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Section 1. Studies of rock destruction by explosion
 | UDC 622.261: 622.026 Zharikov I.F., Leading researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences – IPKON RAS)
The effectiveness of the explosive training rock mass to excavation Keywords:borehole charges, explosive, granulometric composition, energy blast, fragmentation, quality distribution, initiation, air gap Based on probabilistic results presentation of blasted rock mass crushing analysis of possible ways to improve the quality of training of blasted rock mass in the open mining. Proposed criteria for assessing energy costs for crushing rocks depending on the mechanism of energy transfer environmental firm explosion Wednesday. It has been shown that, with the continued explosion energy but different distances between parts of a charge or points of initiation, the energy spent on crushing Wednesday, has maximum defined size of jacket or a distance between points of initiation. Working hypothesis is formulated to search for new methods of explosive rupture of rocks based on the repeated impact explosive source on rock. Bibliographic list:- Zharikov I.F., Seinov N.P., Nuridzhanyan G.Z. On the possibility of increasing the efficiency of the explosion in the crushing of rocks. "Scientific Communications" of the A.A. Skochinsky Institute of Geochemistry, 2000, No. 317, pp. 41-50.
- Zharikov I.F. Mekhanizm dejstvie vzryva v elastizo-plasticnoy sredy [Mechanism of action of explosion in elastic-plastic environment]. "Explosive Business", 2010, No. 104/61, pp. 50-63.
- Orlenko L.P. Fizika vzryva [Physics of the explosion] // Moscow, Fizmatlit Publ., 2004, p. 704
- Cherepanov, G.P., "On the Influence of Impulse on the Development of Initial Cracks," PMTF, No. 1, 1983, pp. 59-63 (in Russ.).
| 5-19 |
Section 2. Technology of blasting in the mining of solid minerals
 | UDC 622.235 Konstantinov I.A., mining engineer (Vostsibugol Company LLC) Talgamer B.L., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Mineral Deposits Development (IRNITU)
Assessment of violations of the structure of explosive charges during deposit development in cryolithozone conditions Keywords:cryolithozone, blasting operations, wells, quality of blasting preparation of rocks, reasons for low efficiency of explosions, disruption of the explosive charge structure, regulation of rock crushing by explosion Observations were made of drilling and blasting operations in sedimentary mineral deposits covered by permafrost and swamps. The types of disturbances in the structure of the explosive charge were identified in the conditions of development of these deposits with high benches (more than 15 m) and the scale of these disturbances was assessed. The difficulty of regulating the crushing of rocks by explosion in the specified conditions by changing the parameters of drilling and blasting operations is substantiated. It is recommended to improve the quality of blasting rocks in such conditions by changing the parameters of the benches. Bibliographic list:- Sukhanov A.F., Kutuzov B.N. Destruction of rocks by explosion. Textbook for universities, 2nd ed., reprint. and additional M., Nedra. 1983. 344c, p. 231;
- Rzhevsky V.V. Open-pit mining. Part I. Production processes: Textbook for universities. – 4th ed., reprint. and additional. – M.: Nedra, 1985. – 509s., p. 21.
- Konstantinov I.A., Talgamer B.L., Starkov A.E. Evaluation of the effectiveness of blasting operations in sedimentary deposits with island permafrost and swampiness // An explosive case. 2022. No.137/94. pp. 80-91.
- Belin V. A., Kutuzov B. N., Ganopolsky M. I., Overchenko M. N. Technology and safety of blasting operations / V. A. Belin, B. N. Kutuzov, M. I. Ganopolsky, M. N. Overchenko; edited by prof. V. A. Belin. — M.: Publishing House "Mining" Cimmerian Center LLC, 2016. — 424 p.: table, ill. — (Library of a mining engineer. Vol. 10 "Explosive business". Book 2) – Chapter 13.19. – pp. 222-267. ISBN 978-5-905450-80-8;
- Analysis and generalization of the experience of conducting explosive stripping of permafrost rocks / B. N. Zarovnyaev [et al.] // Mining information and analytical bulletin. - 2012. - Ed. issue. 7: Modern technologies at mining enterprises. - pp. 196-210. - Bibliogr.: pp. 210 (5 titles).
