"Explosion technology"— scientific and technical journal

Journal was founded in 1922 by a group of engineers. In Russia and the CIS "Explosion technology" is the only one peer-reviewed specialized periodical in the field of blasting.

Issue 109/66 (2013)

Theory and practice of blasting work

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Section 1. Theoretical and experimental studies on the development of rock frac-ture by explosion
UDC 662.235
Adushkin V.V., Сspivak A.A.

Influence of the earth's crust stress on the explosion rock destruction

Keywords: explosion, rock, stress, crushing

The rock pressure influence on the solid medium destruction due to explosion was considered in article. It was shown the effectiveness of the blast rock crushing depend on the ratio between active stress and rock's strength.

UDC 622.235.532.2
Belin V.A., Budkov A. M., Kapustyasky S.M., Krasnov S.A., Gumerov M.R.

Numerical improvement in predictive parameter estimates to throw explosion dams

Keywords: dam, throw explosion, model, real solid ground

Provided physical and mathematical model of formation of wave field in underground blast. The model takes into account the actual engineering-geological structure of the array and will improve the accuracy of forecast parameters of to throw explosion dams.

UDC 622.273.2:622.831
Gospodarikov A.P., Zacepin M.A.

The algorithm of solution the important boundary value problems of geomechanics

Keywords: forecast, geomechanics, rock massif, stress and strain state, computational methods

This article is devoted to the algorithm of the forecast of stress and strain state nonhomogeneous layered rock massif. The modeling based on applying the whole package of computational methods: variational method, discrete continuation on numeric parameter method, quasi-linearization of value boundary problem, finite difference method, Thomas algorithm and iterative process.

UDC 622.023
Zharikov I.F., Norel B.K.

Energy criterion of durability of rock for various types of intensive state volumes

Keywords: rock, resistance, loading, trehosnoe is component of the energy theory, compression strength

From the perspective of energy options are considered mechanical strength theory of rock with their volume loading, having a significant impact on the dynamic processes of disintegration of rocks. Correlations between motor, energy and strength indicators resistance of rocks exposed to the component fields of mechanical pressure not equal.

UDC 622.235
Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N.

Cavity model and some parameters of the quasistatic phase explosion borehole charge of finite length

Keywords: finite length, the quasi-static phase, the quasi-static cavity, the mass flow rate, the maximum voltage, energy

The article describes the proposed model form quasistatic gas cavity in the explosion of a charge Kohnen length in the array of rocks. Digital values are components of the gas volume of the cavity and some parameters of the quasi-static phase of the explosion.

UDC 622.235
Kazakov N.N., Lapikov I.N., Shlyapin A.V.

The energy in the area of the explosion camouflet borehole charge of finite length

Keywords: cavity zone, energy, energy density, crushing, chunk size

The article describes the method of determining the distribution of the energy blast and crush rock in spherical and cylindrical parts of kamuflet zone. The results of calculation of the energy parameters and size breed for a specific example.

UDC 622.235
Menzhulin M.G, Afаnasev P. I., Kazmina A.Y.

Energy of dissipation calculation are based on definition created cracks at expansion wave of pressure

Keywords: porosity, rock destruction, crack

In work, energy of dissipation is considered at created new and development of existing cracks. At influence wave of pressure in rock new cracks, therefore the wave of unloading goes on again created and available cracks of the environment that leads to energy losses arise. It is necessary to consider these defects as they influence form adiabatic curve of unloading and change energy of dissipation.

UDC 622.235
Shapurin A.V., Vasilchuk Y.V.

Prediction of blasted rocks granulometric composition

Keywords: granulometric composition, mathematical model, average median size of blasted rocks

The authors developed a mathematical a model that allows predicting the granulometric composition of blasted rocks, based on data received in Ukraine quarries and open pits. The model based on Rosin-Rammler distribution, empirical formula for mean size of blasted rock predicting and empirical coefficient, that describes uniformity of solid rock massive crushing by blast. The accuracy of model prediction was tested at industrial blasts.


