"Explosion technology"— scientific and technical journal

Journal was founded in 1922 by a group of engineers. In Russia and the CIS "Explosion technology" is the only one peer-reviewed specialized periodical in the field of blasting.

Issue sponsor - OJSC "Novosibirsk Mechanical Plant "Iskra"

Issue 118/75 (2017)

Theory and practice of blasting work

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Novosibirsk Mechanical Plant "Iskra"
Offers wide variety of initiation systems.
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ХVI International Scientific and Practical Conference on Explosives. introduction8-9

UDC 622.235
A.E. Salko, doctor. tech. PhD, Professor
(ZAO Vzryvispytaniya, Russia, Moscow)
N.V. Sadovskaya In. Cand. Fiz.-Mat. Sciences
(JSC "Institute of physical chemistry them. L.Y. Karpov, Russia, Obninsk):
A.V. Starshinov, Ph. D., Technical Director
("NT Sayan", Russia, Krasnoyarsk)

Some features of morphology of particles of ammonium nitrate of various grades

Keywords: ammonium nitrate, particle morphology, scanning electron microscopy, porous ammonium nitrate, granule structure, quasi-structure.

The article presents new data on features of the structure of surface and body of ammonium nitrate particles of various grades used to produce industrial explosives, which were first detected during their examination by the method of scanning electron microscopy under sparing conditions.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Dubnov L.V., Baharevich N.S., Romanov A.I. Promyishlennyievzry-ivchatyieveschestva. – M.: " Nedra", 1988. 358 s.
  2. M.A.Cook. The Science of Industrial Explozives. USA, IRECO Chemicals, 1974. 449 с.
  3. Demidyuk G.P., Bugayskiy A.N. Sredstvamehanizatsii i tehnologiya vzryivnyih rabot s primeneniem granulirovannyih vzryivchatyih veschestv. – M.: "nedra", 1975, 312 s.
  4. Chernyishev A.K., Levin B.V., Tugolukov A.V. i dr. Ammiachnaya selitra: svoystva, proizvodstvo, primenenie. – M., ZAO "INFOHIM", 2009. 544 s.
  5. Kurin N.P. IzvestiyaTomskogo politehnicheskogo instituta. 1952, t. 71. S. 25-51.
  6. Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E., Starshinov A.V. i dr. Fizika goreniya i vzryiva, 2016. T.52, #6, s.119-124.
UDC 622.235.213
N.I. Akinin, Head of department of Technosphere Safety, professor, Doctor of Engineering Science
V.E. Annikov, leading researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
D.I. Mikheev, Senior lecturer
L.I. Soboleva, Postgraduate
(D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia – MUCTR, Moscow, Russia)
I.V. Brigadin, Research Adviser, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
(Promstroyvzryv Ltd., Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

Detonation of water gel explosive based on grained single-base powder

Keywords: single-base powder, explosive, detonation, water gel, detonation properties, critical diameter of detonation, detonation overpressure

Article devoted to investigation of detonation ability and some properties of the water gel explosives based on single-base powder. Review of investigation of detonation properties of single-base powder by scientists of Soviet Union and Russian Federation was conducted. Water gel explosives, also known as " slurry" explosives, based on grained single-base powder were investigated. The effect on detonation ability and properties by changing of composition of water gel and its and content in explosive mixture was found and values of critical detonation parameters for that mixtures were provided. Same water gel explosives was investigated by the electromagnetic method of a study of the parameters of shock and detonation waves and comparison of the results of that investigation was carried out. On the basis of the provided investigation were proposed the mechanism of detonation process for water gel explosives based on grained single-base powder.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Tadeusz Urbanski Chemistry and Technology of Explosives / translation Marian Jurecki. Oxford: Pergamon Press Ltd., 1967, Vol. 3, pp. 540-541
  2. Sytij N.М. Razrabotka jeffektivnyh metodov vozbuzhdenija detonacii vintovochnyh piroksilinovyh porohov i ih othodov (Iz doklada na jubilejnoj sessii Kirgizskogo filiala AN SSSR, posvjashhjonnoj dnju rozhdenija I.V. Stalina, dekabr' 1944 g.) (Development of effective methods of initialization of detonation of single-base powder of rifle's ammo and its wastes), Izvestija Kirgizskogo filiala AN SSSR = News of Kyrgyz branch of Academy of Science of USSR. issues 2-3, No 48, 1945.
  3. Apin A.J. O detonacii porohov (About detonation of gunpowder) Sb. statej Opyt ispol'zovanija Piroksilinovyh porohov na inzhenernyh rabotah = Experience of using of single-base powders in engineering works. The collection of reports, 1952, pp. 83-96
  4. Sytij N.М. Othody piroksilinovyh porohov kak brizantnoe vzryvchatoe veshhestvo (Single-base powder waste as secondary explosive) Sb. statej Opyt ispol'zovanija Piroksilinovyh porohov na inzhenernyh rabotah = Experience of using of single-base powders in engineering works. The collection of reports, 1952, pp. 7-16.
  5. Zanegin I.V., Karachinskij S.I. Detonacionnye i fiziko himicheskie harakteristiki artillerijskih porohov (Detonation and physico chemical characteristics of gunpowder artillery) Fizika gorenija i vzryva = Physics of combustion and explosion. 2001, vol.37, № 5, pp. 81-84
  6. Shhukin Ju.G. and others Promyshlennye vzryvchatye veshhestva na osnove utilizirovannyh boepripasov: uchebnoe posobie dlja VUZov (Industrial explosives based on utilizing ammunition : Textbook for universities), Moscow, Nedra, 1998, 319 pp.
  7. Annikov V.E., Akinin N.I., Mikheev D.I., Rotenberg E.V. Ocenka jekologicheskoj bezopasnosti pri utilizacii artillerijskih boepripasov (Valuation of environmental safety of utilization of artillery ammunition), Vzryvnoe delo = Explosion Technology, № 111/68., Moscow, 2014, pp. 275-282.
  8. Annikov V.E., Akinin N.I., Mikheev D.I., Soboleva L.I., Derzhavets A.S., Brigadin I.V., Doroshenko S.I. Ob osobennostjah detonacii i vzryvnogo vozdejstvija na gornye porody porohovyh vzryvchatyh veshhestv na gelevoj osnove (About features of detonation and impact on rock by powder water gel explosives), Gorny informatsionno-analiticheskiy byulleten = Mining informational and analytical bulletin, Moscow, 2015, vol. 12, pp. 318 – 324.
  9. Semenjak S.Ju. Ispol'zovanie gel'pora dlja vzryvopodgotovki gornoj massy v uslovijah kar'erov proizvodstva stroitel'nogo materiala (Using of Gelpor for explosion preparation of rock mass in conditions of quarries of production of building material) Gorny informatsionno-analiticheskiy byulleten = Mining informational and analytical bulletin, Moscow, 2005, vol. 8, pp. 172 – 174.
  10. Zajcev V.M., Pohil P.F., Shvedov K.K. Jelektromagnitnyj metod izmerenija skorosti produktov vzryva (The electromagnetic method of measuring the velocity of explosion products), Doklady AN SSSR = Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1960, vol. 132(6), pp. 1339 1340
UDC 622.235.2
N.N. Efremovtsev, Senior researcher, candidate of technical Sciences, General Director of "Tennova"
(IPKON RAS, Russia, Moscow)

Industrial explosives and their production technology on the basis of persuasi emulsions

Keywords: ammonium nitrate, Rebinder effect, absorptive reduction of strength, completeness of chemical conversion, multi-component granular explosive, Granulite EF-P

