| Article title | Pages |
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Section 1. Researches of the rocks destruction by explosion
 | Victorov S.D., Zakalinskiy V.M., Frantov A.E. Physical and technical prerequisites process control explosive training for sustainable development of mining systems in the development of mineral resources | 5-13 |
 | Kochanov A.N., Odintsev V.N. Microfracture of rocks under dynamic impacts | 14-28 |
 | Misliboyev I.T. Pilot studies of action of the multicyclic pulsing loads of process of easing of rock strength | 29-44 |
 | Rakishev B.R., Shampikova A.H., Kazangapov A.E. Accommodation of small, medium and big crushing zones in the shotpile | 45-55 |
 | Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Crushing rock explosion in the upper layer of the career of the ledge taking into account fracture of rocks | 56-70 |
 | Zharikov I.F. Analytical method to predict the results of an explosive move overburden | 71-82 |
 | Rakishev B.R., Rakisheva Z.B., Auezova A.M., Kalieva A.P. Software for determination of granulometric composition of blasted rocks at the quarries | 83-96 |
 | Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V. The breakdown of rocks by explosion of natural separateness | 97-105 |
 | Norov Yu.D., Zairov Sh.Sh. Determination of parameters of scattering and disorder of the mountain weight which is beaten off by explosion when using emulsion explosives | 106-122 |
 | Dugartsyrenov A.V. The mechanism of destruction of the complex structure array of changeable rocks | 123-135 |
 | Dugartsyrenov A.V., Kim I.T., Rakhmanov R.A., Zarovnyaev B.N., Shubin G.V., Nikolaev S.P. Estimating the expiration time for product detonation based on blasting cavity parameters | 136-145 |
 | Rakhmanov R.A., Nikolaev S.P. The destruction of the breed in the near zone downhole of the number and the formation of thermals in the initial phase of the fort-the formation of dust-gas clouds | 146-159 |
 | Kozyrev S.A., Alenichev I.A. On a question of open-pit flooding influence on the mechanism of apatite-nepheline ore destruction and blasting parameters | 160-177 |
Section 2. State and improvement of explosives, devices and blasting agents
 | Efremovtsev N.N., Golberg G.Yu. The research results of the rheological properties of direct emulsions used for the granulites production | 178-185 |
 | Shemenev V.G., Zharikov S.N., Menshikov P.V., Sinitsyn V.A. Relationship between detonation characteristics of emulsion explosives nitronit | 186-193 |
Section 3. Technology of blasting in the mining of solid minerals
 | Flyagin A.S., Zharikov S.N. About contour blasting during mining operations | 194-201 |
 | Zairov Sh.Sh. Development of the way of decrease in releases of dust and gas at mass explosions on pits | 202-210 |
Section 4. Usage of combustion processes and the impact of the explosion in industry
 | Pupkov V.V., Nenachov I.A., Selyavin A.I., Fomenkova V.E., Berezuev Yu.A., Ganopolski M.I. Loosening rocky soils with the use of gas generators GDSh | 211-232 |
 | Derzhavets A.S., Sal'ko A.E. Elongated shaped charge with utilizable high condensed systems | 233-241 |
 | Bazotov V.Ya., Stankevich A.V., Mokeev A.A., Evseeva T.P., Evdokimov A.P. Study of functioning characteristics of coaxial-layered cumulative charge for industrial application | 242-251 |
 | Frantov A.E. The question of determining the parameters conditioning explosives conversion for use in geotechnology | 252-272 |
Section 5. Ecology and safety during blasting operations
 | Ganopolskiy M.I., Belin W.A., Kulikov V.I. Evaluate the magnitude of the permissible speed fluctuations on effects the people of vibration caused by blasting operations | 273-294 |
 | Novinkov A.G., Protasov S.I. Analysis of the dominant frequency of vibrations at mining blasts | 295-308 |
 | Khazins V.M., Spivak A.A. Intensification of mining quarry ventilation by convective jet | 309-324 |
 | Lupiy S.M., Bakin V.A. Assessment of blasting for state marginal rock massif development | 325-331 |
 | Lupiy S.M. Recommendations to reduce the negative influence of blasting on efficiency fastening of developments anchoring | 332-336 |
 | Abiev Z.A., Paramonov G.P., Chernobai V.I. The current trends of the pilot study of regularities of process of phlegmatization and inhibition, of inflaming and explosion of gas- of dust-air mixes | 337-348 |
 | Dzhigrin A.V., Isaev I.R., Kovardokov A.A. Calculating method of explosion localization devices parameters and schemes of arrangement in mine workings selection | 349-357 |
Section 6. Information, chronicle
 | To the 75th anniversary of Zharikov Igor Fyodorovich | 358-359 |
 | To the 70th anniversary of Andreev Vladimir Vasil'evich | 360-361 |