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Section 1. Researches of the rocks destruction by explosion
| UDC 622.235 S.D. Victorov, PhD, Professor V.M. Zakalinskiy, Leading researcher, PhD A.E. Frantov, Senior researcher, PhD (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)
Physical and technical prerequisites process control explosive training for sustainable development of mining systems in the development of mineral resources Keywords: blasting, destruction of rocks, succession solutions, optimization curve of underground development, the scale of breaking the line of least resistance, the size of a piece of conditioned A new approach using the methods of process control explosive training, expanding the possibilities of their application in the field of sustainable development of mining-technical systems. For one-tier mining systems with underground development considers the influence of explosive destruction, based on a hierarchical system with the division management classes and explosion on consideration of continuity at a practical level. Defines the concept of "scale" blasting. Bibliographic list:- Trubetskoy K.N. Kompleksnoe osvoenie mestorozhdenij i glubokaja pererabotka mineral'nogo syr'ja (Integrated development of deposits and deep processing of mineral raw materials) / KN Troubetzkoy, VA Chanturia, DR Kaplunov, MV Rilnikova; Institut problem kompleksnogo osvoenija nedr RAN (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources RAS). - Moscow, Science, 2010 - 437 p.
- Kaplunov D.R., Rilnikova M.V., Korneev S.A. Sistematizacija i tipizacija gorno-tehnicheskih sistem kombinirovannoj geotehnologii (Ordering and typing mining-technical systems combined geotechnology). Gornyj informacionno-analiticheskij bjulleten = Mining informational and analytical bulletin, Moscow, ed. MGGU, number 11, 2010. - pp. 194-205.
- Zakalinsky V.M., Frantov A.E. O principe preemstvennosti tehnologicheskih reshenij v oblasti vzryvnyh rabot (On the principle of continuity of technological solutions in the field of blasting) // explosive affair. Issue № 105/62. - Moscow: CJSC "MVK on explosives at AGN", 2011. – pp. 83-92.
- Viktorov S.D., Zakalinsky V.M., Osokin A.A.. Improving the methodology of rock breakage by blast for underground mineral mining technologies / New Development on Engineering Blasting, Metallurgical Industry Press, 2014. - P. 125-129.
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- Baikonurov O.A. Klassifikacija i vybor metodov podzemnoj razrabotki mestorozhdenij (Classification and selection underground mining methods) / Alma-Ata, Science, 1969. - 606 p.
- Viktorov S.D. Razrushenie gornyh porod sblizhennymi zarjadami (Destruction of rocks connivent charges) / Viktorov SD, Galchenko YP Zakalinsky VM, Rubtsov SK. Ed. Acad. KN Trubetskoy. Moscow: Publishing Ltd. "NAUCHTEKHLITIZDAT", 2006. - 276 p.
| 5-13 |
| UDC 622.235 A.N. Kochanov, Senior researcher, PhD V.N. Odintsev, Leading researcher, PhD (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)
Microfracture of rocks under dynamic impacts Keywords: dynamical impact, elastic wave, geomaterials, rock extension, microcrack growth, microfractured area The paper considers some regularities of dynamic prefracture of brittle rock under rapid impacts such as explosions, electrical breakthroughs or electromagnetic pulses. Rock prefracture is due to the effect of an elastic wave in a distant area far from the energy release and rock disintegration zone. Basing on analysis of microcrack development it is shown that difference in rock prefracture intensities under the effects of explosion and electrical breakthrough may depend upon incubation time and relate to duration of the impact pulse. Bibliographic list:- Trubetskoy K.N., Viktorov S.D., Repin N.J., Kutusov B.N. Problemy razvitiya vzryvnogo dela na zemnoy poverhnosty (Problems of development of explosion practice of ground surface) // Vzryvnoe delo = Explosive Business. 2009. No 103-60. pp.79-90.
- Trubetskoy K.N., Viktorov S.D., Zakalinsky V.M. Krupnomasshtabnaya vzryvnaya otboyka na podzemnyh rudnikah (Large-scale blasting at underground mines) // Gorny jurnal = Mining Journal. 2005.No4. pp.43-47.
- Vorobiev A.A., Vorobiev A.A., Zavadovskaja E.K., Kaliatsky I.I. Impulsnyj proboj I razrushenie dielektrikov I gornych porod (Pulse breakdown and fracture of dielectrics and rocks). Tomsk. Izdatelstvo Tomskogo Gos. Universiteta = Tomsk. Publishing House of Tomsk State University. 1971. P.225.
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- Chanturiya V.A., Bunin I.Zh., Lunin V.D., Gulyaev Yu.V., Bunina N.S., Vdovin V.A., Voronov P.S., Korzhenevskii A.V., Cherepenin V.A. Ispol'zovanie moshhnyh elektromagnitnyh impul'sov v protsessah dezintegratsii i vskrytiya upornogo zolotosoderzhashhego syr'ya (Use of high-power electromagnetic pulses in processes of disintegration and opening of rebellious gold-containing raw materials). Fiziko-tekhnicheskie problemy razrabotki poleznykh iskopaemykh = Journal of Mining Science. 2001. V. 37. № 4. pp. 427-437.
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- Shemyakin E.I., Kochanov A.N., Dengina N.I. Parametry voln napryajenyi i predrazrushenie gornyh porod pri vzryve. V sbornike Razrushenie vzryvom I neobratimye deformazii gornyh porod (Stress wave parameters and rock microcracking at explosion. In Explosive Destruction & Unelastic Strains of Rocks). Moskva. Izdatelstvo Instituta gornogo dela A.A.Skochinskogo = Moscow. Publishing House of A.A.Skochinsky Mine Institute. 1997. pp.10-17.
- Sadowsky M.A., Adushkin V.V., Spivak A.A. O razmerezon neobratimogo deformirovania pri vzryve v blochnoy sred. V sbornike Mechanicheskoe dejstvie vzryva (On the size of irreversible strain zone after explosion in jointed rockmass . In Mechanical Effects of Explosion). Moskva. Izdatelstvo Instituta dinamiki geosfer = Moscow. Publishing House of Institute of Geosphere Dynamics RAS. 1994.
- Kochanov A.N. O roly volnovogo i gazovogo factorov v prozesse vzryvnogo predrazrushenia i dezintegrazii gornyh porod (On the role of wave and gas factors in the process of explosive rock prefracture and destruction) // Vzrryvnoe delo = Explosive Technologi. 2011.No105-62.pp.46-53.
- Kochanov A.N., Odintsev V.N. Teoreticheskaja otsenka radiusa oblasti predrazrushenija porod pri kamufletnom vzryve (Theoretical estimation of microfractured area radius after camouflet explosion) // Vzrryvnoe delo = Explosive Technologi. 2015.No 113-70. pp.41-54.
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- Stavrogin A.N., Protosenya A.G. Prochnost gornych porod I ustojchivost gornuch varabotok na bolshich glubinach (Rock strength and openings stability at the large depth). ). Moskva. Izdatelstvo Nedra = Moscow. Nedra Publishing House. 1985. P.271.
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| 14-28 |
| UDC 622.235.043 I.T. Misliboyev, Тhe associate professor "Mining", PhD (Navoiy State Mining Institute (Navoi, Republic of Uzbekistan)
Pilot studies of action of the multicyclic pulsing loads of process of easing of rock strength Keywords: property, rocks, explosion, sample, loading, study amplitude, attenuation Improvement existing and development of new ways of destruction of rocks under the influence of explosion causes the necessity in studying of strength properties of rocks in various conditions. Results of experimental establishment of regularities of easing of rock strength under the influence of the multicyclic pulsing loadings are covered in this article. In work dependences of fatigue weakening of rocks on amplitudes of tension, numbers of loadings and strength properties of rocks are established. It is shown that fatigue easing of rock strength macrocracks at action of dynamic loadings happens when the limit of their durability on stretching decreases to (0,3-0,45) δр. It is also established that the limit of fatigue durability on compression makes 35-50%, and on stretching – 75-80% of a limit of static durability. Bibliographic list:- Mindeli E.O., Mokhnachev M.P. Metodika opredeleniya prochnostnyh i deformatsionnyh svoystv gornyh porod pri statcheskih, mnogokratnyh i dinamicheskih pulsiruyushshih nagruzkah (Metodik of determination of strength and deformation properties of rocks at static, repeated and the dynamic pulsing loadings). – M.: IGD of A. A. Skochinsky, 1970. p. 217.
- GOST 22450-70. Ugli burye, kamennye i antratsit: metody opredeleniya prochnosti na rastyazheniya i odnoosnoe szhatie (Coals brown, stone and anthracite: methods of determination of durability on stretchings and monoaxial compression). – M.: Publishing house of standards, 1977. – p. 17.
- Novikova M.А. Razrabotka sposoba proizvodstva massovykh vzryvov s poputnoj dobychej granitnykh blokov // Аvtoref. … kand.tekhn.nauk. (Development of a way of production of mass explosions with passing production of granite blocks//Avtoref. … Cand.Tech.Sci.). – M.: MGI, 1984. – p. 17.
- Venttsel E.S. Teoriya veroyatnostej (Probability theory). – M.: Science, 1969, page 139-141.
- Matematicheskaya statistika (Mathematical statistics). Under the editorship of A.M. Dlin. – The higher school, 1975. – p. 398.
- Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo po primeneniyu programm otrabotki dannykh na EHTSVM (Methodical application guide of programs of working off of data on ETsVM). – M.: IGD of A. A. Skochinsky, 1985. – p. 85.
- Mokhnachev M.P. Ustalost' gornykh porod (Fatique of rocks). – M.: Subsoil, 1979. p. 152.
- Lomtadze V.D. Metody laboratornykh issledovanij fiziko-mekhanicheskikh svojstv gornykh porod (Methods of laboratory researches of physicomechanical properties of rocks). – L.: Subsoil, 1972. – p. 312.
- Svojstva gornykh porod i metody ikh opredeleniya (Properties of rocks and methods of their definition) / Ilnitskaya E.I., Treder R. I., Vatolin E.S. etc. M.: Subsoil, 1969, p. 85-86.
- Yagodkin G. I., Mokhnachev M.P., Kuntysh M. F. Prochnost' i deformiruemost' gornykh porod v protsesse ikh nagruzheniya (Prochnost and deformability of rocks in the course of their loading). – M.: Science, 1971. – p. 148.