The article emphasizes the importance of industrial explosives perfection and discusses an opportunity of solving the problem of incomplete chemical conversion of explosives due to the application of pore-and-channel forming emulsions providing the absorptive reduction of strength. The influence of Rebinder effect on ammonium nitrate granules is shown. Some results of Granulite EF-P tests are described. Its liquid phase contains water-in-hydrocarbon emulsion providing the formation of additional systems of pores and channels in ammonium nitrate granules without heating in the process of industrial explosives fabrication thus resulting in the multiple expansion of the area of fuel contact with an oxidizer and enhances the completeness of chemical conversion in the process of explosive charge detonating.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Kolganov V.V., Sosnin V.A. "Sostoyaniye i perspektivy razvitiya PVV v Rossii i zarubezhom." sb. Vzryvnoyedelo, Issue No 100/57, pp. 20-32, 2012. M.: ZAO MVK povzryvnomudelu.
  2. Sosnin V.A. "Mirovye tendentsii razvitiya promyshlennosti vzryvchatykh veshchestv." sb. Vzryvnoyedelo, Issue No 107/64, pp. 107-121, 2012. M.: MVK povzryvnomudelu.
  3. Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Zakalinsky V.A. "Analiz metodov upravleniya protsessom razrusheniya gornykh porodv zryvom." GornyyZhurnal, No 7, pp. 46-47, 1995.
  4. Trubetskoy K.N., Viktorov S.D., Kutuzov B.N. "Problemy razvitiya vzryvnogo dela nazemnoy poverkhnosti" Vzryvnoyedelo, Issue No 101/58, pp. 3-23, 2009. M.
  5. Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E. "Prosteishiye granulirovannye VV mestnogo prigotovleniya: kharakteristiki i napravleniya sovershenstvovaniya" sb. Vzryvnoyedelo, pp. 20-32, 2014. M.: ZAO MVK povzryvnomudelu.
  6. Efremovtsev N.N., Efremovtsev A.N. "K voprosu sovershenstvovaniya sposobov izgotovleniya i sostavov prosteishikh promyshlennykh vzryvchatykh veshchestv." In Proc. Sbornik dokladov pervoi konferentsii Evroaziatskogo soyuza inzhenerov-vzryvnikov (EASIV), 2016г, pp. 53-63. ISBN 978-5-904374-50-1.
  7. Efremovtsev N.N. "K voprosu primeneniya akusticheskoi obrabotki v proizvodstve energonasyshchennykh materialov dlya gornoi promyshlennosti." In Proc. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya "Tekhnicheskaya akustika: razrabotki, problemy, perspektivy." 26-29 Sept. 2016, Vitebsk, Belarus, ISBN 978-985-481-441-4
  8. Efremovtsev N.N., Efremovtsev P.N. "K voprosu sistematizatsii vzryvaemykh sred postepeni ustoichivosti k vozdeistviyu energii vzryva i klassifikatsii sredstv i khrazrusheniya po kriteriyu skorosti vydeleniya energii". Otdelnye statyi: Gornyy Informatsionno-Analiticheskiy Byulleten (nauchno-tekhnicheskiy zhurnal), No 11 (special issue No 58) K metodologii vzryvnogo razrusheniya pri razrabotke mestorozhdeniy poleznykh iskopaemykh, GornayaKniga, pp. 25-30, 2015.
  9. Efremovtsev N.N. "Voprosy sovershenstvovaniya sposobov i sredstv upravleniya deistviyem vzryva na osnove nauchnykh klassifikatsiy." in Proc. 2-oy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy shkoly akademika K.N. Trubetskogo. Problemy i perspektivy kompleksnogo osvoyeniya i sokhraneniya zemnykh nedr. Moskva, 2016, pp.137-141.
  10. Efremovtsev N.N., Efremovtsev P.N. "Resultaty issledovaniya v proizvodstvennykh usloviyakh vliyaniya kinetiki vydeleniya energii vzryva na drobimost gornykh porod." Otdelnye statyi: Gornyy Informatsionno-Analiticheskiy Byulleten (nauchno-tekhnicheskiyzhurnal), No 11 (special issue No 58) K metodologii vzryvnogo razrusheniya pri razrabotke mestorozhdeniy poleznykh iskopaemykh, GornayaKniga, pp. 17-25, 2015.
UDC 622.735
Y.G.Shchukin, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, Deputy General Director for scientific work
I.A. Kolominov, Deputy Director General for experimental works
("Scientific and engineering centre "Explosion-proof", Russia, Moscow)
I.I. Borisov, Deputy chief engineer for blasting – head of the Department
(JSC "Lebedinsky GOK", Russia, Kirov)
A.S. Sakerin, the main miner in underground work
(JSC Apatit, Russia, Kirovsk)

Development and application experience intermediateboosters for initiation of borehole for series EE and invoices cumulative charges

Keywords: intermediate detonators, shaped charge, disposed of explosives, ammunition, emulsion explosives

The article describes the experience of using products based on recyclable explosives in the mining industry, in particular for crushing of oversized lumps of rock mass and the initiation of borehole charges of explosives. Comparative analysis of effectiveness of recyclable and regular explosives.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Shchukin Yu.G., Belin V.A., Shakirov D.F. Intensifikaciya processov gornoj massy i pererabotki rudnogo syr'ya. [The intensification of the processes of rock mass and processing of ore] XIV Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya po vzryv-star delu. Sbornik dokladov. Moscow, pp. 18-23.
  2. Efremovtsev A.N., Shchukin Yu.G., Kolominov I.A., Belin V.A., Togunov M.B., Sapronov E.M. Mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo vo vzryvnom dele [International cooperation in the explosive case]. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferentsii "burovzryvnykh Sovershenstvovanie tekhnologii rabot na gorno-rudnykh predpriyati-yakh Kazakhstana", Аlmaty, 2011, pp. 28-37.
UDC 622.235
V.V. Andreev, corresponding member of the Academy of Military Sciences, doctor of technical Sciences, Honored inventor of the Russian Federation

About rational and safe ways of doing explosive work

Keywords: explosion, slow, pyrotechnic delay element, a detonator, charge, system

Safe methods of blasting by modern systems of blasting on the surface in mines and mines dangerous for gas and dust are considered. Bibliography of modern works in these areas is given. Considered some of the components of electric and non-electric initiation systems mass explosions with the highest quality safe parameters of switching devices, initiating, routing and transmission of detonation with the necessary high-precision time delay.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Specifications SINV-DISHW 773979.007 TU; SINV-P DISHW 773979.008 TU
  2. Grigoriev A.V., Listopad, G.G., etc. Experience and prospects of application of non-electrical initiating devices at mines of OAO Apatit.//Mining journal, No. 8, 2001.
  3. Andreev V.V., Timoshin I.V. features of non-electric blasting system SINV //proceedings of the Explosive case. No. 97/54.2005.
  4. Kutuzov B.N., Sovmen V.K. etc. ensuring the seismic safety of blasting with non-electrical initiation of charges.//Mining journal, №2. 2004.
  5. Andreev V.V. features of the use of blasting systems with electronic delay. Vzryv No. 104/61.str.229-234.2010
  6. Andreev V.V.,Matushkin Y.I., Sher E.N. Features of blasting borehole charges of modern initiation systems //Development of resource-saving technologies in the explosive case.with.165-175. Yekaterinburg 2009.
  7. Andreev V.V., Nifontov V.I.,Ignatenko, A.G., etc. Blasting borehole charges with the use of electronic delay at. Gorn No. 1.2003 g.
  8. Zykov A.V., Tekin V.N., Timoshin I.V. the Experience of application of SINV electronic delay at JSC Vzryvprom Yuga Kuzbassa. Vzryv, 2009 No. 101/58.
  9. Andreev V.V., Neugeboren I.V., Sadovnikov, A.S. Pyrotechnic relay (RP) double action for shock-wave tubes (SWT) // patent for the invention EN 2431110, 30.04.2008 g.
  10. Andreev V.V., Zykov V.A., Ivanov A.S., Neugeboren I.V., Ponikarov I.D. Splitter detonation in shock-wave tubes (SWT) // patent for the invention EN 2396509, 10.08.2010 g.
  11. Andreev V.V., Nifontov V.I. and others //Detonating device // patent for the invention EN 2211435.
  12. Andreev V.V., Neugeboren I.V., Uliankin A.Y. Device module programmable digital delay nonelectrical blasting system and the method of its application // the Patent for invention RU 2477450, 19.08.2011
  13. Andreev V.V., Gashev I.V., Ivanov A.S., Ignatenko G.A., Krasikov I.V., Bald I.A., Neklyudov A.G., Nifontov V.I. Рen'kov A.V., Peshenuk S.M., Prokop'ev Yu.M., Sayapin V.V., Tyagunov, S.G. Primer-detonator with electronic delay // the patent for invention RU 2349867, 20.04.2006 G.
  14. Andreev V.V., Ignatenko G.A., Neklyudov A.G. Nifontov, V.I., Prokop'ev Yu.M., Tyagunov, S.G., Detonating device // patent for the invention EN 2211435, 27.08.2003 G.
  15. Andreev V.V., Neugeboren I.V. Relay of high accuracy for delay of explosive processes// the patent for invention RU 2499976.30.12.2011 G.
  16. Semenov N.N. Gas explosions and the theory of chain reactions Phys 1931 V. 11 vol.2 page 250 to 275.
  17. Trubitsyn A.A.,Sotirov S.V., Azatyan V.V. et al. Patent RF №2513790 20014.
  18. Kazantsev V.G., Golden S.S. Method of fire extinguishing and device for its implementation // patent for the invention EN 2254156, 22.06.2004, G.
  19. Gorlov Yu.V., dzhigrin A.V., Gorlov K.V., Adaeze D.I., Nikolenko E.J., Chigrin, D.V., Denisenko S.I., Tatianka V.P. Buchatsky V.M.. Method of localization of explosion of methane-air mixture and coal dust and device for its implementation (options) // patent for the invention EN 2244833, 14.03.2003 g.
  20. Dzhigrin A.V., Gorlov Y.V., Gorlov K.V., Adaeze D.I., Gorlov A.Y., Tatianka V.P. Method of localization of explosions of methane-air mixture and(or) coal dust in underground mines and device for its implementation (options) // patent for the invention EN 2342535, 14.05.2007 G.
  21. Andreev V.V., Klimov V.I., Besedin E.I., Bakanev S.N., Kislitsin S.A. Method of iner of automation of bottom-hole space // the patent for invention RU 2293184, 19.08.2005 G.
  22. Andreev V.V., Zykov V.A., Ivanov A.S., Klimov V.I., Neklyudov, A.G., Pozdnyakov S.A., Ponikarov I.D., Sadovnikov S.A., Filonov N.M. Device passivation bottom of space // the patent for invention RU 2301894, 02.12.2005 G.
  23. Esaev D.G. Thermal control of mine workings. The Technopark. Novosibirsk. 20 05.2012.
  24. Nauchno-Proizvodstvennaya firma "Grant" Innovative solutions for re-equipment of coal mines on the basis of space technologies. The magazine "Mining industry"" №1 20014 p. 51 No. 2 2014 p.72.
UDC 622.235
M.N. Overchenko, General managerOrica CIS, Ph. D.
S.P. Mozer, business-coach Orica CIS, Ph. D.
E.A. Golovanov, Production Director
(CJSC "Orica CIS", Russia, Moscow):
V.A. Belin, professor

