| Article title | Pages |
 | Title and imprint | |
 | SNTA - Modern Science and Technology Academy | 5-5 |
 | The first issue of the magazine - the founder of the scientific and tech-nical journal «Explosion Technology» is 100 years old | 6-14 |
Section 1. Studies of rock destruction by explosion
 | Viktorov S.D., Efremovtsev N.N., Shipovskii I.E., Dolgova M.O. Theoretical aspects and results of numerical investigations by the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method of the effect of charge density on rock fragmentation | 15-31 |
 | Kantor V.Kh., Rakhmanov R.A., Alenichev I.A., Fadeev V. Yu., Frantov A.E. Investigation of the parameters of contour borehole explosive charges for the formation of a cut-off gap in rocks during the cutting of ledges in quarries | 32-66 |
 | Tyupin V.N., Ponomarenko K.B. Estimation of rock pressure in the massif of ironic quartzites on the basis of explosion of shore charges of explosives | 67-80 |
 | Zharikov I.F. Evaluation of the effectiveness of manage-ment of the processes of drilling and blasting preparation of the mountain range for excavation | 81-93 |
 | Bubenchikov А.М., Brazovskiy Е.B. Hydrodynamic model of a funnel from an explosion by a vertically located buried charge | 94-107 |
Section 2. State and improvement of explosives, devices and blasting agents
 | Derzhavets A.S., Shkalyabin I.O. On the issue of stability of detonation processes of emulsion explosives | 108-114 |
 | Zharikov S.N., Kutuev V.A. About the patterns of detonation of explosives | 115-131 |
 | Gorinov S.A., Koretsky A.S., Maslov I.Yu. Estimation of the duration of preservation of the ability to initiate a downhole charge of emulsion explosives sensitized by gas pores | 132-151 |
Section 3. Technology of blasting in the mining of solid minerals
 | Zharikov I.F. On the relationship of the loosening coefficient with the volume of transport vessels | 152-162 |
 | Belin V.A., Tyupin V.N., Bolotova Yu.N. Development prospects and environmental safety of the drilling and blasting complex of large mining enterprises | 163-170 |
Section 4. Review of achievements in the world practice of explosive technology
 | Turnbull R. Ground reaction time measurement and modelling for improved blast outcomes | 171-187 |
 | Mondaka R. Study of vibrations in far and near field to determine the technical feasibility of massive blasting | 188-205 |
Section 5. Information
 | National Organization of Explosives Engineers (NOIV) invites you to take part in the work of the XXII Scientific and Practical Conference on Mining and Explosives | 206-207 |