| Article title | Pages |
 | Title and imprint | |
 | Welcome speech of the General Director JSC GOSNII Kristall Merkin Alexander Alexandrovich | 5-8 |
Section 1. State and improvement of explosives, devices and blasting agents
 | UDC 622.235.213 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-1 Zimin A.S., Deputy head of group within Process and formulation department, Sosnin V.A., Head of group within Process and formulation department, Korunov V.N., Leading industrial engineer (JSC "GosNII "Kristall", Dzerzhinsk, Russia)
Industrial emulsion explosives developed by JSC "GOSNII "Kristall" Keywords:emulsion explosives, industrial explosives, explosive composition, emulsion, ammonium nitrate The article presents: History of development of the Russian direction of emulsion explosive manufacturing with listed range of explosive materials of 1st-11th generations developed and introduced into production by JSC GosNII Kristall; Main activities of the institute in the field of development and testing of industrial explosives, author's supervision and technical support for the production process of explosive composition manufacturing. | 9-18 |
 | UDC 622.235 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-2 Viktorov S.D., head of department, professor, D.Sc. in engineering, Frantov A.E., leading researcher, D.Sc. in engineering, Lapikov I.N., senior research scientist, PhD Tech. (Academician N.V. Melnikov Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources, Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCON RAS), Moscow, Russia)
Modeling of multicomponent cheap explosives properties Keywords:cheap explosives, ammonium nitrate, oil products, diesel fuel, solid fuel, coke breeze, coal powder, detonation ability This article analyzes the properties of components and manufacturing technologies of the cheap explosives, their cost effectiveness and environmental friendliness as well as conditions for application in mining. Conditions for improvement of the cheap explosives are formulated according to the peculiarities of blasting in geotechnology, characterized by the types of blasting and methods for initiation as well as blasting indicators (parameters and location of blastholes, methods for their loading and initiation). Recommendations on modernizing the cheap explosives are aimed on increasing the explosive efficiency, economy of application and environmental friendliness of blasting. Bibliographic list:- Global Industrial Explosives Market 2016 Historical Market, Growth, Analysis, Opportunities and Forecast to 2022. [Electronic resource] // URL: www.ptrsistenctmarketreserch.com (accessed: 02/19/2021).
- Industrial Explosives Market in the Round (High Explosives, ANFO, Emissions and Others), Enduse Industry (Metal Mining, Non - Metal Mining, Quarrying, Construction and Others) - Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2014-2022. [Electronic resource] // URL: https://www . alliedmarketresearch.com/industrial-explosives-market (date of application: 11.09.2019).
- Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E. The choice of efficiency criteria and methods for assessing the simplest explosives for the northern and Arctic regions of Russia // Sb. "Problems and prospects of integrated development and conservation of the Earth's interior". Materials of the 4th conference of the International Scientific School of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences K.N. Trubetskoy - M.: IPCON RAS. – 2020. – pp. 67-71.
- Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E., Lapikov I.N., Mingazov R.Ya. To methods of determining technological indicators of components of the simplest explosives // Engineering Physics, 2020, No.8, pp. 25-35. DOI:10.25791/infi zik.08.2020.1153.
- Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E., Opanasenko P.I., Strogiy I.B., Zharikov I.F., Lapikov I.N. Innovative directions for improving the simplest explosives with additives returned to production by recycling materials // Coal 2020, No. 11, pp. 17-21. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2020-11-17-21 .
- Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E., Lapikov I.N. Development of the potential of the simplest explosives in Russia // Occupational safety in industry. – 2021. – No. 8. – pp. 7-14. DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2021-8-7-14.
- Baron L.I., Demidyuk G.P., Rossi B.D., Usachev B.A. Igdanites – cheap explosives of the simplest composition for open-pit mining // Scientific communications of the IGD of the USSR Academy of Sciences, No. 1, Gosgortehizdat, M., 1959. – pp. 3-15.
- Rossi B.D., Usachev V.A. Laboratory studies of properties igdanitov // Explosives of the simplest composition (igdanites). Collection of articles, Gosgortehizdat, Moscow, 1960. – pp. 20-33
- Frantov A.E., Mingazov R.Ya., Krasyukova E.V. Development of methodological guidelines for assessing the effect of the concentration of depressant additives on the viscosity of waste oils used in ISU granulites. Problems of subsoil development in the XXI century through the eyes of the young. Materials of the 14th International Scientific School of Young Scientists and Specialists. October 28 - November 01, 2019 - Moscow: IPCON RAS, 2019 - pp. 275-280.
- Frantov A.E., Belousov F.S. Investigation of some properties of solid combustible components for the simplest explosives. // Engineering Physics. – 2019. – No. 11. – pp. 51- 57.
- Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E., Starshinov A.V. A system for monitoring the parameters of mixtures based on ammonium nitrate // Instruments and systems. Management, control, diagnosis. - 2015. - No. 11. – pp. 39-45.
- Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E., Lapikov I.N., Andreev V.V., Starshinov A.V. The effect of the microstructure of ammonium nitrate granules on the detonation ability of mixed explosives based on it // Physics of Gorenje i explosion, 2016, vol.52, No. 6, pp. 119-124.
- Efremov E.I., Rimarchuk B.I., Drobin G.F., et al. The new simplest BB is high–pressure igdanite (IVD-5). Metallurgical and Mining Industry – 2001, No. 6. pp. 132- 136.
- Frantov A.E., Didyura A.E. Quality control of mixing the components in primary granular explosives. 9th International Conference on Physical Problems of Rock Destruction. Sept. 2017, Zhoushan, China, p.411-414.
- Frantov A.E., Didyura A.E. Application of photometric methods to control the quality of mixing of components in the composition of the simplest explosives. Proceedings of the XXVII International Scientific School named after academician S.A. Khristianovich "Deformation and destruction of materials with defects and dynamic phenomena in rocks and workings". Simferopol: Crimean Federal University, 2017. - pp.226-233.
- Dubnov L.V., Bakharevich N.S., Romanov A.I. Industrial explosives. Ed.3, reprint. and additional M.: Nedra, 1988. – 358 p.
- Water-blocking additive and explosive. Patent RU 2,680,994 C1, Author: Fadeev V.Yu., Senko N.V., Fadeeva E.V. et al., : Published: 01.03.2019 Byul. No. 7.