Evolution of initiation systems using the example of Orica products

Keywords: electronic detonators, electronic blasting system, features, efficiency of use, prospects

The basic stages of development of ways and means of initiation using the example of Orica’s products are analysed. The advantages and disadvantages of different means of initiation in the context of mining tasks are highlighted. The theory of blasting with explanation of the importance of detonators’ precise operation is outlined.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Petrov Yu.S., Maskov Yu.P., Sakhanskiy Yu.V. Klassifikatsiya i analiz sovremennykh sposobov i sredstv initsiirovaniya promyshlennykh vzryvchatykh veshchestv. – Severo-Kavkazskiy gorno-metallurgicheskiy institut (gosudarstvennyytekhnologicheskiyuniversitet) – nomer: 1 (7) NAUCHNYY VESTNIK Izdatel'stvo: OOO "KonsaltingovayakompaniyaYukom". s. 182-190 (Tambov), 2016.
  2. Bibik I.P., Yershov V.P. Sravnitel'nyy analiz primeneniya neelektricheskikh i elektronnykh system initsiirovaniya vzryvov skvazhinnykh zaryadov na kar'yerakh. – Zhurnal "Gornyy vestnik Uzbekistana", №25, 2006.
  3. Kutuzov B.N., Ekvist B.V., Bragin B.V. Sravnitel'naya otsenka seysmicheskogo vozdeystviya vzryva skvazhinnykh zaryadov pri ispol'zovanii sistemy neelektricheskogo initsiirovaniya i elektrodetonatorov s elektronnym zamedleniyem. – "Gornyy zhurnal", №12, 2008.
  4. Rubtsov S.K., Yershov V.P., Sidorov Ye.Yu. Sravnitel'nyy analiz primeneniya neelektricheskikh system initsiirovaniya nagornodobyvayushchikh predpriyatiyakh. -2005.
  5. Petrushin A.G. Vzryvchatyye materially dlya prostrelochnov-zryvnykh rabot. Uchebnoye posobiye Prostrelochno-vzryvnyye raboty v skvazhinakh. Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy gornyy universitet. Yekaterinburg, s. 87-96, 2015.
  6. Ageyev M.V., Varenitsa V.I., Popov V.K. Sostoyaniye i perspektivy primeneniya sredstv initsiirovaniya promyshlennogo naznacheniya. Vzryvnoyedelo. ZAO "Mezhvedomstvennaya komissiya po vzryvnomu delu pri Akademii gornykh nauk" (Moskva), nomer: 107-64, s. 122-128, 2012.
  7. Ryabkov A.G. Promyshlennoye primeneniya elektricheskikh detonatorov s elektronnym zamedleniyem. GIAB Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy gornyyuniversitet, Obshchestvo s ogranichennoy otvetstvennost'yu "Gornayakniga" (Moskva), Tom: 2, Nomer: 12: s. 247-254, 2010.
  8. Masayev YU.A., Domanov V.P. Elektrodetonatory s elektronnym zamedleniyem (opyt promyshlennogo primeneniya). VestnikKuzGTU, Izdatel'stvo: Kuzbasskiy gosudarstvennyy tekhnicheskiy universitetim. T.F. Gorbacheva (Kemerovo), Nomer: 2, s. 102-106, 2010.
  9. Grishin A.N., Polyankin G.N., Anoshenko D.A. Vnedreniye innovatsionnykh tekhnologiy BVR pri stroitel'stve podzemnykh sooruzheniy. Metro i tonneli. Obshchestvo s ogranichennoy otvetstvennost'yu "Metro i tonneli" (Moskva), nomer 2, s. 34-35, 2013.
  10. Men'shikov P.V., Sinitsyn V.A., Shemenev V.G. Metodika opredeleniya fakticheskikh intervalov zamedleniy dly aratsional'nykh parametrov setki skvazhin s ispol'zovaniyem sistemy elektronnogo vzryvaniya Daveytronic. Uspekhi sovremennogo yestestvoznaniya, nomer 3-0, s. 183-189, 2016.
  11. Belin V. A., Kutuzov B. N., Ganopol'skiĭ M. I., Overchenko M.N., Strogiy I.B.
Tekhnologiya i bezopasnost' vzryvnykh rabot, pod redaktsiyey prof. V. A. Belina.  M.: Izd- vo "Gornoyedelo" OOO "Kimmeriĭskiĭ tsentr", 2016.  424 s. Biblioteka gornogo inzhenera. T. 10 "Vzryvnoyedelo". Kn. 2.
UDC 662.42 535.233
N.I. Akinin N. And. doctor of technical Sciences, Professor
Kolesov V.I., Cand. chem. Sciences, associate Professor
Yudin N.V. Cand. chem. Sciences, associate Professor
(D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia , Russia, Moscow)
L.V. Bachurin, lecturer
(Institute of Forensic Expertise of Moscow University of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Russia, Moscow)
A.K. Dmitriev, researcher
A.N. Konovalov, Cand. Fiz. Mat. Sciences, senior researcher
V.A. Ulyanov, Cand. tech. Sciences, head of laboratory
(Federal Scientific Research Centre "Crystallography and Photonics" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)

Ignition of pyrotechnic compositions with continuous naer ir lasers

Keywords: laser ignition process, pyrotechnic compositions, blasting cup, ignition, ignition composition

The process of laser ignition of two pyrotechnic compositions used in the blasting cup: KClO4/Pb(CNS)2/PbCrO4 and Pb3O4/ Si has been studied. Lasers with continuous pumping and fiber delivery of radiation at wavelengths of the near infrared range were used: 0.98 μm and 1.56 μm. The ignition delay time was measured at a laser spot diameter of 600 μm and at a laser radiation power of 0.1-10 W. It is established that the delay time for ignition depends on the nature of the composition, on the power of the laser radiation and on its wavelength. The composition of Pb3O4/Si ignites 5-8 times faster than the composition of KClO4/Pb(CNS)2/PbCrO4 . The ignition delay time is proportional to the power of the laser radiation to the power of minus 1.4-1.5. At a wavelength of 0.98 μm, the ignition time is 2-3 times shorter.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Brish A.A., Galeev I.A., Sbitnev E.A., et al. O mehanizme initsiirovaniya kondensirovannyih VV izlucheniem OKG // FGV. 1969. Vol. 5, No. 4. Pp. 475-480.
  2. Kuratov S.Ye., Seryozhkin A.A., Chesnokov A.A. Fiziko-matematiheskaya model lazernogo detonatora // Fiziko-himicheskaya kinetika v gazovoy dinamike. 2015. Vol. 16, No. 1.
  3. Veselov A.V., Fufachev N.S. Lazernoe zazhiganie v ZhRD // Aktualnyie problemyi aviatsii i kosmonavtiki. 2013. Vol. 1. P. 50-51.
  4. Woods S., Daka M., Flin G. Volokonnyie lazeryi sredney moschnosti i ih primenenie // Fotonika. 4. 2008. P.6-10.
  5. Minaev V.P., Zhilin K.M. Sovremennyie lazernyie apparatyi dlya hirurgii i silovoy terapii na osnove poluprovodnikovyih i volokonnyih lazerov / I.V. Balanov // Moskva. 2009.
  6. Bachurin V.N., Dmitriev A.K., Konovalov A.N., Kortunov V.N., Ulyanov V.A., Yudin N.V. Nagrev i vosplamenenie poroha nepreryivnyimi lazerami blizhnego IK diapazona // Chernogolovka. 2016. P. 114-119.
  7. Ewick DW, Beckman TM, Holy JA, Thorpe R. Ignition of HMX Using Low Energy Laser Diodes, Proceedings of the Fourteenth Symposium on Explosives and Pyrotechnics, Franklin Applied Physics, Inc., Oaks, PA, 1990.-P 2-1.
  8. Shawn D. McGrane, David S. Moore. Continuous Wave Laser Irradiation of Explosives // Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. -2011. – Vol. 36. -P. 327-334.
  9. Shawn C. Stacy, Michelle L. Pantoya. Laser Ignition of Nano-Composite Energetic Loose Powders // Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. – 2013. – Vol. 38.-P. 441-447.
  10. Akhmetshin R. et al. Effect of laser radiation on explosives initiation thresholds. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – IOP Publishing. 2014. Vol. 552, no. 1. – P. 012-015.
  11. Gerasimov S.I., Ilyushin M.A., Kuzmin V.A. Vozmozhnost initsiirovaniya polimersoderzhaschego energonasyischennogo sostava kompleksnogo perhlorata rtuti luchom lazernogo dioda // Pisma v ZhTF. 2015. S. 4. P. 66-72.
  12. Rafi Ahmad S., Anthony Russell D. Studies into Laser Ignition of Confined Pyrotechnics // Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. – 2008. – Vol. 33. P. 396-402.
  13. Kutuzov B.N. Razrushenie gornyih porod vzryivom: uchebnik dlya vuzov / B. N. Kutuzov. – 3 -e izd., – M.: MGI,1992. – 516 p.
  14. Graevskiy M.M. Spravochnik po elektricheskomu vzryivaniyu zaryadov VV / M. M. Graevskiy. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Randevu-AM, 2000. – 448 p.
UDC 66-5
A.A. Alekseev, senior engineer, ATP
O.N. Kovalevskiy, software engineer
A.S. Mosolov, chief designer, candidate of technical Sciences, docent of the Department "Technosphere safety" of the Russian chemical-technological University named by D. I. Mendeleev
A.A. Mosolov, engineer
(AO PVP Amulet, Moscow)