- Khovansky G. S. Nomografiya, i ee vozmozhnosti (Nomografiya, and its opportunities). – M.: Science, 1977. – p. 128.
| 29-44 |
| UDC 622.235 B.R. Rakishev, Head of Department "Open-cast mining", Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan A.H. Shampikova, doctorant Phd 2nd year, Head of Department «Open-cast mining» A.E. Kazangapov, doctorant Phd 1nd year, Head of Department «Open-cast mining» (K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan)
Accommodation of small, medium and big crushing zones in the shotpile Keywords: contouring lines of bench parts, deformed contouring lines, grid of blasting block, grid of blasted block, zones of small, medium and large crushing The article describes the graphical and analytical method of determining the accommodation of small, medium and large crushing zones in the shotpile. It is based on use of "grid of blasting block" and "grid of blasted block" concepts introduced by the authors. This approach allows to ascertain the location of the fixed elements of bench in the shotpile at various ways of blast by explosives position on the grid of blasted block. As the fixed elements are considered areas of small, medium and large crushing rocks. Bibliographic list:- Rakishev B.R. Avtomatizirovannoe proektirovanie parametrov i rezultatov massovih vzryvov na karerach (Automated design of parameters and the results of massive explosions in pits). Almaty: KazNTU, 2008.125 p.
- Rakishev B.R., Shampikova A.H. Konfiguraciya razlichnych chastei ustupa v razvale vzorvannych porod (The configuration of the different parts of the bench in shotpile). Almaty: VestnicKazNTU=KazNTUmessenger. № 4. 215 p.
- Galyanov A.V. Rozhdestvenskyi V.N., Blinov A.N. Transformatciya structury gornich massivov pri vzryvnych rabotach na karerach (The transformation of the structure of a rock after blasting in pits). Ekaterinburg: IGD UrO RAN,1999.
- Rakishev B.R., Rakishev Z.B.,Auezova A.M., Kuttybaev A.E. Analiticheskoe opredelenie granulometricheskogo sostava vzorvannoi gornoi massy pri skvazhinnych zaryadach drobleniya (Analytical determination of particle size composition of blasted rock mass at downhole charges). Vzryivnoe delo = Explosive Technologi. – Moskva, 2015.- №113/70. – pр. 6-19.
- Kazakov N.N., Lampikov I.N., Shlyapin A.V. Kategoriya vzryvaemosti gornych porod (Explosivitycategory of blasted rocks). Vzryivnoe delo = Explosive Technologi. – Moskva, 2015.-№111/68. – pр. 49-60.
- Victorov C.D., Kazakov N.N., Lampikov I.N., Shlyapin A.V. Proectirovanie BVR v karerach (Drill and blast design in pits). Vzryivnoe delo = Explosive Technologi. – Moskva, 2015.-№111/68. – pр. 117-130.
| 45-55 |
| UDC 622.235 N.N. Kazakov, Leading researcher, PhD A.V. Shlyapin, Senior researcher, PhD I.N. Lapikov, Junior resecher, PhD (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)
Crushing rock explosion in the upper layer of the career of the ledge taking into account fracture of rocks Keywords: coefficient of factionalism, disintegrate of natural separateness, granulometric composition, output of oversized ore commodity, moldboard rock, phase explosion process, category of fracture, crushing rock The top layer of the career of the ledge is the first place to the formation of oversize in opencast mining of mineral deposits. Therefore, the study of regularities of rock crushing in this layer is of great scientific and practical interest. In the article, developed by the authors, the computational method for determining particle size crushing of rocks in the upper layer of the career of the ledge, the explosion blasthole charge, subject to fracturing of rocks. A physical model of fragmentation of fractured rocks in the upper layer of the career of the ledge by the joint action of camouflage, wave and quasi-static phases of the explosion, taking into account the category of fracture of rock. Received new dependencies and a computer program for the calculation of granulometric composition of rocks, shattered by the joint action of the three phases of the explosion, taking into account the category of fracture of rock. Bibliographic list:- Rakishev B.R. Rakisheva Z.B. Auezova A.M. Kuttibaev A.E. Analiticheskoe opredelenie granulometricheskogo sostava vzorvannoi gornoi massi pri skvajinnih zaryadah drobleniya (Analytical determination of the granulometric composition of blasted rock at the borehole crushing charges). Vzryivnoe delo = Explosive Technologi. 2015. № 113/70. pp. 6-29.
- Kutuzov B.N. Metodi vedeniya vzrivnih rabot. (Methods of blasting). Chast 1. Razrushenie gornih porod vzrivom = Part 1. The destruction of rocks by explosion. 2009. p. 472.
- Kutuzov B.N. Metodi vedeniya vzrivnih rabot. (Methods of blasting). Chast 2 Vzrivnie raboti v gornom dele i promishlennosti = Part 2 Blasting operations in mining and industry. 2011. p. 511.
- Kazakov N.N. Vliyanie zon nereguliruemogo drobleniya na kachestvo otbitoi gornoi massi (The impact of unregulated zones of crushing on the quality of the smitten rock mass). Gornie nauki na rubeje XXI v. = Mining science at the turn of the XXI century. 1998. pp. 517-522.
- Kazakov N.N. Vyatkin N.L. Zoni nereguliruemogo drobleniya porodi vzrivom pri podzemnoi razrabotke moschnih rudnih mestorojdenii (The unregulated zone crushing rock explosion in underground development of powerful ore deposits). Vzryivnoe delo = Explosiоn Technologi.1998. № 91/48. pp. 26-30.
- Kazakov N.N. Obem zon nereguliruemogo drobleniya (The volume of unregulated zones of crushing). Vzryivnoe delo = Explosiоn Technologi. 1998. №91/28. pp.31-35.
- Mosinec V.N. Abramov A.V. Razrushenie treschinovatih i narushennih gornih porod. (The destruction of fractured and broken rock). 1982. p. 248.
- Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Energiya v kamufletnoi zone pri vzrive skvajinnogo zaryada konechnoi dlini (Energy to camouflage the area during the explosion of the borehole charge of finite length). Vzryivnoe delo = Explosiоn Technologi. 2013. №109/66. pp. 62-72.
- Kazakov N.N., Lapikov I.N. Parametryi protsessa kvazistaticheskogo deystviya vzryiva zaryada konechnoy dlinyi (The quasistatic parameters of the process steps of the explosion of the charge of nite length). Gornyiy informatsionno-analiticheskiy byulleten. Otdelnyiy vyipusk = Mining information and analytical Bulletin. Special release. 2014. №1. pp. 96-106.
| 56-70 |
| UDC 622.261: 622.026 I.F. Zharikov, Leading researcher, PhD Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)
Analytical method to predict the results of an explosive move overburden Keywords: mass explosion, system development, the movement of rocks, calculation model. blast cavity, coefficient of discharge, adiabatic law profile collapse. The analytical method of calculation of the profile of the camber at explosions on reset used to move overburden in the contours of constant dumps, allowing them to predict the coefficient of discharge and choose the technology of excavation SBB-torn rock mass depending on drilling and blasting parameters. For expert evaluations of the efficiency of the proposed blasting scheme of the one-parameter model that uses one tuning parameter received from laboratory or pilot explosions. The selection circuit determines the firing profile of collapse, calculated according to the revised model used in single-row and multi-row blasting. Bibliographic list:- Zharikov I.F. Kinetika formirovaniya vnutrennih otvalov energiey vzryva (Kinetics of formation of internal piles energy blast). Vzryivnoe delo = Explosive Technologi. 2013. № 110/67, pр. 122-134.
- Zharikov I.F. Razrabotka tekhnologicheskih skhem vzryvaniya dlya peremeshheniya vskryshnyh porod v vyrabotannoe prostranstvo (Development of technological circuits to move overburden materials in emerging space). Vzryivnoe delo = Explosive Technologi. 2013. № 110/67, pр. 42-53.
| 71-82 |
| UDC 622.235 B.R. Rakishev, Head of Department "Open-cast mining", Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan A.P. Kalieva, Senior lecturer Department of Open pit mining, PhD (K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan) Z.B. Rakisheva, Associate professor, PhD (Al-Farabi Kazakh National Technical University (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan) A.M. Auezova, Senior Lecturer, PhD (Almaty University of Еnergy and Сommunications (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan)
Software for determination of granulometric composition of blasted rocks at the quarries Keywords: physical and mechanical properties of rocks, explosive characteristics of explosives, natural separateness, granulometric composition, computer software, programmable logic controllers The paper describes computer software developed by the authors for the computer-aided determination of granulometric composition of the blasted mining mass during blasting of the benches by borehole charges. The computer software is based on the modeling of mining technology objects using interactive graphics, computer processing of the simulation results and with the formation of working drawings and technical documents. It is based on the analytical method for determining the granulometric composition of blasted rocks, taking into account the blockiness of rock massif, physical and mechanical properties of rocks, explosive characteristics of the used explosives. Bibliographic list:- Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Lapckov K.N., Shlyapin A.B. Proektirovanie BVR v karerah (BSB Design in quarries). Vzryivnoe delo = Explosiоn Technologi. № 111/68. 2014. pp. 80-91.
- Kutuzov B.N., Belin V.A. Proktirovanie i organizaciya vzryvnyh rabot (Design and organization of blasting. M., Mountain book). M., Gornaya kniga, 2012. 416 p.
- Rakishev B.R. Avtomatizirovannoe proktirovanie parametrov i rezultatov massovyh vzryvov na karerah (Computer-aided design parameters and results of mass explosions in quarries). Almaty: KazNTU, 2008. 125 p.
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- Platforma avtomatizacii Modicom М340. Katalog Schneider Electric (Automation Platform Modicom M340. Schneider Electric catalog). 2009.
- Rakishev B.R. Energoemkost mehanicheskogo razrusheniya gornyh porod (Power consumption of mechanical destruction of mining rocks). Almaty: Baspager, 1998. 210 p.
- Parr E. Programmiruemye kontrollery rukavodstvo dlya ingenera (Programmable controllers: a guide for engineers). M.: BINOM. Laboratoriya znanii, (Knowledge laboratory) 2007. 516 p.
| 83-96 |
| UDC 622.235 N.N. Kazakov, Leading researcher, PhD A.V. Shlyapin, Senior researcher, PhD (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)
The breakdown of rocks by explosion of natural separateness Keywords: the coefficient of fragmentation, the destruction of the natural individually, granulometric composition, oversized pieces of rock, the commodity ore, moldboard rock The most commonly used construction blasthole charges of industrial explosives do not provide uniform crushing of rocks throughout the surrounding volume. Explosion blasthole charge have no significant impact on the zone of the rock mass adjacent to empty part of hole of the charge, and the destruction of the array in most cases is due to the splitting of rocks by natural separateness. Determination of granulometric composition of blasted rock mass formed in the volume adjacent to empty parts at the design stage of an industrial explosion is a separate task. The article describes the first proposed factor of factionalism rocks for different categories of fracture, which developed the index table of factionalism. Developed based and computer program for determination of granulometric composition and output of gauge during the breakdown of rocks by explosion of natural separateness in the upper layer of the career of the ledge. Bibliographic list:- Kutuzov B.N. Proektirovanie vzrivnih rabot v promishlennosti The design of blasting in the industry. 1983. p. 359.