- Umarov F.Ya., Mahmudov D.R. Studies of methods for controlling crushing of rocks by explosion of borehole charges of explosives in deep quarries // Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan, 2017. No.2. pp. 30-33.
- Komashchenko V.I., Vorobyov E.D., Lukyanov V.G. Development of blasting technology that reduces harmful effects on the environment // Izvestiya Tomsk Polytechnic University. Georesources Engineering, 2017. Vol. 328. No.8. Pp. 33-40.
- Starkov A.E., Talgamer B.L. Improving the quality of explosive preparation of rocks for excavation at low specific consumption of explosives // Rational subsoil use, 2021. No.6. pp. 30-35.
- Brukhavetskaya A.O. Analysis of the influence of BVR parameters on the quality of crushing rock mass // Explosive business, 2022. No.136-93. pp. 111-128.
- Rakhmanov R.A. Improving the technology of drilling and blasting operations during crushing of multi-strength mountain massifs // GIAB. 2015. No.S1-1. pp. 453-465.
- Technology of mining and drilling and blasting operations in complex hydrogeological and geocryological conditions of the Vostochny section / Rashkin A.V., Dorofeev V.A., Avdeev P.B., Seleznev S.Yu. // Mining information and analytical bulletin, 2006, No. 5. pp. 375- 379.
- Drilling and blasting operations in difficult geocryological conditions /Leshchinsky A.V., Dorofeev V.A., Shevkun E.B. // Mining information and Analytical Bulletin, 2009, No. 5. pp. 342 - 343.
| 20-35 |
 | UDC 622.271:622.235 Tyupin V.N., professor, doctor of technical sciences. Sciences, leading researcher (Belgorod State National Research University)
A Simplified method for calculating the parameters of contour blasting in fractured rock formations Keywords:contour blasting, distance between wells, linear charge mass, physical and mechanical properties, strength coefficient, fracturing index of the array Preliminary contour blasting with open geotechnology increases the stability of the slopes of ledges and sides of quarries, with underground blasting it ensures the stability of open surfaces of chambers and mine workings. The developed method for calculating the parameters of contour blasting, based on taking into account the physical and mechanical properties of rocks, due to their high variation, may give parameters that do not ensure the effectiveness of contour blasting. A simplified method for calculating the distance between wells and the linear mass of the explosive charge is proposed by replacing the strength coefficient in the formulas for calculating the physical and mechanical properties of rocks. Formulas for determining the linear mass of the explosive charge and the distance between wells were obtained, numerical calculations were performed using formulas depending on the strength coefficient and fracturing parameters of the arrays. The validity of the formulas is proved by comparing them with practice data. A promising area of research is the development of contour blasting parameters in arrays of fracture categories I-II. Bibliographic list:- Mosinets V. N., Abramov A. V. Destruction of fractured and disturbed rocks. – M.: Nedra, 1982. 247 p.
- Ilyin A. I., Galperin A. M., Streltsov V. I. Management of long–term stability of slopes in quarries. - M.: Nedra, 1985.248 p.
- Kutuzov B. N. Methods of conducting blasting operations. – Part 2. Blasting in mining and industry. – M.: Publishing house "Mining book", "World of mining book". Publishing house. MGSU, 2008. 512 p..
- Rakhmanov R. A., Alenichev I. A., Lushnikov V. N. Technology of gentle blasting, experience and prospects of implementation at the enterprises of the Polyus company // Mining Journal. 2021. No.1. pp. 86-92. DOI: 10.17580/gzh.2021.01.15.
- Alenichev I. A. Reaction of a rock mass in a quarry space to dynamic impacts during blasting operations // Mining information and analytical bulletin. 2018. No. 7. pp. 189-195. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-20187-0-189-195.
