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Section 1. Researches of the rocks destruction by explosion
 | UDC 622.83: 539.3 S.D. Viktorov, Deputy Director ofScientific Work, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences V.M. Zakalinsky, Leading Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences A.A. Osokin, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources named after Academician N.V. Melnikov at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
The concept of the influence of aspects of blasting at geomechanical processes when developing mineral deposits Keywords: geomechanics, destruction, concept, rocks, mathematical models, computer simulation, synergism, geodynamic phenomena, explosive blasting, safety A new methodology for solving new and adjusting known issues in the development of mineral deposits in difficult geohazard conditions is considered, characterized by the formulation of research at the intersection of sciences such as ‘Geomechanics’, ‘Mathematics and Mechanics’, ‘Mechanics of Deformable Solids', and ‘Destruction of Rocks’. With this interaction with mining science, this will allow the use of analogs of theoretical and experimental nature and appropriate tools, in particular, the development of mathematical models and computer technologies for solving specific problems of mining production in order to identify new effects. Bibliographic list:- Trubetskoy K.N., Zakharov V.N., Viktorov S.D., Zharikov I.M., Zakalinsky V.M. The explosive destruction of rocks In the development of mineral resources // network periodical scientific publication «problems of subsoil use». 2014. – № 3. – P. 80-95.
- Viktorov S.D. Displacement and destruction of rocks / S. D. Viktorov, M. A. Iofis, S. A. Goncharov. – M: Science, 2005. – 277s.
- Development of science and education on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach / R. S. Kashaev // Successes of modern natural science. – 2011. – № 2. – P. 82-87.
- Chernysheva, E.N. Prospects of interdisciplinary approach in science / E. N. Chernysheva / / Bulletin of the Russian University of Economics. G. V. Plekhanov. Entry. Way to science. – 2013. – № 1 (5). – P. 85-90.
- Improvement of the technology of drilling and blasting operations in the West Siberian iron ore deposits. – Novosibirsk: Science, 2013. – 192 p.
- Viktorov S.D., Zakharov V.N., Zakalinsky V.M. Reduction of seismic impact of mass explosions in the quarry on the stability of rock mass and underground structures in the combined development of coal deposits. GornyZhurnal. – 2016. – № 12. – P. 59-64.
- Vlokh N.P. Liping Y.I., Sashurin A.D. Study of residual stress in strong rocks //Modern problems of mechanics of rocks]. 4-th All-Union Conf. Conf. on the mechanics of rocks. – L., 1972. – P. 186-189.
- Lavrov A.V., Shkuratnik V.L., Filimonov Y.L. Acoustic emission memory effect in rocks. – Moscow: Publishing house of the Moscow state mining University, 2004. – 456 p.
- Rzhevskii V.V., Coachmen B.C. Memory Effects in rocks // Collection of scientific works. 1986. – 97 p.
- Yamshchikov V.S., Shkuratnik, V.L., Lykov, K.G. Measurement of stress in rock mass based on emission memory effects // Physical-technical problems of mining (journal of mining science). 1990. No. 2. Pp. 23-28.
- Viktorov S.D., Kochanov A.N., Odintsovo V.N. Osokin А.А. The Emission of submicron particles during deformation of rocks. // News of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Seriesphysical. 2012. Vol. 76. No. 3. P. 388-390.
- Zakalinsky V.M., Mingazov R.J. Application of virtual experiment in mining practice. Explosive case. – 2017. No 117-74. – P. 6-18.
- Odintsev V.N., Trofimov V.A. Development of theoretical mechanics in-IPKON RAS-IPKON RAS -50 years of formation and development of mining Sciences / ed. by academician K. Trubetskoy N., corresponding member of RAS Zaharova V. N.-M.: – IPKON RAS, 2017. – 360 p.
- Mineev, S.P., Shipov I.E. Modeling of the behavior of the array when explosive conduct develop a near outburst of the reservoir // Forum of Miners-2014. National mining University / Proceedings of the international conference «Geomechanics and geotechnics». Volume 2. Dnepropetrovsk, 2014.From 81 to 91.
- Krasyukova E.V., Zakalinsky V.M., Kochanov A.N. To estimation of influence of dynamic influence on technological stability of rock massifs / / SB. scientific works «Modern innovative technologies in mining and primary processing of mineral raw materials». M.: Izd. Thevnipipromtechnologii. 2018. P. 97-106.
| 5-20 |
 | UDC 622.235.5 I.L. Shubin, Graduate student I.F. Zharikov, Senior researcher, doctor of technical sciences, (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources named after Academician N.V. Melnikov at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
Superimposed on the interaction of downhole charges of emulsion explosives Keywords: explosion, emulsion explosives, gas microspheres, the related charge, flegmatizaciej, matrix, hotspots, sensitization, the detonation velocity In the article there are considered some theoretical models of processes of interaction of downhole charges of emulsion explosives contained in the zone, mutual the impact of involving partial flegmatizaciej of explosives, caused by exposure to such charge, vzryvaemogo at the same time. Analysis is made on the basis of theoretical and experimental data published in the press, as well as provides practical experimental results on this issue received on mining Kola Peninsula Bibliographic list:- Rafejchik S.I. Experimental and numerical study of detonation parameters of emulsion explosives with mikroballonami glass//monograph. N. 2014, s. 69.