- Kutuzov B.N. Metodi vedeniya vzrivnih rabot. (Methods of blasting). Chast 1. Razrushenie gornih porod vzrivom = Part 1. The destruction of rocks by explosion. 2009. p. 472.
- Kutuzov B.N. Metodi vedeniya vzrivnih rabot. (Methods of blasting). Chast 2 Vzrivnie raboti v gornom dele i promishlennosti = Part 2 Blasting operations in mining and industry. 2011. p. 511.
- Kazakov N.N. Vliyanie zon nereguliruemogo drobleniya na kachestvo otbitoi gornoi massi (The impact of unregulated zones of crushing on the quality of the smitten rock mass). Gornie nauki na rubeje XXI v. = Mining science at the turn of the XXI century. 1998. pp. 517-522.
- Kazakov N.N. Vyatkin N.L. Zoni nereguliruemogo drobleniya porodi vzrivom pri podzemnoi razrabotke moschnih rudnih mestorojdenii (The unregulated zone crushing rock explosion in underground development of powerful ore deposits). Sbornik «Vzryivnoe delo» = A collection of "blasting".1998. № 91/48. pp. 26-30.
- Kazakov N.N. Obem zon nereguliruemogo drobleniya (The volume of unregulated zones of crushing). Sbornik «Vzryivnoe delo» = A collection of "blasting". 1998. №91/28. pp.31-35.
- Mosinec V.N. Abramov A.V. Razrushenie treschinovatih i narushennih gornih porod. (The destruction of fractured and broken rock). 1982. p. 248.
- Rakishev B.R. Rakisheva Z.B. Auezova A.M. Kuttibaev A.E. Analiticheskoe opredelenie granulometricheskogo sostava vzorvannoi gornoi massi pri skvajinnih zaryadah drobleniya (Analytical determination of the granulometric composition of blasted rock at the borehole crushing charges). Sbornik «Vzryivnoe delo» = A collection of "blasting". 2015. № 113/70. pp. 6-29
| 97-105 |
| UDC 622.235 Yu.D.Norov, chief of mountain bureau of the Central research laboratory, PhD, professor (Navoi mining and metallurgical combinat (Navoi, Republic of Uzbekistan) Sh.Sh.Zairov, senior scientific employee-competitor, PhD (Navoi state mining institute (Navoi, Republic of Uzbekistan)
Determination of parameters of scattering and disorder of the mountain weight which is beaten off by explosion when using emulsion explosives Keywords: borehole charge, breed disorder, scattering parameters, width and height of disorder, range of throwing, mass of a charge, air resistance force, volume of a piece of rocks, initial speed, time of throwing of a stream of rocks, model of disorder of the beaten-off mountain weight Ways of effective management of disorder of breeds taking into account energy of charges of emulsion explosives are presented in article. The mathematical model describing action of explosion of a borehole charge of explosives in the massif on the basis of which kinematic parameters of scattering of rocks are determined is developed. For calculation of width and height of disorder of the blown-up rocks at explosion of borehole charges with use of emulsion explosives are received a formula which includes the key parameters determining parameters of the blown-up block, power characteristics of emulsion explosives and physicomechanical properties of rocks. Determination of parameters of scattering and disorder of the mountain weight which is beaten off by explosion allow to create the optimum sizes of a retaining wall for the purpose of preservation of geological structure of a massif, reduction of preparatory and recovery operations at explosion on a ledge, increases of safety and increase in productivity of work of the loading and transport equipment. Bibliographic list:- Bibik I.P., Rubcov S.K., Sytenkov D.V. Upravlenie vzryvnoj podgotovkoj porod v tehnologicheskih potokah kar'erov. – Tashkent: Fan, 2008. – 424 s.
- Kazakov N.N., Viktorov S.D. Opredelenie parametrov razvala otbitoj vzryvom gornoj massy na kar'erah // Tret'ja mezhdunarodnaja konferencija «Fizicheskie problemy razrushenija gornyh porod». – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2003. – S. 137-140.
- Javorskij B.M., Detlaf A.A. Spravochnik po fizike dlja inzhenerov i studentov vuzov. – M.: Nauka, 197 – 942 s.
- Avdeev F.A., Baron V.L., Blejman I.L. Proizvodstvo massovyh vzryvov. – M.: Nedra, 1977. – 312 s.
- Chernigovskij A.A. Primenenie napravlennogo vzryva v gornom dele i stroitel'stve. – Moskva: Nedra, 1976. – 312 s.
- Savinkov V.D. Razrabotka jeffektivnyh sredstv i metodov vzryvnoj otbojki v uslovijah otricatel'nyh temperatur i vysokogor'ja // Diss. … kand. tehn. nauk. – Bishkek, 1998. – 132 s.
- Mel'nikov N.V., Marchenko L.N. Jenergija vzryva i konstrukcijazarjada. – M.: Nauka, 1964.
- Kucherskij N.I. Sovremennye tehnologii pri osvoenii korennyh mestorozhdenij zolota. – M.: «Ruda i metally», 2007. – 696 s.
| 106-122 |
| UDC 622.268.4:622.235 A.V. Dugartsyrenov, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of "Fizgeo." (Mining Institute NUST MISA, Moscow. Russia)
The mechanism of destruction of the complex structure array of changeable rocks Keywords: compound structure array, detonation products, camouflage blast, borehole charge, the diameter of the hole, charging parameters The previously proposed theory of explosive destruction of complex arrays is considering lots of rocks with different strength in isolation from each other. However, as the volume of the well and the volume of the zone controlled crushing in hard and soft rocks that were occupied by the detonation products of the explosive charge, linked and between them is possible because the flow of gases. Accounting for this circumstance is made in the present work. When the flow of gases may cause the formation of camouflage cavities in soft rocks. The obtained results allow to calculate size of a zone of adjustable crushing in up (soft) and hard rock depending on the number of factors influencing the process of destruction of complex-structured arrays of rocks. Bibliographic list:- Chadwick, P., Cox, A., Hopkinson G.. Mekhanika glubinnyh podzemnyh vzryvov (Mechanics of deep underground explosions). - M.: Mir, 1966.
- Mekhanicheskij ehffekt podzemnogo vzryva (Mechanical effect of underground explosion). V. N. Rodionov, V.V. Adushkin, V.N. Kostyuchenko, etc., M.: Nedra, 1971.
- S.S. Grigoryan Nekotorye voprosy matematicheskoj teorii deformirovaniya i raz-rusheniya tverdyh gornyh porod (Some problems of mathematical theory of deformation and destruction of solid rock) // PMM. - 1967 - T.31. - Vol. 4.
- A.V. Dugartsyrenov Fizicheskaya priroda i mekhanizm razrusheniya gornoj porody pri kamufletnom vzryve (The physical nature and mechanism of rock failure under explosion of camouflage). Vzryvnoe delo = Еxplosion technology. Release №106 / 63. - M .: ZAO "MVK on explosives at AGN", 2011. - рp.112-126.
- A.V. Dugartsyrenov Mekhanizm razrusheniya plastichnyh gornyh porod pri kamuf-letnom vzryve (The mechanism of destruction of the plastic of rocks to camouflage the explosion). // Vzryvnoe delo = Еxplosion technology. - 2012. - № 108/65. - S. 134-139.
- Bovt A.N., Lovetskiy E.E and others. Mekhanicheskoe dejstvie kamufletnogo vzryva (The mechanical action kamufletnogo explosion). // - M .: 1990. - 184 p.
| 123-135 |
| UDC 622.268.4:622.235 Dugartsyrenov A.V., Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor at the Department of Rock Mining Kim I.T., Associate Professor at the Department of Rock Mining. (Moscow State Mining University (Moscow, Russia) Rakhmanov R.A., research fellow, Ph.D. in Engineering (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia) Zarovnyaev B.N., Doctor of Engineering, Director of the Institute of Mining Shubin G.V., Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor at the Department of Open Cast Mining Nikolaev S.P., Ph.D. student at the Department of Open Cast Mining. (North-Eastern Federal University (Yakutsk, Russia)
Estimating the expiration time for product detonation based on blasting cavity parameters Keywords: detonation product's expiration, blast hole charge, mine expansion, blast hole diameter, charge parameters When blasting of rocks in quarries only a small fraction of the explosion energy is spent on destruction. One reason is the short duration of the pressure pulse of the detonation products on the walls of the well. The article describes the pressure drop of detonation products due to the expiration of the high density gas through the wellhead, as well as the duration of this process depending on geometric parameters of the well. To assess the process of the expiration of detonation products from wells with varying diameters of theoretical research. The flow of gases from the wellhead was considered in the General case, when the diameter of the upper part of the borehole is less than or equal to the diameter of the charged parts. The expediency of application boiler extensions in blasting wells. Bibliographic list:- Gorbonos M.G. Metodicheskie ukazaniya po prakticheskim zanyatiyam i vyipolne-niyu samostoyatelnyih rabot po distsipline «Tehnologiya i bezopasnost vzryivnyih rabot» dlya studentov spetsialnosti 130403 «Otkryityie gornyie rabotyi» (Methodical instructions for practical exercises and the implementation of self-enforcement in the discipline "Technology and safety of blasting operations" for the production of specialty 130403 "opencast mining") Part 1. – Petrozavodsk, 2011. 50р.
- Pokrovsky, G.I. Vzryiv (Explosion). Nedra. Moscow. 1980. –190 p.
- Goncharov S.A., Dugartsyrenov A.V., Kluka O.F., Verevochkin I.E. Etapy formirovaniya impulsa davleniya y svobodnoye istecheniye produktov detonatsii pri vzryve skvazhinnyh zaryadov (Stages in the formation of the pressure pulse and the free escape of detonation products during blast hole charging). Gornyi Informatsionno-Analytycheskyi Bulleten’ = Mining Information and Analytical Bulletin, No. 10. Moscow State Mining University Press. 2001. pp. 30-34.