- Zharikov S. N., Kutuev V. A. On contour blasting at quarries and related issues // Mining Journal. 2022. No. 9. pp. 52-56. DOI: 10.17580/gzh.2022.09.09.
- Tyupin V. N., Anisimov V .N. Development of methods for maintaining stability of open surfaces fractured mountain massifs during mass explosions // Mining information and analytical bulletin (scientific and technical journal). 2019. No.4. pp.53-62. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2019-04-0-53-62.
- Tyupin V. N. Parameters of the seismic action of mass explosions in isotropic and complex-structured rock massifs of quarries //Mining information and analytical bulletin (scientific and technical journal). 2021. No. 12. Pp. 47-51. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2021-12-0-47.
- Tyupin V. N. Dynamics of propagation of deformation waves in fractured arrays during explosion of explosive charges // Collection "Explosive business". 2023. No.138/95. pp.114-130.
- Tyupin V. N., Khaustov V. V. Dependence of the geomechanical state of a fractured massif on the deceleration interval in the zone of seismic action of mass explosions// Mining information and analytical bulletin (scientific and technical journal). 2021. No.2. pp. 45-54. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2021-2-0-45-54.
- Tyupin V. N., Rubashkina T. I. Engineering formulas for calculating the sizes of fracture zones and deformation of fractured massifs by explosion in quarries of Transbaikalia // Mining Journal. 2021. No.7. pp.40-44. DOI: 10.17580/gzh.2021.07.06.
- Baron L. I., Turchaninov I. A., Klyuchnikov A.V. Violations of rocks during contour blasting. - L.: "Science", Leningrad publishing House, 1975. 339 p.
- Lomonosov G. G. Production processes of ore deposits development. - M.: Publishing house "Gornaya kniga", 2013. 517 p.
- Tyupin V. N. Establishment of dynamically stable sizes of outcrops of fractured stressed rock mass with chamber versions of development systems// Bulletin of the Trans-Baikal State University. 2016. Vol.22. No.6. pp. 31-39
- Etkin M. B., Azarkovich A. E. Blasting in energy and industrial construction. - M.: publishing house of Moscow State University, 2004. 317 p.
- Zoteev V. G., Morozov V. N., Yalunin V. V., Sazonov V. A., Kampel F. B. The experience of cutting rock ledges on the limiting contour of the Kovdorsky GOK quarry // Ferrous metallurgy. 1988. No. 7. pp. 39-42.
- Zharikov S. N., Timofeev I. N., Gulenkov E. V., Bushkov V. K. Improvement of drilling and blasting operations at the limiting contour of a quarry // Izvestiya VUZov. Mining magazine. 2018. No. 1. pp. 48-55. DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2018-1-48-55.
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- Alenichev I. A., Rakhmanov R. A., Shubin I.L. Evaluation of the effect of an explosion of a borehole charge in a near field in order to optimize the parameters of drilling and blasting rocks in the contour zone of a quarry // Mining information and analytical bulletin (scientific and technical journal). - 2020. – No.4. – pp. 85-95. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2020--0-85-95.
- Antonenko L. K., Zoteev V. G., Deev E. A., Smirnov V. A. The experience of introducing a special technology for cutting rock ledges at the Olenegorsky GOK // Mining Journal. 1985. No. 3. pp. 25-28.
- Ganopolsky M. I., Smoliy N. I. Harmful effects of industrial explosions. Seismic effect of explosions / Edited by M. I. Ganopolsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Moscow: Sputnik + Publishing House, 2021. – 247 p.
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- Jiang H., Li J., and Wang M. Development of a test system for dynamic characteristics of blocky rock mass and its application, Zhendong yu Chongji, J. of Vibration and Shock, 2018, Vol. 37, No. 21. P. 29 – 34.
- Liyun Yang, Aiyun Yang, Siyu Chen, Shizheng Fang, Chen Huang et al. Model experimental study on the effects of in situ stresses on pre-splitting blasting damage and strain development // International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2021. Vol. 138. 104587. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2020.104587.
