"Explosion technology"— scientific and technical journal

Journal was founded in 1922 by a group of engineers. In Russia and the CIS "Explosion technology" is the only one peer-reviewed specialized periodical in the field of blasting.

Issue sponsor - OJSC "Novosibirsk Mechanical Plant "Iskra"

Issue 117/74 (2017)

Theory and practice of blasting work

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Novosibirsk Mechanical Plant "Iskra"
Offers wide variety of initiation systems.
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Section 1. Researches of the rocks destruction process
UDC 622.235
V.M. Zakalinsky, Leading researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
R.J. Mingazov, Graduate
(Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)

Application of the virtual experiment in the mining practice

Keywords: virtual experiment, explosion, blasting method, structure of charges, blasting, combined geotechnology, rock mass, open pit mining, mine workings.

The article describes a new approach that extends the area of modern virtual simulation for the first time extending it to solve real production problems of combating the negative impact of blasting with the use of large scale arrays of explosive destruction of rocks on coal mine located in the mine below the mine workings. It is shown that the acceptability of the use of the above analytical apparatus and methods of numerical modeling of gas-dynamic flow and its interaction with solid barrier in the mechanism of action of the explosion on the rocks. Experimental explosions in industrial conditions confirmed the effectiveness of the new design of downhole charge on the basic parameters of spatial shock wave interaction with the permeable barrier and blast wave as it passes through the pre-devastated area in the rocks in the explosion of blasthole charges.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Trubeckoj K.N. Zaharov V.N. Viktorov S.D. Zharikov I.F. Zakalinskij V.M. Vzryvnoe razrushenie gornyh porod pri osvoenii nedr setevoe pereodicheskoe nauchnoe izdanie problemy nedropol'zovanija. 2014. – 3. p. 80 95.
  2. Viktorov S.D. Zakalinskij V.M. Osokin A.A. 'Effektivnaja vzryvnaja podgotovka pri osvoenii plastovyh mestorozhdenij Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2015. – 2. Tom 85. p. 39 45.
  3. Esaulov A.F. Problemy reshenija zadach v nauke i tehnike.- JL Izd-vo LGU 1979. – 200 p.
  4. Nauchnaja biblioteka dissertacij i avtoreferatov disserCat //www.dissercat.com/content/issledovanie-virtualnykh-tekhnologii-laboratornogo-eksperimenta-v-povyshenii-effektivnosti-o#ixzz4NXes2DCt.
  5. Bayandin D.V. Simulation system as a means of information and educational environment. – Perm: Perm State Technical University, 2007. 330 pp.
  6. Kravchenko N.S., Revinskiy O.G., Starodubtsev V.A. Complex computer modeling work in physics: the principle of development and application experience in the learning process. // Physics in Higher Education – 2006. T. 12. N2 with. 85-96.
  7. Toustsik A.M. Some methodological issues of the application of computer simulation in physical education. // Physics in Higher Education – 2006. T. 12. N2. from. 76-84.
  8. Butyrin P.A., Vaskovskaya T.A., Karataev, V.V., Materinkin S.V. Avtomatizatsiya Physical Research and experiment: Computer measurements and virtual instruments based on LabVIEW 7. // MQM press. 2005. 264 p.
  9. Glazov E.G., Kochetkov A.V., Turygin I.A. Numerical modeling of spatial shock wave interaction with permeable barrier // Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod University. NI Lobachevsky, 2014, N 1 (1), p.180 – 185.
  10. Fletcher K. Computational Methods in Fluid Dynamics. T. 1, 2. M .: Mir, 1991.
  11. Peire R. Taylor T. Computational methods in fluid mechanics problems. L.: Gidrometeoizdat 1986.
UDC 622.268.4:622.235
N.N. Kazakov, Leading researcher, Dr. of Technical Sciences
(IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)

The breakdown of rocks by explosion of natural separateness

Keywords: technological fragmentation, camouflage phase, wave phase, quasistatic phase, cavity, energy, energy of destruction, fracture energy density.

The article describes the main provisions of the multi-phase and multi-zone theory of technological crushing of rocks by blasting hole charges of industrial explosives. We describe the phases of the process: kamufletnaya, wave, quasi-static. Analytical dependences for calculation of the parameters of these phases of the process. Analytical dependences for calculation of the parameters of these phases of the process. Set out the principles determine the parameters joint action phase. Set out and described the presence of local areas within phase zones and given their analytical description Using designed computer programs calculated gransostav crushed rock in phases, areas and slugger volume rocks.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V.,Lapikov I.N. Power the zone camouflet at explosion the charge chink In cfreer. A collection of "blasting". 2012. N 108/65. pp. 8-15.
  2. Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V.,Lapikov I.N. Geometrical parameters the zone camouflet at explosion the charge chink In cfreer. A collection of "blasting". 2012. N 108/65. pp. 73-80.
  3. Kazakov N.N. Parameters of prjces jf camouflage action jf explosion jf a blasthole charge jf final length. Mining information and analytical bulletion. Separate release No.1. Voscow.World jf the mining book, 2013, pp. 109-119.
  4. Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V., Lapikov I.N. Camouflet Blasting of a Finite-Length Borehole Charge. Proceedings of the 8th Internftional cjnference on physical problems of rock destruction.- Beijing, China: Metallurgical Industry Press, 2014, – 28-31.
  5. Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin A.V. The breakdown jf rocks by explosion jf natural separateness. A collection of "blasting". 2015. N 114/71. pp. 97-102.
  6. Kutuzov B.N. Proektirovanie vzrivnih rabot v promishlennosti The design of blasting in the industry. 1983. p. 359.
  7. Kutuzov B.N. Metodi vedeniya vzrivnih rabot. (Methods of blasting). Chast 1. Razrushenie gornih porod vzrivom = Part 1 und 2. The destruction of rocks by explosion. 2009. – p. 472.
  8. Mosinec V.N., Abramov A.V. Razrushenie treschinovatih i narushennih gornih porod. (The destruction of fractured and broken rock). 1982. p. 248.
  9. Rakishev B.R. Rakisheva Z.B. Auezova A.M. Kuttibaev A.E. Analiticheskoe opredelenie granulometricheskogo sostava vzorvannoi gornoi massi pri skvajinnih zaryadah drobleniya (Analytical determination of the granulometric composition of blasted rock at the borehole crushing charges). Sbornik "Vzryivnoe delo" = A collection of "blasting". 2015. N 113/70. pp. 6-29.
  10. Sanchidrian J.A., Segarra P, Lopez L.M., 2007. Energy components of rock blasting. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 44(1):130–147.
  11. Whittles D.N., Kingman S., Lowndes I., & Jackson K. (2006). Laboratory and numerical investigation into the characteristics of rock fragmentation. Minerals Engineering, 19(14), 1418–1429.
  12. Wang J.A., Park H.D. (2001). Comprehensive prediction of rockburst based on analysis of strain energy in rocks. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 16(1), 49–57.
  13. Hjelmberg H. 1983. Some ideas on how to improve calculations of the fragment size distribution in bench blasting. In: First International Symposium on rock fragmentation by blasting. Lulea Sweden, Lulea University of Technology, p. 469-494.
  14. Hudaverdi T., Kulatilake P.H.S.W. & Kuzu C. 2010. Prediction of blast fragmentation using multivariate analysis procedures. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech, Wiley Online Library, DOI: 10.1002/nag.957.
UDC 622.268.4:622.235
A.V. Dugartsyrenov, Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor at the Department of Rock Mining
(Moscow State Mining University (Moscow, Russia)

The study of the process of departure stemming in the blast hole charges with regard to its destruction

Keywords: tamping, drilling, diameter, explosion, friction, movement

The study of departure stemming from the well when the explosion of the explosive charge the destruction of decay and of the tamping, which is in the process of departure outside square us. The resulting ratio, taking into account simultaneously spraying tamping (the motion of a body with variable mass), the change of the area of contact with the walls of the well and expansion of the explosion products in the process of departure to more accurately reflect the physical phenomena that determine the formation of the pressure pulse. Held-tion the results of the study allow to conclude about the decisive influence of the friction forces and of borehole diameter on the duration of the explosive impact on the rock mass and, accordingly, the magnitude of the pressure pulse to the borehole wall.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Drukovanyj M.F., Kuc V.S., Il'in V.I. Upravlenie dejstviem vzryva skvazhinnyh zaryadov na kar'erah (Managing the effects of the explosion of borehole charges in quarries). M., Nedra, 1980. 223 s.
  2. Dugarcyrenov A.V. Uchet sil treniya pri dvizhenii zabojki v skvazhine (Тhe Account of forces of friction when moving the tamping in the well). // Vzryvnoe delo = Еxplosive Texnology. – 2016. – N 116/73.
UDC 622.233:622
A.V. Dugartsyrenov, Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor at the Department of Rock Mining
I.T. Kim, PhD. tech. Sciences
(Moscow State Mining University (Moscow, Russia)
R.A. Raкhmanov, research fellow, Cand. tech. Sciences
(Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)
B.N. Zarovnyaev, Doctor of Engineering, Director of the Institute of Mining
G.V. Shubin, Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor at the Department of Open Cast Mining
S.P. Nikolaev, Ph.D. student at the Department of Open Cast Mining.
(North-Eastern Federal University (Yakutsk, Russia)

The result of the expansion of the explosive cavity on stress state of the firm environment