Calculation of the probability of failure of instrumentation

Keywords: reliability of technical systems, computer simulation, cracks, the average uptime of the system

The article describes the testing algorithm of the system model instrumentations (KIP&A) of the technological process and presents experimental data of testing of operability of instrumentation systems of the technological process. Also evaluated the average uptime of the system.

Bibliographic list:
  1. On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities : Feder. the law of 21 July 1997 № 116-FZ : [adopted by the State. The Duma on 20 June 1997] – [as amended on 13.07.2015, No. 22].
  2. N.А. Chulkov, Derenok A.N. Reliability of technical systems and technogenic risk: tutorial; Tomsk Polytechnic University. – Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2012. – 150 S.
  3. Umnov A.E. Methods of mathematical modeling: a tutorial. – Moscow: MIPT, 2012. 295 p.
  4. Ermakov S.M. Methods for Monte Carlo and related issues. M.: Nauka, 1971.
  5. Mosolov, A.S. Universal technology design systems engineering physical protection AMULET with a given level of efficiency 2013.

UDC 622.235
Dam Тrong Thang, associate Professor, Cand. tech. Sciences, head of the research Center
Nguyen Tri Ta, Cand.tech.Sciences, associate Professor. head of the technical Institute
Nguyen Thanh Dong, graduate student.
(Technical Institute of Special Constructions/Military technical Academy of Vietnam, Vietnam)

Determination of the mass of the charge in the parameters of the discharge funnel and compression zones of up in the clay under water

Keywords: charge, depth, clay, radius, release, area, explosive

At present, the formulas for calculating the charge to foundation of the apparent explosion crater and the compressed camouflage area in underwater clay are not yet available. It is necessary to apply the principle of geometric uniformity with equivalent depth the standard in clay, in order to analyze the dependence of the relative parameters of the apparent explosion crater and the relative radius of the compressed camouflage area when camouflage explosion into the depth charge. Based on these dependencies it is possible to establish the formula for calculating the charge in different conditions of the depth charge.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Galkin V.V., Gilmanov, R.A., Drogowego I.Z. Blasting under water. Nedra, Moscow, 1987.
  2. Sedov L.I. Methods of similarity and dimension in mechanics. Publishing House "Science". Moscow 1967.
  3. Belin V.A., Dam Trong Thang. Experimental study of the linear bottom ejection charges to create channels and ditches under the water. United scientific journal, No11, Moscow, May 2006.
  4. Dam Trong Thang. Substantiation of rational parameters of bottom explosive charges for the construction of underwater structures in the environment of Vietnam. Diss. Moscow state mining University.
  5. Kutuzov B.N., Rubtsov V.K. Physics of explosive destruction of rocks. Section 1. Publisher IGI. Moscow 1970.
  6. Tavridou V.M. Explosive dredging. Publishing ministries of river fleet of the USSR, Moscow, 1949.

UDC 622.235
A.N. Leonov, Chief Engineer
A.V. Nekrasov, Chief Technologist
E.A. Martynushkin, Head of the Department of Technical Development
(Siberian branch of LLC "AZOT MINING SERVICE", Kemerovo, Russia)
M.F. Nabiulin, chief engineer

Process improvement, drilling and blasting works at mining enterprises using advanced technologies

Keywords: drilling and blasting technology, electronic explosion system, non-electrical design system, a complex of equipment and software for the design of drilling and blasting operations, GPS positioning of drilling operations, Special devices for formation of borehole charges, unmanned aerial vehicle, mine surveying

Some experience of applying drilling and blasting operations in Kuzbass, which were carried out near towns, industrial objects and other infrastructural objects, is considered in this article. The conditions of carrying out drilling and blasting operations, which influence the safety and quality, are determined. The essential technologies which are applied at the enterprises and influence the reduction of negative consequences of drilling and blasting operations are also enumerated. They include GPS location of drilling works, applying a complex of equipment and special software to design drilling and blasting operations, applying modern electronic systems of blasting, applying the method of preliminary drainage of wells, applying special mechanisms for forming borehole charges. A brief description of each applied technology with advantages of applying is given. And the results of experimental blasting operations with applying non-electric system of initiation and electric system of blasting are also given.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Melnikov N.V., Marchenko L.N. The energy of the explosion and design of the charge. Moscow, Nedra Publ., 1964, 138 p.
  2. Zeitlin J.N., Smoliy N.I. Seismic and air shock waves from industrial blasting. Moscow, Nedra Publ., 1981, 192 p.
  3. Pokrovsky G.I. Blasting. 4th publ.. Moscow, Nedra Publ., 1980, 190 p.
  4. Pradeep K. Singh, Amalendu Singh. Rock Fragmentation by Blasting. London, Taylor & Francis Group ISBN 978-0-415-62143-4 Publ., 2013.
  5. David E. Siskind. Vibrations From Blasting. International Society of Explosives Engineers Publ., 2005.
  6. Expert report on industrial safety № 68-2017 01.08.2017 on the technical devices applied on hazardous industrial facility : Sleeve universal charger (SUC) TS 2297-001-16868153-2016. Kemerovo, Novation firm "KUZBASS-NIIOGR" Publ., 2017.
  7. Justification №4-2016 of seismic safety for largescale blast that took place at hazardous industrial facility – open pit mine of Mochishensky crushed stone plant, branch open JSC "PNK" for third party objects .Kemerovo, Novation firm "KUZBASS-NIIOGR" Publ., 2017.
  8. Justification №4-2016 of seismic safety for largescale blast that took place at open pit mine site JSC "Chernigovets", at subsurface site "Pole shahti Chernigovskaya" and "Yuzhniy" of Glushinsky coal deposit for private and third party objects. Kemerovo, Novation firm "KUZBASS-NIIOGR" Publ., 2017.
UDC 622.235
M.N. Overchenko, General manager Orica CIS, Ph. D.
S.P. Mozer, business-coach Orica CIS, Ph. D.
(CJSC "Orica CIS", Russia, Moscow)

Opportunities for improving blasting works with the using of Оrica electronic initiation systems

Keywords: electronic initiation systems, electric detonators with electronic deceleration, Orica, penetration of insurgents, mining and geological conditions, explosive selection

The review of the main electronic initiation systems and electric detonators with electronic deceleration of Oriсa is given. The main generations of electronic detonators of the i-kon type are characterized. The capabilities of these systems are shown in terms of increasing the efficiency and safety of blasting operations. Practical experience of Orica in use of electronic initiation systems for solving various mining problems is described