- Nguyen Dinh An, Pham Thai Hop, Le Cong Dien, Tran Quang Hieu, Tran Dinh Bao. Design of Pre Blasting (Pre-Splitting) in Tan Cang Quarry NO.1 in Vietnam // Inżynieria Mineralna. 2020. Vol. 1. No. 2. P. 155–162.
- Silva J., Worsey T., Lusk B. Practical assessment of rock damage due to blasting // International Journal of Mining Science and Technology. 2019. Vol. 29. Iss. 3. P. 379–385.
- Silva J., Worsey T., Lusk B. Practical assessment of rock damage due to blasting // International Journal of Mining Science and Technology. 2019. Vol. 29. Iss. 3. P. 379–385.
- Baron L. I., Kantor V. H. Technique and technology of blasting in the USA. - M.: Nedra, 1989. 376 p.
- Tyupin V. N. Explosive and geomechanical processes in fractured stressed mountain massifs. Monograph.- Belgorod: Publishing house "Belgorod" NRU "BelGU",2017.-192 p.
- Distribution and correlation of indicators of physical properties of rocks: A reference guide / M. M. Protodiakonov, R. I. Teder, E. I. Ilnitskaya, O. P. Yakobashvili, I. B. Safonova, A. I. Tsykin, O. I. Kvashnina, N. N. Pavlova, L. N. Levushkin, Yu. V. Zefirov, A. A. Saveliev, M. O. Dolgova. - M.: Nedra, 1981. 192 p.
- Volarovich M. P., Bayuk E. I., Levykin A. I., Tomashevskaya I. S. Physico-mechanical properties of rocks and minerals at high pressures and temperatures. - M.: Nauka, 1974. 223 p.
- Baum F. A., Orlenko L. P., Stanyukovich K. P., Chelyshev V. P., Shechter B. I. Physics of explosion. – M.: Nauka, 1975. – 704 p.
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- Tyupin V. N., Lizunkin M. V., Lizunkin V. M. Determination of the size of the fracture zone of a stressed fractured rock mass with simultaneous detonation of several parallel charges // Mining Information and Analytical Bulletin (scientific and technical journal). 2015. No.12. pp.46-51.
| 36-51 |
 | UDC 622.271:622.235 Zairov Sh.Sh., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Mining, Ravshanova M.H., Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Mining, Nomdorov R.U., doctoral student of the Department of Mining (Navoi State University of Mining and Technology)
Increasing the stability of the sides of the quarry by forming a concave profile of the slope of a high ledge Keywords:mining of useful minerals, quarrying, blasting, stability of slopes of ledges and side pits, concave form of slope slope, scheme of backslope of ledges, zone of final deformations, method of increasing stability of sides of a quarry The existing methods of calculating the stability of slopes of ledges and sides of quarries allow us to determine the parameters of slopes of concave, convex and flat shapes. By solving the problems of slope stability, equally or unequally stable profiles of the sides of the quarry can be obtained. In the first case, the margin coefficient for the weakest surfaces remains constant regardless of the depth of the surfaces. In the second case, the reserve coefficient is variable with depth and, while ensuring the overall stability of the entire slope, is determined by changes in structural and technological factors along the slope height. In this article, schemes for cutting ledges in the zone of residual deformations have been developed that allow creating high-altitude ledges by combining several technological ledges into one, a work methodology is recommended that provides for the identification of all engineering and geological factors affecting the stability of slopes and sides of the quarry, the implementation of analytical calculations of slope parameters and a method for increasing the stability of the sides of the quarry by forming a concave the profile of the slope of a high ledge, ensuring the quality of the slope of the ledge, the complete safety of the legal array and the safety of mining operations. Bibliographic list:- Designing the boundaries of open-pit mining: Uch. pos. / O.V. Shpansky, D.N. Ligotsky, D.V. Borisov. – St. Petersburg, 2003. – 90 p.