Section 2. Development and usage of explosive technologies in solid minerals mining
UDC 622.235
Brigadin I.V., Gubajdullin V.M., Doroshenko S.I., Krasnov S. A., Mytarev V.M.

Some advice on cutting charges gelpor

Keywords: gelpor, explosion, specific consumption, oversize

Describes how oversize of charges based on gelpor for dressing oversized cargo. Experimental set specific consumption of PWV in the gel, which is 2 times less than for twisted. Introduced the concept of "practical" and "physical" specific consumption.

UDC 622.235
Vinogradov Yu.I.

About the strength of rock mass on the destruction by explosion

Keywords: ultimate strength, rock mass, destruction, explosion, statistics, parameters of drilling and blasting operations

In this article the results of the definition of the integral statistical characteristics of the resistance of rocks at their destruction by explosion energy.

UDC 622.235
Dugartsyrenov A.V., Kim S.I.

The diameter of drill holes and explosives parameters in blasting solid rock with complex structure

Keywords: rock breaking, solid rock of various solidity, solid inclusions, deep-hole charge, additional blast holes

The paper presents a method of blasting solid rock with complex structure by using additional blast holes in the central zone between deep-hole charges inside the periphery of solid inclusions. The proposed method prevents the emergence of oversized bits of rock and presents a ratio that can be used to determine the diameter of additional drill holes as well as blasting parameters for the explosives used within the drill holes.

UDC 622.235
Dugartsyrenov A.V., Gorbonos M.G., Kim S. I., Zamotina D.V., Petrov A.N., Markov V.S.

The effects of blasting the end planes of blasthole charges on rock breaking

Keywords: rocks, blast, drill hole, rock breaking

The paper introduces a mathematical model for rock breaking by way of blasting the end planes of blasthole charges of an explosive. Correlations are given for calculating the parameters for the area of controlled rock blasting. The author gives an example of the model being used for blasting borderline blue ground.

UDC 622.261:622.026.5.001
Zharikov I.F.

Kinetics of formation of internal piles energy blast

Keywords: explosion, internal storage, stability of piles, explosives, kinetics, selective styling, the specific consumption, the coefficient of discharge

Consideration is being given to enhancing the sustainability of internal piles with technology development of coal deposits by selective styling fractured rock energy of the explosion. The proposed technology allows not only to reduce the energy used to move overburden in the contours of the permanent piles, but also increase their capacity through improved sustainability.

UDC 622.236.4
Seinov N.P., Zharikov I.F.

Influence of structural parameters on the mountain range of drilling and blasting training

Keywords: demolition, demolition works, fracture, vividness, crushing, structural forest renewal changing radius, mapping, oversize

The article discusses the efficiency of crushing rocks, stacked arrays fractured structures with different magnitudes of vividness, which shall be subject to the preliminary mapping exercise with a view to adjusting parameters of drilling and blasting operations. The technique of adjustment of parameters of blasting, held preliminary tests on career and showed the ability to significantly reduce the release of bulky and lowering average diameter size piece.

UDC 622.235
Zakalinsky V.M., Frantov А.Е.

The problem of the blasting parameters determination in ore deposits exploitation under the bottom of open-cast mine

Keywords: parameters of drilling and blasting works, combined physical-engineering and physical-chemical technologies, demilitarization explosive materials, combination open-pit and underground mining, underground leaching

Problems in the ore reservations blasting development under the bottom of opencast mine using combination of physical and technical method with physical and chemical method are reviewed in this article. Presented parameters of drilling and blasting works for the underground lixiviation ore preparing are developed using demilitarized explosive materials.

UDC 622.235
Kozyrev S.A., Vlasova E.A., Sokolov A.V., Zvonar A.Yu., Braunshtein A.A.