Keywords: charge, pressure, deformation, cavity, border, solid environment

The answer to the Lama about the stress state of a solid medium under the influence of gases on spherical and cylindrical cavities are obtained for a constant pressure in the cavity. Due to the displacement of the boundaries (walls) of the cavity and increase its volume, the equilibrium pressure is much lower. In the present work to estimate the impact of this displacement and a corresponding reduction in gas pressure on the magnitude of strains in the environment.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Kryukov G.M., Glazkov YU.V. Fenomenologicheskaya kvazistatichesko-volnovaya teoriya deformirovaniya i razrusheniya materialov vzryvom promyshlennyh VV (Phenomenological quasistatic-wave theory of deformation and destruction of materials by the explosion of industrial EXPLOSIVES) // Gornyj informacionno-analiticheskij byulleten' = Mining information-analytical Bulletin. – 2003. – N11. – 67 s.
  2. G. Lame. Lecons sur La Theorie … de l’Elasticite, Paris. 1852.
  3. Landau L.D., Lifshic E.M. Teoreticheskaya fizika (Theoretical physics), t. 7. Teoriya uprugosti (The theory of elasticity). 247 s.
UDC 622.235
S.A. Kozyrev, Head of laboratory, D.Sc. in Engineering
V.N. Kamyansky, Engineer (post-graduate student)
I.A. Alenichev, Researcher
(Federal state budgetary institution of science Mining Institute of the Kola science center (Apatity, Russia)

Estimation of interaction borehole charges at different delay time between them

Keywords: tnumerical simulation, rock failure, short-delay blasting, blast, explosive, detonation, degree of fragmentation, equation of state, strength and failure models

By using Ansys Autodyn software the estimation of pressure field, stress field, crack propagation and degree of fragmentation at blasting two chargeswith different delay time between them has been produced. Shown that in conditions considered the best blast parameters are provided at delay time between borehole charges equal 15 ms.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Ansysinc. Autodyn, Explicit software for non-linear dynamics, theorymanual, revision 4.3 edition, 2005, pp 235.
  2. Birger I.А. Soprotivleniematerialov: ucheb. posobie / I.А. Birger.—М.:Nauka, 1986.—560 s.
  3. Fišerova D. Numerical analysis of buried mine explosions with emphasis on effect of soil properties on loading. PhD thesis, Cranfield, 2006, 239 p.
  4. Lee E.L., Hornig H.C., Kury J.W. Adiabatic expansion of high explosive detonation products, UCRL-50422, Livermore, California,1968, 41 p.
  5. Elek P.M., et al.: Determination of detonation products equation of state from cylinder test: analytical model and numerical analysis. Thermal science, 2015, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 35-48
  6. Riedel W. Betonunterdynamischenlasten, Meso- und makromechani-schemodelle und ihre parameter. PhD thesis, EMI-Bericht 6/00, 2000.
  7. Riedel W., Thoma K., Hiermaier S. Schmolinske E. Penetration of reinforced concrete by BETA-B-500. Numerical analysis using a new macroscopic concrete model for hydrocodes. Proceeding of 9th international symposium on interaction of the effects of munitions with structures. Berlin, 1999. Pp. 315-322.
  8. Mott N.F. A theory of the fragmentation of shells and bombs. Ministry of Supply AC4035, 1963.
  9. Baranov E.G. Korotkozamedlennoevzryvanie // Frunze: Ilim. – 1971. – 146 s.
  10. Krjukov G.M. Model' vzryvnogoryhlenijagornyhporodnakar'erah. Vyhodnegabarita. Srednijrazmerkuskovporody v razvale: Otdel'nye stat'I Gornogo informacionno-naliticheskogo bjulletenja (nauchno-tehnicheskogo zhurnala) // M.: Izd-vo "Gornajakniga" – 2012. – 30 s.
  11. Kozyrev S.A., Sokolov A.V., Sakerin A.S. Ocenka optimal'nogo vremeni zamedleniya mezhdu skvazhinami pri ih raznovremennom vzryvanii v veere // Vzryvnoedelo. Vypusk N 112/69. – M.: IPKON RAN, – 2014. – S.81 – 98.
UDC 622.235.535.2
B.V. Ekvist, Doct. tech. Sciences, Professor of "Physics of rocks and geocontrol"
("Moscow Institute of steel and alloys" KI nust "MISIS" (Moscow, Russia)

The influence of inhomogeneities of rocks on the parameters of blasting

Keywords: complex arrays, georadar, gradient strength properties of rocks, blasting parameters, results of explosions

A method for optimization blasting parameters taking into account the physical and technical properties of rocks within the explosive unit, in order to improve the quality of the explosion in the quarries with complex geological structure. The results of laboratory experiments, confirming the improvement in the quality of crushing rock samples blast charges with variable decelerations and location depending on the strength properties of the samples relative to the explosions of charges with the same parameters. The proposed method can be used in conjunction with an array of radiographic GPR.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Semeykin N.P., Pomozov V.V., Ekvist B.V., Monks V. Geophysical devices of new generation, GORN. – 2008. – No. 12. – S. 203-210.
  2. Kulizhnikov A.М., Burda S.N., Belozerov A.A. Application of ground penetrating radars for the exploration and evaluation of road construction materials. – M.: Mining journal. 2004. - N3. - P. 86-87.
  3. Sovmen V.K., Kutuzov B.N., Maryasov A.L., Ekvist B.V., Tokarenko. V. Seismic safety during blasting operations. – Moscow: Gornaya kniga, 2012. – 228 p.
  4. Kutuzov B.N. Methods of blasting. Part 1. The destruction of rocks by explosion: a textbook for high schools. – 2nd ed. erased. – Moscow: Gornaya kniga. – 2009. – 471 p.
  5. Gorokhov N.L. The mathematical formulation and numerical implementation of dynamic problems of geomechanics using fint element method // Scientific reports on resource issues. Volume 1. Internaational University resources Frierberg 2011. P. 205-211.
  6. Ekvist B.V., Vartanov V.G. Laboratory workshop on discipline "Technology and safety of blasting", ed. by B. N. Kutuzov: proc. settlement for universities. – Moscow: Gornaya kniga 2006. – 50 p.
  7. Nettleton M. The detonation – M.: Mir, 1989. – 280 p.
  8. Netteleton M. This book was ariginally published in English from Chapman, Hall Ltd, London, 1987 – 280 p.
  9. Mehdi Hosseini, Mehdi Seifi Baghikhani. Analysing the Ground Vibration Due to Blasting at AlvandQoly Limestone Mine// International Journal of Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing, 2013. No. 2(2). PP. 17-23. DOI: 10.5923/j.mining.20130202.01.
  10. Chan Kuang Hiyeu, Nguyen Din Ahn, Nkhy Van Fuk, Belin V.A. Pilot studies of influence of diameter of explosive wells on seismic action of explosions on Nuybeo coal mine. Explosive technologies : conference materials, Hanoi, Vietnam. 2015. P. 252-255.
  11. Kutuzov B.N., Ekvist B.V., Bragin P.A. A Comparative assessment of the seismic impact of the blast hole charges when the nonelectric initiation of electric detonators with electronic delay // Mining journal. 2008. No. 12. S. 44-46.
  12. Alekseev I.A. Adjustment of specific consumption of explosives. , GORN. – 2016. – No. 7. – S. 364-373.
UDC 622.235
P.S. Simonov, associate Professor of "Development of deposits of mineral resources-digging", PhD. tech. Sciences
("Magnitogorsk state technical University. G. I. Nosov" (Magnitogorsk, Russia)

Evaluation of the efficiency of energy use in crushing of rocks

Keywords: blast, rock, shock, energy, blasting works, crushing of rocks, explosivity of rocks, extent of crushing.

In article the analysis of methods of calculation of the project specific consumption of explosives is made for blasting in the mining industry. It is offered to define explosivity of the massif of rocks in laboratory on samples of rocks based on the study of structural features of the massif and the scale factor. For this purpose the method of estimating the specific energy expended in the crushing of rocks during impact is developed.
For limestones (f=8) dependence of extent of crushing on specific energy consumption is established and its optimum size providing the maximum utilization rate of energy on crushing is determined. It is shown that if the energy is excessive for a particular breed, the efficiency of crushing is reduced significantly and increase the expenses of energy to useless forms of mechanical work.
The conclusion is drawn that for each rock there is an optimum specific energy consumption providing the maximum utilization rate of energy on crushing. The formula for determination of a reference specific consumption of explosives depending on optimum energy consumption is given.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Problemy razvitija vzryvnogo dela na zemnoj poverhnosti / Trubeckoj K.N., Vikto-rov S.D., Kutuzov B.N., Repin N.Ja. (Problems of development of explosive business on the terrestrial surface) // Vzryvnoe delo = Еxplosive Texnology. Vol. 101/58. – M.: 2009. P. 3-24.
  2. Rzhevskij V.V. Otkrytye gornye raboty. Ch.1. Proizvodstvennye processy. – M.: Nedra, 1985. 509 s.
  3. Kutuzov B.N. Metody vedenija vzryvnyh rabot (Methods of blasting) Ch.1. Razrushenie gornyh porod vzryvom. – M.: Izdatel'stvo "Gornaja kniga", Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2009. – 471 s.
  4. Mosinec V.N. Drobjashhee i sejsmicheskoe dejstvie vzryva v gornyh porodah (Blunt and seismic action of explosion in rocks). – M.: Nedra, 1976. – 271 s.
  5. Metodika operativnoj ocenki udel'noj jenergoemkosti vzryvnogo droblenija gornyh porod (Methodology for rapid assessment of specific energy of explosive rock crushing) / Mangush S.K., Kuznecov V.A., Jekvist B.V., Dolzhikov K.I. // Mining Science and Тechnology. 2012. N 10. – M.: NITU MISiS. P. 56-64.
  6. Simonov P.S. Issledovanie zavisimosti mezhdu zatratami jenergii i prirostom udel'-noj poverhnosti pri razrushenii obrazcov gornyh porod edinichnym udarom (Dependence research between energy consumption and the specific surface increment at destruction of samples of rocks by one shock) / Vzryvnoe delo = Еxplosive Texnology. Vol. 108/65. – M.: 2012. P. 66-72.
  7. Victorov S.D., Kochanov A.N., Osokin A.A. Definition of the condition of predestruction of rocks on generation mikro- and nano particles. // Mining informational and analytical bulletin. 2010. N12. P. 88-93.
  8. Viktorov S.D. Opredelenie sostojanija predrazrushenija gor-nyh porod po generacii mikro- i nanorazmernyh chastic (Detection of pre-destruction of rocks on the generation of micro and nano particles) // Gorn.inf-anal.bjul. 2011. Otd. vyp. N1. S. 27-46.
  9. Victorov S.D., Kochanov A.N. Jeksperimental'nye issledovanija mikrostrukturnyh iz-menenij obrazcov gornyh porod pri intensivnom vzryvnom nagruzhenii (Experimental researches of microstructural changes of samples of rocks at intensive explosive influence) // Vzryvnoe delo = Еxplosive Texnology. Vol. 101/58. – M.: 2009. P. 38-42.
  10. Ugol'nikov V.K., Simonov P.S. Obosnovanie udel'nogo rashoda vzryvchatyh veshhestv s razlichnymi jenergeticheskimi i detonacionnymi harakteristikami. (Justification of the specific consumption of explosives with different energy and detonation characteristics) //Gorn.inf-anal.bjul. Mosk.gos.gorn.un-t. 2007. Otd. vyp. 8. Vzryvnoe delo. S.34-39.