- Zairov Sh.Sh., Urinov Sh.R., Nomdorov R.U. Ensuring Wall Stability in the Course of Blasting at Open Pits of Kyzyl Kum Region // Mining Science and Technology (Russia). Moscow, 2020. Vol. 5. ‒ No.3. ‒ pp. 235-252. DOI: 10.17073/2500-0632-2020-3-235-252.
- Instructions on the observation of deformations of sides, slopes of ledges and dumps in quarries and the development of measures to ensure their stability. Approved by the Board of Gosgortehnadzor of Uzbekistan No. 9 dated 05/08/98. Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan on 02/26/99, No.649.
- Rybin V.V. Development of the theory of geomechanical substantiation of rational structures of quarry sides in rocky tectonically stressed rocks // Diss. ... doct. Technical sciences. ‒ Apatity, 2016. ‒ 385 p.
- Kornilkov S.V. Management of the working area of existing and projected deep pits // Diss. ... doct. Technical sciences. ‒ Yekaterinburg, 1997. ‒ 277 p.
- Pastikhin D.V., Tolipov N.U., Zairov Sh.Sh. Substantiation of the rational design of the working board in the Eastern section of the Muruntau quarry // Mining Journal. – Moscow, 2013. – №8 (1).– Pp. 39-42.
- Zairov Sh.Sh., Makhmudov D.R.,Urinov Sh.R. Theoretical and experimental studies of explosive destruction of rocks in various forms of a clamped medium // Mining Journal. – Moscow, 2018. – No.9. – pp. 46-50.
- Szuladzinski G. Response of rock medium to explosive borehole pressure / G. Szuladzinski // Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting-Fragblast-4. ‒ Vienna (Austria), 1993. ‒ P. 17-23.
- Kexin D. Maintenance of roadways in soft rock by roadway-rib destress blasting // China Coal Society. ‒ 1995. ‒ Vol. 20, Iss. 3. ‒ P. 311-316.
- Djordjevic N. Two-component of blast fragmentation / N. Djordjevic // Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting- Fragblast / South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. - Johannesburg (South Africa), 1999. ‒ p. 213.11.
- Kanchibotla S.S. Modeling fines in blast fragmentation and its impact on crushing and grinding // Proceedings of Explo’99-A Conference on Rock Breakin / The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. ‒ Kalgoorlie (Australia), 1999. ‒ P. 137-144.
- Persson P.A. Rock Blasting and Explosives Engineering - CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton (Florida), 1994. ‒ 217 p.
- Esen S. Modelling the size of the crushed zone around a blasthole // Int. J. Rock Mechs Min. Scis. ‒ 2003. ‒ Vol. 40. ‒ P. 485-495.
- Onederra I. Estimation of fines generated by blasting - applications for the mining and quarrying industries // Mining Tech / Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. A. ‒ 2004. ‒ Vol. 113. ‒ P. A1-A11.
- Rylnikova M.V., Zoteev O.V., Nikiforova I.L. Development of the regulatory framework in the field of ensuring the stability of sides and ledges of quarries, sections and dumps // Mining industry. ‒ Moscow, 2018. ‒ №3 (139). ‒ Pp. 95-99.
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- Demin A.M. Stability of open mine workings and dumps. – M.: Nedra, 1973. – 232 p.
- Kopach P.I., Krasnopolsky I.A., Polishchuk S.Z., Shapar A.G. Managing the state of arrays in open-pit mining. – Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1988. – 288 p.
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| 52-74 |
 | UDC 622.235.6 Maslov I.Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief Engineer, Gorinov S.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Scientific consultan (LLC Global Mining Explosive Russia)
Calculation of parameters of asymmetric hoses for loading of rising wells with emulsion explosives Keywords:emulsion explosive, rising well, asymmetric sleeve, friction against the walls of the well, geometric parameters of the sleeve The paper presents a method for calculating the parameters of asymmetric hoses for charging with emulsion explosives (EE) of rising wells. The parameters of the sleeves are determined, which allow the formation of a detonation-capable charge and the efficient use of the energy of the formed charge for crushing rocks. Depending on the geometric parameters of the sleeve, the minimum value of the coefficient of friction in the "sleeve material-rock" pair is determined, at which the EE charge does not fall out of the rising well. Bibliographic list:- Togunov M.B. Improving the efficiency of blasting rocks with emulsion explosives / M.B. Togunov, S.V. Semkin // In the book: Development of resource-saving technologies in the explosive business. - Yekaterinburg: IGD UrO RAS, 2009. - pp.29-34.