Implementation of the “Sabtech” explosives at the mine openings driving, underground mines, “Apatit” JSC

Keywords: emulsion explosives, gas-generating additives, density of charging, velocity of detonation, mine opening

The paper presents the results of research on the assessment of explosive characteristics of the Sabtech explosives designed for the mine openings driving depending on a charge’s density. The models of blast-holes and blast-hole charges were used to assess a level of emulsion matrix gasification under different gas-generating additives and the limits of change of the ultimate density. The guidelines are given to choose the gas-generating additives for different types of blast-holes during the mine openings driving.

UDC 622.235
Menzhulin M.G., Afаnasev P.I., Kazmina A.Y.

Relation granulometric structure and energy of dissipation in splintering zone

Keywords: granulometric structure, average size of a piece, splintering zone, crack

In work formation pieces of the destroyed rock under the influence of explosive stressing in rock (granite) is considered. The method determination average size piece of the destroyed rock on based of calculation energy dissipation is offered. Numerical results calculations are given.


Section 3. Study of combustion and detonation processes, manufacturing technology and properties of industrial explosives and initiating devices
UDC 622.235
Goncharov A.I., Kulikov V.I., Etkin M.B.

Determination of speed of detonation and efficiency of granulites RP after prolonged storage

Keywords: the detonation velocity, air wave, TNT

The results of the study of the detonation velocity and of TNT equvalent for granulite RP with Lifespan is 3 - 5 months from the date of manufacture. This explosive was used in the Kambarata explosion. The long-term storage of granulite RP did not change the detonation regime and energy of explosives.

UDC 544.454.3+661.526
Lavrov V., Savchenko A.V.

Influence of thermocycling on explosion hazard (detonation ability) of ammonium nitrate fertilizers

Keywords: ammonium nitrate fertilizers, termocycling, standard methods, detonation ability, explosion hazard

Influence of a termocycling on detonation ability of ammonium nitrate fertilizers of various manufacturers is investigated. Experiments were carried out in the conditions corresponding to a technique of Detonation Resistance Test of the European Union. Tests showed that the general legitimacies of influence of a termocycling on physical properties of samples exist, thus on detonation ability it is not possible to reveal the general legitimacies of influence of this procedure. It is established that the termocycling can lead both to improvement, and to deterioration of detonation ability of fertilizers with different composition at close granulometric structure and density. Despite it, explosion hazard of all studied samples, it agrees to the norms admitted to EU, remains at rather low level. Fertilizer of the Russian production appeared the best on safety level among all fertilizers in a condition of delivery, after a termocycling this fertilizer took a place in the middle of the list, having only a little conceded to the best foreign samples.

UDC 541.127:541.129:622.235:622.272
Paramonov G.P., Kirsanov O.N., Kovalevskij V.N.

Some features kinetic of ignition of compositions on the basis of chlorate of sodium with hydrocarbons

Keywords: chlorate of sodium, hydrocarbons, heat exchange, Igniter the device, thermodynamic calculation

In article results of an estimation of a role components of heat exchange are submitted at ignition of compositions on the basis of chlorate of sodium and firm hydrocarbons.

UDC 662.1
Perevedentsev P.P.,Vlasov O.M., Hrulev A.A., Sergeev A.G., Levushkin D.A., Solov’ev S.A.

Development and launch of explosive materials and different purposes products on their base

Keywords: grammonite T-5, TK, TKZ, M21, P, boosters PT-P, TG-P, TGF-850P, TlV-P, P25 emigrans

The grammonites T-5, TK, TKZ, M21, P,boosters PT-P, TG-P, TGF-850P, TlV-P, emigrans P25 were developed and tested, and the authorization to their application was received.

UDC 662.235
Smirnov N.N., Nikitin V.F., Antoniev A.V., Isaev I.R.

Propagation parameters in the formulation of shock and detonation waves generated during the explosion of a mixture of methane and air dust

Keywords: the wave of the detonation, shock wave, explosion, coal dust, excavation diameter

In this paper, a calculation according to the detonation wave velocity caused by the combustion of coal dust raised and burning the leading shock wave, depending on the area generation section and the specific gravity of the coal dust.