Section 2. State and improvement of explosives, devices and blasting agents
UDC 622.235
V.A. Belin, professor, Doctor of Engineering
(Moscow State Mining University (Moscow, Russia)
A.V. Starshinov, chief engineer
Z. Zhamyan, Director general
("Monmag" (Mongolia)

Peculiarities of mongolia climatic conditions influence to the ammonium nitrate explosives usage

Keywords: ammonium nitrate, a granule, explosives, the critical diameter, absorbing ability, a detonation

Formation and current state of mining industry of Mongolia are in close interrelation with history of development of the country, features of a geographical arrangement, climate, and also an equipment level of development in world practice. Mongolia is located in a middle part of the Asian continent on considerable removal from the seas. Average height of an arrangement of the territory of the country concerning level of the ocean makes more than 1000 m. The climate of Mongolia is sharply continental with essential fluctuations of temperature on seasons of year
Durability of crystals and granules of the ammonium nitrate (AN) depends on a way of their receiving at production and numbers of modification transformations to which they can be subjected in the course of product storage. At repeated modification transformations, in particular, upon transition through a temperature point 32,2оС that is possible in real conditions of Mongolia and are characterized by big change of volume of crystals, granules the ammonium nitrate crack. With cracking of granules their absorbing ability in relation to oil products increases, but durability decreases.
At long storage the ammonium nitrate occurs more essential change of a caking, integrity of granules, compatibility with fuel, flowability, etc. At destruction of granules the ammonium nitrate as a result of long storage the increase in holding ability the ammonium nitratein relation to DT to level, sufficient for mixes ASDT is possible, however thus there is a sharp deterioration of operational properties, in particular, flowability. Thus change the ammonium nitrate, being stored, as a rule, in compact stacks, not evenly and not unambiguously on the stack volume that leads to fluctuations of properties of made mixes ASDT uncertain and not giving in to regulation.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Starshinov A.V, Ovyan A. and, Fadeyev V. Yu. "Some basic bases and technical features of use of ammonium nitrate in the smesevykh of VV", In сб.: Explosive business No. 91/48, M. MVK on VD at AGN 1998. p. 147-153.
  2. Starshinov A.V, Zhamyan Zh., Bogdanov M.N. Fadeyev V.Yu. "Improvement of properties of mixes ASDT by processing methods and special additives", In сб.: Explosive business – 99 M. Prod. MGGU, 1999 of p. 89-95.
  3. George B. Clark "Basic Properties of Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil Explosives" (ANFO) USA, Colorado School of Mines. Quarterly, V76, No. 1, 1981.
  4. Dodukh V., Starshinov A.V. Chernilovsky A.M, Zhamyan Zh., Fadeyev V.Yu. "Influence of type and properties of ammonium nitrate on explosive characteristics loose the smesevykh of VV", In сб.: Problems of the explosive were put by M.: Prod. MGGU, 2002 of p. 132-119.
  5. Sumin A.I. "Shock and detonation general kinetics and thermodynamics in reactive systems computer package" A.I. Sumin, B.N. Kondrikov, V.N. Gamezo, V.M. Raikova, Proceeding 11th Int. Detonation Symposium, USA. Bookcoomp, Ampersand. 2000. P.30-35.
  6. Starshinov A.V., Litovka O.B., Arinina S.V., Kozak G.D. "Research of physical and chemical and explosive characteristics of systems on the basis of the granulated ammonium nitrate", In сб.: Questions of reliability and safety of technological processes. RHTU m of D. I. Mendeleyev, 2006 of p. 128.
  7. Minovich M.A. Production of ammonium nitrate, M.: Chemistry, 1968 212 C.
  8. Trubetskoy K.N., Miletenko I.V., Starshinov A.V., etc. N.V.Melnikov's role in creation of VV of the elementary structure (игданитам 50 years: progress, problems and application prospects), In сб.: Development of ideas of N.V.Melnikov in the field of complex development of a subsoil. M.: IPKON RAHN, 2009.
  9. Chernyshov A.K., Levin B. V., Tugolukov A.V., etc. Ammonium nitrate. Properties, production, application. M.: INFOHIM, 2009.
  10. Galkin V. V., Maslov I.Yu., Bulantsev Yu.A., etc. Experience of use of the porous granulated ammonium nitrate at the enterprises conducting explosive works. In сб.: Explosive business, 91/48, 1998. Page 226-230.
  11. Litovka O.B., Chugreeva E.Yu., Starshinov A.V., Kozak G.D., Physical and chemical characteristics of the elementary structures on the basis of the porous granulated ammonium nitrate. In сб.: Achievements in chemistry and chemical technology. Volume 21. 2007. No. 5. Page 35-40.
UDC 622.235
V.A. Belin, professor, Doctor of Engineering
(Moscow State Mining University (Moscow, Russia)
A.V. Starshinov, chief engineer
Z. Zhamyan, Director general
("Monmag" (Mongolia)

The influence of blasting and various types of explosives on the spontaneous combustion of coal mass

Keywords: coal, ammonium nitrate, a granule, explosives, explosibility, flowability, the inflammability absorbing ability, a detonation

In actual practice conducting explosive works the structure of products of explosion becomes various and strongly differs from ideal conditions of explosion. Detonation products chemically more active, in comparison with air oxygen, can enter interaction with breed, in particular, with the coal, being in the activated state, with increase in probability of ignition of coal. To similar result leads also existence as a part of products of explosion of products not full oxidation of combustible additives or trinitrotoluene which as possess the increased chemical activity.
Results of supervision and researches during various periods of working off of coal fields of Mongolia, show that the most active place for emergence of seats of fire – the blown-up masses in blocks of a coal ledge with BVR application. In actual practice it is shown that when loosening breeds by explosion reduction of time of the incubatory period of coal masses before ignition, in comparison with that is observed, when developing a coalfield without use of drilling-and-blasting works.
Ignitions and fires on objects of production and processing of coal lead to essential increase of danger of mining operations and negative impact on environment. Tendency of coal to self-ignition depends on size and activity of his adsorbing surface which is caused by primary factors of genesis: composition of plant material, initial conditions of accumulation and decomposition of maternal substance and character of a metamorphism.
Transition on coal mines of Mongolia on use of the explosives granulated the grubodispersnykh has led to creation to the system debalanced on oxygen balance and allocation at explosion of a large amount of oxides of nitrogen. Broad use of ASDT mixes in 2005-2015, has led to mass cases of self-ignition of coal and technogenic fires with the increased danger of working off of coal fields.
The researches conducted by authors, have allowed to create for conditions of Mongolia special manufacturing techniques and applications ammoniac селитренных VV which have the balanced structure and at explosion allocate the minimum quantity of the poisonous products causing accelerated self-ignition of coal
Application of the developed manufacturing techniques of mixes ASDT practically excludes self-ignition of coals after explosion that significantly increases efficiency and safety of coal mining on cuts of Mongolia.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Dubnov L.V., Bakharevich N. S., Romanov A.I. Industrial explosives. – M.: Subsoil. 1988. 3rd prod., reslave. and additional – 358 pages.
  2. Atsumi Miyake, Keiya Takahara, Terushige Ogawa. Influence of Physical Properties of Ammonium Nitrate on the detonation behavior of ANFO. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Vol.14 (6), 2001, pp. 533-538.
  3. Svetlov B.Ya., Eremenko N.E. Theory and properties of industrial explosives. M.: Subsoil, 1973. 208с.
  4. Bostanzhoglo K.F., Rossi B.D. Ammoniac селитренные explosives. M.: Oborongiz. 1940. 136 pages.
  5. Zhamyan Zh. Experience and features of application ammoniac селитренных explosives in Mongolia. In сб.: "Explosive business – 99", M.: MGGU, 1999, C 255-259.
  6. Starshinov A.V., Ovyan A.I., Fadeyev V.Yu. Some basic bases and technical features of application the EXPERT in the smesevykh of Centuries. In сб. Explosive business No. 91/48, 1998. Page 147-154.
  7. Geology of the Mongolian national Republic in 3 volumes. Under the editorship of Marinov N. A. – M.: Subsoil of 1973.
  8. Starshinov A.V., Zhamyan Zh., Fadeyev V.Yu. Features of a source of raw materials for production of explosives on application places in CIS countries and Mongolia. In сб.: First international scientific and practical conference. "Mining in Kazakhstan" Alma-Ata, RIO BAK PK of 2000 of Page 234-236.
  9. Zhamyan Zh., Kutuzov B.N., Starshinov A.V. Experience of production and application of explosive materials on pits of Mongolia. Mountain magazine No. 8, 2000 of of Page 31-34.
  10. Finger M., Helm F., Lee E., Boat R., Cheung H., Walton J., Hayes B., and Penn L. Characterization of Commercial, Composite Explosives Proceedings Sixth Symposium (International) of on Detonation, USA, 1976.
  11. Dodukh V.G., Starshinov A.V., Chernilovsky A.M. Influence of type and properties of ammonium nitrate on explosive characteristics loose the smesevykh of Centuries. In сб: Problems of explosive business No. 1 – 2002, M.: Prod. MGGU. 2002. Page 132 – 139.
  12. Gidaspov B.V., Zhamyan Zh., Starshinov A.V., etc. Influence of type and properties of ammonium nitrate on explosive characteristics loose the smesevykh of Centuries M.: Newsletter of NOIV No. 3, 2002 of of Page 35-37.
UDC 622.235.5
S.A. Gorinov, chief scientific consultant
I.Yu. Maslov, chief engineer
"Global mining Explosive rush" (Moscow, Russia):
M.N. Verchenko, the Director-General
JSC " Orica CIS" (Moscow, Russia):
I.A. Pustovalov, General Manager
The limited liability company "Expert center of certification of explosive materials" (Almaty, Kazakhstan):

