| Article title | Pages |
Section 1. Theoretical and experimental studies on explosions and fracture of rocks
 | Gordopolov Yu.A., Denisova N.A.,Poletaev A.V., Trofimov V.S. About the detonation of a stoichiometric mixture ZN-S summary | 3-16 |
 | Belin V.A., Brigadin I.V., Bydkov A.M., Krasnov S.A. Numerical calculation of mass explosion parameters | 17-26 |
 | Kazakov N.N. Mass speed of particles in a wave on radiation border | 27-32 |
 | Zhelunitsyn Yu.P., Frantov A.E. Assessment of the ring jet charge active part | 33-42 |
 | Levankovskiy I.A., Norel B.K., Murin K.M., Gusev N.N., Makhrakov I.V. Additional physical parameter characterizing the type of stress state of rocks with a bulk loading to describe the mechanical processes of explosion | 43-52 |
Section 2. Development and usage of explosive technologies for mineral depos-its mining
 | Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V., Kretov S.I., Kozub A.V. The application of emulsion explosives for ore crushing double blocks in the career of JSC "Mikhailovsky GOK" | 53-64 |
 | Krukov G.M., Zhavoronko S.N. No-oversized loosening explosion rocks at the pits for mining rubble | 65-71 |
 | Kozyrev S. A. Zvonar A.Yu. Increase of efficiency and safety for explosive breaking in the underground mines of the Khibiny deposits when using emulsive explosives | 72-91 |
 | Paramonov G.P., Kovalevskiy V.N., Dambaev J.G. Assessment of dynamic effects on a massif of elongated cumulative charges with dampening gasket | 92-99 |
 | Fokin V.A., Togunov M.B., Semkin S.V., Shitov Y.A. Estimation to defensive efficiency of the presplitting on a results of seismic measurements at production mass blast in open pit | 100-111 |
 | Dugartsyrenov A.V. The physical nature and the mechanism of destruction of rock at camouflet explosion | 112-126 |
Section 3. Industrial explosives and initiation devices research
 | Kukib B.N., Lavrov V.V., Demchenko N.G. Analyses of results on the ammonium nitrate detonation | 127-139 |
 | Goncharov A.I., Kulikov V.I. Determination of efficiency of explosives by seismic effect of explosion | 140-153 |
 | Vasilishin M.S., Petrov E.A., Balahnina A.V., Ivanov O.S., Ahmadeev I.R. To the estimation of size of ablation of crystal nitrate of sodium from the device with the pulsing layer | 154-162 |
 | Kogan V.L., Dobrynin I.A.,Gisin E.A., Kuparev S.V. The influence of storage duration on granulites RP explosive properties | 163-180 |
 | Makhrakov I.V Theoretical determination of the critical conditions for the complete camouflet blasting borehole explosive charge | 181-187 |
 | Starshinov A.V. Some parameters of the quality estimation and the classification of the mixed explosives components | 188-194 |
 | Kushnerov P.I., Panchishin O.V. Using industrial wastes in making explosives as a new way of their effective and safe utilization | 195-206 |
Section 4. Using of explosion and combustion processes in other fields, and various industrial processes. Aspects of security
 | Gendler S.G.,Vinogradov U.I., Lebedev M.O. Seismic influence of explosions on lining operating tunnels at the construction of bypass | 207-218 |
 | Dzhigrin A.V., Isaev I.R. Assessing the consequences of methane and dust explosions in coal mines | 219-227 |
 | Paramonov G.P., Kovalevskij V.N., Kirsanov O.N. Gas dynamics conditions of stability of burning of structures on the basis of chlorate of sodium and hydrocarbons | 228-240 |
 | Dzhigrin A.V., Gorlov A.Y., Gorlov Y.V., Silina L.B. Device for combined coal seam weakening in order to improve its drainage development | 241-251 |
 | Garifullin R.Sh., Bazotov V.Y., Mokeev А.А., Salnikov A.S. The analysis of results of calculation of structure of products of burning of thermoplastic solid fuel, intended for increases of debit of oil wells | 252-258 |
 | Tulebaev K.K. Seismic blasting action on a partially decorated pillar bearing | 259-265 |
Section 6. Information events
 | Information about the 22-th World Mining Congress and Equipment and mining technologies exhibition | 266-268 |
 | Results of the first scientific and practical conference "Improvement of the technology of blasting at mining enterprises of Kazakhstan" | 269-272 |
 | To Kushnerov P.I. 80-th anniversary | 273-275 |
 | To Dzhigrin A.V. 55-th anniversary | 276-277 |
 | Krukov G.M. Obituary | 278-279 |
 | Information about the authors | 280-282 |
 | Editorial board | 283-284 |