Bibliographic list:
  1. Beysebayev A.M., Tambiyev P.G. Razrabotka i primeneniye emul'sionnykh vzryvchatykh veshchestv // Moskva, 2010.
  2. Masayev Yu.A., Domanov V.P. Elektrodetonatory s elektronnym zamedleniyem (opyt promyshlen-nogo ispol'zovaniya)
  3. Masayev, Yu.A. Novyye sredstva investorovaniya promyshlennykh zaryadov VV / Yu.A. Masayev, V.A. Karasev, V.V. Sayapin. / VIII Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya. Bezopasnost' zhiz-nedeyatel'nosti predpriyatiy v promyshlenno-slozhnykh regionakh. T. 1. Materialy konferentsii. Ke-merovo, 2009. – s. 173-175.
  4. Grishin A.N., Polyankin G.N., Anoshenko D.A. Vnedreniye innovatsionnykh tekhnologiy BVR pri stroitel'stve podzemnykh sooruzheniy. Metro i tunneli, №2, 2013.
  5. Kutuzov B.N., Ekvist B.V., Bragin P.A. Rezul'taty promyshlennykh ispytaniy elektricheskikh detonatorov s elektronnym zamedleniyem. / Sbornik Vzryvnoye delo – M: Izd-vo MVK po VD pri Aka-demii gornykh nauk, 2009 – №101 / 58. – S. 147-153.
  6. Bibik I.P., Yershov V.P. Sravnitel'nyy analiz ispol'zovaniya neelektricheskikh i elektronnykh sistem protekaniy vzryvov skvannykh zaryadov na kar'yerakh. – Zhurnal "Gornyy vestnik Uzbekistana-stana", №25, 2006.
  7. Kutuzov B.N., Ekvist B.V., Bragin B.V. Sravnitel'naya otsenka seysmicheskogo vozdeystviya vzryva skvazhinnykh zaryadov pri ispol'zovanii sistemy neelektricheskogo initsiirovaniya i elektrodetonatorov s elektronnym zamedleniyem. – "Gornyy zhurnal", №12, 2008.
  8. Sakerin A.S., Konstantinov D.O., Kozyrev S.A., Overchenko M.N. Podgotov-ka i provedeniye massovogo vzryva pri otboyke stykovochnoy sektsii na Kirovskom rudni-ke AO "Apatit" Gornyy zhurnal, 2017, №1
  9. Kozyrev S.A., Fokin V.A. Obespecheniye seysmicheskoy bezopasnosti zdaniy i sooruzheniy promploshchadki pri proizvodstve massovykh vzryvov / Gornyy zhurnal. №5. 2014. S. 48-50.
  10. Belin V.A., Kutuzov B.N., Ganopol'skiĭ M.I., Overchenko M.N., Strogiy I.B.
Tekhnologiya i bezopasnost' vzryvnykh rabot, pod redaktsiyey prof. V. A. Belina. — M.: Izd- vo "Gornoye delo" OOO "Kimmeriĭskiĭ tsentr", 2016. — 424 s. Biblioteka gor-nogo inzhenera. T. 10 "Vzryvnoye delo". Kn. 2.
UDC 622.235
F.I. Galushko, Head of Drilling and Blasting operations
(JSC "MCC "EuroChem")
A.O. Komyagin, Chief engineer of the mine "Zhelezniy"
I.N. Musatova, Specialist of technical bureau of the mine "Zhelezniy"
(JSC "Kovdorsky GOK")

Quality control of blasted rock based on the drilling and blasting parameters optimization

Keywords: average size, blasting map, the criterion for a comprehensive assessment of the blasting quality, low-grade crushing zone, Database "Drilling and Blasting Management"

The article presents quality control of explosive preparation of mined rock, relying on optimization of drilling and blasting operations. Features of the evaluation and crushing quality analysis of blasted mined rock at the mine "Zhelezniy" are shown.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Baum F.A., Stanyukovich K.P., Shekhter B.I. Physics of explosion. – M.: Fizmatgiz. 1959. With -792.
  2. Fokin V.A. Design and manufacture of drilling and blasting operations at statement of ledges to the end position at the limiting contour of deep pits // Apatity. Publishing house of the scientific center of RAS. 2004. – 231.
UDC 622.271.332:622.235.4
Yu.G. Shchukin, Deputy General Director of" for scientific work, D. T. N., Professor
I.A. Kalamanov, Deputy Director General for experimental works
M.B. Togunov, adviser to General Director
("NTC "Explosion-proof", Russia, Moscow)
F.I. Galushko head in the direction of BVR Division of mining
(JSC MCC "EuroChem", Russia, Moscow)
Yu.А. Shitov, Deputy chief engineer for drilling and blasting
(JSC "Kovdor GOK" mine "Iron", Russia, Kovdor)

Experience improving the technology of production of pit to end position

Keywords: explosives, recycled ammunition, borehole charges, mass explosion, the design of the bench in the end position, seismic action, presplitting, cutoff slot, charges of contour blasting

The experience of using the technology of drilling and blasting operations in the conditions of deep quarrying with backstops of the ledges by the method of preliminary slit formation with the use of a special contour charge ZKV-B, as well as experience in improving the technology of drilling and blasting operations and improving the design of charges is considered in the article.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Fokin V.A. the Method of analysis of speed of displacement of the rock mass during Pro-production blasts in open pit conditions // Izvestiya vuzov. Mining journal, 2010, №6. P. 46 – 49
  2. Melik-Gaikazov I.V., Togunov M.B., Shchukin Y.G., Belin V.A. Experience of application of contour blasting as a means of increasing the life of the quarry // Mining magazine of Kazakhstan, 2011, №1. P. 20 – 24.
  3. Blasters’ Handbook. International Society of Explosives Engineers. Cleveland, Ohio. USA. 1998.
UDC 622.235
A.A. Kotlyarov, graduate student, DEP. "Physical processes of mining production and geocontrol"
(Mining Institute nust "MISIS", Russia, Moscow)

Features of development of mineral deposits of the Аrctic territories with the use of blasting

Keywords: the Arctic, the Arctic zone of Russia, the Arctic shelf, mineral-resources, solid commercial minerals

Distinctive feature of the modern range of industrial PVV around the world is extremely high level of production and use of explosive ANFO and EVV mixes, as safest, more environmentally friendly and economic PVV. Experience of use of energy of explosion in mining industry and a tendency of improvement of equipment and explosive technologies testifies to an exception of the use of individual brisant PVV, as expensive, toxic, dangerous in the address and practically not suitable for the mechanized technologies. Use of the high-quality porous ammonium nitrate (PAN) allows to cut a specific expense of PEVV in view of lower density of a granule the PASS, and also to decide a number of questions with ecological action of mass explosions that is important at development of mineral resources in the Arctic zone.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Weisberg L.A., Baranov V.F., Bilenko L.F., D'yachkova T.F. Modern condition and prospects of development of processes of crushing and grinding of mineral raw materials / proceedings of the 4 International scientific school of young scientists and specialists "problems of development of mineral resources in the XXI century through the eyes of young" 6-9 November 2007 – M.: - IPKON RAS, 2007. – P. 259-269.
  2. Volkov A., Galyamov A., Murashov K. Metals Arctic zone // Metals of Eurasia. No. 1. 2015. P. 60.
  3. The decree of the President of the Russian Federation "About land territories of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation".
  4. Archipelago: the Islands and islets, including Solovki, Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya, Novosibirsk Islands and some large Islands, for example, Wrangel island, Vaigach, Kolguev.
  5. About the announcement territory of the USSR lands and Islands in the Arctic ocean. The decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of 15 April 1926.
  6. Smirnova O. A., Dobromyslova V. J. Some issues of Russian state policy in the Arctic zone // EKO. All-Russian economic journal. No. 12.2010. S. 76-78.
  7. Barkovskii, A.N., Shirazi, S.S., Morozenkov O.V. Economic potential of the Russian Arctic in the field of natural resources and transportation on SMP // Russian foreign economic Bulletin. No. 12. 2014. P. 44.
  8. Natural resources in the Arctic. Help // RIA Novosti, Russia today.
  9. Konyshev V.N. Sergunin A.A. Arctic in international politics: cooperation or rivalry. / The monograph under the editorship of Cand. GEOL.-miner. Sciences I. V. Prokofiev, Deputy Director of the RISS. Moscow: RISI, 2011. S. 23.
  10. Kaminskiy V.D., Ivanova M.A., Medvedeva T.Yu. and etc. the Mineral resources of offshore areas of Russia // Mining journal. No. 3. 2009. P. 40-48;
  11. Dodin D.A., Evdokimov A.N., Kaminskiy V.D. and others Mineral resources of the Russian Arctic: status, prospects and directions of research // Institute of Geology and mineral resources of World ocean (VNIIOkeangeologia). SPb.: Science, 2007. P. 54.
  12. Geology and Mineralogy of the Russian seas (solid minerals). SPb: proceedings of the FSUE "VNIIOkeangeologia named. Gramberg". T. 222. 2011. S. 19-20.

UDC 622.235
A.V. Shurupov, Director of Branch in Shatura, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
A.V. Kozlov, Senior researcher
A.A. Kozlov, Junior researcher
M.A. Shurupov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Joint Institute for High Temperatures Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)

Short-circuit protection devices based on high-speed explosive type switches

Keywords: protective device, short-circuit, current-limiting device, high-speed explosive type switch, fusible switching element, inductionless resistor, special reactor.