- Kirillin, V.A., Sychev, V.V., Sheindlin, A.E. Technicheskaya termodynamika (Technical Thermodynamics). Moscow: Energy. 1974. – 448 p.
- Goncharov S.A. Razrusheniye gornykh porod, puty povusheniya ego effectivnosti (Rock Mining: Ways of Improving the Trade). Gornyi Zhurnal (Mining Bulletin), N. 5. 1996. – pp. 9-12.
| 136-145 |
| UDC 622.268.4:622.235 R.A. Rakhmanov, research fellow, Cand. tech. Sciences, (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia) S.N. Nikolaev, Ph.D. student at the Department of Open Cast Mining (North-Eastern Federal University (Yakutsk, Russia)
The destruction of the breed in the near zone downhole of the number and the formation of thermals in the initial phase of the fort-the formation of dust-gas clouds Keywords: explosive gases, the products of detonation, the pressure, the rock, the well, the near field, the explosive charge, the explosion This article presents a theoretical study on the basis of which the dependences of the gas flow of explosion products at the end of the mouth of squa the spring time, the characteristics of explosives and geometric para-meters of the borehole, as well as the estimation of the emissions of fine dust generated in the near zone of the explosion of an explosive charge downhole. Given the high some of the gas pressure in the well compared with atmospheric air pressure, we can assume that the expiration of explosion products from the well occurs in a critical re-benching. In the analysis of this process was taken into account that the expiration happens in gases is the belt mode, when there is a pressure change in the borehole, associated with limited limited by weight explosive gases in the cavity. The upper part of the bore has a cylindrical inner and outer ring-ical form. In this regard, used the regularity of the expiration gas flow through a cylindrical nozzle. The obtained dependences can be used for increasing the efficiency of use of energy of explosion of the explosive charge downhole, as well as to reduce emissions of products of detonation from the well. Bibliographic list:- Andreev V., Panchev S. Dinamika atmosfernyih termikov (Dynamics of atmospheric thermals). – L.: Gidrometeoiz-dat. 1975. – 152 p.
- Kozhukhov A.S., Soloviev S.P. Opredelenie koeffitsienta turbulentnoy dif-fuzii produktov vzryiva i pyili pered frontalnoy granitsey vsplyivayuschego termika (Determination of the coefficient of turbulent dif-fusion products of the explosion and dust in front of the front border of the pop-up thermals). V sb. Fizicheskie protsessyi v geosferah pri silnyih vozmuscheniyah: geofizika silnyih vozmuscheniy = In: Physical processes in geospheres under strong perturbations: Geophysics of strong disturbances. M.: IGD RAN. 1996. p. 314-320
- Dugartsyrenov A.V., Anisimov V.N., Semenov V.V. Ob opredelyayuschih fakto-rah formirovaniya pyilegazovogo oblaka pri massovyih vzryivah na karerah (On determining facto-ry of the formation of dust clouds during massive blasting in quarries). Gornyiy in-formatsionno-analiticheskiy byulleten = Mountain information-analytical Bulletin, № 11, 2006.
- Deych M.E. Tehnicheskaya gazodinamika (Technical gas dynamics). M.-L., Gosenergoizdat. 1961. 671 p.
- Chedvik P., Koks A., Gopkinson G. Mehanika glubinnyih podzemnyih vzryivov (Mechanics of deep underground explosions). – M.: Mir, 1966.
- Kryukov G.M., Dugartsyrenov A.V. Dinamicheskie polya napryazheniy i deforma-tsiy pri kamufletnom vzryive sosredotochennogo i udlinennogo zaryadov s uchetom rasshi-reniya vzryivnoy polosti (Dynamic stress field and deformation of the revolutions of the explosion with camouflage concentrated and elongated charges with regard to enhanced use of the explosive cavity). Gornyiy informatsionno-analiticheskiy byulleten = Mining information and analytical Bulletin, № 9. 2007, pp. 13 – 28.
- Kryukov G.M., Glazkov Yu.V. Fenomenologicheskaya kvazistatichesko-volnovaya teoriya deformirovaniya i razrusheniya materialov vzryivom promyishlennyih VV (Phenomenological quasistatic-wave theory of deformation and destruction of materials by the explosion of industrial explosives). Gornyiy informatsionno-analiticheskiy byulleten = Mining information and analytical Bulletin. M.: Izd-vo MGGU. № 11. 2003. 67 р.
| 146-159 |
| UDC 622.235 S.A.Kozyrev, PhD I.A. Alekseev, the leading technologist (Federal State Institution of Science Mining Institute KSC)
On a question of open-pit flooding influence on the mechanism of apatite-nepheline ore destruction and blasting parameters Keywords:apatite-nepheline ores, strength and dynamic characteristics, flooding, blasting and drilling, explosive ratio, degree of fragmentation, overgrinding radius, new surface, middle prill Based on study of the hydrogeological conditions at the Koashva open-pit, the Vostochny mine, «Apatit» JSC, the need to consider flooding when choosing blasting and drilling parameters has been shown. Effect of flooding on the strength and dynamic characteristics of apatite-nepheline ores has been established. Degree of fragmentation of dry and flooding apatite-nepheline samples has been evaluated. Relationship between rock mass flooding and explosive ratio for the ore breaking has been established. For poor ores the leakage of the detonation products occurs, the array is passed more energy, and the size of the zone of destruction is limited by the tensile strength. In weaker rocks with a high content of Apatite destruction begins at the stage of expansion of the explosive cavity, i.e., there are leakage of the detonation products and, as a consequence, a more rapid pressure drop in the blast cavity. In water-saturated samples, these effects are enhanced even more, leading to even more over crushing and reduce the size of the zone of failure (fracturing) in wet conditions. Bibliographic list:- Kozyrev S.A., Alenichev I.A. K voprosu vliyaniya gidrogeologicheskih uslovij koashvinskogo mestorozhdeniya OAO «apatit» na stepen obvodnennosti gornyh porod // Monitoring prirodnyh i texnogennyh processov pri vedenii gornyh rabot. - 2013. - s.356-362.
- Sivenkov V.I., Galizin D.D. Vliyanie obvodnennosti treshhinovatyh massivov na ih vzryvaemost // Sb. Vzryvnoe delo, № 91/48. – M.: Nedra, 1998. – s.86-89.
- Komir V.M., Kunakov E.Yu. Issledovanie vliyaniya stepeni obvodnennosti blochnyh modelej na intensivnost ih drobleniya vzryvom // Visnik KDPU, Vip. 2, 2006. – s.69-71.
- Efremov E.I., Ponamarev A.V., Barannik V.V., Berezheckij A.Ya. Vliyanie obvodnennosti gornyh porod na mehanizm ih razrusheniya i tehnologiyu vzryvnoj otbojki // Visnik KDPU, Vip. 2, 2006. – s.75-79.
- Efremov E.I. Osobennosti i metody vzryvnogo razrusheniya obvodnennyh gornyh porod // Metallurgicheskaya i gornorudnaya promyshlennost. – 2010. - №2, s.151-156.
- Galizin D.D. Vliyanie obvodnennosti treshhinovatyh massivov na ih vzryvaemost: avtoref. diss. na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kand. tehn. nauk. – Moskva, 1997. – 19s.
- Gorbacevich F.F. Opredelenie skorosti raspredeleniya prodolnyh i poperechnyh kolebanij v obrazcah gornyh porod // Metodicheskie rekomendacii. - Apatity: KNC RAN, 1982. – 15 s.
- Beltyukov N.L., Evseev A.V. Sopostavlenie uprugih svojstv gornyh porod // Vestnik permskogo nacionalnogo issledovatelskogo politehnicheskogo universiteta. Geologiya neftegazovoe i gornoe delo. - 2010 - №5. - s.82-85.
- Pankratenko A.N. Opredelenie udelnoj poverhnostnoj energii razrusheniya porod // Gornyj informacionno-analiticheskij byulleten (nauchno-tehnicheskij zhurnal). – 2002. - №9. – s.11-14.
- Vovk A.A., Mihalyuk A.V., Belinskij I.V. Razvitie zon razrusheniya gornyh porod pri kamufletnyh vzryvah // FTPRPI.1973.-№4.- s.39-45.
- Tarasenko V.P. Fiziko-tehnicheskie osnovy rascheta zaryadov na karerah // Uchebnoe posobie. Izd-vo MGI. 1985.-80 s.
- Zverev A.A., Fetisov V.S. Vliyanie utechki produktov detonacii na mehanicheskie i uprugie harakteristiki kamufletnogo vzryva// PMTF – 1982. – s.123-128.
| 160-177 |
Section 2. State and improvement of explosives, devices and blasting agents
| UDC 622.235:622.83 Nikita N.E. Ph.D., Senior scientist Grigory Y.G., Ph.D., Senior scientist Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)
The research results of the rheological properties of direct emulsions used for the granulites production Keywords: granulated explosives, direct emulsions, rheology, shear rate, shear stress, viscosity, pseudoplasticity This article presents data on the rheological characteristics of direct water-hydrocarbon emulsions for the production of granular explosives. Studies were performed on rheometer with controlled shear strain within a temperature range of -30° C to 60° C. The results allow the use of emulsions for the production of mixed explosives at negative temperatures, as well as to manage the properties of emulsions in the production process by regulating the composition and parameters of mechanical impact. Bibliographic list:- Rehbinder P.A. Selected Works. Vol. 2. Surface Phenomena in Disperse Systems. Physical Chemical Mechanics, Moscow, Nauka, 1979, 384 p.
- Efremovtsev N.N. The results of innovative research and development in the field of the manufacture and use of industrial explosives // Newsletter of National organization of exploder engineers in support of professional development. – 2015, № 1. – P. 10-16 (in Russian).