Emulsion explosives for mining of sulfide-bearing rocks

Keywords: drilling and blasting, straight cut, parameters of blast holes, review, charge, blast

Considered prescription components of the emulsion explosives with regard to their use in sulfide-bearing rocks. Proposed measures to improve the conditions of their application

Bibliographic list:
  1. Egly R.S., Neckar E.A. Water resistant sensitizers for blasting agents// US Patent, 3, 161, 551. 1964.
  2. Gehrig N.E. Aqueous emulsified ammonium nitrate blasting compositions containing nitric acid // US Patent, 3, 164, 503. 1965.
  3. Xuguang V. Emulsion explosives. M.-Krasnoarmeysk, 2002. – 380 C.
  4. Kolganov E.V., Sosnin V.A. Emulsion commercial explosives production. 1 book (Compositions and properties). Dzerzhinsk Nizhny Novgorod region, publisher GosNII " Kristall", 2009. – 592 p
  5. Galkin V.V., Vetluzhskiy V.L., Pavlyutenkov V.M. the reasons for the disintegration and failure of the charge of akvatol //labour Safety in industry.-1988, No. 10, Pp. 47-49.
  6. Kovalenko I.L., Kuprin V.P. Study of the causes of spontaneous decomposition amicrolensing paraclusia BB on peristeria ores// Materials of the I Vseukrainska science-pract. Conf. " Ukraine Naukova-2001". –V. 9. Days-sec, 2001, Pp. 43-50.
  7. Vaughan, D., Craig, J. Chemistry of sulphide minerals. – M.: Mir, 1981 – 575 p.
  8. Kovalenko I.L., the Development and study of heterogeneous systems based on calcium nitrate and ammonium //abstract of Diss. on competition of a scientific degree. Uch. St. kand.those.of Sciences, Dnepropetrovsk: OUGHTA, 2002. – 20 C.
  9. Kovalenko I.L., Kuprin V.P. Interaction of emulsion explosives and their primary component of TNT and sulfide minerals // the Explosive case. Vol. 103/70.- M.: ZAO " MVK on explosives in AGN", 2010, Pp. 154-170.
  10. Kovalenko I.L., Kuprin V.P. Inhibition of interaction of pyrite with ammonium nitrate explosives // Suchan resourcerecovery technolog hricova virobnictva, VIP. 1/2013 (11), Pp. 84-90.
  11. Stolyarov P.N., Feodorites M.I., Semenov V. G., Lohn H. a study of the thermal hold bones emulsion explosives Fortis eklips in contact with sulfide-bearing rocks and ores // Technology and safety of blasting: materials of the scientific-technical conference " Development of resource-saving technologies in the explosive case", held in the framework of the IV Ural mining forum October 12-14, 2011 – Ekaterinburg: IGD Uro ran, 2012, Pp. 133-142.
  12. Kutuzov B.N. The destruction of rocks by explosion (explosive technology in industry). Part II. Textbook for high schools. 3rd edition, revised and enlarged. M.: Publishing house of Moscow state mining University, 1994. – 448 with
  13. A theoretical estimate of the detonation ability of emulsion EXPLOSIVES intended for the destruction of sulfide ores // research Report. Ekaterinburg, IGD Uro ran, 2010. – 104с.
  14. Ogorodnikov S.K. Formaldehyde – L.: Chemistry, 1984. – 280 p.
  15. Landau L.D., Lifshits E.M. Theoretical physics: T. VI. Hydrodynamics. – Moscow: Nauka. GL. ed. Fiz.-Mat. lit., 1988. – 736 p.
  16. Panchenkov G.M., Lebedev V.P. Chemical kinetics and catalysis. – M.: Chemistry, 1985. – 592 p
UDC 622.236.42: 622.364.6
A.P. Russkikh, Director of the company "Promtekhvzryv"
(JSC "Uralasbest" (Asbest, Russia)
A.A. Kotyashev, senior researcher, candidate of technical Sciences
M.V. Kornilkov, head of the Department of mine construction, Professor, doctor of technical Sciences
V.V. Synbulatov, associate Professor of the Department of mine construction, candidate of technical Sciences.
(Mining Institute, Ural branch of RAS (Ekaterinburg, Russia)

The method of controlling the energy of the explosive destruction of rock massifs in conditions of mining of the asbestos deposits

Keywords: method, energy of explosion, rock massif, emulsion explosives, formulation, inhibitors, equipment, experiment, rate of detonation, asbestos deposits, mining conditions

The proposed method of controlling the energy of the explosive destruction of rock massifs of rocks in the specific conditions of mining the asbestos deposits represented a particularly hard blow peridotites, by introducing into the matrix of emulsion explosive substances inhibiting Supplement of NaCl. Experimentally using modern equipment at the testing ground have been made the measurements and have been evaluated the detonation characteristics, made in the laboratory of explosives by the specified formulation.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Melnikov N.V. The energy of the explosion and charge design / N.V. Melnikov, L.N. Marchenko./ M. 1964. – p.146.
  2. Trubetskoy, K. N. / Problems and prospects of development of resource-saving and resources reproducing geotechnologies of complex mining of mineral resources of the Earth / Trubetskoy K. N., Kaplunov D. R., Rylnikova M. V. // Physico-technical problems of mineral development // 2012. No. 4 p. 116-124.
  3. Viktorov S.D. Destruction of rocks contiguous charges. / Viktorov S. D., Galchenko, Yu. P., Zakalinsky V. M., Rubtsov, S. K. / M. 2006. – p. 276.
  4. Mosinets V.N. Crushing and seismic action of explosion in rocks. / V. N. Mosinets / M. Nedra, 1976. – p. 271.
  5. Kutuzov B.N. The destruction of rocks by explosion / B. N. Kutuzov. – 3d Izd., revised and enlarged. M. Izdatelstvo MMI, 1992. – p. 516.
  6. Kolganov E.V. Commercial emulsion explosives / E. V. Kolganov, V. A. Sosnin. 1st book (Compositions and properties) – Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region, izdatelstvo GosNII "Kristall", 2009. – p. 582.
UDC 622.235.5
S.A. Gorinov, chief scientific consultant
I.Yu. Maslov, chief engineer.
("Global mining Explosive rush" (Moscow, Russia)

Propagation characteristics of detonation wave in EE

Keywords: absolute stability of detonation, detonation neutral stability boundary density