- Prokopenko V.S. Physical and technical foundations of the destruction of rocks by explosions of borehole charges of explosives in the sleeves: Diss. ... doct. Technical Sciences/ 05.15.11/ Viktor Stepanovich Prokopenko. – Kiev. – 2002. – 380 p.
- Patent RU 2104473. The method of filling descending wells with a substance into the sleeve and the device for its implementation / Prokopenko V.S., Prokopenko A.V. – 2009.
- Patent for utility model No. RU 154388 "Sleeve for explosive cartridge" Maslov I.Yu., Bragin P.A., Sirotkin E.G., 2015.
- Patent for utility model No. RU 154389 "Sleeve for explosive cartridge" Maslov I.Yu., Bragin P.A., Sirotkin E.G., 2015.
- Maslov I.Yu. Industrial emulsion explosives and initiation systems in the explosive business/ I.Yu. Maslov, V.I. Sivenkov, S.V. Ilyakhin et al. - M.: VNIIgeosystem. – 2018. – 416 p.
- Patent RU 170984 U1. Sleeve for charging ascending wells with emulsion explosives / Dubov E.A. – 2017.
- Marchenko L.N. Explosion energy and charge design. - M.: Nauka. - 1965. – 110 p.
| 75-88 |
Section 3. Use of combustion andexplosion actions in industry
 | UDC 662.2; 662.76 Pavlova Ya.O., student, Mokeev А.А., assistant professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Petrov А.S., postgraduate student (FGBOU VO «KNITU»)
Assessment of the operating life of the landing module of an explosive slips packer Keywords:landing module, explosive slip packer, safety factor, service life, oil well repair, powder charge, packer burst pin Computational and experimental studies were carried out to assess the operational resource potential of the landing module of an explosive slip packer used in oil well repair technologies. The objective of the research was to identify the multiplicity of increase in operational life by replacing the traditionally used grade of structural steel for the manufacture of the landing module with steel from a range of a higher price category with improved physical and mechanical characteristics. The traditional material for the manufacture of elements of the landing module is steel grade 40X; steel grade 38ХН3МФА was chosen as an alternative material. The work simulated the design of a landing module with an outer diameter of 105 mm with an assessment of the safety factor at maximum levels of pressure developed inside the landing module during its operation. Increased safety factors have been established for structures made of steel grade 38ХН3МФА. Next, experimental studies were carried out using a stand simulating the landing of a slip packer. During the research, it was revealed that the proposed steel grade makes it possible to increase the operational life of the landing module by more than 4 times. Bibliographic list:- Energy Strategy (Еnergeticheskaya strategiya) – URL: http://static.government.ru/media/files/w4sigFOiDjGVDYT4IgsApssm6mZRb7wx (date of application 09/05/2023).
- Friedlander L.Ya. Blasting equipment and its application in wells (Prostrelochno-vzryvnaya apparatura i ee primenenie v skvazhinah). 2nd ed., reprint. and additional – M.: Nedra, 1985. – 199 p.
- Brown S.I. Oil, gas and ergonomics (Neftegazopromyslovoe oborudovanie). – M.: Nedra, 1988. – 151 p.
- Kretz V.G., Saruev L.A., Lukyanov V.G., Shadrina A.V. Oil and gas field equipment (Vzryvnye pakery dlya glubokih skvazhin). A study guide. Tomsk: TPU Publishing House, 2010. – 263 p.