- Efremovtsev N.N., Kvitko A.S. Revisited: Classification of data of industrial explosives tests // Proc. of the XIV Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique. Slovenia. – 2014. – С. 52-55 (in Russian)
| 178-185 |
| UDC 622.235 V.G. Shemenev, head of the Laboratory of rock failure, PhD S.N. Zharikov, Senior research fellow, PhD P.V. Menshikov, Junior researcher V.A. Sinicin, Senior research fellow, PhD (Institute of Mining, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Relationship between detonation characteristics of emulsion explosives nitronit Keywords: explosives, detonation velocity method rheostat density explosives, charge diameter, surface response approach, nitronit Velocity of detonation of explosives in the charge of a certain diameter defines the parameters of the damaging effects of explosions in the given environment. Industrial explosives, manufactured in the field of application (emulsion explosives) have a non-constant density of loading. The reason is that the explosive substance of not conventionally explosive components is obtained directly in mechanized loading wells and the margin of error of quality control density lead to a specific range of values. Accordingly, the velocity of detonation of charges from one borehole to another also has a range of values, especially when different diameters of charges. Thus, the relationship between the detonation characteristics of emulsion explosives is currently also not expressed in the General law, and the rational relation of these characteristics in different conditions yet determined experimentally. The article presents a graph-analytical approach to determining the relationship between these three parameters, allowing to predict the detonation velocity measured by the density of loading of the explosive cavity of known diameter. Bibliographic list:- Rukovodstvo operatora VODMate Operator Manual (Operator's Manual VOD Mate Operation Manual). Instantel. Canada, 1998 – 1999.–99 p.
- Shemenev V. G. Metodika eksperimentalnogo opredeleniya osnovnih harakteristik vzrivchatih veschestv (Methods of experimental determination of the main characteristics of explosives). Shemenev V. G., Sinicin V. A., Menshikov P. V. Gornii jurnal Kazahstana = Kazakhstan Mining Journal. 2014. No 2. pp. 44 - 46.
- Zharikov S. N. O vliyanii vzrivnih rabot na ustoichivost bortov karerov (On the influence of blasting on the stability of pit walls). Zharikov S. N., Shemenev V. G. Proceedings of the universities. Mining Journal. 2013. No 2. pp. 80 - 83.
| 186-193 |
Section 3. Technology of blasting in the mining of solid minerals
| UDC 622.235 A.S. Flyagin, Junior researcher (PhD student) S.N. Zharikov, Senior research fellow, PhD Institute of Mining, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
About contour blasting during mining operations Keywords: explosion, method of pre-goal formation, contour blasting, strumming rock, downhole tamping, downhole the charge, cutting the slit The history of the development of contour blasting begins with underground mining. When to intensify the penetration began to increase the quality of contouring arch openings. Later the principles of directional cut one piece of rock from another successfully applied both in surface mining, and hydraulic engineering. Currently, the widely used method of preliminary education gap. This method is to create a directional gap of the array required along the design line. Typically, it uses a series of closely spaced borehole charges explode at the same time. The result is a surface of discontinuity, which prevents the leakage of wave processes and, therefore, is a kind of screen that protects the array from the impact resistance of nearby explosions. How to create such screens may be different. However, they do follow a certain set of rules. Therefore, the appropriate kind of systematization in the field of contour blasting especially for underground mining. Bibliographic list:- Brotanek I., Voda I. Konturnoe vzrivanie v gornom dele i stroitelstve (Contour blasting in mining and construction). Moscow : Nedra, 1983. p. 144. First edition: CSSR, 1981.
- Pein R.S., Holms D.K., Klark H.E. Predotvraschenie perebora porodi posredstvom predvaritelnogo scheleobrazovaniya po konturu virabotki (Preventing busting rocks through preliminary goal formation along the contour generation). V kn.: Razrushenie i mehanika gornih porod: Sb. dokladov = The book: Destruction and rock mechanics: Sat. reports. Moscow: Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. pp. 204-222.
- Gornaya enciklopediya (Mountain encyclopedia). [Electronic resource]. site "Mountain Encyclopedia". Mode of access: //www.mining-enc.ru/ The title from the screen.
- Baron L.I., Klyuchnikov A.V. Konturnoe vzrivanie pri prohodke virabotok (Contour blasting when driving workings). Leningrad, Nauka, 1967. 204 p.
- Gogichev I.I. Upravlenie deistviem vzriva shpurovih zaryadov (Management action blast hole charges). Metsniereba, Tbilisi, 1968. 58 p.
- Jarikov S.N., Shemenev V.G. O vliyanii vzrivnih rabot na ustoichivost bortov karerov (On the influence of blasting on the stability of pit walls). Izvestiya vuzov. Gorniy jurnal = Proceedings of the universities. Mining Journal. 2013. No 2. pp. 80-83.
- Vahidov R.M., Pozdnyakov A.E., Valiahmedov I.F., Aleksandrov V.N. Vliyaniya ploschadi stenki zaryadnih kamer na intensivnost drobleniya (Influence area of the wall charging cameras on the intensity of crushing). Vzrivnoe delo. Vipusk №112/69 = Explosive affair. Release of №112 / 69. Moscow .: IPKON RAS, 2014. pp. 47-51.
- Patent RU2312299 «Konturnii zaryad s raspornoi zaboikoi» (Patent RU2312299 "Contour charge tamping from the spacer") 10.12.2007.
- Patent RU 2229684 S1 «Podvesnaya skvajinnaya zaboika» (Patent RU 2229684 C1 "Hanging borehole tamping") 27.05.2004.
| 194-201 |
| UDC 622.235 Sh.Sh.Zairov, senior scientific employee-competitor, PhD (Navoi state mining institute (Navoi, Republic of Uzbekistan)
Development of the way of decrease in releases of dust and gas at mass explosions on pits Keywords: borehole charge, way, zaboyka, pylegazovydeleniye, research, cheap production products, inert bulks, design In article the way of increase of efficiency of dust suppression and increase in efficiency of energy of explosives at mass explosions on pits by locking of products of explosion in a charging cavity before destruction of the massif due to use of the fixing mix in zaboyechny part of a well received on the basis of cheap production products and inert bulks is developed. The fixing mix passed laboratory and trial research on Tashkur's career of the Dzheroy-Sardara field of phosphorites. Bibliographic list:- Beresnevich P.V., Mihajlov V.A., Filatov S.S. Ajerologija kar'erov: Spravochnik. – M.: Nedra, 1990. – S. 81.
- Patent RU №2526950. Zasypnaja zabojka vzryvnyh skvazhin s jelementami kamennogo materiala // Shemjakin S.A., Shevkun E.B., Galim'janov A.A., Leshhinskij A.V.
- Rzhanicyn B.A. Himicheskoe zakreplenie gruntov v stroitel'stve. – Moskva: Strojizdat, 1986. – 264 s.
- Razrabotka himicheskih sposobov zakreplenija peska na ust'e vzryvnyh skvazhin s ispol'zovaniem PAV // Otchet po hozdogovornoj rabote №82-06. – Navoi: NGGI, 2008. – 81 s.
| 202-210 |
Section 4. Usage of combustion processes and the impact of the explosion in industry
| UDC 622.235 V.V. Pupkov, Director, PhD I.A. Nenachov, Сhief engineer A.I. Selyavin, Сhief engineer for blasting works V.E. Fomenkova, Leading expert ("Promtechvzryv" (Moscow, Russia) Ju.A. Berezuev, Director general, PhD ("NPK "Kontech" (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) M.I. Ganopolskiy, technical Director, PhD ("CPESSL BVR" (Moscow, Russia)
Loosening rocky soils with the use of gas generators GDSh Keywords:safety of work, the gasifier pressure blast hole, seismic vibrations, acoustic air wave, protective shelter, safe distance In the article the questions of organization and production of works by loosening the rocky soil with the use of pressure generators hole GDSh. Provides information about the design GDSh. The method of calculation of parameters of blast-hole charges when using GDSh. Justification safe conditions of works to ensure the safety of surrounding buildings. Given the methodology of calculation of seismic and acoustic air waves when triggered GDSh on protected objects. The results of measurements of seismic vibrations and acoustic air waves when loosening the rocky soils GDSh. Bibliographic list:- Berezuev Ju.A. Primenenie shpurovykh gasogeneratorov davlenija na karjerakh blochnogo kamnja (The use of blast-hole pressure generators on a quarries block of stone). Gornyi Zhurnal = Mining Journal. 2008. No.1. pp. 50-52.
- Rukovodstvo po primeneniju gasogeneratora davlenija shpurovogo GDSh (Guidance on the application of the gasifier pressure blast hole). TU 7275-002-46242932-2002. St. Petersburg : OOO «NPK «Kontech», 2002. - 7 p.
- Selyavin A.I,. Nenachov , I.A., Fomenkova V.E., Ganopolskiy M.I. Rasrushenie monolitnogo zhelesobetonnogo fundamenta s ispolsovaniem nevsryvchatikh rasrushayushchich sredstv (The Destruction of monolithic reinforced concrete foundation using non-explosive destructive means). Vzryvnoe delo (Explosion Technology, Vol. 113/70). – M.: IPKON RAS, 2015. pp. 243-259.
- Federalnye normy i pravila v oblasty promyshlennoji besopasnosty. Pravila besopasnosty pri vsryvnykh rabotakh. Sbornik dokumentov. Srija 13. Vypusk 14 (Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety. Safety regulations for blasting. Collection of documents. Series 13. Vol.14). Moscow : ZAO «Scientific and technical centre for the study of industrial safety», 2014. - 332 p.
- Tekhnicheskie pravila vedenija vsryvnykh rabot na dnevnoy poverkhnosty (Technical rules of blasting on the surface). M.: Nedra, 1972. - 240 p.
- Ceitlin Ja.I., Smoliy N.I. Sejismicheskie i udarnye vosdushnye volny promyshlennykh vsryvov (Seismic and air shock wave of industrial explosions). Moscow : Nedra, 1981. - 192 p.
- Ganopolskiy M.I., Baron V.L., Belin V.A. et al. Metody vedenija vsryvnykh rabot. Specialnye vsryvnye raboty: Uchebnoe posobie (Methods of blasting. Special blasting: Study guide). Moscow : Publisher MGGU, 2007. - 563 p.
- Tekhnicheskie pravila vedenija vsryvnykh rabot v energeticheskom stroitelstve (Technical rules for the conduct of blasting operations in the energy construction). M.: AO «Institut Gidroproekt», 1997. - 232 p.
- Rukovodstvo po proektirovaniju i proisvodstvu vsryvnykh rabot pri rekonstrukcii promyshlennykh predprijatiji i grazhdanskikh sooruzheniji. RTM 36.9-88 (Guidance on the design and manufacture of blasting during the re-construction of industrial enterprises and civil structures. RTM 36.9-88). Moscow : CBNTI MMSS USSR, 1988. - 37 p.
- Opredelenie kriticheskikh parametrov kolebaniji okhranjaemykh objektov pri vsryvnom droblenii fundamentov i obrushenii sdaniji pri rekonstrukcii. RTM 36.22-91 (The determination of the critical parameters of the oscillations of protected objects with explosive crushing foundations and collapse of buildings during reconstruction. RTM 36.22-91). Moscow : CBNTI MMSS USSR, 1991. - 17 p.