The article presents the author's amendments to the detonation model described in [1, 2], which allows to calculate the overdriven detonation regimes. The influence of structure, density and chemical composition of emulsion explosives on the "line boundary density" on the coordinate plane {pore sizes; densities}. Shows the importance of controlling the size of the gas pores to enhance the stability of the detonation, and accordingly, safety of explosive works with the use of a loading of emulsion explosives sensitized by gas pores. Work is useful in the design and manufacture of explosive works with the use of emulsion explosives sensitized by gas pores.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Gorinov S.A. A Physico-mathematical model of detonation of emulsion explosives sensitized by gas pores. Stationary regime // Proceedings of XV International scientific-practical conference on explosives. 6-12 сентября 2015 Yalta, Respublikachi, Russia, pp. 33-45.
  2. Gorinov S.A. Physical and technical evaluation of possibility of using low density explosives in smooth blasting / Gorinov SA, Maslov IY // 11th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting. 24-26 August 2015. Sydney, Australia: Published by AIMM, 2015, pp.555-564.
  3. Vasiliev V.A. About the sensitivity of secondary EXPLOSIVES to detonation initiation / Vasiliev V. A., L. I. Elbow vzryv No. 76/33.- M.: Nedra, 1976, pp. 128-137.
  4. Bump. Physicaldrive / Bump.A. Stanyukovich.P. Shechter. And.  M.: Fizmatgiz, 1959. 800s.
  5. Gorinov S.A. The Stability of the borehole charge of detonation of emulsion explosives sensitized by gas pores // Mining magazine of Kazakhstan, 2014, No. 1, pp. 24-27.
  6. Konyukhov A.V. Numerical investigation of the instability of shock waves in thermodynamically non-ideal environments / Konyukhov A.V., Likhachev A. P., Oparin, A. M. and others// Journal of experimental and theoretical physics, 2004, vol 125, issue. 4, pp. 927-941.
  7. Trofimov V.S. Generalization of the hydrodynamic theory of detonation in case of the turbulent motion of the medium vzryv No. 103/60, 2004.  M.: ZAO "MVK on explosives", 2010, pp. 3-15.
  8. Kutuzov B.N. Physical-technical bases of creation of emulsion and granular EXPLOSIVES and initiation/ Kutuzov B.N., Gorinov S.A. // Emulsion EXPLOSIVES, and ANFO granulity: structure, initiation, physical and technical bases of creation: Individual articles-mining informational and analytical Bulletin (research journal).  2011, No. 7, pp. 34-52.
  9. Gorinov S.A. On instability of detonation waves in an emulsion explosive, sensitized by gas pores/ Gorinov S. A., Kutuzov B.N. // Mountain information-analytical Bulletin, 2012, vol. 4, pp. 302-307.
  10. Zhuchenko E.I. Application of emulsion explosives sensitized by the method of gas generation, in deep wells / Zhuchenko E.I., Ioffe V.E., Kukib B.N. etc.// labour Safety in industry, 2002, N 11, pp. 30-32.
  11. Report on performance "Organization and carrying out of works for testing industrial explosives "Fortis" // Institute of mining engineering of UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, 2010. – 70C.
  12. The report of "the Organization and conduct of works on testing of industrial emulsion EXPLOSIVES "Fortis" is produced in the mixing-charging machine MMU(s)-12" // IGD Uro ran, Yekaterinburg, 2011. – 60C.
UDC 622.235
B.V. Matseevich, Advisor to General Director, academician raran, doctor of technical Sciences,
Y.G. Shchukin, Deputy General Director on scientific work, Professor, doctor of technical Sciences
I.A. Kolominov, Deputy Director for experimental works
S.N. Chernyshov, head of project Department
M.S. Lugov, engineer
("Scientific and engineering centre "Explosion-proof" (Moscow, Russia)
V.V. Fedoseev, the commander in/h.
(in/h No. 55443 (Esino, Russia)

Improving POE through the use of high-energy materials recyclable ammunition

Keywords: high-blasting explosive materials charge, detonator, rock mass, disposal of ammunition

The article presents the generalized material in reducing the unit cost by the explosive preparation of rock mass during the introduction of blasting technology with use of high-energy materials (hem) decommissioned ammunition.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Shchukin Y.G., Kutuzov B.N., Maceevich B.V. Tatishchev Y.A. Promyshlennye vzryvchatye veshchestva na osnove utilizirovannyh boepripasov. M.: Nedra, 1998. – 319 s.
  2. Togunov M.B., Fokin V.A. i dr., Povyshenie ehffektivnosti vzryvaniya gornyh porod ehmul'sionnymi VV / Sb. Tekhnologiya i bezopasnost' vzryvnyh rabot: materially nauchno-tekhnicheskoj konferencii "Razvitie resursosbere-gayushchih tekhnologij vo vzryvnom dele", proshedshej v ramkah IV ural'skogo gornopromyshlennogo foruma Ekaterinburg: IGD UrO RAN 2012 – 305 s.
  3. Ibragimov A.A., Karev O.A. / Sb. Aktual'nye problemy utilizacii raket i boepripasov. Sbornik dokladov VIII mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-tekhnicheskoj konferencii. –M.: "Tipografiya FKP "NII "Geodeziya", 2012. – 455s.
UDC 622.235
P.A. Bragin, leading specialist in blasting operations
("Global mining Explosive rush" (Moscow, Russia)
B.N. Kutuzov, professor, Doctor of Engineering Science
(Public professional associations representatives of blasting of the countries – participants of the Eurasian Economic Union "Eurasian Register of Explosive Materials")
M.N. Overchenko, the Director-General
(JSC "Orica CIS" (Moscow, Russia)
I.A. Pustovalov, General Manager
(The limited liability company "Expert center of certification of explosive materials" (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Method of concealed informative marking of industrial explosives

Keywords: industrial explosives, informative labeling, secretive chemical marking, the marker substance, IDs, spectrophotometry, informative block

A review is given of the known methods of concealed marking of explosives. A new method is described for concealed informative marking of industrial explosives by adding special agents (markers, which can be detected by special analysis methods in the explosive itself or its residues at the blasting site). Information content of marking is achieved by means of information encoding with the use of combinatory codes, which is determined by the combination of marking agents. The concealed nature of marking is maintained by using the marking agents in super low amounts detectable only by means of special physical-chemical analysis methods. The study contains description of spectrophotometric characteristics of some marking agents and threshold concentrations for their identification by spectrophotometer PE-5400UF. The results are given of reading of the marking introduced into a granulated water-emulsion explosive by the proposed method. A methodology is given for identification of marking agents in samples of marked explosives by spectrophotometric method. It was shown that besides the concealed nature, the proposed method of marking of explosives has manifold opportunities for encryption of the data contained in the marking. At that, it is possible to simultaneously implement numerous known methods for encoding all the textual and digital information that must be specified in the marking.

Bibliographic list:
  1. TR CU 028/2012. About safety of explosives and products on their basis. – 2012-07-20 adopted by the city Council of the Eurasian economic Commission. – M., ECE, 2012, p. 23
  2. Pat. 2368591, Russian Federation, IPC C06B23/00, G01N33/22. Method of marking explosives.
  3. Patent US 20090309016 A1, United States of America, H01J 49/40, H01J049/40. Method and apparatus for Detecting Explosives / Jose Almirall, Jeannette Perr.
  4. Belin V.A. Modern problems of explosive business. / Mining information-analytical Bulletin (scientific and technical journal). – Moscow: Gornaya kniga, 2013, pp. 100-108.
  5. Tiutchev F.I., Aronov I.Z., Rybakova A.M. Technical regulations of the customs Union: "bottlenecks". / Journal "Standards and quality" No. 4 (922). – M.: Advertising and information Agency "Standards and quality", 2014, p. 24-30.
  6. The procedure of technical investigation of causes of accidents, incidents and cases of loss of explosive materials for industrial use in facilities supervised by Federal service for ecological, technological and nuclear supervision. / Journal "Safety in industry", No. 4. – M.: ZAO STC PB, 2012, pp. 62-78.
  7. Akhmetov I.Z., Il'in V.P., Kolganov E.V., Sudakov V.V., Smirnov S.P., Kozhevnikov V.G., Kotov L.R., Valeski S.P., Tikhomirov N.P. Marking plastic and elastic explosives – a reliable barrier to their use in the terrorist purposes. // Conference on physics of high energy density (PHED) – IX Zababakhin scientific talks, 2007.
  8. Damien Rembelski, Christelle Barthet, Céline Frénois, Geoffrey Gregis. Improvement of Explosive Detection with a Fluorescent Sensor Using a Heating Device / EUROSENSORS 2014, The 28th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, Procedia Engineering 87, 2014, pp.208 – 211.
  9. Turkeltaub GN Chromatography silicones (organic) compounds. The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of chemical Sciences. RAS Institute of physical chemistry. – M., 2005, 46 p.
  10. Marshall M., Oxley J. Aspects of explosives detection (1st Edition). – UK: Elsevier Science, 2008, 302 p.
  11. Explosives with fingerprints. / Magazine "Chemistry and life – XXI century". – M., Publishing house of popular science literature "Chemistry and life", 2005, N3, p. 4.
  12. Tarakanov A.I., Kolganov E.V., Il'in V.P.1, Boiled N.M. The prospects of legislative changes in the field of explosives. / Explosive case. Issue No. 107/64. M.: JSC "Interdepartmental Commission on explosives at AGN", 2012, pp. 263-270.
  13. Marking, Rendering Inert, and Licensing of Explosive Materials: Interim Report / Committee on Marking, Rendering Inert, and Licensing of Explosive Materials, National Research Council. ISBN: 0-309-59058-2, 48 p. 1997.
  14. R.K. Sinha1, Himanshu Shekhar1, A. Subhananda Rao1, Haridwar Singh. Modelling of DMNB Content for Marked Plastic Explosives / Defence Science Journal, Vol. 57, No. 6, 2007, pp. 811-815.
  15. Kimble H. Critical review of novel detection methods for buried explosives / The journal of the institute of explosives engineers, March 2014, pp. 12-15.
  16. Paul M. Pellegrino, Ellen L. Holthoff, Mikella E. Farrell. Laser-Based Optical Detection of Explosives. – USA: CRC Press, 2015, p 409.
  17. Bobrovnikov S.M., Gorlov E.V. Lidar method for remote detection of explosive vapors in the atmosphere, Optics of atmosphere and ocean, 2010, vol. 23, No. 12. p. 1055-1061.
  18. Wang D., Chen A., Jen A. K.-Y. Reducing cross-sensitivity of TiO2-(B) nanowires to humidity using ultraviolet illumination for trace explosive detection / Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013, no. 15, pp. 5017-5021.
  19. N. With. Kunanbayev, B. N. Kutuzov, I. Maslov, M. N. Overchenko, I.A. Pustovalov, A.P. Filatov. Technology hidden informative marking of commercial explosives. / Journal "Safety in industry", No. 11. – M.: ZAO STC PB, 2015, pp. 18-23.
  20. The Convention on international civil aviation (ICAO). Adopted 7 December 1944, Chicago, 1944.
UDC 622.235
Kupriyanov I.Y., Technical engineer
("NT Sayani" Co. Ltd. (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

Providing the increased explosive efficiency of the mixed heterogeneous systems by reducing the effects of caking and redistribution of components with time adjustment

Keywords: ammonium nitrate, mixed explosives, sensitivity to explosive pulse, physical stability, caking, substances-disintegrants