- Palmer T. Factors affecting the VoD of commercial explosives: power drive VoD at Singapore caverns//monograph. Australia, k-k, 2002, p. 121
- Sosnin V.A., Mezherytskyi S.E., Petchenev Y.G, Mihajljukova A.I., Sevastyanov A.B. Features emulsion explosives detonation mechanism//Bulletin of the University of technology, 2016, vol. 19, pp. 28-33.
- Nia S. Experimental and numerical study of the dead pressing of a chemically gassed emulsion explosive/blast/Frag-International journal of blasting and fragmentation, 1998, no. 2, pp. 1-14.
- Petrjashin L.F., Petrenko V.D., Kravtsov V.S., Borodin I.F. Determination of the optimal distance between paired sblizhennymi borehole wells for the conditions of the granite quarries. «An explosive affair», 261-267.
- Tunaley D. Recompression literature review: monograph. Canada, k. 1992, s. 43
- Kolganov E.V., Sosnin V.A. Safety of emulsion explosives//Note the Mining Institute, 2007, vol. 171. c. 203-212.
- Gorinov S.A., Kutuzov B. N., Sobina E.P. The structure of the oxidative phase of emulsion explosives//GIAB, 2011, no. 7. c. 64-77.
- Silva G., Dlugogorski B.Z., Kennedy E.M. Water-in-oil emulsion foaming by Thoreau nitration: reaction and mass transfer//AICHE Journal. 2006. Vol. 52. No. 4. C. 1558-1565.
| 21-32 |
 | UDC 622.235 E.B. Shevkun, Professor, doctor of engineering. sciences A.V. Leshchinsky, Professor, doctor of engineering. sciences E. A. Shishkin, senior lecturer (Pacific national University, Khabarovsk, Russia) Lysak Yu.A., general Director (AVT-Amur, Blagoveshchensk, Russia)
Graphoanalytical method of determining the intensity of a preliminary destruction of the surrounding area blast holes Keywords: explosive destruction of rocks, fracture, stress wave, the intensity of the weakening of the rock mass, maximum deformation Possibility of definition of rational parameters of explosive destruction of rocks on the basis of the account of zones of preliminary destruction is considered. The process of brittle destruction of rocks by explosion is characterized by one type of destruction – separation under the action of tensile stresses from the action of the compression wave in the dilution phase. This leads to the formation of crack systems that cut through the rock mass. It is proposed to determine the intensity of the attenuation of the array in the area of each exploding well by differential calculation of the magnitude of the well charges for different zones of weakening of the array occurring during the development of the explosion. A preliminary graphical analysis of the planned scheme of explosion on the drilled and the next blocks determines the parameters of stress waves passing through the vicinity of specific wells covered by the zones of preliminary destruction from the explosions of previous borehole charges: the number of waves and the distance to the explosion of previous charges. Studies have shown that the total pre-deformation of the vicinity of the wells throughout the block before the explosion of almost every well exceeds the limit value of deformation, which leads to over-grinding of the material and over-consumption of explosives. It is proposed to determine the value of the charge of explosives for individual wells in accordance with the preliminary destruction of their surroundings from the explosions of previous wells. Bibliographic list:- Directory of exploder /B. N. Kutuzov [and others]. Under the General editorship of B. N. Kutuzov – M.: Nedra, 1988. – 511 p.
- Rubtsov S. K., Ershov V. P. Application of non-electric initiation systems in the quarries of Navoi MMC / / Physical problems of rock destruction: SB. Tr. Fourth international scientific conference, October 18-22, 2004, M. 2005. pp. 387-391.
- Patent of the Russian Federation № 2593285 IPC E21C41 / 26.
- Patent of the Russian Federation 2275587, IPK F42D 3/04.
- Optimization of blasting parameters with increase in intervals of delay /Matushkin J. A. [and others] // the Mountain information-analytical Bulletin. – 2015. – № 4. – pp. 341-348.
- Development of a model of rock destruction at the quasi-static stage of the explosion: Dis. ... kand. tech. Sciences: 25.00.20: St. Petersburg, 2003. – 119 p.
- Alexandrov E.V., Kochanov A.N., Levin B.V. On the relationship strength and acoustic properties of rocks in the area prednaznachalas the impact of the explosion // journal of mining science – 1987 – № 4. – pp. 24-32.
- Sadovskiy M.A., Adushkin V.V., Spivak A.A. About the size of the unprocessed zones-permissible deformation of the explosion in block medium // Dynamic processes in geospheres. Geophysics of strong disturbances. – M., 1994. – pp. 45-56.
- Seinov N.P. Contribution Of V. E. Alexandrov to the development of explosive business. Destruction by explosion and irreversible deformation of rocks. – M., 1997. – pp. 43-50.
- Shemyakin E.I., Kochanov A.N., Dengina N.I. The parameters of the stress wave and rock microcracking solid rock during the explosion //explosion Destruction and irreversible deformation of rocks. – M., 1997. – pp. 15-25.