In the article, short-circuit protection devices based on high-speed explosive type switches are considered: a current-limiting device for 220 kV (CLD), providing a deep limitation of short-circuit currents (SCC) in 220 kV electric networks (operating time in the current limiting mode, not more than 2 s) and a high-speed protective device for 110 kV (HSPD), which continues the idea of ultra-fast limitation of short-circuit currents, but without a long current-limiting mode (disconnects the network in a not more than 0.01 s, thereby excluding the shock current in the first half-wave since the emergence of the SCC). Equivalent schemes of the developed devices are presented and their basic elements are considered. The research of their work was conducted, which showed the prospects of the developed circuits as protective devices of the new generation. The developed devices meet all the requirements for the devices of the new class, and can become one of the key components of the safety of electric networks in the future.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Shulginov N., Kucherov Y., Chemodanov V., Utts N., Yarosh D. Perspektivy razvitiya vysokovol'tnyh setej na primere Moskovskogo regiona (Prospects for the development of high-voltage networks on the example of Moscow region). Elektroehnergiya. Peredacha i raspredelenie = J. ELECTRIC POWER. Transmission and Distribution. 2011. No. 6. pp.66-75.
  2. Batenin V.M., Veselovskij A.S., Kozlov A.V., Korneev V.V., Malyshev A.V. Novikov N.L., Fortov V.E., Shakaryan Y.G., Shurupov A.V. Tokoogranichitel' (The current limiter). Patent na poleznuyu model' = Patent RU 89783 Dec.2009.
  3. Shurupov A.V., Kozlov A.V., Gusev A.N., Berdnikov R.N., Fortov V.E., Chulkov A.N, Son E.E., Goryushin Y.A., Dement'ev Y.A. Maloinduktivnyj rezistor dlya gasheniya kommutacionnyh perenapryazhenij (Inductionless resistor to dampen switching overvoltages). Patent na poleznuyu model' = Patent RU111343U1 Aug.2011.
  4. Shurupov A.V., Kozlov A.V., Gusev A.N., Berdnikov R.N., Fortov V.E., Chulkov A.N, Son E.E., Goryushin Y.A., Dement'ev Y.A., Polishchuk V.P., Smirnov I.A. Tokoogranichivayushchij reaktor (Current limiting reactor). Patent na poleznuyu model' = Patent RU112498U1 Aug.2011.
  5. Shurupov  A. V., Kozlov A. V., Fortov V. E., Berdnikov  R. N., Shakaryan  Y. G., Son  E. E. Tokoogranichiteli na osnove bystrodejstvuyushchih kommutatorov. Opyt sozdaniya tokoogranichivayushchego ustrojstva na napryazhenie 220 kV (Current limiters based on high-speed switches. The experience of creating a current-limiting device for 220 kV) Energiya edinoj seti = J. Energy of Unified Grid. 2013. No. 2. pp.54-65
  6. Pravila ustroystva elektroustanovok (Rules for Electrical Installation). 7 issue. Sankt-Petersburg: UVSIZ. 2005.

UDC 622.235
J. Jamyan, General Director
A.V. Starshinov, Candidate of Technical Science. Technical director Mongolian-Russian joint company "Montmag"
(Mongolian-Russian joint company "Montmag")
V.A. Belin, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
(Mining Institute, NITU "MISiS", Department "FizGeo")

The impact of blasting and various types of explosives on self-ignition of coal

Keywords: loosening by blasting, granulated explosives, products of incomplete transformation, self-ignition of coals, mixed explosives of improved quality

The article analyzes a state and reasons for the increase in the probability of ignition of coal at surface mines in Mongolia after loosening by blasting, as well as the results of experimental studies and technological developments that allow reducing these negative effects.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo po prognozu i profilaktike samovozgoraniya ugley. – M.: IGD im. A. A. Skochinskogo. – 1971. – 59 s.
  2. Kutuzov B.N., Starshinov A.V., Zh. Zhamyan i dr. Sovershenstvovanie burovzryivnyih rabot na osnove primeneniya novyih vidov vzryivchatyih veschestv i zaryadnoy tehniki. Gornyiy zhurnal. 2010. – #7. – S. 61-64.
  3. Starshinov A.V., Kostyilev S.S., Zh. Zhamyan i dr. Nekotoryie problemyi i rezultatyi povyisheniya kachestva smesevyih vzryivchatyih veschestv dlya razlichnyih usloviy primeneniya. V sb.: "Vestnik tehnologicheskogo universiteta". Kazan, KNITU, 2016. V.19, №19. P. 90 – 94.
UDC 622.235
G.I. Korshunov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, professor, head of Industrial safety department
P.I.Afanasev, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, head of laboratory complex
I.A.Bulbasheva, PhD student of Industrial safety department
(Saint-Petersburg mining university, Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

Investigation of electricity power line (110 kV) fluctuations and assessment of supports stability with repect to subsoil characteristics subjected to blast-induced influence

Keywords: electricity power line 110 kV, design loads, tipping over, stability, deviations of supports,deformative soil properties, support fluctuations, blast-induced load

The article is devoted to the issues of subsoil stability design related to the construction of electricity power lines (110 kV) which is subjected to the negative influence of blast-induced vibrations from mass blasts that are led in the adjacent deposit. The results of laboratory measurements of physical and mechanical properties of clay loams, which compose the subsoils of electricity supports are given; also the analysis of construction stability is provided in the paper with respect to real soil properties using its stress-related characteristics (internal friction angle, cohesion, modulus of deformation) as well as regarding standard values of subsoil properties given in the reference tables of reference documents. The methodic of supports fluctuation from blast-induced influence registration is described in the article; also the character of supports fluctuations after seismic wave propagates through the subsoil is described, the design load influence (wind load, deadload) on the existing values of supports vertical deviation is analysed.

Bibliographic list:
  1. SP 22.13330.2011. Osnovaniya zdaniy i sooruzheniy. Aktualizirovannaya redaktsiya SNiP (Footing of buildings and constructions. Revised edition of SNiP) 2.02.01.-83*. 2011.
  2. PUE 7. Pravila ustroistva elektroustanovok (Rules of electricity-generating equipement installation). Izdaniye sed’moye (Third edition).
  3. Krukov K.P., Novgorodtsev L. Konstruktsii i mekhanicheskiy raschet liniy elektroperedachi (Constructions and mechanical design of electricity power lines). L. Energiya. Leningradskoye otdeleniye. 1979. pp. 312.
  4. Dong-Soo Kim, Jin-Sun Lee. Propagation and attenuation characteristics of various ground vibrations // Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering. 2000. №19. pp. 115-126.
  5. Posobiye po proetirovaniy osnovaniy zdaniy i sooruzheniy (k SNiP 2.02.01-83.) (Reference book in design of footings of buildings and constructions (to SNiP 2.02.01-83)). M. Stroyizdat. 1984
  6. Kozirev S.A., Fokin V.A. Obespecheniye seismicheskoy bezopasnisti zdaniy i sooruzheniy promploschadki pri proizvodstve massovikh vzrivov (Providing of seismic safety of constructions and buildings during mass blasts in the industrial site). Gorniyzhurnal. No.5. pp. 48-55.
  7. YakovlevL.V., KaverinaR.S. Kriterii proektirovaniya vozdushnikh liniy elektroperedachi. StandartCEI 60826. Linii electroperedachi 2008: proektirovaniye, stroitelstvo, opit ekspluatatsii I nauchno-tekhnicheskiy progress (Criteria of design of electricity power lines. Standard CEI 60826. Electricity power lines 2008: design, construction, experience of exploitation and scientific and technical progress). Tretiya Rossiyskaya s mezhdunarodnim uchastiem nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya (Third Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation). Novosibirsk. 2008. pp. 7-12
  8. Mironov P.S. Vzrivi i seismobezopasnost’ sooruzheniy (Blasts and seismic safety of constructions). M. Nedra. 1973. pp. 167.
  9. Savitskiy G.A. Vetrivaya nagruzka na sooruzheniya (Wind load on constructions). M. Izdatelstvo literature po stroitel’stvu (Publishing office of literature in constructions). pp. 109
  10. Motazedian D., Hunter J.A., Sivathayalan S., Pugin A., Pullan S., Crow H., Khaheshi Banab K. Railway train induced ground vibrations in a low Vs soil layer overlying a high Vs bedrock in eastern Canada // Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering. 2012. – № 36. – pp. 1-11.
UDC 622.235
S.A. Kozyrev – Head of laboratory, D.Sc. in, Fersman st. 24
I.A. Alenichev – Researcher, Ph.D.
V.N. Kamyansky – Engineer (post-graduate student)
A.V. Sokolov – Researcher
(Engineering, Mining Institute KSC RAS, Russia, Apatity)

Features of seismic presplitting blasting action on the out-contour rock and methods of its reduction under the conditions of "Iron" open pit mining on the kovdorsky processing plant

Keywords: explosive material, borehole charges, presplitting, large-scale blast, seismic blasting action

The article presents the results of dynamic parameters analysis of the seismic presplitting explosion action on the out-contour rock mass obtained from the data of field measurements. Comparison of the results obtained with similar parameters for blasting blocks at the same distance is carried out. Based on numerical simulation the radial and tangential stress field at the near zone of explosion has been investigated. A variant of reducing the seismic blasting action of the seismic presplitting explosion action on the out-contour rock mass of the open pit is proposed