Section 4. Issues of safety and ecology of manufacture, storage, transportation and usage of explosives; seismic action of explosion
UDC 539.89
Goncharov A.I., Kulikov V.I., Etkin M.B.

Acoustic effect Kambarata explosion

Keywords: air wave, the equivalent of the explosion

Presented registrogrammy air waves Kambarata explosion. Each of the two charges formed his wave. According to the received spectrum of these air waves should be considered as infrasound. It is shown that the waves were shaped dome rising ground. The amplitude of the air waves is estimated equivalent Kambarata explosion. We discuss the impact of the intensity of the air waves on hydroelectric facilities and the region.

UDC 622.235
Gustov S.V., Surovitsky L.V.

The dependence of the frequency characteristics of seismic waves from the parameters of mass explosions

Keywords: frequency characteristics, seismic safety, the amplitude values, drilling-and-blasting parameters

The consideration of frequency characteristics of blasting seismic waves in the mass explosions. The identification of frequency characteristics during the drilling-and-blasting operations.

UDC 622.235
Kukib B.N., Sosnin V.A.

About of industrial explosives classification by condition of usage

Keywords: industrial explosives, classification, application conditions

In this article proposals on classification improvement of industrial explosives by conditions of usage are given.

UDC 622.235.213:662.235
Chevikov S.A., Shakirov F.R., Shchukin Y.G.

Estimation of the remaining lifetime and extension of the safe service time of the process equipment for the preparation of emulsion explosives

Keywords: emulsion explosives, EE production, remaining lifetime of equipment, service lifetime

The authors present the analysis of accidents occurring at EE production facilities. The article contains the description of the propose strategy of operation of EE production. The authors offer their formulation of the requirements of technical diagnostics and planned preventative maintenance of process equipment. The authors propose a method for determining the residual life and renewal of EE equipment.

UDC 622.235.535.2
Ekvist B.V., Girich I.B.

Seismic interaction of explosion of two blocks on Kumtor gold mining company career, Kyrgyzstan

Keywords: seismic interaction, seismic registrar, speed of fluctuations, seismogram, amplitude of fluctuations

At seismic interaction of explosions of two blocks there are fluctuations with the period corresponding to time of simultaneous explosion of blocks which cause addi-tional load of the massif of rocks. As formation between blocks of a longitudinal wave of compression - stretchings of a wave ten times surpassing in amplitude, go-ing in other directions is revealed. As a result of the researches which have been carried out on career of the Kumtor company, the scheme of an arrangement of blown-up blocks and a place of measurements of mass speeds of fluctuations of breed with an assessment of their sizes was made.

UDC 622.235
Mikhailov N.P., Doroshenko S.I., Brigadin I.V., Budkov A.M.

Improving explosive technology of welding, cutting and metal hardening

Keywords: shock-wave charge technical diamonds, mathematical model, Mach wave

Describes the main trends of shock-wave cutting, welding and hardening of metals. The results of experiments and numerical calculations.

UDC 622.235
Kovalevskiy V.N., Paramonov G.P., Jzenko A.K., Dambaev J.G.

Increasing efficiency of a contour blasting for extraction of building materials from natural stone

Keywords: contour blasting, blast impulse, management of explosion energy, preservation of aquifer array

The article is devoted to the distance definition between next blastholes (chinks) at a drill explosion way of extraction of a block stone. The optimum complex approach of management of distance between charges taking into account the minimum breaking zone behind contour array for maintenance of crack formation process is described.

UDC 519.6
Gorokhov N.L., Gospodarikov A.P., Golub M.V.

Application of the perfectly matched layers (pml) in problems of seismodynamics

Keywords: pml, wave, perfectly matched layer, unbounded domain, FEM, numerical

In this paper, the mathematical model of perfectly matched layer (pml) for problems of seismodynamics is presented, it is given finite element discretization of the equations of the model is considered, the finite-difference method for the direct time integration are shown the results of the model problem of a spherical wave propagation in a unbounded domain.


Section 5. Information events
Vikorov Sergei Dmitrievich332-333
About 7-th World Conference on explosives334-336

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