- Mosinez V.N. Drobjashchee i sejismicheskoe dejistvie vsryva v gornykh porodakh (Crushing and seismic action explosion in rocks). Moscow : Nedra, 1976. - 271 p.
- Kutuzov B.N. Besopasnost vsryvnykh rabot v gornom dele i promishlennosti: Uchebnoe posobie (Safety of blasting in mining and industry: Study guide). Moscow : Publisher Mining book, 2009. - 670 s.
| 211-232 |
| UDC 622.235 A.S. Derzhavets, Director general, PhD, prof. A.E. Sal'ko, PhD, prof. (JSC "Vzryvispytaniya")
Elongated shaped charge with utilizable high condensed systems Keywords: elongated shaped charge, explosive mixtures plastisol type, penetration ability ESC, detonation, solid propellant On the basis of theoretical and computational and experimental studies designed elongated shaped charge polymer-based (ESC-PB). The paper deals with the choice of an optimal shape and structure of the charge, the choice of the starting components for the manufacture of ESC-PB development methods and technological bases of manufacturing elements ESC-PB and in general, the optimization of geometric and mass characteristics of the charges at their maximum penetrative abilities, evaluation of the effectiveness of action ESC-PB features excitation of detonation in ESC-PB and transfer charges between the segments and the formation mechanism of the cumulative flow ESC-PB. Bibliographic list:- Some aspects of elimination and disposal of solid charges fuel.- A.E. Salko .// fundamental and exploratory research in the interests of defense; 1 countries. Iss.65. The problem of conversion of military production. / USSR Ministry of Defense, 1990, p. 69.
- The method of destruction charges composite solid propellants. A.E. Salko V.V. Golybev, O.N. Kutkina .// C.A. USSR number 308505, 1990.
- A.E. Salko. Composite elongated shaped charges. / Research and development and high-tech dual-use: Materials 1st Volga Region Scientific and Technical Conference, February 21-23, 1995, in 2 parts, Samara. Part 2-GPSO "Impulse", 1995. - p. 119.
- The elongated shaped charge. C.A. USSR №3160456. A.E. Salko, N.K. Egorov, A.S. Derzhavets and others.
- The elongated shaped charge. A.E. Salko, N.K. Egorov, L.V. Lavrenov .// C.A. USSR №270637, 1988.
- A method of manufacturing elongate cumulative charge type. A.E. Salko, N.K. Egorov/// C.A. USSR №265034, 1987.
| 233-241 |
| UDC 622.235 V.Ya.Bazotov, director of the Engineering Institute of Chemical Technology KNRTU, pro-Professor, PhD A.V. Stankevich, assistant, PhD A.A. Mokeev, Associate Professor, PhD T.P. Evseeva, Associate Professor, PhD (Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU)(KAZAN, Russia)
Study of functioning characteristics of coaxial-layered cumulative charge for industrial application Keywords: coaxial-layered cumulative charge, oil, punches, numerical simulation, detonation wave, cumulation, reflection of Mach Functioning characteristics of the small coaxial-layered cumulative charge, the outer layer of which was made from the high-pulse blasting explosive (desensitized octogene) and the inside layer was made from low-pulse metalized industrial explosive, were researched in the study. The research was performed by applying the methods of mathematical modeling of detonation processes in charges, and the analysis was done by applying the finite element method in an implicit formulation, the software packages LS-Dyna and Autodyn being used. It is established that the coaxial-layered charge generates more extended cumulative jet with larger values of head end speed and specific kinetic energy in comparison with a monocharge. The larger penetrating force of the coaxial-layered charge (in comparison with a monocharge) aimed at a steel target is experimentally confirmed. The obtained results indicate the potential of using coaxial-layered cumulative charges in borehole perforators employed in the oil industry. Bibliographic list:- Zonenko S.I. Kumuljativnyj zarjad (Cumulative charge) // Patent RF № 2365859.
- Smelikov V.G., Bazilevich V.M. Kumuljativnyj zarjad s bimetallicheskoj oblicovkoj i sposob ejo izgotovlenija (Shaped charge with a bimetallic liner and method of its manufacture). Patent RF №2151362.
- Rogozhin P.V. Sposob izgotovlenija bimetallicheskih oblicovok kumuljativnyh zarjadov, primenjaemyh v perforatorah dlja vskrytija produktivnyh neftjanyh i gazovyh plastov (The method of manufacturing of bimetallic liners shaped charges used in rotary hammers for the opening of productive oil and gas reservoirs). Metallurgija i novye materialy = Metallurgy and new materials. – Samara, 2010. С. 159-160.
- Kalashnikov V.V., Demoreckij D.A., Trohin O.V., Rogozhin P.V., Nenashev M.V., Nechaev I.V., Ganigin S.Ju., Hlystova I.E., Krylova M.A. Tehnologija izgotovlenija oblicovok kumuljativnyh zarjadov, obladajushhih povyshennoj probivnoj sposobnost'ju (Manufacturing technology facing the shaped charges with increased disruptive capability). Izvestija Samarskogo nauchnogo centra Rossijskoj akademii nauk = Proceedings of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011, т.13, №1 (2). – С. 373 – 376.
- Marsov A.A., Mokeev A.A., Sadykov I.F., Minibaev Sh.H. Zarjad perforatora (Charge the gun )// Patent RF № 2250359.
- Marsov A.A., Mokeev A.A., Sadykov I.F., Hajrutdinov M.R. Zarjad perforatora (Charge the gun )// Patent RF № 2391620.
- Chzhan S., Cjao L. Formirovanie i vnedrenie strui, generiruemoj dvuhslojnym kumuljativnym zarjadom (Formation and implementation of the jet generated by a two-layer shaped charge). Fizika gorenija i vzryva = Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves. – 2011, т.47, №2. – С. 128-136.
- Stankevich A.V., Evseeva T.P., Surkova I.Ju., Bazotov V.Ja. Issledovanie struktury i svojstv kombinirovannyh koaksial'no-sloistyh zarjadov promyshlennogo naznachenija (Investigation of the structure and properties of combined coaxially-layered charges for industrial use). Vestnik of the Kazan Technological University = Herald of Kazan Technological University. 2010. №11. - С.215 - 221.
- Stankevich A.V., Bazotov V.Ja., Evseeva T.P., Surkova I.Ju. Ustrojstvo dlja ravnomernogo zapolnenija sypuchim materialom vertikal'nyh jomkostej (A device for uniform filling of bulk material vertical tanks). Patent RF № 2520580.
| 242-251 |
| UDC 622.235 A.E. Frantov, Senior researcher, PhD (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)
The question of determining the parameters conditioning explosives conversion for use in geotechnology Keywords: blasting, physical and technical geotechnology, physical and technical geotechnology, demilitarization explosive materials, conditioning propertie Methodological approaches to the characterization of the properties of air demilitarization explosive materials to be used in geotechnology. When implementing a systematic approach is used, which includes analysis of the characteristics of blasting in physical, technical, physical and chemical geotechnology and their combinations, evaluating ineffective demilitarization explosive materials, preparation of recommendations for their air conditioning to ensure the effective and safe use in geotechnology. With the aim of extending the scope of conversion of explosives proposed recommendations for the conditioning properties, including: analysis of the characteristics of blasting in physicotechnical, physicochemical and combined Geotechnology; evaluation of the properties and characteristics of explosive and propellants, ammunition; justification of recommendations for conditioning explosive properties explosive and propelling charges of ammunition. Bibliographic list:- Frantov A.E. Konversionnye vzryvchatye veshhestva - usloviya racional'nogo primeneniya v geotexnologiyax (Demilitarized explosive materials - conditions for rational use geotechnologies). - LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2014. - 136 p.
- Zakalinsky V.M. Frantov A.E. O principe preemstvennosti texnologicheskix reshenij v oblasti vzryvnyx rabot (On the principle of continuity of technological solutions in the field of blasting) The explosive case. Issue № 105/62. - Moscow: ZAO "MVK on explosives at AGN", 2011. - P. 83-92.
- Matseevich B.V. Burenok V.M., Vinnikov V.P., Glinski V.P. Shikunov N.V. Boepripasy povyshennoj stojkosti k opasnym vneshnim vozdejstviyam: osobennosti konstruirovaniya, ispytanij i e'kspluatacii (Ammunition increased resistance to dangerous external influences: especially construction, testing and operation). - Krasnoarmeysk, JSC "KNIIM" 2014. – 168 p.
- Schukin Yu.G., Kutuzov B.N., Matseevich B.V., Tatischev Y.A. Promyshlennye vzryvchatye veshhestva na osnove utiliziruemyx boepripasov (Industrial based explosives munitions utilized). - Moscow: Nedra, 1998. – 319 p.
- Kutuzov B.N., Nishpal G.A. Texnologiya i bezopasnost' izgotovleniya i primeneniya vzryvchatyx veshhestv na gornyx predpriyatiyax (Technology and safety of manufacture and use of explosives in mining enterprises): Textbook. allowance. - Moscow: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2001. -248 p.
- Matseevich B.V. Razrabotka texniki i texnologii utilizacii boepripasov i prigotovleniya na osnove izvlechennyx zaryadov promyshlennyx vzryvchatyx veshhest (Development of equipment and technology for utilization of ammunition and preparation based on lessons charges of industrial explosives) // Coll. International Conference "The explosive case - 99". - Moscow: Moscow State Mining University, 1999. - P. 96-106.
- Vinnikov V.P., Glinski V.P., Zavyalov V.S., Matseevich B.V. Katalog texnologicheskogo oborudovaniya utilizacii boepripasov i pererabotki osvobozhdayushhixsya materialov (Catalog of technological equipment ammunition disposal and processing of released materials) // Krasnoarmeysk, FSUE "KNIIM." - 2010 - 155 p.