- Viktorov S.D., Frantov A.E., Lapikov I.N., Rakhmanov R.A., Suvorov Yu.I., Kantor V.Kh., Fadeev V.Yu., Tikhonov V.A., Radkov V.V., Zhulikov V.V. Development of innovative technologies for conducting blasting operations using the simplest explosive granulites in the development of mineral resources of the Northern and Arctic regions of Russia. // Explosive business. No. 129/86. – M.: CJSC "MVK on explosive case at AGN", 2020. – pp. 118-146.
- Viktorov S.D., Zakalinsky V.M., Frantov A.E., Koshanov A.N. Classification of blasting process characteristics in combined and conventional geotechnologies. 7th world conference on explosives & blasting. - Moscow. – Russia. – 2013. Part 1, p. 27-30.
- Frantov A.E. SWOT-assessment of recycling materials for cheap explosives used in the development of fields in the Russian Arctic zone. E3S Web of Conferences 270, 01007 (2021) WFCES 2021. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202127001007.
- Frantov A.E., Lapikov I.N., Mingazov R.Ya. Assessment of flowability of the simplest explosives containing secondary liquid and solid materials as fuel. Problems of subsoil development in the XXI century through the eyes of the young. Materials of the 14th International Scientific School of Young Scientists and Specialists. October 28 - November 01, 2019 – Moscow: IPCON RAS, 2019. – pp. 270-275.
- The simplest explosives and features of their use at the NMMC quarries // Efremov E.I., Jos V.F., Malygin O.N. et al. // Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan. - 2002. – No. 2. – pp. 32-35.
| 19-35 |
 | UDC 662.242 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-3 Karabanov I.S., Process Engineer, Dobrynin I.A., Deputy Director General for Licensing and Permitting work, PhD ("EVOBLAST" Group of Companies, Moscow, Russia)
Improvement of formulating emulsion explosives for underground blasting Keywords:ammonium nitrate, w/o emulsions, emulsion industrial explosives, ascending boreholes The article summarizes the experience of introducing new formulations of industrial emulsion explosives of the Evosab brand, intended for underground loading of ascending wells and boreholes. The achieved energy characteristics, indicators of the holding capacity of explosives Evosab in ascending wells, incl. flooded, shelf life, availability of raw material base, gas generation rate of the cooled matrix. Bibliographic list:- Kozyrev S.A. Comparative analysis and evaluation of the quality of raw components of the emulsion matrix / S.A. Kozyrev, E.A. Vlasova, A.V. Sokolov, M.A. Zevakin // Mining information and analytical Bulletin. – 2016. - No. 12. – pp. 222-224.
- TU 20.51.11-006-48450057-2023 Emulsion industrial explosive "Evosab".
- Malkin A.Y. Structure and rheology of highly concentrated emulsions: a modern look / A.Y. Malkin, V.G. Kulichikhin // Russian Chemical Reviews. – 2015. – Т. 84. – №. 8. – С. 803.
- Masalova I. The rheological characterization and pipeline flow of high concentration water-in-oil emulsions / I. Masalova, A.Ya. Malkin, P. Slatter, K. Wilson // J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. – 2003. - № 112. - С. 101–114.
- AMETEK Brookfield, Inc. More solutions to sticky problems. - AMETEK Brookfield, 2017.
- Products. Emulsifiers // Statorika: [website]. – 2023. – URL: http://statorica.by/produkciia/emulgatory (accessed: 04/26/2023).
- Bibik E.E. Stability of the supersaturated state of encapsulated solutions / E.E. Bibik, I. S. Karabanov, E. V. Sivtsov, I. Yu. Denisyuk // Colloidal journal. – 2020. – Vol. 82. - No. 5. - pp. 1-5.
- Xuguang W. Emulsion explosives / W. Xuguang. - Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press, 1994. – С. 388.
- Kolganov E.V. Emulsion industrial explosives - 1st book (Compositions and properties) / E.V. Kolganov, V.A. Sosnin. – Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region: publishing house of the State Research Institute "Crystal", 2009. – 592 p.
- Mahadevan E.G. Ammonium nitrate explosives for civil applications: slurries, emulsions and ammonium nitrate fuel oils / E. G. Mahadevan. – John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
- Dobrynin A.A. Explosives. Chemistry. Compositions. Safety / A. A. Dobrynin. – M.: Publishing House of the Zhukovsky Academy, 2014. – 528 p.
- da Silva G. An experimental and theoretical study of the nitrosation of ammonia and thiourea / G. da Silva, B. Z. Dlugogorski, E.M. Kennedy // Chemical Engineering Science. – 2006. - № 61. – С. 3186 – 3197.
- Kramarczyk B., Mertuszka P. Study of the Influence of Sensitizer Content on the Density of a Bulk Emulsion Explosive Used in Underground Operations // Central European Journal of Energetic Materials. – 2021.- № 18(4). – С. 429-447.
| 36-48 |
 | UDC 504.064.47: 544.77.052.12 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-4 Panfilov S.Y., Chief Engineer (AZOTTECH LLC, Moscow, Russia) Sultanov E.V., engineer, PhD student of Technosphere Safety department, Bulushev D.A., PhD student of Technosphere Safety department, Melnikov N.O., Docent of the department technosphere safety, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Akinin N.I., Head of Technosphere Safety department, Doctor of Engineering Sciences., Prof. (Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia)
Ways to solve the problem of utilization of emulsion Keywords:retreatment, industrial emulsion explosives, W/O emulsion, production waste, surfactants, isopropanol, catamine AB, OP-10, OS-20(A), sodium lauryl sulfate The work is aimed at improving the technologies for the production and use in the mining industry of energetic emulsions based on concentrated solutions of inorganic salts (nitrates), which are «Water-in-Oil» dispersions type. Such emulsions are special class of industrial emulsion explosives (IEE’s), which are widely used for the extraction of minerals and other materials by blasting. Open-pit and underground mining enterprises of the Russian Federation annually consume up to 1,15 million tons of IEE’s, so most of them are bulk emulsion explosives. This causes certain problems, because energetic W/O emulsions are metastable by their nature and prone to rapid or slow self-destruction, during which IEE’s lose their properties and become unsuitable for use in mining technologies. Potentially substandard emulsion residues (waste) can be regenerated into conditioned IEE’s through the stage of initial components extraction: a solution of inorganic nitrates – «Water»; and mixture of petroleum products – «Oil» (hereinafter referred to as regenerates), their purification and subsequent return to the technological process for obtaining an energetic emulsion. Thus, the retreatment of regenerates can either completely eliminate or significantly reduce the waste generation in the production of IEE’s. In this regard, work was carried out, during which a laboratory method for retreatment emulsions was developed and promising demulsifying substances were selected. The following surfactants were used in the work: catamine AB, isopropanol, OP-10, OS-20(A), sodium lauryl sulfate. Bibliographic list:- Sherman Philip. Emulsions // Leningrad.: "Chemistry", 1972, 449 p.;
- Wang Xuguang. Emulsion Explosives // Beijing.: Metallurgical Industry Press, 1994, 388 pp.;
- Kolganov E. V., Sosnin V. A. Emulsion industrial explosives // Dzerzhinsk: State Research Institute "Kristall", 2009, 336 p.;
- Sivenkov V. I., Ilyukhin S. V., Maslov I. Yu. Emulsion explosives and non-electric initiation systems // M.: Shield-M, 2013, 320 pp.;
- Dubnov L.V., Bakharevich N.S., Romanov A.I. Industrial explosives // M.: Nedra, 1988, 358 p.;
- Annual report "On the activities of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision in 2021": website / Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision. - Moscow. - Updated throughout the day. – URL: https://www.gosnadzor.ru (date of access: 20.04.2023). – Text: electronic.