The article introduces the analysis of characteristics of mixed explosives based on ammonium nitrate in a solid and powder state allocating the phenomena of redistribution of the components and caking of solid mixture particles that correspond to the general definition of "insufficient physical stability" and lead to deterioration of explosive performance. The author provides description of the rapid method of caking assessment. The article shows results of experimental studies to reduce caking by using various additives-disintegrants and stabilization methods, including heat treatment – porization of AN particles and combining this AN with substances with low melting temperature, in particular, with dinitrotoluene.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Dubnov L.V., Baharevich N.S., Romanov A.I. Promyshlennye vzryvchatye veshhestva (Industrial explosives). 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Nedra, 1988. – 358 s.
  2. Kalganov E.V., Sosnin V.A. Promyshlennye vzryvchatye veshhestva (Industrial explosives). V dvuh knigah. – Dzerzhinsk, Izd. GosNII "Kristall", 2010.
  3. Kukib B. N., Lavrov V. R., Shvedov K.K., i dr metod opredeleniya kriticheskogo diametra i kriticheskoj skorosti detonacii promyshlennyh vv v sb metody ispytanij nizkochuvstvitelnyh vv chernogolovka choihf. (A method of determining the critical diameter and critical velocity of detonation of industrial explosives). 1991 s 40-49.
  4. Ivanov M.E., Olevskij V.M., Polyakov N.N., i dr Tekhnologiya ammiachnoj selitry. (The technology of ammonium nitrate). Pod red Olevskogo V M M Himiya 1978 -311s.
  5. Demidyuk, G.P., Bugajskii, A.N. Sredstva mekhanizacii i tekhnologiya vzryvnyh rabot s primeneniem granulirovannyh vzryvchatyh veshchestv. (Means of mechanization and technology of blasting operations using granular explosives). M.: Nedra, 1975 – 312 s.
  6. Author's certificate of USSR, No.1559644.
  7. Veshchestvo vzryvchatoe promyshlennoe. Granulit NP. TU 72 7680-001-00173901-94.
  8. Chikunov O.V., Chikunov V.I. Sredstvo protiv slezhivaemosti ammonitov. Bezopasnost rabot v ugolnyh shahtah. (Anti-caking agent for ammonites. Safety of working in coal mines.) V., sb.: Trudy VostNII Kemerovo 1994 S 207-210.
  9. Kuvshinnikov I. M. Mineralnye udobreniya i soli. (Mineral fertilizers and salt). M.: Himiya, 1987, – 256 s.
  10. Starshinov A.V., Kostylev S.S., Kupriyanov I.Yu., (OOO Nitro-Tekhnologii Sayany) Zhizhig Zhamyan (SK Monmag Mongoliya). Nekotorye problemy i rezultaty povysheniya kachestva smesevyh VV dlya razlichnyh uslovij primeneniya. (Some problems and results of quality improvement of mixed explosives for different application conditions). Sbornik Vzryvnoe delo. 116 73 2016.
  11. Patent RF N 2138009 1998 g.
  12. Patent RF N 2301788 2006 g.
  13. Viktorov S.D., Kuprijanov I.Ju., Starshinov A.V., Ostapkovich A.M. Jeksperimental'noe opredelenie vozmozhnosti izgotovlenija smesej na osnove ammiachnoj selitry s vysokoj sypuchest'ju (Experimental evaluation of capability to make mixtures based on ammonium nitrate with free-flowing). 113 70 2015.
  14. Patent RF N 2600061 2014 g.
UDC 622
V.V. Sergeev, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, prof,
B.M. Bitarov, Uchebnyi master
(North Caucasian Institute of Mining Metallurgy (state technological university)

Pneumothoraces chamber for the loading of bore-holes and wells are not packaged explosives

Keywords: borehole, well, bulk explosives, chamber pneumatic charger, a reciprocating mechanism, diaphragm mechanism

To simplify the design and improve the reliability and efficiency of the proposed modernization of the chamber of pneumothoracies by replacing the pneumatic cylinders that control the operation of cone valves chamber, through which chamber is filled up with new portion of bulk EXPLOSIVES, the diaphragm mechanism.
This design pneumothoraces maintenance, which ensures reliable, uninterrupted and effective work of pneumothoraces at any time, and blocked the camera after hours prevents ingestion it of foreign objects, which improves not only reliability, but also security of pneumothoraces

Bibliographic list:
  1. Kanovich L.I., Merzlyakov V.G. Mining machinery and equipment for underground mining. M.: Izd. Moscow state mining University, 2013. - 408 S. – Fig.6.52, p. 302.
  2. Kanovich L.I., Merzlyakov V.G. Mining machinery and equipment for underground mining. M.: Izd. Moscow state mining University, 2013. - 408 S. – Fig.6.53 (b), p. 303.
  3. Kanovich L.I., Merzlyakov V.G. Mining machinery and equipment for underground mining. M.: Izd. Moscow state mining University, 2013. - 408 S. – Fig.6.55, p. 306.
  4. RF patent 2558550. Pneumatic chamber charger for bulk explosives // Ed. Sergeev VV, Bitarov B. M. Publ. 2015, bull. 22.

Section 3. Technology of blasting in the mining of solid minerals
UDC 622.235
L.A. Krupnik, professor, Doctor of Technical Scienses
K.K. Aben, PhD student,
S.S. Myrzakhmetov, senior lecturer, PhD
B.R. Yussupova, senior lecturer
(K.I.Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan)

Blastng of ore on the contact with backfill in the process of mining of under-pit reserves

Keywords: under-pit reserves, combined mining, blasting in the contact with backfill, backfill mixture,ring holes, blast energy, detonation pressure, drillhole blasting, uncharged interval

The article gives a description of the problem ofmining of under-pitreserves and reserves along the wall of the pitusinga combined way. The authors, on the example of polymetallic deposit Maykain propose to use mining methods with backfill. However, such methods often have a problem with dilution of ore with the backfill material during blasting processes that has a negative effect on processing. Therefore, in this article, the method of ore breaking on contact with the backfill is also reviewed. Furthermore, since the strength of artificial backfill mass may vary depending on the mining sequence breaking parameters must also be different. Accordingly, to improve the quality of breaking and reduce the dilution of ore uncharged portion of the blast holesof the ring in their bottom part and in the collar should be set taking into account the length of the discharge zone

Bibliographic list:
  1. Savich I.N. The combined development of kimberlite deposits, M.:Mining Industry. 2004,No.1.P. 25-28.
  2. Kaplunov D.R., Kalmykov V.N., Ryalnikova A.V. Combined geotechnology – М.: Ore and Metals, 2003.
  3. Brady B. H. G. Rock Mechanics: For Underground Mining, Springer Science& Business Media, 2012, P. 528
  4. Ping Wanga, Huiqiang Lia, Yan Lib, Bo Cheng Stability analysis of backfilling in subsiding area and optimization of the stoping sequence. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2013, P. 478–485.
  5. BitimbayevM.Z., KrupnikL.A., ShaposhnikY.A. Theory and practice of backfill works in mining of deposits –Mining Journal, Almaty, 2012 No.5, P. 19-25.
  6. StateStandard GOST 24452-80: Concrete. Methods of prism strength determination, elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio, 1980.
  7. Ajoy K. Ghose, Akhilesh Joshi Blasting in Mining – New Trends, CRC Press 2012, P. 150

Section 4. Usage of combustion processes and the impact of the explosion in industry
UDC 622.235
M.I. Ganopolskiy, technical Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
V.L. Baron, general Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
(OOO "CPESSL BVR" (Moscow, Russia)

The explosive collapse of monolithicreinforced concrete building

Keywords: the explosive collapse of monolithic reinforced concrete building; blast hole charges; the safety of blasting; shelter locations explosion; seismic vibrations; air shock wave; gas hazardous area; hydroshock wave; dangerous zone for people in the explosions

In the article the issues of preparation and holding of the explosion for the collapse of reinforced concrete monolithic 9-storey building. The length of the building – 190,4 m, a width of 20.4 m and height is 33.9 m. In the Central part of the building located the block of elevators and stairs with a length of 27.4 m and a width of 20.4 m, which was to be saved. The saved block has previously been separated from the collapsing parts of the building. To reduce the width of collapse of the collapsing structures of the building scheme was used short-delay blasting with the formation of two cuts on the 3rd (main incision) and the 1st floors of the building. To ensure the direction of fall of the collapsing structures of the building first row of columns on the direction of the rolls building was blasted to all floors, the second and third rows of longitudinal columns and reinforced concrete diaphragms of hardness – only 1-m, 3-m and 4-m or 5-m floors. The joints of columns and beams, and transverse girders and the transverse diaphragms stiffness blasted on all floors of the building. The width of the pieces after the collapse of the explosion was about 10 m. The method of calculation of safe distances for various harmful effects of the explosion