- Smirnov L.A., Tinkoff O.V. Konversiya (Conversion) of part IV. - Moscow: TSNIINTIKPK, 1996. - 131 p.
| 252-272 |
Section 5. Ecology and safety during blasting operations
| UDC 622.235 M.I. Ganopolskiy, technical Director, PhD ("CPESSL BVR" (Moscow, Russia) V.А. Belin, Professor, PhD (Mining Institute National research technical University «MISiS» - MI NRTU «MISiS» (Moscow, Russia) V.I. Kulikov, Leading researcher, PhD Institute of dynamics of geospheres Russian Academy of Sciences - IDG RAS (Moscow, Russia)
Evaluate the magnitude of the permissible speed fluctuations on effects the people of vibration caused by blasting operations Keywords: safety of blasting, sanitary protection zone, seismic vibrations, the rate of ground vibrations, vibration from blasting In the article the choice of permissible speed fluctuations on effects on humans vibration caused by blasting operations conducted. Selection is based on the requirements listed in Sanitary rules and regulations and hygienic standards in Russia. In determining the allowable velocity fluctuations into account the length of time the impact of a blast vibration on people. The recommendations in this article can be used to determine seismometer conditions of drilling and blasting works for the people inside residential, public and industrial buildings located abroad established for the mining enterprise of the sanitary protection zone. Bibliographic list:- O sanitarno-epidemiologicheskom blagopoluchii naseleniya: federalnyiy Sakon Rossiyiskoy Federacii ot 30.03.1999 г. №52-FS (On the sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population: federal Law Of The Russian Federation as of December 30, 1999, No. 52-FZ; adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of March 12, 1999; approved by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of March 17, 1999 // Russian Gazette). - 1999. - April 06.
- Sanitarno-epidemiologicheskie pravila i normativy. SanPiN 2.2.1/ Sanitarno-sashchitnye sony i sanitarnaya klassifikaciya predpriyatiy, sooruzheniy i inych obyektov. (Sanitary-epidemiological rules and regulations. SanPiN 2.2.1/ Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other facilities). М.: 2003. - 40 p.
- Dynamicheskiy raschet sdaniy i soorugeniy. Spravochnik proektirovshchika. (Dynamic analysis of buildings and structures. Designer's manual). M.: Stroyizdat, 1984. - 303 s.
- Medvedev S.V. Seismika gornykh vsryvov (Seismic rock blasting). M.: Nedra, 1964. - 188 p.
- Ceitlin Ja.I., Smoliy N.I. Sejismicheskie i udarnye vosdushnye volny promyshlennykh vsryvov (Seismic and air shock wave of industrial explosions). Moscow : Nedra, 1981. - 192 p.
- Bogazkiy V.F., Fridman A.G. Okhrana ingenernyrh soorugeniy i okrugayushchey sredy ot vrednogo deyistviya promyshlennykh vsryvov (Protection of engineering structures and the environment from the harmful effects of industrial explosions). Moscow : Nedra, 1982. - 162 p.
- Ganopolskiy M.I., Baron V.L., Belin V.A. et al. Metody vedenija vsryvnykh rabot. Specialnye vsryvnye raboty: Uchebnoe posobie (Methods of blasting. Special blasting: Study guide). Moscow : Publisher MGGU, 2007. - 563 p.
- GOST R 52892-2007. Vibracija i udar. Vibracija sdaniy. Ismerenie vibracii i ocenka ee vosdejistvija na konstrukciju (Vibration and shock. Vibration of buildings. Measurement of vibration and evaluation of its effects on structure). Moscow : Standartinform, 2008. - 21 p.
- Sanitarnye normy. SN 2.2.4/ Proisvodstvennaya vibraciya v pomeshcheniyach zhilych i obshchestvennych sdaniy (The sanitary norms of industrial vibration, vibration of residential and public buildings). М.: 1997. - 16 p.
- Braden Trex Lusk, Joshua Micah Hoffman. Analysis of survey information about airblast and ground vibration reporting units. - International Jornal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment. Vol. 25, No 2, Juni 2011, s. 161-176.
| 273-294 |
| UDC 622.235 A.G. Novinkov, PhD, Head of department S.I. Protasov, PhD, Director, professor (Novation firm "KUZBASS-NIIOGR", Kuzbass State Technical University – KuzSTU (Kemerovo, Russian Federation)
Analysis of the dominant frequency of vibrations at mining blasts Keywords: seismic at mining blasts, frequency-dependent criteria of seismic hazard, dominant frequency of vibration, open-surface mining Results of experimental researches of dominant frequencies of vibrations for short-delayed blasts are discussed in the article. Seismograms of mining blasts with different initiation systems on three open-surface mines at Kuzbass region and Novosibirsk region are analyzed. 30-35 three-component seismograms were recorded for every open-surface mine and every blasting technology on different scaled distances. A quantitative analysis the differences between dominant vibration frequencies obtained by zero-crossing method and by using a fast Fourier transformation (FFT) was carried out. In both cases, the dominant frequencies were determined by using the software from the same manufacturer of geophones. Zero- crossing frequencies were higher from 20 to 230% compared to the FFT-frequencies. Linear regressions showed a weak dependence of dominant frequencies on scaled distances in the range of practical interest. A constant dominant frequency can be used for a estimation of seismic hazard at open-surface mine. The mean square error in regression analyzes reach very high values, which is not possible to use confidence intervals for the practical problems of predicting the dominant frequency. Bibliographic list:- Federalnie normi i pravila v oblasti promyshlennoy bezopasnosti. Pravila bezopasnosti pri vzrivnih rabotah. Sbornik dokumentov. (Federal regulations. Safety rules for blasting. The collection of documents). Series 13. Part 14. – Moscow, Scientific and technological research center for industrial safety problems, 2014. – 332 p.
- GOST R 52892-2007. Vibratsiya i udar. Vibratsiya zdaniy. Izmereniye vibratsii i otsenka yeyo vozdeystviya na konstruktsiyu. (Vibration and a shock. Vibration of buildings. A measurement of vibration and estimation of its effects on a structure). – Moscow: Standartinform publishing house, 2008. – 52 p.
- OSM Blasting Perfomance Standards. 30 Code of Federal Regulations. Sec. 816.67. Use of Explosives: Control of adverse effects.
- BS 7385-2:1993. British Standard. Evaluation and measurement for vibration in buildings. Part 2: Guide to damage levels from groundborne vibration. – BSI, 1993. – 15 p.
- DIN 4150-3:1999. Structural Vibration. Part 3: Effects of vibration on structures, 1999. – 11 p.
- Novinkov A.G., Protasov S.I., Gukin A.S. Otsenka seismobezopasnosti promishlennyh vzrivov. (An estimation of seismic hazard of blasts). Bezopasnost truda v promishlennosti = An occupational safety in industry. 2013, No 6. pp. 40-46.
- Bogatskiy V.F., Pergament V.H. Seismicheskaya bezopasnost’ pri vzrivnyh rabotah (A seismic safety on blasting). Moscow: Nedra publishing house. 1978. 128 p.
- Rukovodstvo po analizu opasnosti avariynih vzrivov i opredeleniyu parametrov ih mehanicheskogo deistviya. RB G-05-039-96. Normativniy dokument. (A guide to the hazard analysis of accidental explosions and the characterization of its mechanical action. RB G-05-039-96. Normative document). Moscow: Scientific and technological center on nuclear and radiation safety at Russian nuclear supervisor. 2000. 45 p.
- Kishkina S.B. Seismicheskiy effect massovih himicheskih vzrivov na karierah Kurskoy magnitnoy anomalii. (A seismic effect of chemical blasts on quarries of Kursk magnetic anomaly). Thesis of diss. Moscow: Institute of Geosphere Dynamics at the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2002. 137 p.
- Borisov E.K. Bezopasnost’ zdaniy, raspolozhennih v zone seismicheskogo deistviya promishlennich vzrivov. (A safety of buildings in a seismic zone of blasts). Thesis of diss. Vladivostok. Far-East State Technical University of V.V. Kuybishev. 2002. 201 p.
| 295-308 |
| UDC 504.5: 528.8:622.271 V.M. Khazins, Leading researcher, PhD A.A.Spivak, Head of Laboratory, Professor, PhD (Institute of Geospheres Dynamics of Russian Academy of Sciences - IDG RAS (Moscow, Russia)
Intensification of mining quarry ventilation by convective jet Keywords: mining quarry, dust, quarry ventilation, wind, vortical motion, convective jet, ,numerical simulation The filling of mining quarry by the dust and aerosols as a result of ore blasting are a controlling factor of the mining quarry productivity because in this case it occurs the need to refresh air into the quarry. The results of numerical simulation of a quarry aeration are considered under natural as well as artificial conditions. In the former case the quarry is refreshed by the wind. In the second case we add the mechanical ventilation by the heated convective jet. As follow from analysis of gas dynamical fields the mechanical ventilation adding results in essential reduction of the refreshing time. It is occurred at the relatively small heating of the air in the jet (25-50) and at the initial jet velocity about some meters per second. At the same time the jet size has been selected sufficiently large (200 - 500 m) by reason of the complexity of the of numerical simulation. In this study we use an asymptotic subsonic (the Mach number M< 1) approximation of the Navier-Stokes equations with a large eddy model for turbulent viscosity. The subsonic model was developed for the problem of high temperature thermals rising in a stratified atmosphere and numerical simulation demonstrated a reasonable agreement with experimental data and theoretical results. Bibliographic list:- Konorev M.M., Nesterenko G.F. Ocenka sostoyaniya I perpectivy primeneniya system ventilyatcii I pylepodavleniya na karierah (Estimation of the state and perspective of using of the ventilation system and dust-depressing at the quarries) Fiziko-tekhnicheskie problemy razrabotki poleznykh iskopaemykh = Journal of Mining Science. 2012. No. 2. pp. 113–120.
- SanPiN 2.2.1/ Sanitarno-zashitnye zony I sanitarnaya klassifikatciya predpriyatii, sooryzhenii I inyh ob'ektov (Control zone and sanitary classification of the enterprises, constractions and other objects) Moscow: 2008.
- OND-86. Metodika rascheta koncentracii v atmosfernom vozdukhe vrednyh veschestv, soderzhaschihsya v vybrosah predpriyatii (Method of calculation of the harmful substance concentration in atmospheric air, contained in industrial emissions. Leningrad, Hydrometeoizdat, 1987.
- Oparin V.N., Potapov V.P., Giniyatullina O.L., Andreeva N.V., Schastlivtsev T.L., Bykov A.A. Otsenka pylevogo zagryazneniya atmosfery ugledobyvayuschih rayonov Kuzbassa v zimnii period po dannym distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli (Estimation of the dust pollution of atmosphere of coal regions in the winter period on the base of the data of the Earth remote probing) Fiziko-tekhnicheskie problemy razrabotki poleznykh iskopaemykh = Journal of Mining Science. 2014. No. 3. pp. 126–137.