- Stukalin N.G. Physics of explosion in applied problems.– Krasnoyarsk. – Sitall,2010. – 309p.
| 33-47 |
 | UDC 622.271:622.732 I.F. Zharikov, Senior researcher, doctor of technical sciences (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources named after Academician N.V. Melnikov at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
Increased efficiency of crushing rocks in deep pits Keywords: design, charge, explosive, distribution, gransostav, initiation, shock wave, wave voltage, the effectiveness of the explosion The problems of improving the quality of training in the conduct of blasted rock mass on deep drilling and blasting quarries, especially when using pulsed-flow technology. Discusses the main parameters of the process initiating the charge to implement multiple loading destroyed Wednesday by increasing the time of energy transformation in the dynamic mode. It is shown that the particle size distribution with mnogotochechnom initiation may be more uniform and smaller without increasing the rate. Bibliographic list:- Melnikov N.V., Marchenko L.N. Energy blast and design of charge // Nedra, 1964, p. 137.
- Zharikov I.F., Marchenko L.N. Study of the mechanism of action of elongated charges when the firm //Wednesday «Explosive action», 1972, № 71/28, pp. 81-90.
- Zharikov I.F., Marchenko L.N., Rodionov V.N. Study stress wave propagation in solid 2D Wednesday//FTPRPI, 1986, № 6, pp. 62-65.
- Kuznetsov V.M. Mathematical models of the explosive case//Science, 1977, p. 253.
- Baum F.A., Sanasaryan N.S. Influence conditions for initiating a charge on the amount and distribution of CENTURIES of unit pulses the charge along the generatrix wells//Sat. «Explosive action», 1986, no. 89/46, pp. 13-28.
- Cock M.A. The science of High Explosives? New-York, 1968,p. 95-105.
| 48-57 |
 | UDC 622.235 A.V. Dugartsyrenov, Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor at the Department of Rock Mining (Moscow State Mining University, Moscow, Russia) R.A. Rakhmanov, research fellow, Ph.D. in Engineering. (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources named after Academician N.V. Melnikov at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
Evaluation of the efficiency of rock crushing charges with air gaps Keywords: well charge, air gap, diameter of charge and well, charge parameters, adiabatic expansion, fine crushing The paper gives an overview of the use of air gaps for the dispersion of charges on coal mining enterprises. An analytical analysis of the pressure reduction of the explosive detonation products during the expansion into the air gap formed by the charge dispersion is carried out. Based on the analytical studies, it was shown that the application of the air gaps, significantly reduces the area of fine crushing and, accordingly, dust formation, reduced wasteful expenditure of energy explosion. Bibliographic list:- Dugartsyrenov A.V. The mechanism of destruction of the elastic medium (rock) in the explosion of concentrated and elongated series / / Mountain information and analytical Bulletin, № 3, 2008. P. 12-17
- Shemyakin E.I. The destruction of rocks in the near-earth zone of the explosion / E. I. Shemyakin, A. N. Kochanov / / Explosive case. 1999. No. 92/49. P. 7-19.
- Shchukin V.K., Segalin A.B. Features of drilling and blasting operations on coal mines Bogatyr Komir // Ugol. December 2015. P. 18-23.
- Matvа S.V., Kokin S.V., Litvin Y. I., Protasov S.I., Kornev G. N., Fedotenko C.V. Improvement of methods of drilling and blasting preparation of rocks at the enterprises of JSC «UK» Kuzbassrazrezugol» / / Coal. December 2015. P. 24-31.
- Artemyev V.B., Kovalenko B.A., Opanasenko P.I., Isachenkov. A.B. Modern information technologies in the preparation and conduct of drilling and blasting operations at coal mines of SUEK // Coal. November 2012. From 6-12.
- Shevkun E.B., Leschinsky A.V. Dispersion of borehole charges panopoly-styrene // Mining information-analytical Bulletin, seminar No. 5 of 2006. P. 116-123.
- Fedotenko S.M., Grishin S.V., Kokin S.V., Fedotenko V.S. Optimization Prawnych works by dispersal of the charge in squai-tries on the cuts // Mining information-analytical Bulletin, Seminar No. 16, 2008. C. 260-266.
- Shevkun E. B., Leschinsky A.V., Lukashevich N.C., Serganov D.V. Method of forming an explosive charge // Russian Federation Patent 2325617 published 27.05.2008.
- Dugartsyrenov A.V., Kim I.T., Rakhmanov R.A., Zarovnyaev B.N., Shubin G.V., Nikolaev S.P. The impact of the expansion of the products of the child nation at the time of departure of the tamping in the explosion of borehole charges / / Explosive case. 2016. No. 116/73.
- Dugartsyrenov A.V. The Account of forces of friction when moving the tamping in the well // the Explosive case. 2016. No. 116/73.
- Dugartsyrenov, A.V., Rakhmanov A.V., Zarovnyaev B.N., Shubin G.V. Control of pressure pulse of detonation products in the explosion of well charges in quarries / / Explosive case. 2016. No. 119/76. P. 62-77.