- Levin E.A. Explosive packers for deep wells. - Drilling, 1982, No. 3, pp.21-23
- Dragunov Yu.V., Zubchenko A.S., Kashirsky Yu.V. Marochnik of steels and alloys (Marochnik stalej i splavov). 4th ed., reworked. and additional / Yu.G. Dragunov, A.S. Zubchenko, Yu.V. Kashirsky, etc. Under the general editorship of Yu.G. Dragunov and A.S. Zubchenko – M.: 2014. - 1216 p.: ill.
- Zinoviev D.V. Fundamentals of modeling in SolidWorks (Osnovy modelirovaniya v SolidWorks).- DKM press, 2017, - 242 p.
- Kamenev S.V. Fundamentals of the finite element method in engineering applications (Osnovy metoda konechnyh elementov v inzhenernyh prilozheniyah): textbook/ S. V. Kamenev; Orenburg State University. Orenburg: OSU, 2019. – 110 p.
| 89-102 |
 | UDC 699: 694 Asadov H.G., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Bayramov G.Z., doctoral student (National Aerospace Agency)
Simulation of the processes of carboning and combustion of mixed wood in a closed room in mines and mines Keywords:charring, burning rate, optimization, mixed combustion model The article is devoted to the study of the processes of charring and combustion of mixed wood in a closed room in mines and mines. Based on a well-known model for calculating the rate of combustion of wood in a closed room, a model of mixed combustion of wood with different densities in the room under conditions of different oxygen concentrations was constructed. The optimal order for placing wood of different densities in a room of the specified type has been determined. A recommendation is given for organizing the storage of various types of wood in a closed area. Bibliographic list:- Sungatullin R.H. Technique of geological exploration. Kazan: K(P)FU, 2013.- 72 p.
- V.N. Makishin, V.V. Makarov, D.N. Nikolaichuk. Mining and underground construction. Vladivostok. DFU.PI. 2022.-212c.
- S.Y. Nesterova. Mining support for underground workings of mines and mines. PNRPU Publishing House. 2018.-55 p.
- Mikkola E. Charring of wood based materials// Fire safety science: proceedings of the third international symposium. International association for fire safety science. London. 1991. Pp. 547-556. https://doi.org/10.3801/ IAFSS.FSS.3-547.
- Babrauskas V. Charring rate of wood as a tool for fire investigations// Fire Saf J. 2005. P. 528-554. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.firesaf.2005.05.006.
- Lau P. W., White R., Van Zeeland I. Modelling the charring behaviour of structural lumber// Fire mater. 23(5). P. 209-216. 1999. https://doi.org/10.1002/(SICI)1099-1018(199909/10)23:5<209::AID-FAM685> 3.0.CO;2-A.
- Pecenko R., Svensson S., Hozjan T. Modelling heat and moisture transfer in timber exposed to fire// Int. J. Heat Mass. Transf. 2015. P. 598-605. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheat-masstransfer.2015.04.024.
- Kung H. C. A mathematical model of wood pyrolysis// Combust Flame. 18(2). 1972. P. 185-195. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0010-2180(72)80134-2.
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| 103-112 |
Section 4. Ecology and safety during blasting operations
 | UDC 662.242 Sosnin V.A., Head of group within Process and formulation department, Pechenev Yu.G., Deputy Director General for Science, D.Sc. in Engineering (JSC "GosNII "Kristall")
Accidents in the production, storage and use of ammonium nitrate Keywords:ammonium saltpeter, ammonium nitrate, fertilizer, fire, explosion, investigation, self-ignition, accident, force of explosion, detonation Ammonium nitrate as a dual-use product, namely nitrogen fertilizer and insensitive explosive, with all its safety in the process of manufacturing, during transportation, and upon storage, can self-ignite and detonate. This article describes the largest accidents associated with explosions of ammonium nitrate in storage and transit. The author considers ammonium nitrate as an explosive of the hazard class 1.1 D, investigates the causes of its decomposition leading to detonation and at times to a large-scale explosion with tragic consequences and multiple victims, as well as specifies the key factors influencing the decomposition rate of ammonium nitrate. Bibliographic list:- Mikhailov Yu.M., Kolganov E.V., Sosnin V.A. Safety of ammonium nitrate and its use in industrial explosives – Dzerzhinsk: Partner-Plus LLC, 2008. – 304 p.– pp. 43-54.