Bibliographic list:
  1. Fokin V.A., Tarasov G.E., Togunov M.B., Danilkin A.A., Shitov Ju.A. Sovershenstvovanie tehnologii burovzryvnyh rabot na predel'nom konture kar'erov // Gornyj institut Kol'skogo nauchnogo centra RAN. Apatity, 2008. 224s.
  2. Fokin V.A., Melik-Gajkazov I.V., Togunov M.B., Shitov Ju.A. Ocenka sejsmicheskogo dejstvija massovogo vzryva pri iniciirovanii skvazhinnyh zarjadov jelektronnymi detonatorami // Gornyj zhurnal, 2010, №7. – S.65-67.
  3. Fokin V.A., Melik-Gajkazov I.V., Togunov M.B., Shitov Ju.A. Osobennosti sejsmicheskogo dejstvija zarjadov konturnyh skvazhin v tehnologii zaotkoski ustupov kar'era // Gornyj zhurnal 2011, №10. – S.50-53.
  4. Kozyrev S.A., Alenichev I.A., Usachev E.A., Sokolov A.V. Sejsmicheskoe dejstvie massovyh vzryvov na bortah kar'era rudnika "Zheleznyj" // Trudy Fersmanovskoj nauchnoj sessii GI KNC RAN, 2017, №14. – S.288-291.
  5. Ansys inc. Autodyn. Explicit software for non-linear dynamics: theory manual / Ansys inc., 2005. – 235 p
  6. Kamjanskij V.N. Issledovanie sostojanija prikonturnogo massiva pri proizvodstve vzryvnyh rabot na kar'erah // Gornyj informacionno-analiticheskij bjulleten'. – Moskva, 2017. №7. – S.228-234.
  7. Yun S.H., Park T. Multi-psysics blast analysis of reinforced high strength concrete // Journal of civil engineering. 2013. Vol. 17, no. 7, pp.777-788.
UDC 622.235
E.N. Chernych, Cand. geological-miner. Sciences, art. scientific. associate NEFU, Mining Institute
G.V. Shubin, Cand. tech. Sci., Associate Professor
B.N. Zarovnyaev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. tech. Sci., professor, director of the Mining Institute.
(Institute of the Earth's Crust, SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia)

Seismic impact of mass explosions on quarry objects at alternating temperatures of the massif

Keywords: mass explosion, parameters of explosive charge, seismic action of explosion, explosion seismicity factor, thawed and frozen massif

Based on a significant number of instrumental observations of mass explosions conducted at various quarries of the Udachninsky GOK, it was proposed to use the explosion action index equated to the proportionality factor equal to 1.5 for large distances from the investigated object to the locations of mass explosions. This coefficient of proportionality K1.5 can be taken as the seismicity factor of the explosion, which characterizes various technological and natural factors of environmental influence, including the thawed or frozen state of the rock masses studied.

Bibliographic list:
  1. Cardu M., Seccatore J., Vaudagna A., Rezende A., Galvão F., Bettencourt J. S., Tomi de G. Evidences of the influence of the detonation sequence in rock fragmentation by blasting. Part I // REM: Revista Escola de Minas. 2015. Vol. 68. No 3. P. 337–342.
  2. Woodward K., Wesseloo J. Observed spatial and temporal behaviour of seismic rock mass response to blasting // Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 2015. Vol. 115. No 11. P. 1044–1056.
  3. Huang F. W., Liu D. Y., Luo H., Liu B. Analysis on attenuation-amplification effect and vibration monitoring of pier-beam of continuous beam bridge under near blasting // Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013. Vol. 353–356. P. 1919–1922.
  4. Chernyh E.N., Shubin G.V., Kiriushin D.I i dr. Izuchenie deformacij na konture podzemnoj vyrabotki uchastka OPPU rudnika "Udachnyj" s pomoshch'iu strunnyh datchikov// Iuzhnaya Yakutiya – novyj etap industrial'nogo razvitiya: materially mezhdunarod. nauch. –prakt. konf. (24-26 okt. 2007 g.). – Neryungri, 2007.–T.1.,–S.344-346.
  5. Medvedev S.V. Sejsmika gornyh vzryvov. Moskva. Nedra, 1964. 188 s.
  6. Pavlov O.V. Sejsmicheskaya opasnost' merzlyh gruntov. Nauka, 1987. – 156 s.
  7. Frash G.B., Postnov V.V., Teslenko V.V., Dzhumaev V.M., Vodyanik A.E. Vliyanie glubiny promerzaniya na parametry vzryvnyh rabot v sezonnom erzlyhgruntah. – V kn.: Vzryvnoe delo, № 88/45. M., Nedra, 1986. – S. 55-59.
  8. Shubin G.V., Zarovnyaev B.N., Bondarenko I.F., Hon V.I. Inzhenernye meropriyatiya obespecheniya bezopasnosti pri vzryvnom razrushenii gornyh porod na etape dorabotki sverkhglubokogo kar'era "Udachnyj". Vzryvnoe delo. Vypusk №113/70.-M.: IPKON RAN, 2015. S384-397.
  9. Sadovskij M.A. Geofizika I fizika vzryva. //Izbrannye trudy. Moskva. Nauka, 1999. – 344 s.
  10. Kuz'mina N.V. i dr. Sejsmicheskij effect vzryvov na vybros v neskal'nyh svyaznyh porodah. – Trudy IFZ AN SSSR, № 21, 1962.
  11. Cejtlin Ya.I., Smolij N.I. Sejsmicheskie I udarnye vozdushnye volny promyshlennyh vzryvov. M. Nedra 1981. – 192 s.
  12. Mosinetc V.N. Drobyashchee I sejsmicheskoe dejstvie vzryva v gornyh porodah. Moskva. Nedra, 1976. – 271 s.
UDC 622.235
M.I. Ganopolskiy, technical Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
V.L. Baron, general Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
("CPESSL BVR", Moscow, Russia)

Drilling and blasting operations during disassembly of the main building of the central concentrating factory "Nesvetay" JSC "Rostovugol"

Keywords: the explosive collapse of reinforced concrete building, blast hole charges, the safety of blasting, shelter locations explosion, seismic vibrations, air shock wave, gas hazardous area, hydroshock wave in a flooded mine, dangerous zone for people in the explosions

In the article the issues of preparation and holding of the explosion for the collapse of reinforced concrete frame 6-storey main building Central concentrating factory "Nesvetay" JSC "Rostovugo"". The territory of the factory "Nesvetay" was placed in a single technological complex mine "Western-Capita"". After the accident and the flooding of the mine, the decision was made on the elimination of all aboveground buildings and structures of the mine buildings and processing plant. The dimensions of the main building of the factory – 30,0х36,0 m, height – 27.5 m. The dimensions of the main building of the factory in plan – 30,0х36,0 m, height – 27,5 m. The design of the building collapses on its base, and on the front of the building. Provides information about the location of the holes in inciting the structures of the building (columns, beams and girders, walls), parameters of blast-hole charges and the scheme of short-delay blasting. The method of calculation of safe distances for various harmful effects of the explosion. Considered the impact of the explosion on filling the skip shaft №2 and the flooded underground workings of the mine "Western-Capital".

Bibliographic list:
  1. Tekhnicheskie pravila vedenija vsryvnykh rabot na dnevnoy poverkhnosty (Technical rules of blasting on the surface). Moscow: Nedra, 1972. – 240 p.
  2. Rukovodstvo po proektirovaniju i proisvodstvu vsryvnykh rabot pri rekonstrukcii promyshlennykh predprijatiji i grazhdanskikh sooruzheniji. RTM 36.9-88 (Guidance on the design and manufacture of blasting during the re-construction of industrial enterprises and civil structures. RTM 36.9-88). Moscow: CBNTI MMSS USSR, 1988. – 37 p.
  3. Federalnye normy i pravila v oblasty promyshlennoji besopasnosty. Pravila besopasnosty pri vsryvnykh rabotakh. Sbornik dokumentov. Srija 13. Vypusk 14 (Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety. Safety regulations for blasting. Collection of documents. Series 13. Vol.14). Moscow: ZAO "Scientific and technical centre for the study of industrial safety", 2014. – 332 p.
  4. Ganopolskiy M.I., Baron V.L., Belin V.A. et al. Metody vedenija vsryvnykh rabot. Specialnye vsryvnye raboty: Uchebnoe posobie (Methods of blasting. Special blasting: Study guide). Moscow: Publisher MGGU, 2007. – 563 p.
  5. Opredelenie kriticheskikh parametrov kolebaniji okhranjaemykh objektov pri vsryvnom droblenii fundamentov i obrushenii sdaniji pri rekonstrukcii. RTM 36.22-91 (The determination of the critical parameters of the oscillations of protected objects with explosive crushing foundations and collapse of buildings during reconstruction. RTM 36.22-91). Moscow: CBNTI MMSS USSR, 1991. – 17 p.
  6. Ceitlin Ja.I., Smoliy N.I. Sejismicheskie i udarnye vosdushnye volny promyshlennykh vsryvov (Seismic and air shock wave of industrial explosions). Moscow: Nedra, 1981. – 192 p.
  7. Bogazkiy V.F., Fridman A.G. Okhrana ingenernyrh soorugeniy i okrugayushchey sredy ot vrednogo deyistviya promyshlennykh vsryvov (Protection of engineering structures and the environment from the harmful effects of industrial explosions). Moscow: Nedra, 1982. – 162 p.
  8. Fadeev A.B. Drobyashchee i sejismicheskoe deyistvie vsryvov na karerakh (Blunt and seismic effects of explosions in quarries). Moscow: Nedra, 1972. – 135 p.
  9. Mironov P.S. Vsryvy i sejismobesopasnot sooruzheniy (Explosions and seismic safety of structures). Moscow: Nedra, 1973. – 168 p.
UDC 622.235
M.I. Ganopolskiy, technical Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
("CPESSL BVR", Moscow, Russia)
V.I. Kulikov, Leading researcher, Candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences
(Institute of dynamics of geospheres Russian Academy of Sciences – IDG RAS, Moscow, Russia)