- Kryukov G.M., Glazkov Yu.V. Phenomenological quasistatic-chesko-wave theory of deformation and fracture of materials by explosion of industrial EXPLOSIVES. Separate article. – ANALIT. – 2003. – №11. – 67 p. – M.: Publishing house of MSU.
| 58-65 |
Section 2. State and improvement of explosives, devices and blasting agents
 | UDC 662.2:662.76 R.Sh. Garifullin, associate Professor of Department of technology of solid chemical substances, Candidate of technical Sciences A.A. Mokeev, associate Professor of the same Department, Candidate of technical Sciences A.S. Salnikov, assistant of the same Department N.I. Salnikova, graduate student of the same Department V.Ya. Bazotov, head of the Department «Technology of solid chemical substances», Professor, Doctor of engineering. (Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education «Kazan national research technological University», Kazan, Russia)
Promising elastic explosive composition with the use of powdered elastomer for industrial use Keywords: elastic explosive composition, powder elastomer, detonation rate, technology, explosive characteristics, hardening, polymer binder The paper shows the principal possibility of obtaining promising elastic explosive compositions using powdered elastomer by mechanical mixing technology with the exception of the preliminary preparation of the binder, which allows to reduce the duration of the technological cycle and reduce the economic costs of production. It was found that the proposed elastic explosive compositions obtained by mechanical mixing technology using a powdered elastomer, the complex of physical, mechanical and explosive properties are at or exceed the standard composition of ELAS-2. For the practical application of the proposed elastic explosive composition containing, % : RDX – 85, butyl rubber – 11, dibutylsebacate – 3, fluoroplastic-4 – 1 at 100 m/s is superior to the staff of ELAS-2 detonation velocity and 30% relative elongation while their other characteristics differ slightly. Bibliographic list:- Kotomin A.A. Elastichnye vzryvchatye materialy (Elastic explosive materials). Rossijskij himicheskij zhurnal = Russian chemical journal. 1997. No. 4. pp. 89-101.
- Kosarev A.A., Aleksandrov V.N. Plastichnye i ehlastichnye vzryvchatye smesi: metodicheskie ukazaniya (Plastic and elastic explosive mixtures: methodical instructions). Kazan: Publishing house of Kazan state technological University, 2007. 44 p.
- Generalov M.B. Osnovnye processy i apparaty promyshlennyh vzryvchatyh veshchestv (Main processes and devices of industrial explosives). Moscow: IKC Akademkniga, 2004. 397 p.
- Garifullin R. Sh., Salnikov A. S., Bazotov V. J. et al. Analiz raschetnyh harakteristik sgoraemyh materialov na osnove nitrata ammoniya i poroshkoobraznogo ehlastomera dlya obrabotki neftyanyh skvazhin (Analysis of the design characteristics of combustible materials on the basis of ammonium nitrate and powdered elastomer for processing of oil wells). Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta = Bulletin of Kazan technological University. 2012. Vol. 15, No.10. pp. 254-256.
- Avvakumova N.I. Osnovy planirovaniya i obrabotki rezultatov ehksperimenta v rabotah po himii, tekhnologii i pererabotki plastmass : uchebnoe posobie (Basics of planning and processing the results of the experiment in the works of chemistry, technology and plastics processing: textbook). Kazan: Publishing house of Kazan Institute of chemical technology, 1982. 59 p.
- Smirnov S.P., Kolganov E.V. Programmno-metodicheskij kompleks rascheta ehnergeticheskih harakteristik vzryvchatyh veshchestv i sostavov: metodicheskoe posobie (Program-methodical complex of calculation of energy characteristics of explosives and compositions: methodical benefit). Dzerzhinsk, 1987, 91 p.
- Selivanov V.V. Vzryvnye tekhnologii: uchebnoe posobie (Explosive technologies: textbook). Moscow: Publishing house of Moscow state technological University im. N. Uh. Bauman, 2008. 648 p.
| 66-75 |
 | UDC 622.235 Efremovtsev N.N., Researcher Candidate of Technical Sciences (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources named after Academician N.V. Melnikov at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia) S.M. Levachev, Assistant professor, Doctor of Chemistry Sciences A.E. Harlov, Assistant professor, Candidate of Chemistry Sciences (Lomonosov Moscaw State University, Chemistry department, Moscow, Russia)
Researches of the retaining ability of granular ammonium nitrate Keywords: explosive, ammonium nitrate, granulated, porous, non-porous emulsion hydrocarbon/water, retention capacity, wetting, bulk density The article presents experimental results on defining retention capacity of ammonium nitrate (AN) with different initial granule porosity, related to hydrocarbon emulsion in AN water solution and bulk density of the resulting system The mass ratio of water phase in emulsion varied from 10 to 30%. Hydrocarbon phase was represented by the mixture of waste engine oil and diesel fuel, taken in 1/1 mass ratio. The maximal quantity of immobilized fluid phase, primary dependents on the emulsion water content, secondary on the AN concentration in the emulsion water phase, tertiary on the initial AN granule porosity. At the AN concentration of 20% – the maximal retention capacity was: 14-18% for porous, and 8-9% for non-porous; at AN concentration of 50%: 43-47% for porous, and 9-10% for non-porous. The introduction of fine-dispersed сarbon black does not lead to any significant change of the results. The system bulk density varied from 810±20 to 1250±30 kg/m3 depending on AN applied and emulsion composition. Bibliographic list:- Ivanov M.E., Olenevskiy V.M., Polyakov N.N. i dr. Tehnologiya ammiachnoy selitri./ Pod red. Olenevskogo V.M. – M.:Himiya. 1978 –p.312.
