| Article title | Pages |
 | Title and imprint | |
Section 1. Researches of the rocks destruction by explosion
 | Viktorov S. D., Zakalinsky V.M., Osokin A.A. The concept of the influence of aspects of blasting at geomechanical processes when developing mineral deposits | 5-20 |
 | Shubin I.L., Zharikov I.F. Superimposed on the interaction of downhole charges of emulsion explosives | 21-32 |
 | Shevkun E.B., Leschinsky A.V., Shishkin E.A., Lisak J.A. Graphoanalytical method of determining the intensity of a preliminary destruction of the surrounding area blast holes | 33-47 |
 | Zharikov I.F. Increased efficiency of crushing rocks in deep pits | 48-57 |
 | Dugartsyrenov A.V., Rakhmanov R.A. Evaluation of the efficiency of rock crushing charges with air gaps | 58-65 |
Section 2. State and improvement of explosives, devices and blasting agents
 | Garifullin R.Sh., Mokeev A.А., Salnikov A.S., Salnikovа N.I., Bazotov V.J. Promising elastic explosive composition with the use of powdered elastomer for industrial use | 66-75 |
 | Efremovtsev N.N., Levachev S.M., Harlov A.E. Researches of the retaining ability of granular ammonium nitrate | 76-90 |
 | Dubovik A.V. Estimation of efficiency of metal additives at the heat generation in front of detonation wave | 91-99 |
Section 3. Technology of blasting in the mining of solid minerals
 | Akinin N.I., Frantov A.E., Artemiev A.A., Mytarev V.M., Gubaidullin V.M. About the economic effect of helper based on the results of comparative tests with a mass explosion | 100-110 |
 | Annikov V.E., Gubaydullin V.M., Brigadin I.V., Krasnov S.A., Golub M.V. The results of the comparative effects of charges helper, nitronate and ammonite when cutting oversized blocks | 111-123 |
Section 4. Usage of combustion processes and the impact of the explosion in industry
 | Petrov A.S., Mokeev A.А., Garifullin R.Sh., Ignatyeva T.A. Kislotalimonnaya combustible composition for enhanced oil recovery | 124-134 |
Section 5. Ecology and safety during blasting operations
 | Kulikov V.I., Ganopolski M.I. Impact of mass explosions in the underground development of iron deposits for the building and population of the city of Gubkin | 135-153 |
 | J. Jamiyan,A.V.Starshinov, A. Temuulin, B., Byambajav, V.А. Belin New decisions on the provision of explosive works in Mongoles with explosive materials | 154-161 |
Section 6. Chronicle
 | Belin V.A., Vyatkin N.L. ANO NOW – platform and explorer of new technologies in mining industry (end of XVII International scientific-practical conference on mining and explosives)ANO NOW – platform and explorer of new technologies in mining industry (end of XVII International scientific-practical conference on mining and explosives) | 162-172 |