| Article title | Pages |
Section 1. The development and usage of explosive technology at solid minerals mining and other areas
 | Trubetskoy K.N., Viktorov S.D., Zakalinsky V.M. Improving the efficiency of blasting operations at the development of mineral deposits | 3-15 |
 | Paramonov G.P., Brigadin I.V., Chernobay V.I., Jacenko A.K. About one approach to model destruction of solid rock underground explosion | 16-26 |
 | Belin V.А., Brigadin I.V, Budkov A.M., Krasnov S.A. Numerical calculation of long kamuflet blast charge | 27-41 |
 | Zharikov I.F. Development of technological circuits of explosions for overburden movement to the emerging space | 42-53 |
 | Menzhulin M.G., Afаnasev P. I., Khoreva A.Y. Method of determination sizes range zones of destructions from the single cylindrical charge taking into account its sizes, range dissipation energy and dynamic break-down point | 54-65 |
 | Dugartsyrenov A.V. Blasting rocks using a confined blasting method | 66-72 |
 | Kim S.I. Investigating the blasting of complex structure rock massifs using the confined blasting method | 73-77 |
Section 2. Theoretical and experimental studies of detonation processes, man-ufacturing technology and properties of industrial explosives and initiating devices
 | Iliyn V.P., Sosnin V.A., Ilyukhin V.S., Smyshlyaeva N.A. Emulsion boosters | 78-87 |
 | Zhuchenko E.I., Ioffe V.B., Kukib B.N. Detonation of boreholes, containing emulsion explosives sensitized by gas bubbles | 88-100 |
 | Iliyn V.P., Sosnin V.A, Morozov K.E. Modular and container plants for emulsion explosive production | 101-110 |
 | Kukib B.N. Influence of the chemical composition oxidazes solution on detonation velocity and performance of emulsion explosives | 111-123 |
 | Starshinov A.V., Kostylev S.S., Kupriyanov I.Y., Ickovich N.P., Viktorov S.D., Zhamian Z. Experimental results of determining the detonation ability of different types and structure explosive mixtures | 124-130 |
 | Andreev V.V., Naygeborin I.V. Advanced systems of distributing and delay detonation | 131-138 |
 | Akinin N.I., Matveev A.A., Trunin V.V., Dubovik A.V. Sensitivity to impact and detonation parameters for mixtures of okfol-3.5 with nanostructured titanium compounds | 139-146 |
Section 3. Safety, expertise, seismic effects of explosion
 | Kulikov V.I., Etkin M.B. Seismic action of Kambaratinsk explosion | 147-164 |
 | Derzhavets A.S., Salko A.E., Polkanova D.N. On updating and peculiarities of expert organizations activities according to changes of law "On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" | 165-169 |
 | Derzhavets A.S., Salko A.E., Popov V.K. Inspection and analysis of unauthorized operation of electrodetonator ED-8-G during icebreaking blasting | 170-179 |
 | Zharikov I.F., Surovitsky L.V. Parameters affecting the velocity of propagation of seismic blast waves | 180-195 |
 | Surovitsky L.V. Vibration characteristics of the underground pipeline while the seismic waves action, caused by the explosion, calculated on the model of pipeline | 196-208 |
Section 4. Study of combustion and detonation processes in other areas
 | Dzhigrin A.V., Gorlov Y.V., Gorlov A.Y., Antoniev A.V., Smirnov N.N., Rybakin B.P., Nikitin V.F. Estimation of automatic systems ASVP-LV.1M efficiency on localization of methane and coal dust explosion in “Vorkutinskaya” mine | 209-223 |
 | Sargasyan G.N. Redistribution of energy in the coal mine environment as one of the causes of dust-air mixtures ignition and the shock wave appearance | 224-233 |
 | Prokhorov E.V., Mukhutdinov A.R., Vahidova Z.R. Use neural network methods to identify features of the combustion process solid fuels | 234-242 |
 | Sakhansky Y.V. Application of the quadripoles connection regularity condition in models of electroexplosion chains analysis | 243-256 |
 | Dzhigrin A.V., Antoniev A.V. Analysis of the accident, related with the explosion of methane and coal dust, occurred 2013.02.11 in mine "Vorkutinskaya" (JSC "Vorkutaugol") | 257-264 |
Section 5. Information events
 | International Conference of engineers-shotfirers was first held in Russia | 265-267 |
 | "Explosive business" department of National mineral resources University "Gorny" (formerly Leningrad Mining Institute) - 75 years | 268-269 |