- Kolganov E.V., Sosnin V.A. Sostoyanie I perspektivi razvitieya PVV v Rossii I za rebezom// Vzrivnoe delo. 2008, v №100/57. pp.20-33.
- Chernyishov A.K., Levin B.V., Tugolukov A.V., Ogarkov A.A., Ikin V.A. Amiachnaea selitra: svoiestva, proizvodstvo, primeneniye/ pod.red. B.V.Levin, Togolykova –M.2009- p.544.
- Mihailov U.M., Kolganov E.V., Sosnin V.A. Bezopasnost ammiachnoy selitri I ee primenenie v kachestve vzrivchatih veshestv. Partner plus, dzerzinsk.2008 – p.304.
- Efremovtsev N.N. New technologies for the porisation of ammonium nitrate and the composition of industrial explosives. Mining . №2 (120) 2015 p. 118
- Efremovtsev N.N., Efremovtsev A.N. On the issue of improving the manufacturing methods and compositions of the simplest industrial explosives. Collection of reports of the first conference of the Eurasian Union of Explosives Engineers (EASIV), held in the period 08.09.2016–13.09.2016 in p. Sary-Oi (Kyrgyz Republic) and in Almaty Page 53–63. ISBN 978-5-904374-50-1.
- Efremovtsev N.N. New industrial explosives and their production technology based on porous emulsions for the mining industry. Explosive case. No. 17. – M. 2017.
- Preston K. Patent RU 2368592 Kristalli nitrate ammoniya, brizantnoe vzrivchatih veshestv na osnove nitrate ammoniya I sposob poluceniya C06B31/28, C06B21/00 27.09.2009, Bul.№27.
- Adamson A. Fizicheskayi himiya. – M.Mir. 1979-p.568.
- Roldugin V.I. Fizicheskohimiya poverhnosti. – Intillekt, Dolgoprudniy, 2011 – p.564.
| 76-90 |
 | UDC 662.215.4 A.V.Dubovik, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Professor of Technosphere division (N.N.Semenov Institute of chemical physics Russian Academy of Sciences, D.I.Mendeleyev Russian Chemico-Engeneering Institute)
Estimation of efficiency of metal additives at the heat generation in front of detonation wave Keywords: detonation, explosion products, equation of state, thermal effect of reaction, mixes explosives The semiempirical method of the quantitative account for influence of chemical reactions of metal additives with explosion products of basic HE on value of the maximum heat generation in front of a stationary detonation wave in a mixes of any composition is developed. The method is tested at calculations of parameters of the equation of state and heat generation in mixes of aluminium and magnesium with Hexogen. Convincing results of reactions of aluminium with Hexogen explosion products are received on low densities mixes of composition 10/90. Bibliographic list:- Fizika vzryva / Pod red. L.P.Orlenko. – 3-e izd., ispr. – V 2 t. – M.: Fizmatlit, 2004. T.1. – 832 s.
- Dubovik A.V. Ocenka velichiny maksimalnogo teplovydeleniya vo fronte detonacionnoy volny v geksogene // Sbornik «Vzryvnoe delo», № 119/76. M.: IPKON RAN, 2018. – S.107-117.
- Zharkov V.N., Kalinin V.A. Uravneniya sostoyaniya tverdyh tel pri vysokih davleniyah i temperaturah. – M.: Nauka, 1968. – 312 s.
- Aniskin A.I., Shvedov K.K. Vliyanie alyuminiya i magniya na detonacionnye harakteristiki v smesyah s geksogenom // Detonaciya. Kriticheskie yavleniya. Fiziko-himicheskie prevrascheniya v udarnyh volnah. – Chernogolovka, 1978. – S. 26-31.
| 91-99 |
Section 3. Technology of blasting in the mining of solid minerals
 | UDC 550.344; 550.348; 622.235 N.I. Akinin, Zaw. Department, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor (Rkhtu im. D. I. Mendeleev,Moscow, Russia) A.E. Frantov, a senior researcher, doctor of technical Sciences. Sciences (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources named after Academician N.V. Melnikov at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia) V.M. Gubaidullin, General Director (Promstrojjsnab, St.-Petersburg, Russia) A.A. Artemiev, General Director (Khimtekh, LLC, St. Petersburg, Russia) V.M. Mytarev, General Director (LLC Gefest-M, Dir Russia)
About the economic effect of helper based on the results of comparative tests with a mass explosion Keywords: mass explosion, borehole charge, helper, emulsion explosives, bottom booster, the economic effect, net wells The results of comparative tests with a mass explosion with the application of emulsion EXPLOSIVES for the standard version of the loader field and borehole charges for option of loading a borehole with a bottom charge amplifiers based on the PVV «Helper GP-T» (developed by OOO «NPP «Chemical Technology»). The correctness of the relative impact was achieved by the implementation of the Vernier approach, i.e. a high degree of identity of conditions of blasting. The effect of increasing the explosive effect when charging well charges with bottom amplifiers was revealed. On the basis of the established effect of strengthening the recommendations on the expansion of the grid of wells and estimated economic effect. Bibliographic list:- Trubetskoy K.N., Viktorov S.D., Kutuzov, Repin N.I. am. Problems of development of explosive business on the earth's surface. Explosive case. Vol. No. 101/58. M.: ZAO «MVK on explosive case at AGN».2009. C. 3-24.