- GOST 12.1.044 – 89. The system of occupational safety standards. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials.
| 113-133 |
 | UDC 662.242 Sosnin V.A., Head of group within Process and formulation department, Pechenev Yu.G., Deputy Director General for Science, D.Sc. in Engineering (JSC "GosNII "Kristall")
Experimental studies on ammonium nitrate for fire and explosion safety Keywords:ammonium nitrate, explosion, fire, physicochemical properties, explosive properties, studies, decomposition rate, thermal stability, self-ignition In this article, the authors publish the findings of research on ammonium nitrate for fire and explosion safety. The article subject is both interesting and relevant, as in spite of the fact that ammonium nitrate is a high-demand agricultural nitrogen fertilizer, it is also a high-performance explosive component which can self-ignite and detonate under certain conditions, that leads to large industrial accidents with tragic consequences and multiple victims. The authors provide the results of studies on the physicochemical properties of ammonium nitrate (thermal stability, onset of thermal decomposition, etc.), fire-hazard characteristics (including ignitibility and ability to burn and self-ignition), explosive properties and other characteristics. Bibliographic list:- GOST 19433-88 Dangerous goods. Classification and labeling.
- Recommendations on the transportation of dangerous goods. A guide to tests and criteria. New York: Geneva: UN Publishing House, 2003. – Ed.4.
- STO 08628424-294-2021 Explosive substances. Methods for determining chemical resistance by gas release, warranty periods of storage and temperature-time regimes of accelerated tests at the IVK Vulkan 2005.
| 134-168 |
 | UDC 622.271:622.235 Kantor V.H., General Director (LLC Scientific and technical company "EXPLOSION TECHNOLOGY")
Assessment of loading modes and destructive power of shock-air waves of explosion Keywords:shock air waves, loading modes, safe distances, explosive charges The modes of loading explosive charges by an air shock wave and their destructive ability when exposed to structural elements of buildings and structures are studied. A diagram of the influence of overpressure and the specific impulse of the shock wave has been developed, which makes it possible to assess the probability of damage to glazed windows, taking into account the modes of their explosive loading. A method for determining safe distances based on the effect of an air shock wave on glazing based on the analysis of its loading modes during an explosion is proposed. Bibliographic list:- Explosive phenomena. Assessment and consequences/ W. Baker, P. Cox, P. Westine, etc.; In 2 books. – Translated from the English by Ya.B. Zeldovich and B.E. Gelfand. – M.: Mir, 1986. 319 p/
- Sadovsky M.A. Mechanical effect of air shock waves of explosion according to experimental studies. – In the book by M.A. Sadovsky. Selected works: Geophysics and physics of explosion – M.: Nauka, 2004, pp. 9-87.
- Jareff D.E. Derivation of British Explosive Safety Distances//Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 152, Article 1, 1968. – P. 18-35.
- Reed J. V. Air shock wave during underground explosions. In the book. Underwater and underground explosions. M., Mir, 1974, pp. 393-413.
- Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules for the production, storage and use of explosive materials for industrial purposes." M., CJSC STC PB, 2022, pp. 202-222.
| 169-181 |
Section 5. Information
 | UDC 622.235 Bolotova Yu.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Executive Director (National Organization of Explosive Engineers (ANO NOIV)
Science and new technologies of blasting in the service of mining enterprises of Russia Keywords:scientific council, report, explosives, blasting, borehole charge, rocks On February 1, 2024 at 10:00 in the meeting room of the Council of the Moscow Mining Institute of NUST MISIS (Moscow, Leninsky Ave., 6), a regular meeting of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the problems of "National economic use of explosions" was held. Chairman of the Scientific Council Kocharyan Gevorg Grantovich - Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Deputy Director of the Institute of Geospheric Dynamics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. | 182-197 |
 | To the 90th Anniversary of Rakishev Bayan Rakishevich | 198-200 |