- Kozyrev S. A., Vlasova E. A. Gas hazard of explosives used in the mining industry // Mining industry, 2021, no. 5, p. 106 - 111;
- Wang Shengli, Yang Fujun. Exploration of Disposal Method for Unqualified Products of Emulsified Ammonium Oil Explosive // Explosive Materials, 1999, No. 1999(03), p. 15 - 16;
- WJ/T 9095-2018. Safety Technical Conditions for Disposal of Unqualified Emulsion Explosives and Waste Materials: PRC Defense Industry Standard: First Introduced: Introduction Date 2018-05-08 / Prepared by PRC Ordnance Safety Technology Research Institute, Guizhou Jiulian Civil Explosives Development Co., Ltd., Qianjun Civil Explosives Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Xuefang (Technology) Co., Ltd., Sichuan Yahua Industrial Group Co., Ltd., Hubei Kilong Huawang Group Cp., Ltd., Hunan Jinneng Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen King Aoho Technology Co., Ltd., Shijiazhuang Cheggong Electromechanical Co., Ltd. - first published: publication date 2018-09-01 / Bulletin of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the PRC. - 2018. - 5 p. – Text: direct.
- Shi Jun. Recovery and Utitization to Waste Emulsion Explosive // Chinese Journal of Explosives & Propellants, 1996, vol. 3, no. 9, p. 28 - 32;
- Shen Qingqing, Zhang Xingming, Shi Yanmin. Selection of Demulsifier and Demulsification Conditions for Waste Emulsion Explosive // Explosive Materials, 2014, Vol. 43, No. 4, p. 32-36.
- Russian Federation. Orders of Rosprirodnadzor. On approval of the Federal classification catalog of wastes: Order of Rosprirodnadzor No. 242. - Text: electronic // Official Internet portal of legal information: [website]. – 2017. – URL: http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001201706130004 (accessed 21.04.2023);
- Russian Federation. Orders of Rostekhnadzor. FNP in the field of industrial safety. On the approval of the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules for the production, storage and use of industrial explosive materials": Order of Rostekhnadzor No. 494. - Text: electronic // Official Internet portal of legal information: [website]. – 2020. – URL: http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001202012280020 (accessed 21.04.2023).
- TU 2241-002-431204295932-2010. Non-explosive components of emulsion industrial explosives. Emulsion "Berezit®": technical conditions: introduction date 04/02/2018 // Federal Service for Defense Order. All-Russian Research Institute for Standardization of Defense Products and Technologies (FSUE ROSOBORONSTANDART). - Moscow. - 2018. - 25 p. – Text: immediate;
- Safety data sheet for chemical products RPB No. 85075531.20.46417۰В.
| 49-62 |
 | UDC 662.21 : 662.242 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-5 Skorokhodov A.G., Leading engineer, Gladkov A.S., Head of Process and formulation department, Tretyakov A.S., Head of laboratory of Process and formulation department, Ilyin D.V., Head of Physical and chemical research department, Karpova E.N., Head of laboratory of Physical and chemical research department (JSC "GosNII "Kristall", Dzerzhinsk, Russia)
Methods for assessing the performance and detonation characteristics of industrial explosive compositions Keywords:explosive composition, evaluation of performance and detonation characteristics, nomenclature of tests, thermal resistance, impact and friction sensitivity, chemical resistance, industrial explosives, research methods, thermal stability, critical detonation diameter The paper describes the set of tests (algorithm) of explosive compositions being developed by JSC "GosNII "Kristall", necessary to assess their operational and detonation characteristics. The mandatory nomenclature of tests, which simulates operational hazards, and mechanical, detonational and thermal effects, implies the most likely types of external influences with the expected sequence and duration of the stages of explosive composition life cycle at all steps of handling, i.e. during manufacture and use (operational safety), transportation, loading and unloading operations and storage. When testing industrial explosives, a number of methods are additionally introduced that are specific to these explosives, concerning aspects such as susceptibility and completeness of detonation when initiated by standard means of initiation (industrial electric detonator, detonating cord) identification of the safety class, determination of gaseous air pollutant. Bibliographic list:- Andreev K.K., Belyaev A.F. Theory of explosives. Moscow: GNTI OBORONGIZ, 1960, 595 p.
- Dubnov L.V., Bakharevich N.S., Romanov A.I. Industrial explosives. M: Nedra, 1988, 354 p.
- Physics of explosion / edited by L.P. Orlenko. Ed.3, reprint. Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2002. In 2 t. (832+656) p.
- Recommendations for the transportation of dangerous goods. Manual of Tests and Criteria. Ed. 5, ON, New York –Geneva, 2009 (ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.5).
