| Article title | Pages |
 | Novosibirsk Mechanical Plant "Iskra" Offers wide variety of initiation systems. | |
 | Title and imprint | |
Section 1. Researches of the rocks destruction process
 | Zakalinsky V.M., Mingazov R.J. Application of the virtual experiment in the mining practice | 6-18 |
 | Kazakov N.N. The breakdown of rocks by explosion of natural separateness | 19-36 |
 | Dugartsyrenov A.V. The study of the process of departure stemming in the blast hole charges with regard to its destruction | 37-49 |
 | Dugartsyrenov A.V., Kim I.T., Rakhmanov R.A., Zarovnyaev B.N., Shubin G.V., Nikolaev S.P. The result of the expansion of the explosive cavity on stress state of the firm environment | 50-59 |
 | Kozyrev S.A., Kamyansky V.N., Alenichev I.A. Estimation of interaction borehole charges at different delay time between them | 60-75 |
 | Ekvist B.V. The influence of inhomogeneities of rocks on the parameters of blasting | 76-86 |
 | Simonov P.S. Evaluation of the efficiency of energy use in crushing of rocks | 87-98 |
Section 2. State and improvement of explosives, devices and blasting agents
 | Belin V.A., Starshinov A.V., Zhamyan J. Peculiarities of mongolia climatic conditions influence to the ammonium nitrate explosives usage | 99-114 |
 | Belin V.A., Starshinov A.V., Zhamyan J. The influence of blasting and various types of explosives on the spontaneous combustion of coal mass | 115-126 |
 | Gorinov S.A., Maslov I.Iu. Overchenko M.N., Pustovalov I.A. Emulsion explosives for mining of sulfide-bearing rocks | 110-125 |
 | Russkikh A.P., Kotyashev A.A., Kornilkov M.V., Synbulatov V.V. The method of controlling the energy of the explosive destruction of rock massifs in conditions of mining of the asbestos deposits | 138-145 |
 | Gorinov S. A., Maslov I. Iu. Propagation characteristics of detonation wave in EE | 146-156 |
 | Matseevich B.V., Shchukin Y.G., Kolominov I.A.,Chernyshov S.N., Lugov M.S., Fedoseyev V.V. Improving POE through the use of high-energy materials recyclable ammunition | 157-164 |
 | Bragin P.A., Kutuzov B.N., Overchenko M.N., Pustovalov I.A. Method of concealed informative marking of industrial explosives | 165-184 |
 | Kupriyanov I.Yu. Providing the increased explosive efficiency of the mixed heterogeneous systems by reducing the effects of caking and redistribution of components with time adjustment | 185-196 |
 | Sergeev V.V., Bitarov B.M. Pneumothoraces chamber for the loading of bore-holes and wells are not packaged explosives | 197-204 |
Section 3. Technology of blasting in the mining of solid minerals
 | Krupnik L.A., Aben K.K., Myrzakhmetov S.S., Yussupova B.R. Blastng of ore on the contact with backfill in the process of mining of under-pit reserves | 205-215 |
Section 4. Usage of combustion processes and the impact of the explosion in industry
 | Ganopolskiy M.I., Baron V.L. The explosive collapse of monolithicreinforced concrete building | 216-237 |
 | Kulikov V.I., Akimkin M.B., Ganopolsky M.I. Seismic effect of "Destructor" in the destruction of construction | 238-253 |
 | Golodyaev A.I. Features of the explosion of the metal hydride | 254-264 |
Section 5. Ecology and safety during blasting operations
 | Dobrynin A.A. A critical analysis of some provisions federalnych rules and regulations in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules for blasting" | 265-287 |
 | Bakin V.A., Kuzin E.G., Pudov E.Yu. Analysis of the condition of the roof preparatory of mining workings by means of GPR with the influence of high-speed longwall | 288-298 |
 | Pudov E.Yu., Kuzin E.G., Ponkrashkin R.A., Lupiy M.G. On the question of the need for the creation and implementation of the automated monitoring systems and the account of the displacement in the roof coal mines | 299-306 |
 | To the 60th anniversary of Dobrynin Alexander Arturovich | 307-308 |
 | Correction from authors | 309-309 |
 | Publishing house of the N.E. Zhukovsky Academy Proposes to buy the book of Dobrynin A.A. "Explosives, Chemistry, Compositions, Safety." | 310-310 |