Bibliographic list:
  1. Tekhnicheskie pravila vedenija vsryvnykh rabot na dnevnoy poverkhnosty (Technical rules of blasting on the surface). Moscow: Nedra, 1972. – 240 p.
  2. Federalnye normy i pravila v oblasty promyshlennoji besopasnosty. Pravila besopasnosty pri vsryvnykh rabotakh. Sbornik dokumentov. Srija 13. Vypusk 14 (Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety. Safety regulations for blasting. Collection of documents. Series 13. Vol.14). Moscow: ZAO "Scientific and technical centre for the study of industrial safety", 2014. – 332 p.
  3. Rukovodstvo po proektirovaniju i proisvodstvu vsryvnykh rabot pri rekonstrukcii promyshlennykh predprijatiji i grazhdanskikh sooruzheniji. RTM 36.9-88 (Guidance on the design and manufacture of blasting during the re-construction of industrial enterprises and civil structures. RTM 36.9-88). Moscow: CBNTI MMSS USSR, 1988. – 37 p.
  4. Ganopolskiy M.I., Baron V.L., Belin V.A. et al. Metody vedenija vsryvnykh rabot. Specialnye vsryvnye raboty: Uchebnoe posobie (Methods of blasting. Special blasting: Study guide). Moscow: Publisher MGGU, 2007. – 563 p.
  5. Opredelenie kriticheskikh parametrov kolebaniji okhranjaemykh objektov pri vsryvnom droblenii fundamentov i obrushenii sdaniji pri rekonstrukcii. RTM 36.22-91 (The determination of the critical parameters of the oscillations of protected objects with explosive crushing foundations and collapse of buildings during reconstruction. RTM 36.22-91). Moscow: CBNTI MMSS USSR, 1991. – 17 p.
  6. Ceitlin Ja.I., Smoliy N.I. Sejismicheskie i udarnye vosdushnye volny promyshlennykh vsryvov (Seismic and air shock wave of industrial explosions). Moscow: Nedra, 1981. – 192 p.
  7. Bogazkiy V.F., Fridman A.G. Okhrana ingenernyrh soorugeniy i okrugayushchey sredy ot vrednogo deyistviya promyshlennykh vsryvov (Protection of engineering structures and the environment from the harmful effects of industrial explosions). Moscow: Nedra, 1982. – 162 p.
  8. Kort D., Lippok Ju., Dekskhaymer R. Organisatsiya rabot po snosu sdaniy (Organization of works on demolition of buildings). Moscow: Stroyisdat, 1985. – 115 p.
  9. Ceitlin Ja.I., Gromov V.A. Raschet radiusa sony deystviya vsryvnogo shuma (Calculation of radius of action of the explosive noise). – Montazhnye i spetsialnye stroitelnye raboty. Seriya Spetsialnye stroitelnye raboty. Ekspress-informatsiya (Installation and special construction work, Series Special construction works. Express information). 1984, pab. 1, p.22-26.
  10. Sykov Ju.N., Pernik L.M., Spivak A.A. Vypadenie pyli is gasopylevogo oblaka pri massovom vsryve v karere (Deposition of dust from the gas and dust cloud at a mass blast at a quarry). – Geofisika silnykh vosmuscheniy. Sbornik nauchnykh trudjv Instituta dinamiki geosfer RAN (Geophysics of strong disturbances. Collection of scientific papers of the Institute of Geosphere dynamics RAS). – Moscow: 2002. – p. 481-492.
  11. Galkin V.V., Gilmanov R.F., Drogoveyko I.S. Vsryvnye raboty pod vodoy (Blasting under water). – Moscow: Nedra, 1987. – 232 p.
UDC 622.235
V.I. Kulikov, Senior Researcher, Candidat of Phis.-Math. Sciences
(IDG RAS (Moscow, Russia), MIPT (Dolgoprudny, Moscow region)
M.S. Akimkin, Director General
("NPO SovInTehno")
M.I. Ganopolsky, Technical Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
(OOO "CPESSL BVR" (Moscow, Russia)

Seismic effect of "Destructor" in the destruction of construction

Keywords: blasting, blast-hole charges, staff BB destructor of seismic wave, seismic effect, TNT equivalent

The paper discusses the issues of conducting blasting in the destruction of building structures using boreholes instead of the standard explosive knock-free composition – "Destructor". In the course of experiments on the destruction of reinforced concrete slab foundation by "Destructor" was held registration of seismic waves. It is shown that the effect of the seismic action "Destructor" is tens times less than that of regular explosives. According to the maximum oscillation speed of seismic waves was estimated TNT equivalent of "destructor", which in concrete destruction was less 0.0032.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Kulikov V.I., Dmitriev A.Y., Galushko F.I. Seismic action BSB with electronic initiation system. // Explosive affair. 2015. N 113/70. p.366-383.
  2. Kulikov V.I., Akimkin M.S., Ganopolsky M.I. The seismic effectiveness at prozodke mining destructor .// explosive affair. 2016. N 115/72. (in the press).
  3. Sadovsky M.A. The seismic effect of explosions. Proceedings of the All-Union Conference on Explosives. Gostoptekhizdat. 1940. p.290-319.
  4. Medvedev S.V. Seismic explosions rock. Ed. Bosom. 1964. 188 p.
  5. The federal rules and industrial safety regulations. Safety regulations for blasting operations. Ser.13. vyp.14. ed. ZAO STC. 2015. 332 p.
  6. Berezuev Y.A. The use of gas generators shpurovyh pressure on block stone quarries. Mining Journal, 2008, N 1, p. 50-52.
  7. Selyavina A.I., Nenakhov A.I., Fomenkova V.E., Ganopolsky M.I. The destruction of the monolithic reinforced concrete foundation with non-explosive depleting funds. The explosive case. Number 113 seventieths, 2015. p.243-258.
  8. Patent 2010106722/03, 26.02.2010. The device (destructor) for the destruction of solid rock or concrete. 2010.
UDC 622.235
A.I. Golodyaev, a private person, engineer designer

Features of the explosion of the metal hydride

Keywords: metal hydride, current, generator, the explosion temperature of explosives

The article presents the theoretical assumptions put forward by the author about the possibility of using metal hydrides to create an explosion through their warm-up and applications for this explosive generators of electric current. Given the advantages of the use of the hydride of the metal is obtained by electrolysis, analysis of the process heating coil metal hydride, electric discharge of high power. The use of cylindrical implosions explosion to increase the power and efficiency of the process. Describes the possibility of using explosive devices on the basis of use as initial sources of energy warm up from the explosive generators of electric current and cylindrical implosion explosion to strengthen and stabilize the process "physical" explosion metal hydride having piscivorous oxide film obtained by electroplating. This article does not describe the process of detonation, the way to protect against detonation, the design used explosive generators of electric current.

Bibliographic list:
  1. The patent for the invention RF N 2554018.
  2. The patent for the invention RF N 2554021.
  3. The application for the invention RF N 2014152354.
  4. Fortov V.E. Explosive generators of powerful pulses of electric current. Moscow, Nauka, 2002 – p. 399).
  5. Lidin R.A., Andreeva L.L., Molochko V.A. Chapter 3. Physical properties / Constants of inorganic substances: Handbook / Under the editorship of Professor R. A. Lidin. – 2nd ed. Rev. and DOP. – M: "Drofa", 2006. – P. 74.
  6. Drozdov A.A., Zlomanov V.P., Mazo G.N., Spiridonov F.M. Inorganic chemistry. Vol. 2: 4.-Chemistry of nontransition elements / ed. Yu.N.Tretyakov. – M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2004. – T. 2. – P. 83.).
  7. 2005 VESTNIK OF NOVGOROD STATE UNIVERSITY N34 .UDC 539.389.3. Spivak, E. Lunarska.
  8. "MILITARY-TECHNICAL BULLETIN". Serbia, Belgrade, No. 1 of 2014.

Section 5. Ecology and safety during blasting operations
UDC 622.235
A.A. Dobrynin, director, candidate of technical Sciences, expert of higher qualification in industrial safety in the treatment of WM, the technical expert of the Federal service for accreditation
("Pirovzryv" (Russia, Moscow)

A critical analysis of some provisions federalnych rules and regulations in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules for blasting"

Keywords: industrial safety, norms and rules, technical expert, explosive materials, blasting operations, emergency, casualty

