| Article title | Pages |
 | Title and imprint | |
Section 1. Studies of rock destruction by explosion
 | Odintsov V.N., Zakalinsky V.M., Shipovsky I.E., Mingazov R.Ya. Assessment of the influence of radial cracks formed during a camouflage explosion on the conditions of seam degassing | 5-21 |
 | Zharikov I.F. Structural features of rock deformation under explosive destruction | 22-31 |
Section 2. State and improvement of explosives, devices and blasting agents
 | Adushkin V.V., Belin V.A., Gorinov S.A. About increase of efficiency and safety of explosive works | 32-50 |
 | Efremovtzev N.N., Golberg G.Yu. Formation of pores in ammonium nitratre granules in the process of impregnation with fuel emulsions | 51-62 |
 | Koretsky A.S., Gorinov S. A., Maslov I.Yu. The dimensions of gas micropores sensitizing the emulsion explosive by the depth of the descending borehole charge | 63-75 |
Section 3. Technology of blasting in the mining of solid minerals
 | Zairov Sh.Sh., Nutfulloev G.S., Kobilov Sh.B. Investigation of the effect of explosive high explosive and operability on the effectiveness of contour blasting | 76-89 |
 | Zairov Sh.Sh., Nutfulloev G.S., Kobilov Sh.B. The effect of the charge design on the efficiency of contour blasting | 90-102 |
Section 4. Use of combustion processes and explosion actions in industry
 | Pavlova Ya.O., Petrov A.S., Mokeev A.A., Marsov A.A., Salnikov A.S., Garifullin R.Sh. Experimental evaluation of acid-generating solid propellant charges’s efficiency in complex with a charge of gun perforator | 103-113 |
Section 5. Ecology and safety during blasting operations
 | Tyupin V.N. Dynamics of propagation of deformation waves in fractured arrays during explosive charges explosion | 114-130 |
 | Ivlieva M.S. Mathematical modeling of convective-diffusion transfer of limestone dust to the soils of the adjacent territory disturbed by open-pit mining | 131-148 |