- Regulation (EC) No 2003/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 relating to fertilizers (Technical provisions for ammonium nitrate fertilisers of high nitrogen content), annex III, section. 2 “Description of the test of resistance to detonation concerning ammonium nitrate fertilisers of high nitrogen content“.
| 63-75 |
Section 2. Technology of blasting in the mining of solid minerals
 | UDC 66.02 : 622.235.213 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-6 Merkin A.A., Director General, PhD Tech., Pogrebnov M.K., Branch Manager "Kristall -Yug", Mantsyrov E.P., Head of Process engineering department, Korunov V.N., Leading industrial engineer (JSC "GosNII "Kristall", Dzerzhinsk, Russia)
Experiance of creating a module-type installation for production of pouring and cartridged industrial emulsion explosives by the branch of SRI "Kristall-Yug" Keywords:intermediate products, emulsion, cartridged emulsion explosives, gas-generating additive, gasification catalyst, technological process, solution of oxidizing agents, combustible mixture This article describes the experience of creating a module-type installation for the production of pouring and cartridged industrial emulsion explosives by the Branch of scientific-research institute "Kristall-Yug". The analysis and ways of improving the technological process and equipment are shown. The test results of cartridged emulsion explosives are presented. | 76-87 |
 | UDC 622.23.05 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-7 Korobkov S.N., General Director, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Shikunov N.V., Deputy General Director – Director of Research and Innovation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Shalygin N.K., Deputy Head of the Research and Design Department, Lebedev M.V., Lead Design Engineer of the Research and Design Department, Aleksandrov T.V., Chief Specialist of the Research and Design Department, Novikova L.B., Team leader (Joint Stock Company “Scientific-Research Institute of Mechanization of Krasnoarmeysk”, Krasnoarmeisk, Russia)
Experience of development and use prospects of special equipment by JSC "KNIIM" for mining and blasting works Keywords:mixing and charging trucks, mechanized loading of emulsion explosives, granemite, parameters and technical characteristics, mining and blasting works The article presents an overview of mixing and charging trucks produced by JSC "KNIIM", main characteristics of mixing and charging trucks, their comparative analysis with the most modern trucks of native and foreign production. The article contains a description of the technical features of mixing and charging trucks produced by JSC "KNIIM", which ensure their competitiveness in the native market. The conclusion contains the main directions of development of mixing and charging equipment produced by JSC "KNIIM". Bibliographic list:- KNIIM: Istoriya, sobytiya, lyudi (KNIIM: History, events, people) / FGUP «KNIIM»; [pod obshch. red. Maceevicha B.V.] – Krasnoarmeisk, 2002. – 320 p.
- Kuchumova A. Vzryv po planu (Explosion according to plan) // Journal “Dobyvayushchaya promyshlennost” (“Mining industry”). – Krasnoyarsk: OOO «PromoGrupp Media», 2022. – №1. pp. 110–116.
- Shalygin N.K., Glinskij V.P., Maceevich B.V., Markov P.P. Smesitel'no-zaryadnye mashiny dlya emul'sionnyh VV (Mixing and charging truck for emulsion explosives) // Zapiski Gornogo instituta (Mining Institute Bulletin). – Moscow, 2001. T. 148 (2). pp.106–110.
- Federal'nye normy i pravila v oblasti promyshlennoj bezopasnosti «Pravila bezopasnosti pri proizvodstve, hranenii i primenenii vzryvchatyh materialov promyshlennogo naznacheniya» ot 3 dekabrya 2020 g. № 494: utv. prikazom Fed. sl. po ekol., tekh. i atom. nadzoru (Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Rules of industrial safety for the production, storage and use of explosive industrial materials" by The Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of Russia dated December 3, 2020 No. 494).
- Soglashenie o mezhdunarodnoj dorozhnoj perevozke opasnyh gruzov s prilozheniyami A i V (DOPOG 2021 goda) (ADR: Accord europen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route). – UN, 2021. T. 2. – 718 p.
- Areopag. Zavod dozirovochnoj tekhniki (Dosing equipment plant) // Nasosy membrannye doziruyushchie (Diaphragm dosing pumps). URL: www.areopag-spb.ru. (data obrashcheniya: 11.07.2022)
- R.G Remservis // Gidravlicheskie motory (Hydraulic engines). URL: www.rg-gidro.ru. (data obrashcheniya: 15.08.2022).
| 88-101 |
 | UDC 622.014.2 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-8 Arkov V.V., General Director, Sosnin A.V., Deputy General Director for Drilling and Exploration (LLC "SPETSVMTEH", Moscow, Russia)
Development of drilling and explosion works in LLC "Spetsvmteh" Keywords:drilling and blasting, means of initiation, explosives, domestic components of emulsion explosives, import substitution, domestic production, technological process, centralized drilling and blasting system The article highlights the strategically important directions of development of LLC "SPETSVMTEH" to create technological independence in the field of drilling and blasting (BVR) in the territory of the Russian Federation, such as the development and implementation of new technologies for the production of explosives and means of initiation, based on domestic components - analogues of foreign production; the dynamics of the Company's development towards the construction of a national, centralized blasting system with further access to the provision of services for a full range of open-pit mining operations (excavation, transportation, technological maintenance of roads, dumps). The authors note that in order to create a domestic production independent of imports, plan the future needs of the industry (create a scientific and technical reserve), it is necessary to unite the interests of not only state authorities, manufacturing enterprises, but also direct industry participants: mining companies and specialized executors of drilling and blasting, as well as also research institutes. | 102-110 |
 | UDC 622.235.322-85 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-9 Neiman A.V., Executive Director, Prokopenko V.P., Design Manager (LLC «NPP Sibmash», Novosibirsk, Russia) Neiman V.R., Director General (JSC «SVC», Novosibirsk, Russia)
Use of pneumatic systems in production and charging of holes with granular explosives Keywords:equipment for the production and charging of holes and wells, granular explosives, pneumatic conveying, pneumatic agitation, mobile explosives manufacturing units, MEMUs «Ulba», high reliability, efficiency, compressor system, pneumatic charging method This paper presents developments of JSC "SVK" in the field of equipment for the production and charging of holes and wells with the simplest granular explosives. Mobile explosives manufacturing units (MEMUs) of "Ulba" type based on pneumatic conveying and pneumatic agitation, have proven themselves as reliable equipment even when charging holes on difficult terrain with narrow ledges, rough heavy ground as well as in the Far North. The entire type range of these MEMUs has a modular design, which allows us to best meet the needs of the client. As part of the import substitution policy, the developments of JSC "SVK" (such as MEMUs "Ulba", chargers "Biya", etc.) are competitive products, yielding a significant economic effect. | 111-116 |
 | UDC 622.235.213 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-19 Yurchenko M.S., Head of production, Selin I.Yu., Director General (Open joint-stock company «RudChem», Belgorod region, Russia)