- Viktorov S.D., Kazakov N.N., Shlyapin А.V., Kretov S.I. The use of emulsion EXPLOSIVES for crushing ore two-stage blocks in the quarry of JSC «Mikhailovsky GOK». Explosive case. Vol. No. 106/63. M.: ZAO «MVK on explosive case at AGN».2011. S. 53-64.
- Derzhavets А.S. The Prospects of using EXPLOSIVES. Mining journal, №3, 2003.
- Scientific and technical report « Comparative tests on the destruction of rocks gel, emulsion and regular (typical) explosives.» OOO «Promstrojjsnab», Khimtekh, OOO, SPb, 2015,49 pages.
- Kutuzov B.N. Methods of blasting, part 2, Blasting in mining and industry; – M.: publishing house mining book, MSU, 2008, p. 57-92.
- Rodionov V.N., Adushkin V.V., Kostyuchenko V.N. et al. Mechanical effect of underground explosion, M., Nedra, 1971.
- Mangush K.S., Kryukov G.M., Fisun, A.P. Blasting in underground mining. Textbook for universities. M.: Izd. AGN, 2000.
- Adushkin V.V., Spivak A.A. The Destructive effect of the explosion in the pre-stressed environment. St. Petersburg, 2001, vol. 148 (1), pp. 21-32.
- Mosinets V.N. etc. the Destruction of rocks, Moscow, Nedra, 1975, pp. 152-153.
- Doroshenko S.I. PhD thesis. – IPKON RAS, 2014.
- Frantov A.E. To the issue of evaluation of economic effectiveness of conversion of explosives in the blasting process, GORN – 2012 – No. 6, S. 172.
| 100-110 |
 | UDC 550.344; 550.348; 622.235 V.M. Gubaydullin, General Director I.V. Brigadin, scientific Advisor, Cand. tech. Sciences, S.A. Krasnov, research consultant, Cand. tech. sciences' M.V. Golub, leading specialist (Promstrojjsnab, St.-Petersburg, Russia) V.E. Annikov, senior scientific employee, Cand. tech. sciences' (Rkhtu im. D. I. Mendeleev, Moscow, Russia)
The results of the comparative effects of charges helper, nitronate and ammonite when cutting oversized blocks Keywords: surface charge, charge design, feature, figure, helper, nitronit, Ammonite, oversized unit, the efficiency of the explosion, the trace, the shock wave for In relation to the geotechnical conditions granite quarry «Ilmenite» the Karelian isthmus comparative results of cutting oversize patch and blast hole charges on the basis of helper (brands GP-T), nitronate and Ammonite. The correctness of the relative impact was achieved by the implementation of the Vernier approach, i.e. a high degree of identity of conditions of blasting. The efficiency of the use helper for cutting oversize as explosive charges, and charges. A new design of charge for different types of EXPLOSIVES, implementing the effect of shock-wave flow, is proposed. Bibliographic list:- Trubetskoy K. N., Viktorov S. D., Kutuzov, Repin N.I. Problems of development of explosive business on the earth's surface. Explosive case. Vol. No. 101/58. M.: ZAO «MVK on explosive case at AGN».2009. c. 3-24.
- Viktorov S. D., Kazakov N. N., Shlyapin V., Kretov S.I. The use of emulsion EXPLOSIVES for crushing ore two-stage blocks in the quarry of JSC «Mikhailovsky GOK». Explosive case. Vol. No. 106/63. M.: ZAO «MVK on explosive case at AGN».2011. c. 53-64.
- Kutuzov B.N. Blasting operations. M.: Nedra, 1988, p. 232-235.
- Derzhavets A.S. Prospects for the use of EXPLOSIVES. Mining journal №3, 2003.
- Trofimov V.A. Ph. D. thesis. St. Petersburg state University, 2013.
- Rodionov V.N., Adushkin V.V., Kostyuchenko V.N. et al. Mechanical effect of underground explosion, M., Nedra, 1971.
- Scientific and technical report « Comparative tests on the destruction of rocks gel, emulsion and regular (typical) explosives.» OOO «Promstrojjsnab», Khimtekh, OOO, SPb,2015,49 pages.
- Doroshenko S.I. Improvement of mining destruction technology, PhD thesis. – IPKON RAS, Moscow, 2014.
- Annikov V.E., Belin V.A., Smagin N.P. etc. the powder Slurry explosive composition. RF patent No. 2183209, published. 10.06.2002.
- Mikhailov N. P. Technological bases of shock-wave processes control. Doctoral thesis, BSTU «voenmech», 2001.
- Chizhova-Notkina E.A. Numerical study of dynamic loading of condensed matter. PhD thesis, BSTU «voenmech», 2003.