- Kalabin G.V. Metodologiya kolichestvennoi otsenki okruzhayuschei sredy na territorii razmescheniya predpriyatii po osvoeniyu georesursov (Methodology of quantitative estimation of the environment at the territory of enterprise for geosources development). Fiziko-tekhnicheskie problemy razrabotki poleznykh iskopaemykh = Journal of Mining Science. 2012. No. 2. pp. 175–184.
- Hazins V.M. Metod krupnyh vihrei v zadachah vsplytiya vysokotemperaturnyh termikov v stratifitcirovannoi atmosphere (Large eddy simulation approach in problems on floating up of high-temperature thermals in stratified atmosphere ). High Temperature Physics. 2010. V. 48. No. 3. pp. 424-432. doi:10.1134/S0018151X10030156.
| 309-324 |
| UDC 622.768 C.M. Lupy, general director (Ltd. "Technology anchoring") V.A. Bakin, mining engineer (OJSC "SUEK-Kuzbass", w. "Taldinskaya Zapadnaya")
Assessment of blasting for state marginal rock massif development Keywords: blasting, anchor preparatory excavation, loading, tension anchor The article presents data on the assessment of the impact of blasting on the state in-circuit array excavation. It sets the value of the pre-fracture zone and its influence on the number of laminated loose connections in the immediate top of the development (carbonaceous and mineral layer, mirrors and sliding subgorizontal-governmental tectonic fractures) as well as its impact on the parameters of the working resistance roof bolting. Bibliographic list:- Aleksandrov V.E., Trubnikov V.N., Kochanov A.N. Ocenka stepeni razrusheniya gornyh porod v zone predrazrushayushchego dejstviya vzryva. // Nauchnye soobshcheniya NGD im. A.A. Skochinskogo. Sposoby i sredstva upravleniya sostoyaniem massiva., -M.:, 1987. -128s.
- Belikov A.V. Obosnovanie ehffektivnyh parametrov krepej i ohrany kon-strukcij v vyemochnyh shtrekah s krepkimi porodami krovli, soderzhashchimi slabye kontakty. // Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie uchetnoj stepeni kandidata tekhnicheskih nauk, Novocherkassk, 2009. -19s.
| 325-331 |
| UDC 622.768 C.M. Lupy, general director (Ltd. "Technology anchoring")
Recommendations to reduce the negative influence of blasting on efficiency fastening of developments anchoring Keywords: anchor, contour blasting, excavation, blasting. The paper developed recommendations to reduce the negative impact of blasting when securing mines stalepolimernoy roof bolting, which first need to include the following: the use of contour blasting; Menen at-bolting lock type as the temporary support; use Lean-tatelnogo method of fixing the anchor. Bibliographic list:- Baron L.I. Turchaninov I.A., Klyuchnikov A.V. Narushenie porod pri konturnom vzryvanii. –L.:, 1975. -337s.
- Brotanek I., Voda J. Konturnoe vzryvanie v gornom dele i stroitel'stve. –M.:. Nedra, 1983. 144s.
- Kovalevskij V.N. Obosnovanie parametrov zaryadov VV napravlennogo dejstviya, obespechivayushchih sohrannost' zakonturnogo massiva. //Avtoreferat kand. dis. L., 1989. -19s.
- Belikov A.V. Obosnovanie ehffektivnyh parametrov krepej i ohrany konstrukcij v vyemochnyh shtrekah s krepkimi porodami krovli, soderzhashchimi slabye kontakty. // Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie uchetnoj stepeni kandidata tekhnicheskih nauk, Novocherkassk, 2009. -19s.
- Bobylev Yu.G. Kreplenie gornyh vyrabotok ugol'nyh shaht ankernoj i kombinirovannoj krep'yu. – S-Petebrubrg, MANEHB.-2009.-176s.
| 332-336 |
| UDC 622.814 Z.A. Abiev, postgraduate of the Department of blasting work G.P. Paramonov, department chair "Explosive business", PhD., professor V.I. Chernobai, associate professor of the Department of blasting work, PhD (National mineral resources University "Mining University" (St. Petersburg, Russia)
The current trends of the pilot study of regularities of process of phlegmatization and inhibition, of inflaming and explosion of gas- of dust-air mixes Keywords: coal dust, sulphidic dust, inhibition, phlegmatization, dust inflaming, dust detonation, fire and explosion safety, inflaming research The short review of actions at the mountain enterprises for decrease in probability of inflaming and a detonation of coal and sulphidic dust is presented in article. Problems of laboratory researches of processes of inhibition and phlegmatization of inflaming and explosion a heat gas environment are considered. In the modern technical literature the following regularities of bench tests are poorly presented: on influence of volume of the experimental chamber on results of researches; on influence of energy of a source of inflaming; on influence of dispersion of dust at its giving in an explosive chamber; on turbulence influence. The techniques of bench tests by definition of degree of fire-and-explosion hazard of dust applied in the Russian Federation and abroad are described. Along with differences at the modern laboratory techniques the common tendencies are revealed and key experimental characteristics of inflaming and explosibility are defined. Practically all similar tests pursue the aim of a fast and objective assessment of new materials, mixes of earlier studied substances and traditional substances at change of technology of their receiving. As experiments are made in vitro, there is a need of extrapolation of the received results for large volumes, and practically nobody did it. The following five main characteristics of explosibility are measured in the modern laboratory researches, as a rule: limit concentration inferior of flame spread, maximal pressure of explosion, maximal rate of pressure rise of explosion, index of fire-and-explosion hazard of dust, minimum explosive content of oxygen; minimum concentration of a phlegmtizator. The major factors influencing accuracy of researches are established and paths of increase of reliability of results of the experimental tests are offered. Bibliographic list:- Kalyakin S.A. Predotvrashchenie vzryvov metana i ugol'noi pyli v gornykh vy-rabotkakh shakht (Prevention of explosions of a methane and coal dust in excavations of mines), Vzryvnoe delo = Explosive business, Issue № 99/56, Moscow.: ZAO «MVK po vzryvnomu delu» (Interdepartmental commission on explosive business), 2008, pp. 245-255.
- Chernobai V.I., Paramonov G.P. Obespechenie bezopasnosti i effektivnosti vzryvnykh rabot na kolchedannykh rudnikakh (Safety and effectiveness of blasting on pyritic mines), Zapiski Gornogo institute = Notes of Mining institute, SPGGI(TU), 2007, T. 171. pp. 233-235.
- Korol'chenko A.Ya. Pozharovzryvobezopasnost' promyshlennoi pyli (Fire and explosion safety of the production dust), Moscow: Khimiya (CHemistry), 1986, 68 p.
- Sapko M., Weiss E., Cashdollar K. and Zlochower I. Experimental mine and labora-tory dust explosion research at NIOSH, J. Loss Prevention, 2000, vol. 13, pp. 229-242.
- Kushnarenko V.V. O sushchnosti kriteriya vzryvaemosti v inzhenernom metode otsenki vzryvoopasnykh svoistv pyli energeticheskogo topliva (About substance of criterion of explosibility in an engineering method of an assessment of explosive properties of dust of power fuel), Elektricheskie stantsii = Power plants, 2001, N 3, pp. 30-34.
- SSBT. Pozharovzryvoopasnost' veshchestv i materialov. No-menklatura pokazatelei i metody ikh opredeleniya (Occupational safety standards system. Fire-and-explosion hazard of substances and materials. Product indicators and methods of their definition), GOST 12.1.044-89, Moscow: STI, 2006, 100 p.
- Ch. Proust, A. Accorsi, L. Dupont. Measuring the violence of dust explosions with the “20 l sphere” and with the standard “ISO 1 m3 vessel”, Systematic comparison and analysis of the discrepancies Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, vol. 20, Issues 4 – 6, July – November 2007, pp. 599-606.
- Kostenko V.K., Kalyakin S.A, Zav'yalova E.L., Mokosh L., Moroz O.K., Shtrokh L. Laboratornye issledovaniya vzryvchatykh svoistv vozdushno-atsetileno-ugol'nykh aerozolei (Laboratory researches of explosive properties air atsetileno-coal aerosols), Progressivnye tekhnologii i sistemy mashinostroeniya = Progressive technologies and systems of mechanical engineering, Cb. nauch. tr. (Collection of scientific works), DonNTU, Donetsk, 2012, pp. 172-180.
- A. Dastidar, P. Amyotte. Determination of Minimum Inerting Concentrations for Combustible Dusts in a Laboratory-Scale Chamber, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, vol. 80, Issue 6, November 2002, pp. 287-297.
- A. Dastidar, P. Amyotte, J. Going, K. Chartathi. Inerting of coal dust explosions in laboratory- and intermediate-scale chambers. Fuel, vol. 80, Issue 11, September 2001, pp. 1593-1602.
- Niansheng Kuai, Weixing Huang. Experiment-based investigations on effect of ignition energy on dust explosion behaviors. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, vol. 2, Issue 4, July 2013, pp. 869-877.
- Omotayo Kalejaiye, P. Amyotte, Michael J. Pegg, Kenneth L. Cashdollar. Effectiveness of dust dispersion in the 20-L Siwek chamber. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, vol. 23, Issue 1, January 2010, pp. 46-59.
| 337-348 |
| UDC 622.235 A.V. Dzhigrin, PhD, director of scientific work, (JSC "MVK po VD pri AGN " (Moscow, Russia) I.R. Isaev, PhD, head of department. (Federal service for ecological, technological and nuclear supervision Rostekhnadzor (Volgograd) A.A. Kovardokov, director (Mine "Kotinskaja" (Kiselevsk, Russia)
Calculating method of explosion localization devices parameters and schemes of arrangement in mine workings selection Keywords: explosion, methane, coal dust explosion localization, placement of protection devices The article considers the unsteady flame front propagation, arisen in the explosion of methane and coal dust, and excessive pressure on the front of the shock wave. It presents data for selecting explosions localization devices; diagrams for arrangement explosion suppression automatic systems are showed. Bibliographic list:- L.M. Petruhin, M.I. Neceplyaev, V.N. Kachan, V.S. Sergeev. Preduprezhdenie vzryvov pyli v ugol'nyh i slancevyh shahtah. – M.: Nedra, 1974- 304s.
- V.I. Saranchuk, V.N. Kachan, V.V. Rekun. Fiziko-himicheskie osnovy gidroobespylivaniya i preduprezhdeniya vzryvov ugol'noj pyli. – Kiev: Nauk.dumka, 1984. – 216s.
| 349-357 |
Section 6. Information, chronicle
| To the 75th anniversary of Zharikov Igor Fyodorovich | 358-359 |
| To the 70th anniversary of Andreev Vladimir Vasil'evich | 360-361 |