Open joint-stock company «RudChem»: advanced domestic technologies for mining sector eaterprises Keywords:advanced technologies, emulsifier, mobile explosives manufacturing technique, drilling-and-blasting operations, emulsified explosive, Argunit RH, mining sector, industrial an environmental safety, import substitution The article presents the main areas of activity and products of this enterprise of the Belgorod region. The core principle of the company is full technological self-sufficiency with an emphasis on industrial and process safety. | 117-121 |
Section 3. Use of combustion andexplosion actions in industry
 | UDC (662.238.11 + 662.237.5) : 662.21 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-10 Pugina M.I., Сategory 2 engineer, Fionina A.M., Leading engineer, Kulakova O.V., Single-component explosive modification Project Manager – Head of laboratory, Pechenev Yu.G., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director General for Science (JSC "GosNII "Kristall", Dzerzhinsk, Russia)
Study on the possibility of increasing the operating temperature of HMX-based explosive composition for perforating charges Keywords:degree of dispersion, specific surface area, mass fraction, tempering, compressibility, thermal stability, explosive composition The research subject is the possibility of increasing the operating temperature of an explosive composition based on HMX and TATB (triaminotrinitrobenzene). This paper presents the results obtained in experimental studies on the development of an explosive composition for perforating charges used at operating temperatures of more than 200oC. An HMX-based explosive formulation containing a thermally-stable low-sensitivity explosive TATB and a plastic binder was selected. The effect of the degree of dispersion and mass fraction of HMX on the thermal stability of the explosive composition has been studied. The composition is prepared by water-suspension technology, pressed at a temperature of 20-25°C to a density of 1.79 g/cm3 (porosity ≈ 5%) at a specific pressure of 1800 kgf/cm2. | 122-131 |
 | UDC 622.235 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-11 Eritsov A.M., deputy Head, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Astakhov E.O., deputy Head PDPS, Arestov D.A., сhief Specialist in Blasting Operations PDPS (FBU "Avialesookhrana", Pushkino, Russia)
Experience of use of explosive materials on forest fire suppression operations Keywords:forest fire, explosives, aerial forest protection, parashutists and helirapellers firefighters service, explosive use operations, fireline (fire barriers) The article outlines the need of development of modern technologies for the creation of firelines in remote areas for forest fire suppression. The advantages of using of explosive materials for creating of firelines and fire barrier strips are noted. It is established that the use of explosive materials allows to create firelines and barrier strips in time for forest fire control. There are technical characteristics of modern explosive materials, test results, as well as recommendations on their application are presented in the article. Bibliographic list:- Yeritsov A.M. Development of aviation technologies for extinguishing forest fires in the Russian Federation ]/A.M. Yeritsov//VI UN International Conference on Natural Fires, Pyeongchang, South Korea, October 12-16, 2015
- Yeritsov A.M. Improvement of technologies for creating fire strips in the fight against forest fires in the areas of forestry/A.M. Yeritsov, V.G. Gusev // V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovations and Technologies in Forestry," St. Petersburg, May 31 - June 2, 2016
- Chervonnoy M.G., Forest protection from fires. M.: Forest industry, 1973
- Y.S. Artsybashev, Forest fires and fighting them. M.: Forestry industry, 1972.
- Korovin G.N. Andreev N.A. Aviation forest protection. M.: Agropromizdat.1988.
- Official website of FBU Avialesokhrana http://www.aviales.ru/.
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- Instruction on aviation protection of forests.: M VNIITSlesresurs, 1997.
- Official website of Novosibirsk Mechanical Plant Iskra JSC http://www.nmz-iskra.ru/.
- Y.S. Artsybashev, Use of elastic cord charges to combat forest fires/Y.S. Artsybashev, O.K. Orlov, Yu.V. Kustov//Forestry. – 1984. – № 9. - P. 64-65.
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- Temporary standards for forest fire extinguishing: approved by State. com. USSR Forestry No. 326 dated May 16, 1986. - M.: Goskomles, 1986. – 27 p.
| 132-141 |
 | UDC 662.221.4 : 669.1 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-12 Smirnov A.S., Assistant Deputy Director General for Production, Professor of the Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Samara State Technical University" (Samara, Russian Federation), D.Sc. in Engineering, Kuznetsov I.A., Director General, PhD Tech., Ukhabin О.А., Deputy Director General for Production, PhD Tech., Gundorin V.V., Head of Civil products department (JSC «GosNIImash», Dzerzhinsk, Russia) Merkin А.А., Director General, PhD Tech., Sosnin В.А., Design Manager on the industrial explosives sector – Head of group, D.Sc. in Engineering (JSC «GosNII «Kristall», Dzerzhinsk, Russia) Chuvildeev V.N., Director, Dr. Phys.-Math.Sci., Melekhin N.V., Research engineer (Federal Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Scientific Research Institute of Physics and Technology of Nizhny Novgorod State University», Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
Influence of parameters of explosive transformation on indicators of quality of the bimetallic plates received on technology of welding by explosion Keywords:detonation velociety, explosive based ammonium nitrate, welding by explosion, durability indicators, loading coefficient Influence of velociety of a detonation on quality of explosion welded connection of bimetallic plates is investigated. For production of the loading charges the explosive composition of “Poremit” and mix of microporous ammonium nitrate with fuel oil were used. Materials of initial plates - steel “12C18N10T”: steel “10”. The gap between plates was in the range from 1 up to 10 mm. After carrying out an explosive experiment the research of a welded seam on existence of internal physical defects and also on the content of oxides and intermetallid is conducted. Indicators of durability of bimetallic plates which in this work, including, were considered as indicators of quality of welded connection are defined. Bibliographic list:- V.I. Lysak, S.V. Kuzmin Explosion welding. - M.: Mashinostroenie - 1, 2005. – 543 p. ISBN 5-94275-220-6.
- V.G. Petushkov. 2.3.12. Welding and cutting by explosion// Mashinostroenie encyclopedia/Gl. ed. K.M. Frolov. - M.: Mashinostroenie 2006. – T.Volume III-4 Technology of welding, soldering and cutting.- p.184.- ISBN number 5-217-02421-6
- GOST R ISO 857-1-2009 Welding and related processes. Dictionary. Part 1 metal welding processes. Terms and definitions.
- V.V. Gundorin, E.I. Ermolovich, I.A. Kuznetsov, A.S. Smirnov, V.B. Yashin Explosion welding on thin gaps: features and prospects of application of bulk explosives. Bulletin of Kazan Technological University. - vol.19.- №19.- 2016.- pp.48-52.
- N.E. Hoskin, J.W.L. Alan, W.A. Bailey et al The motion of plates & cylinder driven by detonation waves at Tangentical incidiencein // IV International Symposium on Detonation, 1965, 12-15 Oct., White Oak. USA. P.84-93
- A. Smirnov, A. Morozov, T. Pivina Experimental Determination and Calculation Estimation for Throwing-Action of HE // In Proc. of the 19-th Seminar on New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials. - Pardubice, Czech Republic, 2016.-C. 34-54.