- Mikhailov N.P., Mikhailova N.N., Doroshenko S.I., Brigadin I.V. Explosive Charge. Application for PM in FIPS Rospatent №2016123765 from 3.8.2016.
| 111-123 |
Section 4. Usage of combustion processes and the impact of the explosion in industry
 | UDC 662.2:662.76 A.S. Petrov, postgraduate of Department of technology of solid chemical substances R.Sh. Garifullin, associate Professor of the same Department, Candidate of technical Sciences A.A. Mokeev, associate Professor of the same Department, Candidate of technical Sciences T.A. Ignatyeva, master of the same Department (Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education «Kazan national research technological University», Kazan, Russia)
Kislotalimonnaya combustible composition for enhanced oil recovery Keywords: kislotalimonnaya composition, complex punch, the intensification of oil production, the study design, powerful materials, chlorine-based oxidants, the thermodynamic parameters The research on the search for the components of promising energy-saturated materials for use in the complex perforator has been carried out. Promising energy-saturated materials are proposed, the selection of components for which is carried out on the basis of design studies, taking into account the requirements for energy-saturated materials used in well conditions. Theoretically, the expediency of the use as an oxidizing agent of potassium rate, and as the combustible components hexachloroethane, hexachlorbenzol or polyvinylchloride with the aim of obtaining in the combustion process of hydrochloric acid as one of the components of combustion products. The dependences of the specific gas, the volumetric output of the heat of combustion and the release of hydrochloric acid during combustion of two-component mixtures on the basis of the oxidizer is potassium rate and chloropropoxy combustible polyvinyl chloride, hexachloroethane and hexachlorobenzene from the content of the oxidizing agent. The most promising composition based on potassium chlorate and polyvinyl chloride, which has the highest values of specific gas formation (1400 l/l with KClO4 content in the range of 55-60 %) and specific heat (4594 j/l with the same content of KClO4) was revealed. Bibliographic list:- Chipiga S.V., Sadykov I.F., Marsov, A.A. et al. Ustroistvo dlya kompleksnoi perforacii i kislotnoi obrabotki prizaboinoi zoni skvajini(Device for an integrated perforation and acid treatment of bottom-hole zone of the well).Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta = Bulletin of Kazan technological University. 2012. Vol. 15,No.6. pp. 174-177.
- Chipiga S.V., Sadykov I.F., Marsov, A.A. et al. Raschetno-teoreticheskoe obosnovanie vozmojnosti sozdaniya universalnogo sostava topliva termoistochnika dlya obrabotki neftyanih skvajin (Theoretical substantiation of possibility of creation of universal fuel composition of the thermosource for processing of oil wells).Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta = Bulletin of Kazan technological University. 2012. Vol. 15,No.7. pp. 174-176.
- Kosarev A.A., Mokeev A.A., Gilmutdinov D.K. et al. Produkti goreniya tverdotoplivnih zaryadov : ocenka effektivnosti deistviya na karbonatnie porodi (Products of combustion of solid propellant charges: performance evaluation action on carbonate rocks).Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta = Bulletin of Kazan technological University. 2015. Vol. 18,No.17. pp. 77-79.
- Garifullin R.Sh., Bazotov V.J., Salnikov A.S. et al. Issledovanie vliyaniya dobavok na prochnost i harakteristiki goreniya termoplastichnogo tverdogo topliva na osnove poroshkoobraznogo elastomera (Study of the influence of additives on the strength and characteristics of burning thermoplastic solid fuel on the basis of the powdery elastomer). Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta = Bulletin of Kazan technological University. 2014. Vol. 17,No.18. pp. 109-110.
- Soldatova A.S., Sadykov I.F., Marsov, A.A.et al. Izuchenie strukturi i ekspluatacionnih harakteristik v zavisimosti ot vremeni hraneniya sostava termoistochnika, izgotovlennogo v usloviyah povishennoi vlajnosti (Study of the structure and operational characteristics depending on the storage time of the composition of the thermosource made in humid conditions).Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta = Bulletin of Kazan technological University. 2010. No.8. pp. 104-111.
- Gilmutdinov D.K., Badretdinova A.I., Shakleina O.S. et al. Nauchno-tehnicheskii progress: aktualnie i perspektivnie napravleniya buduschego: materiali dokladov IV Mejdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferencii Zapadno-Sibirskogo nauchnogo centra (Scientific-technical progress: current and future directions of the future: materials of reports IV International scientific-practical conference of the West Siberian scientific center). Kemerovo: Publishing house of the West Siberian scientific center. 2016. рр. 10-13.
- Lachugin A.A., Marsov A.A., Shakhmaev S.V.et al. Perspektivnaya sgoraemaya kompoziciya dlya tehnologii gazodinamicheskogo razriva plasta (Perspective of a combustible composition for gas-dynamic fracturing). Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta = Bulletin of Kazan technological University. 2017. Vol. 20. No.18. pp.75-77.