Forecasting the size of the zone of influence of the explosive noise of the explosion in open cast mining

Keywords: safety of blasting, sanitary protection zone, air shock wave explosions sound pressure level, impulse noise high energy, sources of impulse noise is high energy, the noise from the explosions

In article the assessment of admissible size of a level of sound pressure and admissible size of superfluous pressure in a shock air wave on influence of the noise caused by industrial explosions, on the people who are being on open space outside a sanitary-protective zone of the mountain enterprise, as well as on animals and birds on farms and in reserves is executed. The admissible size of superfluous pressure and admissible level of sound pressure are accepted in view of requirements of state standards operating in Russia and normative documents. At definition of admissible sizes of superfluous pressure and a level of sound pressure it is considered, that explosions under the acoustic characteristics and a level of display of noise, are short-term sources of pulse noise of high energy. The recommendations resulted in article, can be used at definition of the sizes of a zone of influence of explosive noise on the open space for people, animals and the birds who are being abroad established for mountain enterprise of a sanitary-protective zone.

Bibliographic list:
  1. O sanitarno-epidemiologicheskom blagopoluchii naseleniya: federalnyiy Sakon Rossiyiskoy Federacii ot 30.03.1999 г. №52-FS (On the sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population: federal Law Of The Russian Federation from March 30, 1999, No. 52-FZ; adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of March 12, 1999; approved by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of March 17, 1999 // Russian Gazette). – 1999. – April 06.
  2. Sanitarno-epidemiologicheskie pravila i normativy. SanPiN 2.2.1/ Sanitarno-sashchitnye sony i sanitarnaya klassifikaciya predpriyatiy, sooruzheniy i inych obyektov (Sanitary-protective zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, constructions and other objects). Moscow: 2003. – 40 p.
  3. Sanitarnye normy. SN 2.2.4/ Shum na rabochih mestah, v pomescheniyah zhilyh, obschestvennyh sdaniy i na territorii zhiloy sastroyki (Noise at workplaces, in residential and public buildings and residential areas). – Moscow: 1994. – 8 p.
  4. Rukovodstvo Gigienicheskie otsenki usloviy truda po pokasatelyam vrednosti i opasnosti faktorov proisvodstvennoy sredy, tyazhesti, napryazhennosti trudovogo protsessa (Hygienic estimation of working conditions on indicators of harm and danger environment factors, severity and intensity of the work process). – Moscow: 1994. – 31 p.
  5. Sistema normativnyh dokumentov v stroitelstve. Moskovskie gorodskie stroitelnye normy. MGSN 2.04.97. Dopustimye urovni shuma, vibratsii i trebovaniya k svukoisolyatsii v zhilyh i obschestvennyh sdaniyah (Permissible levels of noise, vibration and the requirements for sound insulation in residential and public buildings). – Moscow: 2007. – 37 p.
  6. Siskind D.E., Summers C.R. Blast noise standards and insnumentation. – Bureau of mines technical progress report. May 1974. TPR 78.
  7. Gromov V.A., Smoliy N.I. Spektralnye i energeticheskie harakteristiki udarnyh vosdushnyh voln vsryvov (Spectral and power characteristics of air shock waves of explosions). – Montazhnye i spetsialnye stroitelnye raboty. Seriya Spetsialnye stroitelnye raboty. Ekspress-informatsiya (Installation and special construction work, Series Special construction works. Express information), 1985, pab. 6, p.22-25.
  8. Goncharov A.I., Kulikov V.I. Akusticheskie volny pri massovyh vsryvah v karerah (Acoustic waves in bulk blasting at quarries). – Fisika goreniya i vsryva (Physics of combustion and explosion), 2004, V.40, №6, p.101-106.
  9. Mezhgosudarstvennyy standart. GOST 31296.1-2005 (ISО 1996-1:2003).Shum. Opisanie, ismerenie i otsenka shuma na mestnosti. Chast 1. Osnovnye velichiny i protsedury otsenki (Acoustics – Description, measurement and assessment of environmental noise – Part 1: Basic quantities and assessment procedures). – M.: Standartinform, 2006. – 20 p.
  10. Glass I.I. Udarnye volny i chelovek (Shock waves and man). Moscow: Мir. – 1977. – 192 p.
  11. GOST 23552-79. Samolety grazhdanskoy aviatsii. Dopustimye urovni svukovogo udara na mestnosti i metody ego ismereniya (Civilian aircraft. Acceptable levels of sonic boom on the ground and methods of measurement). – Moscow: Isdatelstvo standartov. – 1979. – 12 p.
  12. Ceitlin Ja.I., Gromov V.A. Raschet radiusa sony deystviya vsryvnogo shuma (Calculation of radius of action of the explosive noise). – Montazhnye i spetsialnye stroitelnye raboty. Seriya Spetsialnye stroitelnye raboty. Ekspress-informatsiya (Installation and special construction work, Series Special construction works. Express information). 1984, pab. 1, p.22-26.
  13. Bell W.B. Animal response to sonic booms. JASA. V.51, №2 (Part 3). – February 1972. – Pp.758-765.
  14. Osipov G.L. Saschita sdaniy ot shuma (Protection of buildings from noise). – Moscow: Isdatelstvo literatury po stroitelstvu, 1972. – 216 p.
  15. Kirpichnikov V.Yu., Titov B.V., Drosdova L.F. K voprosu o normirovanii i kontrole shuma, sozdavaemogo inzhenerno-tehnologicheskim oborudovaniem na selitebnoy territorii i v pomescheniyah zhilyh sdaniy (The question of the regulation and control of noise generated by engineering and technological equipment in residential areas and in residential buildings). – Besopasnost zhisnedeyatelnosti (Safety), 2005, №6, p.48-51.
  16. Ganopolskiy M.I., Baron V.L., Belin V.A. et al. Metody vedenija vsryvnykh rabot. Specialnye vsryvnye raboty: Uchebnoe posobie (Methods of blasting. Special blasting: Study guide). Moscow: Isdatelstvo MGGU, 2007. – 563 p.
  17. Ganopolskiy M.I. Resultaty eksperimentalnyh issledovaniy udarnyh vosdushnyh voln pri vsryvah na semnoy poverhnosti (The results of experimental studies of air shock waves in explosions on the earth's surface). – Otdelnye stati Gornogo informatsionno-analiticheskogo byulletenya (A separate article Mountain information-analytical Bulletin), 2011, №5. Moscow: Isdatelstvo "Gornaya kniga". – 38 p.
  18. Federalnye normy i pravila v oblasty promyshlennoji besopasnosty. Pravila besopasnosty pri vsryvnykh rabotakh. Sbornik dokumentov. Srija 13. Vypusk 14 (Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety. Safety regulations for blasting. Collection of documents. Series 13. Vol.14). Moscow: ZAO "Scientific and technical centre for the study of industrial safety", 2014. – 332 p.
UDC 006.3/.8
V.L. Grishko, Cand. tech. of Sciences, expert on industrial safety, expert-auditor of certification body
N.E. Ibragimovа, kand. tech. Sciences, General Director, expert-auditor of certification body
(JSC "Spetsprodexport", Russia, Moscow)

On some aspects of conformity assessment of industrial explosives to the requirements of the customs regulations

Keywords: certification, explosives, technical regulations, products, market

The article gives a brief overview of the introduction of new principles of technical regulation of the market for handling explosive materials within the framework entered into force on technical regulations of the customs Union 028/2012. The issues of certification and certification tests.


Main results of the XVI International Explosive Conference290-296
International Scientific Conference "Physical problems of rock destruction"297-298
On the 85th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences academician Adushkin Vitaly Vasilyevich299-300
On the 80th anniversary PhD Zakalinskiy Vladimir Matveyevich301-302
On the 85th anniversary PhD Kazakov Nikolai Nikolaevich303-304

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