- A.S. Smirnov, I.A. Kuznetsov, O.A. Ukhabin, A.V. Morozov Methodological problems of measuring the detonation velocity Theses of V. I. Intersectoral STC "Industrial explosives: status, prospects of development and application". JSC "GosNII "Kristall". Dzerzhinsk. May 14-16, 2019/ sb "Explosive case" No. 123/80.- from 80-88.
- A. Smirnov, S. Smirnov, V. Balalaev, T. Pivina, Calculation of Detonation Velocity and Pressure of Individual and Composite Explosives, In Proc. of the 16-th Seminar on New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials. Pardubice. Czech Republic. 24-37. 2014
| 142-154 |
 | UDC 662.238.1 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-13 Sukhova L.G., Head of laboratory of Process and formulation department, Pechenev Yu.G., Deputy Director General for Science, D.Sc. in Engineering, Kutsenko G.P., Senior research assistant, PhD Tech., Gladkov A.S., Head of Process and formulation department, Ermakov V.I., Research engineer, Gladkova E.A., Engineer, Kulakova O.V., Single-component explosive modification Project Manager – Head of laboratory (JSC "GosNII "Kristall", Dzerzhinsk, Russia)
Dependence of the critical detonation cross-section of elastic explosive EG-85 on the method for obtaining RDX Keywords:RDX, oxidation method, acetic anhydride method, critical detonation diameter, elastic explosive The article presents the research results on the parameters of critical detonation cross-section of the elastic explosive EG-85 based on RDX obtained by acetic anhydride or oxidation method. It is shown that parameters of the detonation critical cross-section of elastic explosive based on acetic anhydride produced RDX are approximately 1.7 times higher than those based on oxidation produced RDX. In this regard, EG-85 cannot be used for manufacturing the tapes for anti-hail rockets "Alazan". A possible reason for increase in critical detonation cross-section is a defect level reduction for RDX crystals during recrystallization process using acetic anhydride method. Decrease in critical cross-section for EG-85 composition is possible with the use of "raw" RDX, which is not subjected to recrystallization, thereby crystals retain an increased number of defects. Bibliographic list:- Orlova Е.Yu. Chemistry and technology of brisant explosives – L: Chemistry, 1973. – 520 p.
- Specifications 84-1127-87. Explosives elastic ЭГ-85 и ЭГ-85м. –Date of introduction 01.02.88. – 43p.
| 155-163 |
 | UDC 534.222.2:553.81 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-14 Petrov E.A., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (Biysk Technological Institute - branch of the Altai State Technical University. I.I. Polzunova, Biysk, Russia)
Physico-chemical aspects of detonation production of carbon and diamond nanomaterials Keywords:nanodiamond, detonation synthesis, crystallites, microstructure, grain size, ultrasonic treatment, agglomerates Energy-saturated materials are a source of cheap energy, and detonation synthesis is a new promising type of basic technology for obtaining nanodiamonds and other super hard and ceramic nanomaterials. Nanodiamonds (ND) are a unique product that combines both the properties of diamond and the advantages of nanostructures. In this work, we studied the synthesis products obtained under industrial conditions during the detonation of charges of trinitrotoluene with RDX and RDX with graphite. The sizes of crystallites were estimated by X-ray diffraction analysis, the grain size of particles according to measurements of the specific surface area, and stable agglomerates in an aqueous suspension. The evolution of particle sizes and microstructure of nanodiamonds is shown, both in the products of primary synthesis and after enrichment from non-diamond forms of carbon and technological impurities. Detonation synthesis diamonds are formed in the chemical reaction zone, the rest of the carbon structures continue to grow in the Taylor wave. In the process of chemical purification and during calcination, the sizes of crystallites and the grain size of AN increase due to the recrystallization of the amorphous phase. After chemical treatment in an aqueous suspension, stable agglomerates are formed with a size of 0.5 µm to 100 µm. The results obtained can be useful for studying the mechanism of synthesis and practical application of detonation ND. Bibliographic list:- Petrov E.A. Detonatsionnomu sinteza nanoalmazov ispolnilosi 25 let. (Detonation synthesis of nanodiamonds is 25 years old.) // Vzryvnoye delo. = Explosive case. 2007. Issue No. 97/55. pp. 27-37.
- Sakovich G.V., Zharkov A.S., Petrov E.A. Fiziko-khimicheskiye osnovy promyshlennogo proizvodstva i primeneniya detonatsionnykh nanoalmazov. (Physical and chemical bases of industrial production and application of detonation nanodiamonds.) // Vzryvnoye delo. = Explosive case. 2012. Issue No. 108/65. pp. 35-50.
- V.V. Danilenko Vzryv: fizika, tekhnika, technologies (Explosion: physics, engineering, technology.), Moscow: Energoatomizdat, 784 p. (2010).
- Petrov E.A. Kineticheskiye aspekty detonatsionnogo poluchniya nanoalmazov (Kinetic aspects of detonation production of nanodiamonds) // Yuzhno-Sibirskiy nauchnyy vestnik. = South Siberian Scientific Bulletin. 2022. No. 4 (44). pp. 99-105.
- K.N. Solovyeva, A.A. Kolesova, E. A. Petrov, M.A. Khimich, Texture poverkhnosti I substructure promyshlennykh detonatsionnykh nanoalmazov (The texture of the surface and substructure of industrial detonation nanodiamonds) 2020 №6 (34). рр. 96-100.