- Madyakin F.P. Komponenti i produkti sgoraniya pirotehnicheskih sostavov (Components and the products of combustion of pyrotechnic compositions). Kazan: Publishing house of Kazan state technological University, 2006. 500 p.
| 124-134 |
Section 5. Ecology and safety during blasting operations
 | UDC 622.235 V.I. Kulikov, Leading researcher, Candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences (Institute of dynamics of geospheres Russian Academy of Sciences – IDG RAS, Moscow, Russia) M.I. Ganopolskiy, Deputy General Director, Doctor of Technical Sciences (Association «Soyuzvzryvprom», Moscow, Russia)
Impact of mass explosions in the underground development of iron deposits for the building and population of the city of Gubkin Keywords: safety of blasting operations, seismic vibrations, maximal speed of soil vibrations, isoseism of mass explosions, impact of seismic vibrations on people Seismic explosive waves were recorded in the city of Gubkin during the explosion of iron ore in the Gubkin mine of the KMAruda Combine. The dependence of the maximum velocity of oscillations in the seismic blast wave on the hypocenter distance (up to the explosive mass in the deceleration step) is obtained. Data were obtained on the intensity of the seismic action of mass explosions for the construction of the city. Isoseismes of mass explosions are calculated. Taking into account the requirements of the Sanitary Rules and Norms and Sanitary Norms and taking into account the duration of seismic fluctuations, the value of permissible and maximum permissible speed of seismic vibrations for the city population was estimated. The radii of zones of comfortable and uncomfortable habitation of the population are calculated. Registered air waves in mine explosions. Their impact on the city's population is analyzed Bibliographic list:- Zeitlin J.I., Smoliy N.I. Sejismicheskie i udarnye vosdushnye volny promyshlennykh vsryvov (Seismic and air shock wave of industrial explosions). Moscow : Nedra, 1981. – 192 p.
- Medvedev S.V. Seismika gornykh vsryvov (Seismic rock blasting). M.: Nedra, 1964. – 188 p.
- Karti obshego seismicheskogo paionirovanija Rossiskoi Federazii – OSR-2015. SP 14.13330.2014 – Stroitelstvo v seismicheskih raionah SNiP II-7-81. MSSHKXPF. 2016. (Maps of the general seismic zoning of the Russian Federation – GSZ-2015. SP 14.13330.2014 – Construction in seismic regions SNiP II-7-81). izd .: UZHKHRF. 2016.
- Sanitarno-epidemiologicheskie pravils i normativy. SanPiN 2.2.1/ Sanitarno-sashchitnye sony i sanitarnaya klassifikaciya predpriyatiy, sjjruzheniy i inych obyektov. (Sanitary-epidemiological rules and regulations. SanPiN 2.2.1/ Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other facilities). М.: 2003. – 40 p.
- Dynamicheskiy paschet sdaniy i soorugeniy. Spravochnik proektirovshchika. (Dynamic analysis of buildings and structures. Designer's manual). M.: Stroyizdat, 1984. – 303 p.
- Sanitarnye normy. SN 2.2.4/ Proisvodstvennaya vibraciya v pomeshcheniyach zhilych i obshchestvennych sdaniy (The sanitary norms of industrial vibration, vibration of residential and public buildings). М.: 1997. – 16 p.
- Ganopolski M.I., Belin V.A., Kulikov V.I. Ozenka velichini dopustimoi skorosti kolebanii po vozdeistviu na ludei vibrazii, vizvannoi vzrivnimi rabotami. (Estimating the permissible speed of oscillations in terms of the effect on people of vibration caused by explosive work.)// Explosive case. . 2015. № 114/71. p.273-293.
- Braden Trex Lusk, Joshua Micah Hoffman. Analysis of survey information about airblast and ground vibration reporting units. – International Jornal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment. Vol. 25, No 2, Juni 2011, s. 161-176.
- Ioffe V.K., Korolkov V.G., Saposhnikov M.A. Spravochnik po akustike. (Reference book on acoustics.) . M. Communication. 1979.
- Golitsyn G.S., Klyatskin V.I. Kolebanija v atmocphere, vizivaemie dvishenijami zemnoi poverhnosti. (Atmospheric oscillations caused by earth’s surfice movements.) //Atmospheric and ocean physics. 1967. т.3, № 10, p. 1044-1049.
| 135-153 |
 | UDC 622.235 J. Jamiyan, Ph. D., General Director (The Company «Montag», Mongolia) A.V. Starshinov, Ph. D., Technical Director (Company «Montag», Russia) A. Temuulin, Executive Director B. Bilegt, Manager for international cooperation of Blast» (Blast Company, Mongolia) V.А. Belin, Professor of Mining Institute (NUST MISIS)
New decisions on the provision of explosive works in Mongoles with explosive materials Keywords: mixed explosives, emulsions, charging machines, well tamping, drilling and blasting operations Brief information on experience in the production and use of explosive mixtures in Mongolia on the example of companies «Montag» and «Blast» with the release of a number of original technological and organizational solutions. The ways and means of increasing the efficiency of production of BVR for mining enterprises on the basis of integrated solutions to improve the processes of production and use of granular and emulsion explosives. | 154-161 |
Section 6. Chronicle
 | UDC 622.235 V.A.Belin, Doct. tech. President of science N.L.Vyatkin, Dr. Ekon. science, Executive Director (ANO NOIW, Moscow)
ANO NOW – platform and explorer of new technologies in mining industry (end of XVII International scientific-practical conference on mining and explosives)ANO NOW – platform and explorer of new technologies in mining industry (end of XVII International scientific-practical conference on mining and explosives) Keywords: mining explosive business, explosives, industrial safety, professional development, training of engineering and technical personnel Brief information on the results of the XVII International scientific and practical conference on mining and blasting is presented. | 162-172 |