At the end of 2014 in Russia came into force the Federal standards and rules in the field of industrial safety "safety Rules for blasting" (PBBR), which, like the previous rules of Rostechnadzor, according to the author, are not without drawbacks. This article was done with a purpose – to draw the attention of specialists employed in the field of handling explosive materials (VM) on certain provisions PBVR, critically evaluate their usefulness and suitability for their work. Among the identified deficiencies that are not represented by observations on underground blasting, because in spite of the existing practice for the treatment of WM in the underground conditions, the author does not consider himself a specialist, the level of which should correspond to a real expert for underground works, even the lowest category. In this connection, to discuss safety issues in underground conditions in the press, the author urges his colleagues – experienced specialists and experts in the field to submit their comments, maybe it's to save someone's life.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "safety Regulations for blasting". Approved by order of Rostechnadzor dated 16.12.2013, No. 605. Registered by the Ministry of justice 01.04.2014, register. No. 31796.
  2. Unified safety rules for blasting operations (PB 13-407-01). Approved by the resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated 30.01.2001, No. 3, was registered by the Ministry of justice 07.06.2001 G., register. No. 2743.
  3. Unified safety rules for blasting. Approved by Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR on March 28, 1967
  4. Dobrynin A.A. Explosives. Chemistry. Compositions. Security. – Moscow: publishing house of Academy of Zhukovsky, 2014. – 528 S.
  5. Zotov E.V. The Electric initiation of liquid explosives. – Sarov: FSUE "RFNC-VNIIEF", 2004. – 295 p.
  6. Araos M., Onederra I. Detonation characteristics of alternative mining explosives based on Hydrogen Peroxide as the oxidizing agent. 7TH WOLRLD CONFERENCE ON EXPLOSIVES & BLASTING, MOSKOW, RUSSIA, 2013, PROCEEDINGS, PART I, p. 182-186.
  7. James J. Myrick Patent US 20140227548 Nanoparticles, Compositions, Manufacture and Applications, 2014
  8. Tokarev O.V., Kuzenkov V.M., Rastorguev, R.V., Overchenko M.N. Experience with the production and use of emulsion explosives for surface and underground mining operations at JSC "Kola MMC", Mining journal, 2015, vol. 6, pp. 64-67.
  9. Dobrynin A.A., Dobrynin I.A., Ivchenko V.V. Enhancement of safety in the organization and conduct of blasting operations on objects of reconstruction and construction// Safety in industry. — 2015. — No. 4. — Pp. 51-54.
  10. GOST R 55782-2013 Means of initiation and transmission of detonation. Specifications
  11. Conclusions and recommendations based on the results of state control (supervision). Newsletter RTN. — 2015. — N 4(79). — P. 26
  12. Technical regulations of the Customs Union "About safety of explosives and products on their basis" (TR TC 028/2012). Decision of Council of Eurasian economic Commission from July 20, 2012 No. 57
  13. Federal law of 21.07.1997 N 116-FZ "On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" (with amendments
  14. Ivanov V.G., Safronov, M.N., Gavrilin O.V. Macrokinetics of oxidation of dispersed aluminum with water in the liquid phase. Physics of combustion and explosion. 2001. Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 57-62.
  15. Yavor Y., Goroshin S., Bergthorson J.M., Frost D.L., Stove R., Ringuette S. Enhanced hydrogen generation from aluminum/water reactions // Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2013. Vol. 38. No. 35. P. 14992-15002. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.09.070.
  16. Milani M., Montorsi L., Paltrinieri F., Stefani M. Experimental and numerical analysis of the combustor for a cogeneration system based on the aluminum/water reaction // Energy Conversion Management, 2014. Vol. 87. P. 1291-1296. doi: 10.1016/j.enconman. 2014.02.027.
  17. Mochin G.N., Shmelev V.M. Critical phenomena in the reaction of aluminum with water// Combustion and explosion. The scientific journal. Volume 9, No. 2, 2016, p. 120-126.
  18. Physics of explosion / edited by L.P. Orlenko. – Ed. 3-e, Rev. In 2 t. T. 1. – M., Fizmatlit, 2004. 832 p.
  19. Belin V.A., Gorbonos M.G., Mangush S.K., Ökvist V.B. New technologies of blasting. Proceedings of the international scientific Symposium "miner's Week-2015". – Moscow: Gornaya kniga". – 2015. No. OV1, P. 87-101.
  20. Monitoring our Reporting Performance. SAFEX Newsletter No.45, 2nd Qtr. 2013 Tønsberg, Norway, р. 13.
  21. Explosion Accident during Mobile Production of Bulk Explosives. Report by DSBs project committee on the follow up of the accident in Drevja on the 17th of December 2013, SAFEX Newsletter, February 2015, Tønsberg, Norway, – 138 р.
  22. Mikhailov Y.M., Kolganov E.V., Sosnin V.A. Safety of ammonium nitrate and its application in industrial explosives. Dzerzhinsk, Partner-PLYUS, 2008 – p. 298
  23. Skryagin L. As the ship destroyed the city: Essays on accidents on rivers, lakes and in ports. – M.: Transport, 1990. – 271 p.
  24. Safety Rules and the order of liquidation of emergencies with dangerous goods by transportation them on Railways. Approved by the Deputy Minister for civil defence, emergencies and elimination of consequences of natural disasters of the Russian Federation 31.10.96, No. 9-733/3-2 and Deputy Minister of communications of the Russian Federation 25.11.96, No. CM-407
  25. Emergency cards for dangerous cargoes, the transported on Railways of the CIS, Latvian Republic, Lithuanian Republic, Estonian Republic. Developed by the Siberian transport University. Approved by the Council for rail transport of the States – participants of Commonwealth, the Protocol of 30 may 2008, N 48 (as amended on November 20, 2013)
  26. Van Shuiguan. Emulsion explosives. Translated from the Chinese. Krasnoyarsk, 2012, p. 380
  27. Kolganov E.V., Sosnin V.A. Industrial explosives. – Dzerzhinsk: GosNII "Kristall", 2010. – KN. 2. – S. 355-340.
UDC 550.8.08, 622.45
A.V. Bakin, head of technical Department of mines "Taldinskaya – Zapadnaya"
(JSC "SUEK-Kuzbass" (Russia)
E.G. Kuzin, senior lecturer of the Department "Mechanics and engineering"
E.Yu. Pounds, candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor of Department "Mechanics and engineering"
(Branch Kuzbass state technical University (the city of Prokopyevsk, Russia)

Analysis of the condition of the roof preparatory of mining workings by means of GPR with the influence of high-speed longwall

Keywords: GPR, roofing, underground workings, safety of mining operations, roof bolting, fracture, geophysical research methods

The substantiation of the need of monitoring the condition of the preparatory mine workings fixed anchoring for the safety of mining operations. The main factors leading to collapse of mine workings and insufficient knowledge of physical processes occurring in the rocks with the influence of high-speed longwall. It is shown that currently used methods of monitoring the roof condition does not give a complete assessment throughout mine workings. It is proposed to use the GPR method for identifying threat areas, prone to deformation and collapse. Provides data mining-geological forecast for lava 6605 mine "Taldinskaya-Zapadnaya – 1", subject to which a schedule of monitoring and determined mining to be examined. Given radargram ventilating drift reflecting the state of the roof taking into account the time factor and the proximity of lava. Analysis of the condition of the roof, and by means of GPR, is confirmed in most cases by visual observation and allows you to make corrections in the passport of attachment and to set the anchor deep-laid.

Bibliographic list:
  1. The order of Rostechnadzor dated 19.11.2013 No. 550 "On approval of Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "safety Rules in coal mines" (Registered in Ministry of justice of Russia 31.12.2013 No. 30961).
  2. Demin A.M., Norel B.K. The change of the physical state of the mountain massif near the workings. Mining information-analytical Bulletin (scientific and technical journal)Issue No. 9 /2008
  3. Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "instruction on the calculation and application of roof bolting in coal mines" [Electronic resource] //www.garant.ru/products/ipo/prime/doc/70497944. Garant. Information and legal portal – free access Mode. The title. c of the screen. – Lang. Rus.
  4. Khmelinin, A.P. Methodology of research of reinforced concrete construc-tions of the underground structures in the presence of inhomogeneities of different types / AP Khmelinin // Electronic collection of 10th international scientific school of young scientists and specialists "problems of development of mineral resources in the XXI century through the eyes of young". – M.: – IPKON RAS, 2013. – S. 89 – 93.
  5. Lugantsev B.B. ensuring the stability of underground workings in fractured rock masses. Abstract of dissertation for the degree of doctor of technical Sciences. Mine 2002
  6. Introduction to ground penetrating radar. Tutorial, M. L. Vladov and A. V. Starovoitov, Izd-vo MGU, 2005.
  7. Maximov A.P. the confining pressure and the cement workings. M.: Nedra, 1973, 287 p.
  8. Belikov V.V., Chavkin A.I. the Maintenance excavation of drifts, protected coal pillars with a width of 5-15 m, Izv. institutions of higher education. SEV.-Kavko. region. Technical Sciences. Appendix No. 7. – 2004 – Pp. 54-63
  9. Belikov A.V. Method of prediction of the zones with weak contacts in the solid rocks of the roof of development workings, fastened teleprimary anchoring. // Mining information-analytical Bulletin. SB. scientific. Tr./ Moscow state mining University, 2008. No. 12 – Pp. 346-350.
UDC 62-791.2
E.Yu. Pounds, candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor of Department "Mechanics and engineering"
E.G. Kuzin, senior lecturer of the Department "Mechanics and engineering", researcher of laboratory of technical diagnostics
R.A. Pankrashkin, head of Department "Mechanics and engineering"
(Branch Kuzbass state technical University (the city of Prokopyevsk, Russia)
Michael G. Lupiy, Director
(SHU "Taldinskaya-West", JSC "SUEK-Kuzbass")

On the question of the need for the creation and implementation of the automated monitoring systems and the account of the displacement in the roof coal mines

Keywords: roof, anchoring, frame depth, offset in the roof, measuring, control, automation, monitoring

Fast and quality of mining makes to the sinking and cleaning techniques high demands for reliability, performance, and a number of other criteria. In turn, coal and rock mass require timely surveys and monitoring of his condition. Continuity and high precision control of the state coal-rock mass will help to predict and avoid dangerous consequences caused by sudden collapse of the roof. These factors and growing quantities of sewage treatment works require optimal methods for the diagnosis and monitoring the state of the roof, which have important properties such as high reliability of the results, the convenience and efficiency of execution of works, as well as to minimize the human and economic costs for their implementation, security implementation. The article discusses the relevance and need for the creation and implementation of the automated monitoring systems and the account of the displacement in the top of the coal mines – as one of the main factors ensure the safety of underground mining of bedded deposits of coal in the future.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Guide for design of underground mine workings and calculation of supports building regulations. Part II design standards Chapter 94 underground mining.
  2. Fisenko G.L. Limiting state of rocks around an excavation. – M.: Nedra, 1976. – 272.
  3. Zubov V.P. peculiarities of management of mountain pressure in lavas at great depths of development. — L.: Publishing house Leningrad University, 1990. – 224 p.
  4. Belikov V.V. On the mechanism of deformation of the roof reuse of excavation workings. Izv. universities. SEV. – Kavko. region. Tech. science. -2004. – Annex No. 7. – S. 54-63.
  5. Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "safety Rules in coal mines". Series 05. Issue 40. – M.: joint stock company "Scientific technical center of industrial safety", 2014. – 200 p.
  6. Manual calculation and application of roof bolting in coal mines tion of the Russian Federation. – SPb., 2014. – 203 p. (M-fuel and energy Minister. State. scientific.-issled. in-t horn. geomekh. and marksheet. business – Intersectoral scientific. center VNIMI).
  7. Survey methodology and assessment of development workings, fastened with anchor bolts after 5 years of operation of workings. – Prokopyevsk, 2007. – 11 S

To the 60th anniversary of Dobrynin Alexander Arturovich307-308
Correction from authors309-309
Publishing house of the N.E. Zhukovsky Academy
Proposes to buy the book of Dobrynin A.A. "Explosives, Chemistry, Compositions, Safety."

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