| 164-175 |
 | UDC 548.736.3 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-20 Merkin A.A., Director General, PhD Tech, Kozhevnikov V.V., Head of the strategic planning department, Zimin A.S., Deputy head of group within Process and formulation department (JSC "GosNII "Kristall", Dzerzhinsk, Russia) Zavolzhskij V.B., Director General (LLC «Petroleum technology center», Moscow, Russia)
Experience in application of binary systems for the tasks of the oil industry Keywords:binary systems; well treatment; oil production; sodium nitrite; ammonium nitrate; reactive chemistry One of the typical examples of the use of binary dual-use mixtures is their application in the oil industry in order to stimulate different purpose wells. Aqueous solutions of binary mixtures containing ammonium nitrate and sodium nitrite as two-component reagents, enter into reaction upon adding an initiator or rising temperature. The results of laboratory tests, kinetic experiments, heat-release measurements and two-step reaction simulation have shown a significant temperature and pressure increase in reservoir conditions at different temperatures and solution concentrations. Field application of binary mixtures has demonstrated a rapid rise in temperature more 200°C and pressure peak of about 20 MPa (max 50 MPa). | 176-187 |
Section 4. Ecology and safety during blasting operations
 | UDC 622.235.213 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-15 Senan M. T., Head of the Explosives Production Department, Sergei V.I., Deputy Director General for for Long-Term Development (LLC «KRU-Vzryvprom», Kemerovo, Russia) Khrupin A.V., Director (LLC «TPK-SIB», Kemerovo, Russia)
Experience in the use of regenerated waste mineral oils in the manufacture of emulsion explosives Keywords:emulsion explosive, emulsion of emulsion explosives, regeneration technology, processed mineral oil, fuel mixture The use of regenerated spent mineral oils in the fuel mixture for the production of emulsion explosives is considered, the qualitative characteristics of the emulsion prepared with such oil are indicated. A simplified scheme of regeneration and purification of waste oils is given. The volume of application of refined oils is shown, on the example of the experience of LLC "KRU-Explosion", for the production of emulsion explosives. | 188-194 |
 | UDC 622.235.22 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-16 Dochilov N.E., Ph.D., Chief Advisor to the General Director, Pevchenko B.V., Ph.D., General Director, Petrov E.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chief Expert on explosives, Piterkin R.N., Ph.D., Advisor of Department 20, Khvorov A.I., head of the shop of industrial explosives (JSC "Federal Research and Production Center "Altai", Biysk, Russia) Petrov E.A., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (Biysk Technological Institute - branch of the Altai State Technical University. I.I. Polzunova, Biysk, Russia)
High safety industrial explosives Keywords:blasting, coal mines, high safety explosives, chemical and physical stability, design, test methods, production To conduct blasting in coal mines, dangerous for gas and coal dust, special high-safety industrial explosives (VPVV) are used. Modern VPVV are selectively detonating formulations, along with nitroesters and an inert flame retardant salt, contain slowly reacting components capable of releasing additional heat and gaseous explosion products. In emergency situations, only a part of the energy is released that is unable to ignite the combustible mixture, and in the optimal mode - the maximum amount of energy is commensurate with the energy of most industrial explosives. The presence of nitroesters in the composition ensures the reliability, efficiency and safety of the use of explosives in the most unfavorable conditions of use. The paper presents the design methodology and research methods used to create modern explosives. In 1998, a research and production complex for the development, improvement and production of VPVV was created and successfully operates at the Federal Research and Production Center "Altai". During this period, there were no accidents in coal mines due to the use of explosives of this safety class. Bibliographic list:- Kukib B.N., Rossi B.D. Vysokopredokhranitel'nyye vzryvchatyye veshchestva (High security explosives). M.: Nedra=Nedra. 1980. 168 p.
- Petrov E.A., Sokolova T.V., Udovichenko V.P. Issledovaniye predokhranitel'nykh svoystv ionita i uglenita 12 TSB (Investigation of the safety properties of ion exchanger and carbonite 12 CB) // Vzryvnoye delo= Explosive business. 2004 No.94/51 pp. 84-88.
- Zharkov A.S., Dochilov N.E., Petrov E.A. Sh. Proizvodstvo nitroefirov i promyshlennykh VV na ikh osnove (Production of nitroesters and industrial explosives based on them) // Gornyy zhurnal=Mining Journal. 2006. No. 5. pp. 37–40.
- Petrov E.A., Zolotukhina I.I., Znagovan A.A. Issledovaniye vodoustoychivosti nitroefirsoderzhashchikh promyshlennykh vzryvchatykh veshchestv (Investigation of water resistance of nitroether-containing industrial explosives). Vestnik nauchnogo tsentra po bezopasnosti rabot v ugol'noy promyshlennosti VostNII= Bulletin of the scientific center for the safety of work in the coal industry VostNII. - Kemerovo. 2006. No. 1. pp. 44 - 50.
- Petrov E.A., Sokolova T.V., Ershova S.V. Issledovaniye fizicheskoy stabil'nosti nitroefirsoderzhashchikh promyshlennykh vzryvchatykh veshchestv (Investigation of the physical stability of nitroether-containing industrial explosives) // Vestnik nauchnogo tsentra po bezopasnosti rabot v ugol'noy promyshlennosti VostNII=Bulletin of the scientific center for the safety of work in the coal industry VostNII. - Kemerovo. 2006. No. 1. pp. 38–44.
- Petrov E.A., Zharkov A.S., Dochilov N.E. et al. O predel'nykh srokakh khraneniya nitroefirsoderzhashchikh promyshlennykh VV (On the deadlines for storage of nitroester-containing industrial explosives) // Vzryvnoe delo=Explosive business.2008. No. 100/57. pp. 138–142.
- Petrov E.A., Eramasov E.A. Eksperimental'nyye sootnosheniya dlya otsenki predokhranitel'nykh svoystv VV (Experimental ratios for assessing the safety properties of explosives) // Vestnik nauchnogo tsentra po bezopasnosti rabot v ugol'noy promyshlennosti=Bulletin of the scientific center for the safety of work in the coal industry. 2006 No. 2 pp.75-78.
- Petrov E.A., Kazutin M.V., Udovichenko V.P. Sovremennye metody issledovaniya svoystva vysokoprazoronitelnykh explosivesov (Modern methods of research of properties of highly protective explosives) // Bezopasnost' ugol'nykh predpriyatiy: sbornik nauchnykh trudov=Safety of coal enterprises: collection of scientific papers. – Kemerovo: "NC VostNII", 2004. pp. 215-222.
- Petrov E.A., Peters S.V., Eramasov E.A. Sh. Uglenit M – novoye vysokopredokhranitel'noye vzryvchatoye veshchestvo (Uglenit M – a new highly protective explosive) // Bezopasnost' truda v promyshlennosti=Safety of labor in industry. 2003 No. 8. pp. 27-29.
- Petrov E.A., Sokolova T.V., Udovichenko V.P. Issledovaniye ustoychivosti protiv vygoraniya vysokopredokhranitel'nykh VV (Investigation of stability against burnout of high-safety explosives) // Vestnik nauchnogo tsentra po bezopasnosti rabot v ugol'noy promyshlennosti=Bulletin of the scientific center for the safety of work in the coal industry VostNII. Kemerovo, 2005. No. 2, pp. 36–40.
