe conceptual questions of estimation of degree of ecological risk and ecological danger are considered at the use of explosives on the mountain openwork’s for mining and creation on this basis of the system of the physical and chemical monitoring. | 253-261 |
Section 5. Explosion usage in other fields and various technological processes
 | UDC 622.235 Menzhulin M.G., Zakharian M.V., Trofimov A.V.
Method of forecasting of seismic stability of buildings and constructions on the basis of criterion of decrease in durability summary Keywords: seismoblast wave, initial crack, stress concentration, strength, growth of cracks, destruction forecasting, depth of the concentrator, sharp cut In the paper the basic approaches to an estimation of size of concentrators of pressure on durability of concrete and cement are considered. With classical approaches comparison of experimental data is resulted of factor of concentration of pressure. A technique for the evaluation criterion to reduce the strength of buildings and structures under the action of seismic waves on the fact of development of cracks. | 262-272 |
 | UDC 622.235:622.272 Paramonov G.P., Kovalevskij V.N. (The St.-Petersburg state mountain university) Kirsanov O.N. («Applied chemistry»)
Experience of application gasgenerating of structures at extraction of the block stone on open-cust mine building materials Keywords: manometrical bomb, speed of burning, chlorate of sodium, gas-generating structure, open-cust mine, branch, granite blocks The experimental and settlement data on research in a manometrical bomb of speed of burning gasgenerating structures are submitted on the basis of chlorate of sodium with polythene and results of their application in career at branch granite blocks. | 273-281 |
 | UDC 622.235 Dudaev S.A.
Explosive technologies and equipment for increasing productivity of oil and gas wells Keywords: powder generator, fuel-oxidation mixtures, intensification, integrated devices, collector Discusses new technologies and equipment for the intensification of wells with high combustion products of solid and liquid fuels oxidative compounds (SES), as well as their use in various geotechnical conditions. | 282-297 |
 | UDC 622.235.535.2 Tulebaev K.K
Seismic effect of different explosive types on the camera’s roof Keywords: seismic action, well charge, ultrasound, stability of rock, disturbance The article discusses the issue of increasing the stability of immediate roof development workings by using seysmooberegayuschey technology of blasting. For this purpose it is proposed shpurovye charges, delineation immediate roof of the chamber, charge a low-power, safety of explosives. According to the results of ultrasonic sounding of the roof was found that with this method of registration of the roof depth of the zone of disturbed rocks is reduced by 30-40%. | 298-305 |
Section 6. Information events
 | To Kutuzov B.N 80-th anniversary | 306-308 |
 | Information about the authors | 309-312 |