- Zharkov A.S., Petrov E.A., Dochilov N.E. Nauchno-proizvodstvennyy kompleks po razrabotke i proizvodstvu nitroefirsoderzhashchikh i vysokopredokhranitel'nykh vzryvchatykh veshchestv (Research and production complex for the development and production of nitroether-containing and highly protective explosives) // Ugol=Coal. 2013. No. 12. S. 50-52.
- Petrov E. A. Promyshlennyye vzryvchatyye veshchestva FNPTS «Altay» (Industrial explosives Federal Research and Production Center "Altai") // Bezopasnost' ugol'nykh predpriyatiy. Sb. nauch. Trudov=Safety of coal enterprises. Sat. scientific works. - Kemerovo: NTs VostNII. 2002. pp. 86–95.
- Zharkov A.S., Dochilov N.E., Litvinov A.V. Sh. Innovatsionnyye razrabotki v oblasti nedropol'zovaniya i vzryvnogo dela (Innovative developments in the field of subsoil use and blasting) // Ekspert-tekhnika=Expert-technique. 2008. pp.40-49.
| 195-212 |
 | UDC 622.235.2 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-17 Kalyakin S.A., Professor of the Department "Construction of Buildings, Underground Structures and Geo-mechanics", Doctor of Engineering. sciences, professor, Labinskiy K.N., Professor of the Department "Construction of Buildings, Underground Structures and Ge-omechanics", Doctor of Engineering. sciences, assistant professor (Donetsk national technical university, Donetsk, DPR, Russia) Muntianu Е.М., head of special chemistry department (State corporation «ALMAZ», Donetsk, DPR, Russia)
Analysis of the application of the emulsion safety explosive gremix mp in the coal mines of Donbass Keywords:permissible emulsion explosive, failure of detonation, critical diameter, trans-mission of detonation over a distance, burnout, safety shell The article presents the state of blasting in the coal mines of the Donbass during the conduct of hostilities on the territory of the DPR and LPR. The reasons for the current situation in terms of the range of used explosives are given. A critical analysis of the use of the permissible emulsion explosive Gremiks-MP has been carried out. The reasons leading to its unsafe use are revealed. The ways of improving the permissible emulsion explosive Gremiks-MP are proposed. A protective shell for emulsion explosives with mating nodes has been developed, which makes it possible to obtain a single charge of the required mass of explosives, ensuring reliable complete-ness of detonation of the blast-hole charge. Bibliographic list:- Kalyakin S.A. Safety of blasting in gas-bearing massifs of coal mines [monograph]. – Palmarium Academic Publishing. – Saarbrucken, 2012. – 517 p.
- Kalyakin S.A., Terentyeva E.V. Polymer shell for protective explosive charges improves the environmental safety of blasting // Methods and means of creating safe and healthy working conditions in coal mines / Collection of scientific Proceedings of MakNII, 1 (23). - Makeevka-Donbass, 2009. – P. 86 - 94.
| 213-223 |
 | UDC 622.235 DOI: 10.18698/0372-7009-2023-9-18 Antishin D.V., Associate Professor, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, (Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology – SibGU, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) Brungardt M.V., Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Shigin A.O., Associate Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences (Siberian Federal University – SFU, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) Kostylev S.S., CEO, Chernogor I.G., engineer (NT Sayany LLC, Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
Comprehensive scientific and technical program "Industrial explosive technologies" Keywords:complex scientific and technical program, industrial explosive technologies, personnel training, new compositions, new equipment, theoretical model, drilling and blasting, industrial safety, process optimization The article provides a summary of the current situation in the mining industry. The state of the industry as a whole is considered, and special attention is paid to the problem of personnel training. A forecast of further development is given. Existing problems are noted. A number of recommendations are given that require comprehensive implementation. For which a comprehensive scientific and technical program was compiled, an overview of which is given in the article. The program involves a number of interrelated stages, namely the construction of a new model of detonation in dispersion systems, the development of new compositions and technologies, the mathematical description of the process of destruction of rocks, the development of methods for drilling and blasting with high-density explosives, the updating of educational programs and other aspects. The program aims to connect theoretical work with practical activities. Bibliographic list:- Rozhkov A.A., Solovenko I.S., Korkina T.A. et al. Inzhenerno-tekhnicheskij sostav ugol'noj otrasli Rossii: retrospektiva, sovremennoe sostoyanie, prognoz (Engineering and technical composition of the Russian coal industry: retrospective, current state, forecast). Ugol’ = Russian Coal Journal. 2020. No. 4. pp. 16–25.
- Agafonov Y.G. Vysshee gornoe obrazovanie v Germanii – sovremennoe sostoyanie i ten-dencii razvitiya (Higher mining education in Germany - current state and development trends). Gornyy Informatsionno-Analiticheskiy Byulleten = Mining Information-Analytical Bulletin. 2013. No. 10. pp. 349–355.
- Derzhavets A.S., Kut'in N.G., Mikhailov Y.M. Sostoyanie, problemy i tendencii proizvodstva i primeneniya vzryvchatyh materialov v Rossii (Status, problems and trends in the production and use of explosive materials in Russia). Zapiski Gornogo instituta = Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 171. pp. 23–31.
- Panfilov S.Y. Istoriya sozdaniya, sostoyanie, problemy i perspektivy razvitiya proizvodstva i primeneniya vzryvchatyh materialov v Rossijskoj Federacii (History of creation, state, problems and prospects for the development of production and use of explosive materials in the Russian Federation). Gornyy Informatsionno-Analiticheskiy Byulleten = Mining Information-Analytical Bulletin. 2011. No. S10. pp. 42–56.
- Belin V.A. Sovremennye problemy vzryvnogo dela (Modern problems of explosion technology). Gornyy Informatsionno-Analiticheskiy Byulleten = Mining Information-Analytical Bulletin. 2013. No. 1. pp. 100–108.
- Belin V.A. Uroven' promyshlennoj bezopasnosti pri vedenii vzryvnyh rabot na gornyh predpriyatiyah Rossii (The level of industrial safety in the conduct of blasting at mining enterprises in Russia). Gornyy Informatsionno-Analiticheskiy Byulleten = Mining Information-Analytical Bulletin. 2011. No. S1. pp. 192–196.
- Uchebnyj plan po obrazovatel'noj programme vysshego obrazovaniya – programme specialiteta Himicheskaya tekhnologiya energonasyshchennyh materialov i izdelij, specializaciya "Himicheskaya tekhnologiya organicheskih soedinenij azota" (The curriculum for the educational program of higher education - the program of the specialist Chemical technology of energy-saturated materials and products, specialization "Chemical technology of organic nitrogen compounds"). Moscow: Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, 2022.
| 224-236 |